#muuid {73a9615c-7d4e-4555-badb-ee05dc928eff} ;============================================================ ; File: ICQ.dll ; Plugin: IcqOscarJ Protocol ; Version: ; Authors: Joe Kucera, Bio, Martin Öberg, Richard Hughes, Jon Keating, etc. ;============================================================ [ICQ Number:] ICQ 号码: [Password:] 密码: [Create a new ICQ account] 新建 ICQ 账号 [&Send] 发送(&S) [&Cancel] 取消(&C) [Enter ICQ Password] 输入 ICQ 密码 [Enter a password for UIN %d:] 请输入 UIN %d 的密码: [OK] 确定 [Cancel] 取消 [ICQ number:] ICQ 号: [Hint: If you don't enter your password here, Miranda will ask for the password everytime you try to go online.] 提示: 如果您不在此输入密码, Miranda 将在每次上线时询问密码. [Retrieve a lost password or ICQ number] 取回丢失密码或 ICQ 号 [Create a new ICQ account using the ICQ website] 使用 ICQ 网站建立新 ICQ 帐号 [Connection settings] 连接设置 [Port:] 端口: [Default] 默认 [Secure Connection (SSL)] 安全连接 (SSL) [Secure (MD5) login] 安全 (MD5) 登录 [Send 'Keep-alives' (enable this if you use a proxy server and frequently get disconnected)] 发送 '保持连接' (如果您使用代理服务器并频繁断线请启用) [Ignore concurrent error messages] 忽略同时发生的错误消息 [Show connection error messages:] 显示连接错误消息: [ICQ contacts stored on server] ICQ 联系人存储在服务器中 [Manage server's list...] 管理服务器的列表... [Enable server-side contact lists *] 启用服务器端联系人列表 * [Add contacts to the server's list when I add them to mine] 添加联系人时, 也添加至服务器列表中 [Update my contacts' details from the server *] 从服务器更新联系人详细资料 [Update contacts' details on the server's list when I change them in mine] 变更联系人详细资料时, 也更新服务器列表资料 [ICQ avatars] ICQ 头像 [Enable avatar support] 启用头像支持 [Check avatar validity before saving *] 保存头像前先检查有效性 * [Load avatars automatically (like ICQ Lite)] 自动加载头像 (类似 ICQ Lite) [You will need to reconnect to the ICQ network for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.] 您需要重新连接至 ICQ 网络才能让本页所作变更生效. [You cannot enable/disable the server-side contact list while you are connected to the ICQ network.] 当您连接至 ICQ 网络时, 无法启用/禁用服务器端联系人列表. [Note: The options marked with an asterisk have important side-effects or caveats that may not be initially apparent documented in the help.] 注意: 以星号标记选项具有严重的副作用, 可能最初在帮助中未明确说明. [Messaging] 通信 [Enable unicode messaging support] 启用 Unicode 通信支持 [Send all messages in unicode if possible] 如果可能的话以 Unicode 发送所有消息 [Use this codepage for Ansi <-> Unicode translation:] 使用此代码页做 Ansi <-> Unicode 转换: [Make me temporarily visible to contacts I send message to] 让我暂时可见发送消息联系人 [Notify me when a message delivery has failed (recommended)] 消息递送失败时通知我 (推荐) [Peer-to-peer Messaging] P2P 通信 [Enable peer-to-peer message connections] 启用 P2P 消息连接 [Passive mode, i.e. do not initiate new connections] 被动模式, 即不发起新连接 [Extra Features] 额外功能 [Enable Custom status support for xtraz] 启用 xtraz 自定义状态支持 [Enable Custom status support for moods] 启用自定义情绪状态支持 [Reset Custom status on status change] 状态变更时重置自定义状态 [Auto-retrieve Custom status details] 自动获取自定义状态详细信息 [Block known Spam Bots] 封锁已知的滥发机器 [Enable AIM contacts support] 启用 AIM 联系人支持 [Direct connections] 直接连接 [Allowing direct connections will expose your IP address but may be necessary for some ICQ features to work properly.] 