Miranda Language Pack Version 1
Language: Czech (CZ)
Locale: 0405
Authors: V�t �indl��, sir-qwerty, Martin Kon��ek, Ale� Studen�, madmojo, Dave-Dave, Tur McDonnel, waclaw, Lev, Pavel Sv�tek, Mareman, Richard Ni�nik, Laslo Gogolak, Petr Hanu�, churchyard, tapin, Soustruh, Libor Pol��k, Ji�� Kocman, MiSHAK, Robyer, Fille, Jake
Author-email: <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz> (viz http://miranda.kvalitne.cz)
Last-Modified-Using: Miranda IM 0.9.47 nebo nov�j��

Plugins-included: ICQ, help, micqBirthday, NotesAndReminders, NewNR, uinbackup, msg_export, historyp, nosound, popup, NewStatusNotify, msn, historysweeper, gnupg, contactsex, changeinfo, WhoIsReadingMyStatusMsg, atomic, emailexpress, mphantomuser, rss, rss_popup, weather, secureim, autorun, startupstatus, contacts, aim, BossKey, keyboardnotify, smileyaddw, fltcontacts, menuex, multiwindow, NewEventNotify, reconnect, smsp, tipinfo, TopToolBar, webpager, winampnotify, historyviewer, dbexport, import, YAMN, seenplugin, versioninfo, copyip, reposition, mirandacomm, nConvers++, nHistory, logstat, irc, hostfile, spamfilterw, jabber, shutdown, srmm, pluginuninstaller, yahoo, Ghostify, chat, isee, AdvancedAutoAway, stopspam, scrolllocknotify, svc_dbepp, keepstatus, tabsrmm, nconverspp, historypp, birthday, AwaySys, ttnotify, GG, battleship, pingplug, TypingNotify, gomoku, AutoReplacer, mbirthday, mcontacts, contactvisibility, ExtendedIdle, fileasmessage, findamessage, ieview, linklist, scriver, scriver_unicode, buddypounce, quicksearch, uinfoexW, ncn, MathModule, saa, saani, mergeContacts, mSecure, metacontacts, clist_metamultiwin, clist_nicer, WorldTime, pingproto, simplestatusmsg, clist_classic, clist_mw, NewAwaySysw, ignore, alarms, StatusChange, clist_modern, Wassup, fddnotify, updater, dbx_3x, sendss, TrafficCounter, ProtoLink, m2g, db2gds, skype, gmailm, gnot, NetAccessNotify, mtv, tlen, mucc, XStatusNotifyw, avs, wikify, mydetails, otr, ghservice, statusglobalhotkeys, nudge, triggerplugin, watrack, YAPP, tipper, Variables, mbot, mradio, WhenWasIt, SipRtc, SiP, speak, jgmail, AutoReply, png2dib, langman, mtextcontrol, textformat, historystats, fingerprint, quickcontactsw, hddinfo, smscze, HotkeysPlus, MagneticWindows, importTrillian, messagenotify, SOMWO, spellcheckerW, folders, listeningtoW, dbx_mmap, aaaaserviceslist, iax, meebo, cln_skinedit, AdvSplashScreen, BuddyExpectator, ClientChangeNotifyW, fastmsg, flags, cslist, voiceserviceW, gamer, authstate, mirpy, smhw, FTPFile, SndVol, avatarhist, messagestotalnotify, showuin, WhiteboardW, dbx_mmap_sa, db_autobackups, cmiex, favcontacts, winpopup_proto, historykeeperW, aa_historyeventsW, sms, Translator, XFire, tvplugin, orangesms, svc_crshdmp, shlext, modernopt, tweakui, justtabs, importtxt, awaysystemex, pmanager, extraicons, facebook, replacer, sessions, spamotron

; FLID: Czech (�e�tina, testovac� verze)

; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Miranda IM core 0.10.x                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; clistmenus.c
[%s (locked)]
%s (uzam�en�)
Nab�dka stavu
[%s Custom Status]
%s (roz���en� stav)
Hlavn� nab�dka

; clistsettings.c
[(Unknown Contact)]
(nezn�m� kontakt)

; contacts.c
['(Unknown Contact)']
'(nezn�m� kontakt)'

; database.c
[The profile already exists]
Profil s t�mto n�zvem ji� existuje
[Couldn't move '%s' to the Recycle Bin, Please select another profile name.]
Profil '%s' nelze p�esunout do ko�e. Vyberte pros�m jin�.
[Problem moving profile]
Chyba p�i p�esunu profilu
[Unable to create the profile '%s', the error was %x]
Profil '%s' nelze vytvo�it. Chyba: %x
[Problem creating profile]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� profilu
[Miranda is unable to open '%s' because you do not have any profile plugins installed.\nYou need to install dbx_3x.dll or equivalent.]
Profil '%s' nelze otev��t. Nen� nainstalovan� odpov�daj�c� dopln�k.\nPou�ijte dbx_3x.dll (pro star� profily) nebo jin�.
[No profile support installed!]
Nen� nainstalovan� podpora pro profily!
[Miranda was unable to open '%s', it's in an unknown format.\nThis profile might also be damaged, please run DB-tool which should be installed.]
Profil '%s' nelze otev��t. Jedn�m z mo�n�ch\nprobl�m� je nezn�m� datov� form�t. Druhou pak po�kozen�\nprofilu. Zkuste pou��t program DBTool.
[Miranda can't understand that profile]
Tento profil nen� ve form�tu Miranda-IM

; profilemanager.c
[My Profiles]
Seznam profil�
[New Profile]
Nov� profil

; newplugins.c
['%s' is disabled, re-enable?]
'%s' nen� aktivn�. Chcete ho aktivovat?
[Re-enable Miranda plugin?]
Chcete znovu aktivovat tento dopln�k?

; auth.c
[%s requests authorization]
%s ��d� o autorizaci
[%s added you to their contact list]
%s si v�s p�idal mezi sv� kontakty

; authdialogs.c
[Add Contact Permanently to List]
P�idat do seznamu natrvalo
[View User's Details]
Zobrazit osobn� �daje

; awaymsg.c
[Re&ad %s Message]
P�e��st &automatickou odpov��

; sendmsg.c
;(LAI) [I've been away since %time%.]
;(LAI) [Give it up, I'm not in!]
;(LAI) [Not right now.]
;(LAI) [Give a guy some peace, would ya?]
;(LAI) [I'm a chatbot!]
;(LAI) [Yep, I'm here.]
;(LAI) [Nope, not here.]
;(LAI) [I'm hiding from the mafia.]
;(LAI) [That'll be the phone.]
;(LAI) [Mmm...food.]
;(LAI) [idleeeeeeee]

; file.c
[File from %s]
Soubor od: %s

; fileexistsdlg.c
[%s File]
Soubor %s
[All Files]
V�echny soubory

; fileopts.c
[Executable Files]
Spustiteln� soubory

; filerecvdlg.c
[Select Folder]
Vyberte po�adovanou slo�ku
[Received Files]
P�ijat� soubory
[User Menu]
U�ivatelsk� menu
[View User's History]
Zobrazit historii

; url.c
[URL from %s]
Odkaz od: %s

; urldialogs.c
[URL from ]
Odkaz od: 
[Send URL to]
Odesl�n� odkazu:

; updatenotify.c
[Update notification]
Upozorn�n� na novou verzi
[Miranda IM %s Now Available]
Miranda IM %s

; stdinfo.c

; useronline.c
[%s is Online]
%s je online

; bmpfilter.c
[All Bitmaps]
V�echny bitmapy
[Windows Bitmaps]
obr�zky typu BMP
[JPEG Bitmaps]
obr�zky typu JPEG
[GIF Bitmaps]
obr�zky typu GIF
[PNG Bitmaps]
obr�zky typu PNG

; resource.rc
[Send ]
[Send authorization request]
Odeslat ��dost o autorizaci
[Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings]
Pouze skr�t; z�stane tak zachov�na historie a ostatn� nastaven�.
[Are you sure you want to delete %s?]
Opravdu chcete smazat kontakt %s?
[E-mail address]
[Advanced >>]
Extra >>
[More options]
Dal�� mo�nosti
[Show expert options]
Zobrazit v�echny mo�nosti
[Phone can receive SMS text messages]
Telefon umo��uje p��jem textovek (SMS)
[&Allow all further changes to this section]
&Povolit v�echny dal�� �pravy v t�to sekci
;(LAI) [Sent bytes]
;(LAI) [Received bytes]
;(LAI) [Additional data due to proxy communication]
;(LAI) [Text dumps where available]
;(LAI) [Auto-detect text]
;(LAI) [Calling modules' names]
;(LAI) [OutputDebugString()]
;(LAI) [Show this dialog box when Miranda IM starts]
[Open file]
Otev��t soubor
[&Open URL]
&Otev��t URL
[Download more sounds]
St�hnout dal�� zvuky
[Enable sound events]
Povolit zvuky
[Download more icons]
St�hnout dal�� ikony
[Do not reply to requests for this message]
Neodpov�dat na vybranou zpr�vu automaticky
[Do not pop up dialog asking for new message]
Nepo�adovat zad�n� nov� odpov�di
[By default, use the same message as last time]
Jako odpov�� pou��t stejnou zpr�vu jako posledn�
[By default, use this message:]
Jako odpov�� pou��t n�sleduj�c� zpr�vu:
[To main icons]
Do z�kladn� sady
[To default status icons]
Do sady ikon k zobrazen� stav�
[Use proxy server]
Pou��t proxy server
[Enable authentication]
Povolit ov��en�
[Resolve hostnames through proxy]
P�ekl�dat jm�na hostitel� pomoc� proxy
[Port Range:]
Rozsah port�:
[Use NTLM authentication]
Pou��t ov��en� typu NTLM
[Enable UPnP port mapping]
Povolit mapov�n� port� dle UPnP
[Auto-accept incoming files from people on my contact list]
Automaticky p�ij�mat soubory od lid� v seznamu
[Minimize the file transfer window]
Minimalizovat okno s p�en�en�m souborem
[Close window when transfer completes]
Zav��t okno po dokon�en� p�enosu
[Never, do not use virus scanning]
��dn� ze soubor�
[When all files have been downloaded]
Po st�hnut� v�ech soubor�
[As each file finishes downloading]
Jeden soubor po druh�m
[Warn me before opening a file that has not been scanned]
Upozornit p�ed otev�en�m nezkontrolovan�ho souboru
[Ask me]
Zeptat se
[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
P�ej�t do stavu ne�innosti pokud se nic ned�je v:
[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
P�ej�t do stavu ne�innosti pokud b�� spo�i� obrazovky
[Become idle if the computer is locked (2000/XP+ only)]
P�ej�t do stavu ne�innosti pokud je po��ta� zam�en (2000/XP+)
[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
P�ej�t do stavu ne�innosti po odpojen� vzd�len�ho u�ivatele
[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
Zak�zat protokol�m poskytovat informaci o ne�innosti
[Change my status mode to:]
Zm�nit stav na:
[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
Po p��chodu zp�t nem�nit stav na 'Online'
[Automatically check for new versions of Miranda IM]
Automaticky zji��ovat nov� verze programu Miranda IM
[A new version of Miranda IM is now available.  Click the download button to download this new update.]
K dispozici je nov� verze programu Miranda IM. Dostanete se k n� kliknut�m na tla��tko 'St�hnout'.
[Closing in %d]
Zav�e se za %d sek.
[&Find Next]
&Naj�t dal��
[Credits >]
Pod�kov�n� >
[Add to list]
P�idat do seznamu
[Update Now]
[No to all]
Ne v�em
[&View contents]
Zobrazit o&bsah
[Cancel Import]
Zru�it import
P�&esunout do ko�e
;(LAI) [Run now]
[Save as default]
Ulo�it jako v�choz�
[&Choose Again...]
Vyberte &dal��...
[Open folder]
Otev��t slo�ku
[Resume all]
Nav�zat v�e
[Overwrite all]
P�epsat v�e
[Save as...]
Ulo�it jako...
[Cancel transfer]
P�eru�it p�enos
[File properties]
Vlastnosti souboru
[&Load icon set...]
&Na��st sadu ikon...
[&Import icons >>]
&Importovat ikony >>
[<< &Import]
<< &Importovat
[Choose font...]
Vybrat p�smo...
[Reset to Default]
Obnovit v�choz�
+ odd�lova�
[&Download Now]
[Custom name:]
Vlastn� jm�no:
[Miranda IM]
Miranda IM
[Use Options->Ignore (expert mode) to unhide contacts.]
(Skryt� kontakt� zru��te v nastaven� programu.)
[This will erase all history and settings for this contact!]
T�mto odstran�te celou historii a nastaven� kontaktu!
[Instead of displaying contacts by their nickname, drag to choose another order:]
Chcete-li m�t v seznamu nam�sto p�ezd�vek n�co jin�ho, p�et�hnut�m polo�ek zm��te po�ad�:
[Select and/or create your Miranda IM user profile]
V�b�r nebo vytvo�en� nov�ho profilu
[View personal user details and more.]
P�ehled informac� o vybran� osob�
[First name:]
[Last name:]
[Date of birth:]
[Web page:]
[Past background:]
Ostatn� informace:
[My notes:]
[Postal code:]
[Spoken languages:]
Ovl�dan� jazyky:
�asov� p�smo:
[Local time:]
M�stn� �as:
[Enter country, area code and phone number:]
Zadejte k�d zem�, oblasti a samotn� ��slo:
[Or enter a full international number:]
Nebo ��slo zadejte v mezin�rodn�m form�tu:
[A file containing new database settings has been placed in the Miranda IM directory.]
Do adres��e s programem Miranda byl um�st�n soubor ke konfiguraci datab�ze u�ivatele.
[Do you want to import the settings now?]
Chcete naimportovat tento konfigura�n� soubor?
[Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before changes that are not known to be safe.]
Upozorn�n�: Potvrzen�m se p�edpokl�d�, �e zn�te rozsah �prav obsahu sv� datab�ze a jste si v�domi v�ech mo�n�ch n�sledk�.
[Database settings are being imported from]
Importovan� konfigura�n� soubor
[This file wishes to change the setting]
Po�adavek na zm�nu polo�ky
[to the value]
na hodnotu
[Do you want to allow this change?]
Chcete povolit �pravu t�to polo�ky?
[The import has completed from]
Import nastaven� dokon�en; z
[What do you want to do with the file now?]
Co chcete ud�lat s t�mto souborem?
;(LAI) [Run programme when Miranda IM starts (eg tail -f, dbgview, etc):]
[Find What:]
[Save to:]
Ulo�it do:
[You are about to receive the file]
P��jem souboru:
[Enter URL:]
Dopl�te odkaz:
[Enter description:]
Zadejte popis:
[Show category:]
[The following events are being ignored:]
N�sleduj�c� ud�losti budou ignorov�ny:
[Auth Requests]
��dosti o autorizaci
[Online Notification]
Ozn�men� online
[All Events]
V�echny ud�losti
[Added Notification]
Ozn�men� o p�id�n�
[You are visible to this person even when in invisible mode]
V��i dan� osob� viditeln� i ve stavu 'Neviditeln�'
[You are never visible to this person]
V��i dan� osob� neviditeln� za v�ech okolnost�
[Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
%time% = aktu�ln� �as, %date% = aktu�ln� datum
[Drag icons to main list to assign them:]
Ikony zm�n�te uchopen�m a p�et�hnut�m do hlavn�ho seznamu:
[(often %d)]
(obvykle %d)
[Example: 1050-1070, 2000-2010, 2500]
P��klad: 1050-1070, 2000-2010, 2500
[Received files folder:]
Slo�ka pro soubory:
[Scan files:]
[Command line:]
P��kazov� ��dek:
[%f will be replaced by the file or folder name to be scanned]
Prom�nn� %f bude nahrazena souborem nebo slo�kou ke kontrole
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
P��jem soubor� od lid�, kte�� nejsou mezi kontakty, podl�h� v�dy dotazu.
[Variables Allowed: %userid%, %nick%, %proto%, %miranda_path%, %userprofile%]
Prom�nn�: %userid%, %nick%, %proto%, %miranda_pach%, %userprofile%
[Please complete the following form to create a new user profile]
Po vypln�n� n�sleduj�c�ch polo�ek bude vytvo�en nov� profil
[e.g. Workplace]
nap�. Pr�ce
[You can select a different profile driver from the default, it may offer more features or abilities, if in doubt use the default.]
Zde m��ete vybrat i jin� ovlada� datab�ze s v�t��m mno�stv�m funkc� a mo�nost�. Pokud si v�ak nejste jisti, ponechte v�choz�.
[e.g. Miranda Database]
pro datab�zi Mirandy
[Problem: Unable to find any database drivers, this means you can not create a new profile, you need to get dbx_3x.dll]
Probl�m: Nen� nainstalovan� ��dn� z dopl�k� pro spr�vu profil�. Pou�ijte dbx_3x.dll (pro star� profily) nebo jin�.
[* you may need to restart for the changes to take effect]
* Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.
[Font st&yle:]
�&ez p�sma:
[Warning!\r\nThis MenuObject not support user defined options.]
Upozorn�n�!\r\nTento objekt menu nepodporuje zm�nu nastaven�.
[Show protocols in the following order, drag to choose another order:]
Zobrazit protokoly v tomto po�ad�, ta�en�m se zm�n� pozice:
[Total size:]
Celkov� velikost:
[Last modified:]
[Icon library:]
Soubor s ikonami:
po dobu
[Unique ID:]
[Authorization Request]
��dost o autorizaci
[Contact Display Options]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� seznamu
;(LAI) [Log to]
[Current file]
Aktu�ln� stav
[All files]
Soubory celkov�
[Existing file]
Existuj�c� soubor
[File being received]
P�ij�man� soubor
[Sound Information]
Informace o zvuku
[Status Messages]
Stavov� zpr�vy
[Import multiple]
Importovat hromadn�
[Incoming Connections]
P��choz� spojen�
[Outgoing Connections]
Odchoz� spojen�
[Receiving files]
P��jem soubor�
[Virus scanner]
Antivirov� ochrana
[If incoming files already exist]
V p��pad�, �e p��choz� soubor ji� existuje
[Idle Options]
Mo�nosti p�i ne�innosti
[Font Group]
Definice p�sem
P��kladov� text
Prvky nab�dky
[Update Notification Options]
Mo�nosti upozorn�n� na novou verzi
[Check for updates for the following:]
Zji��ovat tyto nov� verze:
[Stable releases]
Stabiln� vyd�n�
[Preview releases (beta)]
Testovac� vyd�n� (beta)
[Development releases (alpha)]
V�vojov� vyd�n� (alpha)
[Enter a reason for denial]
Zadejte d�vod pro odm�tnut�
[Add %s]
Mezi kontakty p�idat: %s
[You Were Added]
Zpr�va o za�azen� mezi kontakty
[About Miranda IM]
O programu Miranda IM
[Delete Contact]
Smaz�n� kontaktu
[Miranda IM Profile Manager]
Miranda IM - spr�vce profil�
[Find/Add Contacts]
Vyhled�n� kontakt�
[%s Message for %s]
Stav: '%s', u�ivatel: %s
[Change %s Message]
Odpov�� pro stav '%s'
[%s: User Details]
%s: informace
[Add E-Mail Address]
P�idat e-mail
[Add Phone Number]
P�idat telefonn� ��slo
[Install Database Settings]
Konfigurace datab�ze
[Database Setting Change]
Zm�na konfigurace datab�ze
[Database Import Complete]
Import datab�ze dokon�en
;(LAI) [Netlib Log Options]
[Send File(s)]
Poslat soubory
[Incoming File Transfer]
��dost o p�enos souboru
[URL Recieved]
P�ijat odkaz
[Message History]
Historie zpr�v
[Icon Index]
P�ehled ikon
[Miranda IM v%s Now Available]
K dispozici je Miranda IM v%s
N&a chv�li pry�\tCtrl+2
&Nejsem tady\tCtrl+3
Nem�m �a&s\tCtrl+4
[&Free for chat\tCtrl+6]
&M�m volno\tCtrl+6
[On the &Phone\tCtrl+8]
M�m tele&fon\tCtrl+8
[Out to &Lunch\tCtrl+9]
Jsem na o&b�d�\tCtrl+9
[&New Group]
&Nov� skupina
[&Hide Offline Users]
&Skr�t u�ivatele offline
[Hide &Offline Users out here]
Skr�t u�ivatele &offline mimo skupiny
[Hide &Empty Groups]
S&kr�t pr�zdn� skupiny
[Disable &Groups]
Vypnout zobrazen� s&kupin
[Hide Miranda]
Skr�t okno
[&New Subgroup]
&Nov� podskupina
[&Hide Offline Users in here]
Skr�t u�ivatele o&ffline
[&Rename Group]
P�&ejmenovat skupinu
[&Delete Group]
&Smazat skupinu
[&Reset to default]
O&bnovit v�choz�
[&Add to List]
P�id&at do seznamu
[User &Details]
In&formace o kontaktu
[Send &Message]
Poslat zp&r�vu
[Co&py All]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Select &All]
Vybr&at v�e
[C&lear Log]
Vy&mazat z�znam
[Open in &new window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in existing window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[&Copy link]
Z&kop�rovat odkaz
[Cancel Change]
&Obnovit p�edchoz�
[&Reset to Default]
&V�choz� stav

; options.c
[Miranda IM Options]
Miranda - mo�nosti nastaven�

; newplugins.c

; ignore.c
[** All contacts **]
** v�echny kontakty **
[** Unknown contacts **]
** nezn�m� kontakty **

; findadd.c
Seznam vyhledan�ch osob
[There are no results to display.]
Zadejte krit�ria hled�n�.
[All Networks]
V�echny s�t�

[Please select a subentry from the list]
Vyberte pros�m ze seznamu jednu z dal��ch polo�ek.

; Ud�losti / Filtrov�n� kontakt�
[Only the ticked contacts will be shown on the main contact list]
V seznamu kontakt� se objev� pouze ty skupiny nebo u�ivatel�, kter� za�krtnete.

; Kontakty / Ikony
[Group (Open)]
Skupina (otev�en�)
[Group (Closed)]
Skupina (zav�en�)
[User Online]
U�ivatel online

; Autorizace
[Send "You were added"]
Odeslat zpr�vu o za�azen�

[Retrieving %s message...]
Zji�t�n� automatick� odpov�di ve stavu '%s'...

[You were added to this user's contact list.]
Tento u�ivatel si v�s p�idal mezi kontakty.

; Informace o osob� / Kontakt
[Custom %d]
Vlastn� �.%d
[Edit Phone Number]
Upravit telefonn� ��slo
[Edit E-Mail Address]
Upravit e-mail
[The phone number should start with a + and consist of numbers, spaces, brackets and hyphens only.]
Telefonn� ��slo by m�lo za��nat znakem + a obsahovat pouze ��sla, mezery, z�vorky a poml�ky.
[Invalid Phone Number]
Neplatn� tel. ��slo

; Hlavn� nab�dka
[&Miranda IM Website]
Do&movsk� str�nka

[Enable sound events]
Povolit zvuky
[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
P�ej�t do stavu ne�innosti po odpojen� vzd�len�ho u�ivatele
[Enable authentication]
Povolit ov��en�
[Incoming Connections]
P��choz� spojen�
[Outgoing Connections]
Odchoz� spojen�
[Port Range:]
Rozsah port�:
[Enable UPnP port mapping]
Povolit mapov�n� port� dle UPnP
[You will need to reconnect for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.]
Pozn�mka: Proveden� zm�ny se projev� a� p�i dal��m p�ipojen� do s�t�.


[Update Notify]
Nov� verze

[Menu Icons]
Nab�dka r�me�ku

[File Transfers]
P�enos soubor�
Kl�vesov� zkratky
[Grey out entire list when:]
Ze�ednout seznam v p��pad�:
[If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding]
Je-li okno ��ste�n� zakryto, zobrazit na pop�ed� nam�sto skryt�
[Hide contact list after it has been idle for]
Skr�t seznam kontakt�, byl-li neaktivn� po dobu
[Scroll with text]
Rolovat s textem
[Show icons]
Zobrazit ikony
[Right click opens Miranda IM menu]
Prav�m tla��tkem nab�dku Mirandy
[Contact List Background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Apply last active view mode]
Pou��t posledn� aktivn� re�im zobrazen�
[Main Icons]
Hlavn� ikony
[icon when statuses differ]
(v p��pad�, �e se stavy li��)

; about.c
[Built %s %s]
Datum: %s %s
[Credits >]
Pod�kov�n� >
[< About]
< O programu

; help.c
O progr&amu...
[&Miranda IM Homepage]
Do&movsk� str�nka
[&Report Bug]
&Nahl�sit chybu

[Rename (append " (1)", etc.)]
P�ejmenovat (p�id� " (1)" atd.)

[Web Page Address (&URL)]
Odkaz (&URL)
[View &History]
Zobrazit &historii

[Selected Text]
Vybran� text
[Hottrack Text]
Zv�razn�n� text
[Quicksearch Text]
Hledan� text

[Icon Sets]
Sada ikon
[Down Arrow]
�ipka dol�
[Add Contact]
P�idat kontakt
[Find User]
Vyhledat kontakt
[Send E-mail]
Poslat e-mail
[Search All]
Prohledat v�e
[No Tick]
[Miranda Website]
Str�nka o Mirand�
[Small Dot]
Te�ka uprost�ed
[Filled Blob]
Vypln�n� slot
[Empty Blob]
Pr�zdn� slot

[Read Away Message]
P�e��st autom. odpov��
[Re&ad Away Message]
P�e��st &autom. odpov��

[<All connections>]
<v�echna spojen�>

[&Reset To Default]
O&bnovit v�choz�

; Informace o kontaktu

[Insert separator]
Vlo�it odd�lova�

; Menu
[<Root Group>]
<ko�enov� skupina>
[&Move to Group]
P�esunout do s&kupiny
Nab�dka kontaktu
[Custom status]
Roz���en� stav

; File Tranfer dialog
[Sending file]
Pos�l�n� souboru
[Sending files]
Pos�l�n� soubor�
[Receiving file]
P��jem souboru
[Request sent, waiting for acceptance...]
��dost odesl�na, �ek�n� na potvrzen�...
[Waiting for connection...]
�ek�n� na spojen�...
[This file has not yet been scanned for viruses. Are you certain you want to open it?]
Tento soubor je�t� nebyl zkontrolov�n antivirov�m programem. Opravdu ho chcete otev��t?
[File Received]
Soubor p�ijat
[Current file (%d of %d)]
Aktu�ln� soubor (�.%d z %d)
[Unable to initiate transfer.]
Chyba p�i inicializaci p�enosu.
[Decision sent]
Potvrzen� odesl�no
Navazov�n� spojen�...
[Connecting to proxy...]
P�ipojov�n� k proxy...
Spojen� nav�z�no
[Moving to next file...]
Dal�� soubor...
[File already exists]
Soubor ji� existuje
Pos�l�n� dat...
P��jem dat...
[Transfer completed]
P�enos dat dokon�en
[Scanning for viruses...]
Kontrola antivirov�m programem...
[File transfer failed]
Chyba p�i p�enosu souboru
[File transfer denied]
P�enos souboru odm�tnut
[Transfer and virus scan complete]
P�enos a kontrola antivirem dokon�ena
[%d file]
%d soubor
[%d files]
%d soubor�

; Vlastn� �pravy / P�sma
Barva pozad�
[Choose Font]
Vybrat p�smo
[Configuration Files (*.ini)\0*.ini\0Text Files (*.txt)\0*.TXT\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0]
Konfigura�n� soubory (*.ini)\0*.ini\0Textov� soubory (*.txt)\0*.TXT\0V�echny soubory (*.*)\0*.*\0

[Show settings only for module:]
Zobrazit mo�nosti pro:
[<all modules>]
1) v�echny moduly
[<core modules>]
2) j�dro Mirandy

[File Already Exists]
Soubor ji� existuje

; src/modules/findadd/searchresults.c
[%d %s users found]
Po�et nalezen�ch: %d, s� %s
[%d users found (]
Po�et nalezen�ch: %d (
[1 %s user found]
Po�et nalezen�ch: 1, s� %s
[Could not search on any of the protocols, are you online?]
Nelze vyhled�vat ani v jednom z protokol�. Jste p�ipojeni?
[Could not start a search on '%s', there was a problem - is %s connected?]
V r�mci %s nelze vyhled�vat. Jste p�ipojeni k s�ti %s?
[No users found]
Po�et nalezen�ch: 0
[Problem with search]
Chyba p�i hled�n�
[First Name]
[Last Name]

; src/modules/database/dbini.c
[Invalid setting type. The first character of every value must be b, w, d, l, s, e, u, g, h or n.]
Neplatn� typ nastaven�. Prvn� znak hodnoty mus� b�t b, w, d, l, s, e, u, g, h nebo n.]

; src/modules/database/profilemanager.c
[<In Use>]

; src/modules/findadd/findadd.c
[You haven't filled in the search field. Please enter a search term and try again.]
Zadejte hledan� v�raz a zkuste hledat znovu.

; ikony
[Unicode plugin]
Dopln�k Unicode
[ANSI plugin]
Dopln�k ANSI
[Running plugin]
Spu�t�n� dopln�k
[Unloaded plugin]
Nespu�t�n� dopln�k

[Your Version:]
Nainstal. verze:
[Latest Release:]
Nejnov�j�� verze:

[Incoming Message]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Outgoing Message]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[Incoming URL]
P��choz� odkaz
[Outgoing URL]
Odchoz� odkaz
[Incoming File]
P��choz� soubor
[Outgoing File]
Odchoz� soubor

; ./src/modules/keybindings/keybindings.c
[Shortcut already assigned to "%s" action.\nIf you click "Add" the shortcut will be reassigned.]
Tato kl�vesov� zkratka je pou�it� (akce: "%s").\nKliknut�m na tla��tko "P�idat" zkratku zm�n�te.

; ./src/modules/skin/hotkeys.c
[Add another shortcut]
P�idat kl�vesovou zkratku
[Add secondary binding]
P�idat druhou zkratku
[Change binding]
Zm�nit zkratku
[Miranda local hotkey]
Lok�ln� kl�vesov� zkratka
[Remove binding]
Odstranit zkratku
[Remove shortcut]
Odstranit zkratku
[Revert change]
Vr�tit p�vodn�
[System global hotkey]
Glob�ln� kl�vesov� zkratka
[add secondary hotkey]
P�idat druhou zkratku
[miranda hotkey (click to toggle)]
Lok�ln� zkratka (kliknut�m p�epnete)
[remove hotkey]
Odstranit zkratku
[revert change]
Vr�tit p�vodn� zkratku
[system global hotkey]
Glob�ln� zkratka
[window hotkey]
Zkratka pro okno

[Enter account name (for example, My Google)]
Zadejte n�zev ��tu (nap�. Google)
[Choose the protocol type]
Vyberte po�adovan� protokol
[Specify the internal account name (optional)]
Zadejte intern� n�zev ��tu (nepovinn�)
[Editing account]
Upravit ��et
[Account %s is being deleted]
Odstran�n� ��tu %s

[Start in Service Mode with]
Nouzov� re�im s dopl�kem

[WARNING! The account is going to be deleted. It means that all its settings, contacts and histories will be also erased.\n\nAre you absolutely sure?]
POZOR!!! Vybran� ��et bude smaz�n. V d�sledku to znamen�, �e bude odstran�n seznam kontakt� dan�ho protokolu, historie i nastaven�.\n\nOpravdu chcete smazat vybran� ��et?
[Your account was successfully upgraded. To activate it, restart of Miranda is needed.\n\nIf you want to restart Miranda now, press Yes, if you want to upgrade another account, press No]
Vybran� ��et byl �sp�n� zaktualizov�n a nyn� ho u� zb�v� jen aktivovat, co� vy�aduje restart Mirandy.\n\nPomoc� tla��tka 'Ano' provedete restart, kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Ne' lze aktualizovat dal�� ��et.
[Restart required]
Vy�aduje restart

[This account uses legacy protocol plugin. Use Miranda IM options dialogs to change it's preferences.]
Tento ��et pou��v� star�� generaci dopl�ku pro podporu dan�ho protokolu. Konfigurovat ho m��ete jen v okn� s nastaven�m pro celou Mirandu.
[Account is disabled. Please activate it to access options.]
Vybran� ��et je vypnut�. Nejd��ve ho mus�te aktivovat.
[Account ID]
Identifik�tor ��tu
[Configure your IM accounts]
Konfigurace nebo zalo�en� ��tu
[Account information:]
Informace o ��tu:
Dal�� mo�nosti:
[Configure network...]
Konfigurovat s�t�...
[Get more protocols...]
St�hnout dal�� protokoly...
[New account]
Z��dit ��et
[Upgrade account]
Aktualizovat ��et
[Protocol is not loaded.]
Protokol nen� na�ten�.

Zobrazit nebo skr�t

[File &Transfers...]
P�&enos soubor�...
[Clear completed]
Vymazat dokon�en�
[Miranda IM is being restarted.\nPlease wait...]
Restart programu Miranda.\nPo�kejte pros�m...
[Tranfer completed.]
P�enos dat dokon�en.
[No data transferred]
P�enos je�t� neza�al.
[Transfer completed, open file.]
P�enos dat dokon�en, otev�en� souboru.
[Transfer completed, open folder.]
P�enos dat dokon�en, otev�en� slo�ky.

[Check for Update]
Zjistit novou verzi
[No Update Available]
Nen� nov�j�� verze
[You are running the latest version of Miranda IM.  No update is available at this time.]
Pou��v�te nejnov�j�� verzi programu Miranda IM.
[Configure your Miranda Instant Messenger options]
Konfigurace programu Miranda IM
[Options search]
Hled�n� v nastaven�
[Enable keyword search in options dialog]
Zapnout hled�n� v nastaven� Mirandy
[If this option is checked it allows you to search for option pages that contain the search string or plugin name.]
Tato funkce umo�n� naj�t hledan� slovo, funkci nebo dopln�k v r�mci konfigura�n�ho okna Mirandy.

[Transfer completed.]
P�enos dat dokon�en.
[Transfer and virus scan complete]
P�enos i kontrola dat antivirem dokon�ena

[Locked status]
[Add binding]
[Text Effect]
Textov� efekt
[Base colour:]
Z�kladn� barva:
[Secondary colour:]
Dopl�kov� barva:
[Font Effect]


[Become idle if computer is left unattended for:]
P�ej�t do stavu ne�innosti pokud se nic ned�je:
[Idle (auto-away):]
Stav ne�innosti:
[Status messages:]
Stavov� zpr�vy:
[Choose events you wish to ingonre:]
Vyberte ud�losti, kter� chcete filtrovat:
[Event icon legend:]
Legenda k vybran�m ikon�m:
[Options\nConfigure your Miranda Instant Messenger options]
Mo�nosti\nKonfigurace programu Miranda IM
[Welcome to Miranda IM's account manager!\n Here you can set up your IM accounts.\n\n Select an account from the list on the left to see the available options. Alternatively, just click on the Plus sign underneath the list to set up a new IM account.]
V�tejte ve spr�vci ��t� programu Miranda IM!\nZde si m��ete zalo�it nov� ��et ve vybran� s�ti, upravit st�vaj�c� nebo naopak n�kter� smazat.\n\nChcete-li zalo�it nov� ��et, klikn�te na tla��tko \"plus\" v lev�m doln�m rohu okna. Pokud si p�ejete upravit st�vaj�c� ��et, vyberte po�adovan� ze seznamu.
[This font is used to display main section titles or text elements.]
Pou��v� se k zobrazen� textu v z�hlav� sekc� nebo odstavc�.
[Normal text:]
B�n� text:
[This font is used to display most text element or section bodies.]
Pou��v� se k zobrazen� v�t�iny text� v programu.
[Minor notes:]
[This font is used to display various addtional notes.]
Pou��v� se k zobrazen� dodatkov�ch text� a pozn�mek.
[Sample Text]
Uk�zka textu
[Validate SSL certificates]
Ov��it platnost certifik�t�
[Added event]
Nov� ud�lost
[Authorization request]
��dost o autorizaci
[Background info]
[%s\nView personal user details and more]
%s\nP�ehled informac� o vybran� osob�
Plat� pro:
[Accounts\nConfigure your IM accounts]
��ty\nKonfigurace nebo zalo�en� ��tu
[Work Phone]
Telefon (pr�ce)
[Work Fax]
Fax (pr�ce)
[Find/Add Contacts\nHere you can add contacts to your contact list]
Vyhled�n� kontakt�\nUmo�n� vyhledat a p�idat nalezen� do seznamu kontakt�

[Generic text]
B�n� text
[Small text]


[This change is known to be safe.]
Tato �prava se obecn� pova�uje za bezpe�nou.
[This change is known to be potentially hazardous.]
Tato �prava se pova�uje za potenci�ln� nebezpe�nou.
[This change is not known to be safe.]
Nezn�m� druh �pravy; nelze pova�ovat za bezpe�n�.

[Latest Version:]
Nejnov�j�� verze:

[Miranda was unable to open '%s'\nIt's inaccessible or used by other application or Miranda instance]
Profil '%s' nelze otev��t. Zkontrolujte,\nzda m�te opr�vn�n� ke �ten� dat z adres��e s profilem.
[Miranda can't open that profile]
Vybran� profil nelze otev��t
[Account Order && Visibility]
Po�ad� ��t� a jejich viditelnost
[Upgrading account]
Aktualizace ��tu


[Protocol menus]
Nab�dky ��t�
[Move to the main menu]
P�esunout do hlavn� nab�dky
[Move to the status bar]
P�esunout do nab�dky stavu

[Menu Objects]
[Menu Items]
Polo�ky nab�dky

[Clear completed transfers on window closing]
Smazat dokon�en� p�enosy po zav�en� okna

; ./src/modules/srauth/authdialogs.cpp
[%s requested authorization\n%u (%s) on %s]
%s ��d� o autorizaci\n%u (%s) v s�ti %s
[%s requested authorization\n%u on %s]
%s ��d� o autorizaci\n%u v s�ti %s
[%s requested authorization\n%s on %s]
%s ��d� o autorizaci\n%s v s�ti %s

[Denial Reason:]
D�vod odm�tnut�:
[Decide &Later]
[View User Details]
Zobrazit osobn� �daje


[Add to contact list if authorized]
Je-li autorizov�n, p�idat mezi kontakty

[Set custom time zone]
Nastavit vlastn� �asov� p�smo

[Miranda Profiles from]
Um�st�n� profil�
[Select or create your Miranda IM user profile]
V�b�r nebo vytvo�en� nov�ho profilu

[Become idle if application full screen]
P�ej�t do stavu ne�innosti v celoobrazovkov�m re�imu
[Open Logging Options]
Otev��t z�znam
[Use Custom Login (Domain login picked up automatically)]
Pou��t vlastn� p�ihl�en� (dom�nov� jm�no dopln�no automaticky)

; netlib options
[Netlib Log Options]
Z�znam s�ov� komunikace
[Received bytes]
P�ijat� data
[Sent bytes]
Odeslan� data
[Additional data due to proxy communication]
V�etn� komunikace s proxy
[Text dumps where available]
P�ednostn� textov� v�pis
[Auto-detect text]
Automatick� detekce textu
[Calling modules' names]
N�zvy volaj�c�ch modul�
[Run programm when Miranda IM starts (eg tail -f, dbgview, etc):]
Soub�n� spu�t�n� dal��ho programu (nap�. tail -f, dbgview atp.):
[Run now]
[Show this dialog box when Miranda IM starts]
Zobrazit toto okno p�i spu�t�n� Mirandy
[SSL Traffic]
V�etn� dat SSL
[No times]
Bez �asov�ho �daje
[Standard hh:mm:ss times]
Standardn� hh:mm:ss
[Times in milliseconds]
V milisekund�ch
[Times in microseconds]
V mikrosekund�ch
[Select program to be run]
Vyberte po�adovan� program
[Select where log file will be created]
Zadejte po�adovan� soubor pro z�znam

[Download more plugins]
St�hnout dal�� dopl�ky
[Re&ad Status Message]
P�e��st stavovou zpr�vu
[Don't send to any protocols]
Nepos�lat ��dn�mu protokolu
[Toggle send to all protocols]
P�epnout stav pos�l�n� protokol�m

[Disable icons]
Vypnout ikony

[Leave chat]
Opustit diskusi
[Move to Group]
P�esunout do skupiny
[Show title]
Zobrazit z�hlav�

[Are you sure you want to delete group '%s'?  This operation can not be undone.]
Opravdu chcete smazat skupinu '%s'? Tuto operaci nelze vr�tit.

