[Go] [Allow file sending through bytestream proxy server:] [Send group chat invitation] [Incoming group chat invitation] [The transaction identifier is:] [Jabber Ad-Hoc commands at %s] [Sending Ad-Hoc command to %s] [Supports Service Discovery items list] [Can request and respond to events relating to the delivery, display, and composition of messages] [Can request advanced processing of message stanzas] [Supports generic publish-subscribe functionality] [Supports Message Receipts] [Supports private XML Storage (for bookmarks and other)] [Supports attention requests ('nudge')] [Supports chat history retrieving] [Supports Miranda NG notes extension] [Outcast] [Invite Users to\n%s] [%s from\n%s] [Outgoing XML parsing error] [request timeout.] [Add search directory] [Info request error] [Items request error] [Room list request timed out.] [Please specify group chat directory first.] [Group chat invitation to\n%s] [Jabber Bookmarks Error] [Voice List] [Bambara] [Bihari] [Corsican] [Cree] [Ewe] [Western Frisian] [Manx] [Hausa] [Herero] [Igbo] [Sichuan Yi] [Interlingue] [Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)] [Inupiaq] [Kannada] [Kashmiri] [Kanuri] [Central Khmer] [Kikuyu; Gikuyu] [Kongo] [Kuanyama; Kwanyama] [Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish] [Lingala] [Luba-Katanga] [Ganda] [Malayalam] [Marathi] [Navajo; Navaho] [Ndonga] [Ojibwa] [Oriya] [Oromo] [Shona] [Sundanese] [Telugu] [Tibetan] [Twi] [Zhuang; Chuang] [Log presence errors] [Enable user tunes receiving] [Enable server-side history] [Accept only in band incoming filetransfers (don't disclose own IP)] [Odnoklassniki] [Extended Away (N/A)] [Play sounds] [Workstation successfully locked] [Error %d occurred during workstation lock] [Error %s %s\r\nTry to specify more detailed] [Select/type search service URL above and press <Go>] [sent error presence] [sent unknown presence type] [Tune] [Redirect] [Payment required] [Request timeout] [Remote server timeout] [gardening] [running an errand] [hiking] [jogging] [playing sports] [Grooming] [going out] [commuting] [/me slaps %s around a bit with a large trout] [One or more addresses for communication related to abusive traffic] [One or more addresses for customer feedback] [One or more addresses for communication related to sales and marketing] [One or more addresses for communication related to security concerns] [One or more addresses for customer support] [The Jabber ID of a single entity to which an operation applies] [The Jabber ID of one or more entities to which an operation applies] [The Jabber IDs associated with active sessions] [The number of online entities that are active] [A list of entities with administrative privileges] [The text of an announcement to be sent to active users or all users] [A list of entities with whom communication is blocked] [The number of seconds to delay before applying a change] [The Jabber IDs that have been disabled] [The number of disabled entities] [The email address for a user] [The given (first) name of a user] [The number of online entities that are idle] [The IP addresses of an account's online sessions] [The last login time (per XEP-0082) of a user] [The number of logins per minute for an account] [The maximum number of items associated with a search or list] [The text of a message of the day] [The names of an account's online sessions] [The Jabber IDs associated with online users] [The number of online entities] [The password for an account] [Password verification] [A list of registered entities] [The number of registered entities] [Number of roster items for an account] [The number of stanzas being sent per second by an account] [The family (last) name of a user] [A list of entities with whom communication is allowed] [FAQ Entry] [Whether to allow occupants to invite others] [Whether to allow occupants to change subject] [Whether to enable logging of room conversations] [Natural language for room discussions] [Maximum number of room occupants] [Whether to make room members-only] [Whether to make room moderated] [Whether a password is required to enter] [Whether to make room persistent] [Roles for which presence is broadcast] [Whether to allow public searching for room] [Full list of room admins] [Short description of room] [Natural-language room name] [Full list of room owners] [The room password] [Affiliations that may discover real JIDs of occupants] [Precondition: node configuration with the specified access model] [Whether to allow the subscription] [The SubID of the subscription] [The NodeID of the relevant node] [The address (JID) of the subscriber] [Whether an entity wants to receive or disable notifications] [Whether an entity wants to receive digests (aggregations) of notifications or all notifications individually] [The minimum number of milliseconds between sending any two notification digests] [The date and time at which a leased subscription will end or has ended] [Whether an entity wants to receive an XMPP message body in addition to the payload format] [The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications] [Who may subscribe and retrieve items] [The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.] [The collection with which a node is affiliated] [The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine] [Whether to deliver payloads with event notifications] [Whether owners or publisher should receive replies to items] [Who may associate leaf nodes with a collection] [The list of JIDs that may associated leaf nodes with a collection] [The child nodes (leaf or collection) associated with a collection] [The maximum number of child nodes that can be associated with a collection] [The maximum number of items to persist] [The maximum payload size in bytes] [Whether the node is a leaf (default) or a collection] [Whether to notify subscribers when the node configuration changes] [Whether to notify subscribers when the node is deleted] [Whether to notify subscribers when items are removed from the node] [Whether to persist items to storage] [Whether to deliver notifications to available users only] [The publisher model] [The specific multi-user chat rooms to specify for replyroom] [The specific JID(s) to specify for replyto] [The roster group(s) allowed to subscribe and retrieve items] [Whether to send items to new subscribers] [Whether to allow subscriptions] [A friendly name for the node] [The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any); MAY be list-single rather than text-single] [The JIDs of those to contact with questions] [The date and time when the node was created] [The JID of the node creator] [A description of the node] [The default language of the node] [The number of subscribers to the node] [The JIDs of those with an affiliation of owner] [The JIDs of those with an affiliation of publisher] [The name of the node] [Payload type] [Whether to automatically authorize subscription requests] [Whether to automatically accept file transfers] [Whether to automatically open new messages] [Whether to automatically go offline when idle] [Whether to play sounds] [A list of pending file transfers] [A list of joined group chat rooms] [A presence or availability status] [The status message text] [The new priority for the client] [Account name associated with the user] [Familiar name of the user] [Password or secret for the user] [Full name of the user] [First name or given name of the user] [Last name, surname, or family name of the user] [Email address of the user] [Street portion of a physical or mailing address] [Locality portion of a physical or mailing address] [Region portion of a physical or mailing address] [Postal code portion of a physical or mailing address] [Family Name] [Whether to accept the invitation] [Another resource with which to continue the session] [Disclosure of content, decryption keys or identities] [Whether may send Chat State Notifications per XEP-0085] [Whether allowed to use XHTML-IM formatting per XEP-0071] [Primary written language of the chat (each value appears in order of preference and conforms to RFC 4646 and the IANA registry)] [Whether allowed to log messages (i.e., whether Off-The-Record mode is required)] [Whether to renegotiate the session] [Minimum security level] [Whether to terminate the session] [Whether to enable Message Receipts per XEP-0184]