[A contact list for blind folks.] [Hotkeys] [Show/Hide:] [Read message:] [Web search:] [URL:] [Open in new browser window] [Show options] [Automatically resize window to height of list] [maximum] [% of screen] [Size upwards] [Translucency options] [Fade contact list in/out] [Transparent contact list] [Inactive opacity:] [Active opacity:] [If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding] [Items] ['Hide offline' means to hide:] [Groups] [Show counts of number of contacts in a group] [Hide group counts when there are none online] [Sort groups alphabetically] [Quick search in open groups only] [Templates] [Contact:] [Group:] [Divider:] [Info:] [Status bar] [Show status bar] [Show icons] [Show protocol names] [Show status text] [Right click opens status menu] [Right click opens Miranda NG menu] [Make sections equal width] [Show bevels on panels] [Show resize grip indicator] [&Main menu] [E&xit] [&Status] [&Offline\tCtrl+0] [On&line\tCtrl+1] [&Away\tCtrl+2] [&NA\tCtrl+3] [Occ&upied\tCtrl+4] [&DND\tCtrl+5] [&Free for chat\tCtrl+6] [&Invisible\tCtrl+7] [On the &phone\tCtrl+8] [Out to &lunch\tCtrl+9] [Tray] [&Hide/Show] [Nowhere] [&New group] [&Hide offline users] [Hide &offline users out here] [Hide &empty groups] [Disable &groups] [Hide Miranda] [Group] [&New subgroup] [&Hide offline users in here] [&Rename group] [&Delete group] [Not focused] [Offline] [Online] [Away] [NA] [Occupied] [DND] [Free for chat] [Invisible] [Out to lunch] [On the phone] [Group: %name% %count% [%mode%]] [Divider: %s] [Info: %s] [Global] [Unknown protocol] [Expanded] [Collapsed]