[Open mailbox]
P�e��st po�tu

; ---

[Please authorize my request and add me to your contact list.]
Autorizujte pros�m m�j po�adavek a p�idejte si m� do va�eho seznamu.
;[Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before every change that is made.]
;[Security systems to prevent malicious changes are in place and you will be warned before changes that are known to be unsafe.]
;[Security systems to prevent malicious changes have been disabled. You will receive no further warnings.]
[Are you sure you want to remove profile "%s"?]
Opravdu si p�ejete odstranit profil "%s"?
[Failed to create file]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� souboru
[Configuration Files]
Konfigura�n� soubory
[Text Files]
Textov� soubory
[Error writing file]
Chyba p�i zapisov�n� do souboru
[Installed Plugins]
Instalovan� dopl�ky
;[< Copyright]
[Invalid Message]
Neplatn� zpr�va
[History for %s]
Historie pro %s
[Are you sure you want to delete this history item?]
Opravdu si p�ejete odstranit tento z�znam z historie?
[Delete History]
Smazat historii
[Key Bindings]
Kl�vesov� zkratky
[(Miranda Core Logging)]
Z�znam j�dra Mirandy
[Client cannot decode host message. Possible causes: Host does not support SSL or requires not existing security package]
Klient nem��e dek�dovat zpr�vu hostitele. Mo�n� p���iny: Hostitel nepodporuje SSL nebo vy�aduje neexistuj�c� soubor zabezpe�en�
[Host we are connecting to is not the one certificate was issued for]
Certifik�t nebyl vyd�n pro hostitele, ke kter�mu se nyn� p�ipojujeme
[Loading... %d%%]
Na��t�n�... %d%%
[%s options]
%s nastaven�
[Unable to load plugin in Service Mode!]
Nelze na��st dopln�k v nouzov�m re�imu
;[Unable to start any of the installed contact list plugins, I even ignored your preferences for which contact list couldn't load any.]
;[Can't find a contact list plugin! you need clist_classic or any other clist plugin.]
;[No messaging plugins loaded. Please install/enable one of the messaging plugins, for instance, "srmm.dll"]
[Account is online. Disable account?]
��et je p�ipojen. Deaktivovat ��et?
[You need to disable plugin to delete this account]
Pro smaz�n� tohoto ��tu mus�te deaktivovat dopln�k
[System scope]
Platnost v syst�mu
[Miranda scope]
Platnost v Mirand�
[%s Icons]
%s ikony
[Sound Files]
Zvukov� soubory
[%s added you to the contact list\n%u (%s) on %s]
%s si v�s p�idal mezi sv� kontakty\n%u (%s) v s�ti %s
[%s added you to the contact list\n%u on %s]
%s si v�s p�idal mezi sv� kontakty\n%u v s�ti %s
[%s added you to the contact list\n%s on %s]
%s si v�s p�idal mezi sv� kontakty\n%s v s�ti %s
[Feature is not supported by protocol]
Funkce nen� protokolem podporov�na
[User has not registered an e-mail address]
U�ivatel nem� zaregistrovanou e-mailovou adresu
[My Received Files]
Moje p�ijat� soubory
[%d directories]
%d slo�ek
[Send timed out]
Vypr�el �as na odesl�n�
;[Miranda IM\n%s]
[Transfer completed, open file(s).]
P�enos dat dokon�en, otev��t soubor(y).
[Auto rename]
Automaticky p�ejmenovat
[URL Received]
P�ijata URL
[\nStyles and effects are disabled for this font.]
\nStyly a efekty nejsou pro tento font dostupn�.
Kl�vesov� zkratka:
[Undo Changes]
Vr�tit zm�ny
[Reset To Default]
Obnovit v�choz�
[Error Console]
Chybov� konzole
[Error notifications]
Chybov� ozn�men�
[Rich Edit file]
Rich Edit soubor
[Image files]
Soubory obr�zk�
[JPEG-compressed images]
JPEG-komprimovan� obr�zky
[tabSRMM themes]
tabSRMM t�mata
[%s on %s%s]
%s v s�ti %s%s
[Enable popups if focused]
Povolit ozn�men� kdy� je okno v pop�ed�
[Windows Aero settings]
Nastaven� Windows Aero
[Use Aero UI elements(only when not using a custom skin)]
Pou��t Aero UI elementy (pouze pokud nen� pou�ito vlastn� t�ma)
[Use Windows 7 task bar enhancements (restart required)]
Pou��t Windows 7 vylep�en� li�ty �loh (vy�adov�n restart)
;[Unread Menu]
[Splitter context]
Kontext odd�lova�e
[Hold Selected]
Podr�et vybran�
[Resume Selected]
Pokra�ovat vybran�
[Show Popups if Window is focused]
Zobrazit ozn�men� kdy� je okno v pop�ed�
[Display popups for completed jobs]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pro dokon�en� �lohy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Unpublished strings                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/

; *** BEWARE: The items below are NOT included within the official Miranda langpack
; files and as such they may (and probably will) change in the future

; plugin: help
; Generated by lpgen on Tue Jan 18 22:49:20 2005
; Translations: 27

; datastore.cpp
[The help server replied with a failure code.]
Chyba p�i dotazu na server s n�pov�dou.
[Help can't connect to the server, it may be temporarily down. Please try again later.]
Nelze se p�ipojit k serveru s n�pov�dou, pravd�podobn� je do�asn� mimo provoz. Zkuste pozd�ji.
[Help Upload failed]
Chyba p�i aktualizaci n�pov�dy
;(DUP) [Upload complete]
[Help Upload]
Aktualizace n�pov�dy

; helpdlg.cpp
[Ctl ID: %d]
Ctl ID: %d
[Dialog ID: <not in dialog>]
Dialog ID: <nen� v dialogu>
[Dialog ID: %s]
Dialog ID: %s
[Type: %s]
Typ: %s
[Module: %s]
Modul: %s
[No help available]
N�pov�da nen� k dispozici

; main.cpp
[Help plugin HTTP connections]
Help - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTP

; options.cpp
[Download failed\n\nPlease check your Internet connection and try again.]
Chyba p�i stahov�n�.\n\nZkontrolujte p�ipojen� k internetu a akci zopakujte.
[Downloading language list\n\nPlease wait...]
Stahov�n� seznamu jazyk�.\n\nPo�kejte pros�m...
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Plugins]
[Help Editor]
Editor n�pov�dy

; resource.rc
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Server:]
;(DUP) [Language:]
;(DUP) [Path:]
[Help Language Picker]
Stahov�n� n�pov�dy

[&What's This?]
&Co je to?
[&What's This Dialog?]
&Co je tento dialog?

; plugin: textformat
; n�zev dopl�ku
Form�tov�n� textu

; plugin: WinPopup
; n�zev dopl�ku
[WinPopup Protocol]
Protokol WinPopup

; plugin: AutoReply.dll
[Auto Respond when in Away / NA]
Automaticky odpov�d�t ve stavu Pry� / Nejsem tady
[Set Respond Msg]
Nastavit automatickou odpov��

; plugin: nezn�m�
[Recent Contacts]
Ned�vn� kontakty

; plugin: services
[(restart required)]
(vy�aduje restart)
[Available services (%d):]
P�ehled slu�eb (po�et: %d)
[Services list]
Seznam slu�eb
[Total time]
Celkov� �as

[Display in a frame]
Zobrazit v r�me�ku

; plugin: aa_historyevents
[Keep in database:]
Uchovat v datab�zi:
[Event types:]
Druhy ud�lost�:
[Client Change]
Zm�na klienta
[Listening Change]
Zm�na p�i poslechu
[Nickname Change]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[Status Change]
Zm�na stavu
[Status Message Change]
Zm�na stavov� zpr�vy
[X-Status Change]
Zm�na roz���en�ho stavu
[X-Status Message Change]
Zm�na vlastn� zpr�vy
[Only add if message window is open]
Pouze b�hem komunikace s kontaktem
[For 1 year]
Po dobu 1 roku
[For 6 months]
Po dobu 6 m�s�c�
[For 1 month]
Po dobu 1 m�s�ce
[For 1 week]
Po dobu 1 t�dne
[For 1 day]
Po dobu 1 dne
[Only to view in message window]
Pouze v r�mci komunika�n�ho okna
[Max 10 events]
Max. 10 polo�ek
[Max 100 events]
Max. 100 polo�ek
[Don't store]

; plugin: Auto database backup
[Auto Backups]
Automatick� z�lohy
[Backup folder name:]
N�zev slo�ky se z�lohami: 
[Additional command (will be executed after the backup is made):]
Dopl�kov� p��kaz (bude proveden po dokon�en� z�lohov�n�):
[Wait this long for Miranda to exit (secs):]
Jak dlouho �ekat na Mirandu pro ukon�en� (sek):

; ---
; *** PLUGINS ***  
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  AdvancedAutoAway                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2205

; /StatusPlugins/commonstatus.c
[I've been away since %time%.]
Jsem pry� od %time%
[Give it up, I'm not in!]
Vzdejte to, nejsem tu!
[Not right now.]
Te� ne, pros�m.
[Give a guy some peace, would ya?]
Nechte m� pros�m chv�li o samot�, ano?
[I'm a chatbot!]
Kec�m, a� se mi od kl�vesnice pr��!
[Yep, I'm here.]
Jasn�, jsem tu.
[Nope, not here.]
Ne, nejsem tady
[I'm hiding from the mafia.]
Skr�v�m se p�ed mafi�.
[That'll be the phone.]
Pr�v� telefonuji
M�am... j�dlo

; /StatusPlugins/confirmdialog.c
[Closing in %d]
Zav�e se za %d sek.
[%s (%s)]
%s (%s)

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_KS_BASIC
[Check connection]
Zajistit spojen�
[Max. retries]
Max. opak.
[Protocol Connection]
Stav protokol�
[Delay between retries (secs)]
Prodleva mezi obnoven�m (sek.)
[Show popups]
Zobrazovat ozn�men�
[Protocols to check]
Vybran� protokoly
Vyt��en� spojen�
[Don't reconnect if no internet connection seems available]
Neobnovovat stav p�i odpojen� od internetu
[Continuously check for internet connection]
Periodicky ov��ovat p�ipojen� k internetu
[Do so by pinging host]
Pomoc� p��kazu ping

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_CONFIRMDIALOG
[Confirm Status]
Potvrzen� stavu

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_AUTOAWAY
[minutes of inactivity]
min. ne�innosti
[minutes of level 1 mode]
min. v m�du Level 1
[Confirm resetting status]
Potvrdit n�vrat do p�vodn�ho stavu
[Only set if current status is]
Nastavit pouze tehdy, je-li stav
[Monitor Miranda's activity only]
Monitorovat pouze program Miranda
[Reset status on return]
Po n�vratu obnovit p�vodn� stav
[when screen saver engages]
p�i aktivaci spo�i�e obrazovky
[only set when inactive]
pouze tehdy, je-li neaktivn�
[when workstation is locked]
p�i zamknut� po��ta�e

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_CMDLOPTIONS
[Command Line]
P��kazov� ��dek
[Copy to Clipboard]
[Command Line:]
P��kazov� ��dek:
[Create Shortcut]
Vytvo�it z�stupce
[Add new profile]
P�idat nov� profil
[Profile name]
N�zev profilu

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_STARTUPSTATUS
[Set window state]
Stav okna
[Show dialog]
Zobrazit dialog
[Set status to offline before exit]
P�ed ukon�en�m p�ej�t do 'Offline'
[Show CMDL]
P��kazov� �.
;(DUP) [Activate status profile]
[Set docked]
[Status on startup]
Stav po spu�t�n�
;(DUP) [Set after]
Doba zobrazen�
[Set window location]
Um�stit na sou�adnice
[Set window size]
Velikost okna
[Allow override]
Povolit potla�en�
;(DUP) [Note: status profiles can be created in the 'Status Profiles' options screen]
[Window on startup]
Okno po startu
[Automatically dial on startup]
Automaticky vyt��et po spu�t�n�
[Automatically hang up on exit]
Automaticky zav�sit po ukon�en�
[Dial-up (experimental)]
Vyt��en� spojen� (experiment�ln�)

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_PUOPT_KEEPSTATUS
[Background colour]
Barva pozad�
[Text colour]
Barva textu
[Use Windows colours]
Pou��t barvy Windows
[Use default colours]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[On left click]
Lev� tla��tko
[On right click]
Prav� tla��tko
[Do nothing]
Ned�lat nic
[Close popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Cancel reconnecting]
P�eru�it p�ipojov�n�
[Show when connection is lost]
Zobrazit p�i odpojen� od s�t�
[Show when a connection attempt is made]
Zobrazit p�i pokusu o nav�z�n� spojen�
[Show when reconnection has finished]
Zobrazit po �sp�n�m nav�z�n� spojen�
[Show other messages]
Zobrazit ostatn� zpr�vy
[From PopUp plugin]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[Show additional information in popups]
Zobrazit i dal��, podrobn�j�� informace 

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_AUTOAWAYMSG
[Use Miranda's message setting]
Pou��t v�choz� nastaven� Mirandy
[Use this message:]
Pou��t n�sleduj�c� zpr�vu:
[Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
%time% = aktu�ln� �as, %date% = aktu�ln� datum

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_GENAUTOAWAY
[Specify settings for each protocol]
Nastavit pro ka�d� protokol zvl᚝
[Use same settings for all protocols]
Nastavit pro v�echny protokoly stejn�
[Ignore caps-lock, num-lock and scroll-lock keys]
Ignorovat kl�vesy CAPS-, NUM- a SCROLL-LOCK
[Check interval (secs)]
Interval zji��ov�n� stavu (v sek.)
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
Dialog zav��t po (v sek.)
[You enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog, AdvancedAutoAway's options are ignored.]
Po aktivaci mo�nosti 'Zm�nit m�j stav na' na str�nce 'Ne�innost' je nastaven� dopl�ku AdvancedAutoAway ignorov�no.
[Monitor keyboard activity]
Monitorovat psan� na kl�vesnici
[Monitor mouse activity]
Monitorovat pohyb my�i
[Ignore CRTL, ALT, SHIFT, TAB, ESC and Windows keys]
Ignorovat kl�vesy CRTL, ALT, SHIFT, TAB, ESC a WIN
[Ignore any key combination with above keys]
Ignorovat kombinace s v��e uveden�mi kl�vesami

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_KS_ACTION
[Enable checking]
Zapnout kontrolu
[Disable checking]
Vypnout kontrolu
[Set status message]
Nastavit stavov� zpr�vy

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_KS_TRIGGER
[connection loss is detected]
spojen� bylo p�eru�eno
[reconnection attempt is made]
pokus o obnoven� spojen�
[successfull reconnected]
spojen� �sp�n� nav�z�no
[giving up reconnecting]
konec obnovov�n� spojen�
[Trigger if...]
Spustit kdy�...

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_STATUSPROFILES
[Create a TopToolBar button]
P�idat tla��tko do horn� li�ty
[Show confirm dialog when loading]
Po spu�t�n� potvrzovat stav
[Create a main menu item]
P�idat polo�ku do hlavn� nab�dky
[Status Profiles]
Startovn� profily
[In submenu]
V podmenu

; /StatusPlugins/resource.rc:IDD_OPT_KS_ADV
[Max. delay (secs)]
Max. prodleva (sek.)
[Increase delay exponential]
Prodlevu postupn� zvy�ovat
[Cancel all if a protocol connects from another location]
P�eru�it obnoven� p�i p�ipojen� z jin�ho m�sta
[Reconnect on APM resume]
Obnovit p�ipojen� po n�vratu z �sporn�ho re�imu
[Stop trying to reconnect]
P�estat obnovovat p�ipojen�
[Set delay to]
Zm�nit prodlevu na
[React on login errors]
Po chyb� p�i p�ihl�en�
[Set protocol offline before a connection attempt]
P�ed obnoven�m p�ipojen� nastavit protokol offline
[Max. protocol connecting time (secs)]
Maxim�ln� �as protokolu na p�ipojen� (sek.)
Obnoven� p�ipojen�
[Ignore locked status of protocols]
Ignorovat zamknut� stav protokol�
[Consider connection lost after]
Pova�ovat za odpojeno po
[failed pings]
ztrac. pak.
[Continuously check interval (secs)]
Interval ov��ov�n� p�ipojen� (sek.)

; /StatusPlugins/AdvancedAutoAway/advancedautoaway.c

; /StatusPlugins/AdvancedAutoAway/options.c
[minutes of %s mode]
min. ve stavu '%s'
[Status Messages]
Stavov� zpr�vy
[Auto Away Rules]
Zm�na stavu Pravidla
[Auto Away]
Automatick� stavy
[Auto Away General]
Zm�na stavu Obecn�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Splash Screen                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2624

;for Splash Screen v.

[Splash Options]
Logo p�i spu�t�n�
;(DUP) [Appearance]
;(DUP) [Sound:]
[Show Splash]
Zobrazit logo
;(DUP) [Play sound]
[Fade in:]
[Fade out:]
[Display time:]
Doba zobrazen�:

[Select splash randomly]
N�hodn� vyb�rat logo
[PNG and BMP files]
obr�zky typu PNG a BMP
[Sound files]
zvukov� soubory

[Splash Screen]
Logo p�i spu�t�n�
[Show Miranda Version]
Zobrazit verzi Mirandy
[Advaimg library not found. Please get it from nigtlies to be able to use images.]
Tento dopln�k vy�aduje knihovnu advaimg.dll, pota�mo program Miranda IM 0.7 nebo nov�j��.
[Show random splash]
Zobrazit n�hodn� logo
[Show splash]
Zobrazit logo
[Shows a splash at Miranda startup]
P�i spu�t�n� Mirandy umo�n� zobrazit logo a p�ehr�t zvuk.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  AIM Protocol                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; Generated by lpgen on Tue Jul 18 12:11:11 2006
; Translations: 44

; popup.cpp
[Aim Protocol]
Protokol AIM

; server.cpp
[[Auto-Response]: ]
Autom. odpov��: 
Autom. odpov��: 
[No information has been provided by the server.]
Server nedodal po�adovan� informace.

; services.cpp
[Manage Account]
Upravit ��et
[Check Mail]
P�e��st po�tu
[Instant Idle]
P�ej�t do ne�innosti
[Read &HTML Away Message]
&P�e��st autom. odpov��
[Read Profile]
P�e��st profil
[Add To Server List]
P�idat do seznamu na serveru

; windows.cpp

; aim.rc
[Message Delivery Confirmation]
Potvrdit doru�en� zpr�vy
[Do Not Autoreply When Away]
Vypnout automatick� odpov�di
[Convert Incoming Messages to BBCode]
Konvertovat p��choz� zpr�vy do BBCode
[Convert Outgoing Messages to HTML]
Konvertovat odchoz� zpr�vy do HTML
[Disable Account Type Icons]
Vypnout informace o typu ��tu
[Disable Extended Status Icons]
Vypnout roz���en� stavov� ikony
[Handle aim: links on websites]
Aktivovat podporu pro odkazy typu aim:
[Instant Idle on Login]
Po p�ihl�en� ne�innost
[Force Proxy File Transfers]
Data p�en�et jen p�es proxy server
[Masquerade as a Sidekick/Hiptop User]
Vyd�vat se za u�ivatele Sidekick/Hiptop
[Check Mail on Login]
Po p�ihl�en� p�e��st po�tu
[Save Profile]
Ulo�it profil
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Set Idle]
[Unset Idle]
[Display Name:]
Zobr. jm�no:
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Login Server:]
[*AimOSCAR must be reconnected  for some option to take effect.]
* Zm�ny se projev� a� p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� do s�t� AIM.
[Keep Alive Timer:]
Udr�ov. spojen�:
[File Transfer Grace Period:]
Zpo�d�n� p�enosu soubor�:
[AIM Profile Editing Dialog]
�prava profilu AIM
[Please enter your AIM account details to continue:]
Zadejte pros�m pot�ebn� �daje pro p�ihl�en� k ��tu AIM:
[Number of Hours:]
Po�et hodin:
[Number of Minutes:]
Po�et minut:
[AIM Options]
Mo�nosti AIM
[AIM User Details]
Informace o kontaktu
[Advanced Options]
Pro experty
[AIM Account Setup]
AIM :: Nastaven� ��tu
[AIM Instant Idler]
AIM :: Ne�innost

[AOL Instant Messenger server connection]
AIM - spojen� se serverem

[No new mail!!!!! Checked at ]
Nem�te ��dnou po�tu. �as: 
[You've got mail! Checked at ]
M�te po�tu! �as: 

[Edit Profile]
Upravit profil
[Read HTML Away Message]
P�e��st autom. odpov��

[Disable Avatars]
Vypnout avatary
[Send Keep Alive Packets]
Udr�ovat spojen�

;nelze prelozit
;[Please, enter a username in the options dialog.]
;Zadejte pros�m p�ihla�ovac� �daje pro s� AIM v nastaven� programu Miranda.

;(LAI) [AOL Mail]
[AIM Icon]
Ikona AIM
;(LAI) [Hiptop]
;(LAI) [AOL Bot]
[Not Confirmed]
[Profile Editor]
Editor profilu
[Foreground Color]
Barva pop�ed�
[Background Color]
Barva pozad�
[Not Bold]
Tu�n� ne
[Not Italic]
Kurz�va ne
[Not Underline]
Podtr�en� ne
Doln� index
[Not Subscript]
Doln� index ne
Horn� index
[Not Superscript]
Horn� index ne
[Normal Script]
Norm�ln� p�smo
[Not Normal Script]
Norm�ln� p�smo ne

[Screen Name:]
[Create a new AIM account]
Z��dit nov� ��et v s�ti AIM
[AIM Client-to-client connection]
AIM - p��m� spojen� mezi klienty
[Disable SSL]
Vypnout SSL
[Force Single Client]
Vynutit jedin�ho klienta
[Manage Server Groups]
Spravovat skupiny na serveru
[Users who can contact me:]
Pravidla pro komunikaci:
[Allow all users]
Povolit v�echny u�ivatele
[Allow only users on contact list]
Pouze u�ivatel� v seznamu kontakt�
[Allow only users below]
Povolit pouze n�e uveden�
[Block all users]
Blokovat v�echny u�ivatele
[Block only users below]
Blokovat pouze n�e uveden�
[Join Chat Room]
P�ipojit se do diskuse
[Chat Room]
Diskusn� m�stnost

; Description
[Provides support for AOL� Instant Messenger (AIM) protocol]
Implementace protokolu AIM. Umo��uje komunikaci s u�ivateli s�t� AOL.

[Notify about new mail]
Upozornit na novou po�tu
[Allow contacts to be notified of:]
Povolit kontakt�m upozorn�n� na:
[Screen Name]
[AOL Mail]
Po�ta AOL
[AOL Bot]
Robot AOL
[%s Client-to-client connection]
%s - p��m� spojen� mezi klienty

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Alarms                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2163

; /frame.cpp
[%dh %dm]
%d hod. %d min.
%d min.
[Hide Reminders]
Skr�t p�ipom�nky
[Show Reminders]
Zobrazit p�ipom�nky
;(DUP) [Frames]

[Alarm Reminders]

; /icons.cpp
[Menu: Set Alarm]
Menu: Nov� p�ipom�nka
[Reminder: Soon]
P�ipom�nka: U� brzy
[Reminder: Very Soon]
P�ipom�nka: Za 5 minut a m�n�
[Alarm: System Tray]
Upozorn�n�: Oblast pro ozn�men�
[Menu: Show/Hide Reminders]
Menu: Zobrazit/Skr�t p�ipom�nky

; /options.cpp
[Please enter a title for this alarm.]
Zadejte pros�m n�zev p�ipom�nky.
[The alarm time you have selected is in the past.]
Datum a �as mus� b�t z budoucnosti. Zadejte je znovu.
[Set Alarm]
Nov� p�ipom�nka

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPT1
[Use popup plugin]
Pou��t ozn�men� Mirandy
[Snooze time:]
Standardn� odlo�it o:
[Row Height:]
V��ka ��dku:
[Reminder Frame]
Okno upom�nky
[Auto hide/show]
Autom. zobrazit/skr�t
[Loop sound]
Opakovan� p�ehr�vat zvuk
[Period (hours):]
S p�edstihem (hod.):
[Hide/show with clist]
Dle okna s kontakty
[Auto size vertically]
Autom. v��ka okna
[Transparency (%):]
Pr�hlednost (v %):
[Alert Window]
Dal�� mo�nosti
[Round corners]
Zaoblit rohy
[Don't steal focus unless idle]
Okno do pop�ed� pouze v ne�innosti
[Popup window]
Zobrazit text
[Run command:]
Spustit p��kaz:
[Alert 1]
Zvuk �.1
[Alert 2]
Zvuk �.2
[Alert 3]
Zvuk �.3
Co t�den
Ka�d� den
Dny v t�dnu
Co m�s�c
Co rok
[i'm hiding]
Nikdo m� nedostane
[Date and Time]
Datum a �as
[Disable next occurence]
Vypnout p��t� ozn�men�
[Don't trigger on startup]
Neupozor�ovat p�i spu�t�n�
[No reminder]
Bez upozorn�n�

; /resource.rc:IDD_ALARM

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPTTRIGGER
;(DUP) [&Delete]
[&New Alarm...]
&Nov� p�ipom�nka...

; /timewindow.cpp

; /alarm_win.cpp
[Example Alarm]
Uk�zka p�ipom�nky
[Some example text. Example, example, example.]
�lu�ou�k� k�� �p�l ��belsk� �dy.

; /alarms.cpp
[Set a new alarm]
Zadat novou p�ipom�nku

[Default snooze:]
Standardn� odlo�it o:

; Description
[Set once-off, daily, weekly and weekday alarms.]
Jednor�zov�, denn�, t�denn� a jin� varianty p�ipom�nek.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Alternative Browse Received Files               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Martin Kon��ek <konicekmartin (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[Browse Received Files]
Proch�zet p�ijat�mi soubory

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Atomic                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: madmojo <madmojo (zavin��) kdynenet (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[The addressfield is empty!]
Zadejte pros�m adresu serveru!
;(DUP) [Plugins]
[Failed to load Winsock!]
Chyba p�i na��t�n� modulu Winsock!
[Atomic requires another version of Winsock!]
Atomic vy�aduje nov�j�� verzi modulu Winsock!
[Time was successfully synchronised!]
�as byl �sp�n� synchronizov�n!
[Failed to set the local time!]
Chyba p�i nastavov�n� m�stn�ho �asu!
[Time difference was greater was 1 hour, not synchronizing clock!]
Rozd�l �asu je v�t�� ne� 1 hodina; hodiny nesynchronizov�ny!
[Could not connect to any of the servers in the database!]
Nelze nav�zat spojen� s ��dn�m ze server� v datab�zi!
[Could not find any address in the database!]
V datab�zi nen� definovan� ��dn� polo�ka!
;(DUP) [seconds]
[Synchronization statistics]
Statistika synchronizace
[Client originate date and time:]
P�vodn� datum a �as klienta:
[Server receive date and time:]
Datum a �as serveru p�i p�ijet�:
[Server transmit date and time:]
Datum a �as serveru p�i odesl�n�:
[Client destination date and time:]
C�lov� datum a �as klienta:
[Round trip delay:]
Odchylka p�i odesl�n�-p�ijet�:
[Local clock offset was:]
Rozd�l m�stn�ho a �asu na serveru:
�asov� servery
[Server A:]
Server A:
[Server B:]
Server B:
[Server C:]
Server C:
[Server D:]
Server D:
[Server E:]
Server E:
[Options for automatic retrievel]
Automatick� synchronizace
[Retrive time automatically at startup]
Synchronizovat automaticky p�i startu
[Wait 25 seconds before connecting]
P�ed nav�z�n�m spojen� po�kat 25 s
[Show a message when time has been set]
P�i nastaven� �asu zobrazit zpr�vu
[Play a soundfile when time has been set]
P�i nastaven� �asu p�ehr�t zvuk
[Update frequency (hours)]
�asov� interval (v hod.)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Authorization State                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: MiSHAK <imishak (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3161

[Auth State]
Stav autorizace
;(DUP) [Auth]
[Auth & Grant]
Autorizace & Schv�len�
[Show Auth icon]
Zobrazit ikonu
[Show Grant icon]
Zobrazit ikony ud�len�
[Plugin settings]
Nastaven� dopl�ku
[slot to draw the icon]
pro vykreslen� ikony
[Enable Menu Item (*)]
Zobrazit polo�ku v nab�dce (*)
[Show icons only for recently added contacts]
Zobrazit ikony jen pro ned�vno p�idan� kontakty
[* Restart of Miranda required]
* Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM
[Enable AuthState icons]
Povolit ikony Stavu autorizace
[Disable AuthState icons]
Zak�zat ikony Stavu autorizace
[Note: if you still don't see the icons try changing icon slot. Perhaps its used by some other plugin.]
Pozn.: Pokud st�le nevid�te ikony, zkuste zm�nit slot. St�vaj�c� mo�n� pou��v� jin� dopln�k.

; Authorization State
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Extraicons plugin is used, use Contact list > Extraicons for customize.]
Dopln�k Extraicons je aktivn�, pro �pravy pou�ijte Kontakty > Dopl�kov� ikony.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  AutoReplacer                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=593

;AutoReplacer plugin
;by Angelo Luiz Tartari

; Options group name
;(DUP) [Events]

; Options page name
Kontrola chyb
Nahrazov�n� textu

; Options page
[&Enable AutoCorrection]
&Zapnout kontrolu chyb
[&Enable AutoText]
Zapnout nahrazov�n� t&extu
[Correct TWo INitial &CApitals]
&Oprava PO��te�n�ch DVou VElk�ch P�smen
[Capitalize first letter of &sentences]
Prvn� &slovo ve v�t� velk�m p�smenem
[Capitalize &names of days]
&N�zvy dn� v t�dnu velk�m p�smenem
[Correct accidental usage of cAPS &LOCK Key]
Opravit n�hodn� zapnut� kl�vesy cAPS &LOCK
[AutoText entries]
Polo�ky k nahrazen�
;(DUP) [&Add]
;(DUP) [&Delete]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
&Prvn� p�smeno
[&TWo INitial CApitals]
DV� PO��&te�n� VElk�
[Do not capitalize sentences beginning with]
Nem�nit po�. p�smeno u v�t za��naj�c�ch na
[Do not correct words beginning with]
Neopravovat slova za��naj�c� na

;(DUP) [Help]
[Select an item to delete.]
Vyberte po�adovanou polo�ku.

; Capital
[Change Case]
Zm�nit mal�/VELK�
[Sentence case]
[Title Case]

; Import/export
[I want to...]
 Po�adovan� operace 
[import AutoText entries]
Importovat polo�ky nahrazen� textu
[import AutoCorrection entries]
Importovat polo�ky opravy chyb
[import capitalize exception entries]
Importovat v�jimky po��te�n�ch velk�ch p�smen
[import two initial capitals exception entries]
Importovat v�jimky dvou po��te�n�ch velk�ch p�smen
[export AutoText entries]
Exportovat polo�ky nahrazen� textu
[export AutoCorrection entries]
Exportovat polo�ky opravy chyb
[export capitalize exception entries]
Exportovat v�jimky po��te�n�ch velk�ch p�smen
[export two initial capitals exception entries]
Exportovat v�jimky dvou po��te�n�ch velk�ch p�smen
;(DUP) [Path:]
[Txt File]
textov� soubor
;(DUP) [Invalid path and/or filename.]
;(DUP) [Importing sucessfully completed.]
[Error importing AutoText entries.]
Chyba p�i importu polo�ek nahrazen� textu.
[Error importing AutoCorrection entries.]
Chyba p�i importu polo�ek opravy chyb.
[Error importing exceptions entries.]
Chyba p�i importu v�jimek.
[Error exporting AutoText entries.]
Chyba p�i exportu polo�ek nahrazen� textu.
[Error exporting AutoCorrection entries.]
Chyba p�i exportu polo�ek opravy chyb.
[Error exporting exception entries.]
Chyba p�i exportu v�jimek.
[&Do it!]
;(DUP) [&Close]

; Other

[Please read the readme file for help, there are instructions on how to use and how to configure the plugin.]
V�ce informac�, n�vod k pou�it� a jak nastavit dopln�k naleznete v souboru Readme.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Autorun                                         |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Dave-Dave
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=285

Automatick� spu�t�n�
[Launch Miranda IM at system startup]
Spustit Mirandu p�i startu Windows
[Note: At startup Miranda IM will use current profile]
Pozn�mka: P�i spu�t�n� Miranda pou�ije aktu�ln� profil.

[This plugin is a simple way to enable/disable to launch Miranda IM with system startup.]
Jednoduch� zp�sob, jak zajistit spu�t�n� Mirandy p�i startu Windows.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Avatar History                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://pescuma.mirandaim.ru/miranda/avatarhist

[Avatar History]
Historie avatar�

[View Avatar History]
Zobrazit historii avatar�

;(DUP) [Avatars]

;(DUP) [History]
;(LAI) [Avatar]

[ Logging options ]
 Nastaven� ukl�d�n� 
[Store old avatars on disk]
Ukl�dat star� avatary na disk
[Also create per contact folders with shortcuts]
Tak� vytvo�it pro ka�d� kontakt slo�ku se z�stupci
[Log avatar changes to history]
Zapisovat zm�ny do historie

[ History templates ]
[Avatar change:]
Zm�na avataru:
[Track when contacts remove their avatars too]
Ozn�mit i odstran�n� avataru kontaktu
[Avatar removal:]
Odstran�n� avataru:

;(DUP) [ Protocols ]
;(DUP) [Enable tracking for these protocols:]
[Keep all in same folder]
Nechat v�e ve stejn� slo�ce

;(DUP) [Popups]
[Avatar Change]
Zm�na avataru

[Show popup when a contact change his avatar]
Zobrazit ozn�men�, kdy� kontakt zm�n� sv�j avatar

;(DUP) [ Colours ]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Use default colours]

;(DUP) [ Delay ]
;(DUP) [From popup plugin]
;(DUP) [Custom]
;(DUP) [Permanent]

;(DUP) [ Actions ]
;(DUP) [On right click:]
;(DUP) [On left click:]
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [Close popup]
[Show avatar history]
Zobrazit historii avatar�
[Show contact history]
Zobrazit historii kontaktu

;(DUP) [Preview]

;(DUP) [Test Contact]
;(DUP) [Test description]

[Avatar History: Select how to store history avatars]
Historie avatar�: Vyberte zp�sob ukl�d�n� historie avatar�
[Please select how the avatar history should be stored. This setting can NOT be changed in future, because it would cause all previous history to be lost.]
Pros�m vyberte zp�sob ukl�d�n� historie avatar�. Toto nastaven� NELZE v budoucnu m�nit, proto�e by to zp�sobilo ztr�tu cel� historie avatar�.
[Store history in miranda history and all history avatars in same folder]
Ukl�dat z�znamy do historie Mirandy a v�echny avatary do stejn� slo�ky
[History is stored inside miranda db. It can be seen by History++ or Avatar History internal viewer.]
Ulo�� historii do datab�ze Mirandy. Zobraz�te ji pomoc� History++ nebo intern�m prohl�e�em.
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Avatar Hash>]
Um�st�n� na disku: <profil>\\Avatars History\\<hash_avataru>
[Store history in miranda history and history avatars in per protocol folders]
Ukl�dat z�znamy do historie Mirandy a avatary do slo�ek jednotliv�ch protokol�
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Avatar Hash>]
Um�st�n� na disku: <profil>\\Avatars History\\<protokol>\\<hash_avataru>
[Store history in miranda history and history avatars in per contact folders using shortcuts]
Ukl�dat z�znamy do historie Mirandy a avatary do slo�ek jednotliv�ch kontakt� pomoc� z�stupc�
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Avatar Hash> and have a shortcut per history entry in <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Contact ID>\\<Timestamp>]
Um�st�n� na disku: <profil>\\Avatars History\\<protokol>\\<hash_avataru>, p�i�em� z�stupce najdete v <profil>\\Avatars History\\<protokol>\\<identifik�tor_kontaktu>\\<�as>
[Store history avatars in per contact folders using shortcuts]
Ukl�dat avatary do slo�ek jednotliv�ch kontakt� pomoc� z�stupc�
[History is stored only in disk. It can be seen by Avatar History internal viewer.]
Ulo�� historii avatar� pouze na disk. Zobraz�te ji intern�m prohl�e�em.
[Store history avatars in per contact folders]
Ukl�dat avatary do slo�ek jednotliv�ch kontakt�
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Contact ID>\\<Timestamp> (the same image can be stored lot of times)]
Um�st�n� na disku: <profil>\\Avatars History\\<protokol>\\<identifik�tor_kontaktu>\\<�as> (stejn� obr�zek m��e b�t ulo�en v�ckr�t!)
;(DUP) [OK]

[Open Folder]
Otev��t slo�ku
;(DUP) [Save]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(LAI) [<]
;(LAI) [>]

[Store this user's old avatars in disk]
Ukl�dat avatary kontaktu na disk
[Log this user's avatars changes to history]
Zapisovat zm�ny avataru do historie
[Show popups for this user]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pro tento kontakt
;(DUP) [OK]
[Save As...]
Ulo�it jako...
[Delete this entry]
Odstranit vybran� z�znam
[Delete this entry and the bitmap file]
Odstranit vybran� z�znam i s obr�zkem

[Please select an avatar from the list]
Pros�m vyberte avatar ze seznamu
[No avatar selected]
Nen� zvolen avatar

[Delete avatar log?]
Odstranit z�znam?
[Are you sure you wish to delete this history entry?\nOnly the entry in history will be deleted, bitmap file will be kept!]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran� z�znam v historii?\nT�mto odstran�te pouze polo�ku v historii, obr�zek z�stane na disku!
[Are you sure you wish to delete this avatar shortcut?\nOnly shortcut will be deleted, bitmap file will be kept!]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran�ho z�stupce?\nT�mto odstran�te pouze z�stupce, obr�zek z�stane na disku!

[Delete avatar?]
Odstranit avatar?
[Are you sure you wish to delete this archived avatar?\nThis will delete the history entry and the bitmap file.\nWARNING:This can affect more than one entry in history!]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran� avatar?\nT�mto odstran�te z�znam z historie i s obr�zkem.\nVAROV�N�: Tato operace m��e ovlivnit v�ce polo�ek v historii!
[Are you sure you wish to delete this archived avatar?\nThis will delete the shortcut and the bitmap file.\nWARNING:This can affect more than one shortcut!]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran� avatar?\nT�mto odstran�te z�stupce i s obr�zkem.\nVAROV�N�: Tato operace m��e ovlivnit v�ce z�stupc�!

