[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.] [Update] [Brief Info] [Webpage] [Close] [Update weather information on startup] [Update weather information every] [minutes] [Consider weather info updated only when condition and temperature are changed] [Remove old data when updating] [Make the contact italic when weather alert is issued] [Modes] [Use weather condition as protocol status] [Avatar only mode] [Units] [Temperature] [Celsius] [Fahrenheit] [Degree sign:] [Wind] [km/h] [m/s] [mph] [knots] [Visibility] [km] [miles] [Pressure] [kPa] [mb (hPa)] [inches] [mm Hg (torr)] [Day/Month] [No change] [2 chars] [3 chars] [Elevation] [ft] [m] [Do not append units to values] [Do not display fractional values] [Frame] [Avatar size] [Edit Weather Station] [Weather Station] [City name] [ID] [Log Information] [Use internal history] [Use external file] [Overwrite file upon update] [Path:] [Link Settings] [More Info URL] [Weather Map] [Other Options] [Set as default station] [Disable automatic update for this station] [Disable Popup for this station] [Change] [Cancel] [Popup Options] [Enable popups] [Popup only when condition changes] [Colors] [Background color] [Text color] [Use Windows colors] [Popup Actions] [Left Click] [Right Click] [Popup Delay] [Delay] [From Popup plugin] [Permanent] [Popup Text] [Popup Title] [Variables] [Default] [Preview] [Updates] [Alerts] [Errors] [Brief Info Title] [Note Text] [Extra Text] [External Log] [History Log] [Variable List] [More Variables] [Reset] [Status Message] [Sunset] [Feel-like] [Today's Low] [Today's High] [Sunrise] [Dew point] [Humidity] [More...] [Weather Protocol INI Setup] [Install and load your weather ini file here] [Weather Protocol cannot find any weather INI file stored in your computer. To setup weather INI and add weather stations, please follow the steps:] [Click here to download a weather ini file from Miranda file listing] [Extract the weather ini file from archive to this directory] [Click here to load the data from the new ini file into memory] [Add new weather station and close this dialog] [Total INI files] [Total memory used] [Reload INI] [City:] [Menu] [Dismiss Popup] [Open brief information] [Open complete forecast] [Open weather map] [View history] [Open log file] [Show user menu] [Show user detail] [To old setting] [To default] [N/A] [Invalid ID format, missing "/" (10)] [Invalid service (11)] [Invalid station (12)] [Weather service ini for this station is not found (20)] [Netlib error - check your internet connection (30)] [Empty data is retrieved (40)] [Document not found (42)] [Document too short to contain any weather data (43)] [Unknown error (99)] [HTTP Error: No content (204)] [HTTP Error: Data moved (301)] [HTTP Error: Use proxy (305)] [HTTP Error: Temporary redirect (307)] [HTTP Error: Bad request (400)] [HTTP Error: Unauthorized (401)] [HTTP Error: Payment required (402)] [HTTP Error: Forbidden (403)] [HTTP Error: Not found (404)] [HTTP Error: Method not allowed (405)] [HTTP Error: Proxy authentication required (407)] [HTTP Error: Gone (410)] [HTTP Error: Internal server error (500)] [HTTP Error: Bad gateway (502)] [HTTP Error: Service unavailable (503)] [HTTP Error: Gateway timeout (504)] [%c\\nTemperature: %t\\nFeel-Like: %f\\nPressure: %p\\nWind: %i %w\\nHumidity: %m\\nDew Point: %e\\nVisibility: %v\\n\\nSun Rise: %r\\nSun Set: %y\\n\\n5 Days Forecast:\\n%[Forecast Day 1]\\n%[Forecast Day 2]\\n%[Forecast Day 3]\\n%[Forecast Day 4]\\n%[Forecast Day 5]] [Feel-Like: %f\\nPressure: %p\\nWind: %i %w\\nHumidity: %m\\nDew Point: %e\\nVisibility: %v\\n\\nSun Rise: %r\\nSun Set: %y\\n\\n5 Days Forecast:\\n%[Forecast Day 1]\\n%[Forecast Day 2]\\n%[Forecast Day 3]\\n%[Forecast Day 4]\\n%[Forecast Day 5]] [Weather Condition for %n as of %u] [%c, %t (feel-like %f) Wind: %i %w Humidity: %m] [%n at %u: %c, %t (feel-like %f) Wind: %i %w Humidity: %m] [%n (%u)] [%c, %t\\nToday: High %h, Low %l] [Temperature: %[Temperature]] [%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temperature\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set] [%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temp\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set\n----------\n\\n\tnew line] [No information available.\r\nPlease update weather condition first.] [%[..]\tcustom variables] [Here is a list of custom variables that are currently available] [The URL for complete forecast has not been set. You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.] [The URL for weather map has not been set. You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.] [Enable/disable auto update] [Auto Update Enabled] [Auto Update Disabled] [Weather Condition Changed] [Weather Alert Issued] [Current weather information for %s.] [%s is now the default weather station] [Weather Protocol] [Please try again after weather update is completed.] [<Enter station name here>] [<Enter station ID here>] [Weather condition was not logged.] [Get city name from ID] [Weather INI information] [Browse] [View webpage] [Reset to default] [Text Files] [mb] [in] [mm] [<unknown time>] [<Error>] [HTTP Error %i] [<Enter city name here>] [Error when obtaining data: %s] [Weather HTTP connections] [Protocol icon] [Update Disabled] [View Log] [Update with Clear] [View Brief] [View Complete] [Weather Update] [Popup] [No Popup] [Edit Settings] [Name] [Author] [File Version] [INI Version] [Display Name] [File Name] [The corresponding INI file for "%s" is not found.] [Weather INI information for "%s":] [Name:] [Internal Name:] [Author:] [Version:] [INI Version:] [File Name:] [Item Count:] [Memory Used:] [bytes] [Description:] [No update data file is found. Please check your Plugins\\Weather directory.] [Invalid ini format for: %s] [All update data has been reloaded.] [Frame Font] [Frame Title Font] [Frame Background] [Network] [General] [Display] [Popups] [Weather Protocol Text Preview] [Station ID] [Disable &weather notification] [Enable &weather notification] [Update Weather] [Remove Old Data then Update] [Brief Information] [Read Complete Forecast] [Weather] [Enable/Disable Weather Update] [Update All Weather] [Remove Old Data then Update All] [Weather Notification] [Display in a frame] [Unable to retrieve weather information for %s] [Current condition for %n] [Last update on: %u] [Variable] [Retrieving new data, please wait...] [More Info]