#muuid {4c4a27cf-5e64-4242-a332-b98b08243e89} ;============================================================ ; File: MetaContacts.dll ; Plugin: MetaContacts ; Version: ; Authors: J. Schaal & S. Ellis ;============================================================ ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\res\MetaContacts.rc [Add to Existing MetaContact] 加至已存在中继联系人 [Please select a MetaContact:] 请选择一位中继联系人: [&OK] 确定(&O) [&Cancel] 取消(&C) [Sort Alphabetically] 按字母顺序排序 [Editing] 编辑 [Name:] 名称: [Information] 信息 [Contacts] 联系人 [&Apply] 应用(&A) [&Set as Default] 设为默认值(&S) [Move &Up] 上移(&U) [Move &Down] 下移(&D) [Force use of default for sending (even if offline)] 发送时强制使用默认值 (即使离线) [Send &Offline] 离线发送(&O) [Set default contact on receipt of message] 接收消息时设置默认联系人 [Always send to default contact if not offline] 非离线则永远发送给默认联系人 [Options] 选项 [Suppress status notification for subcontacts] 阻止子联系人状态通知 [Context Menu] 环境菜单 [Use contact's unique id] 使用联系人独有 ID [Use contact's display name] 使用联系人显示名称 [Contact Labels] 联系人标签 [Function] 功能 [Set default and open message window] 设为默认值并打开消息窗口 [Show subcontact context menu] 显示子联系人环境菜单 [Show user information] 使用用户信息 [Contact List] 联系人列表 [Display subcontact nickname] 显示子联系人昵称 [Display subcontact display name] 显示子联系人显示名称 [Use subcontact message windows] 使用子联系人消息窗口 [Copy subcontact data] 复制子联系人资料 [Lock name to first contact] 锁定名称至首位联系人 [but only for the current conversation] 但仅为当前对话 [History Copy] 复制历史 [Please wait while the contact's history is copied.] 正在复制联系人历史, 请稍候. [History Remove] 移除历史 [Please wait while the contact's history is removed.] 正在移除联系人历史, 请稍候. [Subcontact Priorities] 子联系人优先级 [Rank:] 排名: [Default] 默认 [(Lower ranks are preferred)] (首选低排名) [Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding] 建立或添加中继联系人时复制子联系人历史 [Number of days to copy (0=all):] 要复制天数 (0=全部): [Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts] 保持中继联系人历史与子联系人同步 [Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact] 保持子联系人历史与中继联系人同步 [History (** beware - change at your own risk **)] 历史 (** 小心 - 变更时需自行承担风险 **) ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\addto.cpp [This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.] 此联系人为中继联系人. \n\n您无法将中继联系人加至其他中继联系人中. \n\n请选择其他. [MetaContact Conflict] 中继联系人冲突 [This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.] 此联系人已经关联至中继联系人. \n\n您无法将一位联系人加至多个中继联系人中. [Multiple MetaContacts] 多重中继联系人 [No suitable MetaContact found] 找不任何适用中继联系人 [a contact] 一位联系人 [Adding %s...] 正在加入 %s... [Please select a MetaContact] 请选择一位中继联系人 [No MetaContact selected] 无选定中继联系人 [Assignment to the MetaContact failed.] 中继联系人关联失败. [Assignment failure] 关联失败 ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\edit.cpp [(Unknown Contact)] (未知联系人) [Yes] 是 [No] 否 [Contact] 联络方式 [Protocol] 协议 [Send Offline] 离线发送 [Delete MetaContact?] 删除中继联系人? ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\icons.cpp [Toggle Off] 切换关闭 [Toggle On] 切换打开 [Convert to MetaContact] 转换为中继联系人 [Add to Existing] 加入已存在 [Edit] 编辑 [Set to Default] 设为默认 [Remove] 移除 ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\metacontacts.h [You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?] 您要移除所有关联至此中继联系人者. \n这样将删除此中继联系人. \n\n仍要继续? ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_main.cpp [Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.] 错误 - 数据库已损坏. \n插件禁用. ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_menu.cpp [There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact] 指派中继联系人时发生错误 [Error] 错误 [This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?] 此操作将永久移除中继联系人. \n\n仍要继续? [Remove from MetaContact] 从中继联系人中移除 ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_options.cpp [<default>] <默认> ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_services.cpp [Meta ID] 中继 ID [No online contacts found.] 找不到任何联系人. [Message from %s] 从 %s 收到的消息 [Toggle MetaContacts Off] 切换中继联系人关闭 [Add to existing MetaContact...] 加至已存在中继联系人... [Edit MetaContact...] 编辑中继联系人... [Set as MetaContact default] 设为中继联系人默认值 [Delete MetaContact] 删除中继联系人 [Context] 环境 [Toggle MetaContacts On] 切换中继联系人打开 [General] 常规 [Priorities] 优先级 [History] 历史 ;file \plugins\MetaContacts\src\meta_utils.cpp [Could not get MetaContact id] 无法获取中继联系人 ID [Assignment Error] 指派错误 [Could not retreive MetaContact contact count] 无法获取中继联系人数量 [Could not retreive contact protocol] 无法获取联系人协议 [Could not get unique id of contact] 无法获取联系人独有 ID [Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.] 联系人 '不在列表中' - 请在指派前先将该联系人加至您的联系人列表中. [MetaContact is full] 中继联系人已满员 [Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact] 联系人协议无法写入中继联系人 [Could not write unique id of contact to MetaContact] 联系人独有 ID 无法写入中继联系人 [Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact] 联系人昵称无法写入中继联系人 [MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.] 中继联系人已损坏 - 子联系人数量不正确. \n现正删除该中继联系人. [The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\nThis is most likely due to server-side contact information. To fix this, so that\nMetaContacts continues to function correctly, you should:\n - disable MetaContacts using the 'Toggle MetaContacts Off' main menu item\n - move all contacts out of this group\n - synchronize your contacts with the server\n - re-enable MetaContacts] '中继联系人隐藏群组' 已加至您的联系人列表.\n这很可能是因服务器端联系人信息. 解决此问题, \n使中继联系人继续正常工作, 您可以:\n - 使用主菜单项 '切换中继联系人关闭' 禁用中继联系人\n - 将所有联系人移出此群组\n - 从服务器端同步您的联系人\n - 重新启用中继联系人 [MetaContacts Warning] 中继联系人警告