[Enter account name (for example, My Google)] 输入帐号名称 (例如 "我的 Google" ) [Choose the protocol type] 选择协议类型 [Specify the internal account name (optional)] 指定内部帐号名称 (选填) [OK] 确定 [Cancel] 取消 [Add %s] 添加 %s [&Add] 添加(&A) [&Cancel] 取消(&C) [Send "You were added"] 发送 "您已被添加" [Send authorization request] 发送授权请求 [Custom name:] 自定义名称: [Group:] 群组: [Options] 选项 [Authorization request] 授权请求 [Delete contact] 删除联系人 [&Yes] 是(&Y) [&No] 否(&N) [Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings] 仅从列表中隐藏, 保留联系人历史及忽略/可见性设置 [Are you sure you want to delete %s?] 您确定要删除 %s? [This will erase all history and settings for this contact!] 此操作将删除联系人所有历史及相关设置! [Contact display options] 联系人显示选项 [Miranda NG Profile Manager] Miranda NG 配置文件管理员 [&Run] 运行(&R) [&Exit] 退出(&E) [Start in Service Mode with] 启动服务模式于 [Find/Add contacts] 查找/添加联系人 [Search:] 搜索: [E-mail address] 邮箱地址 [Name] 名称 [Nick:] 昵称: [First:] 名字: [Last:] 姓氏: [Advanced] 高级 [Advanced >>] 高级 >> [&Search] 搜索(&S) [More options] 更多选项 [Add to list] 加至列表 [Custom] 自定义 [Find/Add contacts\nHere you can add contacts to your contact list] 查找/添加联系人\n您可由此添加联系人至列表 [Apply] 应用 [Please select a subentry from the list] 请在列表中选择一个子项目 [Install database settings] 安装数据库设置 [Yes] 是 [No] 否 [A file containing new database settings has been placed in the Miranda NG directory.] Miranda NG 目录下有包含新数据库设置的文件. [Do you want to import the settings now?] 您想现在导入这些设置吗? [No to all] 全部否 [&View contents] 查看内容(&V) [Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before changes that are not known to be safe.] 防恶意变更安全系统已启用, 任何无法确知是否安全的变更, 都将警告. [Database setting change] 数据库设置变更 [Database settings are being imported from] 数据库设置正准备导入于 [This file wishes to change the setting] 此文件希望变更设置 [to the value] 的值 [Do you want to allow this change?] 您是否允许此项变更? [&Allow all further changes to this section] 允许此部分中所有其它变更(&A) [Cancel import] 取消导入 [Database import complete] 数据库导入完成 [The import has completed from] 导入已完成于 [What do you want to do with the file now?] 您现在想对此文件做什么? [&Recycle] 循环使用(&R) [&Delete] 删除(&D) [&Move/Rename] 移动/重命名(&L) [&Leave] 离开(&L) [Netlib log options] Netlib 记录选项 [Show] 状态不同时显示 [Received bytes] 收到字节 [Sent bytes] 发送字节 [Additional data due to proxy communication] 因代理服务器通讯而导致的额外数据开销 [SSL traffic] SSL 传输 [Text dumps where available] 若可用则文本转储 [Auto-detect text] 自动检测文本 [Calling modules' names] 呼叫模块的名称 [Log to] 记录至 [File] 文件 [Run now] 立即运行 [Show this dialog box when Miranda NG starts] Miranda NG 启动时显示此对话框 [Sounds] 声音 [&Change...] 变更(&C) [&Preview] 预览(&P) [Download more sounds] 下载更多声音 [Sound information] 声音信息 [Location:] 位置: [Name:] 名称: [Enable sound events] 启用声音事件 [Icons] 图标 [Show category:] 显示分类: [&Load icon set...] 加载图标集(&L): [&Import icons >>] 导入图标(&I) >> [Download more icons] 下载更多图标 [The following events are being ignored:] 这些事件将被忽略: [Messages] 消息 [URLs] 网址 [Files] 文件 [Online notification] 上线通知 [Auth requests] 认证请求 [All events] 所有事件 [None] 无 [Only the ticked contacts will be shown on the main contact list] 仅选定联系人会出现于主要联系人列表中 [Ignore] 忽略 [Added notification] 已加入通知 [Typing] 键入中 [Visibility] 可见性 [You are visible to this person even when in invisible mode] 当您在隐身模式时此人仍然能看见您 [You are never visible to this person] 此人永远不会看见您 [Icon index] 图标索引 [Icon library:] 图标库: [Drag icons to main list to assign them:] 拖放图标至主列表可关联它们: [Import multiple] 多重导入 [To main icons] 至主图标 [To] 至 [<< &Import] << 导入(&I) [To default status icons] 至默认状态图标 [Logging...] 记录... [Outgoing connections] 发送连接 [Use proxy server] 使用代理服务器 [Type:] 类型: [Host:] 主机: [Port:] 端口: [(often %d)] (通常是 %d) [Username:] 用户名: [Password:] 密码: [Resolve hostnames through proxy] 通过代理服务器解析主机名称 [Port range:] 端口范围: [Example: 1050-1070, 2000-2010, 2500] 例如: 1050-1070,2000-2010,2500 [Validate SSL certificates] 验证 SSL 证书 [Incoming connections] 传入连接 [Enable UPnP port mapping] 启用 UPnP 端口对应 [You will need to reconnect for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.] 您需要重新连接才能让当前页变更生效. [Please complete the following form to create a new user profile] 请填写以下表格以创建新配置文件 [Profile] 配置文件 [e.g., Workplace] 例如工作地点 [You can select a different profile driver from the default, it may offer more features or abilities, if in doubt use the default.] 您可以不使用默认配置驱动程序, 可提供更多功能. 如有疑问, 请使用默认. [e.g., Miranda Database] 例如 Miranda 数据库 [Driver] 驱动程序 [Description:] 描述: [Author(s):] 作者: [E-mail:] 邮件: [Homepage:] 主页: [Unique ID:] 独有 ID: [Copyright:] 版权: [Please restart Miranda NG for your changes to take effect.] 请重启 Miranda NG 让您的变更生效. [Fonts and colors] 字体及颜色 [Undo] 撤销 [Reset] 重置 [Export...] 导出... [Color/background] 颜色/背景 [Text effect] 文本特效 [Text color] 文本颜色 [Choose font] 选择字体 [Font] 字体 [&Font:] 字体(&F): [Font st&yle:] 字体样式(&Y): [\nStyles and effects are disabled for this font.] \n此字体禁用样式和效果. [&Size:] 大小(&S): [Effects] 效果 [Stri&keout] 删除线(&K) [&Underline] 下划线(&U) [&Color:] 颜色(&C): [Sample] 范例 [Sc&ript:] 字符集(&R): [&Apply] 应用(&A) [&Help] 说明(&H) [Menu objects] 菜单对象 [Menu items] 菜单项 [Protocol menus] 协议菜单 [Move to the main menu] 移至主菜单 [Move to the status bar] 移至状态栏 [Warning!\r\nThis menu object not support user defined options.] 