#muuid {b92282ac-686b-4541-a12d-6e9971a253b7} ;============================================================ ; File: HistoryPP.dll ; Module: History++ ; Version: ; Authors: theMIROn ;============================================================ [Easy, fast and feature complete history viewer.] 简单, 快速且功能完备的历史浏览器. [Voice calls] 语音呼叫 [Voice call] 语音呼叫 [Drop down arrow] 下拉箭头 [Status message changes] 状态消息变更 [&Pseudo-edit] 伪编辑(&P) [Pseudo-edit mode...] 伪编辑模式... [Incoming WATrack notify] 传入 WATrack 通知 [Outgoing WATrack notify] 发送 WATrack 通知 [&Copy Link] 复制链接(&C) [WATrack notify] WATrack 通知 [WATrack: information request] WATrack: 请求信息 [WATrack: %s] WATrack: %s [WATrack: request denied] WATrack: 请求被拒绝 [Imitate IEView API] 模拟 IEView API [Enable raw RTF support] 启用原始 RTF 支持 [Display changed avatars] 显示已变更头像 [Change appearance] 变更外观 [Grid background] 网格背景 [Grid messages] 网格消息 [History Actions] 历史操作 [Advanced search options] 高级搜索选项 [Limit search range] 限制搜索范围 [Search messages from] 搜索消息从 [Text Formatting] 文本格式化 [Limit Search Range] 限制搜索范围 [Customize Filters] 自定义过滤器 [Filter Properties] 过滤器属性 [&Name:] 名称(&N): [Show all except selected events] 显示选择以外事件 [Show only selected events] 只显示已选择事件 [R&eset to Default] 重置为默认值(&E) [New Filter #%d] 新增过滤器 #%d [Incoming & Outgoing] 传入及发送 [Customize Toolbar] 自定义工具栏 [A&vailable buttons:] 可使用按钮: [Buttons on &toolbar:] 工具栏按钮(&T): [&Add >>] 添加(&A) >> [<< &Remove] << 移除(&R) [Event Filters] 事件过滤器 [Event Details] 事件详细信息 [&Reply Quoted] 引用回复(&R) [Event Info] 事件信息 [Date/Time:] 日期/时间: [Copy All] 全部复制 [SMS Message] SMS 消息 [WebPager] 网上传呼 [Other event] 其它事件 [Global History Search] 全局历史搜索 [Search for] 搜索目标 [Advanced Search Options] 高级搜索选项 [Search any word] 搜索任何字词 [Search all words] 搜索所有字词 [Search exact phrase] 搜索完全符合词汇 [Starting up...] 启动中... [No items found] 找不到任何项目 [No items for your current filter] 在您当前过滤器中找不到任何项目 [Full History Log] 完整历史记录 [Partial History Log] 部分历史记录 [History++ export] History++ 导出 [### (generated by history++ plugin)] ### (由 History++ 插件产生) [<h6>Generated by <b>History++</b> Plugin</h6>] <h6>由 <b>History++</b> 插件产生</h6> [Clear Search] 清除搜索 [Sh&ow in context] 在环境显示(&O) [Set &Bookmark] 设置书签(&B) [Rename &Bookmark] 重命名书签(&B) [Copy &Text] 复制文本(&T) [&Save Selected...] 保存选择范围(&S)... [Save History] 保存历史 [%.0n items in %d contacts found. Searched for %.1f sec in %.0n items.] 找到 %.0n 项目于 %d 位联系人. 搜索了 %.1f 秒于 %.0n 个项目. [All Results] 所有结果 [&System History] 系统历史(&S) [System History] 系统历史 [Searching "%s"...] 正在搜索 "%s"... [Searching... Please wait.] 搜索中...请稍候. [Preparing search...] 正在准备搜索... [Searching... %.0n items in %d contacts found] 搜索中... 找到 %.0n 个项目于 %d 位联系人 [Please wait while closing the window...] 