[Unknown Protocol]
nezn�m� protokol
[Unknown UIN]
nezn�m� UIN

; �et�zce kter� jsou jinak/nav�c ve verzi

[Avatar history...]
Historie avatar�...
[changed his/her avatar]
zm�nil(a) sv�j avatar
[removed his/her avatar]
odstranil(a) sv�j avatar

[Show 'Avatar History' on contacts' menus (takes effect after restart)]
Zobrazit polo�ku 'Historie avatar�' v menu kontaktu (vy�aduje restart)

[Log changes to disk]
Ukl�dat zm�ny na disk
;(DUP) [Log changes to history]

;(DUP) [ Tracking ]
[Track when contacts change their avatars]
Ozn�mit zm�nu avataru kontaktu
[Track when contacts remove their avatars]
Ozn�mit odstran�n� avataru kontaktu
;(DUP) [Template:]

[Log this user's avatars to disk]
Ukl�dat avatary tohoto kontaktu na disk
[Log this user's avatars to history]
Ukl�dat avatary tohoto kontaktu do historie

[Are you sure you wish to delete this archived avatar?]
Ur�it� chcete odstranit vybran� avatar?

[This plugin keeps backups of all your contacts' avatar changes and/or shows popups]
Zaznamen�v� a informuje o zm�n�ch avataru.

[MetaContacts have special handling: the info is always copied from subcontacts (notifications from a meta are ignored)]
Upozorn�n� pro metakontakty: Informace o zm�n� avataru poch�zej� od jednotliv�ch kontakt�.

; Avatar History [ALA Style Mod] -
; http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3687
[Enable avatar history for these protocols:]
Povolit historii avatar� pro tyto protokoly:

[Show Popups and/or Log to History]
Zobrazit ozn�men� a zapsat do historie
[Log changes to history (save event in profile history)]
Zapisovat zm�ny do historie (ulo�it ud�lost v historii profilu)
[Log changes to disk (save avatar picture)]
Zapisovat zm�ny na disk (ulo�it obr�zek)

[When a contact has a new avatar (not in history)]
Kdy� m� kontakt nov� avatar (nen� v historii)
[When a contact changes his/her avatar]
Kdy� kontakt zm�n� avatar
[When a contact removes his/her avatar]
Kdy� kontakt odstran� avatar

[has a new avatar]
m� nov� avatar

[Delete Avatar]
Odstranit avatar
[Delete Forever]
Odstranit trvale
[Are you sure you want to delete this avatar?]
Ur�it� chcete odstranit vybran� avatar?
[Delete Avatar FOREVER]
Odstranit avatar trvale
[When you delete an avatar forever it won't be logged by Avatar History ever again (just for this contact).\nIf at some point you wish to revert this action, you must use Database Editor.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this avatar forever?]
Odstran�te-li avatar t�mto zp�sobem, nebude u� nad�le zaznamen�v�n do historie (plat� pouze pro dan� kontakt).\nOperaci lze vr�tit, ale mus�te k tomu pou��t dopln�k Editor datab�ze.\n\nUr�it� chcete odstranit vybran� avatar trvale?

[Avatar Overlay]
P�ekryt� avataru

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Avatar service                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2361

; Generated by lpgen on Sun Aug 19 15:25:27 2007
; Translations: 59

; Common strings that belong to many files
[Make the avatar square]
Upravit obr�zek na �tvercov� tvar
[Grow avatar to fit max allowed protocol size]
Upravit rozm�ry na max. velikost danou protokolem

; ./plugins/avs/acc.cpp
[Protocols have different avatars]
Jednotliv� protokoly maj� definovan� r�zn� avatary.

; ./plugins/avs/avs.rc
[ Background ]
[ Options ]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Change]
[Color diff:]
Rozd�l barev:
[Color difference allowed:]
Povolen� odchylka barev:
[Contact picture]
;(DUP) [Delete]
[Delete default picture]
Odstranit v�choz� obr�zek
;(DUP) [Dialog]
[Draw avatars grayscale]
Zobrazit v odst�nech �edi
[Make transparency proportional to color diff]
Zpr�hlednit dle barevn�ch rozd�l�
[Max allowed file size for avatars: (KBytes)]
Maxim�ln� povolen� velikost souboru (KB):
[Num of points to define bkg:]
Mno�stv� bod� definuj�c�ch pozad�:
;(DUP) [OK]
[Picture options]
Mo�nosti obr�zku
Po�et bod�:
[Protect the picture]
Zamknout obr�zek
[Protect the picture and prevent automatic avatars from overwriting it]
Zamknout obr�zek a zabr�nit tak automatick�mu p�episov�n�
;(DUP) [Reset]
;(DUP) [Set]
[Set as hidden]
Nastavit jako skryt�
[Set default picture]
Nastavit v�choz� obr�zek
[Show warning messages]
Zobrazit chybov� hl�en�
[This uses the same additional options as in \"Contact Avatars\" tab]
* Nastaven� t�to funkce je sd�len� s panelem "Pro kontakty"
;(DUP) [Transparent]
[Try to draw avatar background transparent (for images without transparency)]
Pokusit se zpr�hlednit pozad� avataru (plat� pro obr�zky bez transparence)
[Try to draw own avatar background transparent (for images without transparency)]
Pokusit se zpr�hlednit pozad� avataru (plat� pro obr�zky bez transparence)
[Try to make picture background transparent]
Pokusit se zpr�hlednit pozad� obr�zku
[Use defaults]
Pou��t v�choz�
[Use per protocol avatars]
Pro ka�d� protokol jin� avatar
[When setting avatars, always make them square]
P�i nastaven� avataru v�dy zm�nit na �tvercov� tvar

; ./plugins/avs/main.cpp
;(DUP) [All Files]
;(DUP) [Avatar]
;(DUP) [Avatars]
[Contact Avatars]
Pro kontakty
;(DUP) [Customize]
[Flash Animations]
animace typu Flash
;(DUP) [GIF Bitmaps]
;(DUP) [JPEG Bitmaps]
[My Avatars]
Osobn� avatary
[My Global Avatar Cache]
�lo�i�t� avatar�
[Own Avatars]
Pro sebe
;(DUP) [PNG Bitmaps]
;(DUP) [Protocols]
[Set My Avatar]
Nastavit avatar
[Set My Avatar for %s]
Nastavit avatar pro %s
;(DUP) [Windows Bitmaps]
[XML Files]
soubory typu XML

; ./plugins/avs/options.cpp
[Are you sure you want to remove your avatar?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit sv�j avatar?
[Contact has no avatar]
<avatar nen� definovan�>
[Delete picture file from disk (may be necessary to force a reload, but will delete local pictures)?]
Chcete odstranit i obr�zek z disku (nutno prov�st p�i vynucen� aktualizaci avataru)?
[Global Avatar]
Glob�ln� avatar
[Reset contact picture]
Resetovat obr�zek kontaktu
[Set avatar options for %s]
%s: avatar

[Load and manage contact pictures for other plugins]
Na��t� a spravuje obr�zky pro ostatn� dopl�ky

[The pictures you can set here are used as default avatars\nfor contacts that don't have their own.\nUse the checkboxes to enable/disable showing avatars for the protocols.]
Definuje obr�zky pro kontakty bez avataru. Za�krtnut�m zobrazen�\nv�choz�ho obr�zku zapnete, od�krtnut�m vypnete.
[CAUTION: These pictures are NOT your own avatars.\nTo set your own Avatar goto Main Menu | View/Change My Details | Avatars]
Upozorn�n�: V� vlastn� avatar ur��te pomoc� funkce Nastavit\navatar ze sekce Informace o sob� v hlavn� nab�dce.

[Global avatar]
Glob�ln� avatar
[Global avatar for %s accounts]
Glob�ln� avatar pro ��ty na %s

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Away System                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Tur McDonnel <tur (te�ka) mcdonnel (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>

; New stuff to translate since v0.3.0.5:
[When I'm]
[don't send the status message]
neodes�lat zpr�vu stavu

; In v0.3.0.0 the following strings were removed:
; "Could not get Miranda's window, Aborting...", "Do not pop up dialog asking for status message"
; "Disable Miranda's Away Dialog"

; New stuff to translate since v0.3.0.0:
[Status Message Dialog]
Zpr�va stavu
[don't pop the status message dialog]
neotev�rat okno pro zad�n� zpr�vy stavu

; The following are the same from Miranda's SRAway module (Read Away Message):
;(DUP) [%s Message for %s]
;(DUP) [Retrieving %s message...]
;(DUP) [&Cancel]
;(DUP) [&Close]
;(DUP) [Re&ad %s Message]

; In v0.2.8.2 the following strings were removed:
; "Away System - More Options"

; In v0.2.8.0 the following strings were removed:
; The short version: ALL strings from the variables list dialog were removed (Except the title of the dialog)
; The long version:
; "Dynamic", "Fixed", "%time%        Current Time", "%date%        Current Date", "%day%        Present Day", "%mynick%  Your nickname"
;, "%statdesc%     Status type", "%yournick%        Requester's nickname", "%yourname%        Requester's first name"
;, "%winampsong%     Current song playing in Winamp", "%currenttime%               Time of request"
;, "%timepassed%        Time that has passed until request", "%randomline%     A random line from as_random.txt"
;, "%yourcnick%    Requester's contact list name", "%messagenum%    Number of messages from contact"
; New stuff to translate since v0.2.8.0:
[Enable contact menu item]
Povolit polo�ku menu v hlavn� nab�dce
[Current time]
Aktu�ln� �as
[Current date]
Dne�n� datum
[Present day]
Den v t�dnu
[Your nickname]
Va�e p�ezd�vka
[Status type]
[Contact's nickname]
P�ezd�vka kontaktu
[Contact's custom name]
Pojmenov�n� kontaktu
[Contact's first name]
K�estn� jm�no kontaktu
[Time of request]
�as po�adavku
[Number of messages from contact]
Po�et zpr�v od u�ivatele
[Time that has passed until request]
Uplynul� �as od po�adavku
[A random line from filename]
N�hodn� ��dek ze souboru
[Returns line num from filename]
��slo ��dku v souboru
[Current song playing in Winamp]
P�ehr�van� skladba ve Winampu
; these 2 below should be translated so you can translate "filename" and/or "num"
;(LAI) [%randomline(filename)%]
;(LAI) [%singleline(filename,num)%]

; In v0.2.7.5 the strings "Change %s Message" and "Message...->" were removed
; New stuff to translate since v0.2.7.5:
[Remember last message used for a contact when changing status message]
Pamatovat si posledn� zpr�vu pou�itou pro kontakt p�i zm�n� zpr�vy stavu
[Send status message on event]
Poslat zpr�vu stavu p�i ud�losti
[Only send status message to non-ICQ contacts]
Poslat zpr�vu stavu pouze u�ivatel�m mimo ICQ
[Every time]
[On event...]
[Change %s Message for %s]
Zm�nit zpr�vu stavu %s pro %s
[Don't send this contact my status message]
Tomuto kontaktu neodes�lat zpr�vu stavu
[Send this contact the status message on event]
Tomuto kontaktu odeslat zpr�vu stavu p�i ud�losti
[Reset All]
V�e resetovat
[Contacts >>]
Kontakty >>
;(DUP) [** All contacts **]
[All Contacts]
V�echny kontakty
;(DUP) [Apply]
[Set %s message for %s]
Nastavit %s zpr�vu pro %s

; New stuff to translate since v0.2.7.2:
[%d seconds]
%d sek.
[%d minutes]
%d min.
[%d hours]
%d hod.

; In v0.2.7.0 the strings "Variables >>" and "Variables <<" were removed. So... you can remove them :)
; New stuff to translate since v0.2.7.0:
[Variables List]

; New stuff to translate since v0.2.6.0:
[More Options]
Dal�� mo�nosti
; Dialogs
[Away System]
Automatick� odpov�di
;(DUP) [Save]
;(DUP) [Delete]
[Default Message]
V�choz� zpr�va
;(DUP) [Variables]
;(DUP) [Reset]
;(DUP) [Delete Settings]
;(DUP) [Options]
[By default...]
V�choz� stav
[Use the message from last time]
Pou��t posledn� odpov��
[Use the default message]
Pou��t v�choz� odpov��
[Never close the status message dialog]
Nezav�rat okno s v�b�rem zpr�vy stavu
[second(s) before closing the status message dialog]
sek. p�ed zav�en�m okna s v�b�rem zpr�vy stavu
[Remember last message for each status separately]
Pamatovat si posledn� zpr�vu pro ka�d� stav zvl᚝
[Remember the status message dialog's position]
Pamatovat si pozici okna s v�b�rem zpr�vy stavu
;(DUP) [Closing in %d]
;(DUP) [OK]
[An error has occured while trying to acquire messages]
Do�lo k chyb� b�hem pokusu o z�sk�n� zpr�vy
[-> Last%sMessage]
-> Posledn�%szpr�va
;(DUP) [Are you sure you would like to delete settings? If you continue, all of your settings will be deleted!]
;(DUP) [All settings will be erased after you close the options window!]
[Please enter a title for the message before saving.]
P�ed ulo�en�m zadejte pros�m n�zev zpr�vy.
[Please enter a message before saving.]
P�ed ulo�en�m napi�te zpr�vu.

; built-in messages
; note to translators: The 3rd message "Gone since..." is used by default on several occassions:
; - when the user doesn't enter a message - when a default message is needed but there are no predefined messages available
; just thought you should know ;)
[Your master, %mynick% is %statdesc% since the day that is only known as %day%... When he gets back, I'll tell him you dropped by...]
Va�e veli�enstvo, %mynick% je pr�v� %statdesc% ode dne, zn�m�ho jako %day%... A� se vr�t�, ihned ho upozorn�m, aby V�s kontaktoval...
[Gone fragging]
[Been fragging since %time%, I'll msg you later when the adrenaline wears off.]
Lov�m fragy od %time%, ozvu se ti hned, jak ze m� vyprch� v�echen adrenalin.
[Not here]
Nejsem tu
[Gone since %time%, will be back later.]
Nejsem tu od %time%, p�ijdu pozd�ji.
;(DUP) [On the phone]
[I'm on the phone since %time%, give me a sec!]
Telefonuji od %time%, dej mn� vte�inku!

; Away System MOD
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1494

[Show 5 more recent messages in the list]
Zobrazit dal��ch 5 naposledy pou�it�ch zpr�v v seznamu
[Log when i send the status message]
Zapisovat odes�lan� stavov� zpr�vy
[Use default nick for %mynick%]
Pou��t v�choz� p�ezd�vku pro prom�nnou %mynick%
;zde tla��tko pro TTB
[Send Away Msg on/off]
Odes�lat zpr�vy o nep��tomnosti
[Expand >>]
V�ce >>
[Reduce <<]
M�n� <<
[-- Recent --]
-- Naposledy pou�it� --
[You can use variables from "variable" plugin (look miranda-im.org in Files/Services).]
Je mo�no pou��t prom�nn� z dopl�ku "Variables" (ke sta�en� na miranda-im.org v sekci Files/Services).

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  BattleShip                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1100

;; Battleship game

["Battleship" game]
[Play "Battleship" game]
Zahr�t si hru &Lod�
[&New game]
&Nov� hra
[Just start a new game...]
Nov� hra m��e za��t...
[Arrange your ships]
Rozm�st�n� lod�
[Your opponent is tired of playing]
Protivn�k se p�i h�e nud�
[You win!]
Vyhr�li jste!
[Sorry, You lose...]
Prohr�li jste...
[Your move!]
Jste na tahu!
[Opponent's move...]
T�hne protivn�k...
[Wait for answer...]
�ek�n� na odpov��...
[Opponent is not ready. Waiting...]
Protivn�k nen� p�ipraven�. Po�kejte...
[Hurry up! Opponent is ready to fight.]
Po�p�te si! Protivn�k je p�ipraven.
[Game in progress. Do you really want to terminate?]
Hra je�t� neskon�ila. Opravdu ji chcete ukon�it?
[Your opponent want to restart. Do you agree?]
Protivn�k chce za��t hru znovu od za��tku. Souhlas�te?
;(DUP) [Do you really want to reset the game statistics?]
St�ela mimo
[Horiz. ship: Beginning]
Lo� vodorovn�: p���
[Horiz. ship: Middle]
Lo� vodorovn�: st�ed
[Horiz. ship: Ending]
Lo� vodorovn�: z��
[Horiz. ship: Alone]
Lo� vodorovn�: cel� lo�
[Vert. ship: Beginning]
Lo� svisle: p���
[Vert. ship: Middle]
Lo� svisle: st�ed
[Vert. ship: Ending]
Lo� svisle: z��
[Vert. ship: Alone]
Lo� svisle: cel� lo�
[Unknown command for "Battleship" game received]
P�i�el nezn�m� p��kaz pro hru "Lod�".
[*Battleship* There's someone who wants to play the game with you!]
Hal�! N�kdo by si s v�mi r�d zahr�l hru Lod�!
[The cool game from my childhood]
Skv�l� hra m�ho d�tstv�
[Battleship: New game]
Lod� (nov� hra)
[Battleship: Defeat]
Lod� (por�ka)
[Battleship: Victory]
Lod� (v�t�zstv�)
[Battleship: Game is started]
Lod� (za��tek hry)
[Battleship: Your move]
Lod� (vlastn� tah)
[Battleship: You miss]
Lod� (st�ela mimo)
[Battleship: You hit]
Lod� (z�sah lod�)
[Battleship: You destroyed enemy's ship]
Lod� (zni�en� lod� protivn�ka)
[Battleship: Opp. move]
Lod� (tah protivn�ka)
[Battleship: Opp. miss]
Lod� (st�ela mimo protivn�ka)
[Battleship: Opp. hit]
Lod� (z�sah lod� protivn�kem)
[Battleship: Opp. destroyed your ship]
Lod� (zni�en� vlastn� lod�)
[Battleship: Take the ship]
Lod� (uchopen� lod�)
[Battleship: Drop the ship]
Lod� (polo�en� lod�)
;(DUP) [Do you really want to reset the game statistics?]
;(DUP) [Games]
[Have fun online!]
U�ijte si z�bavy online!
[Load &skin...]
Na��&st t�ma vzhledu...
[Select a skin file]
Vybrat t�ma vzhledu
;(DUP) [&Change]
;(DUP) [C&lear]
[Timeout, ms]
Prodleva (ms)
[Shot speed, ms]
Rychlost st�ely (ms)
[Response delay, ms]
Zpo�d�n� reakce (ms)
[Here's a next sequence to play:]
Stru�n� n�pov�da ke h�e:
[1. You have to make the handshake. For this you have to press "New game" button. This one sends a request to your opponent. When you got his answer the game will start.\n2. The game will start with ship arrangement. You must move all available ships from a right side into a left. Use a left-click to take/drop a ship. A right mouse button is toggle a direction of a ship.\n3. When you will finish your arrangement you have to press the "Ready!" button. If your opponent isn't ready the appropriate message will shown in the status bar.\n4. Current state of the game is reflected in the status bar.\nGood luck and have fun!]
1. Nejd��ve je t�eba se domluvit s vybran�m soupe�em. Zm��kn�te tla��tko "Nov� hra", ��m� d�te najevo z�jem o hru. Jakmile soupe� odpov�, m��ete za��t.\n2. Dal��m krokem je rozm�st�n� lod�. Podle libosti p�esu�te v�echny zobrazen� lod� po hern� plo�e. Lev�m tla��tkem my�i lod� p�esouv�te, prav�m m�n�te jejich orientaci.\n3. Pot� u� zb�v� jen zm��knut� tla��tka "P�ipraven!". V p��pad�, �e soupe� je�t� nedokon�il rozmis�ov�n� lod�, zobraz� se ve stavov� li�t� odpov�daj�c� informace.\n4. Informace o pr�b�hu hry jsou zobrazov�ny ve stavov� li�t�.\n\nHodn� �t�st� a radosti ze hry!
[Score %d:%d]
Sk�re %d:%d
[Quick Help]
Stru�n� n�pov�da
[Clear Score]
Vymazat sk�re
[An offer of new game]
Pozv�nka k nov� h�e
[Arrangement is finished]
Rozmis�ov�n� dokon�eno
[User Status Icon]
Informace o stavu
[Your pal must have a same version of the game as you. Check it up!]
Oba dva hr��i mus� m�t shodnou verzi hry. Zkontrolujte to pros�m!

[Show buttons in the top]
Zobrazit tla��tka naho�e
[BattleShip skin file (*.BSskin)]
T�ma vzhledu hry Lod� (*.BSskin)
[There's no response... Try again]
Bez odezvy. Zkuste to znovu.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Birthday reminder                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

;Main menu item
[Check birthdays]
Zjistit narozeniny

;Global items
[Birthday reminder]
[not implemented yet]
Nen� implementov�no

[Birthday reminder: it's coming]
Narozeniny (ji� brzy!)

;Popup text on birthday
[%s has birthday today]
%s m� dnes narozeniny

;Popup texts before birthday
[in %d days]
za %d dn�
;(DUP) [He]
;(DUP) [She]
;(DUP) [He/She]
[has birthday %s.\n%s becomes %d years old.]
bude m�t narozeniny\n(%s %s oslav� %d let).

;Messagebox text
[%s has birthday %s.\n%s becomes %d years old.]
%s bude m�t narozeniny\n(%s %s oslav� %d let).

;Popup text on no birthdays
[No birthdays]
[to remind about]
nen� co p�ipomenout

;Popup options dialog
[Left click]
Lev� tla�.
[Right click]
Prav� tla�.
;(DUP) [Delay]
;(DUP) [Default]
;(DUP) [Custom]
;(DUP) [sec]
;(DUP) [Permanent]
;(DUP) [Colors]
[Default colors]
V�choz� barvy
[Windows colors]
Barvy Windows
[Custom colors]
Vlastn� barvy
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Text]
[Notify me every]
Upozornit ka�d�ch
;(DUP) [hours]

;Actions comboboxes items
[Hide popup]
Skr�t ozn�men�
[Leave popup]
Nechat b�t
[User details]
Informace o u�ivateli
[Message dialog]
Napsat zpr�vu

;Options dialog
[Choose contact to edit settings:]
Vyberte po�adovan� kontakt:
;(DUP) [Date of birth:]
[days earlier]
dn� dop�.
[Show popup]
Zobrazit ozn�men�
[Show messagebox]
Napsat zpr�vu
[Disable (do not notify)]
Vypnout upozorn�n�
[Get from database]
Zjistit z datab�ze
[Default options]
V�choz� mo�nosti
;(DUP) [none]
[Show main menu item (restart needed)]
Zobrazit v hlavn�m menu (vy�ad. restart)
[Remind once a day]
P�ipomenout jednou denn�

;Contact options when empty
[Contact options]
;Contact options with user selected
[Contact options (%s)]
Mo�nosti (%s)

[Notifies you when your buddy has a birthday. It is activated some days earlier]
Dop�edu upozorn� na bl��c� se narozeniny.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  BossKey+                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3655

[(Previous Status)]
(p�edchoz� stav)
[...set the status message to:]
... nastavit zpr�vu stavu na:
a ...
[Disable Popups]
Vypnout ozn�men�
[When I return, change my status to...]
Po n�vratu zm�nit stav na ...
[I'm back!]
Jsem z5!
[When I press the hotkey, change status to:]
Po stisku vybran� kl�vesy zm�nit stav na:
[(Current Status)]
(aktu�ln� stav)
[On the Phone]
M�m telefon
[Out to Lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�
[Be back soon!]
Brzy budu zp�t
[Could not get Miranda's window, Aborting...]
Nelze zamknout okno Mirandy. To je konec...

[Hide Miranda IM]
Skr�t Mirandu
[When I press the hotkey:]
Po stisku vybran� kl�vesy:
[Change only if current status is Online]
Zm�nit pouze kdy� je st�vaj�c� stav online
[When I return:]
Po n�vratu:
[Set the status message to:]
Nastavit zpr�vu stavu na:
[Request password:]
Vy�adovat heslo:
[Change status to:]
Zm�nit stav na:
[Change status back]
Vr�tit p�vodn� stav
[Add menu item in main menu (requires restart)]
P�idat polo�ku do hlavn�ho menu (vy�aduje restart programu)

[Miranda IM is locked. Enter password to unlock it.]
Miranda je uzam�ena. Zadejte po�adovan� heslo.
[Please enter password!]
Pros�m zadejte heslo!
[Password is not correct!]
Zadan� heslo nen� spr�vn�!

[Hide Miranda if the computer is locked]
Skr�t Mirandu kdy� je po��ta� uzam�en
[Change status to]
Zm�nit stav na

[Go to Customize -> Hotkeys to change the hotkey]
Zkratky zm�n�te v sekci Vlastn� �pravy -> Kl�vesov� zkratky
[Use built in to Miranda hotkey module]
Pou��t modul kl�vesov�ch zkratek Mirandy

; Bosskey+
[Hide Miranda when:]
Skr�t Mirandu p�i:
[Windows is inactive]
Windows je neaktivn�
[Miranda is inactive]
Miranda je neaktivn�
[Workstation is Locked (2000/XP+)]
Pracovn� stanice je uzam�ena (2000/XP+)
[Miranda is started]
Spu�t�n� Mirandy
[Restore hiding on startup after failure]
Obnovit skr�v�n� p�i startu po chyb�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Buddy Expectator+                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3356

;Translation template for BuddyExpectator+ plugin v0.0.1.0
;please do NOT change %#x in your translation
[Buddy Expectator]
Tak ty �ije�, Karle
[has gone online for the first time.]
je poprv� online!
[has returned after a long absence.]
je znovu online po del�� dob�.
[has returned after being absent since %#x]
je znovu online od %#x
;[has not returned after being absent since %#x]
;[has not returned after a long absence.]
;[not detected]
;[not found]
[This contact has been absent for an extended period of time.]
[BuddyExpectator: contact returned]
Tak ty �ije�, Karle (n�vrat kontaktu)
[BuddyExpectator: contact still absent]
Tak ty �ije�, Karle (kontakt je st�le mimo)

[Last seen online]
Naposledy online
;[Last input message]
[Return notification]
N�vrat po krat�� dob�
[When a contact returns after ]
Vr�t�-li se kontakt po dob�
[or comes online for the first time]
nebo se objev� poprv� online
[Show a popup]
Zobrazit ozn�men�
[Add an event (flashing icon) to the contact]
P�idat blikaj�c� ikonu ke kontaktu
[On event action (double click) or popup click:]
Kliknut�m na ozn�men� nebo dvoj�m na kontakt:
[Open User Details]
Otev��t inf. o kontaktu
[Open message window]
Otev��t komunika�n� okno
[Long time no see]
N�vrat po dlouh� dob�
[When a contact is absent for]
Chyb�-li kontakt del�� dobu ne�
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
[Delete the contact]
Odstranit kontakt

[Use Popups colors]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[Use Windows colors]
Pou��t barvy Windows

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Buddy Pounce                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1062

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Mar 31 14:59:20 2005
; Translations: 58

; dialog.c
[Send If My Status Is...]
Odes�l�n� ve stavu...
[Send If They Change Status to...]
Odes�l�n� po zm�n� stavu...
[Reuse Pounce]
Pou�it� napsan� zpr�vy
[Give Up delay]
Zru�en� odes�l�n� po ur�it� dob�
[Confirmation Window]
Potvrzen� akce
[Send a File]
Odeslat soubor
[Send If My Status Is]
Odeslat ve stavu
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Away]
;(DUP) [NA]
;(DUP) [Occupied]
;(DUP) [DND]
[Free For Chat]
M�m volno
;(DUP) [Invisible]
[On The Phone]
M�m telefon
[Out To Lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�
[Send If Their Status changes]
Odeslat po zm�n� stavu
[From Offline]
Z 'Offline'
[To Online]
Do 'Online'
[To Away]
Do 'Na chv�li pry�'
[To NA]
Do 'Nejsem tady'
[To Occupied]
Do 'Nem�m �as'
[To DND]
Do 'Neru�it'
[To Free For Chat]
Do 'M�m volno'
[To Invisible]
Do 'Neviditeln�'
[To On The Phone]
Do 'M�m telefon'
[To Out To Lunch]
Do 'Jsem na ob�d�'
[The Message    (%d Characters)]
Zpr�va (po�et znak�: %d)
[Pounce being sent to %s in %d seconds]
Zpr�va (adres�t: %s, bude odesl�no za %d sek.)
;(DUP) [Retry]
[Message successfully sent to %s]
Zpr�va �sp�n� odesl�na (komu: %s)
[Message failed to send to %s]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n� zpr�vy (komu: %s)

; resource.rc
;(LAI) [Spin2]
;(LAI) [Check1]
[Use Advanced Dialog]
Zobrazit v�ce mo�nost�
[Show Delivery Messages]
Informovat o doru�en�
;(DUP) [Send]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Delete Pounce]
Smazat zpr�vu
[Load default Settings]
V�choz� nastaven�
;(DUP) [...]
[<< Simple]
<< Prost�
;(DUP) [Advanced >>]
[Pounce being sent to]
P��jemce zpr�vy offline:
[Setting text...........]
Nastaven� textu...
[The Message:]
[Setting Value]
;(DUP) [Settings]
[Contact To Send Pounce To]
P��jemce zpr�vy offline
[The Message]
;(DUP) [Static]
[The Message:       (Characters:  )]
Zpr�va:       (Po�et znak�:  )
;(FIX) [Default Settings        These settings are also used when sending a ]
[Default Settings        These settings are also used when sending a "Simple" pounce]
V�choz� nastaven� (plat� i pro z�kladn� dialog)
[Confirm Pounce send]
Potvrzen� odesl�n�
[Buddy Pounce]
Komunikace offline

[&Buddy Pounce]
Zpr�va o&ffline

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ChangeInfo                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Sep 22 09:25:46 2005
; Translations: 18

; db.cpp
[This password does not match the password you originally entered. Check Caps Lock and try again.]
Zadali jste neplatn� heslo. Zkontrolujte, zda nen� zapnut� kl�vesa CAPS LOCK a zkuste heslo zadat znovu.
[Wrong Password]
ICQ - neplatn� heslo
[The ICQ server does not support passwords longer than 9 characters. Please use a shorter password.]
ICQ server nepodporuje hesla, jejich� d�lka p�esahuje 9 znak�. Pou�ijte pros�m krat�� heslo.
[Password too long]
ICQ - p��li� dlouh� heslo

; dlgproc.cpp
[Unknown value]
nezn�m� hodnota
[You've made some changes to your ICQ info but it has not been saved to the server. Are you sure you want to close this dialog?]
N�kter� z informac� byly upraveny, ale ne ulo�eny na server. Opravdu chcete toto dialogov� okno zav��t?
[ICQ Info Not Saved]
ICQ - neulo�en� informace
[Upload in progress...]
Aktualizace dat na serveru...
[Upload complete]
Aktualizace dat dokon�ena

; main.cpp
[Change ICQ Details]
Upravit informace

; upload.cpp
[You are not currently connected to the ICQ network. You must be online in order to update your information on the server.]
Moment�ln� nejste p�ipojeni k s�ti ICQ. Chcete-li zaktualizovat informace na serveru, mus�te b�t online.
[Change ICQ Info]
ICQ - aktualizace informac� na serveru

; resource.rc
;(DUP) [OK]
[&Save changes]
&Ulo�it zm�ny
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Please re-type your new password in order to confirm it before it is uploaded.]
Zadejte pros�m znovu nov� heslo a potvr�te tak zm�nu p�ed aktualizac� na serveru.
[Confirm New Password]
ICQ - potvrzen� nov�ho hesla

; N�zev dopl�ku
[Change User Details]
Zm�na informac� o u�ivateli

;(DUP) [Other]
[American Samoa]
Americk� Samoa
[Antigua and Barbuda]
Antigua a Barbuda
[Ascension Island]
[Bosnia and Herzegovina]
Bosna a Hercegovina
[British Virgin Islands]
Panensk� ostrovy (UK)
[Burkina Faso]
Burkina Faso
[Canary Islands]
Kan�rsk� ostrovy
[Cape Verde Islands]
Kapverdsk� soustrov�
[Cayman Islands]
Kajmansk� ostrovy
[Central African Republic]
St�edoafrick� republika
[Chile, Republic of]
[Christmas Island]
V�no�n� ostrov
[Cocos-Keeling Islands]
Kokosov� ostrovy
[Cocos (Keeling) Islands]
Kokosov� ostrovy
[Congo, Democratic Republic of (Zaire)]
Kongo (Zair)
[Congo, Republic of the]
[Cook Islands]
Cookovy ostrovy
[Costa Rica]
[Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)]
Pob�e�� slonoviny
[Czech Republic]
�esk� republika
[Diego Garcia]
Diego Garcia
[Dominican Republic]
Dominik�nsk� republika
[El Salvador]
[Equatorial Guinea]
Rovn�kov� Guinea
[Faeroe Islands]
Faersk� ostrovy
[Falkland Islands]
Falklandsk� ostrovy
[French Antilles]
Francouzsk� Antilly
[French Guiana]
Francouzsk� Guyana
[French Polynesia]
Francouzsk� Polyn�sie
[Guam, US Territory of]
Guam (�zem� USA)
[Hong Kong]
Hong Kong
[Iran (Islamic Republic of)]
[Korea, North]
Severn� Korea
[Korea, South]
Ji�n� Korea
[Libyan Arab Jamahiriya]
[Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.)]
[Marshall Islands]
Marshallovy ostrovy
[Mayotte Island]
[Micronesia, Federated States of]
[Moldova, Republic of]
[Netherlands Antilles]
Nizozemsk� Antily
[New Caledonia]
Nov� Kaledonie
[New Zealand]
Nov� Z�land
[Norfolk Island]
[Papua New Guinea]
Papua - Nov� Guinea
[Puerto Rico]
[Reunion Island]
[Rota Island]
[Saint Helena]
Svat� Helena
[Saint Kitts]
Sv. Kry�tof
[Saint Kitts and Nevis]
Sv. Kry�tof a Nevis
[Saint Lucia]
Sv. Lucie
[Saint Pierre and Miquelon]
Sv. Petr a Mikelon
[Saint Vincent and the Grenadines]
Sv. Vincenc a Grenadiny
[Saipan Island]
[San Marino]
San Marino
[Sao Tome and Principe]
Sv. Tom�
[Saudi Arabia]
Saudsk� Ar�bie
[Sierra Leone]
Sierra Leone
[Solomon Islands]
�alamounovy ostrovy
[South Africa]
Ji�n� Afrika
[Sri Lanka]
Sr� Lanka
[Syrian Arab Republic]
[Tinian Island]
[Trinidad and Tobago]
Trinidad a Tobago
[Turks and Caicos Islands]
Turks a Caicos
[United Arab Emirates]
Spojen� arabsk� emir�ty
[United Kingdom]
Spojen� kr�lovstv�
[Vatican City]
[Virgin Islands (USA)]
Panensk� ostrovy (USA)
[Wallis and Futuna Islands]
Wallis a Futuna
[Western Samoa]
Z�padn� Samoa
[Yugoslavia - Serbia]
[Yugoslavia - Montenegro]
�ern� Hora

[GMT-12:00 Eniwetok; Kwajalein]
GMT-12:00 Eniwetok; Kwajalein
[GMT-11:00 Midway Island; Samoa]
GMT-11:00 Midway; Samoa
[GMT-10:00 Hawaii]
GMT-10:00 Havaj
[GMT-9:00 Alaska]
GMT-9:00 Alja�ka
[GMT-8:00 Pacific Time; Tijuana]
GMT-8:00 Pacific Time; Tijuana
[GMT-7:00 Arizona; Mountain Time]
GMT-7:00 Arizona; Mountain Time
[GMT-6:00 Central Time; Central America; Saskatchewan]
GMT-6:00 Central Time; St�edn� Amerika; Saskatchewan
[GMT-5:00 Eastern Time; Bogota; Lima; Quito]
GMT-5:00 Eastern Time; Bogota; Lima; Quito
[GMT-4:00 Atlantic Time; Santiago; Caracas; La Paz]
GMT-4:00 Atlantic Time; Santiago; Caracas; La Paz
[GMT-3:30 Newfoundland]
GMT-3:30 Newfoundland
[GMT-3:00 Greenland; Buenos Aires; Georgetown]
GMT-3:00 Gr�nsko; Buenos Aires; Georgetown
[GMT-2:00 Mid-Atlantic]
GMT-2:00 Mid-Atlantic
[GMT-1:00 Cape Verde Islands; Azores]
GMT-1:00 Cape Verde Islands; Azory
[GMT+0:00 London; Dublin; Edinburgh; Lisbon; Casablanca]
GMT+0:00 Lond�n; Dublin; Edinburgh; Lisabon; Casablanca
[GMT+1:00 Central European Time; West Central Africa; Warsaw]
GMT+1:00 st�edoevropsk� �as; z�padn� a st�edn� Afrika; Praha
[GMT+2:00 Jerusalem; Helsinki; Harare; Cairo; Bucharest; Athens]
GMT+2:00 Jeruzal�m; Helsinki; Harare; K�hira; Bukure��; At�ny
[GMT+3:00 Moscow; St. Petersburg; Nairobi; Kuwait; Baghdad]
GMT+3:00 Moskva; St. Petersburg; Nairobi; Kuvajt; Baghd�d
[GMT+3:30 Tehran]
GMT+3:30 Teher�n
[GMT+4:00 Baku; Tbilisi; Yerevan; Abu Dhabi; Muscat]
GMT+4:00 Baku; Tbilisi; Jerevan; Abu Dhab�; Muscat
[GMT+4:30 Kabul]
GMT+4:30 K�bul
[GMT+5:00 Calcutta; Chennai; Mumbai; New Delhi; Ekaterinburg]
GMT+5:00 Kalkata; Chennai; Mumbai; Nov� Dil�; Jekat�rinburg
[GMT+6:00 Astana; Dhaka; Almaty; Novosibirsk; Sri Jayawardenepura]
GMT+6:00 Astana; Dhaka; Almaty; Novosibirsk; Sri Jayawardenepura
[GMT+6:30 Rangoon]
GMT+6:30 Rang�n
[GMT+7:00 Bankok; Hanoi; Jakarta; Krasnoyarsk]
GMT+7:00 Bankok; Hanoj; Jakarta; Krasnojarsk
[GMT+8:00 Perth; Taipei; Singapore; Hong Kong; Beijing]
GMT+8:00 Perth; Taipei; Singapur; Hong Kong; Peking
[GMT+9:00 Tokyo; Osaka; Seoul; Sapporo; Yakutsk]
GMT+9:00 Tokyo; Osaka; Soul; Sapporo; Jakutsk
[GMT+9:30 Darwin; Adelaide]
GMT+9:30 Darwin; Adelaide
[GMT+10:00 East Australia; Guam; Vladivostok]
GMT+10:00 V�chodn� Austr�lie; Guam; Vladivostok
[GMT+11:00 Magadan; Solomon Is.; New Caledonia]
GMT+11:00 Magadan; �alamounovy ostr.; Nov� Kaledonie
[GMT+12:00 Auckland; Wellington; Fiji; Kamchatka; Marshall Is.]
GMT+12:00 Auckland; Wellington; Fid�i; Kam�atka; Marshallovy ostr.