允许直接连接将暴露您的 IP 地址, 但要使某些 ICQ 功能正常, 必须如此. [Allow direct connections with any user] 允许与任何用户直接连接 [Allow direct connections with users on my contact list] 允许与我方联系人清单中用户直接连接 [Allow direct connections only when I authorize or initiate them] 仅由我授权或发起时才允许直接连接 [Contact List Authorization] 联系人列表授权 [All users may add me to their Contact List] 所有用户都可将我加至他们的联系人列表中 [I want to be asked when someone wants to add me to their Contact List] 任何人想将我加至他们的联系人列表时询问我 [Misc Settings] 杂项设置 [Allow others to view my Online / Offline status from the web (Web Aware)] 允许其他人查看我的在线/离线状态 (网上意识) [Allow others to view my primary e-mail address] 允许其他人查看我的主邮箱地址 [Only reply to status message requests from users on my contact list] 仅答复我方联系人列表中用户状态消息请求 [Only reply to status message request from visible contacts] 仅答复可见联系人的状态消息请求 [Some options are grayed out because they can only be changed when you are online.] 一些选项已被禁用, 因为它们只能在您在线时才能变更. [Options] 选项 [Enable popup support] 启用弹出窗口支持 [Display popup when spambot is detected] 检测出滥发机器时显示弹出窗口 [Look && Feel] 外观及感觉 [Text Color] 文本颜色 [Error] 错误 [Fatal] 严重错误 [Spam detected] 检测出滥发机器 [&Use Windows colors] 使用 Windows 颜色 [Use system &icons] 使用系统图标(&I) [Use default colors] 使用默认颜色 [External IP:] 外部 IP: [Protocol Version:] 协议版本: [User Client:] 用户客户端: [System up since:] 开机时间: [Idle since:] 闲置时间: [Summary] 总结 [Nickname:] 昵称: [First name:] 名字: [Last name:] 姓氏: [E-mail:] 邮件: [Gender:] 性别: [Age:] 年龄: [Marital status:] 婚姻状况: [Keywords:] 关键字: [Work] 工作 [Company:] 公司: [Department:] 部门: [Position:] 职务: [Organization:] 组织: [Location] 位置 [Country:] 国家: [State:] 州: [City:] 城市: [Background info] 背景资料 [Interests] 兴趣 [Category:] 分类: [Homepage] 主页 [Other] 其它 [Manage ICQ Server Contacts] 管理 ICQ 服务器联系人 [Select contacts to store:] 请选择要保存的联系人 [Synchronize] 同步 [Closing in %d] %d 秒关闭 [Retrieving custom status details...] 正在获取自定义状态详细资料... [Confirm Password Change] 确认密码变更 [Please re-type your new password:] 请重新输入您的新密码: [Enter your current password:] 请输入您的当前密码: [Unable to connect to migrated ICQ communication server] 无法连接至迁移 ICQ 通讯服务器 [Unable to connect to ICQ communication server] 无法连接至 ICQ 通讯服务器 [You could not sign on because the server returned invalid data. Try again.] 您无法登录, 因为服务器返回无效. 请重试. [You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because the current server shut down.] 您已从 ICQ 网络中离线, 因为当前服务器关机. [Connection failed.\nYour ICQ number or password was rejected (%d).] 连接失败. \n您的 ICQ 号码或密码被拒绝 (%d). [Connection failed.\nThe server is temporarily unavailable (%d).] 连接失败. \n服务器暂时无法使用 (%d). [Connection failed.\nServer has too many connections from your IP (%d).] 连接失败. \n服务器已有过多您的 IP 连接 (%d). [Connection failed.\nYou have connected too quickly,\nplease wait and retry 10 to 20 minutes later (%d).] 连接失败. \n您的连接过于频繁, \n请稍候, 10 至 20 分钟后再重试 (%d). [Connection failed.\nThe server did not accept this client version.] 连接失败. \n服务器不接受此客户端版本. [The server sent warning, this version is getting old.\nTry to look for a new one.] 服务器已发送警告, 此版本过旧. \n请尝试更新. [Connection failed.\nYou were rejected by the server for an unknown reason.\nThis can happen if the UIN is already connected.] 连接失败. \n您由于未知原因被服务器拒绝. 这可能在 UIN 已连接情况下发生. [Connection failed.\nSecure (MD5) login is not supported on this account.] 