#muuid {7993ab24-1fda-428c-a89b-be377a10be3a} ;============================================================ ; File: ShlExt.dll ; Plugin: ShlExt ; Version: ; Authors: Sam Kothari, Miranda NG Team ;============================================================ [Problem, registration missing/deleted.] 问题, 登记项丢失/删除. [Successfully created shell registration.] 成功创建 Shell 登记. [Not Approved] 未核准 [Approved] 核准 [Are you sure? this will remove all the settings stored in your database and all registry entries created for shlext to work with Explorer] 您是否确定? 此操作将移除所有存储于数据库中设置及由 Shlext 创建使其工作于 Explorer 中的注册表项 [Disable/Remove shlext] 禁用/移除 Shlext [Shell context menus] Shell 环境菜单 [Display contacts in their assigned groups (if any)] 显示联系人于其指定群组 (如可用) [Only if/when the contact list is using them] 仅如/当联系人列表使用他们 [Display hidden, ignored or temporary contacts] 显示隐藏, 忽略或临时联系人 [Shell Status] Shell 状态 [Do not display the profile name in use] 使用中不要显示配置文件名称 [Show contacts that you have set privacy rules for] 显示联系人您所设置的隐私规则于 [Do not show status icons in menus] 不要在菜单中显示状态图标 [Do not show contacts that are offline, even if my contact list does] 不要显示离线联系人, 即使我的联系人列表中有