;(DUP) [Unspecified]
;(DUP) [Academic]
;(DUP) [Administrative]
;(DUP) [Art/Entertainment]
;(DUP) [College Student]
;(DUP) [Computers]
;(DUP) [Community & Social]
;(DUP) [Education]
;(DUP) [Engineering]
;(DUP) [Financial Services]
;(DUP) [Government]
;(DUP) [High School Student]
;(DUP) [Home]
;(DUP) [ICQ - Providing Help]
;(DUP) [Law]
;(DUP) [Managerial]
;(DUP) [Manufacturing]
;(DUP) [Medical/Health]
;(DUP) [Military]
;(DUP) [Sports]
[Other Services]

;(DUP) [Male]
;(DUP) [Female]


;(DUP) [None]
per�tina (farsi)

Z�kladn� informace
;(DUP) [Nickname]
[First name]
[Last name]
;(DUP) [Age]
;(DUP) [Password]
;(DUP) [Contact]
[Primary e-mail]
Prim�rn� e-mail
;(DUP) [Homepage]
[Phone number]
[Fax number]
[Cellular number]
Mobiln� telefon
[Personal Detail]
�asov� p�smo
[Year of birth]
Rok narozen�
[Month of birth]
M�s�c narozen�
[Day of birth]
Den narozen�
[Spoken language 1]
Ovl�dan� jazyky (�.1)
[Spoken language 2]
Ovl�dan� jazyky (�.2)
[Spoken language 3]
Ovl�dan� jazyky (�.3)
;(DUP) [Work]
[Company name]
N�zev firmy
[Company homepage]
Domovsk� str�nka
[Company street]
[Company city]
[Company state]
[Company phone]
[Company fax]
[Company ZIP/postcode]
[Company country]
[Company department]
[Company position]
[Company occupation]

; Changeinfo+ by Bi0
[Change Details]
Zm�na �daj�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Chat                                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Sep 22 10:59:59 2005
; Translations: 171

; colorchooser.c
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Background colour]

; log.c
[%s %s]
%s %s
;(LAI) [%s has joined]
;(LAI) [You have joined %s]
;(LAI) [%s has left]
;(LAI) [%s has disconnected]
;(LAI) [%s is now known as %s]
;(LAI) [You are now known as %s]
;(LAI) [%s kicked %s]
;(LAI) [Notice from %s: %s]
;(LAI) [The topic is \'%s%s\']
;(LAI) [ (set by %s)]
;(LAI) [%s enables \'%s\' status for %s]
;(LAI) [%s disables \'%s\' status for %s]

; m_chat.h
;(DUP) [User &details]
;(DUP) [&Op]

; main.c
[Miranda could not load the Chat plugin because Microsoft Rich Edit v 3 is missing.\nIf you are using Windows 95/98/NT or WINE please upgrade your Rich Edit control.\n\nDo you want to download an update now?.]
Dopln�k Chat nelze pou��t, proto�e chyb� t��da Microsoft Rich Edit v3.\nPou��v�te-li Windows 95/98/NT nebo WINE, je t�eba aktualizovat knihovnu\nRiched20.dll. Chcete ji st�hnout hned te�?
;(DUP) [Information]

; options.c
[Chat windows]
Diskusn� okna
[Window Icon]
Ikona okna
;(DUP) [Bold]
[Smiley button]
[Room history]
Historie m�stnosti
[Room settings]
Nastaven� m�stnosti
[Event filter disabled]
Filtrov�n� ud�lost� deaktivov�no
[Event filter enabled]
Filtrov�n� ud�lost� aktivov�no
[Hide userlist]
Skr�t seznam ��astn�k� 
[Show userlist]
Zobrazit seznam ��astn�k� 
[Icon overlay]
P�ekryvn� ikona
;(DUP) [Close]
;(LAI) [Status 1 (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Status 2 (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Status 3 (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Status 4 (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Status 5 (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Status 6 (10x10)]
[Chat log]
Z�znam diskuse
;(LAI) [Message in (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Message out (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Action (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Add Status (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Remove status (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Join (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Leave (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Quit (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Kick (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Nickchange (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Notice (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Topic (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Highlight (10x10)]
;(LAI) [Information (10x10)]
[Options for using a tabbed interface]
Nastaven� funkc� syst�mu z�lo�ek
[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
Nastaven� vzhledu a funkc� komunika�n�ch oken
[Appearance of the message log]
Nastaven� vzhledu z�znamu komunikace
[Default events to show in new chat rooms if the \'event filter\' is enabled]
V�choz� nastaven� zobrazen� ud�lost� p�i aktivovan�m \"filtrov�n� ud�lost�\"
[Icons to display in the message log]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� ikon v z�znamu komunikace
[Icons to display in the tray]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� ikon v oznamovac� oblasti
[Pop-ups to display]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� oken s ozn�men�m
;(DUP) [Select Folder]
;(DUP) [Events]
[Chat Log]
Z�znam diskuse
;(DUP) [Popups]
;(DUP) [Incoming message]
[Message is highlighted]
Zv�razn�n� zpr�vy
[User has performed an action]
Proveden� akce
[User has joined]
P��chod na kan�l
[User has left]
Odchod z kan�lu
[User has kicked some other user]
Vykopnut� z kan�lu
[User�s status was changed]
Zm�na stavu
[User has changed name]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[User has sent a notice]
Odesl�n� pozn�mky
[User has disconnected]
Odpojen� u�ivatele
[The topic has been changed]
Zm�na t�matu diskuse

; tools.c
[%s wants your attention in %s]
%s ��d� o pozornost na kan�le %s
[%s speaks in %s]
%s p�e (na %s)
[%s has joined %s]
%s p�i�el (na %s)
[%s has left %s]
%s ode�el (z %s)
[%s kicked %s from %s]
%s vykopnul %s (z %s)
[Notice from %s]
Pozn�mka (napsal: %s)
[Topic change in %s]
Zm�na t�matu na %s
[Information in %s]
Informace (na %s)
[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s aktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s deaktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s says: %s]
%s p�e: %s
[%s has left (%s)]
%s ode�el (%s)
[%s has disconnected (%s)]
%s se odpojil (%s)
[%s kicked %s (%s)]
%s vykopnul %s (%s)
[The topic is \'%s\']
T�ma je \'%s\'
[The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)]
T�ma je \'%s\' (autor: %s)
[%s %c %s\n]
%s %c %s\n
[%s %s\n]
%s %s\n
;(DUP) [&Message]

; window.c
[Insert a smiley]
Vlo�� vybran� smajl�k
[Make the text bold (CTRL+B)]
Zm�n� styl p�sma na tu�n� (CTRL+B)
[Make the text italicized (CTRL+I)]
Zm�n� styl p�sma na kurz�vu (CTRL+I)
[Make the text underlined (CTRL+U)]
Zm�n� styl p�sma na podtr�en� (CTRL+U)
[Select a background color for the text (CTRL+L)]
Zm�n� barvu pozad� textu (CTRL+L)
[Select a foreground color for the text (CTRL+K)]
Zm�n� barvu textu (CTRL+K)
[Show the history (CTRL+H)]
Zobraz� historii (CTRL+H)
[Show/hide the nicklist (CTRL+N)]
Zobraz�/skryje seznam ��astn�k� (CTRL+N)
[Control this room (CTRL+O)]
Mo�nosti ��zen� kan�lu (CTRL+O)
[Enable/disable the event filter (CTRL+F)]
Aktivuje/deaktivuje filtrov�n� ud�lost� (CTRL+F)
[Close current tab (CTRL+F4)]
Zav�e vybranou z�lo�ku (CTRL+F4)
[%s: Chat Room (%u user)]
%s: kan�l (��astn�k�: %u)
[%s: Chat Room (%u users)]
%s: kan�l (��astn�k�: %u)
[%s: Message Session]
%s: rozhovor
[%s: Message Session (%u users)]
%s: rozhovor (��astn�k�: %u)

; chat.rc
;(LAI) [Tab1]
;(DUP) [Actions]
;(DUP) [Messages]
;(DUP) [Nick changes]
;(DUP) [Users joining]
;(DUP) [Users leaving]
;(DUP) [Topic changes]
;(DUP) [Status changes]
;(DUP) [Disconnects]
;(DUP) [User kicks]
;(DUP) [Notices]
;(LAI) [Spin2]
;(LAI) [Custom1]
[Enable highlighting]
Aktivovat zv�raz�ov�n�
;(LAI) [Spin1]
[Enable logging to disk]
Aktivovat z�znam
[Use same style as in the message log]
Pou��t nastaven� pro z�znam komunikace
[Use default colours]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[Use custom colours]
Pou��t vlastn� barvy
;(LAI) [Custom2]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [&Send]
;(DUP) [...]
[Userlist row distance (pixels):]
Odstup u�ivatel� v seznamu (v pix.):
[Add new rooms to group:]
Nov� m�stnosti do skupiny:
[Log background]
Pozad� z�znamu
[Message background]
Pozad� konverzace
[Userlist background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
�asov� �daj
[Other name]
Ost. jm�na
[Your name]
Vl. jm�no
[Limit log text to (events):]
Max. po�et zazn. ud�lost�:
[Trim to (kB)]
Max. (kB)
[Log timestamp]
�asov� �daj v z�znamu
[Words to highlight (wildcards allowed)]
Zv�razn�n� slova (masky jsou povoleny)
[Log directory]
Slo�ka pro z�znam
[Timeout (s)]
Prodleva (s)
;(DUP) [Text]
;(DUP) [Background]
[(The timeout require at least PopUp plugin v Setting it to 0 means default setting and -1 means indefinite time)]
(*) Tato funkce vy�aduje dopln�k typu Popup (0 = v�choz� nastaven�, -1 = vypnut� prodlevy)
;(DUP) [Options]
;(DUP) [Other]
[Fonts 'n Colors]
P�sma a barvy
[Log Options]
Mo�nosti z�znamu
[Popups for the Chat plugin]
Oznamovac� okna
[Clear lo&g]
Vy&mazat z�znam
[Co&py all]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Open a &new browser window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in current browser window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
;(DUP) [&Copy link]
[Undo  ]
;(DUP) [Select All]
[&Close tab]
&Zav��t z�lo�ku
[C&lose other tabs]
Zav��t ostatn� z�&lo�ky
[&Open at this position]
&Otev��t na stejn�m m�st�

; Ud�losti/Diskuse/Mo�nosti
[Send message by pressing the Enter key]
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Send message by pressing the Enter key twice]
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Flash window when someone speaks]
Zablikat oknem p�i naps�n� zpr�vy
[Flash window when a word is highlighted]
Zablikat oknem p�i zv�razn�n� slova
[Show list of users in the chat room]
Zobrazit seznam u�ivatel� v m�stnosti
[Show button for sending messages]
Zobrazit tla��tko pro odes�l�n� zpr�v
[Show name of the chat room in the top left of the window]
Zobrazit n�zev m�stnosti v lev� horn� �asti okna
[Show buttons for controlling the chat room]
Zobrazit tla��tka ��zen� pravidel m�stnosti
[Show buttons for formatting the text you are typing]
Zobrazit tla��tka pro form�tov�n� textu p�i psan�
[Show button menus when right clicking the buttons]
Zobrazit kontextov� menu u tla��tek
[Show lines in the userlist]
Zobrazit linky v seznamu u�ivatel�
[Show new windows cascaded]
Skl�dat nov� okna kask�dn� nad sebe
[Save the size and position of chat rooms]
Ulo�it informaci o velikosti a um�st�n� separ�tn� pro ka�d� okno
[Do not play sounds when the chat room is focused]
Nep�ehr�vat zvuky, je-li okno m�stnosti aktivn�
[Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room]
Neaktivovat okno po p��chodu do m�stnosti
[Toggle the visible state when double clicking in the contact list]
P�epnout viditelnost p�i dvoj�m kliknut� na u�ivatele v seznamu
[Prefix all events with a timestamp]
P�ed ka�dou ud�lost p�idat informaci o �ase
[Only prefix with timestamp if it has changed]
Informaci o �ase p�idat pouze pokud se zm�n�
[Indent the second line of a message]
Odsadit druh� ��dek dlouh� zpr�vy
[Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters]
Omezit d�lku jmen v z�znamu na 20 znak�
[Add \':\' to auto-completed user names]
P�idat dvojte�ku za automaticky dopln�n� jm�no
[Strip colors from messages in the log]
Z�znam ukl�dat bez k�d� definuj�c� barvy
[Enable the \'event filter\' for new rooms]
Povolit \"filtrov�n� ud�lost�\" pro nov� m�stnosti
[Show topic changes]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� t�matu
[Show users joining]
Zobrazit informaci o p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show users disconnecting]
Zobrazit informaci o odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show messages]
Zobrazit zpr�vy
[Show actions]
Zobrazit akce
[Show users leaving]
Zobrazit informaci o odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show users being kicked]
Zobrazit informaci o vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show notices]
Zobrazit pozn�mky
[Show users changing name]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� jm�na
[Show information messages]
Zobrazit informativn� zpr�vy
[Show status changes of users]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� stavu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for topic changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� t�matu
[Show icon for users joining]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show icon for messages]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu zpr�vy
[Show icon for actions]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu akce
[Show icon for highlights]
Zobrazit ikonu ke zv�razn�n�
[Show icon for users leaving]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o vykopnut�
[Show icon for notices ]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu pozn�mky
[Show icon for name changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� jm�na
[Show icon for information messages]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu informativn� zpr�vy
[Show icon for status changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� stavu
[Show icons in tray only when the chat room is not active]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti pouze p�i neaktivn�m okn� s diskus�
[Show icon in tray for topic changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� t�matu
[Show icon in tray for users joining]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for messages]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy
[Show icon in tray for actions]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i akci
[Show icon in tray for highlights]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show icon in tray for users leaving]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for notices ]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti u pozn�mky
[Show icon in tray for name changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� jm�na
[Show icon in tray for information messages]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p�ijet� informativn� zpr�vy
[Show icon in tray for status changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� stavu
[Show pop-ups only when the chat room is not active]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pouze p�i neaktivn�m okn� s diskus�
[Show pop-up for topic changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� t�matu
[Show pop-up for users joining]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for messages]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy
[Show pop-up for actions]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i akci
[Show pop-up for highlights]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show pop-up for users leaving]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for notices ]
Zobrazit ozn�men� u pozn�mky
[Show pop-up for name changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� jm�na
[Show pop-up for information messages]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p�ijet� informativn� zpr�vy
[Show pop-up for status changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� stavu
[Use a tabbed interface]
Pou��t syst�m z�lo�ek
[Close tab on doubleclick]
Zav��t z�lo�ku dvoj�m kliknut�m
[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
Obnovit v�echny z�lo�ky z posledn� relace
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Zobrazit z�lo�ky v doln� ��sti okna

; p�ezd�vka/kontextov� menu
[Add to &ignore list]
P�idat mezi &ignorovan�

; Ud�losti/Z�znam diskuse
[Others nicknames]
Ostatn� p�ezd�vky
[User kicked ...]
[User is now known as ...]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[Notice from user]
[The topic is ...]
Zobrazen� t�matu
[Information messages]
[User enables status for ...]
Aktivace stavu pro ...
[User disables status for ...]
Deaktivace stavu pro ...
[Action message]
[Highlighted message]
Zv�razn�n� zpr�va
[Message typing area]
Oblast se zpr�vou
[User list members (Online)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (online)
[User list members (away)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (pry�)
[User list members]
Seznam ��astn�k�
[User list statuses]
Stav ��astn�k�

; retezce pro Chat (zpetna kompatibilita)
[Userlist user indent (pixels):]
Odsazen� u�ivatel� v seznamu (v pix.):
[Userlist lines]
Linky v seznamu kont.

; novinky pro Chat
; Ud�losti/Diskuse/Mo�nosti
[Show the topic of the room on your contact list (if supported)]
Zadan� t�ma zobrazit v seznamu kontakt� (je-li to podporov�no)
[Timestamp has same colour as the event]
Pro informaci o �ase pou��t stejnou barvu jakou m� p��slu�n� ud�lost

[Message Background]
Pozad� konverzace
[Userlist Background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Userlist Lines]
Linky v seznamu kontakt�

[Status 1 (10x10)]
Stav �.1 (10x10)
[Status 2 (10x10)]
Stav �.2 (10x10)
[Status 3 (10x10)]
Stav �.3 (10x10)
[Status 4 (10x10)]
Stav �.4 (10x10)
[Status 5 (10x10)]
Stav �.5 (10x10)
[Status 6 (10x10)]
Stav �.6 (10x10)
[Message in (10x10)]
P��choz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Message out (10x10)]
Odchoz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Action (10x10)]
Akce (10x10)
[Add Status (10x10)]
P�idat stav (10x10)
[Remove status (10x10)]
Odebrat stav (10x10)
[Join (10x10)]
P�idat (10x10)
[Leave (10x10)]
Opustit (10x10)
[Quit (10x10)]
Ukon�it (10x10)
[Kick (10x10)]
Vykopnout (10x10)
[Nickchange (10x10)]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky (10x10)
[Notice (10x10)]
Pozn�mka (10x10)
[Topic (10x10)]
T�ma (10x10)
[Highlight (10x10)]
Zv�razn�n� (10x10)
[Information (10x10)]
Informace (10x10)

[Unique id]
[Nick name]

[Group chats]
Skupinov� rozhovory
[Chat Module]
Skupinov� rozhovor
[Userlist Background (selected)]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt� (vybran�)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ClientChangeNotify                              |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://deathdemon.int.ru/projects.php

; /OptDlg.cpp
Zm�na klienta
;(DUP) [PopUps]

; /ClientChangeNotify.cpp
[changed client to ]
zm�na klienta: 
[\r\n(was ]
[) changed client to ]
) zm�na klienta na 
[ClientChangeNotify: Client changed]
Zm�na klienta
[ClientChangeNotify error]
ClientChangeNotify :: chyba
[Fingerprint plugin not found. Please make sure that you have the latest version installed. ClientChangeNotify requires it to work properly.]
ClientChangeNotify vy�aduje dopln�k Fingerprint. Nainstalujte ho pros�m.
;(LAI) [ClientChangeNotify (Unicode)]
[The unicode version of ClientChangeNotify plugin requires db3x plugin version or later]
ClientChangeNotify Unicode vy�aduje dopln�k db3x verze nebo nov�j��.

; /Misc.h
[Error #%d]
Chyba �.%d
[Can't open the log file]
Nelze otev��t soubor se z�znamem

; /Resources.rc:IDD_POPUPOPTDLG
;(DUP) [Enable notification]
[Show previous client name]
Zobrazit n�zev p�edchoz�ho klienta
[Notify also when just client version changes]
Upozornit i p�i zm�n� verze klienta
[Show client version]
Zobrazit verzi klienta
[Don't notify for hidden contacts and for contacts with disabled status notification]
Neupozor�ovat na skryt� kontakty a kontakty s vypnut�m upozorn�n�m na zm�nu stavu
;(DUP) [Preview]
;(DUP) [Click action]
;(DUP) [On left click]
;(DUP) [On right click]
;(DUP) [Delay]
;(DUP) [Sec]
;(DUP) [0 = Default]
;(DUP) [-1 = Infinite]
;(DUP) [Colours]
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Use default]
;(DUP) [Text]
;(DUP) [Log to file]
;(DUP) [View]

[%s (was %s)]
%s (p�edt�m %s)

[Disable c&lient change notification]
Vypnout ozn�men� o zm�n� klienta
[Enable c&lient change notification]
Zapnout ozn�men� o zm�n� klienta
[`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) changed client to %extratext%]
`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) zm�nil klienta na %extratext%
[changed client to %s]
zm�nil klienta na %s
[changed client to %s (was %s)]
zm�nil klienta na %s (p�edt�m %s)

[(you have to install pcre.dll or pcre3.dll to use regular expressions here)]
(pot�ebujete m�t pcre.dll nebo pcre3.dll pro pou�it� regul�rn�ch v�raz�)
[Don't notify for contacts with disabled status notification]
Neoznamovat pro kontakty s vypnut�m oznamov�n�m stavu
[Enable notification]
Povolit ozn�men�
[Ignore these clients (separated by semicolons):]
Ignorovat tyto klienty (odd�len� st�edn�kem):

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Classic contact list                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Sep 22 09:25:18 2005
; Translations: 183

; clcopts.c
;(DUP) [Contact List]
[List Background]
Pozad� seznamu
[List Text]
Text v seznamu

; clistmenus.c
;(DUP) [E&xit]
;(DUP) [&Message]
;(DUP) [User &Details]
;(DUP) [View &History]

; clistmod.c
;(DUP) [Online]
Na chv�li pry�
Nejsem tady
Nem�m �as
[Free for chat]
M�m volno
[Out to lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�
[On the phone]
M�m telefon
;(DUP) [Idle]
[Connecting (attempt %d)]
P�ipojov�n� (pokus �.%d)
[This contact is on an instant messaging system which stores its contact list on a central server. The contact will be removed from the server and from your contact list when you next connect to that network.]
Vybran� kontakt dan�ho komunika�n�ho syst�mu je ulo�en na centr�ln�m serveru. P�i p��t�m p�ipojen� bude odstran�n jak ze serveru, tak z va�eho seznamu.
;(DUP) [Delete Contact]
[&Add permanently to list]
P�id&at do seznamu natrvalo

; clistopts.c
;(DUP) [Hotkeys]
;(DUP) [Events]

; clistsettings.c
[(Unknown Contact)]
(nezn�m� kontakt)
;(DUP) ['(Unknown Contact)']

; clisttray.c
[&Main Menu]
Hlavn� &menu

; clui.c

; cluiopts.c
;(DUP) [Window]
;(DUP) [Status Bar]

; groups.c
[You already have a group with that name. Please enter a unique name for the group.]
Skupina t�ho� n�zvu u� existuje. Zadejte pros�m jin� n�zev.
[Rename Group]
P�ejmenovat skupinu

; init.c
[This plugin requires db3x plugin version or later]
Tento dopln�k vy�aduje dopln�k db3x verze nebo nov�j��.

; resource.rc
;(DUP) [Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings]
;(DUP) [Are you sure you want to delete %s?]
;(DUP) [Show/Hide:]
;(LAI) [HotKey1]
;(DUP) [Read Msg:]
;(DUP) [Net Search:]
;(DUP) [Open in new browser window]
;(DUP) [Show Options]
;(DUP) [Hide offline users]
;(DUP) [Hide empty groups]
;(DUP) [Disable groups]
;(DUP) [Ask before deleting contacts]
[Sort contacts by name]
�adit kontakty dle jm�na
[Sort contacts by status]
�adit kontakty dle stavu
[Sort contacts by protocol]
�adit kontakty dle protokolu
;(DUP) [Single click interface]
;(DUP) [Always show status in tooltip]
;(DUP) [Disable icon blinking]
;(DUP) [Show]
;(DUP) [Cycle icons every]
;(LAI) [Spin1]
;(DUP) [Show multiple icons]
;(DUP) [Only when statuses differ]
;(LAI) [Spin5]
;(DUP) [Always on top]
;(DUP) [Tool style main window]
;(DUP) [Minimize to tray]
;(DUP) [Hide contact list after it has been idle for]
;(DUP) [Automatically resize window to height of list]
;(DUP) [Size upwards]
;(DUP) [Fade contact list in/out]
;(DUP) [Transparent contact list]
;(LAI) [Slider2]
;(DUP) [Show menu bar]
;(DUP) [Easy move]
;(DUP) [Show title bar]
;(DUP) [If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding]
[Show drop shadow (restart required)]
Zobrazit st�n (vy�aduje restart)
[Pin to desktop]
P�ip�chnout na plochu
;(DUP) [Show divider between online and offline contacts]
;(DUP) [Hot track items as mouse passes over]
;(DUP) [Disable drag and drop of items]
;(DUP) [Disable rename of items by clicking twice]
;(DUP) [Show selection even when list is not focused]
;(DUP) [Make selection highlight translucent]
;(DUP) [Draw a line alongside group names]
;(DUP) [Show counts of number of contacts in a group]
;(DUP) [Hide group counts when there are none online]
;(DUP) [Sort groups alphabetically]
;(DUP) [Quicksearch in open groups only]
;(DUP) [Scroll list smoothly]
;(DUP) [Grey out entire list when:]
;(DUP) [Dim idle contacts]
[Hide vertical scroll bar]
Skr�t svisl� posuvn�k
;(DUP) [Typeface]
;(DUP) [Size]
;(DUP) [Style]
;(DUP) [Colour]
;(DUP) [Bold]
;(DUP) [Italic]
;(DUP) [Underline]
;(DUP) [Gamma correction]
[Use background image]
Pou��t na pozad� obr�zek
;(DUP) [Stretch to width]
;(DUP) [Stretch to height]
;(DUP) [Tile horizontally]
;(DUP) [Tile vertically]
;(DUP) [Scroll with text]
;(DUP) [Stretch proportionally]
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Show status bar]
;(DUP) [Show icons]
;(DUP) [Show protocol names]
;(DUP) [Show status text]
;(DUP) [Right click opens status menu]
;(DUP) [Right click opens Miranda IM menu]
;(DUP) [Make sections equal width]
[Show bevels on panels]
Zobrazit efekt zkosen� panel�
[Show resize grip indicator]
Zobrazit tla�. zm�ny velik.
;(DUP) [No]
;(DUP) [Yes]
;(DUP) [...]
;(DUP) [Use Options->Ignore (expert mode) to unhide contacts.]
;(DUP) [This will erase all history and settings for this contact!]
;(DUP) [URL:]
[ms delay]
ms (prodleva)
;(DUP) [icon when statuses differ]
;(DUP) [seconds, when statuses differ]
;(DUP) [seconds]
;(DUP) [maximum]
;(DUP) [% of screen]
;(DUP) [Title bar text:]
;(DUP) [Inactive opacity:]
;(DUP) [Active opacity:]
000 %
;(DUP) ['Hide Offline' means to hide:]
;(DUP) [Indent groups by:]
;(DUP) [pixels]
;(DUP) [Time:]
;(DUP) [milliseconds]
;(DUP) [Left margin:]
;(DUP) [same]
;(DUP) [as:]
[Row height:]
V��ka ��dku:
;(DUP) [Selected text:]
;(DUP) [Hottrack text:]
;(DUP) [Quicksearch text:]
;(DUP) [Size:]
;(DUP) [Colour:]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
[Selection colour]
Barva v�b�ru
;(DUP) [System tray icon]
;(DUP) [System tray icon when using multiple protocols]
;(DUP) [Contact List Sorting]
;(DUP) [Translucency options (Windows 2000/XP only)]
;(DUP) [Items]
;(DUP) [Groups]
;(DUP) [Visual]
;(DUP) [Fonts]
;(DUP) [Additional Colours]
;(DUP) [Contact List Background]
;(DUP) [&Offline\tCtrl+0]
;(DUP) [On&line\tCtrl+1]
;(DUP) [&Away\tCtrl+2]
;(DUP) [&NA\tCtrl+3]
;(DUP) [Occ&upied\tCtrl+4]
;(DUP) [&DND\tCtrl+5]
;(DUP) [&Free for chat\tCtrl+6]
;(DUP) [&Invisible\tCtrl+7]
;(DUP) [On the &Phone\tCtrl+8]
;(DUP) [Out to &Lunch\tCtrl+9]
;(DUP) [&Hide/Show]
;(DUP) [&New Group]
;(DUP) [&Hide Offline Users]
;(DUP) [Hide &Offline Users out here]
;(DUP) [Hide &Empty Groups]
;(DUP) [Disable &Groups]
;(DUP) [Hide Miranda]
;(DUP) [&New Subgroup]
;(DUP) [&Hide Offline Users in here]
;(DUP) [&Rename Group]
;(DUP) [&Delete Group]

; n�zev dopl�ku
[Classic contact list]
Seznam kontakt� - klasick�

; Kontakty / Text v seznamu
[Standard contacts]
Standardn� kontakty
;(DUP)[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
[Offline contacts]
Kontakty offline
;(DUP)[Offline contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
[Contacts which are 'not on list']
Kontakty, kter� "nejsou v seznamu"
[Group member counts]
Po�et �len� ve skupin�
P��kladov� text
[Ignore for groups]
Ignorovat u skupin

; Kontakty / Vzhled
[My custom name (not moveable)]
Upraven� jm�no (nelze p�esunout)
[FirstName LastName]
Jm�no P��jmen�
['(Unknown Contact)' (not moveable)]
'(nezn�m� kontakt)' (nelze p�esunout)

[New Group]
nov� skupina
[This group]
Tato skupina

; Maz�n� skupiny
[Are you sure you want to delete this group?  This operation can not be undone.]
Opravdu chcete smazat vybranou skupinu? Tuto operaci nelze vr�tit.
[Delete Group]
Smazat skupinu

; Ud�losti / Kl�vesov� zkratky
[Read Message:]
P�e��st zpr�vu:
[Web Search:]
Hledat na webu:
[Open in new browser window]
Otev��t v nov�m okn� prohl�e�e
[Show Options]
Mo�nosti nastav.

; Description
[Display contacts, event notifications, protocol status]
Zobrazuje kontakty, r�zn� druhy ud�lost�, stav protokol�...

[Contact list background:]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Contact list:]
Seznam kontakt�
Zp�sob �azen�
[If window is partially covered, bring iy to front]
Je-li okno ��ste�n� zakryto, zobrazit na pop�ed�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Modern Contact List '09                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2103

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\hdr\modern_effectenum.h
[Shadow at left]
St�n nalevo
[Shadow at right]
St�n napravo
[Outline smooth]
Or�movat jemn�
[Smooth bump]
Jemn� �kos
[Contour thin]
Tenk� kontura
[Contour heavy]
Siln� kontura

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\hdr\modern_static_clui.h
Na chv�li pry�
Nejsem tady
Nem�m �as
[Free for chat]
M�m volno
[On the phone]
M�m telefon
[Out to lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\_disabled_src\ExtFrames\modern_ext_frames_opt.c
[Contact List]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\_disabled_src\groups.c
[New Group]
nov� skupina
[Are you sure you want to delete this group?  This operation can not be undone.]
Opravdu chcete smazat vybranou skupinu? Tuto operaci nelze vr�tit.
[Delete Group]
Smazat skupinu
[You already have a group with that name. Please enter a unique name for the group.]
Skupina t�ho� n�zvu u� existuje. Zadejte pros�m jin� n�zev.
[Rename Group]
P�ejmenovat skupinu
[This group]
Tato skupina

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clc.cpp
[Listening to]
Poslech hudby
[Contact List/Avatar Overlay]
Kontakty/P�ekryt� avataru
[Contact List/Status Overlay]
Kontakty/P�ekryt� stavu
[Contact List smileys]
Smajl�ky pro kontakty
[Do You want contact '%s' to be converted to MetaContact and '%s' be added to it?]
Chcete zkonvertovat kontakt '%s' na metakontakt a '%s' k n�mu p�idat?
[Converting to MetaContact]
Konverze na metakontakt
[Do You want contact '%s' to be converted to MetaContact and '%s' be added to it (remove it from '%s')?]
Chcete zkonvertovat kontakt '%s' na metakontakt, '%s' k n�mu p�idat a odstranit jej z '%s'?
[Converting to MetaContact (Moving)]
Konverze na metakontakt (p�esun)
[Do you want to contact '%s' be added to metacontact '%s'?]
Chcete p�idat kontakt '%s' k metakontaktu '%s'?
[Adding contact to MetaContact]
P�id�v�n� k metakontaktu
[Do You want contact '%s' to be default ?]
Chcete, aby kontakt '%s' byl v�choz�?
[Set default contact]
Nastaven� v�choz�ho kontaktu
[Do You want contact '%s' to be removed from MetaContact '%s' and added to '%s'?]
Chcete odstranit kontakt '%s' z metakontaktu '%s' a p�idat jej do '%s'?
[Changing MetaContacts (Moving)]
Zm�na metakontaktu (p�esun)
[Do You want contact '%s' to be added to MetaContact '%s'?]
Chcete p�idat kontakt '%s' do metakontaktu '%s'?

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clcopts.cpp
[Contact List/Contact names]
Seznam kontakt�/Jm�na kontakt�
[Contact List/Row Items]
Seznam kontakt�/Polo�ky ��dk�
[Contact List/Frame texts]
Seznam kontakt�/Texty r�me�k�
[Contact List/Special colours]
Seznam kontakt�/Speci�ln� barvy
[Standard contacts]
Standardn� kontakty
[Away contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'Na chv�li pry�'
[DND contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'Neru�it'
[NA contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'Nejsem tady'
[Occupied contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'Nem�m �as'
[Free for chat contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'M�m volno'
[Invisible contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'Neviditeln�'
[On the phone contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'M�m telefon'
[Out to lunch contacts]
Kontakty ve stavu 'Jsem na ob�d�'
[Offline contacts]
Kontakty offline
[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
Kontakty online, v��i kter�m m�te nastavenou v�jimku v (ne)viditelnosti
[Offline contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
Kontakty offline, v��i kter�m m�te nastavenou v�jimku v (ne)viditelnosti
[Contacts who are 'not on list']
Kontakty, kter� nejsou 'na seznamu'
[Open groups]
Otev�en� skupiny
[Open group member counts]
Po�et kontakt� v otev�en� skupin�
[Closed groups]
Zav�en� skupiny
[Closed group member counts]
Po�et kontakt� v otev�en� skupin�
[Second line]
Druh� ��dek
[Third line]
T�et� ��dek
[Contact time]
[Status bar text]
Text stavov� li�ty
[Event area text]
Text oblasti ozn�men�
[Current view mode text]
Text vybran�ho re�imu zobrazen�
[Hot text]
Text po najet� my��
[Selected text]
Vybran� text
[Quick search text]
Text rychl�ho hled�n�
[Status Bar]
Stavov� li�ta
[Additional stuff]
Dal�� mo�nosti
Vlastn� �pravy
[Contact list skin]
Skin seznamu kontakt�
[List Background]
Pozad� seznamu
[Not focused]
[Name (use locale settings)]
Jm�no (pou��t m�stn� nastaven�)
[Last message time]
�as posledn� zpr�vy
[Profile Name]
N�zev profilu
[Hide to tray]
Do oznam. oblasti
[Behind left edge]
Za lev� okraj
[Behind right edge]
Za prav� okraj

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clistevents.cpp
[Event Area]
Oblast pro ud�losti
[No Events]
��dn� ud�losti

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clistmenus.cpp
[&Contact rate]
P&riorita kontaktu
[Contact rate None]
Priorita kontaktu ��dn�
[Contact rate Low]
Priorita kontaktu n�zk�
[Contact rate Medium]
Priorita kontaktu st�edn�
[Contact rate High]
Priorita kontaktu vysok�
[%s (%s)]
%s (%s)
[Show even if offline]
Zobrazit i kdy� je offline

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clistopts.cpp
[Row design]
Vzhled ��dku
[Second Line]
Druh� ��dek
[Third Line]
T�et� ��dek
[Extra Icons]
Dal�� ikony
[Row items]
[Extra icons]
Dopl�kov� ikony
[Animate Avatars (GDI+ and Avatar Service module (avs.dll) are required)]
Animovat avatary (je zapot�eb� GDI+ a modul Avatar Service (avs.dll))
[Left align group names]
N�zvy skupiny vlevo
[Center group names]
N�zvy skupin uprost�ed
[Right align group names]
N�zvy skupin vpravo
[Visibility/Chat activity]
Viditelnost/aktivita na chatu
[Web page]
Dom�c� str�nka
[Client (fingerprint.dll is required)]
Klient (vy�aduje fingerprint.dll)
[Advanced #1]
Roz���en� stav
[Advanced #2]
Extra �.2
[Advanced #3]
Extra �.3
[Advanced #4]
Extra �.4

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clistsettings.cpp
[(Unknown Contact)]
(nezn�m� kontakt)

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clisttray.cpp
Nab�dka oznam. oblasti
[&Find/Add Contacts...]
&Vyhledat kontakty...
[&Main Menu]
Hlavn� &menu
O progr&amu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_clui.cpp
[Show Contact &Avatar]
Zobrazit a&vatara
[Hide Contact &Avatar]
Skr�t a&vatara
[My Contacts]
Seznam kontakt�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_cluiframes.cpp
&Z�hlav� r�me�ku
[&Show TitleBar]
Zo&brazit z�hlav� r�me�ku
[&Floating Mode]
[New Menu System not Found...]
Nov� syst�m menu nenalezen...
[show all frames]
zobrazit v�echny r�me�ky
[Show All Frames]
Zobrazit v�echny r�me�ky
[Show All Titlebars]
Zobrazit z�hlav� r�me�k�
[show all titlebars]
zobrazit v�echna z�hlav�
[hide all titlebars]
skr�t v�echna z�hlav�
[Hide All Titlebars]
Skr�t z�hlav� r�me�k�
[Lock Frame]
Zamknout r�me�ek
[Show TitleBar]
Zobrazit z�hlav� r�me�ku

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_commonheaders.cpp

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_extraimage.cpp
[Always Visible]
V�dy viditeln�
[Never Visible]
Nikdy viditeln�
[Chat Activity]
Aktivita na chatu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_framesmenu.cpp
Nab�dka r�me�k�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_groupmenu.cpp
Nab�dka skupiny
[&New Group]
&Nov� skupina
[&Hide Offline Users]
Skr�t u�ivatele o&ffline
[Hide &Offline Users out here]
Skr�t u�ivatele &offline mimo skupiny
[Hide &Empty Groups]
S&kr�t pr�zdn� skupiny
[Disable &Groups]
Vypnout zobrazen� s&kupin
Nab�dka podskupiny
[&New SubGroup]
&Nov� podskupina
;(DUP) [&Hide Offline Users in here]
[&Show Offline Users in here]
Zobrazit &u�ivatele offline
[&Rename Group]
P�&ejmenovat skupinu
[&Delete Group]
&Smazat skupinu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_keyboard.cpp
[Close Miranda]
Zav��t Mirandu
[Restore last status]
Obnovit p�edchoz� stav

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_rowtemplateopt.cpp
[ layered]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_skineditor.cpp
[- Empty - (do not draw this object)]
- Pr�zdn� - (nevykreslovat tento objekt)
[Solid fill object]
Vyplnit barvou
[Image (draw image)]
Obr�zek (vykreslit obr.)
[Fragment (draw portion of image)]
Fragment (vykreslit ��st obr�zku)
[Stretch Both directions]
Rozt�hnout ob�ma sm�ry
[Stretch Vertical, Tile Horizontal]
Rozt�hnout svisle, opakovat vodorovn�
[Tile Vertical, Stretch Horizontal]
Opakovat svisle, rozt�hnout vodorovn�
[Tile Both directions]
Opakovat ob�ma sm�ry
[Image size is]
Rozm�ry obr�zku jsou

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_skinengine.cpp
[You need an image services plugin to process PNG images.]
Pro zpracov�n� PNG obr�zk� je zapot�eb� dopln�k Image services