警告! \r\n此 MenuObject 不支持用户自定义选项. [Insert separator] 插入分隔器 [Service:] 服务: [Default] 默认 [Set] 设置 [Account order and visibility] 帐号顺序及可见 [Note: Miranda NG will have to be restarted for changes to take effect.] 注意: Miranda NG 需要重启使变更生效. [Key bindings] 按键绑定 [Shortcut:] 快速键: [Add] 添加 [Remove] 移除 [Undo changes] 撤销变更 [Reset to default] 重置为默认值 [Hotkeys] 热键 [Accounts] 帐号 [Accounts\nConfigure your IM accounts] 账号\n配置您的 IM 账号 [Account information:] 帐号信息: [Additional:] 附加: [Configure network...] 设置网络... [Get more protocols...] 获得更多协议... [&Add...] 添加(&A)... [&Edit] 编辑(&E) [&Options] 选项(&O) [&Upgrade] 升级(&U) [&Remove...] 移除(&R)... [Miranda NG is being restarted.\nPlease wait...] Miranda NG 正准备重启. \n请稍候... [Error console] 错误控制台 [Error notifications] 错误通知 [Headers:] 标题: [This font is used to display main section titles or text elements.] 此字体用于显示主要章节标题及文本内容. [Normal text:] 普通文本: [This font is used to display most text element or section bodies.] 此字体用于显示常用文本内容及部分主体. [Minor notes:] 次要提示: [This font is used to display various addtional notes.] 此字体用于显示各种附加说明. [Welcome to Miranda NG's account manager!\nHere you can set up your IM accounts.\n\nSelect an account from the list on the left to see the available options. Alternatively, just click on the Plus sign underneath the list to set up a new IM account.] 欢迎使用 Miranda NG 帐号管理员! \n您可以在此设置您的即时通讯帐号. \n\n请从左方列表选择帐号查看可用选项. 您也可以点击列表下面的 "新增" 按钮设置新的即时通讯帐号. [Event icon legend:] 事件图标图例: [Font effect] 字体特效 [Effect:] 特效: [Base color:] 基色: [opacity:] 不透明度: [Secondary color:] 辅助色: [Select the extra icons to be shown in the contact list:] 选择的额外图标将显示于联系人列表中: [*only the first %d icons will be shown] *将仅显示前 %d 个图标 [Tray] 托盘 [&Hide/Show] 隐藏/显示(&H) [E&xit] 退出(&X) [&New group] 新增群组(&N) [&Hide offline users] 隐藏离线用户(&H) [Hide &offline users out here] 隐藏除此以外离线用户(&O) [Hide &empty groups] 隐藏空群组(&E) [Disable &groups] 禁用群组(&G) [Hide Miranda] 隐藏 Miranda [Group] 群组 [&New subgroup] 新增子群组(&N) [&Hide offline users in here] 隐藏此处离线用户(&H) [&Rename group] 重命名群组(&R) [&Delete group] 删除群组(&D) [&Reset to default] 重置为默认值 [find/add] 查找/添加 [&Add to list] 加至列表(&A) [User &details] 用户详细资料(&D) [Send &message] 发送消息(&M) [Log] 记录 [&Copy] 复制(&C) [Co&py all] 全部复制(&C) [Select &all] 全选(&C) [C&lear log] 清除记录(&L) [Open in &new window] 在新窗口中打开(&N) [&Open in existing window] 在已存在窗口中打开(&O) [&Copy link] 复制链接(&C) [Cancel change] 取消变更 [Ungroup] 取消群组 [&Authorize] 授权(&A) [&Deny] 拒绝(&D) [Decide &later] 稍后决定(&L) [Reason:] 原因: [Denial reason:] 拒绝原因: [Add to contact list if authorized] 如已授权则添加至联系人列表 [You were added] 您已被添加 [&Close] 关闭(&C) [%s message for %s] %s 消息给 %s [Retrieving %s message...] 正在获取 %s 消息.. [Status messages] 状态消息 [Do not reply to requests for this message] 请勿回复此消息的请求 [By default, use the same message as last time] 默认使用与最后一次相同的消息 [By default, use this message:] 默认使用此消息: [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date] 请使用 %time% 作为当前时间, %date% 作为当前日期 [Status messages:] 状态消息: [Change %s message] 变更 %s 消息 [Closing in %d] %d 秒关闭 [&Send] 发送(&S) [Show these events only:] 仅显示下列事件: [Actions] 操作 [Nick changes] 昵称变更 [Users joining] 用户加入 [Users leaving] 用户离开 [Topic changes] 主题变更 [Status changes] 状态变更 [Information] 信息 [Disconnects] 断开连接 [User kicks] 用户被踢走 [Notices] 公告 [Log options] 记录选项 [Log timestamp] 记录时间戳 [Timestamp] 时间戳 [Other name] 其它名称 [Your name] 您的名称 [Enable highlighting] 启用突出显示 [Limit log text to (events):] 限制记录文本为 (事件): [Trim to (KB)] 截短为 (KB) [Words to highlight (wildcards allowed)] 突出显示字词 (允许通配符) [Enable logging to disk] 启用记录到磁盘 [Log directory] 记录目录 [Other] 其它 [Add new rooms to group:] 添加新房间到群组: [Nick list row distance (pixels):] 用户列表列间距 (像素): [Use same style as in the message log] 消息记录使用相同的样式 [Use default colors] 使用默认颜色 [Use custom colors] 使用自定颜色 [Popups for the Chat plugin] 聊天插件弹出窗口 [Timeout (s)] 超时 (秒) [Text] 文本 [Background] 背景 [List] 列表 [&Message] 消息(&M) [Clear lo&g] 清除记录(&G) [Word lookup] 字词检索 [Wikipedia] 维基百科 [Link] 链接 [Open a &new browser window] 打开新浏览器窗口(&N) [&Open in current browser window] 在当前浏览器窗口中打开(&O) [Message] 消息 [Redo] 重做 [Copy] 复制 [Cut] 剪切 [Paste] 粘贴 [Select all] 全选 [Clear] 晴 [Tabs] 标签 [&Close tab] 关闭标签(&C) [C&lose other tabs] 关闭其它标签(&L) [&Open at this position] 在当前位置打开(&O) [Hide offline users] 隐藏离线用户 [Hide empty groups] 隐藏空群组 [Disable groups] 禁用群组 [Ask before deleting contacts] 删除联系人前先询问 [Sort contacts by name] 联系人按名称排序 [Sort contacts by status] 联系人按状态排序 [Sort contacts by protocol] 联系人按协议排序 [Single click interface] 通过单击打开项目 [Always show status in tooltip] 始终在工具提示中显示状态 [Disable icon blinking] 禁用图标闪动 [ms delay] 毫秒延迟 [icon when statuses differ] 图标 [Cycle icons every] 状态不同时每 [seconds, when statuses differ] 秒循环图标 [Show multiple icons] 显示多个图标 [Only when statuses differ] 仅在状态不同时 [Contact list] 联系人列表 [System tray icon] 系统托盘图标 [System tray icon when using multiple protocols] 当使用多重协议时的系统托盘图标 [Contact list sorting] 联系人列表排序 [Window] 窗口 [Always on top] 始终置顶 [Tool style main window] 工具栏样式主窗口 [Minimize to tray] 最小化到托盘 [Show menu bar] 显示菜单栏 [Easy move] 容易移动 [Show title bar] 显示标题栏 [Title bar text:] 标题栏文本: [Show drop shadow (restart required)] 使用下拉阴影 (需要重启) [Pin to desktop] 固定在桌面上 [Hide contact list after it has been idle for] 空闲时隐藏联系人列表 [seconds] 秒 [Automatically resize window to height of list] 自动调整窗口大小至列表高度 [maximum] 最多窗口的 [% of screen] % [Size upwards] 向上量度大小 [If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding] 如果窗口有部分被遮盖, 则以置顶代替隐藏 [Enable docking] 启用停靠 [Fade contact list in/out] 联系人列表淡入/淡出 [Transparent contact list] 联系人列表透明化 [Inactive opacity:] 未激活时透明度: [Active opacity:] 激活时透明度: [Items] 项目 [Show divider between online and offline contacts] 在线与离线联系人之间显示分隔线 [Hot track items as mouse passes over] 鼠标在项目上移动时显示热跟踪 [Disable drag and drop of items] 禁用项目拖放 [Disable rename of items by clicking twice] 禁用项目双击重命名 [Show selection even when list is not focused] 当列表非焦点时仍显示被选定项目 [Make selection highlight translucent] 将选定项目突出显示透明 [Dim idle contacts] 暗淡化闲置联系人 ['Hide offline' means to hide:] '隐藏离线' 的意思是隐藏: [Groups] 群组 [Draw a line alongside group names] 群组名称之间画线 [Show counts of number of contacts in a group] 显示每个群组的联系人总数 [Hide group counts when there are none online] 群组内无人在线时隐藏总数 [Sort groups alphabetically] 群组按字母排序 [Quick search in open groups only] 仅在打开的群组内快速搜索 [Indent groups by:] 缩排群组: [pixels] 像素 [Visual] 视觉 [Scroll list smoothly] 平滑滚动列表 [Time:] 时间: [milliseconds] 毫秒 [Left margin:] 左边界: [Hide vertical scroll bar] 隐藏垂直滚动条 [Row height:] 列高: [Gamma correction] 伽玛亮度校正 [Gray out entire list when:] 下列清况将整个列表变灰: [Contact list background] 联系人列表背景 [Background color] 背景颜色 [Selection color] 选择颜色 [Use background image] 使用背景图片 [Stretch to width] 拉伸至宽度 [Stretch to height] 拉伸至高度 [Tile horizontally] 横向平铺 [Tile vertically] 纵向平铺 [Scroll with text] 与文本一起滚动 [Stretch proportionally] 按比例拉伸 [Use Windows colors] 使用 Windows 颜色 [Status bar] 状态栏 [Show status bar] 显示状态栏 [Show icons] 显示图标 [Show protocol names] 显示协议名称 [Show status text] 显示状态文本 [Right click opens status menu] 点击右键打开状态菜单 [Right click opens Miranda NG menu] 点击右键打开 Miranda NG 菜单 [Make sections equal width] 将各部分设为相同宽度 [Show bevels on panels] 显示面板斜角 [Show resize grip indicator] 显示调整大小箭头 [Ordering:] 排序: [Contact list:] 联系人列表: [If window is partially covered, bring it to front] 如窗口被部分覆盖, 则置顶 [Window:] 窗口: [Contact list background:] 联系人列表背景: [&Main menu] 主菜单(&M) [&Status] 状态(&S) [&Offline\tCtrl+0] 离线(&O)\tCtrl+0 [On&line\tCtrl+1] 在线(&L)\tCtrl+1 [&Away\tCtrl+2] 外出(&A)\tCtrl+2 [&NA\tCtrl+3] 没空(&N)\tCtrl+3 [Occ&upied\tCtrl+4] 忙碌(&U)\tCtrl+4 [&DND\tCtrl+5] 请勿打扰(&D)\tCtrl+5 [&Free for chat\tCtrl+6] 自由聊天(&F)\tCtrl+6 [&Invisible\tCtrl+7] 隐身(&I)\tCtrl+7 [On the &phone\tCtrl+8] 接听电话(&P)\tCtrl+8 [Out to &lunch\tCtrl+9] 外出用餐(&L)\tCtrl+9 [Send file(s)] 发送文件 [To:] 给: [File(s):] 文件: [&Choose again...] 再次选择(&C)... [Total size:] 累计大小: [Incoming file transfer] 传入文件传输 [A&ccept] 接受(&C) [&Decline] 拒绝(&D) [From:] 从: [Date:] 日期: [Files:] 文件: [Save to:] 保存至: [&Open...] 打开... [Open &folder] 打开文件夹 [Transfer completed, open file(s).] 传输已完成, 打开文件. [No data transferred] 无已传输资料 [File already exists] 文件已存在 [Resume] 恢复 [Resume all] 全部恢复 [Overwrite] 下划线 [Overwrite all] 全部覆盖 [Save as...] 另存为... [Auto rename] 自动重命名 [Skip] 跳过 [Cancel transfer] 取消传输 [You are about to receive the file] 正准备接收文件 [Existing file] 已存在文件 [Size:] 大小: [Last modified:] 最后修改于: [Open file] 打开文件 [File properties] 文件属性 [File being received] 准备接收文件 [File transfers] 文件传输 [Clear completed] 清除已完成项目 [Close] 关闭 [Receiving files] 接收文件 [Received files folder:] 已接收文件的文件夹: [Variables allowed: %userid%, %nick%, %proto%, %miranda_path%, %userprofile%] 允许变量: %userid%, %nick%, %proto%, %miranda_path%, %userprofile% [Auto-accept incoming files from people on my contact list] 自动接收我方联系人列表人员发来文件 [Minimize the file transfer window] 文件传输时窗口最小化 [Close window when transfer completes] 传输完成时关闭窗口 [Clear completed transfers on window closing] 窗口关闭时清除已完成传输 [Virus scanner] 病毒扫描程序 [Scan files:] 扫描文件: [Never, do not use virus scanning] 永不, 不使用病毒扫描 [When all files have been downloaded] 当所有文件都已下载时 [As each file finishes downloading] 当每个文件完成下载时 [Command line:] 命令行: [%f will be replaced by the file or folder name to be scanned] %f 将会被扫描的文件或文件夹名称所替换 [Warn me before opening a file that has not been scanned] 当打开未扫描文件时警告我 [If incoming files already exist] 当传入文件已经存在时 [Ask me] 询问我 [Rename (append " (1)", etc.)] 重命名 (附加 " (1)" 等等) [You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list] 非联系人列表人员发来文件时将永远询问 [About Miranda NG] 关于 Miranda NG [Credits >] 贡献者 > [Become idle if the following is left unattended:] 下列无故离开情况变为闲置: [Windows] 窗口 [Become idle if the screen saver is active] 屏幕保护程序启用时变为闲置 [Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected] 终端会话中断时变为闲置 [Do not let protocols report any idle information] 禁止协议回报任何闲置信息 [minute(s)] 分钟 [for] 于 [Change my status mode to:] 将我的状态变为: [Do not set status back to online when returning from idle] 从闲置返回时不要将状态置为在线 [Idle options] 闲置选项 [Become idle if application full screen] 如应用程序全屏则变为闲置 [Become idle if computer is left unattended for:] 如计算机无人值守则设为闲置: [Idle (auto-away):] 闲置 (自动离开): [Automatically popup window when:] 自动弹出窗口当: [In background] 在背景 [Close the message window on send] 发送时关闭消息窗口 [Minimize the message window on send] 发送时最小化消息窗口 [Use the contact's status icon as the window icon] 使用联系人状态图标作为窗口图标 [Save the window size and location individually for each contact] 为每个联系人单独保存窗口大小和位置 [Cascade new windows] 层叠新窗口 [Show 'Send' button] 显示 "发送" 按钮 [Show username on top row] 最顶行显示用户名 [Show toolbar buttons on top row] 最顶行显示工具栏按钮 [Send message on double 'Enter'] 按两次 "Enter" 发送消息 [Send message on 'Enter'] 按 "Enter" 发送消息 [Show character count] 显示字符总数 [Show warning when message has not been received after] 显示警告当消息未能接收于 [Support CTRL+Up/Down in message area to show previously sent messages] 支持在消息发送区域上/下控制显示以往发出的消息 [Delete temporary contacts when closing message window] 关闭消息窗口时删除临时联系人 [Enable avatar support in the message window] 启用消息窗口头像支持 [Limit avatar height to] 限制头像高度为 [Maximum number of flashes] 最大闪动次数 [Send error] 发送错误 [An error has occurred. The protocol reported the following error:] 发生错误. 