连接失败. \n此帐号不支持安全 (MD5) 登录. [Connection failed.\nUnknown error during sign on: 0x%02x] 连接失败. \n登录时发生未知错误: 0x%02x [You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because you logged on from another location using the same ICQ number.] 您已从 ICQ 网络上断开连接, 因为您已从其它位置使用相同 ICQ 号码登录. [Unknown runtime error: 0x%02x] 未知运行时间错误: 0x%02x [A server migration has failed because the server returned invalid data. You must reconnect manually.] 一项服务器迁移已失败, 因为服务器返回无效. 您必须手动重连. [Failed to request offline messages. They may be received next time you log in.] 无法请求离线消息. 他们可能在您下次登录时会接收. [Spambot Detected] 检测出滥发机器 [Contact deleted & further events blocked.] 联系人已被清除, 相关事件封锁. [Incoming URL:] 传入网址: [You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x02] 您的发送速度过快. 请稍后继续. \r\nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x02 [You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x03] 您的发送速度过快. 请稍后继续. \r\nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x03 [The contact does not support receiving offline messages.] 该联系人不支持接收离线消息. [The user has logged off. Select 'Retry' to send an offline message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x04] 用户已注销. 请选择 '重试' 发送离线消息. \r\nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x04 [The messaging service is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x05] 通信服务暂时无法使用. 请稍后重试. \r\nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x05 [The receiving client does not support this type of message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x09] 接收客户端不支持此类型消息. \r\nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x09 [You sent too long message. The receiving client does not support it.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0A] 您的发送消息过长. 接收客户端不支持. \r\nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x0A [The SNAC format was rejected by the server.\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0E] SNAC 格式已被服务器拒绝. \nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x0E [The user is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x13] 用户暂时无法使用. 请稍后重试. \r\nSNAC(4.1) 错误 x13 [SNAC(4.1) SENDMSG Error (x%02x)] SNAC(4.1) SENDMSG 错误 (x%02x) [Contact "%s" has closed the message window.] 联系人 "%s" 已关闭消息窗口. [ICQ Note] ICQ 提示 [Server contact list is unavailable, Miranda will use local contact list.] 无法使用服务器联系人列表, Miranda 将使用本地联系人列表. [Updating of server contact failed.] 更新服务器联系人失败. [Adding of privacy item to server list failed.] 添加私有项目至服务器列表失败. [Removing of privacy item from server list failed.] 从服务器列表移除私有项目失败. [Adding of contact to server list failed.] 添加联系人至服务器列表失败. [Adding of group to server list failed.] 添加群组至服务器列表失败. [Removing of contact from server list failed.] 从服务器列表移除联系人失败. [Updating of group on server list failed.] 更新服务器列表联系人失败. [Removing of group from server list failed.] 从服务器列表移除群组失败. [Moving of user to another group on server list failed.] 移动用户至服务器列表其它群组失败. [Renaming of server group failed.] 重命名服务器群组失败. [Contact "%s" was authorized in the server list.] 联系人 "%s" 已被授权加入服务器列表. [Contact "%s" lost its authorization in the server list.] 联系人 "%s" 已丢失服务器列表授权. [User "%s" was removed from server list.] 用户 "%s" 已从服务器列表移除 [Secure login failed.\nInvalid server response.] 