正在关闭窗口, 请稍候... [Partial History [%s] - [%s]] 部分历史 [%s] - [%s] [Remove &Bookmark] 移除书签(&B) [Ready to search] 搜索就绪 [Click Search button to start] 请按 "搜索" 按钮开始 [From %s] 从 %s [To %s] 到 %s [HotSearch: %s (F3 to find next)] 热搜索: %s (按 F3 找下一个) [Do you want to continue searching at the beginning?] 您想继续从头开始搜索? [History++ Search] History++ 搜索 [Saving...] 保存中... [Deleting...] 删除中... [Do you really want to delete selected items (%.0f)?] 您真的要删除选定项目 (%.0f)? [Delete Selected] 删除已选项目 [History is empty] 历史为空 [No such items] 没有这样的项目 [Conversations] 对话 [History Search] 搜索历史 [His&tory Search] 历史搜索(&T) [&Open] 打开(&O) [Export as &HTML...] 导出为 HTML(&M)... [Export as &XML...] 导出为 XML(&X)... [Export as &RTF...] 导出为 RTF(&R)... [Export as &mContacts...] 导出为 &mContacts... [Export as &Text...] 导出为文本(&T)... [Empty history...] 清空历史... [Text direction] 文本方向 [ANSI Encoding] ANSI 编码 [Password protection...] 密码保护... [&Customize...] 自定义(&C)... [Save...] 保存... [%.0n items in history] 历史里有 %.0n 个项目 [Full History [%s] - [%s]] 完整历史 [%s] - [%s] [Phrase not found] 找不到词汇 [Continued from the top] 已从顶端继续 [Continued from the bottom] 已从底部继续 [Search: %s (F3 to find next)] 搜索: %s (按 F3 找下一个) [%d event] %d 个事件 [%0.n events (%s)] %0.n 个事件 (%s) [Empty History] 清空历史 [Search Up (Ctrl+Up)] 向上搜索(Ctrl+Up) [Search Down (Ctrl+Down)] 向下搜索(Ctrl+Down) [Remove bookmark] 移除书签 [Remove Bookmark] 移除书签 [Set Bookmark] 设置书签 [Hide headers] 隐藏标题 [Outgoing file transfer: %s] 发送文件传输: %s [Incoming file transfer: %s] 传入文件传输: %s [You were added by %s (%s%d)] 您已被 %s (%s%d) 添加 [Outgoing contacts: %s] 发送联系人: %s [Incoming contacts: %s] 传入联系人: %s [Webpager message from %s (%s): %s] %s (%s) 发出网上传呼消息: %s [Email express from %s (%s): %s] %s (%s) 发出邮件速递: %s [Status change: %s] 状态变更: %s [Authorization request granted by %s (%d): %s] 授权请求被 %s (%d) 准许: %s [Authorization request denied by %s (%d): %s] 授权请求被 %s (%d) 拒绝: %s [User %s (%d) removed himself from your contact list: %s] 用户 %s (%d) 已从您的联系人列表移除自己: %s [Authorization future request by %s (%d): %s] %s (%d) 请求未来授权: %s [Broadcast message from %s (%s): %s] %s (%s) 广播消息: %s [Show all events] 显示所有事件 [Avatar changes] 头像变更 [All except changes] 除变更外 [All except system] 除系统外 [Other events (unknown)] 其它事件 (未知) [Webpager message] 网页传呼消息 [EMail Express message] 邮件速递消息 [Recent events on top] 最近事件放在顶端 [Use RTL by default] 默认使用由右向左 [Change Appearance] 变更外观 [To change fonts you need to install FontService plugin.] 若要变更字体您需要安装 FontService 插件. [FontService is installed. Go to Customize -> Fonts to change settings.] FontService 已安装. 请到 "自定义->字体" 变更设置. [Download FontService plugin] 下载 FontService 插件 [To change icons you need to install IcoLib plugin.] 若要变更图标您需要安装 IcoLib 插件 [IcoLib is installed. Go to Customize -> Icons to change icons.] IcoLib 已经安装. 