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_skinopt.cpp
[Object Editor]
Editor objekt�
[( unknown )]
[%s\n\n%s\n\nAuthor(s):\t %s\nContact:\t %s\nWeb:\t %s\n\nFile:\t %s]
%s\n\n%s\n\nAutor:\t %s\nKontakt:\t %s\nWeb:\t %s\n\nSoubor:\t %s
[%s\n\n%s\n\nAuthor(s): %s\nContact:\t %s\nWeb:\t %s\n\nFile:\t %s]
%s\n\n%s\n\nAutor: %s\nKontakt:\t %s\nWeb:\t %s\n\nSoubor:\t %s
[reVista for Modern v0.5]
reVista 0.5 pro clist_modern
[This is second default Modern Contact list skin in Vista Aero style]
Jedn� se o skin ve stylu syst�mu Vista Aero.
[Angeli-Ka (graphics), FYR (template)]
Angeli-Ka (grafika), FYR (�ablony)
[Inside library]
V�e v knihovn�
[Skin Information]
Informace o skinu
[Skin editor contains not stored changes.\n\nAll changes will be lost.\n\n Continue to load new skin?]
Editor obsahuje neulo�en� zm�ny.\n\nV�echny zm�ny budou ztraceny.\n\nNahr�t nov� skin?
[Current skin was not saved to file.\n\nAll changes will be lost.\n\n Continue to load new skin?]
Sou�asn� skin nebyl ulo�en do souboru.\n\nV�echny zm�ny budou ztraceny.\n\nNahr�t nov� skin?
[Miranda skin file]
Skin seznamu kontakt� pro Mirandu
[Preview is not available\n\n%s\n----------------------\n\n%s\n\nAUTHOR(S):\n%s\n\nCONTACT:\n%s\n\nHOMEPAGE:\n%s]
N�hled nen� k dispozici\n\n%s\n----------------------\n\n%s\n\nAUTOR:\n%s\n\nKONTAKT:\n%s\n\nWEB:\n%s
[graphics by Angeli-Ka\ntemplate by FYR]
grafika: Angeli-Ka\n�ablona: FYR
[Select skin from list]
Vyberte skin ze seznamu
[Please select skin to apply]
Pros�m vyberte skin
[Default Skin]
V�choz� skin
[%Default Skin%]
%V�choz� skin%
[%%Default Skin%%]
%%V�choz� skin%%

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_statusbar_options.cpp
Na st�ed

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_toolbar.cpp
Tla��tkov� li�ta
Hlavn� nab�dka
[Main Menu]
Hlavn� nab�dka
[Main menu]
Hlavn� nab�dka
Nab�dka stavu
[Status Menu]
Nab�dka stav�
[Status menu]
Nab�dka stav�
[Show/Hide offline contacts]
Zobrazit/skr�t offline u�ivatele
[Hide offline contacts]
Skr�t u�ivatele offline
[Show offline contacts]
Zobrazit offline u�ivatele
[Database Editor]
Editor datab�ze
[Find User]
Vyhledat kontakt
[Use/Disable groups]
Zobrazit/skr�t skupiny
[Use groups]
Zapnout skupiny
[Disable Groups]
Vypnout skupiny
[Enable/Disable sounds]
Povolit/zak�zat zvuky
[Enable sounds]
Povolit zvuky
[Disable Sounds]
Zak�zat zvuky

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\modern_viewmodebar.cpp
[Ungrouped contacts]
Nesdru�en� kontakty
[Older than]
star�� ne�
[Newer than]
nov�j�� ne�
[Configuring view mode: %s]
Konfigurace pohledu: %s
[Sticky contacts]
Trval� kontakty
[*** All contacts ***]
*** v�echny kontakty ***
[Configure view modes]
Konfigurace re�imu zobrazen�
[Really delete this view mode? This cannot be undone]
Opravdu chcete odstranit re�im zobrazen�? Tuto akci nelze vz�t zp�t.
[Delete a view mode]
Odstranit re�im zobrazen�
[All contacts]
V�echny kontakty
[A view mode with this name does alredy exist]
Re�im zobrazen� s t�mto n�zvem ji� existuje
[Duplicate name]
Duplicitn� jm�no
[All Contacts]
V�echny kontakty
[Setup View Modes...]
Nastavit re�im zobrazen�...
[Select a view mode]
V�b�r re�im zobrazen�
[Setup view modes]
Nastaven� re�im� zobrazen�
[Clear view mode and return to default display]
Vr�t� zp�t v�choz� re�im zobrazen�
[Reset view mode]
V�choz� re�im zobrazen�
[View modes]
Re�imy zobrazen�
[View Modes]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\modernb\resource.rc
[Background colour:]
Barva pozad�:
[Selection colour:]
Barva v�b�ru:
[Use background bitmap]
Pou��t na pozad� obr�zek
[Stretch to width]
Uzp�sobit na ���ku
[Stretch to height]
Uzp�sobit na v��ku
[Tile horizontally]
Vodorovn� vedle sebe
[Tile vertically]
Svisle vedle sebe
[Scroll with text]
Rolovat s textem
[Stretch proportionally]
Uzp�sobit pom�rn�
[Tile vertically according to Row Height]
Rozt�hnout vertik�ln� dle v��ky ��dku
[Use Windows Colors]
Pou��t barvy Windows
[Available skins]
Dostupn� skiny
[\n\n\nPlease select one of available skins. \n\nOr browse for skin not in list.]
\n\nPros�m vyberte jeden ze skin�, p��padn� tla��tkem Proch�zet najd�te skin, kter� se v seznamu nenach�z�
[Skin Preview]
[Frame Titles Color]
Barva r�mu z�hlav�
[WARNING: \tSkins can modify your current profile. Rollback is not possible. \n\t\tPlease BACKUP your database before applying skin.]
UPOZORN�N�:\tSkiny mohou pozm�nit v� datov� profil, n�vrat nen� mo�n�. \n\t\tP�ed nastaven�m si pros�m v�dy ZAZ�LOHUJTE svou datab�zi.
[* Restart may be required for all changes to take effect]
* N�kter� ze zm�n mohou vy�adovat restart programu.
[Available objects]
Dostupn� objekty
[Object properties]
Vlastnosti objektu
[Image file and fitting mode]
Soubor obr�zku a um�st�n�
[Fit mode]
[Fragment location]
Um�st�n� fragmentu
[W x H: 0 x 0 pixels]
� x V: 0 x 0 pixel�
[Available view modes]
P�ehled re�im� zobrazen�
[Include protocols]
V�etn� protokol�
[Include groups]
V�etn� skupin
[Show contacts in groups]
Zobrazit kontakty ve skupin�ch
[Include status modes]
V�etn� stavu
[Clear all]
Odstranit v�e
[Using the contact list on the left side, you can select contacts which will be "sticky" for this view mode. These contacts will ignore the standard filter rules and only use the status mode filter below.]
Za pou�it� seznamu kontakt� po lev� stran� m��ete vybrat ty kontakty, kter� budou 'p�ilepen�'. Na tyto kontakty nebude platit ��dn� ze standardn�ch filtrovac�ch pravidel, krom� filtrov�n� dle stavu n�e.
[Status mode]
[Automatically clear this view mode after]
Automaticky vymazat vybran� re�im zobrazen� po
[View mode options]
Mo�nosti re�imu zobrazen�
[Editing view mode]
�prava pohledu
[Last message ]
Posledn� zpr�va 
[Show protocol names]
Zobrazit n�zvy protokol�
[Show status text]
Zobrazit stav
[Use connecting Icon]
Zobrazit pr�b�h p�ipojov�n�
[Right click opens status menu]
Prav�m tla��tkem seznam stav�
[Right click opens Miranda menu]
Prav�m tla��tkem nab�dku Mirandy
[Make sections equal width]
Shodn� ���ka v�ech polo�ek
[Space between]
[Horizontal Align]
Vodorovn� zarovn�n�
[Show xStatus icon]
Zobrazit ikonu roz�. stavu
[Show normal status as overlay]
Zobrazit stav p�ekryvnou ikonou
[Status overlay opacity is 75% ]
Zpr�hlednit p�ekryv na 75%
[Show unread emails (if supported)]
Zobrazit nep�e�ten� maily (je-li podporov�no)
[Show both icons]
Zobrazit ob� ikony
[Show status bar]
Zobrazit stavovou li�tu
[Show xStatus Name]
Zobrazit n�zev roz�.stavu
[Accounts per line]
��ty na ��dku
[Multiline status bar:]
V�ce��dkov� stavov� li�ta
[* To increase Status Bar height:\nSet in Main menu: Frames->Status Bar->Show TitleBar then pull appeared title of status bar up or down.]
* Stavov� ��dek zv���te takto:\nHl.nab�dka: R�me�ky->Stavov� li�ta->Zobrazit z�hlav� a rozt�hn�te zobrazenou li�tu my��.
[Set options per account]
Nastavit pro ka�d� ��et zvl᚝
[Space on right]
Mezera vpravo
[Space on Left]
Mezera vlevo
[Enable custom account settings]
Povolit vlastn� nastaven� ��tu
[Hide account completely]
Sk�t ��et �pln�
[Vertical Align]
Svisl� zarovn�n�
[Contact List Extra Icons]
Dal�� ikony v seznamu
[Toolbar settings]
Nastaven� tla��tkov� li�ty
[Hints:\n* Use Drag&&Drop feature to change buttons order.\n* You can change button icons at Customize->Icons Toolbar section]
Tipy:\n* Po�ad� tla��tek lze zm�nit prost�m ta�en�m my��.\n* Ikony se nastavuj� v nab�dce Vlastn� �pravy -> Ikony.
[Show Toolbar with next buttons:]
V tla��tkov� li�t� zobrazit tyto prvky:
[Button width]
���ka tla��tka
[Multiline toolbar]
V�ce��dkov� li�ta
[Autosize toolbar]
Automatick� ���ka
[Delete Contact]
Smaz�n� kontaktu
[Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings]
Pouze skr�t; z�stane tak zachov�na historie a ostatn� nastaven�.
[Use Options->Ignore (expert mode) to unhide contacts.]
(Skryt� kontakt� zru��te v nastaven� programu.)
[Are you sure you want to delete %s?]
Opravdu chcete smazat kontakt %s?
[This will erase all history and settings for this contact!]
T�mto odstran�te celou historii a nastaven� kontaktu!
[Hide offline users]
Skr�t u�ivatele offline
[Hide empty groups]
Skr�t pr�zdn� skupiny
[Disable groups]
Vypnout skupiny
[Ask before deleting contacts]
Potvrdit smaz�n� kontakt�
[Dont move offline user to bottom]
Kontakty offline nep�esouvat na konec
[Contact List Sorting]
�azen� seznamu kontakt�
[Place offline users out of groups]
Kontakty offline um�stit mimo skupiny
[Gamma correction]
Gama korekce
[Full selection]
Cel� ��dek
[Less selection]
��st ��dku
[No selection]
Bez v�b�ru
[Selection Mode]
Zp�sob v�b�ru
[Bring to front if covered]
P�i p�ekryt� p�en�st do pop�ed�
[Hide contact list after ]
Skr�t seznam kontakt� po
[Automatically resize window to height of list]
Podle polo�ek automaticky zm�nit v��ku okna
max. v�ak
[% of screen]
% obrazovky
[Size upwards]
Zv�t�ovat okno sm�rem nahoru
[Lock manual resize]
Zamezit ru�n� zm�n� velikosti
[Drag to ]
T�hnut� my�i
[Easy Scroll]
Vylep�en� rolov�n�
[Easy move]
Vylep�en� p�esouv�n�
[x100 msec]
x100 ms
[show delay]
prodleva zobrazen�
[hide delay]
prodleva skryt�
[Hide method]
Metoda skryt�
[keep on screen]
ponechat na obrazovce
[Snap to edges]
P�ichyt�vat k okraj�m
[Event notify area]
Oblast oznamov�n� ud�lost�
[Show automaticaly]
Zobrazovat automaticky
[Dock to sides]
Dokovat u okraj�
[Show divider between online and offline contacts]
Zobrazit odd�lova� mezi kontakty online a offline
[Hot track items as mouse passes over]
Zv�raznit polo�ky, nad kter�mi se objev� �ipka my�i
[Disable drag and drop of items]
Zak�zat uchopen� a p�et�hnut� polo�ek
[Disable rename of items by clicking twice]
Zak�zat p�ejmenov�n� polo�ek dvoj�m kliknut�m
[Show selection even when list is not focused]
Zobrazit v�b�r i tehdy, nen�-li seznam aktivn�
[Make selection highlight translucent]
Zobrazit vybran� polo�ky pr�hledn�
[Dim idle contacts]
Ze�ednout neaktivn� kontakty
['Hide Offline' means to hide:]
'Skr�t offline' znamen� skryt�:
[Draw a line alongside group names]
Zobrazit vedle n�zvu skupin ��ru
[Show counts of number of contacts in a group]
Zobrazit po�et kontakt� ve skupin�
[Hide group counts when there are none online]
Skr�t po�et kontakt� ve skupin�, jsou-li v�ichni offline
[Sort groups alphabetically]
Se�adit skupiny podle abecedy
[Quicksearch in open groups only]
Rychle hledat jen v otev�. skupin�ch
[Indent groups by:]
Rozestup skupin:
[Scroll list smoothly]
Rolovat seznam kontakt� plynule
[Hide vertical scrollbar]
Skr�t svisl� posuvn�k
[Fade out entire list when:]
Zpr�hlednit cel� seznam p�i:
[Single click interface]
Za��dit v�e jedn�m kliknut�m my�i
[Always show status in tooltip]
V�dy zobrazit stav v tipu
[Disable icon blinking]
Vypnout blik�n� ikon
[ms, delay between icon blinking]
ms (definuje rychlost blik�n�)
[Cycle icons every]
M�nit ikony co
[seconds, when statuses differ]
sek. (v p��pad�, �e se stavy li��)
[Show multiple icons]
Zobrazit v�ce ikon
[Only when statuses differ]
Pouze v p��pad�, �e se stavy li��
[System tray icon]
Ikona v oznamovac� oblasti
[System tray icon mode]
Chov�n� v oznamovac� oblasti
[Use xStatus icon]
Zobrazit ikonu roz���en�ho stavu
[only when statuses differ]
pouze pokud se stavy li��
[Ignore Empty Extra icons places (arrange to right).]
Ignorovat pr�zdn� m�sta po extra ikon�ch (posunout >>)
[Use 'Meta' protocol icons for Metacontacts]
Pou��t ikony protokolu 'Meta' pro metakontakty
[Expand metacontacts]
Rozbalit metakontakty
[Avoid doubleclick expand]
Nerozbalovat dvoj�m kliknut�m
[Hide all 'Extra icons' for subcontacts]
Skr�t v�echny 'Extra ikony' pro podkontakty
[Hide offline subcontacts.]
Skr�t podkontakty offline
[MetaContacts stuff]
Dal�� mo�nosti metakontakt�
[For other stuff MetaContacts plugin should be loaded.\n\nhttp://miranda-im.org/download]
Dal�� mo�nosti se zobraz� po instalaci dopl�ku MetaContacts.\n\nhttp://miranda-im.org/download
[Allow internal requesting of away message text]
Povolit intern� ��dosti o automatickou odpov��
[Subcontacts indent:]
Odsazen� podkontakt�:
[Remove away message if contact became offline]
Po odchodu kontaktu odstranit autom. odpov��
[Show time only if it is different from current time]
Zobrazit �as pouze kdy� se li�� od m�stn�ho
[Show contact time as row item]
Zobrazit �as kontaktu jako polo�ku ��dku
N&a chv�li pry�\tCtrl+2
&Nejsem tady\tCtrl+3
Nem�m �a&s\tCtrl+4
[&Free for chat\tCtrl+6]
&M�m volno\tCtrl+6
[On the &Phone\tCtrl+8]
M�m tele&fon\tCtrl+8
[Out to &Lunch\tCtrl+9]
Jsem na o&b�d�\tCtrl+9
[Hide Miranda]
Skr�t okno
[&New Subgroup]
&Nov� podskupina
[Always on top]
V�dy navrchu
[Pin to desktop]
P�ip�chnout na plochu
[Client area margins]
Vnit�n� okraje okna
[Thin border main window]
Hlavn� okno s tenk�m r�me�kem
[Borderless main window]
Hlavn� okno bez r�me�ku
[Show menu bar]
Zobrazit menu
[Show title bar]
Zobrazit z�hlav�
[Title bar text:]
Text v z�hlav�:
[Tool style main window]
Zjednodu�en� z�hlav� okna
[Minimize to tray]
Minimalizovat na panel
[Translucency options (Windows 2000/XP only)]
Pr�hlednost (pouze Windows 2000 a XP)
[Fade contact list in/out]
Plynule p�ej�t mezi zobrazen�m a skryt�m
[Transparent contact list]
Povolit pr�hlednost seznamu kontakt�
[Inactive opacity:]
Neaktivn� okno:
000 %
[Active opacity:]
Aktivn� okno:
[Enable drop shadow (restart required)]
Zobrazit st�n (vy�aduje restart)
[Between frames:]
Mezi okny:
[After captions:]
Pod z�hlav�m:
[Key color for owned frames]
Barva pro kl��ov�n� r�me�k�
[Use Non-Layered mode]
Pou��t re�im bez skinu
[Round corners]
Zaoblit rohy
[Non-layered mode]
Re�im bez skinu
[Disable Skin Engine]
Vypnout skinovac� apar�t
[Enable Aero Glass (Vista)]
Povolit Aero Glass (Vista)
[Order of items:]
Po�ad� prvk�:
[Min row height:]
Min. v��ka ��dku:
[Row border:]
R�me�ek ��dku:
[Variable row height]
Dynamicky m�nit v��ku ��dku
[Align left items to left]
Prvky vlevo zarovnat doleva
[Align right items to right]
Prvky vpravo zarovnat doprava
[Left margin:]
Lev� okraj:
[Right margin:]
Prav� okraj:
[Compact mode\n(Show avatars and additional text\non selected contacts only)]
Kompaktn� re�im\n(Zobrazit avatary a dodate�n� text\npouze u vybran�ho kontaktu)
[Draw border on avatar]
Or�movat avatary
[Show Avatars]
Zobrazit avatary
[Draw overlay icons]
P�ekr�vat up�es�uj�c�mi ikonami
[Round corners of avatars]
Zaoblit rohy avatar�
[Ignore size for row height calcs]
Ignorovat vypo�tenou v��ku ��dku
[Border Color:]
Barva r�me�ku:
[Custom corner size:]
Velikost zakulacen�:
[Normal overlay icon]
P�ekryvn� ikona
[Protocol status icon]
Ikona stavu protokolu
[Contact icon]
Ikona kontaktu
[Max width]
[Animate Avatars]
Animovat avatary
[Use old render method (Fast, but has artefacts)]
Pou��t star� vykreslov�n� (rychl�, ale zanech�v� stopy)
[Hide icon when showing avatar]
Skr�t ikonu p�i zobrazen�m avataru
[Draw icon in avatar space]
Um�stit ikonu do prostoru avataru
[Hide groups icon]
Skr�t ikonu skupin
[Always show "Always visibile" icon]
V�dy zobrazit ikonu 'V�dy viditeln�'
[Use extra status icon instead protocol]
Zobrazit roz���en� stav m�sto ikony protokolu
[Draw normal status as overlay]
Vykreslit norm�ln� stav jako p�ekryvnou ikonu
[Right-To-Left reading mode (mirror template)]
Re�im Zprava doleva (zrcadlov� �ablona)
[Replace smileys in clist]
Grafick� smajl�ky v seznamu
[Use protocol smileys]
Pou��t smajl�ky protokolu
[Draw smileys on first line]
Vykreslit smajl�ky na prvn�m ��dku
[Resize smileys and 'Listining to' icon]
M�nit velikost smajl�k� a ikony 'Poslech hudby'
[Align to right]
Zarovnat doprava
[Append nick if different from custom name]
P�ipojit p�ezd�vku, li��-li se od vlastn�ho jm�na
[Trim long text with ellipsis]
Zkr�tit dlouh� text trojte�kou
[Show second line]
Zobrazit druh� ��dek
[Top space:]
Horn� okraj:
[Draw smileys on second line]
Vykreslit smajl�ky na druh�m ��dku
[Away Message]
Autom. odpov��
[Show status if there isn't away message]
Zobrazit stav, pokud nen� autom. odpov��
[Show listening to if there isn't away message]
Zobrazit informaci o hudb�, nen�-li nastavena zpr�va nep��tomnosti
[XStatus has priority]
Preferovat roz���en� stav
[Use 'XStatus: XMessage']
Roz���en� autom. odpov��
[(Variables will be replaced)]
(Prom�nn� budou nahrazeny)
[Show third line]
Zobrazit t�et� ��dek
[Draw smileys on third line]
Vykreslit smajl�ky na t�et�m ��dku
Vlevo naho�e
Vpravo dole
[Position (vertical)]
Um�st�n� (svisl�)
[Show Title]
Zobrazit z�hlav�
[Frames Order]
Po�ad� r�me�k�
VE V�STAVB�!!!            NEFUNGUJE
[Row template]
�ablony ��dk�
[Add container]
P�idat kontejner
[Remove container]
Odstranit kontejner
[Vertical align:]
Svisl� zarovn�n�:
[Horizontal align:]
Vodorovn� zarovn�n�:
[Container type:]
Typ kontejneru:
[Container width:]
���ka kontejneru:
[Container height:]
V��ka kontejneru:
Se skinem
[Move up]
P�esunout nahoru
[Move down]
P�esunout dol�

[Contact names]
Jm�na kontakt�
[Row Items]
Polo�ky ��dk�
[Frame texts]
Texty r�me�k�
[Special colours]
Speci�ln� barvy

[&Contact rate (Low)]
Priori&ta kontaktu n�zk�
[&Contact rate (Medium)]
Priori&ta kontaktu st�edn�
[&Contact rate (High)]
Priori&ta kontaktu vysok�
[Other Status]
Ostatn� stavy
[Menu text]
Text polo�ky v nab�dce
[Selected menu text]
Text vybran� polo�ky v nab�dce
[Frame title text]
Text z�hlav� r�me�ku
[Statusbar text]
Text ve stavov� li�t�
[3rd party frames transparent back colour]
Kl��ovac� barva pozad� extern�ch r�me�k�

[Window behaviour:]
Chov�n� okna:
[List sorting:]
�azen� seznamu:
[Status bar:]
Stavov� li�ta:
[List content:]
Polo�ky seznamu:
[Compact mode]
Kompaktn� re�im
[Show contact time in list]
Zobrazit �as kontaktu

[and minimum]
a minim�ln�
[Hold [Shift] to inverse [Right Click] behaviour]
Pomoc� [Shift] obr�t�te funkci [prav�ho tla��tka].
[[Ctrl]+[Left Click] to filter only  protocol. Click on empty space to show all]
[Ctrl]+[lev� tla��tko] zobraz� jen vybran� protokol. Kliknut� jinde zobraz� v�echny.

[Event Area Background]
Pozad� oblasti ozn�men�
[View Mode Background]
Pozad� re�imu zobrazen�
[Menu Background]
Pozad� nab�dky
[Frames TitleBar BackGround]
Pozad� z�hlav� r�me�ku
[ToolBar Background]
Pozad� tla��tkov� li�ty
[Status Overlay]
P�ekryt� stavu

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MultiWindow Contact List                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\CLUIFrames\cluiframes.c
&Z�hlav� r�me�ku
[&Show TitleBar]
Zo&brazit z�hlav� r�me�ku
[&Floating Mode]
[New Menu System not Found...]
Nov� syst�m menu nenalezen...
[Show All Frames]
Zobrazit v�echny r�me�ky
[Show All Titlebars]
Zobrazit z�hlav� r�me�k�
[Hide All Titlebars]
Skr�t z�hlav� r�me�k�
[Lock Frame]
Zamknout r�me�ek
[Show TitleBar]
Zobrazit z�hlav� r�me�ku

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\CLUIFrames\extraimage.c
[Email Icon]
Ikona e-mailu
[Sms Icon]
Ikona SMS
[Web Icon]
Ikona webu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\CLUIFrames\framesmenu.c
Nab�dka r�me�k�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\CLUIFrames\statusbar.c
[Status Bar]
Stavov� li�ta

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\BkgrCfg.c
Vlastn� �pravy

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\clcopts.c
[Contact List]
[List Background]
Pozad� seznamu
[List Text]
Text v seznamu
[List MetaContacts]
Seznam metakontakt�
[StatusBar Background]
Pozad� stavov� li�ty
[Not focused]
Na chv�li pry�
Nejsem tady
Nem�m �as
[Free for chat]
M�m volno
[Out to lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�
[On the phone]
M�m telefon
[Standard contacts]
Standardn� kontakty
[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
Kontakty online, v��i kter�m m�te nastavenou v�jimku v (ne)viditelnosti
[Offline contacts]
Kontakty offline
[Contacts which are 'not on list']
Kontakty, kter� "nejsou v seznamu"
[Group member counts]
Po�et �len� ve skupin�
[Offline contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
Kontakty offline, v��i kter�m m�te nastavenou v�jimku v (ne)viditelnosti
[Status messages]
Stavov� zpr�vy
[Group Closed]
Zav�en� skupina
[Hover Contacts]
Kontakty po najet� my�i
[based on:]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\clistopts.c

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\clistsettings.c
['(Unknown Contact)']
'(nezn�m� kontakt)'

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\clisttray.c
[Tray Menu]
Nab�dka ikony
[&Find/Add Contacts...]
&Vyhledat kontakty...
[&Main Menu]
Hlavn� &menu
O progr&amu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\clui.c
[My Contacts]
Seznam kontakt�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\cluiopts.c

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\groupmenu.c
[Group Menu]
Nab�dka skupiny
[&New Group]
&Nov� skupina
[&Hide Offline Users]
&Skr�t u�ivatele offline
[Hide &Offline Users out here]
Skr�t u�ivatele &offline mimo skupiny
[Hide &Empty Groups]
S&kr�t pr�zdn� skupiny
[Disable &Groups]
Vypnout zobrazen� s&kupin
[SubGroup Menu]
Nab�dka podskupiny
[&New SubGroup]
&Nov� podskupina
;(DUP) [&Hide Offline Users in here]
[&Rename Group]
P�&ejmenovat skupinu
[&Delete Group]
&Smazat skupinu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\keyboard.c
[Close Miranda]
Zav��t Mirandu
[Restore last status]
Obnovit p�edchoz� stav

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\resource.rc
[Background colour:]
Barva pozad�:
[Selection colour:]
Barva v�b�ru:
[Use background bitmap]
Pou��t na pozad� obr�zek
[Stretch to width]
Uzp�sobit na ���ku
[Stretch to height]
Uzp�sobit na v��ku
[Tile horizontally]
Vodorovn� vedle sebe
[Tile vertically]
Svisle vedle sebe
[Scroll with text]
Rolovat s textem
[Stretch proportionally]
Uzp�sobit pom�rn�
[Tile vertically according to Row Height]
Rozt�hnout vertik�ln� dle v��ky ��dku
[Warning!\r\nThis MenuObject not support user defined options.]
Upozorn�n�!\r\nTento objekt menu nepodporuje zm�nu nastaven�.
Prvky nab�dky
+ odd�lova�
[Delete Contact]
Smaz�n� kontaktu
[Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings]
Pouze skr�t; z�stane tak zachov�na historie a ostatn� nastaven�.
[Use Options->Ignore (expert mode) to unhide contacts.]
(Skryt� kontakt� zru��te v nastaven� programu.)
[Are you sure you want to delete %s?]
Opravdu chcete smazat kontakt %s?
[This will erase all history and settings for this contact!]
T�mto odstran�te celou historii a nastaven� kontaktu!
[Hide offline users]
Skr�t u�ivatele offline
[Hide empty groups]
Skr�t pr�zdn� skupiny
[Disable groups]
Vypnout skupiny
[Ask before deleting contacts]
Potvrdit smaz�n� kontakt�
[Always on top]
V�dy navrchu
[Hide contact list after it has been idle for]
Skr�t seznam kontakt�, byl-li neaktivn� po dobu
[Sort contacts by name]
�adit kontakty dle jm�na
[Sort contacts by status]
�adit kontakty dle stavu
[Sort contacts by protocol]
�adit kontakty dle protokolu
[Single click interface]
Za��dit v�e jedn�m kliknut�m my�i
[Always show status in tooltip]
V�dy zobrazit stav v tipu
[Disable icon blinking]
Vypnout blik�n� ikon
[ms, delay between icon blinking]
ms (definuje rychlost blik�n�)
[icon when statuses differ]
(v p��pad�, �e se stavy li��)
[Cycle icons every]
M�nit ikony co
[seconds, when statuses differ]
sek. (v p��pad�, �e se stavy li��)
[Show multiple icons]
Zobrazit v�ce ikon
[Only when statuses differ]
Pouze v p��pad�, �e se stavy li��
[System tray icon]
Ikona v oznamovac� oblasti
[System tray icon when using multiple protocols]
Ikona v oznamovac� oblasti p�i pou�it� v�ce protokol�
[Contact List Sorting]
�azen� seznamu kontakt�
[Dont move offline user to bottom]
Kontakty offline nep�esouvat na konec
[Pin to desktop]
P�ip�chnout na plochu
[Tool style main window]
Zjednodu�en� z�hlav� okna
[Minimize to tray]
Minimalizovat na panel
[Automatically resize window to height of list]
Podle polo�ek automaticky zm�nit v��ku okna
max. v�ak
[% of screen]
% obrazovky
[Size upwards]
Zv�t�ovat okno sm�rem nahoru
[Title bar text:]
Text v z�hlav�:
[Translucency options (Windows 2000/XP only)]
Pr�hlednost (pouze Windows 2000 a XP)
;(DUP) [Fade contact list in/out]
[Transparent contact list]
Nastavit pr�hlednost seznamu kontakt�
[Inactive opacity:]
Neaktivn� okno:
[Active opacity:]
Aktivn� okno:
000 %
[Show menu bar]
Zobrazit menu
[Easy move]
Vylep�en� p�esouv�n�
[Show title bar]
Zobrazit z�hlav�
[If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding]
Je-li okno ��ste�n� zakryto, zobrazit na pop�ed� nam�sto skryt�
[Enable drop shadow (restart required)]
Zobrazit st�n (vy�aduje restart)
[Contact List Extra Icons]
Dal�� ikony v seznamu
[Protocol Type]
Druh protokolu
[Advanced #2]
Extra �.2
[Advanced #1]
Roz���en� stav
[!!! Note: all client icons are made by Angeli-ka, and I have her permission to use them in clist_mw plugin.]
Pozn.: V�echny klientsk� ikony vytvo�ila Angeli-ka, pou�ito s jej�m svolen�m.
Dom. str�nka
[Show divider between online and offline contacts]
Zobrazit odd�lova� mezi kontakty online a offline
[Hot track items as mouse passes over]
Zv�raznit polo�ky, nad kter�mi se objev� �ipka my�i
[Disable drag and drop of items]
Zak�zat uchopen� a p�et�hnut� polo�ek
[Disable rename of items by clicking twice]
Zak�zat p�ejmenov�n� polo�ek dvoj�m kliknut�m
[Show selection even when list is not focused]
Zobrazit v�b�r i tehdy, nen�-li seznam aktivn�
[Make selection highlight translucent]
Zobrazit vybran� polo�ky pr�hledn�
['Hide Offline' means to hide:]
'Skr�t offline' znamen� skryt�:
[Draw a line alongside group names]
Zobrazit vedle n�zvu skupin ��ru
[Show counts of number of contacts in a group]
Zobrazit po�et kontakt� ve skupin�
[Hide group counts when there are none online]
Skr�t po�et kontakt� ve skupin�, jsou-li v�ichni offline
[Sort groups alphabetically]
Se�adit skupiny podle abecedy
[Quicksearch in open groups only]
Rychle hledat jen v otev�. skupin�ch
[Indent groups by:]
Rozestup skupin:
[Scroll list smoothly]
Rolovat seznam kontakt� plynule
[Left margin:]
Lev� okraj:
[Grey out entire list when:]
Ze�ednout seznam v p��pad�:
[Dim idle contacts]
Ze�ednout neaktivn� kontakty
[Hide vertical scrollbar]
Skr�t svisl� posuvn�k
Typ p�sma
;(DUP) [Style]
[Row height:]
V��ka ��dku:
[Additional Colours]
Dopl�kov� barvy
[Selected text:]
Vybran� text:
[Hottrack text:]
Zv�razn�n� text:
[Gamma correction]
Gama korekce
[Quicksearch text:]
Hledan� text:
[Selection Mode]
Zp�sob v�b�ru
[Less selection]
��st ��dku
[Full selection]
Cel� ��dek
[No selection]
Bez v�b�ru
[Contact List Background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Use 'Meta' protocol icons for Metacontacts]
Pou��t ikony protokolu 'Meta' pro metakontakty
[Avoid doubleclick expand]
Nerozbalovat dvoj�m kliknut�m
[Hide all 'Extra icons' for subcontacts]
Skr�t v�echny 'Extra ikony' pro podkontakty
[MetaContacts supporting]
Podpora dopl�ku Metakontakty
[Ignore Empty Extra icons places (arrange to right).]
Ignorovat pr�zdn� m�sta po extra ikon�ch (posunout >>)
[Hide offline subcontacts.]
Skr�t podkontakty offline
N&a chv�li pry�\tCtrl+2
&Nejsem tady\tCtrl+3
Nem�m �a&s\tCtrl+4
[&Free for chat\tCtrl+6]
&M�m volno\tCtrl+6
[On the &Phone\tCtrl+8]
M�m tele&fon\tCtrl+8
[Out to &Lunch\tCtrl+9]
Jsem na o&b�d�\tCtrl+9
[Hide Miranda]
Skr�t okno
[&New Subgroup]
&Nov� podskupina
[Show status bar]
Zobrazit stavovou li�tu
[Show icons]
Zobrazit ikony
[Show protocol names]
Zobrazit n�zvy protokol�
[Show status text]
Zobrazit stav
[Right click opens status menu]
Prav�m tla��tkem seznam stav�
[Right click opens Miranda menu]
Prav�m tla��tkem nab�dku Mirandy
[Make sections equal width]
Shodn� ���ka v�ech polo�ek
[Show size grip]
Zobrazit odd�lova�
[Show bevel effect on panels]
Zobrazit efekt zkosen� panel�
[Use connecting Icon]
Zobrazit pr�b�h p�ipojov�n�
[Use New Drawer for StatusBar]
Pou��t nov� syst�m stav. li�ty

[Contact List/Connection Icons]
Ikona p�i p�ipojov�n�
[Contact List/Connection Icons %s]
Ikona p�i p�ipojov�n� %s

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Clist Nicer                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3703

; clcopts.c
;(DUP) [Contact List]
[Display Profiles]
Profily zobrazen�
;(DUP) [Floating contacts]
;(DUP) [Customize]
[Contact list skin]
Skin seznamu kontakt�
;(DUP) [Hotkeys]
;(DUP) [Events]

; clistmenus.c
[&Contact list settings...]
&Nastaven� seznamu kontakt�...