安全登录失败. \n服务器响应无效. [Secure login failed.\nInvalid key length.] 安全登录失败. \n密钥长度无效. [Are you sure you want to revoke user's authorization?\nThis will remove you from his/her list on some clients.] 您确定要撤销用户的授权 (某些客户端会将您从他/她的列表中移除)? [** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was invalid.] ** 此消息已被 ICQ 服务器封锁 ** 消息无效. [** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was too long.] ** 此消息已被 ICQ 服务器封锁 ** 消息过长. [** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The sender has flooded the server.] ** 此消息已被 ICQ 服务器封锁 ** 发送人阻塞服务器. [** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** You are too evil.] ** 此消息已被 ICQ 服务器封锁 ** 你也太恶毒了. [** Unknown missed message event.] ** 未知失误消息事件. [Error uploading avatar to server, server temporarily unavailable.] 上传头像至服务器发生错误, 服务器暂时无效使用. [Error uploading avatar to server, server refused to accept the image.] 上传头像至服务器发生错误, 服务器拒绝接受图片. [Afghanistan] 阿富汗 [Albania] 阿尔巴尼亚 [Algeria] 阿尔及利亚 [Andorra] 安道尔共和国 [Angola] 安哥拉 [Anguilla] 安圭拉岛 [Antigua and Barbuda] 安提瓜和巴布达 [Argentina] 阿根廷 [Armenia] 亚美尼亚 [Aruba] 阿鲁巴岛 [Ascension Island] 亚森松岛 [Australia] 澳大利亚 [Australia, Antarctic Territory] 澳大利亚, 南极领地 [Australia, Christmas Island] 澳大利亚, 圣诞岛 [Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands] 澳大利亚, 科科斯 (基林) 群岛 [Australia, Norfolk Island] 澳大利亚, 诺福克岛 [Austria] 奥地利 [Azerbaijan] 阿塞拜疆 [Bahamas] 巴哈马群岛 [Bahrain] 巴林岛 [Bangladesh] 孟加拉国 [Barbados] 巴巴多斯 [Belarus] 白俄罗斯 [Belgium] 比利时 [Belize] 伯利兹 [Benin] 贝宁 [Bermuda] 百慕大群岛 [Bhutan] 不丹 [Bolivia] 玻利维亚 [Bosnia and Herzegovina] 波斯尼亚及黑塞哥维那 [Botswana] 博茨瓦纳 [Brazil] 巴西 [British Virgin Islands] 英属维京群岛 [Brunei] 文莱 [Bulgaria] 保加利亚 [Burkina Faso] 布基纳法索 [Burundi] 布隆迪 [Cambodia] 柬埔寨 [Cameroon] 喀麦隆 [Canada] 加拿大 [Canary Islands] 加那利群岛 [Cape Verde] 佛得角群岛 [Cayman Islands] 开曼群岛 [Central African Republic] 中非共和国 [Chad] 乍得 [Chile] 智利共和国 [China] 中国 [Colombia] 哥伦比亚 [Comoros] 科摩罗 [Congo, Democratic Republic of the] 刚果民主共和国 [Congo, Republic of the] 刚果共和国 [Cook Islands] 库克群岛 [Costa Rica] 哥斯达黎加 [Cote d'Ivoire] 科特迪瓦 [Croatia] 克罗地亚 [Cuba] 古巴 [Greek, Republic of South Cyprus] 希腊, 南塞浦路斯共和国 [Czech Republic] 捷克共和国 [Denmark] 丹麦 [Diego Garcia] 迪戈加西亚岛 [Djibouti] 吉布提 [Dominica] 多米尼加 [Dominican Republic] 多米尼加共和国 [Ecuador] 厄瓜多尔 [Egypt] 埃及 [El Salvador] 萨尔瓦多 [Equatorial Guinea] 赤道几内亚 [Eritrea] 厄立特里亚 [Estonia] 爱沙尼亚 [Ethiopia] 埃塞俄比亚 [Europe] 欧洲 [Faroe Islands] 法罗群岛 [Falkland Islands] 福克兰群岛 [Fiji] 斐济 [Finland] 芬兰 [France] 法国 [French Antilles] 法属安的列斯群岛 [French Guiana] 法属圭亚那 [French Polynesia] 法属玻里尼西亚 [Gabon] 加蓬 [Gambia] 冈比亚 [Georgia] 美国乔治亚州 [Germany] 德国 [Ghana] 加纳 [Gibraltar] 直布罗陀 [Greece] 希腊 [Greenland] 格陵兰 [Grenada] 格林纳达 [Guadeloupe] 瓜德罗普 [Guam, US Territory of] 美国领土关岛 [Guatemala] 危地马拉 [Guinea] 几内亚 [Guinea-Bissau] 几内亚比绍 [Guyana] 圭亚那 [Haiti] 海地 [Honduras] 洪都拉斯 [Hong Kong] 香港 [Hungary] 匈牙利 [Iceland] 冰岛 [India] 印度 [Indonesia] 印度尼西亚 [Iran] 伊朗 [Iraq] 伊拉克 [Ireland] 爱尔兰 [Israel] 以色列 [Italy] 意大利 [Jamaica] 牙买加 [Japan] 日本 [Jordan] 约旦 [Kazakhstan] 哈萨克 [Kenya] 肯尼亚 [Kiribati] 基里巴斯 [Korea, North] 北韩 [Korea, South] 南韩 [Kuwait] 科威特 [Kyrgyzstan] 吉尔吉斯斯坦 [Laos] 老挝 [Latvia] 拉脱维亚 [Lebanon] 黎巴嫩 [Lesotho] 莱索托 [Liberia] 利比里亚 [Libya] 阿拉伯利比亚 [Liechtenstein] 列支敦士登 [Lithuania] 立陶宛 [Luxembourg] 卢森堡 [Macau] 澳门 [Macedonia, Republic of] 马其顿共和国 [Madagascar] 马达加斯加 [Malawi] 马拉维 [Malaysia] 马来西亚 [Maldives] 马尔代夫 [Mali] 马里 [Malta] 马耳他 [Marshall Islands] 马绍尔群岛 [Martinique] 马提尼克岛 [Mauritania] 毛里塔尼亚 [Mauritius] 毛里求斯 [Mayotte] 马约特岛 [Mexico] 墨西哥 [Micronesia, Federated States of] 密克罗西尼亚联邦国 [Moldova] 摩尔多瓦共和国 [Monaco] 摩纳哥 [Mongolia] 蒙古 [Montserrat] 蒙特塞拉特岛 [Morocco] 摩洛哥 [Mozambique] 莫桑比克 [Myanmar] 缅甸 [Namibia] 纳米比亚 [Nauru] 瑙鲁 [Nepal] 尼泊尔 [Netherlands] 荷兰 [Netherlands Antilles] 荷兰安的列斯群岛 [St. Maarten] 圣马丁 [Curacao] 库拉索岛 [Netherlands (Bonaire Island)] 荷兰 (博内尔岛) [Netherlands (Saba Island)] 荷兰 (萨巴岛) [Netherlands (St. Eustatius Island)] 荷兰 (圣尤斯特歇斯岛) [New Caledonia] 新喀里多尼亚 [New Zealand] 新西兰 [Nicaragua] 尼加拉瓜 [Niger] 尼日尔 [Nigeria] 尼日利亚 [Niue] 纽埃岛 [Northern Mariana Islands, US Territory of] 北马里亚纳群岛, 美属 [Norway] 挪威 [Oman] 阿曼 [Pakistan] 巴基斯坦 [Palau] 帕劳群岛 [Panama] 巴拿马 [Papua New Guinea] 巴布亚新几内亚 [Paraguay] 巴拉圭 [Peru] 秘鲁 [Philippines] 菲律宾 [Poland] 波兰 [Portugal] 葡萄牙 [Puerto Rico] 波多黎各 [Qatar] 卡塔尔 [Reunion] 留尼旺岛 [Romania] 罗马尼亚 [Russia] 俄罗斯 [Rwanda] 卢旺达 [Samoa (USA)] 萨摩亚 (美国) [Samoa, Western] 萨摩亚, 西部 [Saint Helena] 圣赫勒拿岛 [Saint Kitts and Nevis] 圣克里斯托弗及尼维斯 [Saint Lucia] 圣卢西亚 [Saint Pierre and Miquelon] 圣皮埃尔及密克隆 [Saint Vincent and the Grenadines] 圣文森特及格林纳丁斯 [San Marino] 圣马力诺 [Sao Tome and Principe] 圣多美和普林西比 [Saudi Arabia] 沙特阿拉伯 [Scotland] 苏格兰 [Senegal] 塞内加尔 [Seychelles] 塞舌尔 [Sierra Leone] 塞拉利昂 [Singapore] 新加坡 [Slovakia] 斯洛伐克 [Slovenia] 斯洛维尼亚 [Solomon Islands] 所罗门群岛 [Somalia] 索马里 [South Africa] 南非 [Spain] 西班牙 [Spain, Canary Islands] 西班牙, 加那利群岛 [Sri Lanka] 斯里兰卡 [Sudan] 苏丹 [Suriname] 苏里南 [Swaziland] 斯威士兰 [Sweden] 瑞典 [Switzerland] 瑞士 [Syria] 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 [Taiwan] 台湾 [Tajikistan] 塔吉克斯坦 [Tanzania] 坦桑尼亚 [Thailand] 泰国 [Timor, East] 东帝汶, 东 [Togo] 多哥 [Tokelau] 托客劳群岛 [Tonga] 汤加 [Trinidad and Tobago] 特立尼达和多巴哥 [Tunisia] 突尼斯 [Turkey] 土耳其 [Turkey, Republic of Northern Cyprus] 土耳其, 北塞浦路斯共和国 [Turkmenistan] 土库曼斯坦 [Turks and Caicos Islands] 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 [Tuvalu] 图瓦卢 [Uganda] 乌干达 [Ukraine] 乌克兰 [United Arab Emirates] 阿拉伯联合酋长国 [United Kingdom] 英国 [Uruguay] 乌拉圭 [USA] 美国 [Uzbekistan] 乌兹别克斯坦 [Vanuatu] 瓦努阿图 [Vatican City] 梵蒂冈城 [Venezuela] 委内瑞拉 [Vietnam] 越南 [Virgin Islands (UK)] 维尔京群岛 (英国) [Virgin Islands (USA)] 维尔京群岛 (美国) [Wales] 威尔士 [Wallis and Futuna] 瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛 [Yemen] 也门 [Yugoslavia] 南斯拉夫 [Serbia] 塞尔维亚共和国 [Kosovo, Republic of] 科索沃共和国 [Montenegro] 黑山共和国 [Zambia] 赞比亚 [Zimbabwe] 津巴布韦 [Audio and Visual] 音频和视频 [Business] 商业 [Business Services] 商业服务 [Culture] 文化 [Ecology] 生态学 [Finance and Corporate] 金融与企业 [Health and Beauty] 健康及美容 [Home Automation] 家庭自动化 [Household Products] 家居用品 [ICQ - Help] ICQ - 帮助 [Mail Order Catalog] 邮购目录 [Movies and TV] 电影和电视 [News and Media] 新闻和媒体 [Outdoors] 户外活动 [Pets and Animals] 宠物和动物 [Retail Stores] 零售商店 [Science] 科技 [Sporting and Athletic] 体育与竞技 [Past Work Place] 以往工作地点 [Past Organization] 以往机构 [Female] 女 [Male] 男 [Associated degree] 相关程度 [Bachelor's degree] 学士学位 [Elementary] 小学 [High-school] 高中 [Master's degree] 硕士学位 [PhD] 博士 [Postdoctoral] 博士后 [University / College] 大学 / 学院 [Agriculture] 农业 [Arts] 艺术 [Construction] 建设 [Consumer Goods] 消费品 [Corporate Services] 企业服务 [Finance] 财经 [High Tech] 高科技 [Legal] 法律 [Medical & Health Care] 医疗及健康护理 [Non-Profit Organization Management] 非营利组织 [Recreation, Travel & Entertainment] 休闲, 旅游及娱乐 [Service Industry] 服务产业 [Transportation] 运输 [60-above] 60 岁以上 [Open relationship] 开放关系 [Your file transfer has been aborted because one of the files that you selected to send is no longer readable from the disk. You may have deleted or moved it.] 