#muuid {0324785E-74CE-4600-B781-851773B3EFC5} ;============================================================ ; File: Contacts.dll ; Plugin: Send/receive contacts ; Version: ; Authors: Joe Kucera, Todor Totev ;============================================================ [Allows you to send and receive contacts.] ;file \plugins\ContactsPlus\res\contacts.rc [Send contacts] [&Add] &Dodaj [&User menu] [User &details] Detalji o &Korisniku [&History] p&ovijest [Choose contacts to be send:] [&Send] &Å alji [Cancel] [&Select All] [Received contacts] [Add to &group:] [&Details] [Close] [Contacts send error] [An error has occurred. The protocol reported the following error:] [Try again] [Popup] [Add to List] [User details] Pojedinosti o korisniku [Send Message] ;file \plugins\ContactsPlus\src\main.cpp [Contacts received from] [Contacts] [Events] [Incoming Contacts] [Outgoing Contacts] ;file \plugins\ContactsPlus\src\receive.cpp [Nick] [First Name] [Last Name] [Add Contact Permanently to List] [View User's Details] [View User's History] [User Menu] [Contacts from] ;file \plugins\ContactsPlus\src\send.cpp [Send Contacts to]