[Steam protocol support for Miranda NG.]
[Default group:]
[Use bigger avatars]
[Message sessions]
[Show chat state events (i.e., user closed chat session)]
[As an added account security measure, you'll need to grant access by entering the special code we've just sent to your email address.]
[Go to email domain]
[Enter password]
[Save password]
[Enter the password to continue.]
[As an added account security measure, you'll need to grant access by entering the SMS code we've just sent to your mobile phone.]
[Steam game]
[Looking to play]
[Looking to trade]
[ (Non-Steam)]
[ on server %s]
[%s has been removed from your contact list]
[%s is back in your contact list]
[%s has added you to his or her Friend List]
[Fatal error, image services not found. Avatar services will be disabled.]
[Avatar Service]
[Blocked contacts]
[Cannot obtain connection token.]
[Unknown login error.]
[Steam menu chooser]
[Join to game]
[Unknown error]
[Protocol icon]
[Gaming icon]
[%s connection]
[You cannot send messages when you are offline.]
[closed chat session]