; clui.c
;(DUP) [My Contacts]
;(DUP) [Version]
;(DUP) [Built %s %s]

; viewmodes.c
[Current view mode: %s]
Re�im zobrazen�: %s
[Sticky contacts]
Trval� kontakty
[Really delete this view mode? This cannot be undone]
Opravdu chcete odstranit re�im zobrazen�? Tuto akci nelze vz�t zp�t.
[Delete a view mode]
Odstranit re�im zobrazen�
[No view mode]
[Setup View Modes...]
Nastavit re�im zobrazen�...
[Clear current View Mode]
Obnovit v�choz� re�im

; cluiframes.c
;(DUP) [&FrameTitle]
;(DUP) [&Visible]
;(DUP) [&Show TitleBar]
;(DUP) [&Locked]
;(DUP) [&Collapsed]
;(DUP) [&Floating Mode]
;(DUP) [&Border]
[&Skinned frame]
&Skin na r�me�ek
;(DUP) [&Align]
;(DUP) [&Top]
;(DUP) [&Client]
;(DUP) [&Bottom]
;(DUP) [&Position]
;(DUP) [&Up]
;(DUP) [&Down]
;(DUP) [Frames]
;(DUP) [Show All Frames]
;(DUP) [Show All Titlebars]
;(DUP) [Hide All Titlebars]
;(DUP) [Lock Frame]
;(DUP) [Visible]
;(DUP) [Show TitleBar]
[Skinned frame]
Skin na r�me�ek
;(DUP) [Floating]

; groupmenu.c
;(DUP) [GroupMenu]
;(DUP) [E&xit]
;(DUP) [&Hide/Show]
[&Find/Add Contacts...]
&Vyhledat kontakty...
;(DUP) [&Main Menu]
;(DUP) [&Status]
;(DUP) [Appearance]
;(DUP) [&Options...]
[&About the contact list...]
O sezn&amu kontakt�...
;(DUP) [&New Group]
;(DUP) [&Hide Offline Users]
;(DUP) [Hide &Offline Users out here]
;(DUP) [Hide &Empty Groups]
;(DUP) [Disable &Groups]
;(DUP) [SubGroupMenu]
;(DUP) [&New SubGroup]
;(DUP) [&Hide Offline Users in here]
;(DUP) [&Rename Group]
;(DUP) [&Delete Group]

; movetogroup.c
[&Floating Contact]
P&lovouc� kontakt

; resource.rc
[Simple layout]
Jednoduch� vzhled
[Show avatars]
Zobrazit avatary
[Show second text line]
Zobrazit druh� ��dek
[Show extra icons]
Zobrazit dopl�kov� ikony
[Synchronzie floater visibility with contact list]
Plovouc� kontakty zobrazovat podle hlavn�ho seznamu
[Only show contact floaters when contact list is hidden or minimized]
Plovouc� kontakty zobrazovat pouze po skryt� hlavn�ho seznamu
[Support and latest version information]
Podpora, hl�en� chyb a informace o nov�ch verz�ch
;(DUP) [Show/Hide:]
;(DUP) [Read Msg:]
;(DUP) [Net Search:]
;(DUP) [Open in new browser window]
;(DUP) [Show Options]
;(DUP) [Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings]
;(DUP) [Are you sure you want to delete %s?]
;(DUP) [Hide offline users]
;(DUP) [Hide empty groups]
;(DUP) [Disable groups]
;(DUP) [Ask before deleting contacts]
;(DUP) [Disable icon blinking]
[Apply last active view mode ]
Pou��t posledn� re�im zobrazen�
[Show button bar]
Zobrazit li�tu s tla��tky
[Show menu and status buttons]
Zobrazit tla��tka menu a stavu
[Draw sunken edge]
Pou��t zano�en� r�me�ek
;(DUP) [Single click interface]
;(DUP) [Always show status in tooltip]
[Auto mode]
Zobrazovat automaticky
;(DUP) [Show]
;(DUP) [Cycle icons every]
;(DUP) [Show multiple icons]
;(DUP) [Only when statuses differ]
[Do not show system tray icon tooltips on mouse over]
Nezobrazovat tipy po najet� my�� nad ikonu
;(DUP) [Draw a line alongside group names]
[Show number of contacts in a group]
Zobrazit po�et kontakt� ve skupin�
[Hide numbers when all offline]
Skr�t, jsou-li v�ichni offline
;(DUP) [Sort groups alphabetically]
;(DUP) [Quicksearch in open groups only]
[No expand/collapse icon]
Vypnout ikonu pro rozbalen�
[Center groupnames horizontally]
Vodorovn� vyst�edit n�zev skupin
[Move events to the top of list or group]
Posunovat ud�losti v seznamu nahoru
[Do not separate offline contacts]
Neodd�lovat kontakty ve stavu offline
[Draw a border around avatars]
Or�movat avatary
[Rounded avatars]
Zaoblit okraje avatar�
[Render with GDI+]
Vykreslovat pomoc� GDI+
[Always align icons and text for missing avatars]
Pokud chyb� avatar, zarovnat ikonu a text pod sebe
[Don't request avatars for offline contacts]
Nestahovat avatar kontakt� offline
[Display status message when available]
Zobrazit stavovou zpr�vu (pokud je)
[Show contacts local time]
Zobrazit m�stn� �as kontaktu
[Only when timezone differs]
Pouze pokud se li�� �asov� z�na
;(DUP) [Client]
;(DUP) [xStatus]
Dom. str�nka
Extra �.1
;(DUP) [Phone]
Extra �.2
Extra �.3
Extra �.4
Extra �.5
[Show status icons]
Zobrazit stavov� ikony
[Show visibility icons]
Zobrazit ikony viditelnosti
[When possible, draw status icons in avatar space]
Pokud mo�no vykreslit stavov� ikony v r�mci avataru
[Centered when possible]
Pokud mo�no vyst�edit
[Use metacontact protocol icons instead of subcontacts]
Pou��t ikonu pro metakontakt m�sto konkr�tn�ho protokolu
[Use Overlay icons on avatars]
Pou��t p�ekryvn� ikony (na avatary)
;(DUP) [Dim idle contacts]
;(DUP) [Always on top]
;(DUP) [Minimize to tray]
;(DUP) [Show menu bar]
;(DUP) [Easy move]
;(DUP) [Rounded border]
;(DUP) [Show drop shadow (restart required)]
;(DUP) [Pin to desktop]
;(DUP) [Hide contact list after it has been idle for]
;(DUP) [Automatically resize window to height of list]
;(DUP) [Size upwards]
;(DUP) [If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding]
;(DUP) [Transparent contact list]
;(DUP) [Fade contact list in/out]
[Fully transparent (like TweakUI)]
�pln� pr�hledn� (jako TweakUI)
;(DUP) [Show divider between online and offline contacts]
;(DUP) [Hot track items as mouse passes over]
;(DUP) [Disable drag and drop of items]
;(DUP) [Disable rename of items by clicking twice]
;(DUP) [Show selection even when list is not focused]
;(DUP) [Make selection highlight translucent]
[Use full row for selection and hottracking]
P�i v�b�ru a hled�n� ozna�it cel� ��dek 
[Double click on avatar opens userinfo]
Otev��t inf. o kontaktu dvojklikem na avatar
;(DUP) [Scroll list smoothly]
;(DUP) [Hide vertical scroll bar]
;(DUP) [Grey out entire list when:]
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Use background image]
;(DUP) [Stretch to width]
;(DUP) [Stretch to height]
;(DUP) [Tile horizontally]
;(DUP) [Tile vertically]
;(DUP) [Scroll with text]
;(DUP) [Stretch proportionally]
[Use these settings to skin the entire background]
Pou��t toto nastaven� pozad� pro cel� seznam kontakt�
;(DUP) [Show status bar]
;(DUP) [Show icons]
;(DUP) [Show protocol names]
;(DUP) [Show status text]
;(DUP) [Right click opens status menu]
;(DUP) [Right click opens Miranda IM menu]
;(DUP) [Make sections equal width]
;(DUP) [Show bevels on panels]
;(DUP) [Show resize grip indicator]
[Draw background skin]
Pou��t skin pozad�
[Show ICQ extended status icons]
Zobrazit ikony roz���en�ho stavu ICQ
[Mark protocols locked from global status changes]
Ozna�it protokoly se zamknut�m stavem
[Automatically clear this view mode after]
Automaticky vymazat vybran� re�im zobrazen� po
[Last message ]
Posledn� zpr�va 
[Load this skin on startup]
Na��st vybran� skin p�i spu�t�n�
[Make selection shape equal to selected item]
Ur�it tvar v�b�ru obrysem ozna�en� polo�ky
[Blend selection with background]
Sm�chat vybranou polo�ku s pozad�m
[Automatically fill background with wallpaper (tiled wallpaper only)]
Autom. vyplnit pozad� obr�zkem z plochy (v re�imu vedle sebe)
[Apply group indent values to background drawing]
Zohlednit odsazen� skupiny p�i vykreslov�n� pozad�
[Use per protocol/contact skinning]
Definovat skin pro ka�d� protokol zvl᚝
[Protocol skins override status text colors]
Ur�it barvu stav. textu skinem
[Set all buttons to skinned mode]
Pou��t skin pro v�echna tla��tka
[Use fast gradient drawing]
Rychl� vykreslen� gradientu
[Ignore selection for groups]
Ignorovat v�b�r skupiny
;(DUP) [Messages]
;(DUP) [Incoming file transfers]
;(DUP) [URL events]
[Suppress auth requests]
Potla�it ��dosti o autorizaci
[Suppress added notifications]
Potla�it zpr�vy o p�id�n�
[Suppress online notifications]
Neoznamovat p�echod online
[Appear always online]
V��i dan� osob� b�t viditeln�
[Appear always offline (block contact)]
V��i dan� osob� b�t offline
[Hide this contact from the list]
Nezobrazovat v seznamu kontakt�
[Show contact with priority]
Zobrazit kontakt jako prioritn�
[Draw overlay icon on avatar]
Pou��t p�ekryvn� ikony (na avatar)
[Show local time]
Zobrazit m�stn� �as
[Show visibility icon]
Zobrazit ikonu viditelnosti
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [No]
;(DUP) [Yes]
;(DUP) [...]
;(LAI) [+]
;(DUP) [-]
;(DUP) [Ok]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Apply]
;(DUP) [Clear all]
[< Reload]
[Apply skin now]
Pou��t skin
[Unload skin]
Zru�it skin
[Load from skin file]
Importovat skin
[Export to skin file]
Exportovat skin
;(DUP) [Ignore all]
[Ignore none]
[NOTE: This is work in progress. Most options here do NOT yet work as they should, because the code is not yet implemented. Please don't report these issues as bugs, because they aren't bugs, just unfinished stuff.]
Pozn.: Tato ��st NEN� DOKON�ENA a v�t�ina z nab�zen�ch mo�nost� zat�m NEFUNGUJE, jak m�. Nepos�lejte pros�m chybov� hl�en�, v tomto p��pad� nejde o chybu.
[Clist Nicer+]
Clist Nicer+
;(DUP) [URL:]
;(DUP) [Use Options->Ignore (expert mode) to unhide contacts.]
;(DUP) [This will erase all history and settings for this contact!]
;(LAI) [ms]
[Set base visiblity on the frames menu]
Pozn.: Viditelnost tohoto objektu nastav�te v nab�dce r�me�ku.
;(DUP) [icon when statuses differ]
;(DUP) [seconds, when statuses differ]
[Margins (left/right)]
Odstup zleva/zprava
[Row gap]
Odstup ��dk�:
[Minimum row height:]
Min. v��ka ��dku:
[Group row height]
V��ka skupiny:
;(DUP) [Indent groups by:]
[Inner Row vertical padding]
Vypln�n� ��dku zevnit�
[First by]
Se�adit podle
[Then by]
D�le podle
[Finally by]
A nakonec dle
[Hide as offline]
Skr�t jako offline
[Right align contacts]
Zarovnat kontakt vpravo
;(DUP) [Height]
[Avatar alignment]
Zarovn�n� avatar�
[Show second text line:]
Zobrazit druh� ��dek textu:
[Extra icon size]
Velikost dopl�kov� ikony
;(DUP) [Border]
;(DUP) [Title bar text:]
;(DUP) [seconds]
;(DUP) [maximum]
;(DUP) [% of screen]
[Client margins]
Odst. od okraje
[Embedded frames border]
Okraj vsazen�ch r�me�k�
[Clip border by]
O��znout okraj o
[Gap between frames]
Mezera mezi r�me�ky
;(DUP) [Inactive opacity:]
;(DUP) [000%]
;(DUP) [Active opacity:]
;(DUP) [Time:]
;(DUP) [milliseconds]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
[If you enable this, the background settings will affect the entire contact list frame.]
Touto mo�nost� ovlivn�te nastaven� pozad� cel�ho r�me�ku pro seznam kontakt�.
;(DUP) [New]
;(FIX) [Using the contact list on the left side, you can select contacts which will be ]
;(DUP) [Protocol]
;(LAI) [Statisch]
[Per contact skins:]
Skin na kontakt:
[Corner radius]
Zakulacen� rohu
[Group top padding]
Vypln�n� skup. shora
[Frame titlebar height]
V��ka z�hlav� r�me�ku
[To show a previously hidden contact, navigate to Options->Events->Ignore, search the contact in the list and tick the checkbox next to its name.]
Chcete-li zobrazit z d��v�j�ka skryt� kontakt, zatrhn�te za�krt�vac� pole vedle po�adovan�ho kontaktu (Mo�nosti->Ud�losti->Filtrov�n� kontakt�).
[Show Avatar:]
Zobrazit avatar:
[Show 2nd line:]
Zobrazit druh� ��dek:
[Status mode]
[Floating contacts appearance]
Vzhled plovouc�ch kontakt�
[Contact list layout]
Vzhled seznamu kontakt�
;(DUP) [System tray icon]
[Event area]
M�sto pro ud�losti
;(DUP) [System tray icon when using multiple protocols]
;(DUP) [Groups]
[Margins and spacing]
Okraje a rozestup
;(DUP) [Contact List Sorting]
;(DUP) [Avatars]
[Second text line]
Druh� ��dek textu
[Extra icons]
Dopl�kov� ikony
;(DUP) [Icons]
;(DUP) [Window]
;(DUP) [Translucency options (Windows 2000/XP only)]
;(DUP) [Items]
;(DUP) [Visual]
;(DUP) [Contact List Background]
;(DUP) [Status Bar]
[Available view modes]
P�ehled re�im� zobrazen�
[Include protocols]
V�etn� protokol�
[Include groups]
V�etn� skupin
[Include status modes]
V�etn� stavu
[View mode options]
Mo�nosti re�imu zobrazen�
;(DUP) [Skin options]
[Ignore these events]
Filtrov�n� ud�lost�
;(DUP) [Visibility]
;(DUP) [Other]
[Display options]
Mo�nosti zobrazen�
[About CList Nicer+]
O dopl�ku CList Nicer+
;(DUP) [Delete Contact]
;(DUP) [Dialog]
;(DUP) [&Offline\tCtrl+0]
;(DUP) [On&line\tCtrl+1]
;(DUP) [&Away\tCtrl+2]
;(DUP) [&NA\tCtrl+3]
;(DUP) [Occ&upied\tCtrl+4]
;(DUP) [&DND\tCtrl+5]
;(DUP) [&Free for chat\tCtrl+6]
;(DUP) [&Invisible\tCtrl+7]
;(DUP) [On the &Phone\tCtrl+8]
;(DUP) [Out to &Lunch\tCtrl+9]
;(DUP) [Hide Miranda]
;(DUP) [&New Subgroup]
[Move marked Contacts to this Group]
P�esunout vybran� kontakty do t�to skupiny
;(DUP) [Online]
[Increase Button Size]
Zv�t�it tla��tko
[Decrease Button Size]
Zmen�it tla��tko
[Flat Toolbar Buttons]
Modern� tla��tka li�ty
[Disable Visual Styles]
Vypnout skiny
[Skinned Tool Bar]
Skin li�ty tla��tek
[Draw sunken Frame]
Pou��t zano�en� r�me�ek
[Show Status Icons]
Zobrazit stavov� ikony
[Show Visibility Icons]
Zobrazit ikony viditelnosti
[Show Metacontact proto Icons]
Zobrazit protokoly subkontaktu
;(DUP) [Show Tool Bar]
[Show additional Buttons]
Zobrazit dopl�kov� tla��tka
[Use Status Floater]
Pou��t plovouc� ukazatel stavu
[Auto-Hide Status Floater]
Automaticky skr�t ukazatel stavu
[Show Event Area in Floater]
Zobrazit ud�losti v plov. ukazateli

; Skin Editor.rc
[Left to right]
Zleva doprava
[Right to left]
Zprava doleva
[Top to bottom]
Shora dol�
[Bottom to top]
Zdola nahoru
;(DUP) [Round corners]
Lev� horn�
Prav� horn�
Prav� doln�
Lev� doln�
[Item ignored]
Ignorovat polo�ku
[First color]
Barva 1
Barva textu
[Second color]
Barva 2
[Alpha (percent)]
Pr�hlednost (v %)
[Border style]
Vzhled okraje
[3D border (bright / dark)]
Barvy plastick�ho okraje
[Skin items]
Polo�ky skinu
;(DUP) [General]
[Item colors]
Definice barev
[Item margins]
Odstup od okraje
[Item borders]
Okraj polo�ky

[Add New...]
[Apply this profile]
Pou��t profil
[Groups and layout]
Skupiny a vzhled
[List layout]
Vzhled seznamu

; Vlastn� �pravy / P�sma
[Contact list local time]
M�stn� �as kontaktu
[Frame titles]
Z�hlav� r�me�ku

[Revert to default]
Obnovit v�choz�
[Add permanently]
P�idat natrvalo

[Default (global setting)]
V�choz� (glob�ln� nastaven�)
[Show always when available]
V�dy zobrazit (pokud existuje)
[Hide always]
V�dy skr�t
[When space is available]
Pokud to m�sto dovol�
[When needed by status message]
Pokud to vy�aduje stavov� zpr�va
[Last Message]
Posledn� zpr�va
[Message Frequency]
�etnost zpr�v
[For RTL only]
Pouze pro RTL
[RTL TEXT only]
Pouze pro RTL TEXT
[Always Left]
V�dy vlevo
[Always Right]
V�dy vpravo
[Automatic (RTL)]
Automaticky (RTL)
[With Nickname - left]
S p�ezd�vkou - vlevo
[With Nickname - right]
S p�ezd�vkou - vpravo
[Far left]
�pln� vlevo
[Far right]
�pln� vpravo
[When space allows it]
Pokud to m�sto dovol�
[When needed]
Pokud je pot�eba
[Tool Window]
S tenk�m z�hlav�m
[Thin border]
Tenk� okraj
[No border]
Bez okraje

; Vlastn� �pravy / Ikony
[%s Connecting]
P�ipojov�n� %s
[Toggle show online/offline]
P�epnout online/offline
[Toggle groups]
P�epnout skupiny
[Find contacts]
Vyhledat kontakty
[Open preferences]
Otev��t nastaven�
[Toggle sounds]
P�epnout zvuky
[Minimize contact list]
Minimalizovat seznam
[Show tabSRMM session list]
Zobrazit seznam relac� tabSRMM
[Show tabSRMM menu]
Zobrazit nab�dku tabSRMM
[Sounds are off]
Zvuky jsou vypnut�
;(LAI) [E-mail]
;(LAI) [SMS]
[Select view mode]
Vybrat re�im zobrazen�
[Reset view mode]
V�choz� re�im zobrazen�
[Configure view modes]
Konfigurace re�imu zobrazen�
[Show menu]
Zobrazit nab�dku
[Contact on visible list]
Viditeln� kontakt
[Contact on invisible list or blocked]
Neviditeln� nebo blokovan� kontakt
[Chat room/IRC channel activity]
Aktivita v diskusi
[Status Icons]
Stavov� ikony

[Contact list display and ignore options for %s]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� a filtrov�n�: %s

; kontextov� menu nad clistem
Oblast pro ud�losti
[View modes]
Re�imy zobrazen�


; N�strojov� li�ta
[Show / hide offline contacts]
Zobrazit / Skr�t u�ivatele offline
[Toggle group mode]
P�epnout re�im skupiny
[Find and add contacts]
Vyhledat a p�idat kontakty
[Status menu]
Nab�dka stav�
[Clear view mode]
Zru�it re�im zobrazen�

[No events...]
<��dn� ud�losti>

; Kontakty / Plovouc� kontatky

; Ud�losti / Kl�vesov� zkratky
[Read Msg:]
P�e��st zpr�vu:
[Net Search:]
Hledat na webu:

; Skin editor (cln_skinedit)
Vystoupl� (s r�mov�n�m)
Zano�en� (s r�mov�n�m)
[Image items]
[Not yet supported]
<zat�m mimo provoz>
; Description
[Skin editor for clist_nicer+]
Editor skin� pro dopln�k CList Nicer+

; Kontakty / Profily zobrazen� / Ikony
[Replace status icons with xStatus]
Nahradit stavov� ikony roz���en�m stavem
[Reserved, unused]
Vyhrazeno, nepou�ito
[Advanced #1 (ICQ X-Status)]
Extra �.1 (roz���en� stav ICQ)
[Client (fingerprint required)]
Klient (vy�aduje Fingerprint)
[Reserved #1]
Vyhrazeno �.1
[Reserved #2]
Vyhrazeno �.2
[Reserved #3]
Vyhrazeno �.3
[Reserved #4]
Vyhrazeno �.4

[Extra icons (drag items to reorder them)]
Dopl�kov� ikony (po�ad� zm�n�te t�hnut�m)

[Overlay Icons]
P�ekryvn� ikony
[Connecting Icons]
Ikony p�ipojov�n�

[Enable floating contacts (required restart)]
Zapnout plovouc� kontakty (vy�aduje restart)
[Rounded corners]
Zaoblen� rohy
[Snap to edges (hold CTRL for snap between floaters)]
P�ichyt�vat k okraj�m (pomoc� CTRL i v r�mci kontakt�)

[Fill with contact list background color]
Vyplnit barvou pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Show tooltips]
Zobrazovat tipy
[Hover time]

[Setup accounts]
Konfigurace ��t�

[Open Find User Dialog]
Okno pro vyhled�v�n�
[Open Options Page]
Okno pro nastaven�
[Read Message]
P�e��st zpr�vu
[Show Hide Contact List]
Zobrazit nebo skr�t kontakty
[Set All Offline]
Nastavit v�e offline

[Contact rows]
��dky seznamu
[Move events to the top of list\nor group]
Posunovat ud�losti v seznamu nahoru
[Reset order and visibility to default]
V�choz� po�ad� ��t� a jejich viditelnost

[Always Hide On Taskbar]
Nezobrazovat na hlavn�m panelu

[*** All contacts ***]
*** v�echny kontakty ***

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ContactsMenuItemEx                              |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3818

;(DUP) [Protocol...]
;(DUP) [Request authorization]
;(DUP) [Always visible]
;(DUP) [Last Online]
;(DUP) [Hide from list]
;(DUP) [Ignore...]
;(DUP) [ContactsMenuItemEx]
;(DUP) [Send 'You were added']
;(DUP) [Copy ID]
;(DUP) [Copy IP]
;(DUP) [Never visible]
;(DUP) [Browse Received Files]
;(DUP) [Copy MirVer]
;(DUP) [Group...]
;(DUP) [Copy Status Message]
[Show Last Online Time]
Zobrazit 'Naposledy spat�en'
[Copy Info]
Kop�rov�n� informac�
[Last Online Format]
Form�t data
Roz���en� menu kontaktu
[Useful stuff]
U�ite�n� v�ci
[Place and Ignoration]
Um�st�n� a filtrov�n�
[Note: plugin retrieving status message is needed]
Pozn.: Tato funkce vy�aduje dopln�k pro zji�t�n� stavov� zpr�vy.

;jen dopln�n�
[Extended Contacts Menu]
Roz���en� menu kontaktu
;(DUP) [X-Status Message]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Contacts+                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1253

[Incoming Contacts]
Kontakty (p��choz�)
[Outgoing Contacts]
Kontakty (odchoz�)
;(DUP) [Error]

; receive dlg
[Contacts from]
Kontakty od
;(DUP) [UIN]
;(DUP) [Nick]
;(DUP) [First Name]
;(DUP) [Last Name]
;(DUP) [Mailformed Receive Contacts Packet.]
;(DUP) [Add to &group:]
;(DUP) [&Add]
;(DUP) [&Details]
;(DUP) [Close]
[Add to List]
P�idat do seznamu
[User Details]
Informace o u�ivateli
;(DUP) [Send Message]

;send dlg
[Send Contacts to]
Odesl�n� kontaktn�ch informac�; p��jemce:
[The contacts send timed out.]
P�ekro�en �asov� limit p�i odes�l�n� kontakt�.
[Contacts transfer failed!]
Chyba p�i p�enosu kontakt�!
;(DUP) [Choose contacts to be send:]
;(DUP) [&Send]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(FIX) [Select All]
[&Select All]
&Vybrat v�e

; N�zev dopl�ku
[Send/Receive Contacts+]
Odes�l�n� a p��jem kontakt�

[Contacts Send Error]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n� kontakt�
[Contacts send error]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n� kontakt�
[Contacts from different protocols cannot be send!]
Kontakty nelze pos�lat mezi dv�ma r�zn�mi protokoly!

;(DUP) [Incoming Contacts]
[Contacts received from %s]
Seznam p�ijat�ch kontakt� (odes�latel: %s)
[Send contacts to %s]
Odesl�n� kontaktn�ch informac� (p��jemce: %s)
[Send contacts...]
Poslat &kontakty...
;(DUP) [Error]

; receive dlg
;(DUP) [Nick]
;(DUP) [UIN]
[Mailformed Receive Contacts Packet.]
Obdr�en� zpr�va s kontakty je po�kozena.
[Add to &group:]
P�idat do &skupiny:
[&Add selected]
P�id&at vybran�
;(DUP) [Close]

;send dlg
[Choose contacts to be send:]
Vyberte kontakty k odesl�n�:
;(DUP) [&Send]
;(DUP) [Cancel]


[Send contacts]
Poslat kontakty
[Contacts received from]
Kontakty p�ijaty od
[Received contacts]
P�ijat� kontakty

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ContactsEx                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

;(DUP) [Browse Received Files]
[View Homepage]
Zobrazit domovskou str�nku
[Browse Files]
Proch�zet soubory
[Folder View]
Standardn� okno
[Explorer View]
Pr�zkumn�k Windows
[Show Menu Item]
Zobrazit polo�ku menu
[Hide Menu Item]
Skr�t polo�ku menu
[Disable Menu Item]
Deaktivovat polo�ku menu
[Last Online]
Naposledy online
[Last Online Options]
[Adds a context menu item to your contacts showing the time the contact was last online.]
Do kontextov�ho menu kontaktu p�id� polo�ku s �asem posledn�ho p�ipojen�.
[Enable Last Online]
Povolit funkci 'Naposledy online'
[Menu item text:]
Definice polo�ky menu:
[If last online is unknown:]
�as posledn�ho p�ipojen� nezn�m�:
[If contact is currently online:]
Je-li vybran� kontakt pr�v� online:
[Last Online Variables]
[Month (01-12)]
m�s�c (1-12)
[Day (01-31)]
den (1-31)
[Hour (01-24)]
hodina (1-24)
[Hour (1-12)]
hodina (1-12)
[Minutes (00-60)]
minuta (0-60)
;(DUP) [AM/PM]
[Seconds (00-60)]
sekunda (0-60)
[Browse Files Options]
[Adds a "Browse Files" context menu item to your contacts.]
Do kontextov�ho menu kontaktu p�id� polo�ku 'Proch�zet soubory'.
[Enable Browse Files]
Povolit funkci 'Proch�zet soubory'
[Folder view type:]
Typ zobrazen� soubor�:
[If contacts directory is empty:]
Je-li slo�ka se soubory pr�zdn�:
[If contacts directory does not exist:]
Nen�-li slo�ka se soubory vytvo�ena:
[View Homepage Options]
[Adds a "View Homepage" context menu item to your contacts.]
Do kontextov�ho menu kontaktu p�id� polo�ku 'Zobrazit domovskou str�nku'.
[Enable View Homepage]
Povolit funkci 'Zobrazit dom. str�nku'
[If contact is missing a homepage:]
Nen�-li domovsk� str�nka uvedena:
[Month Name]
n�zev m�s�ce
[Month Name Short]
zkr�cen� n�zev m�s�ce
[Day of Week]
n�zev dne
[Day of Week Short]
zkr�cen� n�zev dne
[Icon in menu item:]
Ikona vedle polo�ky menu:
[Show Icon]
[Hide Icon]
[Copy IP]
Zkop�rovat IP adresu
[Copy IP Address]
Zkop�rovat IP adresu
[Copy IP Address Options]
[Adds a "Copy IP Adress" context menu item to your contacts.]
Do kontextov�ho menu kontaktu p�id� polo�ku 'Zkop�rovat IP adresu'.
[Enable Copy IP Address]
Povolit funkci 'Zkop�rovat IP adresu'
[If contact's IP address is unknown:]
V p��pad�, �e IP adresu nelze zjistit:

[Last Status]
posledn� stav
;(PRB) [ContactsEx]
;Kontakty Extra
; Description
[Adds contact specific options: Browse Files, View Website, Last Online, and Copy IP Address]
Do nab�dky kontaktu p�id� mo�nost proch�zen� p�ijat�ch soubor�, zobrazen� domovsk� str�nky, zji�t�n� informace o tom, kdy byl naposledy online, a zkop�rov�n� IP adresy.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Contacts Status Notification                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1702

[Contacts Status]
Stav kontaktu

;(DUP) [Notification mode]
[Icon blinking]
Blik�n� ikonou
;(DUP) [Popups]
;(DUP) [Sounds]
[Individual sounds]
Zvuky (individu�ln�)

;(DUP) [Options]
[Don't notify after protocol connection]
Neupozor�ovat ihned po p�ipojen�
;(DUP) [for]
;(DUP) [seconds]
[Watch selected protocols]
Sledovat vybran� protokoly
[Use Events/Ignore/Online settings]
Pou��t existuj�c� nastaven�
[Notify if protocol disconnected]
Upozornit p�i odpojen�

[Contacts notification]
Upozorn�n� na kontakty
[Any changes]
Jak�koli zm�ny
[Become from Offline]
P�echod ze stavu Offline
[Go to && become from Offline]
P�echod do stavu xyz ze stavu Offline
[Selected statuses]
P�echod do vybran�ch stav�
[Everyone becomes from Offline]
P�echod do libov. stavu ze stavu Offline

[Popup colors]
Barvy ozn�men�
[Use color:]
Pou��t barvu:
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Text]

[Popup actions]
Akce p�i ozn�men�
;(DUP) [Left click]
;(DUP) [Right click]
[Message box]
Dialogov� okno
[Contact info]
Info o kontaktu
;(DUP) [Dismiss popup]

[Popup options]
Mo�nosti ozn�men�
[Disable popup]
Vypnout ozn�men�
[Custom popup delay]
Doba zobrazen�
[Show protocol name]
Zobrazit n�zev protokolu
[Show contact's gender (if available)]
Texty ozn�men� dle pohlav� (je-li mo�no)
[Show previous status of contact]
Zobrazit p�edchoz� stav kontaktu
[Show away message (if available)]
Zobrazit autom. odpov�� (existuje-li)
;(DUP) [Preview]

[Status: From Offline]
Stav: P�echod ze stavu Offline
[Status: Offline]
Stav: Offline
[Status: Online]
Stav: Online
[Status: Away]
Stav: Pry�
[Status: DND]
Stav: Neru�it!
[Status: NA]
Stav: Nejsem tady
[Status: Occupied]
Stav: Nem�m �as
[Status: Free for chat]
Stav: M�m volno
[Status: Invisible]
Stav: Neviditeln�
[Status: On the phone]
Stav: M�m telefon
[Status: Out to lunch]
Stav: Jsem na ob�d�

[User is %s]
U�ivatel je ve stavu %s
[User going to %s]
U�ivatel p�e�el do stavu %s
[%s\nUser has been %s]
%s\nU�ivatel byl ve stavu %s
[%s\nMessage: %s]
%s\nZpr�va: %s
[Some reason]
<zadejte d�vod>
[Enable &status change notification]
Zapnout ozn�men� zm�ny &stavu
[Disable &status change notification]
Vypnout ozn�men� zm�ny &stavu
[Some protocol]

[Color schema]
Sch�ma barev
;(DUP) [None]
;(DUP) [Advanced]
;(DUP) [Custom]
[Online colors:]
Stav Online:
[Away colors:]
Stav Pry�:
[Offline colors:]
Stav Offline:

[Custom color schema]
Vlastn� sch�ma barev
[User status:]
Stav u�ivatele:
[User status]
Stav u�ivatele
[Use colors:]
Pou��t barvy:
[Custom colors:]
Vlastn� barvy:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ContactVisibility                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>

[&Always Online]
&V�dy viditeln�
[&Always Offline]
&V�dy neviditeln�

; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  CopyIP                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: waclaw <waclaw (zavin��) cmail (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 
[Copy &IP]
Zkop�rovat &IP

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Crash Dumper                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Trtkal <mtrakal(zavin��)trtkal(te�ka)net>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3695
; Zdroj : http://code.google.com/p/mirandaimplugins/downloads/list

; crshdmp.cpp
[Version Information]
Informace o verzi
[VersionInfo stored into file %s]
Informace o verzi ukl�dat do %s
[VersionInfo file %s is inaccessible]
Soubor Informac� o verzi %s je nedostupn�
[Please update Crash Dumper to Unicode Version]
Pros�m aktualizujte Crash Dumper na Unicode verzi
[Store to clipboard]
Ulo�it do schr�nky
[Store to file]
Ulo�it do souboru
[Show with DLLs]
Zobrazit s DLL knihovnami
Nahr�t na server
[Get Version Info]
St�hnout informace o verzi
[Version Information To Clipboard]
Informace o verzi do schr�nky
[Version Information To File]
Informace o verzi do souboru
[Show Version Information]
Zobrazit Informace o verzi
[Upload Version Information]
Informace o verzi nahr�t na server
[Open crash report directory]
Otev��t slo�ku s v�pisem chyb
[Open miranda-vi.org]
J�t na miranda-vi.org

; crashdmp.rc
[Support for miranda-vi.org]
Nastaven� pro miranda-vi.org
U�ivatelsk� jm�no
[Upload automatically when changed]
Nahr�t na server automaticky p�i zm�n�
[Trap all possible exceptions]
Zachytit ve�ker� mo�n� v�jimky
[Crash Report]
V�pis chyb
[Use classic dates]
Pou��t klasick� form�t data

; exhndlr.cpp
[Crash Report write location is inaccesible]
Crash report: nedostupn� lokace z�pisu
[Miranda crashed. Crash report stored in the folder:\n %s\n\n Would you like store it in the clipboard as well?]
Miranda spadla. Crash report ulo�en ve slo�ce:\n %s\n\n Chcete z�znam ulo�it i do schr�nky?
[Miranda Crashed. dbghelp.dll v. 6.8 required to provide a crash report]
Miranda spadla. Vy�adov�n dbghelp.dll v. 6.8 k vytvo�en� z�znamu o p�du

; upload.cpp
[VersionInfo upload successful,\n %d old plugins]
Informace o verzi: �sp�n� nahr�no\n%d star�ch plugin�
[Cannot upload VersionInfo. Incorrect username or password]
Informace o verzi: Nelze nahr�t na server\n�patn� u�ivatelsk� jm�no, nebo heslo
[Cannot upload VersionInfo. User is banned]
Informace o verzi: nelze nahr�t na server\nU�ivatel zablokov�n
[Cannot upload VersionInfo. Daily upload limit exceeded]
Informace o verzi: nelze nahr�t na server\nDenn� limit pro nahr�v�n� p�ekro�en
[Cannot upload VersionInfo. Unknown error]
Informace o verzi: nelze nahr�t na server\nNezn�m� chyba
[Cannot upload VersionInfo. Host unreachable.]
Informace o verzi: nelze nahr�t na server\nServer nedostupn�

; utils.cpp
[More then one crash reporting plugin installed. This will result in inability of creating crash reports]
M�te v�ce ne� jeden crash report plugin. To povede k nefunk�nosti vytv��en� z�znam� o p�du (crash report�).

[Crash Dumper HTTP connections]
Crash Dumper - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTP

; Crash Dumper
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Notify only if crash stops Miranda]
Ozn�mit jen v p��pad� ukon�en� Mirandy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Custom Status List                              |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Mi���ek <mike.taussick (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3483

[Custom Status History List]
Historie roz���en�ch stav�
[Custom Status List]
Seznam roz�. stav�
[Custom Status List...]
Seznam roz�. stav�...
[Import statuses from database]
Vlo�it stavy z datab�ze
[Add new item]
P�idat nov� stav
[Modify selected item]
Upravit ozna�en� stav
[Delete selected item]
Smazat ozna�en� stav
[Set/unset current item as favorite]
Nastavit/zru�it aktu�ln� stav jako obl�ben�
[Whether or not to watch custom status changes and add them into list]
Sledovat nebo nesledovat zm�ny ve stavu a p�id�vat je do seznamu
[Close without changing custom status]
Zav��t bez zm�ny roz���en�ho stavu
[Clear custom status (reset to None) and close]
Vy�istit roz���en� stavy (resetovat) a zav��t
[Set custom status to selected one and close]
Nastavit vybran� roz���en� stav a zav��t
[Set on idle]
Nastavit p�i ne�innosti
[Idle default]
Ne�inn� jako v�choz�
[Main Icon]
Hlavn� ikona
[Undo changes]
Vr�tit zm�ny
; ---

[I'm High]
Jsem zhulen�

[Hide "Custom status" menu]
Skr�t menu "Roz���en� stav"
[Note: This option requires newest version of ICQ plugin to work properly. Check details at the plugin homepage.]
Pozn.: Tato volba vy�aduje pro spr�vnou funk�nost nejnov�j�� verzi ICQ dopl�ku. Detaily naleznete na domovsk� str�nce pluginu.

[Menu item placement]
Um�st�n� menu
;[Regular statuses]
[Confirm deletion of items]
Potvrdit smaz�n� polo�ek
[No items available in the database.\nClick the Add button to define some.]
��dn� polo�ky nenalezeny.\nKlikn�te na tla��tko P�idat pro vytvo�en� nov�.
[Delete entries in ICQ Custom status menu after Import]
Po importu smazat polo�ky v ICQ menu Roz���en� stav
[List settings]
Nastaven� seznamu
[Global Status Menu at the top]
Glob�ln� menu stavu naho�e
[Global Status Menu at the bottom]
Glob�ln� menu stavu dole
[ICQ Status Menu]
Menu stavu ICQ
[Filter list]
Filtrovat seznam
[Remember last window position]
Pamatovat posledn� pozici okna
[Allow extra ICQ Custom status items (ICQ Plus only)]
Povolit dal�� polo�ky Roz���en�ho stavu (Pouze ICQ Plus mod)
[Note: Menu items are only visible when at least one ICQ account is properly set. Check if you have at least one account with UIN filled in.]
Pozn.: Polo�ky v menu jsou viditeln� pouze pokud je aspo� jeden ICQ ��et spr�vn� nastaven. Zkontrolujte si, zda m�te vytvo�en� aspo� jeden ��et s vypln�n�m UIN.

;[Custom Status List Release Notes]
;[The 0.1 branch introduces new way of storing data in the database. Please check carefully if the import was successful.]
;[Twix Fix]
[Don't show this dialog again]
Nezobrazovat znovu tento dialog

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Database Editor++                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2957

[Advanced Database Editor]
Editor datab�ze (pro experty)
[Database Editor++]
Editor datab�ze ++

; menu
[&Refresh Modules]
&Aktualizovat moduly
[Refresh &Settings]
Aktualizovat na&staven�
[&Search and Replace]
Naj�t a nah&radit...
[&Delete Module]
&Smazat modul...
[&View all]
Zobrazit &v�e
[&Delete all]
&Smazat v�e
[Entire &Database]
Cel� &datab�ze...
[All &Settings]
V�echna na&staven�...
[All &Contacts]
V�e&chny kontakty...
[From a &file]
Ze sou&boru...
[From pasted &text]
Ze sc&hr�nky...
[&Sort by protocol]
&Se�adit dle protokolu
[Show &All]
Zobrazit &v�e
[Show only &Loaded]
Zobrazit jen &aktivn�
[Show only &Unloaded]
Zobrazit jen &neaktivn�
[Edit &Bytes in Hex]
Upravovat &Bytes v hexa
[Edit &Words in Hex]
Upravovat &Words v hexa
[Edit &Dwords in Hex]
Upravovat &Dwords v hexa
[&Restore position]
&Obnovit pozici
; local menu
[Open user tree in DBE++]
Upravit polo�ky v DBE++
[From a file]
&Ze souboru...
[From pasted text]
Z&e schr�nky...
[&Add Module]
P�id&at modul...
[Export Settings]
&Exportovat nastaven�
[Import Contacts]
&Importovat kontakty
[Export Contacts]
&Exportovat kontakty
[Export Contact]
&Exportovat kontakt
[Import Settings]
&Importovat nastaven�
[Copy To Contact]
&Zkop�rovat do kontaktu...
[Export Module]
&Exportovat modul...
[Export Module from all contacts]
&Exportovat modul ze v�ech kontakt�...
[Copy to all contacts (Includes Settings)]
Zkop�rovat v�em kontakt�m (v�etn� nastaven�)

; dialogs
; search&replace
[Database Editor++ Search and Replace]
Editor datab�ze :: Hled�n� a nahrazen�
[Search For]
[Case Sensitive]
Rozli�it mal�/VELK�
[Exact Match]
P�esn� v�raz
[Module Name]
N�zev modulu
[Setting Name]
N�zev nastaven�
[Replace With]
[Enter a string to search the DB for]
Zadejte pros�m po�adovan� �et�zec
; delete module
[Delete module from Database]
Smazat modul z datab�ze
[Delete module from all contacts (Includes Setting)]
Smazat ode v�ech kontakt� (v�etn� nastaven�)
; watcher window
[Watched Database Variables]
Sledovan� prom�nn� v datab�zi
[Watch Window]
[Reload Watch List]
Aktualizovat seznam sledovan�ch
; import
[Import Module/Settings]
Importovat modul/nastaven�
[Import from files]
Importovat ze souboru
[Paste the Settings to import here.]
Zde vlo�te po�adovan� text:
[Insert &CR/LF]
Vlo�it &CR/LF
; edit window
[Edit BYTE value]
Zm�nit hodnotu typu BYTE
[Edit WORD value]
Zm�nit hodnotu typu WORD
[Edit DWORD value]
Zm�nit hodnotu typu DWORD
[Edit STRING value]
Zm�nit hodnotu typu STRING
��seln� soustava
[Save Value as:]
Definice hodnoty
; copy module/item
[Copy module to contact]
Zkop�rovat modul do kontaktu
; confirm
[Are you sure you want to delete contact \"%s\"?]
Opravdu chcete smazat kontakt '%s'?
[Confirm Contact Delete]
Potvrzen� smaz�n� kontaktu
[Are you sure you want to delete module \"%s\"?]
Opravdu chcete smazat modul '%s'?
[Confirm Module Deletion]
Potvrzen� smaz�n� modulu
;(DUP) [Export to file]

; options
[Restore last opened position]
Zapamatovat pozici okna
[Automatically expand "settings" when Database Editor ++ starts]
P�i spu�t�n� automaticky rozbalit v�tev 'Nastaven�'
[Use known modules list]
Pou��t seznam zn�m�ch modul�
[Warn when deleting modules]
Upozornit p�ed smaz�n�m modulu
["Open user tree in DBE++" menu item]
P�idat do menu 'Upravit polo�ky v DBE++'
[Use popups when watched settings change values]
Ozn�mit zm�nu sledovan� hodnoty
[Popup timeout (0 for infinite)]
Doba zobrazen� (0 = st�le)
[Background Colour]
Barva pozad�
[Modules to ALWAYS mark as known (e.g core modules)]
Zn�m� moduly (nap�. moduly j�dra)
[Put a space or comma between each module name]
- n�zvy modul� odd�lte ��rkou �i mezerou
[If the module name has a space in it, put a \\ before the space. eg "aaa\\ bbb"]
- je-li v n�zvu modulu mezera, p�ed mezeru zadejte znak '\\' (nap�. 'aaa\\ bbb')
[Changes to this list will take effect next time miranda starts]
Pozn.: Proveden� zm�ny se projev� a� po restartu Mirandy
[Add To Known Modules]
P�idat mezi zn�m� moduly

; program window
[%s (%s) (UNLOADED)]
%s (%s) (NEAKTIVN�)
[Add a module named]
N�zev nov�ho modulu
[Add to all contacts (Includes Settings)]
P�idat v�em kontakt�m (v�etn� nastaven�)

[Log DataBase changes to disk]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny v datab�zi
[Notify Changes with popups]
Upozor�ovat na zm�ny
[&Convert to]
&Konvertovat na
[View Decrypted String]
Zobrazit de�ifrovan� �et�zec
[View Encrypted String]
Zobrazit za�ifrovan� �et�zec
[Decrypt String]
De�ifrovat �et�zec
[Encrypt String]
Za�ifrovat �et�zec
[&Save Watch List]
Ulo�it seznam sledov�n�
[&Edit / Rename]
[Create a new contact]
Vytvo�it nov� kontakt
[Value Name:]
N�zev hodnoty:
[Value Data:]
Obsah hodnoty:
[Encoded string..]
Zak�dovan� �et�zec..
[Decoded string..]
Dek�dovan� �et�zec..
[(UNLOADED) %s (%s)]
(NEAKTIVN�) %s (%s)
[Cannot Convert from a string!]
Nelze konvertovat z �et�zce!
[Rename Module \"%s\"]
P�ejmenovat modul '%s'
[New Name]
Nov� n�zev
[Rename for all contacts]
P�ejmenovat v�echny kontakty
[All Files\0*.*\0]
V�echny soubory\0*.*\0
[Couldn't open file for writing]
Nelze otev��t soubor pro z�pis
[CONTACT: Settings\r\n]
KONTAKT: Nastaven�\r\n
[CONTACT: %s\r\n]
KONTAKT: %s\r\n
[Error Cloning Contact]
Chyba p�i klonov�n� kontaktu
[Add module to contact \"%s\"]
P�idat modul ke kontaktu '%s'
[Database Setting Changed: \nModule: "%s" , Setting: "%s"\nNew Value: (BYTE) %d]
Zm�na v datab�zi: \nModul: '%s' , polo�ka: '%s'\nNov� hodnota (BYTE): %d
[Database Setting Changed: \nModule: "%s" , Setting: "%s"\nNew Value: (WORD) %d]
Zm�na v datab�zi: \nModul: '%s' , polo�ka: '%s'\nNov� hodnota (WORD): %d
[Database Setting Changed: \nModule: "%s" , Setting: "%s"\nNew Value: (DWORD) 0x%X]
Zm�na v datab�zi: \nModul: '%s' , polo�ka: '%s'\nNov� hodnota (DWORD): 0x%X
[Database Setting Changed: \nModule: "%s" , Setting: "%s"\nNew Value: "%s"]
Zm�na v datab�zi: \nModul: '%s' , polo�ka: '%s'\nNov� hodnota: '%s'
[Database Setting Changed: \nModule: "%s" , Setting: "%s"\nNew Value (UTF8): "%s"]
Zm�na v datab�zi: \nModul: '%s' , polo�ka: '%s'\nNov� hodnota (UTF8): '%s'
[Done replacing \"%s\" with \"%s\".\r\nReplaced %d occurances]
Dokon�eno nahrazov�n� '%s' za '%s'.\r\nPo�et nahrazen�ch: %d

; od qwertyho...
[Cannot Convert!]
Vybranou polo�ku nelze zkonvertovat.
[New UNICODE value]
Nov� hodnota UNICODE
[Edit UNICODE value]
Upravit hodnotu UNICODE
[New BLOB value]
Nov� hodnota BLOB
[Edit BLOB value]
Upravit hodnotu BLOB

; /deletemodule.c
[Are you sure you want to delete module "%s"?]
Opravdu chcete smazat modul '%s'?
[Delete module from Database... Loading]
Maz�n� modulu z datab�ze... na��t�n�

; /exportimport.c
[Do you want to overwrite it "%s"?]
Opravdu chcete p�epsat polo�ku '%s'?
[Contact already exists]
Tento kontakt ji� existuje.

