#muuid {8f79b4ee-eb48-4a03-873e-27be6b7e9a25} ;============================================================ ; File: Clist_nicer.dll ; Plugin: Clist nicer ; Version: ; Authors: Pixel, egoDust, cyreve, Nightwish ;============================================================ [About CList Nicer+] 关于 CList Nicer+ [Version] 版本 [Delete Contact] 删除联系人 [No] 否 [Yes] 是 [Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings] 仅从列表中隐藏, 保留联系人历史及忽略/可见性设置 [Are you sure you want to delete %s?] 您确定要删除 %s? [This will erase all history and settings for this contact!] 此操作将删除联系人所有历史及相关设置! [Contact List] 联系人列表 [Hide offline users] 隐藏离线用户 [Hide empty groups] 隐藏空群组 [Disable groups] 禁用群组 [Ask before deleting contacts] 删除联系人前先询问 [Disable icon blinking] 禁用图标闪动 [Apply last active view mode] 应用最后使用的查看模式 [Contact list layout] 联系人列表布局 [Show menu and status buttons] 显示菜单及状态按钮 [Draw sunken edge] 绘制凹陷边缘 [System tray icon] 系统托盘图标 [Single click interface] 通过单击打开项目 [Always show status in tooltip] 始终在工具提示中显示状态 [ms] 毫秒 [Event area] 事件区域 [Set base visiblity on the frames menu] 在框架菜单里设置基本可见性 [Auto mode] 自动模式 [System tray icon when using multiple protocols] 当使用多重协议时的系统托盘图标 [Show] 状态不同时显示 [icon when statuses differ] 图标 [Cycle icons every] 状态不同时每 [seconds, when statuses differ] 秒循环图标 [Show multiple icons] 显示多个图标 [Only when statuses differ] 仅在状态不同时 [Do not show system tray icon tooltips on mouse over] 不要在鼠标经过系统托盘时显示工具提示 [Groups] 群组 [Draw a line alongside group names] 群组名称之间画线 [Show number of contacts in a group] 显示群组中联系人数量 [Hide numbers when all offline] 当全部离线时隐藏数量 [Sort groups alphabetically] 群组按字母排序 [Quicksearch in open groups only] 仅在打开的群组内快速搜索 [No expand/collapse icon] 无展开/折叠图标 [Center groupnames horizontally] 群组名称水平居中 [Margins (left/right)] 边界 (左/右) [Row gap] 行距 [Minimum row height:] 最小行高: [Group row height] 群组行高 [Indent groups by:] 缩排群组: [Inner Row vertical padding] 内部行垂直补位 [Margins and spacing] 边界及间距 [Contact List Sorting] 联系人列表排序 [First by] 首先是 [Then by] 然后是 [Finally by] 最后是 [Move events to the top of list\nor group] 移动事件至列表顶部\或群组 [Do not separate offline contacts] 不要分隔离线联系人 [Hide as offline] 离线时隐藏 [Right align contacts] 向右对齐联系人 [Height] 高度 [Draw a border around avatars] 为头像绘制边框 [Rounded avatars] 头像圆角 [Radius] 半径 [Always align icons and text for missing avatars] 永远为无头像者对齐图标及文本 [Avatar alignment] 对齐头像 [Don't request avatars for offline contacts] 不请求离线联系人头像 [Second text line] 第二行文本 [Display status message when available] 当可用时显示状态消息 [Show second text line:] 显示第二行文本: [Show contacts local time] 显示联系人本地时间 [Only when timezone differs] 仅在时区不同时 [Icons] 图标 [Show status icons] 显示状态图标 [Centered when