请到 "自定义->图标" 变更设置. [Download IcoLib plugin] 下载 IcoLib 插件 [More info on these plugins] 更多关于这些插件的信息 [Open event details by Enter] 按 Enter 打开事件详细资料 [Search panel] 搜索面板 [History search] 搜索历史 [Search All Results] 搜索全部结果 [Bookmark enabled] 已启用书签 [Bookmark disabled] 已禁用书签 [Conversation divider] 会谈分隔器 [Conversation icon] 会谈图标 [Conversation summer] 会谈夏季 [Conversation autumn] 会谈秋季 [Conversation winter] 会谈冬季 [Conversation spring] 会谈春季 [Conversation year] 会谈年 [Conversation hide] 会谈隐藏 [Save All] 全部保存 [In-place filter wait] 立即过滤等待 [Search Up] 向上搜索 [Search Down] 向下搜索 [End of page] 页尾 [Clear in-place filter] 清除立即过滤 [Conversation header] 会谈标题 [Divider] 分隔器 [Incoming url] 传入网址 [Outgoing contacts] 发出联系人 [Outgoing file] 发送文件 [Outgoing SMS Message] 发送 SMS 消息 [Outgoing url] 发送网址 [Show sender information] 显示发送者信息 [Show receiver information] 显示接收者信息 [Link URLs] 链接 URL [Appearance options] 外观选项 [Message log options] 消息记录选项 [&Browse Received Files] 浏览已接收文件(&B) [Include custom event type (0-65535)] 包含自定义事件类型 (0-65535) [&Open file folder] 打开文件目录(&O) [&Copy Filename] 复制文件名称(&C) [Limit event types] 限制事件类型 [Search messages matched to] 搜索消息符合 [Limit Event Types] 限制事件类型 [Hide Menu] 隐藏菜单 [&File Actions] 文件操作(&F) [Unknown codepage %u] 未知代码页 %u [User %s (%d) changed ICQ client: %s] 用户 %s (%d) 已变更 ICQ 客户端: %s [Status request by %s (%d):%s] %s (%d) 请求状态: %s [Ignored status request by %s (%d):%s] 已忽略 %s (%d) 状态请求: %s [No "%s" items] 没有 "%s" 项目 [Speak Message] 朗读消息 [Next message] 下一个消息 [&Empty System History] 清空系统历史(&E) [&Empty History] 清空历史(&E) [Do you really want to delete ALL items for this contact?] 您真的确定要删除此联系人 "所有" 项目? [Note: It can take several minutes for large histories] 注意: 历史项目较多时可能需要几分钟 [Empty history of subcontacts also] 同时清空子联系人历史 [Previous message] 上一个消息 [Running version of AniSmiley is not supported] 运行中 AniSmiley 版本尚不支持 [Running version of SmileyAdd is not supported] 运行中 SmileyAdd 版本尚不支持 [Running version of Emoticons is not supported] 运行中 Emoticons 版本尚不支持 [&Delete All] 全部删除(&D) [Incoming Url] 传入网址 [Outgoing Url] 发送网址 [System Message] 系统消息 [Authorization request] 授权请求 [Show events count in menu] 在菜单中显示事件累计 [Group messages] 组消息 [Disable border] 禁用边框 [Disable scroll bar] 禁用滚动条 [History view options] 历史查看选项 [Visit Wiki page for more options] 访问维基网页以获取更多选择 [&Load...] 打开(&L)... [(Unknown Contact)'] (未知联系人)' [Database:] 数据库: [&Reset to Default] 重置为默认值 [Contact history] 联系人历史 [Incoming nick] 传入昵称 [Outgoing nick] 发送昵称 [Incoming contacts] 传入联系人 [System message] 系统消息 [Incoming timestamp] 传入时间戳 [Outgoing timestamp] 发送时间戳 [Open in &new window] 在新窗口中打开(&N) [Select &All] 全选(&C) [Send &Message] 发送消息(&M) [User Details] 用户详细资料 [Enable SmileyAdd support] 启用 SmileyAdd 支持 [Enable MathModule support] 启用 MathModule 支持 [Show event icons] 显示事件图标 [View user's history] 查看用户历史 [View User's History] 查看用户历史 [View &History] 查看历史(&H)