协议已回报了此错误: [while sending the following message:] 发送下列消息时: [Try again] 再试一次 [Message session] 消息会话 [&Details] 详细资料(&D) [Message window event log] 通信窗口事件记录 [Show names] 显示名称 [Show timestamp] 显示时间戳 [Show dates] 显示日期 [Load unread events only] 仅加载未读事件 [Load number of previous events] 加载以往事件数量 [Load previous events less than] 加载少于 [minutes old] 分钟前 [Show status changes] 显示状态变更 [Show seconds] 显示秒数 [Load history events] 加载历史事件 [Show formatting] 显示格式 [Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:] 当您键入消息时, 发送键入通知给这些用户: [Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message] 当用户键入消息时显示键入通知 [Update inactive message window icons when a user is typing] 当用户键入时更新非活动消息窗口图标 [Show typing notification when no message dialog is open] 没有打开消息对话框时显示键入通知 [Flash in the system tray and in the contact list] 闪动系统托盘和联系人列表 [Show balloon popup] 显示气球式弹出窗口 [Save the window position for each contact] 每联系人独立保存自有窗口位置 [Message window behavior:] 消息窗口行为: [Messaging:] 消息: [&Open link] 打开链接(&O) [Paste and send] 粘贴 && 发送 [Delete] 删除 [Find] 查找 [&Find next] 找下一个(&F) [Find what:] 查找什么: [Message history] 消息历史 [&Find...] 查找(&F)... [Add phone number] 添加电话号码 [Enter country, area code and phone number:] 请输入国家, 区号及电话号码: [Or enter a full international number:] 或输入完整的国际号码: [Phone can receive SMS text messages] 此电话号码可接收 SMS 文本消息 [Add e-mail address] 添加邮箱地址 [%s: user details] %s: 用户详细资料 [%s\nView personal user details and more] %s\n查看个人用户详细资料及其它 [Update now] 立即更新 [Updating] 更新中 [Nickname:] 昵称: [First name:] 名字: [Gender:] 性别: [Last name:] 姓氏: [Age:] 年龄: [Date of birth:] 出生日期: [Marital status:] 婚姻状况: [Phone:] 电话: [Web page:] 网页: [Past background:] 过往背景: [Interests:] 兴趣: [About:] 关于: [My notes:] 我的便笺: [Street:] 街道: [City:] 城市: [State:] 州: [Postal code:] 邮政编码: [Country:] 国家: [Spoken languages:] 口语: [Timezone:] 时区: [Local time:] 本地时间: [Set custom time zone] 设置自定义时区 [Company:] 公司: [Department:] 部门: [Position:] 职务: [Website:] 网站: [%s requests authorization] %s 请求授权 [%u requests authorization] %u 请求授权 [%s added you to their contact list] %s 将您加至他们的联系人列表 [%u added you to their contact list] %u 已将您加至联系人列表中 [Alerts] 提醒 [Added event] 添加事件 [View user's details] 查看用户详细资料 [Add contact permanently to list] 将联系人永久加至列表 [<Unknown>] <未知> [%s added you to the contact list\n%u (%s) on %s] %s 已将您添加至联系人列表\n%u (%s) 于 %s [%s added you to the contact list\n%u on %s] %s 已将您添加至联系人列表\n%u 于 %s [%s added you to the contact list\n%s on %s] %s 已将您添加至联系人列表\n%s 于 %s [(Unknown)] (未知) [%s requested authorization\n%u (%s) on %s] %s 请示授权\n%u (%s) 于 %s [%s requested authorization\n%u on %s] %s 请示授权\n%u 于 %s [%s requested authorization\n%s on %s] %s 请示授权\n%s 于 %s [Feature is not supported by protocol] 此功能协议尚不支持 [Re&ad %s message] 阅读 %s 消息(&A) [Re&ad status message] 阅读状态消息(&A) [I've been away since %time%.] 我已在 %time% 外出. [Give it up, I'm not in!] 放弃吧, 我不在! [Not right now.] 现在不行. [Give a guy some peace, would ya?] 给我一点安宁, 好吗? [I'm a chatbot!] 我是聊天机器人! [Yep, I'm here.] 是, 我在这里. [Nope, not here.] 不, 不在这里. [I'm hiding from the mafia.] 我现在正在躲仇家. [That'll be the phone.] 电话联系吧. [Mmm... food.] 嗯... 食物. [idleeeeeeee] 闲置 [Status] 状态 [%s has joined] %s 已加入 [You have joined %s] 您已加入 %s [%s has left] %s 已离开 [%s has disconnected] %s 已断开连接 [%s is now known as %s] %s 现在改名为 %s [You are now known as %s] 您现在被称为 %s [%s kicked %s] %s 已被踢走 %s [Notice from %s: ] %s 的公告: [The topic is '%s%s'] 主题为 '%s%s' [ (set by %s on %s)] (由 %s 设置于 %s) [ (set by %s)] (由 %s 设置) [%s enables '%s' status for %s] %s 启用 '%s' 状态于 %s [%s disables '%s' status for %s] %s 禁用 '%s' 状态于 %s [<invalid>] <无效> [Others nicknames] 其它昵称 [Your nickname] 您的昵称 [User has joined] 用户已加入 [User has left] 用户已离开 [User has disconnected] 用户已断线 [User kicked ...] 用户已被踢走 ... [User is now known as ...] 用户现在改名为 ... [Notice from user] 用户公告 [Incoming message] 传入消息 [Outgoing message] 发送消息 [The topic is ...] 主题是 ... [Information messages] 信息消息 [User enables status for ...] 用户启用状态为 ... [User disables status for ...] 