您的文件传输被中断, 因为选定文件之一无法从磁盘读取. 可能已被删除或移走. [Your file receive has been aborted because Miranda could not open the destination file in order to write to it. You may be trying to save to a read-only folder.] 您的文件接收被中断, 因为 Miranda 无法写入目标文件. 您可能正尝试保存至只读文件夹. [Request authorization] 要求授权 [Grant authorization] 准许授权 [Revoke authorization] 撤销授权 [Add to server list] 加至服务器列表 [Show custom status details] 显示自定义状态详细资料 [Display all problems] 显示所有问题 [Display problems causing possible loss of data] 显示可能导致丢失资料的问题 [Display explanations for disconnection] 显示断线原因 [Display problems requiring user intervention] 显示需要用户介入的问题 [Do not display any problems (not recommended)] 不要显示任何问题 (不推荐) [System default codepage] 系统默认代码页 [Network] 网络 [Contacts] 联系人 [Popups] 弹出窗口 [Sample Note] 范例通告 [Sample Warning] 范例警告 [Sample Error] 范例错误 [Sample Fatal] 范例严重错误 [Sample Spambot] 范例滥发机器 [Unable to connect to ICQ login server, SSL could not be negotiated] 无法连接至 ICQ 登录服务器, SSL 无法通过 [Unable to connect to ICQ login server] 无法连接至 ICQ 登录服务器 [Miranda was unable to allocate a port to listen for direct peer-to-peer connections between clients. You will be able to use most of the ICQ network without problems but you may be unable to send or receive files.\n\nIf you have a firewall this may be blocking Miranda, in which case you should configure your firewall to leave some ports open and tell Miranda which ports to use in M->Options->ICQ->Network.] Miranda 无法分配端口以监听客户端之间直接 P2P 连接. 您可使用大部分 ICQ 网络功能, 但可能无法发送或接收文件. \n\n如果您装有防火墙, 可能会封锁 Miranda, 在此情况下您应该设置防火墙保持某些端口开放, 并在 菜单->选项->ICQ->网络里设定 Miranda 使用端口. [Connection failed.\nLogin sequence failed for unknown reason.\nTry again later.] 连接失败. \n登录顺序未知原因失败. \n请稍后再试. [Your connection with the ICQ server was abortively closed] 您与 ICQ 服务器连接已被放弃性关闭 [The contact's information was too big and was truncated.] 联系人信息过大, 已被截短. [NOT FOUND] 找不到 [ALREADY EXISTS] 已存在 [INVALID DATA] 资料无效 [LIST FULL] 列表已满 [FAILED] 已失败 [Select contacts you want to store on server.] 请选择您想保存至服务器的联系人. [Ready...] 准备就绪... [Server rate warning -> slowing down the process.] 服务器速率警告 -> 正在减慢处理. [Adding group "%s"...] 正在加入群组 "%s"... [Uploading %s...] 正在上传 %s... [No upload group available] 无可用上传群组 [Deleting %s...] 正在删除 %s... [Moving %s to group "%s"...] 正在移动 %s 至 "%s" 群组... [Adding %s to visible list...] 正在添加 %s 至可见列表... [Adding %s to invisible list...] 正在添加 %s 至隐身列表... [Deleting %s from visible list...] 正从可见列表删除 %s... [Deleting %s from invisible list...] 正从隐身列表删除 %s... [Cleaning groups] 正在清理群组 [Updating group "%s"...] 正在更新群组 "%s"... [Deleting group "%s"...] 正在删除群组 "%s"... [All operations complete] 所有操作已完成 [Close] 关闭 [You have to be online to sychronize the server-list!] 