#muuid {f7a6b27c-9d9c-4a42-be86-a448ae109161} ;============================================================ ; File: Dbx_mmap.dll ; Plugin: Miranda NG mmap database driver ; Version: ; Authors: Miranda-NG project ;============================================================ [Login to Miranda NG] 登录至 Miranda NG [OK] 确定 [Cancel] 取消 [Enter password] 输入密码 [Remove] 移除 [Standard] 标准 [Disk is full. Miranda will now shut down.] 磁盘已满. Miranda 现在将关闭. [Database failure. Miranda will now shut down.] 数据库失败. Miranda 现在将关闭. [Database Error] 数据库错误 [Database Panic] 数据库损坏 [Set password] 设置密码 [Too many errors!] 太多的错误! [Password is not correct!] 密码不正确! [Please type in your password] 请输入您的密码 [Passwords do not match!] 密码不匹配! [Performing aggressive pass] 正在进行积极操作 [Aggressive: random junk at %08X: skipping] 积极: 在 %08X 有随机垃圾: 正在跳过 [Aggressive: unlinked data at %08X: can't automatically place] 积极: 在 %08X 有未链接资料: 无法自动放置 [Processing contact chain] 正在处理联系人链 [Contact count marked wrongly: correcting] 标记联系人数量不正确: 正在修正 [Contact chain corrupted, further entries ignored] 联系人链已损坏, 后续项目被忽略 [Invalid offset found (database truncated?)] 已找到无效偏移值 (数据库已被截短? ) [Invalid offset found] 找到无效偏移值 [Error reading, database truncated? (%u)] 读取错误, 数据库被截短? (%u) [Can't write to working file, aggressive mode may be too aggressive now] 无法写入工作中文件, 积极模式当前可能过于积极 [Can't write to output file - disk full? (%u)] 无法写入至输出文件 - 磁盘已满? (%u) [Event count marked wrongly: correcting] 标记事件数量不正确: 正在修正 [Event chain corrupted, trying to recover...] 事件链已损坏, 正在尝试恢复... [Event chain corrupted, further entries ignored] 事件链已损坏, 后续项目被忽略 [First event not marked as such: correcting] 首事件尚未标记: 正在修正 [Event marked as first which is not: correcting] 标记的并非首事件: 正在修正 [Extra flags found in event: removing] 事件中找到额外旗帜: 正在移除 [First unread event marked wrong: fixing] 标记的第一个未读事件不正确: 正在修复 [Infeasibly large event blob: skipping] 不可能的大型事件内容: 正在跳过 [Event not backlinked correctly: fixing] 事件尚未正确反向链接: 正在修复 [Duplicate event was found: skipping] 已找到重复事件: 正在跳过 [Event position in chain is not correct] 事件链位置不正确 [Event position in chain is not correct: fixing] 事件链位置不正确: 修复中 [Event position in chain is not correct: unable to fix] 事件链位置不正确: 无法修复 [Processing final tasks] 正在处理最后任务 [Database signature is corrupted, automatic repair is impossible] 数据库签名已损坏, 不能进行自动修理 [Database is newly created and has no data to process] 数据库是新建的, 没有需处理资料 [Processing completed successfully] 处理已成功完成 [Can't create map view of file (%u)] 无法建立文件映像查看 (%u) [Processing module name chain] 正在处理模块名称链 [Module chain corrupted, further entries ignored] 模块链已损坏, 后续项目被忽略 [Invalid module name offset, skipping data] 模块名称偏移值无效, 正在跳过资料 [Settings chain corrupted, further entries ignored] 设置链已损坏, 后续项目被忽略 [Infeasibly large settings blob: skipping] 大得不合理的设置内容: 正在跳过 [Empty settings group at %08X: skipping] %08X 有空设置组: 正在跳过 [Processing user data] 正在处理用户资料 [User corrupted, this could cause major problems] 用户已损坏, 这可能会导致重大问题 [More than one user contact: keeping only first] 重复用户联系人: 仅保留第一个