用户禁用状态为 ... [Action message] 操作消息 [Highlighted message] 突出显示消息 [Nick list members (online)] 用户列表成员 (在线) [Nick list members (away)] 用户列表成员 (外出) [Message typing area] 消息键入区域 [Chat log symbols (Webdings)] 聊天记录符号 (Webdings) [Use a tabbed interface] 使用标签界面 [Close tab on double click] 双击关闭标签 [Restore previously open tabs when showing the window] 显示窗口时还原上次打开的标签 [Show tabs at the bottom] 底部显示标签 [Send message by pressing the 'Enter' key] 按下 Enter 键时发送消息 [Send message by pressing the 'Enter' key twice] 按下 Enter 键两次时发送消息 [Flash window when someone speaks] 有人说话时闪动窗口 [Flash window when a word is highlighted] 有字词被突出显示时闪动窗口 [Show list of users in the chat room] 在聊天室中显示用户列表 [Show button for sending messages] 显示消息发送按钮 [Show buttons for controlling the chat room] 显示聊天室控制按钮 [Show buttons for formatting the text you are typing] 显示输入样式按钮 [Show button menus when right clicking the buttons] 在按钮上点击右键时显示按钮功能菜单 [Show new windows cascaded] 层叠新窗口 [Save the size and position of chat rooms] 保存聊天室的大小及位置 [Show the topic of the room on your contact list (if supported)] 在您的联系人列表显示房间主题 (如果支持) [Do not play sounds when the chat room is focused] 聊天室获取焦点时不要播放音效 [Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room] 加入聊天室时不要显示弹出窗口 [Toggle the visible state when double clicking in the contact list] 在联系人列表上双击切换可见状态 [Show contact statuses if protocol supports them] 如协议支持则显示联系人状态 [Display contact status icon before user role icon] 在用户角色图标前显示联系人状态图标 [Prefix all events with a timestamp] 在所有事件前加上时间戳 [Only prefix with timestamp if it has changed] 有变化时才加上时间戳 [Timestamp has same color as the event] 时间戳与事件使用相同的颜色 [Indent the second line of a message] 缩排消息第二行 [Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters] 限制消息记录中用户名长度在 20 个字符内 [Add ':' to auto-completed user names] 添加 ':' 至自动完成用户名 [Strip colors from messages in the log] 在记录中去除消息颜色 [Enable the 'event filter' for new rooms] 新房间启用 '事件过滤器' [Show topic changes] 显示主题变更 [Show users joining] 显示用户加入 [Show users disconnecting] 显示用户断线 [Show messages] 显示消息 [Show actions] 显示操作 [Show users leaving] 显示用户离开 [Show users being kicked] 显示用户被踢走 [Show notices] 显示公告 [Show users changing name] 显示用户改名 [Show information messages] 显示信息消息 [Show status changes of users] 显示用户状态变更 [Show icon for topic changes] 显示主题变更图标 [Show icon for users joining] 显示用户加入图标 [Show icon for users disconnecting] 显示用户中断图标 [Show icon for messages] 显示消息图标 [Show icon for actions] 显示操作图标 [Show icon for highlights] 显示突出显示图标 [Show icon for users leaving] 显示用户离开图标 [Show icon for users kicking other user] 显示用户踢走其他用户图标 [Show icon for notices] 显示公告图标 [Show icon for name changes] 显示名称变更图标 [Show icon for information messages] 显示信息消息图标 [Show icon for status changes] 显示状态变更图标 [Show icons in tray only when the chat room is not active] 仅聊天室未激活时才在系统托盘显示图标 [Show icon in tray for topic changes] 标题变更时在系统托盘显示图标 [Show icon in tray for users joining] 用户加入时在系统托盘显示图标 [Show icon in tray for users disconnecting] 用户断开连接时在系统托盘显示图标 [Show icon in tray for messages] 在系统托盘显示消息图标 [Show icon in tray for actions] 在系统托盘显示操作图标 [Show icon in tray for highlights] 在系统托盘显示突出显示图标 [Show icon in tray for users leaving] 在系统托盘显示用户离开图标 [Show icon in tray for users kicking other user] 在系统托盘显示用户踢走其他用户图标 [Show icon in tray for notices] 在系统托盘显示公告图标 [Show icon in tray for name changes] 在系统托盘显示名称变更图标 [Show icon in tray for information messages] 在系统托盘显示信息消息图标 [Show icon in tray for status changes] 在系统托盘显示状态变更图标 [Chat module] 聊天模块 [Message background] 消息背景 [Nick list background] 用户列表背景 [Nick list lines] 用户列表线条 [Nick list background (selected)] 用户列表背景 (已选定) [Window icon] 窗口图标 [Bold] 粗体 [Italics] 斜体 [Underlined] 下划线 [Smiley button] 表情按钮 [Room history] 房间历史 [Room settings] 房间设置 [Event filter disabled] 事件过滤器已禁用 [Event filter enabled] 事件过滤器已启用 [Hide nick list] 隐藏用户列表 [Show nick list] 显示用户列表 [Icon overlay] 图标重叠 [Status 1 (10x10)] 状态 1 (10x10) [Status 2 (10x10)] 状态 2 (10x10) [Status 3 (10x10)] 状态 3 (10x10) [Status 4 (10x10)] 状态 4 (10x10) [Status 5 (10x10)] 状态 5 (10x10) [Status 6 (10x10)] 状态 6 (10x10) [Message in (10x10)] 收到消息 (10x10) [Message out (10x10)] 发送消息 (10x10) [Action (10x10)] 操作 (10x10) [Add status (10x10)] 加入状态 (10x10) [Remove status (10x10)] 移除状态 (10x10) [Join (10x10)] 加入 (10x10) [Leave (10x10)] 离开 (10x10) [Quit (10x10)] 结束 (10x10) [Kick (10x10)] 踢走 (10x10) [Nick change (10x10)] 昵称变更 (10x10) [Notice (10x10)] 公告 (10x10) [Topic (10x10)] 主题 (10x10) [Highlight (10x10)] 突出显示 (10x10) [Information (10x10)] 信息 (10x10) [Messaging] 通信 [Group chats] 群组聊天 [Group chats log] 群组聊天记录 [Options for using a tabbed interface] 使用标签界面选项 [Appearance and functionality of chat room windows] 聊天室窗口外观及功能 [Appearance of the message log] 消息记录外观 [Default events to show in new chat rooms if the 'event filter' is enabled] 如 '事件过滤器' 已启用, 则在新聊天室中显示预设事件 [Icons to display in the message log] 在消息记录中显示图标 [Icons to display in the tray] 在系统托盘中显示图标 [Select folder] 选择文件夹 [Message sessions] 消息会话 [General] 常规 [Chat log] 聊天记录 [Popups] 弹出窗口 [Message is highlighted] 突出显示消息 [User has performed an action] 用户已运行一个操作 [User has kicked some other user] 用户已踢走其他用户 [User's status was changed] 用户状态已变更 [User has changed name] 用户已改名 [User has sent a notice] 用户已发送公告 [The topic has been changed] 主题已变更 [&Join chat] 加入(&J) [%s wants your attention in %s] %s 需要您注意 %s [%s speaks in %s] %s 在 %s 说话 [%s has joined %s] %s 已加入 %s [%s has left %s] %s 已离开 %s [%s kicked %s from %s] %s 已踢走 %s 从 %s [Notice from %s] %s 发出公告 [Topic change in %s] %s 主题变更 [Information in %s] %s 的信息 [%s enables '%s' status for %s in %s] %s 启用 '%s' 状态于 %s 在 %s [%s disables '%s' status for %s in %s] %s 禁用 '%s' 状态于 %s 在 %s [%s says: %s] %s 说: %s [%s has left (%s)] %s 已离开 (%s) [%s has disconnected (%s)] %s 