possible] 当可能时居中 [When possible, draw status icons in avatar space] 可能时, 在头像空间绘制状态图标 [Use metacontact protocol icons instead of subcontacts] 使用中继联系人协议图标取代子联系人 [Use Overlay icons on avatars] 在头像使用层叠图标 [Dim idle contacts] 暗淡化闲置联系人 [Replace status icons with xStatus] 以扩展状态替换状态图标 [Window] 窗口 [Always on top] 始终置顶 [Show menu bar] 显示菜单栏 [Easy move] 容易移动 [Rounded border] 圆角边框 [Title bar text:] 标题栏文本: [Pin to desktop] 固定在桌面上 [Show drop shadow (restart required)] 使用下拉阴影 (需要重启) [Hide contact list after it has been idle for] 空闲时隐藏联系人列表 [seconds] 秒 [Automatically resize window to height of list] 自动调整窗口大小至列表高度 [maximum] 最多窗口的 [% of screen] % [Size upwards] 向上量度大小 [If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding] 如果窗口有部分被遮盖, 则以置顶代替隐藏 [Always Hide On Taskbar] 永远隐藏于任务栏 [Client margins] 客户端边界 [Embedded frames border] 嵌入式框线 [Clip border by] 附着边框 [Gap between frames] 框架间距 [Transparent contact list] 联系人列表透明化 [Inactive opacity:] 未激活时透明度: [Active opacity:] 激活时透明度: [Fade contact list in/out] 联系人列表淡入/淡出 [Fully transparent (like TweakUI)] 完全透明 (类似 TweakUI) [Items] 项目 [Show divider between online and offline contacts] 在线与离线联系人之间显示分隔线 [Hot track items as mouse passes over] 鼠标在项目上移动时显示热跟踪 [Disable drag and drop of items] 禁用项目拖放 [Disable rename of items by clicking twice] 禁用项目双击重命名 [Show selection even when list is not focused] 当列表非焦点时仍显示被选定项目 [Make selection highlight translucent] 将选定项目突出显示透明 [Use full row for selection and hottracking] 选定及热跟随时使用整行 [Double click on avatar opens userinfo] 在头像上点击两下打开用户信息 [Visual] 视觉 [Scroll list smoothly] 平滑滚动列表 [Time:] 时间: [milliseconds] 毫秒 [Hide vertical scroll bar] 隐藏垂直滚动条 [Gray out entire list when:] 下列清况将整个列表变灰: [Contact List Background] 联系人列表背景 [Use Windows colors] 使用 Windows 颜色 [Background color] 背景颜色 [Use background image] 使用背景图片 [Stretch to width] 拉伸至宽度 [Stretch to height] 拉伸至高度 [Tile horizontally] 横向平铺 [Tile vertically] 纵向平铺 [Scroll with text] 与文本一起滚动 [Stretch proportionally] 按比例拉伸 [Use these settings to skin the entire background] 使用这些设置绘制整个背景 [If you enable this, the background settings will affect the entire contact list frame.] 如果您启用此选项, 背景设置将影响整个联系人列表框架. [Status Bar] 状态栏 [Show status bar] 显示状态栏 [Show icons] 显示图标 [Show protocol names] 显示协议名称 [Show status text] 显示状态文本 [Right click opens status menu] 点击右键打开状态菜单 [Right click opens Miranda NG menu] 点击右键打开 Miranda NG 菜单 [Make sections equal width] 将各部分设为相同宽度 [Show bevels on panels] 显示面板斜角 [Show resize grip indicator] 显示调整大小箭头 [Draw background skin] 绘制背景皮肤 [Show ICQ extended status icons] 显示 ICQ 扩展状态图标 [Mark protocols locked from global status changes] 协议标记锁定为全局状态变更 [New] 新增 [Cancel] 取消 [Apply] 应用 [Clear all] 全部清除 [Protocol] 协议 [Group] 群组 [Last message] 最后消息 [Per contact skins:] 每位联系人皮肤: [< Reload] < 重新加载 [Contact list skin] 联系人列表皮肤 [Apply skin now] 立即应用皮肤 [Unload skin] 卸载皮肤 [Make selection shape equal to selected item] 使选择形状与选择项目相同 [Blend selection with background] 背景混和选择 [Automatically fill background with wallpaper (tiled wallpaper only)] 自动以壁纸填充背景 (仅适用平铺方式壁纸) [Apply group indent values to background drawing] 应用群组缩排数值绘制背景 [Use per protocol/contact skinning] 使用独立于协议/联系人皮肤 [Protocol skins override status text colors] 协议皮肤优于状态文本颜色 [Set all buttons to skinned mode] 设置所有按钮为皮肤模式 [Use fast gradient drawing] 使用快速渐变绘制 [Corner radius] 边角半径 [Group top padding] 群组顶端补位 [Frame title bar height] 框架标题栏高度 [Ignore selection for groups] 群组忽略选择 [Load from skin file] 从皮肤文件加载 [Export to skin file] 导出至皮肤文件 [Ignore these events] 忽略这些事件 [Messages] 消息 [Suppress auth requests] 阻止授权请求 [Suppress added notifications] 阻止被加入通知 [Suppress online notifications] 阻止上线通知 [Visibility] 可见性 [Appear always online] 永远显示为在线 [Appear always offline (block contact)] 永远显示为离线 (封锁联系人) [Other] 其它 [Hide this contact from the list] 从列表隐藏此联系人 [To show a previously hidden contact, navigate to Options->Events->Ignore, search the contact in the list and tick the checkbox next to its name.] 要显示之前被隐藏的联系人, 请从 "选项->事件->忽略" , 由列表中搜索该联系人并选定. [Display options] 显示选项 [Show contact with priority] 按优先级显示联系人 [Show Avatar:] 显示联系人: [Show 2nd line:] 显示第二行: [Draw overlay icon on avatar] 在头像上绘制层叠图标 [Show local time] 显示本地时间 [&Main menu] 主菜单(&M) [E&xit] 退出(&X) [&Status] 状态(&S) [&Offline\tCtrl+0] 离线(&O)\tCtrl+0 [On&line\tCtrl+1] 在线(&L)\tCtrl+1 [&Away\tCtrl+2] 外出(&A)\tCtrl+2 [&NA\tCtrl+3] 没空(&N)\tCtrl+3 [Occ&upied\tCtrl+4] 忙碌(&U)\tCtrl+4 [&DND\tCtrl+5] 请勿打扰(&D)\tCtrl+5 [&Free for chat\tCtrl+6] 自由聊天(&F)\tCtrl+6 [&Invisible\tCtrl+7] 隐身(&I)\tCtrl+7 [On the &Phone\tCtrl+8] 接听电话(&P)\tCtrl+8 [Out to &Lunch\tCtrl+9] 外出用餐(&L)\tCtrl+9 [Tray] 托盘 [&Hide/Show] 隐藏/显示(&H) [&New Group] 新增群组(&N) [&Hide Offline Users] 隐藏离线用户(&H) [Hide &Offline Users out here] 隐藏除此以外离线用户(&O) [Hide &Empty Groups] 隐藏空群组(&E) [Disable &Groups] 禁用群组(&G) [Hide Miranda] 隐藏 Miranda [&New Subgroup] 新增子群组(&N) [&Hide Offline Users in here] 隐藏此处离线用户(&H) [&Rename Group] 重命名群组(&R) [&Delete Group] 删除群组(&D) [Move marked Contacts to this Group] 将已标记联系人移到此群组 [Show Status Icons] 显示状态图标 [Show Metacontact proto Icons] 显示中继联系人协议图标 [Show additional Buttons] 显示附加按钮 [Draw sunken Frame] 绘制凹陷框架 [General] 常规 [Text color] 文本颜色 [<None>] <无> [Show menu] 显示菜单 [Hide offline contacts] 显示/隐藏离线联系人 [Enable group mode] 切换群组模式 [Find and add contacts] 查找并添加联系人 [Accounts] 