; /findwindow.c
[Replaced with]
[%s Module "%s" in contact "%s"]
%s: modul '%s' v kontaktu '%s'
[%s Setting "%s" in module "%s" in contact "%s" - "%s"]
%s: polo�ka '%s' v modulu '%s' kontaktu '%s' -> '%s'
[%s Setting "%s" in module "%s" in contact "%s"]
%s: polo�ka '%s' v modulu '%s' kontaktu '%s'
[%s "%s" in Setting "%s" in module "%s" in contact "%s"]
%s: '%s' v polo�ce '%s' modulu '%s' kontaktu '%s'
[Error Loading Setting List]
Chyba p�i na��t�n� seznamu nastaven�
[Finished. %d items were found, %d items were deleted.]
Dokon�eno. Po�et nalezen�ch: %d, po�et odstran�n�ch: %d
[Finished. %d items were found, %d items were replaced.]
Dokon�eno. Po�et nalezen�ch: %d, po�et nahrazen�ch: %d
[Finished. %d items were found.]
Dokon�eno. Po�et nalezen�ch polo�ek: %d

; /icons.c
[Closed Known Module]
Zn�m� modul (zav�en�)
[Open Known Module]
Zn�m� modul (otev�en�)
[Closed Unknown Module]
Nezn�m� modul (zav�en�)
[Open Unknown Module]
Nezn�m� modul (otev�en�)
[Contacts Group]
Skupina kontakt�
[Unknown Contact]
Nezn�m� kontakt
[Known Contact]
Zn�m� kontakt

; /main_window.c
[Are you sure you want to delete contact "%s"?]
Opravdu chcete smazat kontakt '%s'?
[Database Editor++ (unicode)]
Editor datab�ze ++ (unicode)

; /moduletree.c
[Loading contacts...]
Na��t�n� seznamu kontakt�...
[Add module to contact "%s"]
P�idat modul ke kontaktu '%s'

; /resource.rc:IDD_FIND
[Found field]
Nalezeno pole

; /resource.rc:IDD_ADD_MODULE
[Add a module to contact]
P�idat modul ke kontaktu

; /resource.rc:IDD_EDIT_SETTING
[Edit Setting]
Upravit nastaven�

; /resource.rc:IDD_MAIN
;[Item context]
;[Null Mod context]
[Contact menu]
Menu kontaktu
;[NULL contact menu]
[Contacts menu]
Menu kontakt�
;[Contact Mod context]
[new item]
nov� polo�ka

; /settinglist.c

; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Loading modules...]
Na��t�n� modul�...

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  dbExport                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Pavel Sv�tek
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=429

[I could not open file '%s' for writing.\nCheck disk space and your write privileges.]
Nelze otev��t soubor '%s'.\nZkontrolujte, m�te-li voln� m�sto na disku a opr�vn�n� k z�pisu.

[&Export to autoexec.ini...]
&Export do autoexec.ini...

[Exports your settings into an autoexec_<yourname>.ini file.]
Exportuje nastaven� do souboru autoexec_<p�ezd�vka>.ini.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Miranda IM Database Tool                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; /dbtool/aggressive.cpp
[Performing aggressive pass]
D�kladn� pr�chod datab�z�
[Aggressive: random junk at %08X: skipping]
D�kladn�; n�hodn� data na pozici %08X: vynech�no
[Aggressive: unlinked data at %08X: can't automatically place]
D�kladn�; nepropojen� data na pozici %08X: nelze automaticky um�stit

; /dbtool/contactchain.cpp
[Contact count marked wrongly: correcting]
Neplatn� po�et kontakt�: opraveno
[Processing contact chain]
Proch�zen� seznamem kontakt�
[Contact chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
Seznam kontakt� je po�kozen; ignorov�n� dal��ch polo�ek

; /dbtool/disk.cpp
[Invalid offset found]
Nalezen neplatn� offset
[Invalid offset found (database truncated?)]
Nalezen neplatn� offset (nekompletn� datab�ze?)
[Error reading, database truncated? (%u)]
Chyba p�i �ten� datab�ze; nekompletn� soubor? (%u)
[Can't write to working file, aggressive mode may be too aggressive now (%u)]
Nelze zapsat do pracovn� kopie datab�ze; d�kladn� re�im a� p��li� d�kladn�? (%u)
[Can't write to working file, aggressive mode may be too aggressive now]
Nelze zapsat do pracovn� kopie datab�ze; d�kladn� re�im a� p��li� d�kladn�?
[Can't write to output file - disk full? (%u)]
Nelze zapsat do v�stupn�ho souboru; nedostatek m�sta na disku? (%u)

; /dbtool/eventchain.cpp
[Event count marked wrongly: correcting]
Neplatn� po�et ud�lost�: opraveno
[Event chain corrupted, trying to recover...]
Seznam ud�lost� je po�kozen; pokus o opravu...
[Event chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
Seznam ud�lost� je po�kozen; ignorov�n� dal��ch polo�ek
[First event not marked as such: correcting]
Prvn� ud�lost nebyla ozna�ena jako prvn�: opraveno
[Event marked as first which is not: correcting]
Neplatn� ��slov�n� ud�losti: opraveno
[Extra flags found in event: removing]
Neplatn� zna�ka ud�losti: odstran�no
[First unread event marked wrong: fixing]
�patn� ozna�en� prvn� nep�e�ten� zpr�va: opraveno
[Infeasibly large event blob: skipping]
P��li� velk� slot pro ud�losti: vynech�no
[Event not backlinked correctly: fixing]
Nespr�vn� propojen� seznamu ud�lost�: opraveno
[Duplicate event was found: skipping]
Duplicitn� ud�lost: vynech�no
[Event position in chain is not correct]
Neplatn� pozice v seznamu ud�lost�
[Event position in chain is not correct: fixing]
Neplatn� pozice v seznamu ud�lost�: opraveno
[Event position in chain is not correct: unable to fix]
Neplatn� pozice v seznamu ud�lost�: nelze opravit

; /dbtool/finaltasks.cpp
[Processing final tasks]
Dokon�en� z�v�re�n�ch �loh
[Unable to delete aggressive working file]
Nelze odstranit pracovn� kopii datab�ze vytvo�enou b�hem d�kladn�ho pr�chodu
[Errors were encountered, however you selected not to backup the original database. It is strongly recommended that you do so in case important data was omitted. Do you wish to keep a backup of the original database?]
Byly nalezeny chyby, ale nebylo zvoleno vytvo�en� z�lohy datab�ze. Je siln� doporu�eno pou��vat tuto volbu pro p��pad, �e by byly vynech�ny d�le�it� data. P�ejete si ponechat z�lohu origin�ln� datab�ze?
[Miranda Database Tool]
N�stroj pro spr�vu datab�ze Mirandy
[%s\\Backup of %s]
%s\\%s (zaloha)
[%s\\Backup (%d) of %s]
%s\\(%d) %s (zaloha)
[Unable to rename original file]
P�vodn� soubor nelze p�ejmenovat.
[Unable to delete original file]
P�vodn� soubor nelze odstranit.
[Unable to rename output file]
V�stupn� soubor nelze p�ejmenovat.

; /dbtool/finished.cpp

; /dbtool/initialchecks.cpp
[Database is newly created and has no data to process]
Vybrali jste nov� vytvo�enou datab�zi, kter� neobsahuje ��dn� data.
[Processing completed successfully]
Datab�ze byla �sp�n� zkon
[Database is corrupted and too small to contain any recoverable data]
Datab�ze je po�kozena; soubor je p��li� mal� a pravd�podobn� neobsahuje data
[Database signature is corrupted, automatic repair is impossible]
Podpis datab�ze je po�kozen; automatickou opravu nelze prov�st
[Database is marked as belonging to an unknown version of Miranda]
Vybran� datab�ze nen� kompatibiln� s va�� verz� Mirandy
[(Working Copy).dat]
(pracovni kopie).dat
[ (Output).dat]
[Creating working database (aggressive mode)]
Vytv��en� pracovn� kopie datab�ze (d�kladn� re�im)
[Can't create working file (%u)]
Nelze vytvo�it pracovn� soubor (%u)
[Error writing file, probably disk full - try without aggressive mode (%u)]
Chyba p�i z�pisu do souboru. Zkuste jin� ne� d�kladn� re�im (%u).
[Can't read from working file (%u)]
Nelze ��st z pracovn�ho souboru (%u)
[<check only>]
<pouze ke kontrole>
[Can't create output file (%u)]
Nelze vytvo�it v�stupn� soubor (%u)
[Can't create file mapping (%u)]
Nelze vytvo�it mapov�n� souboru (%u)
[Can't create map view of file (%u)]
Nelze vytvo�it mapa p�ehledu souboru (%u)

; /dbtool/modulechain.cpp
[Processing module name chain]
Proch�zen� seznamu modul�
[Module chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
Seznam modul� je po�kozen; ignorov�n� dal��ch polo�ek
[Unreasonably long module name, skipping]
P��li� dlouh� n�zev modulu; vynech�no
[Module name '%s' is not unique: %d duplicates found)]
N�zev modulu '%s' nen� jedine�n�. Po�et duplicit: %d
[Invalid module name offset, skipping data]
Neplatn� offset n�zvu modulu; vynech�n� p��slu�n�ch dat

; /dbtool/progress.cpp
[Click Next to continue]
Pokra�ujte kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Dal��'
[Processing has not yet completed, if you cancel now then the changes that have currently been made will be rolled back and the original database will be restored. Do you still want to cancel?]
Zpracov�n� je�t� nebylo dokon�eno. Pokud jej nyn� zru��te, zm�ny, kter� byly aktu�ln� provedeny, budou vr�ceny zp�t a origin�ln� datab�ze bude obnovena. Opravdu si p�ejete zpracov�n� zru�it?
[Processing has not yet completed, if you go back now then the changes that have currently been made will be rolled back and the original database will be restored. Do you still want to go back?]
Zpracov�n� je�t� nebylo dokon�eno. Pokud se nyn� vr�t�te zp�t, zm�ny, kter� byly aktu�ln� provedeny, budou vr�ceny zp�t a origin�ln� datab�ze bude obnovena. Opravdu si p�ejete vr�tit se zp�t?

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_WELCOME
;(DUP) [Static]
[Welcome to the Miranda Database Wizard]
V�t� v�s pr�vodce spr�vou datab�ze Mirandy!
[Using this Wizard you can compact your Miranda profile database to remove dead space created during normal usage, as well as repair a large number of issues that could affect the database.]
Tento pr�vodce v�m jednak umo�n� pro�istit datab�zi od balastu, kter� se nasb�r� p�i b�n�m pou��v�n� programu, a z�rove� tak� um� opravit celou �adu probl�m�.
[To continue, click Next.]
Pokra�ujte kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Dal��'.
[This programme is licenced under the terms of the GNU General Public License.]
Tento program je ���en v souladu s podm�nkami licence GNU General Public License.

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_WIZARD
;(DUP) [< &Back]
;(DUP) [&Next >]
;(DUP) [Cancel]

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_SELECTDB
[Select Miranda Profile]
V�b�r po�adovan�ho profilu
[You can choose the Miranda profile database to compact or repair.]
V tomto kroku vyb�r�te profil, kter� chcete pro�istit nebo opravit.
[Select the &profile database from the list below. If the database you wish to use is not listed here then click Other to browse your computer.]
Ze seznamu vyberte po�adovan� profil. Pokud ho v seznamu nevid�te, klikn�te na tla��tko 'Vybrat' a vyhledejte v syst�mu.

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_OPENERROR
[Error Opening Database]
Chyba p�i otev�r�n� datab�ze
[There was an error opening the profile database given.]
Chyba p�i otev�r�n� po�adovan� datab�ze.
[Click Next to try opening the file again, or click Back to select a new profile database to manipulate.]
Kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Dal��' zkus�te datab�zi znovu otev��t. Tla��tkem 'Zp�t' se vr�t�te k v�b�ru profilu.
[The file may be in use by a currently running copy of Miranda. Exit any running Mirandas and click Next to retry.]
Vybranou datab�zi pou��v� jin� program. Ukon�ete v�echny spu�t�n� instance programu Miranda a klikn�te na tla��tko 'Dal��'.

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_FILEACCESS
[File Access Options]
�ten� dat ze souboru
[You can select low level options to determine how the database is processed.]
V tomto kroku definujete zp�sob otev�en� datab�ze a zpracov�n� dat v n� obsa�en�ch.
[Create backup]
Vytvo�it z�lohu
[Creates a backup copy of the database before any of the requested changes are made.]
P�ed z�pisem do datab�ze vytvo�� z�lo�n� kopii.
[Aggressively find corruption]
D�kladn� zkontrolovat v�echna data
[Scans the database for data that is not linked to any other data. This requires more disk space and more time, so is only required if you suspect corruption.]
Vyhled� v datab�zi takov� data, kter� nejsou propojen� s ostatn�mi. Tato operace vy�aduje m�sto na disku i �as, tak�e lze doporu�it jen v p��pad� podez�en� na po�kozen� datab�ze.
[Check consistency only]
Pouze zkontrolovat konzistenci dat
[Just checks that the database is valid, without writing anything to the disk.]
Pouze zkontroluje platnost dat obsa�en�ch v datab�zi.

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_CLEANING
[Cleaning Options]
Mo�nosti vy�i�t�n�
[You can choose to remove information from the database while it is being processed.]
V t�to f�zi si vyberete, kter� informace chcete z datab�ze odstranit.
[Erase all histories]
Vymazat ve�kerou historii
[Removes all the saved history for all contacts in the database.]
Odstran� ve�kerou ulo�enou historii od v�ech kontakt� v datab�zi.
[Mark all events read]
Ozna�it v�echny ud�losti jako p�e�ten�
[Marks all the history events as read. This will rectify any problems with old messages always appearing in the message window log box.]
Ozna�� v�echny ud�losti historie jako p�e�ten�. To by m�lo pomoci v p��padech, kdy se v z�znamu komunikace st�le objevuj� star� zpr�vy.

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_PROGRESS
Prob�h� �dr�ba...
[Please wait while the requested operations are being performed.]
Po�kejte pros�m, spr�vce prov�d� po�adovanou �dr�bu datab�ze.

; /dbtool/resource.rc:IDD_FINISHED
[All tasks have been completed.]
Ve�ker� po�adovan� operace byly dokon�eny.
[Launch Miranda with this profile]
Spustit Mirandu s vybranou datab�z�
[Launches Miranda with the profile that was just worked on.]
Spust� Mirandu s pr�v� vy�i�t�nou datab�z�.
[The processing of the database has been completed. Click Next to return to the start of the wizard to select another database to check, or click Finish to exit the wizard.]
Kontrola datab�ze byla dokon�ena. Chcete-li pr�vodce spustit znovu, klikn�te na tla��tko 'Dal��'. Kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Dokon�it' program ukon��te.

; /dbtool/selectdb.cpp
[Total size]
Celkov� velikost
[Miranda Databases (*.dat)]
Datab�ze Mirandy (*.dat)
;(DUP) [All Files]

; /dbtool/settingschain.cpp
[Settings chain corrupted, further entries ignored]
Seznam nastaven� je po�kozen; ignorov�n� dal��ch polo�ek
[Infeasibly large settings blob: skipping]
P��li� velk� slot pro nastaven�: vynech�no
[Empty settings group at %08X: skipping]
Pr�zdn� skupina nastaven� (pozice: %08X): vynech�no

; /dbtool/user.cpp
[Processing user data]
Proch�zen� u�ivatelsk�ch dat
[User corrupted, this could cause major problems]
Data jednoho z kontakt� jsou po�kozena; m��e j�t o z�va�n� probl�m
[More than one user contact: keeping only first]
V�ce kontakt� t�ho� jm�na: ponech�n prvn� v�skyt

; /dbtool/worker.cpp
[Database worker thread activated]
Aktivace procesu pro pr�ci s datab�z�
[Processing aborted by user]
Proch�zen� p�eru�eno u�ivatelem
[Elapsed time: %d sec]
D�lka kontroly: %d sek.
[All tasks completed but with errors (%d)]
V�echny �lohy byly dokon�eny; po�et chyb: %d
;(DUP) [s]

[All tasks completed successfully]
V�echny �lohy byly �sp�n� dokon�eny

[Convert old Unicode messages to UTF8]
Zkonvertovat zpr�vy do k�dov�n� UTF8
[Converts history messages in pre-0.7 format (ANSI+UCS2) to the new UTF8 format supported by 0.7. Saves the database space in most cases (recommended).]
P�evede v�echny zpr�vy v historii z p�vodn� kombinace k�dov�n� ANSI+UCS2 do UTF8 (doporu�ujeme; plat� pro Mirandu �ady 0.7.x). Ve v�t�in� p��pad� dojde ke zmen�en� velikosti datab�ze.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Miranda database drivers                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; backup.c
[Rotating backup files...]
Rotov�n� z�lohovan�ch soubor�...
[Copying database file...]
Kop�rov�n� soubor� s profilem...

; database.c
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. This corruption maybe fixed by DBTool.  Please download it from http://www.miranda-im.org. Miranda will now shutdown.]
Bylo zji�t�no po�kozen� datab�ze. Tuto chybu se m��ete pokusit opravit programem DBTool, kter� je k dispozici na str�nk�ch http://www.miranda-im.org. Miranda bude ukon�ena.
[Database Panic]
Po�kozen� datab�ze

; options.c
[Select Backup Folder]
Vyberte slo�ku pro z�lohov�n� profil�:
[Error Creating Backup Folder]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� slo�ky pro z�lohov�n�
[Database Backups]
Z�lohov�n� datab�ze
[Backup Profile]
Zaz�lohovat profil

; resource.rc
[Disable progress bar]
Vypnout ukazatel pr�b�hu
[When Miranda starts]
P�i spu�t�n� Mirandy
[When Miranda exits]
P�i ukon�en� Mirandy
[Backup NOW]
[Backup to folder:]
Slo�ka pro z�lohov�n� profil�:
[Number of backups to keep:]
Po�et ulo�en�ch kopi�:
[Automatic Backups]
Automatick� z�lohov�n�
[Backup in Progress]
Stav z�lohov�n�

; Description
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
Umo��uje �ten� a z�pis dat do u�ivatelsk�ho profilu: glob�ln� nastaven�, kontakty, historii a dal�� polo�ky.

; Memory-Mapped Secured Database -
; http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3667
[Database Features]
Funkce datab�ze
[Database encryption]
�ifrov�n� datab�ze
[Enable encryption]
Zapnout �ifrov�n�

[Set password]
Nastavit heslo
[Change password]
Zm�nit heslo

[Please enter your new password]
Pros�m zadejte nov� heslo
[Passwords do not match!]
Zadan� hesla se neshoduj�!
[Please enter password for]
Pros�m zadejte heslo pro
[Password is not correct!]
Zadan� heslo nen� spr�vn�!

[Database AutoBackups]
Z�loha datab�ze

[Backup progress]
Pr�b�h z�lohov�n�
[Backup Folder]
Slo�ka pro z�lohov�n� profil�
[Folders plugin installed.\nGo to the Customize -> Folders to change settings]
Dopln�k Folders je nainstalov�n.\nNastaven� zm�n�te v okn� Mo�nosti, sekci 'Vlastn� �pravy' -> Slo�ky.
[Database backuped]
Datab�ze z�lohov�na

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  EmailExpress                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: madmojo <madmojo (zavin��) kdynenet (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Window
;(DUP) [From]
[Nick Name:]
[ICQ # :]
;(DUP) [Date:]
;(DUP) [Time:]
;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [&Reply]
;(DUP) [&Close]
;(DUP) [N/A]

; Tooltip
[EmailExpress received]
P�ijat� EmailExpress
;(DUP) [User Menu]
;(DUP) [View User's Details]
;(DUP) [View User's History]

; Sound
[Incoming EmailExpress]
EmailExpress (p��choz�)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Extended Idle System                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1688

; Generated by lpgen on Mon Aug 20 15:01:54 2007
; Translations: 16

; resource.rc
[Set Away mode when screen saver engages]
Nastavit 'Na chv�li pry�' p�i aktivaci spo�i�e obrazovky
[Set Away mode when the computer is locked (2000/XP+ only)]
Nastavit 'Na chv�li pry�' p�i zamknut� po��ta�e (2000/XP+)
[Set Away mode when a terminal session is disconnected]
Nastavit 'Na chv�li pry�' p�i odpojen� vzd�len�ho u�ivatele
[Set Away mode after]
Nastavit 'Na chv�li pry�' po
[Keep it]
[Set N/A mode after]
Nastavit 'Nejsem tady' po
[Go to Idle after]
Do ne�innosti p�ej�t po
[Go to Idle when in Away or N/A mode.]
Ve stavu 'Pry�' nebo 'Nejsem tady' p�ej�t do ne�innosti
[Keep Idle as private, i.e. do not let protocols report it.]
Zak�zat protokol�m poskytovat informaci o ne�innosti
;(DUP) [Do not reply to requests for this message]
[Use the same message as Away message]
Jako odpov�� pou��t zpr�vu stavu 'Na chv�li pry�'
;(DUP) [Use this message:]
;(DUP) [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
[Extended Idle]
[Idle-Status Messages]
Stavov� zpr�vy p�i ne�innosti

[Extended Idle System, an Auto Away & Idle module with some more options than the original.]
Vylep�en� syst�m ��zen� Mirandy v dob� ne�innosti.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Extra Icons Service                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting then (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
Pro vytvo�en�/zru�en� skupiny si ozna�te ikony (CTRL+lev� tla��tko) a pou�ijte kontextov� menu (prav� tla��tko)
[* only the first %d icons will be shown]
* bude zobrazeno pouze prvn�ch %d ikon
[AIM Extended Status]
AIM roz���en� stav
[E-mail (uinfoex)]
E-mail (uinfoex)
[Jabber Activity]
Jabber aktivita
[AIM Account Type]
Typ AIM ��tu
[Reminder (uinfoex)]
P�ipom�nka (uinfoex)
[ICQ XStatus]
ICQ XStatus
[Homepage (uinfoex)]
Domovsk� str�nka (uinfoex)
[Jabber Mood]
Jabber n�lada

[Select the extra icons to be shown in the contact list:]
Zvolte dopl�kov� ikony kter� budou zobrazeny v seznamu kontakt�:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Facebook Protocol                              |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=4172

[New notification]
Nov� upozorn�n�
[Default group for newly added contacts:]
V�choz� skupina pro nov� p�idan� kontakty:
[Show cookies]
Zobrazit cookies
[Create a new Facebook account]
Z��dit nov� ��et na Facebooku
[Enable logging for debugging purposes]
Povolit z�znam pro ��ely lad�n�
[Enable notifications]
Povolit upozorn�n�
[Enable feeds]
Povolit novinky
[Advanced Settings]
Pokro�il� nastaven�
[What's on your mind?]
Co se v�m hon� hlavou?
[Set Facebook "What's on my mind" status through Miranda status]
Nastavit "Co se v�m hon� hlavou" skrz stav Mirandy
[Note: This option requires restart of Miranda IM to work properly.]
Pozn.: Tato volba vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.

[%s server connection]
%s - spojen� se serverem
[Unable to get Netlib connection for Facebook]
Facebook: Chyba p�i zpracov�n� s�ov� komunikace.

[You have %d unseen messages]
M�te %d nep�e�ten�ch zpr�v
[Unseen messages]
Nep�e�ten� zpr�vy

[Sample event]
Uk�zkov� ud�lost

[Please enter a username.]
Zadejte u�ivatelsk� jm�no.
[Please enter a password.]
Zadejte heslo.

[Probably wrong password entered, please try again.]
Nejsp�e jste zadali �patn� heslo, zkuste jej zadat znovu.
[Login error, probably bad login credentials.]
Chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n�, mo�n� m�te �patn� p�ihla�ovac� �daje.
[Got new friend requests: ]
Nov�ch ��dost� o p��telstv�: 
[Got new messages: ]
Nov�ch zpr�v: 
[Something happened to Facebook. Maybe there was some major update so you should wait for an update, or you have Facebook Lite set as default.]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n� k s�ti Facebook. D�vodem mohou b�t v�t�� zm�ny na stran� serveru, co� vy�aduje z�rove� zm�ny na stran� Mirandy, nebo tak� to, �e m�te jako v�choz� ��et Facebook Lite.

[Automatically close chat windows (on website)]
Automaticky zav�rat okna se zpr�vou (na webu)
[Other information]
Ostatn� informace
[Timeout (sec.)]
Doba zobrazen� (sek.)
[News feeds]
[(0 = default, -1 = infinity)]
(0 = v�choz�, -1 = trvale)
[Client popups]
Ozn�men� klienta
[Notify events]
Oznamovat ud�losti

[Sample newsfeed]
Uk�zkov� novinka
[Sample request]
Uk�zkov� po�adavek
[Sample notification]
Uk�zkov� upozorn�n�

[Contacts Settings]
Nastaven� kontakt�
[Default group:]
V�choz� skupina:
[(0 = default, -1 = infinite)]
(0 = v�choz�, -1 = trvale)
[Use balloon notifications in system tray instead of popups]
M�sto klasick�ho ozn�men� pou��t bubliny v syst�mov� li�t�
[Post Miranda statuses to Wall]
Odes�lat stav Mirandy na ze� Facebooku
[Miranda IM (default)]
Miranda IM (v�choz�)
[Automatically close chat windows on website]
Automaticky zav��t komunika�n� okno na webu
[Info Dialog]
[Request following type of News Feed items]
Na kter� z novinek upozornit:
[Most recent]
[Your account settings require use of secure HTTP connection. This will be enabled in Options automatically.]
V� ��et vy�aduje zabezpe�en� spojen�. Aktivov�no.
[Something happened to Facebook. Maybe there was some major update so you should wait for an update.]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n� k s�ti Facebook. D�vodem mohou b�t v�t�� zm�ny na stran� serveru, co� vy�aduje z�rove� zm�ny na stran� Mirandy.

; Facebook Protocol RM
[Automatically set 'Ignore status change' flag]
Automaticky ignorovat zm�nu stavu
[Use bigger avatars]
Zobrazit v�t�� avatary
[Load contacts with 'On the Mobile' status]
Na��st i kontakty s mobiln�m p�ipojen�m
[Force secure (HTTPS) connection]
Pou��t zabezpe�en� spojen� (HTTPS)
[Use secure connection also for channel requests]
Zabezpe�it i servisn� spojen�
[Post Miranda status to Wall]
Odes�lat stav Mirandy na ze� Facebooku
[Also disconnect chat when going to offline]
Po odpojen� z�rove� odej�t i z diskuse
[Automatically close chat windows (on website) (NOT WORKING)]
Automaticky zav��t komunika�n� okno na webu (NEFUNK�N�)
[Map non-standard statuses to Invisible (instead of Online)]
Pro nestandardn� stavy pou��t Neviditeln� (nikoli Online)
[Get unread messages on login (EXPERIMENTAL)]
Po p�ipojen� st�hnout nep�e�ten� zpr�vy (EXPERIMENT�LN�)
[Enable groupchats support (EXPERIMENTAL)]
Povolit skupinov� diskuse (EXPERIMENT�LN�)
[Visit Profile]
Zobrazit profil
[Request friendship]
Po��dat o p��telstv�
[Cancel friendship]
Zru�it p��telstv�
[Approve friendship]
Potvrdit p��telstv�
[View &Profile]
Zobrazit profil
[News Feed]
[Other Event]
[Client notifications]
Upozorn�n� klienta
[News Feed types to notify:]
Na kter� z novinek upozornit:
[Most Recent]
[Status Updates]
Zm�ny stavu
[Top News]
Hlavn� zpr�vy
[Your account requires HTTPS connection. Activating.]
V� ��et vy�aduje zabezpe�en� spojen�. Aktivov�no.
[Facebook Icon]
Stavov� zpr�va
Stavov� zpr�va...

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Fast Messages                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3019

; Last updated: March, 2007
; FastMsg

; *** FastMsg - Main ***
[Fast Messages]
Bleskov� zpr�vy
[Fast Messages...]
Bleskov� zpr�vy...

; *** FastMsg - Options - Buttons ***
;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Edit]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [Up]
;(DUP) [Down]
[Message Text]
Text zpr�vy
[Message List]
Seznam zpr�v
[* Double click to edit message text]
* Zpr�vu lze upravit dvoj�m kliknut�m
;(DUP) [Group]
[Group Name]
N�zev skupiny
[Group List]
Seznam skupin
[* Double click to edit group name]
* N�zev skupiny lze upravit dvoj�m kliknut�m
[Groups down]
Skupiny um�stit pod zpr�vy
[Send messages automatically]
Zpr�vy odes�lat automaticky
[Old button position (Scriver)]
P�vodn� um�st�n� tla��tka (Scriver)

; *** FastMsg - Options - ToolTips ***
[Add message to list]
P�idat zpr�vu do seznamu
[Delete message from list]
Odebrat zpr�vu ze seznamu
[Move message]
P�esunout zpr�vu
[Up message]
Posunout zpr�vu v seznamu nahoru
[Down message]
Posunout zpr�vu v seznamu dol�
[Edit message]
Upravit zpr�vu
[Add group]
P�idat skupinu
[Edit group name]
Upravit n�zev skupiny
[Delete group]
Odstranit skupinu
[Up group]
Posunout skupinu v seznamu nahoru
[Down group]
Posunout skupinu v seznamu dol�

; *** FastMsg - MessageBox - Text ***
[No messages in list]
Seznam zpr�v je pr�zdn�.
[Delete group with all messages?]
Opravdu chcete smazat vybranou skupinu zpr�v?

; *** FastMsg - IcoLib - Description ***
;(DUP) [Main]

; Description
[Fast messages built-in message dialog support for Miranda IM]
Do nab�dky komunika�n�ho okna p�id� polo�ku pro odes�l�n� kr�tk�ch, p�edem p�ipraven�ch zpr�v.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Favourite Contacts                              |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3750

[Favourite Contacts]
Obl�ben� kontakty

[Hotkey shows menu centered on screen]
Kl. zkratka zobraz� menu uprost�ed obrazovky
[Hide for transparent avatars]
Skr�t pro pr�hledn� avatary
[Fonts and colors can be configured in Customize > Fonts section.\n\nAlso Modern Contact List users can set up hotkeys in Events > Hotkeys2 page.]
P�sma a barvy lze nastavit v sekci Vlastn� �pravy > P�sma.\n\nU�ivatel� dopl�ku Modern Contact List mohou nastavit kl. zkratky v sekci Ud�losti > Kl�vesov� zkratky.
[Draw avatar border]
Or�movat avatary
[Use system colors and fonts]
Pou��t syst�mov� p�sma a barvy
[Menu item preview:]
N�hled polo�ky menu:

[Align to the right]
Zarovnat doprava
[Dim idle contact icons]
Ze�ednout neaktivn� kontakty
[Multicolumn menu]
V�cesloupcov� menu
[Set up menu hotkey...]
Nastavit kl�vesovou zkratku...
[Enable groups]
Povolit skupiny
[Configure fonts and colors...]
Nastavit p�sma a barvy...

; Favourite Contacts
[recent contacts]
posledn�ch kontakt�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  File As Message                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1811

[File As Message...]
Soubor jako zpr�va...
[file As Message]
Soubor jako zpr�va
;(DUP) [Perform]
[Revive a transfer]
Obnovit p�enos
;(DUP) [Stop]
[Recv file]
P�ijmout soubor
[Send file]
Poslat soubor
[Couldn't open a file]
Nelze otev��t soubor
[Size: %d bytes]
Velikost: %d bajt�
[Request sent. Awaiting of acceptance..]
Po�adavek odesl�n. �ek�n� na odpov��...
Pos�l�n� dat...
[Received successfully]
P�enos dat �sp�n� dokon�en
[Requesting of missing chunks]
��dost o chyb�j�c� bloky
P��jem dat...
[Sent successfully]
P�enos dat �sp�n� dokon�en
[Unknown command for "file As Message" was received]
Nezn�m� p��kaz v r�mci funkce "Soubor jako zpr�va"
[Incoming file request. Do you want proceed?]
��dost o p�enos souboru. Chcete pokra�ovat?
[Cancelled by remote user]
P�eru�eno protistranou
[New incoming file request. Do you want proceed?]
Nov� ��dost o p�enos souboru. Chcete pokra�ovat?
[Paused, 'coz connection dropped]
Spojen� p�eru�eno, p�enos byl pozastaven. 
[Failed on file initialization]
Chyba p�i inicializaci p�enosu
[Select a file]
Vyberte soubor
[Save as]
Ulo�it jako
[Can't get a file size]
Nelze zjistit velikost souboru
[Cancelled by user]
P�eru�eno u�ivatelem
[Transfer is in progress. Do you really want to close?]
P�enos dat je�t� nebyl dokon�en. Opravdu ho chcete p�eru�it?

[Transfer settings]
Mo�nosti p�enosu
[Delays between sends]
Prodleva mezi zpr�vami
[Chunk size]
Velikost bloku
[Use only alphanumeric encoding on transfer]
P�i p�enosu pou��t jen alfanum. k�dov�n�
[To send]
K odesl�n�
[Send file: %s]
Poslat soubor: %s
N�zev souboru:
;(DUP) [Size:]
[Extra options: Events � File Transfers, "Receiving files" group]
Dal�� mo�nosti -> Ud�losti / P�enos soubor� / P��jem soubor�
[Incoming file...]
P��choz� soubor...
[Outgoing file...]
Odchoz� soubor...