已断开连接 (%s) [%s kicked %s (%s)] %s 已踢走 %s (%s) [Notice from %s: %s] %s 公告: %s [The topic is '%s'] 主题为 '%s' [The topic is '%s' (set by %s)] 主题为 '%s' (%s 设置) [Look up '%s':] 查看 '%s': [No word to look up] 无可查找字词 [Insert a smiley] 插入表情 [Make the text bold (CTRL+B)] 使文本粗体 (CTRL+B) [Make the text italicized (CTRL+I)] 使文本斜体 (CTRL+I) [Make the text underlined (CTRL+U)] 使文本下划线 (CTRL+U) [Select a background color for the text (CTRL+L)] 为文本选择背景颜色 (CTRL+L) [Select a foreground color for the text (CTRL+K)] 为文本选择前景颜色 (CTRL+K) [Show the history (CTRL+H)] 显示历史 (CTRL+H) [Show/hide the nick list (CTRL+N)] 显示/隐藏昵称列表 (CTRL+N) [Control this room (CTRL+O)] 控制此房间 (CTRL+O) [Enable/disable the event filter (CTRL+F)] 启用/禁用事件过滤器 (CTRL+F) [Close current tab (CTRL+F4)] 关闭当前标签 (CTRL+F4) [%s: chat room (%u user)] %s: 聊天室 (%u 个用户) [%s: chat room (%u users)] %s: 聊天室 (%u 个用户) [%s: message session] %s: 消息会话 [%s: message session (%u users)] %s: 消息会话 (%u 个用户) [Nickname] 昵称 [Unique ID] 独有 ID [Standard contacts] 标准联系人 [Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility] 与您有不同可见度的在线联系人 [Offline contacts] 离线联系人 [Contacts which are 'not on list'] "不在列表" 中的联系人 [Group member counts] 群组成员数量 [Dividers] 分隔器 [Offline contacts to whom you have a different visibility] 与您有不同可见度的离线联系人 [Selected text] 已选择文本 [Hottrack text] 热跟踪文本 [Quicksearch text] 快速搜索文本 [Not focused] 未获取焦点 [Offline] 离线 [Online] 在线 [Away] 外出 [NA] 不适用 [Occupied] 忙碌中 [DND] 请勿打扰 [Free for chat] 有空聊天 [Invisible] 隐身 [Out to lunch] 外出用餐 [On the phone] 接听电话 [List background] 列表背景 [Global] 全局 [User has not registered an e-mail address] 用户尚未登记邮箱地址 [Send e-mail] 发送邮件 [&E-mail] 邮件(&E) [File from %s] 从 %s 收到的文件 [bytes] 字节 [&File] 文件(&F) [File &transfers...] 文件传输(&T)... [Incoming] 传入 [Complete] 完成 [Error] 错误 [Denied] 已拒绝 [%s file] %s 文件 [All files] 所有文件 [Executable files] 可执行文件 [Events] 事件 [My received files] 我收到的文件 [View user's history] 查看用户历史 [User menu] 用户菜单 [Canceled] 已取消 [%d files] %d 个文件 [%d directories] %d 个目录 [This file has not yet been scanned for viruses. Are you certain you want to open it?] 此文件尚未扫描病毒. 您确定要打开? [File received] 已接收文件 [of] , 共 [Request sent, waiting for acceptance...] 已发出要求, 正在等待接受... [Waiting for connection...] 正在等待连接... [Unable to initiate transfer.] 无法初始化传输 [Contact menu] 联系人菜单 [sec] 秒 [remaining] 剩余 [Decision sent] 决定已发出 [Connecting...] 连接中... [Connecting to proxy...] 正在连接至代理服务器... [Connected] 已连接 [Initializing...] 初始化中... [Moving to next file...] 移至下一个文件... [Sending...] 发送中... [Receiving...] 接收... [File transfer denied] 文件传输已被拒绝 [File transfer failed] 文件传输已失败 [Transfer completed.] 传输完毕. [Transfer completed, open file.] 传输完毕, 打开文件. [Transfer completed, open folder.] 传输完毕, 打开目录. [Scanning for viruses...] 正在扫描病毒... [Transfer and virus scan complete] 传输及病毒扫描完成 [Outgoing] 发送 [< Copyright] < 版权所有 [&About...] 关于(&A)... [&Support] 支持(&S) [&Miranda NG homepage] Miranda NG 主页(&M) [&Report bug] 汇报缺陷(&R) [Idle] 闲置 [The message send timed out.] 发送消息已超时. [Incoming message (10x10)] 传入消息 (10x10) [Outgoing message (10x10)] 发送消息 (10x10) [Last message received on %s at %s.] 最后消息接收于 %s %s. [%s is typing a message...] %s 正在键入消息... [File sent] 已发送文件 [Outgoing messages] 发送的消息 [Incoming messages] 传入消息 [Outgoing name] 发送名称 [Outgoing time] 发送时间 [Outgoing colon] 发送时区 [Incoming name] 传入名称 [Incoming time] 传入时间 [Incoming colon] 传入时区 [Message area] 消息区域 [Message log] 消息记录 [** New contacts **] ** 新联系人 ** [** Unknown contacts **] ** 未知联系人 ** [Show balloon popup (unsupported system)] 显示气球式弹出窗口 (不受支持的系统) [Messaging log] 通信记录 [Typing notify] 键入通知 [Message from %s] 从 %s 收到的消息 [%s is typing a message] %s 正在键入消息 [Typing notification] 键入通知 [Miranda could not load the built-in message module, riched20.dll is missing. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.] Miranda 无法加载内置消息模块, riched20.dll 丢失. 按下 '是' 继续加载 Miranda. [Instant messages] 即时消息 [Incoming (focused window)] 传入 (窗口获取焦点) [Incoming (unfocused window)] 传入 (窗口未获取焦点) [Incoming (new session)] 传入 (新会话) [Message send error] 消息发送错误 [Contact started typing] 联系人开始输入 [Contact stopped typing] 联系人停止输入 [An unknown error has occurred.] 发生未知错误 [Invalid message] 无效消息 [Outgoing URL] 发送网址 [Incoming URL] 传入网址 [Outgoing file] 发送文件 [Incoming file] 传入文件 [History for %s] %s 的历史 [Are you sure you want to delete this history item?] 您确定要删除此历史项目? [Delete history] 删除历史 [View &history] 查看历史(&H) [URL from %s] 从 %s 收到的网址 [Web page address (&URL)] 网页地址 (URL)(&U) [Send URL to] 发送网址给 [Send timed out] 发送已超时 [Edit E-Mail address] 编辑邮箱地址 [Edit phone number] 编辑电话号码 [The phone number should start with a + and consist of numbers, spaces, brackets and hyphens only.] 电话号码应以 + 开头, 由数字, 空格, 括号及直线组成. [Invalid phone number] 无效电话号码 [Primary] 主要 [Custom %d] 自定义 %d [Fax] 传真 [Mobile] 手机 [Work phone] 工作电话 [Work fax] 工作传真 [Male] 男 [Female] 女 [<not specified>] <未指定> [Summary] 总结 [Contact] 联络方式 [Location] 位置 [Work] 工作 [Background info] 背景资料 [Notes] 便笺 [Owner] 所有者 [View/change my &details...] 查看/变更我的详细资料(&D)... [%s is online] %s 现在上线 [Add contact] 添加联系人 [Please authorize my request and add me to your contact list.] 