您需要在线才能同步服务器列表! [** All contacts **] ** 所有联系人 ** [Taking a bath] 正在洗澡 [Drinking beer] 正在喝啤酒 [Thinking] 思考中 [Watching TV] 正在看电视 [Shooting] 拍摄中 [Having fun] 玩乐中 [On the phone] 接听电话 [Gaming] 正在游乐 [Studying] 正在学习 [Shopping] 购物中 [Feeling sick] 身体不适 [Surfing] 沖浪中 [Typing] 键入中 [Picnic] 野餐 [I'm high] 情绪高涨 [To be or not to be] 生存还是毁灭 [Watching pro7 on TV] 正在看电视 pro7 [Monkey] 猴 [Dog] 狗 [Free for Chat] 有空聊天 [Playing] 播放 [Writing] 写入 [%s Custom Status] %s 自定义状态 [None] 无 [Custom Status] 自定义状态 [Greeting card:] 贺年卡: [ICQ XStatus] ICQ 扩展状态 [ICQ Warning] ICQ 警告 [ICQ Error] ICQ 错误 [ICQ Fatal] ICQ 严重错误 [The server did not respond to the connection attempt within a reasonable time, it may be temporarily down. Try again later.] 服务器在规定时间内无应答, 可能暂时停机. 请稍后再试. [Miranda was unable to resolve the name of a server to its numeric address. This is most likely caused by a catastrophic loss of your network connection (for example, your modem has disconnected), but if you are behind a proxy, you may need to use the 'Resolve hostnames through proxy' option in M->Options->Network.] Miranda 无法解析服务器名为数字地址. 通常可能是由于突然丢失网络连接导致 (例如, 您的调制解调器已断线), 如果您使用代理服务器, 您可能需要使用 "菜单->选项->网络->通过代理服务器解析主机名" 选项. [Your proxy rejected the user name and password that you provided. Please check them in M->Options->Network.] 代理服务器已拒绝您所提供的用户名和密码. 请在 "菜单->选项->网络" 中检查设置. [The server to which you are trying to connect does not exist. Check your spelling in M->Options->Network->ICQ.] 您尝试连接的服务器不存在. 请在 "菜单->选项->网络->ICQ" 中检查您的拼写. [error] 错误 [%d Files] %d 个文件 [The file transfer was aborted by the other user.] 文件传输已被其他用户取消. [The file transfer failed: Proxy error] 文件传输已失败: 代理服务器错误 [The file transfer failed: Invalid request] 文件传输已失败: 请求无效 [The file transfer failed: Proxy unavailable] 文件传输已失败: 代理服务器无法使用 [Failed to Initialize File Transfer. No valid files were specified.] 无法初始化文件传输. 尚未指定有效的文件. [Failed to Initialize File Transfer. Unable to bind local port and File proxy unavailable.] 无法初始化文件传输. 无法对应本地端口且文件代理服务器也无法使用. [Connection lost during file transfer.] 文件传输时丢失连接. [File transfer negotiation failed for unknown reason.] 文件传输交涉失败, 原因未知. [The checksum of file "%s" does not match, the file is probably damaged.] 文件 "%s" 校验值不符, 文件可能已损坏. [<invalid>] <无效> [GMT-12:00 Eniwetok; Kwajalein] GMT-12:00 埃尼威托克; 夸贾林环礁 [GMT-11:00 Midway Island; Samoa] GMT-11:00 中途岛; 萨摩亚 [GMT-10:00 Hawaii] GMT-10:00 夏威夷 [GMT-9:00 Alaska] GMT-9:00 阿拉斯加 [GMT-8:00 Pacific Time; Tijuana] GMT-8:00 美国西部标准时间; 提华纳 [GMT-7:00 Arizona; Mountain Time] GMT-7:00 亚利桑那; 山地标准时间 [GMT-6:00 Central Time; Central America; Saskatchewan] GMT-6:00 中部时间; 中美洲; 萨斯喀彻温 [GMT-5:00 Eastern Time; Bogota; Lima; Quito] GMT-5:00 东部时间; 波哥大; 利马; 基多 [GMT-4:00 Atlantic Time; Santiago; Caracas; La Paz] GMT-4:00 大西洋时间; 圣地亚哥; 加拉加斯; 拉巴斯 [GMT-3:30 Newfoundland] GMT-3:30 纽芬兰 [GMT-3:00 Greenland; Buenos Aires; Georgetown] GMT-3:00 格林兰岛; 布宜诺斯艾利斯; 乔治敦 [GMT-2:00 Mid-Atlantic] GMT-2:00 大西洋中部 [GMT-1:00 Cape Verde Islands; Azores] GMT-1:00 佛得角群岛; 亚速尔群岛 [GMT+0:00 London; Dublin; Edinburgh; Lisbon; Casablanca] GMT+0:00 伦敦; 都柏林; 爱丁堡; 里斯本; 卡萨布兰卡 [GMT+1:00 Central European Time; West Central Africa; Warsaw] GMT+1:00 中央标准时间; 中西非; 华沙 [GMT+2:00 Jerusalem; Helsinki; Harare; Cairo; Bucharest; Athens] GMT+2:00 耶路撒冷; 赫尔辛基; 哈拉雷; 开罗; 布加勒斯特; 雅典 [GMT+3:00 