#muuid {8432b009-ff32-4727-aae6-a9035038fd58} ;============================================================ ; File: Facebook.dll ; Plugin: Facebook RM ; Version: ; Authors: Michal Zelinka, Robert Pösel ;============================================================ ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\res\facebook.rc [E-mail:] 邮件: [Password:] 密码: [Create a new Facebook account] 新建 Facebook 账号 [What's on your mind?] 您的想法? [Share] 分享 [Cancel] 取消 [User Details] 用户详细资料 [Text] 文本 [Default] 默认 [News feeds] 新闻订阅 [Client notifications] 客户端通知 [Timeout (sec.)] 超时(秒) [(0 = default, -1 = infinite)] (0 = 默认, -1 = 无限) [Use balloon notifications in system tray instead of popups] 在系统托盘中使用气泡弹出通知 [Advanced Settings] 高级设置 [Force secure (HTTPS) connection] 强制安全 (HTTPS) 连接 [Post Miranda statuses to Wall] 发送 Miranda 状态至涂鸦墙 ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\communication.cpp [Login error, probably bad login credentials.] 登录错误, 可能登录凭据有问题. [Something happened to Facebook. Maybe there was some major update so you should wait for an update.] Facebook 发生一些问题. 可能有一些重大更新, 请等待更新. ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\connection.cpp [Please enter a username.] 请输入用户名. [Please enter a password.] 请输入密码. ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\constants.h ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\contacts.cpp ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\dialogs.cpp [Sample event] 示例事件 [Sample request] 示例请求 [Sample newsfeed] 示例新闻 [Sample notification] 示例通知 ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\json.cpp ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\messages.cpp [You cannot send messages when you are offline.] 当您离线时无法发送消息. ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\process.cpp ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\proto.cpp [Unable to get Netlib connection for Facebook] 无法获取 Facebook Netlib 连接 [News Feed] 新闻订阅 [Other Event] 其它事件 [Network] 网络 [Advanced] 高级 [Popups] 弹出窗口 [Events] 事件 ;file \protocols\FacebookRM\src\theme.cpp [Mind] 想法 [Mind...] 想法...