请授权我的请求, 并将我加至您的联系人列表中. [Custom status] 自定义状态 [%s (locked)] %s (已锁定) [Main menu] 主菜单 [(Unknown contact)] (未知联系人) [This contact is on an instant messaging system which stores its contact list on a central server. The contact will be removed from the server and from your contact list when you next connect to that network.] 此联系人保存于即时通信系统中央服务器的联系人列表中. 下次登录时将从服务器和您的联系人列表中移除此联系人. [De&lete] 删除(&L) [&Rename] 重命名(&R) [&Add permanently to list] 永久加至列表(&A) [My custom name (not movable)] 我的自定义名称 (不可移动) [Nick] 昵称 [FirstName] 名字 [E-mail] 邮件 [LastName] 姓氏 [Username] 用户名 [FirstName LastName] 名字 姓氏 ['(Unknown contact)' (not movable)] "(未知联系人)" (不可移动) ['(Unknown contact)'] '(未知联系人)' [Menu icons] 菜单图标 [Menus] 菜单 [Customize] 自定义 [New group] 新增群组 [Are you sure you want to delete group '%s'? This operation cannot be undone.] 您确定想删除群组 '%s'? 此操作不可恢复. [Delete group] 删除群组 [You already have a group with that name. Please enter a unique name for the group.] 您已有同名群组. 请为群组输入独有的名称. [Rename group] 重命名群组 [This group] 此群组 [Show/Hide contact list] 显示/隐藏联系人列表 [Read message] 阅读消息 [Open Options page] 打开选项页 [Open 'Find user' dialog] 打开查找用户对话框 [&Move to group] 移至群组 [<Root group>] <根群组> [Miranda is unable to open '%s' because you do not have any profile plugins installed.\nYou need to install dbx_mmap.dll] Miranda 无法打开 '%s', 因为您没有安装任何配置文件插件. \n您需要安装 dbx_mmap.dll 或类似插件. [No profile support installed!] 未安装配置文件支持! [Miranda can't understand that profile] Miranda 无法识别此配置文件 [Miranda was unable to open '%s'\nIt's inaccessible or used by other application or Miranda instance] Miranda 无法打开 '%s'\n可能被其它程序或 Miranda NG 使用中 [Miranda can't open that profile] Miranda 无法打开此配置文件 [Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before every change that is made.] 防恶意修改安全系统已就位, 所有变更都会警示您. [Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before changes that are known to be unsafe.] 防恶意修改安全系统已就位, 执行已知不安全变更前将会警示您. [Security systems to prevent malicious changes have been disabled. You will receive no further warnings.] 防恶意修改安全系统已被禁用. 您将不会再收到相关警告. [This change is known to be safe.] 此变更是安全的. [This change is known to be potentially hazardous.] 此变更具有潜在危险. [This change is not known to be safe.] 此变更不知是否安全. [The profile already exists] 配置文件已存在 [Couldn't move '%s' to the Recycle Bin. Please select another profile name.] 无法将 '%s' 移到回收站. 请选择其它配置文件名称. [Problem moving profile] 移动配置文件出现问题 [Unable to create the profile '%s', the error was %x] 无法建立配置文件 '%s', 错误 %x [Problem creating profile] 建立配置文件出现问题 [&Create] 建立(&C) [<In use>] <使用中> [Are you sure you want to remove profile "%s"?] 您确定想移除配置文件 "%s"? [Size] 大小 [Run] 运行 [Created] 建立于 [My profiles] 我的配置文件 [New profile] 新增配置文件 [Chat activity] 聊天活动 [Extra icons] 额外图标 [You haven't filled in the search field. Please enter a search term and try again.] 您尚未填写检索字段. 请输入搜索条件重试. [Search] 搜索 [Results] 结果 [There are no results to display.] 无可显示结果. [Searching] 正在搜索 [All networks] 所有网络 [Handle] 处理 [&Find/Add contacts...] 查找/添加联系人(&F)... [Could not start a search on '%s', there was a problem - is %s connected?] 无法在 '%s' 启动搜索, 出现问题 - %s 是否已连接? [Could not search on any of the protocols, are you online?] 无法搜索任何协议, 您是否已上线? [Problem with search] 搜索错误 [1 %s user found] 找到 1 个 %s 用户 [%d %s users found] 找到 %d 个 %s 用户 [%d users found (] 找到 %d 个用户 ( [No users found] 没有找到用户 [Failed to create file] 创建文件失败 [<none>] <无> [Shadow at left] 阴影在左侧 [Shadow at right] 阴影在右侧 [Outline] 轮廓 [Outline smooth] 轮廓平滑 [Smooth bump] 平滑拐点 [Contour thin] 细外线 [Contour heavy] 粗外线 [Text files] 文本文件 [Error writing file] 写文件错误 [Sample text] 示例文本 [Fonts] 字体 [Headers] 标题 [Generic text] 普通文本 [Small text] 少量文本 [Icon sets] 图标集 [** All contacts **] ** 所有联系人 ** [Contacts] 联系人 [No times] 无时间 [Standard hh:mm:ss times] 标准 hh:mm:ss 时间 [Times in milliseconds] 以毫秒为单位时间 [Times in microseconds] 以微秒为单位时间 [(Miranda core logging)] (Miranda 核心记录) [Select where log file will be created] 选择日志文件创建位置 [Select program to be run] 选择要运行程序 [<All connections>] <所有连接> [Network] 网络 [Client cannot decode host message. Possible causes: host does not support SSL or requires not existing security package] 客户端无法解码主机信息. 可能原因: 主机不支持 SSL 或需要不存在的安全包 [Host we are connecting to is not the one certificate was issued for] 我们要连接的主机并非只发出了一个证书于 [Loading... %d%%] 加载... %d%% [%s options] %s 选项 [Miranda NG options] Miranda NG 选项 [&Options...] 选项(&O)... [Fatal error] 致命错误 ['%s' is disabled, re-enable?] '%s' 已禁用, 重新启用? [Re-enable Miranda plugin?] 重新启用 Miranda 插件? [Unable to load plugin in Service Mode!] 无法以服务模式加载插件! [Unable to start any of the installed contact list plugins, I even ignored your preferences for which contact list couldn't load any.] 无法启用任何已安装联系人列表插件, 甚至忽略参数选项中选定联系人列表都无法加载. [Can't find a contact list plugin! You need StdClist or any other contact list plugin.] 无法找到联系人列表插件! 您需要 clist_classic 或其它 clist 插件. [Plugin] 插件 [Version] 版本 [Plugins] 插件 [Create new account] 建立新帐号 [Editing account] 编辑帐号 [Upgrading account] 升级帐号 [Account is disabled. Please activate it to access options.] 帐号已被禁用. 请激活以存取选项. [New account] 新帐号 [Edit] 编辑 [Remove account] 移除帐号 [Configure...] 配置... [Upgrade account] 更新帐号 [Protocol] 协议 [Account ID] 帐号 ID [<unknown>] <未知> [Protocol is not loaded.] 