[Scope of settings]
[Message send timeout]
[Message log view mode (does not affect open windows)]
[Use private splitter position]
[Ignore sending timeouts]
[Tab text label padding vertical]
[Tab page padding:]
[Tab layout tweaks]
[Send unsafe (ignore timeouts)]
[Splitter position]
[Force off]
[Event popups]
[There are %d pending send jobs. Message length: %d bytes, message length limit: %d bytes\n\n%d messages are queued for later delivery]
[Rich Edit file]
[Data path]
[Saved TabSRMM avatars]
[Group chat logs root]
[The message send timed out]
[Either the nudge plugin is not installed or the contact's protocol does not support sending a nudge event.]
[Do you want to also read message templates from the theme?\nCaution: This will overwrite the stored template set which may affect the look of your message window significantly.\nSelect Cancel to not load anything at all.]
[Window layout tweaks]
[Image tag]
[Message window warning]
[Message In]
[Message Out]
[Group In (Start)]
[Group Out (Start)]
[Group In (Inner)]
[Group Out (Inner)]
[Error message]
[Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates if your template set supports them)]
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
[File transfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibility list.]
[Closing options dialog|To reflect the changes done by importing a theme in the options dialog, the dialog must be closed after loading a theme \\b1 and unsaved changes might be lost\\b0 .\n\nDo you want to continue?]
[Loading a theme|Loading a color and font theme can overwrite the settings defined by your skin.\n\nDo you want to continue?]
[Single Messaging]
[Generic text color (only when fill color is set)]
[Window caption (skinned mode)]
[Sync splitter position with standard IM sessions]
[Incremental search highlight]
[user-defined account name of current contact (if defined).]
[user ID of current contact (if defined). It is like UIN for ICQ, JID for Jabber, etc.]
[will return parsed string %miranda_profilesdir%\\%miranda_profilename%]
[will return parsed string %miranda_userdata%\\Logs]
[any environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)]