Moscow; St. Petersburg; Nairobi; Kuwait; Baghdad] GMT+3:00 莫斯科; 圣彼德堡; 奈洛比; 科威特; 巴格达 [GMT+3:30 Tehran] GMT+3:00 德黑兰 [GMT+4:00 Baku; Tbilisi; Yerevan; Abu Dhabi; Muscat] GMT+4:00 巴库; 第比利斯; 埃里温; 阿布扎比; 马斯咯特 [GMT+4:30 Kabul] GMT+4:30 喀布尔 [GMT+5:00 Calcutta; Chennai; Mumbai; New Delhi; Ekaterinburg] GMT+5:00 加尔各答; 森奈; 孟买; 新德里; 叶卡捷林堡 [GMT+6:00 Astana; Dhaka; Almaty; Novosibirsk; Sri Jayawardenepura] GMT+6:00 阿斯塔纳; 达卡; 阿拉木图; 新西伯利亚; 斯里加亚渥登普拉 [GMT+6:30 Rangoon] GMT+6:30 仰光 [GMT+7:00 Bankok; Hanoi; Jakarta; Krasnoyarsk] GMT+7:00 曼谷; 河内; 雅加达; 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 [GMT+8:00 Perth; Taipei; Singapore; Hong Kong; Beijing] GMT+8:00 佩斯; 台北; 新加坡; 香港; 北京 [GMT+9:00 Tokyo; Osaka; Seoul; Sapporo; Yakutsk] GMT+9:00 东京; 大阪; 汉城; 札幌; 雅库茨克 [GMT+9:30 Darwin; Adelaide] GMT+9:30 达尔文; 阿德莱德 [GMT+10:00 East Australia; Guam; Vladivostok] GMT+10:00 澳大利亚东部; 关岛; 符拉迪沃斯托克 [GMT+11:00 Magadan; Solomon Is.; New Caledonia] GMT+11:00 马加丹; 所罗门群岛; 新喀里多尼亚 [GMT+12:00 Auckland; Wellington; Fiji; Kamchatka; Marshall Is.] GMT+12:00 奥克兰; 惠灵顿; 斐济; 堪察加半岛; 马绍尔群岛 [Personal] 个人 [Nickname] 昵称 [First name] 名字 [Last name] 姓氏 [Gender] 性别 [About] 关于 [Contact] 联络方式 [Street] 街道 [City] 城市 [State] 州 [ZIP/postcode] ZIP/邮政编码 [Country] 国家 [Phone number] 电话号码 [Fax number] 传真号码 [Cellular number] 手机号码 [Personal Detail] 个人资料 [Year of birth] 出生年份 [Month of birth] 出生月份 [Day of birth] 出生日期 [Marital Status] 婚姻状况 [Spoken language 1] 口语 1 [Spoken language 2] 口语 2 [Spoken language 3] 口语 3 [Originally from] 原籍 [Level] 等级 [Institute] 学院 [Degree] 学位 [Graduation Year] 毕业年份 [Company name] 公司名称 [Company homepage] 公司主页 [Company street] 公司街道 [Company city] 公司城市 [Company state] 公司州/县 [Company phone] 公司电话 [Company fax] 公司传真 [Company ZIP/postcode] 公司 ZIP/邮政编码 [Company country] 公司国家 [Company department] 公司部门 [Company position] 公司职位 [Company industry] 公司企业 [Personal Interests] 个人兴趣 [Interest category 1] 兴趣种类 1 [Interest areas 1] 兴趣领域1 [Interest category 2] 兴趣种类 2 [Interest areas 2] 兴趣领域 2 [Interest category 3] 兴趣种类 3 [Interest areas 3] 兴趣领域 3 [Interest category 4] 兴趣种类 4 [Interest areas 4] 兴趣领域 4 [The password does not match your current password. Check Caps Lock and try again.] 您所输入的密码与当前密码不符. 请检查 Caps Lock, 再试一次. [Change ICQ Details] 变更 ICQ 详细资料 [The password does not match the password you originally entered. Check Caps Lock and try again.] 您所输入的密码与原密码不符. 请检查 Caps Lock, 再试一次. [The ICQ server does not support passwords longer than 8 characters. Please use a shorter password.] ICQ 服务器不支持大于 8 个字符密码. 请使用较短的密码. [<unremovable once applied>] <应用后无法移除> [Unknown value] 未知值 [You've made some changes to your ICQ details but it has not been saved to the server. Are you sure you want to close this dialog?] 您已在 ICQ 详细资料中做出一些改动, 但尚未保存至服务器. 您确定要关闭此对话框? [Upload in progress...] 上传进行中... [Upload in progress...%d%%] 上传进行中...%d%% [Upload complete] 上传完成 [Upload FAILED] 上传失败 [You are not currently connected to the ICQ network. You must be online in order to update your information on the server.] 您尚未连接至 ICQ 网络. 必须上线后才能更新您在服务器上的资料 [Enter a password for UIN %u:] 请输入 UIN %u 密码: [ (DC Established)] (已建立 DC) [ScreenName:] 显示名: [<not specified>] <未指定> [Member since:] 会员加入日期: [%s Details] %s 详细资料