协议未加载. [Rename] 重命名 [Configure] 设置 [Upgrade] 升级 [Account %s is being deleted] 帐号 %s 正准备被删除 [You need to disable plugin to delete this account] 您需要先禁用插件才能删除此账号 [&Accounts...] 帐号(&A)... [Remove shortcut] 移除快速键 [Add another shortcut] 添加其它快速键 [Scope:] 范围: [System] 系统 [Actions:] 操作: [Add binding] 添加绑定 [Modify] 修改 [System scope] System 范围 [Miranda scope] Miranda 范围 [User online] 用户上线 [Group (open)] 群组 (打开) [Group (closed)] 群组 (关闭) [Connecting] 连接中 [User details] 用户详细资料 [History] 历史 [Down arrow] 向下箭头 [Find user] 查找用户 [Search all] 全部搜索 [Tick] 选定 [No tick] 未选定 [Help] 说明 [Miranda website] Miranda 网站 [Small dot] 小点 [Filled blob] 填满的 Blob [Empty blob] 空 Blob [Unicode plugin] Unicode 插件 [ANSI plugin] ANSI 插件 [Running plugin] 运行中插件 [Unloaded plugin] 未加载载插件 [Show/Hide] 显示隐藏 [Exit] 离开 [Join chat] 加入聊天 [Leave chat] 离开聊天室 [Move to group] 移至群组 [On] 打开 [Off] 关闭 [Frames] 框架 [Request authorization] 要求授权 [Grant authorization] 准许授权 [Revoke authorization] 撤销授权 [Always visible] 永远可见 [Locked status] 锁定状态 [Status icons] 状态图标 [%s icons] %s 图标 [Main icons] 主要图标 [You need an image services plugin to process PNG images.] 您需要图片服务插件处理 PNG 图片. [All bitmaps] 所有位图 [Windows bitmaps] Windows 位图 [JPEG bitmaps] JPEG 位图 [GIF bitmaps] GIF 位图 [PNG bitmaps] PNG 位图 [<unspecified>] <未指定> [Unspecified] 未指定 [Unknown] 未知 [Afghanistan] 阿富汗 [Albania] 阿尔巴尼亚 [Algeria] 阿尔及利亚 [American Samoa] 美属萨摩亚群岛 [Andorra] 安道尔共和国 [Angola] 安哥拉 [Anguilla] 安圭拉岛 [Antigua and Barbuda] 安提瓜和巴布达 [Argentina] 阿根廷 [Armenia] 亚美尼亚 [Aruba] 阿鲁巴岛 [Australia] 澳大利亚 [Austria] 奥地利 [Azerbaijan] 阿塞拜疆 [Bahamas] 巴哈马群岛 [Bahrain] 巴林岛 [Bangladesh] 孟加拉国 [Barbados] 巴巴多斯 [Belarus] 白俄罗斯 [Belgium] 比利时 [Belize] 伯利兹 [Benin] 贝宁 [Bermuda] 百慕大群岛 [Bhutan] 不丹 [Bolivia] 玻利维亚 [Bosnia and Herzegovina] 波斯尼亚及黑塞哥维那 [Botswana] 博茨瓦纳 [Brazil] 巴西 [Brunei] 文莱 [Bulgaria] 保加利亚 [Burkina Faso] 布基纳法索 [Burundi] 布隆迪 [Cambodia] 柬埔寨 [Cameroon] 喀麦隆 [Canada] 加拿大 [Cape Verde] 佛得角群岛 [Cayman Islands] 开曼群岛 [Central African Republic] 中非共和国 [Chad] 乍得 [Chile] 智利共和国 [China] 中国 [Christmas Island] 圣诞岛 [Cocos (Keeling) Islands] 科科斯(基林)群岛 [Colombia] 哥伦比亚 [Comoros] 科摩罗 [Congo, Republic of the] 刚果共和国 [Congo, Democratic Republic of the] 刚果民主共和国 [Cook Islands] 库克群岛 [Costa Rica] 哥斯达黎加 [Cote d'Ivoire] 科特迪瓦 [Croatia] 克罗地亚 [Cuba] 古巴 [Curacao] 库拉索岛 [Cyprus] 塞浦路斯 [Czech Republic] 捷克共和国 [Denmark] 丹麦 [Djibouti] 吉布提 [Dominica] 多米尼加 [Dominican Republic] 多米尼加共和国 [Ecuador] 厄瓜多尔 [Egypt] 埃及 [El Salvador] 萨尔瓦多 [Equatorial Guinea] 赤道几内亚 [Eritrea] 厄立特里亚 [Estonia] 爱沙尼亚 [Ethiopia] 埃塞俄比亚 [Falkland Islands (Malvinas)] 福克兰群岛 (马尔维纳斯群岛) [Faroe Islands] 法罗群岛 [Fiji] 斐济 [Finland] 芬兰 [France] 法国 [French Guiana] 法属圭亚那 [French Polynesia] 法属玻里尼西亚 [Gabon] 加蓬 [Gambia] 冈比亚 [Georgia] 美国乔治亚州 [Germany] 德国 [Ghana] 加纳 [Gibraltar] 直布罗陀 [Greece] 希腊 [Greenland] 格陵兰 [Grenada] 格林纳达 [Guadeloupe] 瓜德罗普 [Guatemala] 危地马拉 [Guinea] 几内亚 [Guinea-Bissau] 几内亚比绍 [Guyana] 圭亚那 [Haiti] 海地 [Honduras] 洪都拉斯 [Hong Kong] 香港 [Hungary] 匈牙利 [Iceland] 冰岛 [India] 印度 [Indonesia] 印度尼西亚 [Iran] 伊朗 [Iraq] 伊拉克 [Ireland] 爱尔兰 [Israel] 以色列 [Italy] 意大利 [Jamaica] 牙买加 [Japan] 日本 [Jordan] 约旦 [Kazakhstan] 哈萨克 [Kenya] 肯尼亚 [Kiribati] 基里巴斯 [Kuwait] 科威特 [Kyrgyzstan] 吉尔吉斯斯坦 [Laos] 老挝 [Latvia] 拉脱维亚 [Lebanon] 黎巴嫩 [Lesotho] 莱索托 [Liberia] 利比里亚 [Libya] 阿拉伯利比亚 [Liechtenstein] 列支敦士登 [Lithuania] 立陶宛 [Luxembourg] 卢森堡 [Macau] 澳门 [Madagascar] 马达加斯加 [Malawi] 马拉维 [Malaysia] 马来西亚 [Maldives] 马尔代夫 [Mali] 马里 [Malta] 马耳他 [Marshall Islands] 马绍尔群岛 [Martinique] 马提尼克岛 [Mauritania] 毛里塔尼亚 [Mauritius] 毛里求斯 [Mayotte] 马约特岛 [Mexico] 墨西哥 [Micronesia, Federated States of] 密克罗西尼亚联邦国 [Moldova] 摩尔多瓦共和国 [Monaco] 摩纳哥 [Mongolia] 蒙古 [Montenegro] 黑山共和国 [Montserrat] 蒙特塞拉特岛 [Morocco] 摩洛哥 [Mozambique] 莫桑比克 [Myanmar] 缅甸 [Namibia] 纳米比亚 [Nauru] 瑙鲁 [Nepal] 尼泊尔 [Netherlands] 荷兰 [New Caledonia] 新喀里多尼亚 [New Zealand] 新西兰 [Nicaragua] 尼加拉瓜 [Niger] 尼日尔 [Nigeria] 尼日利亚 [Niue] 纽埃岛 [Norfolk Island] 诺福克岛 [Norway] 挪威 [Oman] 阿曼 [Pakistan] 巴基斯坦 [Palau] 帕劳群岛 [Panama] 巴拿马 [Papua New Guinea] 巴布亚新几内亚 [Paraguay] 巴拉圭 [Peru] 秘鲁 [Philippines] 菲律宾 [Poland] 波兰 [Portugal] 葡萄牙 [Puerto Rico] 波多黎各 [Qatar] 卡塔尔 [Reunion] 留尼旺岛 [Romania] 罗马尼亚 [Russia] 俄罗斯 [Rwanda] 卢旺达 [Saint Kitts and Nevis] 圣克里斯托弗及尼维斯 [Saint Lucia] 圣卢西亚 [Saint Pierre and Miquelon] 圣皮埃尔及密克隆 [Saint Vincent and the Grenadines] 圣文森特及格林纳丁斯 [San Marino] 圣马力诺 [Sao Tome and Principe] 圣多美和普林西比 [Saudi Arabia] 沙特阿拉伯 [Senegal] 塞内加尔 [Serbia] 塞尔维亚共和国 [Seychelles] 塞舌尔 [Sierra Leone] 塞拉利昂 [Singapore] 新加坡 [Slovakia] 斯洛伐克 [Slovenia] 斯洛维尼亚 [Solomon Islands] 所罗门群岛 [Somalia] 索马里 [South Africa] 南非 [Spain] 西班牙 [Sri Lanka] 斯里兰卡 [Sudan] 苏丹 [Suriname] 苏里南 [Swaziland] 斯威士兰 [Sweden] 瑞典 [Switzerland] 瑞士 [Syria] 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 [Taiwan] 台湾 [Tajikistan] 塔吉克斯坦 [Tanzania] 坦桑尼亚 [Thailand] 泰国 [Togo] 多哥 [Tokelau] 托客劳群岛 [Tonga] 汤加 [Trinidad and Tobago] 特立尼达和多巴哥 [Tunisia] 突尼斯 [Turkey] 土耳其 [Turkmenistan] 土库曼斯坦 [Turks and Caicos Islands] 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 [Tuvalu] 图瓦卢 [Uganda] 乌干达 [Ukraine] 乌克兰 [United Arab Emirates] 阿拉伯联合酋长国 [United Kingdom] 英国 [Uruguay] 乌拉圭 [Uzbekistan] 乌兹别克斯坦 [Vanuatu] 瓦努阿图 [Vatican City] 梵蒂冈城 [Venezuela] 委内瑞拉 [Vietnam] 越南 [Wallis and Futuna] 瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛 [Yemen] 也门 [Zambia] 赞比亚 [Zimbabwe] 津巴布韦