帐号 [Open preferences] 打开参数选项 [Disable sounds] 切换声音 [Minimize contact list] 最小化联系人列表 [Select view mode] 选择查看模式 [Clear view mode] 清除查看模式 [Not focused] 未获取焦点 [Offline] 离线 [Online] 在线 [Away] 外出 [NA] 不适用 [Occupied] 忙碌中 [DND] 请勿打扰 [Free for chat] 有空聊天 [Invisible] 隐身 [Out to lunch] 外出用餐 [On the phone] 接听电话 [Always Left] 永远在左方 [Always Right] 永远在右方 [Automatic (RTL)] 自动 (由右向左) [Name] 名称 [Status] 状态 [Message frequency] 消息频率 [For RTL only] 由右向左专用 [RTL TEXT only] 由右向左文本专用 [When space allows it] 当空间允许时 [When needed] 当需要时 [With Nickname - left] 含昵称 - 左 [Far left] 最左侧 [Far right] 最右侧 [With Nickname - right] 含昵称 - 右 [Contact list] 联系人列表 [List layout] 列表布局 [Background] 背景 [Contact rows] 联系人行 [Contacts] 联系人 [Groups and layout] 群组及布局 [Advanced] 高级 [Add permanently] 永久添加 [Revert to default] 还原为默认值 [Default (global setting)] 默认值 (全局设置) [Show always when available] 可用时永远显示 [Hide always] 永远隐藏 [When space is available] 当有可用空间时 [When needed by status message] 当状态消息需要时 [Contact list display and ignore options for %s] %s 联系人列表显示及忽略选项 [&Contact list settings...] 联系人列表设置... [Global] 全局 [Toggle show online/offline] 切换显示在线/离线 [Toggle groups] 切换群组 [Find contacts] 查找联系人 [Toggle sounds] 切换声音 [Show TabSRMM session list] 显示 TabSRMM 会话列表 [Show TabSRMM menu] 显示 TabSRMM 菜单 [Sounds are off] 声音已关闭 [Setup accounts] 设置帐号 [Event Area] 事件区域 [%s Connecting] %s 连接中 [Open main menu] 打开主菜单 [Set status modes] 设置状态模式 [The requested action requires a valid contact selection. Please select a contact from the contact list and repeat] 所要求动作需要选定一个有效联系人. 请从联系人列表选定一个联系人并重试 [Parameter mismatch] 参数不匹配 [Standard contacts] 标准联系人 [Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility] 与您有不同可见度的在线联系人 [Offline contacts] 离线联系人 [Contacts which are 'not on list'] "不在列表" 中的联系人 [Group member counts] 群组成员数量 [Dividers] 分隔器 [Offline contacts to whom you have a different visibility] 与您有不同可见度的离线联系人 [Frame titles] 框架标题 [Contact list local time] 联系人列表本地时间 [Selected Text] 已选择文本 [Hottrack Text] 热跟踪文本 [Quicksearch Text] 快速搜索文本 [Title bar] 标题栏 [Tool Window] 工具窗口 [Thin border] 细框线 [No border] 无框线 [The contact list cannot be docked when using the default title bar and border. Use a toolwindow or borderless style instead.] 使用默认标题栏及框线时无法停靠联系人列表. 请改用工具窗口或无框线样式. [Contact list docking] 停靠联系人列表 [No events...] 无事件... [Hours] 小时 [Current view mode: %s] 当前查看模式: %s [No view mode] 无查看模式 [Clear current View Mode] 清除当前查看模式 [&Skinned frame] 框架使用皮肤(&S) [Frames] 框架 [Show title bar] 显示标题栏 [Skinned frame] 框架使用皮肤 [&Find/Add Contacts...] 查找/添加联系人(&F)... [&Options...] 选项(&O)... [&About the contact list...] 关于联系人列表(&A)... [&New SubGroup] 新增子群组(&N)