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Find a Message                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Generated by lpgen on Sat Mar  5 13:53:12 2005
; Translations: 33

; dialog.c
;(DUP) [Protocol]
;(DUP) [Contact]
;(DUP) [Message]

; findMessage.c
[Search Canceled]
Hled�n� p�eru�eno
[Progress: %d/%d Contacts Searched. %d/%d Messages Searched]
Vyhled�v�n�... prohled�no %d z %d kontakt� (%d z %d zpr�v)
[Finished... %d Contacts Searched. %d Messages Found]
V�sledek... prohled�no %d kontakt� (nalezeno %d zpr�v)

; main.c
[&Find a Message]
Na&j�t zpr�vu

; resource.rc
;(LAI) [DateTimePicker1]
[Search with case sensitivity]
Rozli�ovat mal� a VELK�
[All contacts]
V�echny kontakty
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [&Search]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [&Cancel]
&Pro experty
[Show a maximum of]
Zobrazit max.
[results. (0 for unlimited)]
polo�ek (0 - bez omezen�)
[Sort by]
�adit dle
[With AT LEAST ONE of these]
Obsahuj�c� ALESPO� 1� slovo
[with ALL of these words]
Obsahuj�c� V�ECHNA tato slova
[with NONE of these words]
Neobsahuj�c� ��DN� ze slov
[with the EXACT PHRASE]
Obsahuj�c� PR�V� tuto v�tu
[Only show messages ]
Zobrazit pouze zpr�vy 
[Contacts to search]
Prohledat kontakty
[Search Progress]
Pr�b�h hled�n�
;(DUP) [Advanced Options]
[Find A Message......]
Naj�t zpr�vu
[Export results to a &TXT file]
Expor&tovat do souboru...
[&Copy this message to Clipboard]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Fingerprint                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2594

[Client Icons/Miranda]
Klientsk� programy/Miranda
[Client Icons/Other]
Klientsk� programy/Ostatn�
[Client Icons/ICQ]
Klientsk� programy/ICQ
[Client Icons/Yahoo]
Klientsk� programy/Yahoo
[Client Icons/AIM]
Klientsk� programy/AIM
[Client Icons/Mobile]
Klientsk� programy/Mobiln�
[Client Icons/JABBER]
Klientsk� programy/Jabber
[Client Icons/MSN]
Klientsk� programy/MSN
[Client Icons/IRC]
Klientsk� programy/IRC
[Client Icons/C6]
Klientsk� programy/C6
[Client Icons/QQ]
Klientsk� programy/QQ
[Client Icons/SKYPE]
Klientsk� programy/Skype
[Client Icons/Gadu-Gadu]
Klientsk� programy/Gadu-Gadu
[Client Icons/Mail.ru Agent]
Klientsk� programy/Mail.ru (agent)

;(LAI) [Miranda IM 0.4.x]
;(LAI) [Miranda IM 0.5.x]
;(LAI) [Miranda IM 0.6.x]
v�voj. verze
[Miranda evil]
�patn� Miranda
;(LAI) [Miranda IM]

;(LAI) [Adium X]
;(LAI) [Gaim]
;(LAI) [Trillian Pro]
;(LAI) [Trillian]
;(LAI) [Kopete]
;(LAI) [GnomeICU]
;(LAI) [IM2]
;(LAI) [Licq]
;(LAI) [SIM]
;(LAI) [QNext]
;(LAI) [Easy Message]
;(LAI) [Fire]
;(LAI) [Auttm]
;(LAI) [Proteus]
;(LAI) [Instan-t]
;(LAI) [Meebome]
;(LAI) [Meebo]
;(LAI) [iChat]
;(LAI) [virus Win32-Stration]
;(LAI) [BitlBee]

;(LAI) [Yahoo]

;(LAI) [Aim SMS]
;(LAI) [AIM Triton]
;(LAI) [Aim GPRS]
;(LAI) [AIM Express]
;(LAI) [naim]
;(LAI) [TerraIM]
;(LAI) [AIM]

;(LAI) [Agile Messenger]
;(LAI) [Jimm]
;(LAI) [Colibry]
;(LAI) [stICQ]
;(LAI) [uIM]
;(LAI) [IM+]
;(LAI) [YamiGO]
;(LAI) [Bombus]
;(LAI) [mChat]
;(LAI) [PreludeICQ]
;(LAI) [wmIRC]
;(LAI) [Anastasia]

;(LAI) [&RQ]
;(LAI) [QIP]
;(LAI) [KXicq2]

;(LAI) [IC@]
;(LAI) [R&Q]
;(LAI) [SmartICQ]
;(LAI) [ICQ v5 [ABV]]
;(LAI) [ICQ v5 [Netvigator]]
;(LAI) [ICQ v5 [Rambler]]
[ICQ pocket PC]
ICQ (na PDA)
;(LAI) [WebICQ]
;(LAI) [CenterICQ]
;(LAI) [ICQ 2.X]
;(LAI) [mICQ]
;(LAI) [StrICQ]
;(LAI) [./vICQ]
;(LAI) [YSM]
;(LAI) [NanoICQ]
;(LAI) [Spam Bot]
;(LAI) [ICQ]
;(LAI) [PyICQ]
;(LAI) [alicq]

;(LAI) [Jabber Messenger]
;(LAI) [TKabber]
;(LAI) [Gizmo]
;(LAI) [Exodus]
;(LAI) [Gush]
;(LAI) [Pandion]
;(LAI) [WTW]
;(LAI) [Tlen.pl]
;(LAI) [Psi]
;(LAI) [Gossip]
;(LAI) [Gabber]
;(LAI) [Nitro]
;(LAI) [Neos mt]
;(LAI) [Jabberwoky]
;(LAI) [Konnekt]
;(LAI) [Coccinella]
;(LAI) [GTalk]
;(LAI) [Gmail]
;(LAI) [Conference bot]
;(LAI) [Spik]
;(LAI) [Kadu]
;(LAI) [Imeem]
;(LAI) [Jabbin]
[GTalk on BlackBerry]
GTalk (v BlackBerry)
;(LAI) [GCN]
;(LAI) [Spark]
;(LAI) [BitWise]
;(LAI) [Meetro]
;(LAI) [Wildfire]

;(LAI) [Webmessenger]
;(LAI) [aMSN]
;(LAI) [MSN]

;(LAI) [SysReset]
;(LAI) [mIRC]
;(LAI) [Eggdrop]
;(LAI) [eMule]
;(LAI) [Zip Torrent]
;(LAI) [psyBNC]
;(LAI) [irssi]
;(LAI) [macirssi]
;(LAI) [Klient]
;(LAI) [KVIrc]
;(LAI) [Colloquy]
;(LAI) [HydraIRC]
;(LAI) [WeeChat]
[Xchat Gnome]
Xchat (Gnome)
[Xchat Aqua]
Xchat (Aqua)
;(LAI) [Chatzilla]
;(LAI) [Opera chat]
;(LAI) [XChat]
;(LAI) [pIRC]
;(LAI) [Bersirc]
;(LAI) [IrcN]
;(LAI) [MaxxIM]
;(LAI) [Mirabel script]
;(LAI) [Ninjia]
;(LAI) [iScript]
;(LAI) [Icechat]
;(LAI) [Konversation]
;(LAI) [Babbel]
;(LAI) [AmIRC]
;(LAI) [KSirc]
;(LAI) [Virc]
;(LAI) [Snak]
;(LAI) [Savirc]
;(LAI) [Nettalk]
;(LAI) [Conversation]
;(LAI) [Xirc]
[eMule mods]
eMule (modifikace)
;(LAI) [InetTools]
;(LAI) [NoNameScript]
;(LAI) [irc]

;(LAI) [OpenC6]
;(LAI) [C6 Messenger]

;(LAI) [QQ]

;(LAI) [Skype]
;(LAI) [Skype 2.x]

[Mail.ru Agent unknown]
Mail.ru (nezn�m� agent)
[Mail.ru Agent]
Mail.ru (agent)

;(LAI) [Gadu-Gadu]

[Unknown for fingerprint]
nezn�m� (Fingeprint)
[Unknown for protocol]
nezn�m� (protokol)

;(LAI) [AimOscar]
[ICQ evil]
�patn� ICQ
;(LAI) [ICQ_S7]
[ICQJ_new dev.cycle]
ICQJ (v�voj. verze)
[ISee old]
ISee (star�)
;(LAI) [ISee]
[ICQ unknown]
ICQ (nezn�m� verze)
;(LAI) [IRC]
[IRC mod]
IRC (modifikace)
;(LAI) [Jabber]
;(LAI) [JGmail]
;(LAI) [JMeebo]
;(LAI) [QQ]
;(LAI) [Mail.ru]
[MSN old]
MSN (star�)
;(LAI) [MSN]

[AIM v 4.x]
AIM 4.x
[AIM v 5.x]
AIM 5.x

[on Java]
v Jav�
[on Flash]
ve Flashi
[on Windows]
pro Windows
[on MacOS]
pro MacOS
[on Linux]
pro Linux

;(LAI) [Yahoo 5.x]
;(LAI) [Yahoo 6.x]
;(LAI) [Yahoo 7.x]
;(LAI) [Yahoo 8.x]

;(LAI) [MSN 4.x-5.x]
;(LAI) [MSN 6.x]
;(LAI) [MSN 7.x]
;(LAI) [MSN 8.x]

;(LAI) [ICQ 2000]
;(LAI) [ICQ 2001]
;(LAI) [ICQ 2002/2003a]
;(LAI) [ICQ 2003b]
;(LAI) [ICQ Lite v4]
;(LAI) [ICQ v5.1]
;(LAI) [ICQ v5]
;(LAI) [ICQ v6]

;(LAI) [QQ2000]
;(LAI) [QQ2003]
;(LAI) [QQ2004]
;(LAI) [QQ2005]
;(LAI) [QQ2006]

;(LAI) [Gadu-Gadu 4.x.]
;(LAI) [Gadu-Gadu 5.x]
[Gadu-Gadu 6.1 build 155 or 7.6 build 1359 ]
Gadu-Gadu 6.1 build 155 nebo 7.6 build 1359 
;(LAI) [Gadu-Gadu 6.x]
;(LAI) [Gadu-Gadu 7.x]

[on mobile]
v mobilu
[on PDA]
;(LAI) [Skype 3.x]

[mobile devices]
mobiln� telefon
p�enosn� PC
;(LAI) [+SimpPro]
;(LAI) [+SimpLite]
;(LAI) [+IMsecure]
;(LAI) [+SecureIm]

; Fingerprint Plus, p�eklad: Soustruh
[Client Icons]
Klientsk� programy
[Client Icons/Miranda/overlays#1]
Klientsk� programy/Miranda/p�ekryvn� ikony #1
[Client Icons/Miranda/overlays#2]
Klientsk� programy/Miranda/p�ekryvn� ikony #2
[Client Icons/Multi-Protocol]
Klientsk� programy/V�ceprotokolov�
[Client Icons/Multi-Protocol/overlays]
Klientsk� programy/V�ceprotokolov�/p�ekryvn� ikony
[Client Icons/Tlen]
Klientsk� programy/Tlen
[Client Icons/Weather]
Klientsk� programy/Po�as�
[Client Icons/Web-based]
Klientsk� programy/Webov�

[Base Icon]
Z�kladn� ikona
[Show unknown]
Zobrazit nezn�mou
[Show unicode flag]
Zobrazit zna�ku unicode
[Show one icon]
Zobrazit jedinou ikonu
[Overlay Icon #1]
P�ekryvn� ikona �.1
[Show pack icon (if available)]
Zobrazit ikonu bal�ku (je-li k dispozici)
[Show protocol]
Zobrazit protokol
[Show version]
Zobrazit verzi
[Overlay Icon #2]
P�ekryvn� ikona �.2
[Show Jabber resource]
Zobrazit prost�edek Jabberu
[Show Miranda version]
Zobrazit verzi Mirandy
[Overlay Icon #3]
P�ekryvn� ikona �.3
[Show +secure]
Indikovat zabezpe�en�
[Extra icon slot (restart required):]
Pou��t ikonu pro (vy�. restart):

[Show in options icon group:]
Zobrazit skupiny ikon:
[Icon group options will be fully applied after restart]
Mo�nosti skupin ikon budou zobrazeny po restartu

[Show jabber transport]
Indikovat transport Jabberu
[Client (default)]
Klient (v�choz�)

[Fingerprint icons]
Ikony pro Fingerprint
[Pack overlays]
P�ekryvn� ikony

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Country Flags                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3462

; --- Plugin: Country Flags ---

[Country Flags]
Vlajky zem�
[Service offering misc country utilities as flag icons and a IP-to-Country database.]
Dopln�k pat��c� do kategorie Slu�by. Umo��uje zobrazen� vlajek a zji�t�n� zem� podle IP adresy.
[Country Flags Plugin]
Dopln�k Country Flags
[The Country Flags Plugin can not be loaded. It requires Miranda IM %hs or later.]
Dopln�k 'Vlajky zem�' nelze na��st. Vy�aduje program Miranda IM %hs nebo nov�j��.

; Countries
; Most country names are the same as used in miranda32.exe,
; except the following corrections:
[Australian Antarctic Territory]
Australsk� teritorium v Antarktid�
[Falkland Islands (Malvinas)]
Falklandsk� ostrovy (Malv�ny)
[Faroe Islands]
Faersk� ostrovy
[Guantanamo Bay]
[Montenegro, Republic of]
�ern� Hora
[Saipan Island (Northern Mariana Islands)]
Ostrov Saipan (Severn� Mariany)
[Serbia, Republic of]

; Options
;[Contact List]
;[Country Flags]
[Show country flag as &status icon on message window]
Zobrazit vlajku jako &stavovou ikonu v komunika�n�m okn�
[Show country flag as &extra image on contact list]
Zobrazit vlajku jako ikonu v s&eznamu kontakt�
[In following contact list &column:]
Ikonu zobrazit ve sloup&ci:
[Advanced #%u]
Extra �.%u

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  FLTContacts                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Tur McDonnel <tur (te�ka) mcdonnel (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[Floating contacts]
Plovouc� kontakty
[Hide offline contacts]
Skr�t u�ivatele offline
[Stick together]
Lepit k sob�
[Win 2000 / XP]
Windows 2000/XP

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Custom profile folders                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2521

; /folders/folders.cpp
[Test folders]
Testovac� slo�ky

; /folders/folders.rc:IDD_OPT_FOLDERS
[Custom folders]
Vlastn� slo�ky
[Refresh preview]
Aktualizovat n�hled
[Variables help]

; /folders/folders.rc:IDD_VARIABLES_HELP
[Custom folders variables help]
N�pov�da k prom�nn�m

; /folders/hooked_events.cpp
Vlastn� �pravy
[Some changes weren't saved. Apply the changes now ?]
N�kter� ze zm�n nejsou ulo�eny. Chcete je ulo�it?
[Changes not saved]
Zm�ny nebyly ulo�eny

[Avatars Cache]
�lo�i�t� avatar�
[Output folder]
V�stupn� slo�ka

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  FTP File YM                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3797

[Upload canceled]
Upload p�eru�en
[File upload complete]
Upload souboru dokon�en
[FTP File]
Soubory p�es FTP
[Command after upload]
P��kaz po dokon�en�
[FTP server]
Server FTP
[Automatically send URL to the contact]
Automaticky odeslat odkaz kontaktu
[Copy URL to message log]
Zkop�rovat odkaz do okna se zpr�vou
[File URL options]
Odkaz na soubor
[Host name]
[Use passive mode]
Pou��t pasivn� re�im
[Directory on server]
Slo�ka na serveru

[FTP File Error]
Soubory p�es FTP - chyba
[Error connecting to server]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n� k serveru
[FTP Server name]
N�zev FTP serveru
[FTP File - Select files]
Soubory p�es FTP - vyberte soubory
[Progress info]
Informace o pr�b�hu
[Aborting all files...]
Ru�en� v�ech soubor�...
[%s (%d, %d)\n\nMore info:\n%s\n\n%s]
%s (%d, %d)\n\nV�ce info:\n%s\n\n%s
[Cancel all]
Zru�it v�e
[FTP File - %s]
Soubory p�es FTP - %s

[Send file]
Poslat soubor
[File upload complete]
Upload souboru dokon�en

; aktualizace na novou verzi
; FTP File YM

;[FTP Server %d]
;FTP Server %d
[FTP account]
FTP ��et
[Account name]
N�zev ��tu

[Menu items options]
Nastaven� polo�ek v menu
[Use submenu in contact menu:]
Pou��vat podmenu v menu kontaktu:
[Always (use submenu in any situation)]
V�dy (pou��t podmenu v jak�koli situaci)
[When more than one account is set]
Kdy� je nastaven v�ce ne� jeden ��et
[Never (place items directly into contact menu)]
Nikdy (um�stit polo�ky rovnou do menu kontaktu)
[Remove national characters from filename]
Odebrat n�rodn� znaky z n�zvu souboru
[Hide inactive accounts]
Skr�t neaktivn� ��ty

[File download link]
Odkaz na soubor
[Autosend download link to contact]
Automaticky poslat odkaz na soubor
[Copy download link to message log]
Zkop�rovat odkaz na soubor do historie
[Menu items]
Polo�ky menu
[Use submenu (restart required)]
Pou��t podmenu (vy�aduje restart)
[Close dialog after upload finishes]
Po ukon�en� p�enosu dat zav��t okno

[Automatically delete file from FTP server after (experimental):]
Automaticky smazat soubor z FTP po (experiment�ln�):
[FTP (Standard)]
FTP (Standardn�)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Gamer Plugin                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: MiSHAK <imishak (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://exitus.redio.de/gamer/unicode/gamerW.zip

[Gamer Plugin]
Hr��sk� dopl�ek
[Network interface used by games:]
S�ov� rozhran� pou��van� hrami:
[       Enable process checking]
       Povolit kontrolov�n� proces�
[Check running processes every]
Kontrolovat b��c� procesy ka�d�ch
[Group name]
Jm�no skupiny
[Process count]
Po�et proces�
[Change Status?]
Zm�nit stav?
[Only Message?]
Jen zpr�va?
[Don't change when]
Nem�nit kdy�
[Set status back?]
Navr�tit p�vodn� stav?
[will be enabled]
budou povoleny
[will be disabled]
budou zak�z�ny
[.exe name]
jm�no .exe
[Application name]
Jm�no aplikace
[While process is running:]
Pokud je proces spu�t�n:
[Popups should]
Ozn�men� by m�ly
[Sound should]
Zvuky by m�ly
[be disabled]
b�t zak�z�ny
[be enabled]
b�t povoleny
[stay as they are]
z�stat tak jak jsou
[Profile name:]
Jm�no profilu:
[       Change status when running process is found]
       Zm�nit stav pokud proces je spu�t�n
[Change status mode to:]
Zm�nit stav na:
[Dont change status, only set new message]
Nem�nit stav, jen nastavit novou zpr�vu
[Dont change when]
Nem�nit status kdy� jsem
[Restore old status and message when application is closed]
Navr�tit p�vodn� stav a zpr�vu po ukon�en� aplikace
[If an defined application (.exe) is running, it shows the associated 'Application' string]
Pokud je spu�tena definovan� aplikace (.exe), zobraz� p�i�azen� �et�zec 'Jm�no aplikace'
[Shows the current server ip playing on]
Zobraz� IP adresu a port serveru na kter�m hrajete
[Shows the map name]
Zobraz� n�zev mapy
[Shows the mod name]
Zobraz� jm�no modifikace hry
[Shows the number of players on the server]
Zobraz� po�et hr��� na serveru
[Querys the given server]
Zjist� informace o dan�m serveru
[Shows the server name]
Zobraz� jm�no serveru
[Shows the number of slots]
Zobraz� po�et slot�

[The network interface which was used previously wasn't found.\nTrying to find another one...]
D��ve pou��van� s�ov� za��zen� nelze nal�zt.\nProb�h� hled�n� jin�ho...

; aktualizace na novou verzi
; gamer plugin
[The status of "pushed-down" protocols won't be changed]
Stav "zam��knut�ch" protokol� nebude m�n�n
[You can use different settings for every protocol.]
M��ete pou��t r�zn� nastaven� pro ka�d� protokol.
[Use per-protocol settings?]
Nastaven� pro ka�d� protokol zvl᚝?

;jen dopln�n�
[Profile Name:]
N�zev profilu:
[Add empty profile]
P�idat pr�zdn� profil
[Process List]
Seznam proces�
[Copy this profile]
Zkop�rovat vybran� profil
[       Use per-protocol settings]
       Pou��t nastaven� pro ka�d� protokol zvl᚝
[Popups should ... while process is running]
Ozn�men� by m�lo ... dokud je proces spu�t�n
[Sounds should ... while process is running]
Zvuky by m�ly ... dokud je proces spu�t�n
[Hint: Enter complete path to make sure the correct process is recognized.]
Pozn.: Enter complete path to make sure the correct process is recognized.
[Only message?]
Pouze zpr�vu?
;[The status of "pushed-down" protocols won't be changed]
;[You can use different settings for every protocol.]
;[Use per-protocol settings?]
[Change status?]
Zm�nit stav?
[Change Status]
Zm�nit stav
[Add new process to list]
P�idat nov� proces do seznamu
[.exe name/path]
.exe n�zev/cesta

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Gadu-Gadu                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=567

; *** Gadu-Gadu

; Info page
[Public Info]
Zve�ejn�n� informace
[Family name:]
[Origin city:]
M�sto narozen�:
[Birth year:]
Datum narozen�:

; Options
;(OBS) [Gadu-Gadu] @ deprecated
;(OBS) [&Gadu-Gadu] @ deprecated
;(OBS) [Gadu-Gadu connection] @ deprecated
; Expert short
;(DUP) [connection]
[Friends only]
Zobrazit pouze p��tele
[Show offline users with status message as invisible in contact list]
Zobrazit u�ivatele offline poskytuj�c� stavovou zpr�vu jako neviditeln�
[Ignore incoming conference messages]
Ignorovat zpr�vy p�ich�zej�c� z konference
;(OBS) [Automatically pop up the window when a image is received] @ deprecated
[Receive image and after image is received use:]
Po dokon�en� p�enosu obr�zku pou��t:
;(DUP) [System tray icon]
;(DUP) [Popup window]
[Show contacts not on my list having me on their list]
Zobrazit ty u�ivatele, kte�� m� maj� ve sv�m seznamu
[Gadu-Gadu Number:]
[Gadu-Gadu Number]
[Gadu-Gadu User Details]
;(OBS) [Lost Gadu-Gadu Password?] @ deprecated
[Retrieve password]
Z�skat zp�t heslo
;(DUP) [Create new account]
[Remove account]
Smazat ��et
[Change password]
Zm�nit heslo
[Change e-mail]
Zm�nit e-mail
;(DUP) [Keep connection alive]
[Change status safely]
Zm�nit stav bezpe�n�m zp�sobem
[Show connection errors]
Zobrazit chyby p�i p�ipojen�
;(DUP) [Automatically reconnect after unintentional disconnection]
;(OBS) [Leave last status message after disconnected]  << depreciated in
[After disconnection leave away message of status:]
Po odpojen� ponechat na serveru zpr�vu stavu:
;(DUP) [Manually specify connection host]
[Manually specify connection servers' hosts]
Ur�it hostitele pro p�ipojen�
;(OBS) [Use secure SSL connection] @ deprecated
[Use SSL secure connection]
Pou��t zabezpe�en� spojen� (SSL)
;(DUP) [Host:]
[* new line is separator\n** hostname:port format]
* 1 polo�ka = 1 ��dek\n** ve form�tu hostitel:port
[Use direct connections]
Pou��t p��m� spojen�
[Use forwarding]
Pou��t p�esm�rov�n�

; Menu
[Import List From &Server]
Importovat seznam ze &serveru
[Import List From &Text File...]
Impor&tovat seznam ze souboru...
[&Remove List From Server]
Odstranit seznam ze se&rveru
[Export List To &Server]
&Exportovat seznam na server
[Export List To &Text File...]
E&xportovat seznam do souboru...
[Text files]
Textov� soubory

; Errors
;(OBS) [Gadu-Gadu Error] << depreciated in
[Connection cannot be established because of error:\n\t%s]
Chyba p�i navazov�n� spojen�. Popis probl�mu:\n\t%s
;Connection specific errors
[Miranda was unable to resolve the name of the Gadu-Gadu server to its numeric address.]
Nelze p�elo�it n�zev serveru Gadu-Gadu na IP adresu.
[Received invalid server response.]
Neplatn� odezva serveru Gadu-Gadu.
[Cannot establish secure connection.]
Nelze nav�zat zabezpe�en� spojen�.
[Your Gadu-Gadu number and password combination was rejected by the Gadu-Gadu server. Please check login details at M->Options->Network->Gadu-Gadu and try again.]
Server neakceptoval zadanou kombinaci u�ivatelsk�ho jm�na a hesla. Zkontrolujte spr�vnost p��slu�n�ch �daj� v M->Mo�nosti->S�t�->Gadu-Gadu.
[Connecting to Gadu-Gadu hub failed.]
Nelze p�ipojit k po�adovan�mu serveru Gadu-Gadu.
; Token stuff
[Token retrieval failed because of error:\n\t%s]
Chyba p�i stahov�n� tokenu. Popis probl�mu:\n\t%s
[Enter token to continue]
Pokra�ovat po zad�n� tokenu
;Import export errors
[You have to be connected before you can import/export contacts from/to server.]
Aktualizovat seznam kontakt� na serveru lze pouze po p�ipojen� k s�ti Gadu-Gadu.
[List cannot be exported because of error:\n\t%s]
Chyba p�i exportu seznamu. Popis probl�mu:\n\t%s
[List cannot be exported to file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s]
Chyba p�i exportu seznamu do souboru '%s'. Popis probl�mu:\n\t%s
[List cannot be imported because of error:\n\t%s]
Chyba p�i importu seznamu. Popis probl�mu:\n\t%s
[List cannot be imported from file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s]
Chyba p�i importu seznamu do souboru '%s'. Popis probl�mu:\n\t%s
[List remove successful.]
Seznam byl �sp�n� odstran�n.
[List export successful.]
Seznam byl �sp�n� vyexportov�n.
[List import successful.]
Seznam byl �sp�n� naimportov�n.
[Your password will be sent to your registration e-mail.\nDo you want to continue ?]
Heslo bude odesl�no na V� e-mail.\nChcete pokra�ovat?
[You need to specify your registration e-mail first.]
Nejd��ve je nutn� zadat registra�n� e-mail.
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s]
Heslo nelze odeslat. Chyba:\n\t%s
[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
Heslo bylo odesl�no na V� e-mail.
[Your info cannot be uploaded because of error:\n\t%s]
Zadan� osobn� �daje nelze ulo�it na server. Chyba:\n\t%s
[Your info has been uploaded to public catalog.]
Zadan� osobn� �daje byly ulo�eny na server.
;Password changing
[Your password cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
Heslo nelze zm�nit. Chyba:\n\t%s
[Your password has been changed.]
Heslo bylo zm�n�no.
;E-mail changing
[Your e-mail cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
E-mail nelze zm�nit. Chyba:\n\t%s
[Your e-mail has been changed.]
E-mail byl zm�n�n.
;Account registration
[Cannot register new account because of error:\n\t%s]
Nov� ��et nelze zalo�it. Chyba:\n\t%s
[Registration rejected]
Registrace odm�tnuta
[You have registered new account.\nPlease fill up your personal details in "M->Change my details..."]
Nov� ��et byl z��zen. Zadejte pros�m osobn� �daje\nv nastaven�, sekci "M->Informace o sob�..."
;Account removal
[Your account cannot be removed because of error:\n\t%s]
Po�adovan� ��et nelze zru�it. Chyba:\n\t%s
[Bad number or password]
Neplatn� ��slo nebo heslo
[Bad old e-mail or password]
Neplatn� star� e-mail nebo heslo
[Bad e-mail or password]
Neplatn� e-mail nebo heslo
[Invalid data entered]
Byla zad�na neplatn� data
[Your account has been removed.]
Vybran� ��et v s�ti Gadu-Gadu byl zru�en.
;User utils messages
;(OBS) [Passwords do not match.] << depreciated in
[Password too short.]
Heslo je p��li� kr�tk�.
;(OBS) [You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want disconnect now ?] << depreciated in
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now ?]
P�ed zm�nou nastaven� ��tu doporu�ujeme odpojen� od s�t�.\nChcete se odpojit od s�t� Gadu-Gadu?
[Server hostname %s is invalid. Using default hostname provided by the network.]
N�zev serveru (%s) je neplatn�. Pou�it v�choz� server zji�t�n� ze s�t� Gadu-Gadu.
[External direct connections hostname %s is invalid. Disabling external host forwarding.]
Adresa extern�ho hostitele pro p�ipojen� (%s) je neplatn�. P�epos�l�n� po�adavk� deaktivov�no.

; Password dialog
;(OBS) [Change Gadu-Gadu Password] << depreciated in
[Change Gadu-Gadu password]
Zm�nit heslo Gadu-Gadu
[Changes current Gadu-Gadu user password.]
Zm�n� st�vaj�c� heslo pro s� Gadu-Gadu.
[Change Gadu-Gadu e-mail]
Zm�nit e-mail Gadu-Gadu
[Changes current Gadu-Gadu user e-mail.]
Zm�n� kontaktn� e-mail pro Gadu-Gadu.
[New password:]
Nov� heslo:
;(DUP) [Password:]
[Confirm password:]
Nov� heslo znovu:
[New e-mail:]
Nov� e-mail:
; Remove account dialog
[Yes, I want to remove my account]
Ano, opravdu chci sv�j ��et zru�it
[Remove Gadu-Gadu account]
Zru�it ��et Gadu-Gadu
[This will remove your Gadu-Gadu account.]
Zru�� v� ��et v s�ti Gadu-Gadu.
; Create account dialog
[Create Gadu-Gadu account]
Z��dit nov� ��et Gadu-Gadu
[This will create new Gadu-Gadu account.]
Zalo�en� nov�ho ��tu v s�ti Gadu-Gadu.

; Search dialog
[Age from:]
Min. v�k:
;(DUP) [Search online users only]

; Image recv/send
[Image saved.]
Obr�zek byl ulo�en.
[Image cannot be written to disk.]
Obr�zek nelze ulo�it na disk.
[Image from %s]
Obr�zek od %s
[Image for %s]
Obr�zek pro %s
[Image files (*.bmp,*.jpg,*.gif)]
Soubory obr�zk� (*.bmp,*.jpg,*.gif)
[Select picture to send]
Vybrat obr�zek k odesl�n�
[Could not load image. Image might have unsupported file format.]
Obr�zek nelze na��st. Jedn�m z d�vod� m��e b�t nepodporovan� form�t.

; Conferences
[Open new conference]
Zalo�it novou konferenci
[Select conference participants.]
Vybrat ��astn�ky konference.
[Open &conference...]
Zalo�it novou konferen&ci...
[&Clear ignored conferences]
&Vymazat ignorovan� konference
[%s initiated the conference.]
%s zah�jil konferenci.
[This is my own conference.]
Moje vlastn� konference.
[You have to be connected to open new conference.]
Novou konferenci lze zah�jit a� po p�ipojen�.
[All ignored conferences are now unignored and the conference policy will act again.]
Seznam ignorovan�ch konferenc� byl vymaz�n a v�e je op�t ��zeno stanoven�mi pravidly.
[There are no ignored conferences.]
Seznam ignorovan�ch konferenc� je pr�zdn�.
[%s has initiated conference with %d participants (%d unknowns).\nDo you want do participate ?]
%s zalo�il konferenci (po�et ��astn�k�: %d, z toho nezn�m�ch: %s).\nChcete se p�idat?

; Conference policy
[Conference policy]
Pravidla pro konference
Zeptat se
;(DUP) [Ignore]
[if total participant count greater than:]
je-li celkov� po�et ��astn�k� v�t�� ne�:
[if unknown participant count greater than:]
je-li po�et nezn�m�ch ��astn�k� v�t�� ne�:
[in other case]
ve v�ech ostatn�ch p��padech

; n�zev dopl�ku
[Gadu-Gadu Protocol]
Protokol Gadu-Gadu

[<Last Status>]
<posledn� stav>

[Provides support for Gadu-Gadu protocol]
Implementace protokolu Gadu-Gadu. Umo��uje komunikaci s u�ivateli t�to s�t�.

; ikony
[Import list from server]
Importovat seznam ze serveru
[Import list from text file]
Importovat seznam ze souboru
[Remove list from server]
Odstranit seznam ze serveru
[Export list to server]
Exportovat seznam na server
[Export list to text file]
Exportovat seznam do souboru
[Account settings]
Mo�nosti ��tu
[Blocked to this contact]
[Previous image]
[Next image]
[Send image]
[Save image]
[Delete image]

[Show links from unknown contacts]
Zobrazit odkazy i od nezn�m�ch kontakt�
[Message with [img] BBCode]
Zpr�va s obr�zkem (pomoc� BBCode)
[Gadu Gadu connection]
Gadu Gadu - spojen� se serverem
[Clear ignored conferences]
Vymazat ignorovan� konference

[Concurrent &sessions]
Zobrazit &relace...
[Concurrent Sessions]
P�ehled relac�
[Concurrent Gadu Gadu Login Sessions]
P�ehled p�ihl�en�ch relac� v s�ti Gadu Gadu
[View information on active concurrent sessions]
Zobraz� informace o p�ihl�en�ch relac�ch.
[Client Name]
[IP Address]
IP adresa
[Login Time]
�as p�ihl�en�
[You have to logged in to view concurrent sessions.]
Seznam je pr�zdn�, nejste p�ihl�eni.
[There are no active concurrent sessions for this account.]
Moment�ln� nejste soub�n� p�ihl�en� na v�ce m�stech.
[Sign out all sessions]
Odhl�sit v�echny relace
[Advanced Configuration]
Pro pokro�il�
[This will create new Gadu-Gadu account]
Zalo�en� nov�ho ��tu v s�ti Gadu-Gadu.
[Concurrent sessions]
P�ehled relac�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Ghostify                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1557

;Ghostify plugin
;by Karl Einholz

; Ghostify Options Dialog

[Note: You must have contact list transparency enabled to use this plugin]
Pozn�mka: Dopln�k Ghostify funguje pouze tehdy, je-li okno s kontakty pr�hledn�.

[&Enable Ghostify]
A&ktivovat Ghostify

[&Unghostify on mouse hover]
Po definovan� dob� zr&u�it funkci 

[Track mouse &actions]
Sledov&at pohyby my�i

[Pass &right mouse button to Miranda]
P�edat p&rav� tla��tko my�i Mirand�

Zku�ebn� pole

[&Ghost delay]
&Zp. prokliknut�

[&Hover delay]
Zpo�d. &detekce




; Propably allready translated somewhere else
;(DUP) [second]
;(DUP) [seconds]

;(DUP) [pixel]

; Sounds
; window becomes unclickable
[Ghostify Window]
Okno lze prokliknout

;window becomes clickable
[Unghostify Window]
Okno nelze prokliknout

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Gmail Notifier                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: churchyard <churchyard (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1473

;(DUP) [Network]
[Gmail Notifier]
Gmail Notifier
;(DUP) [Gmail Account]
;(DUP) [Name:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Configuration]
;(DUP) [Check Gmail Inbox every]
;(DUP) [minutes]
;(DUP) [Notifier on:]
;(DUP) [System Tray]
;(DUP) [PopUp Plugin]
;(DUP) [Duration:]
;(DUP) [sec.]
;(DUP) [TXT|BG:]
;(DUP) [On DBClick:]
;(DUP) [Login using default browser]
;(DUP) [Login using Internet Explorer]
;(DUP) [Run]
;(DUP) [custom program]
[Monitor all labels when using filters]
Kontrolovat v�echny �t�tky (pou��v�m filtry)
;(DUP) [Enable icon selection and icon in status bar (restart)]
[Suppress animate error notifications]
Vypnout animovan� ozn�men� o chyb�ch
;(DUP) [This is a shared computer so disable Auto Login]
;(DUP) [Log unread threads into database (enable history)]

;menu item
;(DUP) [&Check Gmail Inbox]

;messages on contact
;(DUP) [Checking...]
;(DUP) [Can't open Internet!]
;(DUP) [Can't reach server!]
[Can't send account data!]
Nelze zaslat data o ��tu!
[Can't get variable AUTH!]
Neplatn� jm�no/heslo!
[Login failed!]
Chyba p�i p�ihl�en�!
[Can't load inbox page!]
Nelze na��st schr�nku!
[Can't parse page!]
Nelze zpracovat obsah str�nky!
[No user name or password!]
Zadejte pros�m jm�no a heslo!
[No new messages!]
��dn� nov� zpr�vy!
[ new/ ]
[ unread thread(s)]
 nep�e�ten�/� konverzace

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Gmail Multiple Notifier                         |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: churchyard <churchyard (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1988

;(DUP) [Network]
[Gmail Account]
��et na Gmailu
;(DUP) [Name:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Save]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [Configuration]
[Check Gmail Inbox every]
Zkontrolovat ka�d�ch
;(DUP) [minutes]
[Notifier on:]
[System Tray]
Oznam. obl.
[PopUp Plugin]
Dopl. PopUp
;(DUP) [sec.]
[On DBClick:]
[Login using default browser]
P�ihl�sit (v�choz� prohl�e�)
[Login using Internet Explorer]
P�ihl�sit (Internet Explorer)
[custom program]
libov. program
[Use online contacts when no new mail]
Pou��t online kontakty, kdy� nem�te nov� mail
[Enable icon selection and icon in status bar (restart)]
Zobrazit ikonu ve stavov� li�t� (restart)
[This is a shared computer so disable Auto Login]
Nep�ihla�ovat automaticky (ve�ejn� po��ta�)
[Log unread threads into database (enable history)]
Zapsat nep�e�ten� zpr�vy do datab�ze (historie)

;menu item
[&Check All Gmail Inboxes]
&Zkontrolovat v�echny ��ty (Gmail)
[&Check Gmail Inbox]
&Zkontrolovat ��et (Gmail)

;messages on contact
[Can't open Internet!]
Chyba p�ipojen� k internetu!
[Can't reach server!]
Chyba p�ipojen� k serveru!
[Can't get rss feed!]
Nelze p�e��st kan�l RSS!
[Wrong name or password!]
Neplatn� jm�no nebo heslo!

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  GnuPG                                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[Please verify your settings in M->Options->Plugins->GnuPG and GnuPG Advanced.]
Zkontrolujte pros�m nastaven� GnuPG (M->Mo�nosti->Dopl�ky->GnuPG a GnuPG (up�esn�n�)).
[The GnuPG Plugin requires the GnuPG executable \"gpg.exe\".]
Dopln�k GnuPG vy�aduje spustiteln� soubor \"gpg.exe\".
[Could not obtain the GnuPG user id.]
Nelze zjistit informace o u�ivateli GnuPG.
[The export of your public key failed.]
Chyba p�i exportov�n� ve�ejn�ho kl��e.
[The import of the key failed.]
Chyba p�i importov�n� kl��e.
[Could not generate a list of the public GnuPG keys.]
Nelze vygenerovat seznam ve�ejn�ch kl���.
[Could not generate a list of the secret GnuPG keys.]
Nelze vygenerovat seznam priv�tn�ch kl���.
;(DUP) [Plugins]
[GnuPG Plugin]
[Select GnuPG Executable]
Vyberte gpg.exe
[GnuPG Plugin - Warning]
Dopln�k GnuPG - upozorn�n�
[GnuPG Plugin - Error]
Dopln�k GnuPG - chyba
;(DUP) [<none>]
[Use GnuPG Encryption]
�ifrovat pomoc� GnuPG
[Send GnuPG Key]
Poslat GnuPG kl��
[You received a public key.]
Obdr�eli jste ve�ejn� kl��.
[You received a public key. It was added to your keyring.]
Obdr�en� ve�ejn� kl�� byl automaticky p�id�n do seznamu.
[You received an encrypted message. Could not detect the user id of the public key, used to encrypt it.]
Obdr�eli jste za�ifrovanou zpr�vu, ale nelze zjistit k�m byla za�ifrov�na.
[Unknown User ID]
Informace o u�ivateli neuvedena
[Could not encrypt the message. It wasn't sent.]
Zpr�vu nelze za�ifrovat a tedy ani odeslat.
[GnuPG Advanced]
GnuPG (up�esn�n�)
;(DUP) [Contact]
[Key and User ID]
Kl�� a informace o u�ivateli
[User ID:]
[Key ID:]
��slo kl��e:
[Key received:]
Obdr�en dne:
[GnuPG Plugin - Passphrase]
Dopln�k GnuPG - heslo
;(DUP) [Ok]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Enter passphrase for the secret key of user:]
Zadejte heslo pro privatn� kl�� u�ivatele
;(DUP) [User ID]
Program gpg.exe:
[Home Directory:]
Dom. adres��:
[Key Assignment]
P�i�azen� kl���
[Your Key]
Vlastn� kl��
;(DUP) [&Refresh]
[Contact Key]
Kl�� kontaktu
;(DUP) [Options]
[Store Passphrases Temporary]
Hesla do�asn� zapamatovat
[Import Public Keys Automatically]
Ve�. kl��e importovat automaticky
Ozna�en� zpr�vy
[Start Tag]
[End Tag]
[Commandline Arguments]
Argumenty p��kazov�ho ��dku
[List Public Keys:]
V�pis ve�. kl���:
[List Secret Keys:]
V�pis priv. kl���
[Import Public Key:]
Import ve�. kl��e:
[Export Public Key:]
Export ve�. kl��e:
[Detect User ID:]
Zji�t�n� u�iv.:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  GoMoku                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=958

[New game]
Nov� hra
[Miranda's GoMoku]
Pi�kvorky pro Mirandu
[Do you want to restart?]
Chcete za��t hr�t novou hru?
[Hey! Your opponent is trying to make a move out of turn!]
Protivn�k se pokusil hr�t, a�koli nen� na tahu!
[Images have different dimensions! May cause a problem.]
Vybran� obr�zky nemaj� odpov�daj�c� velikost!
[GoMoku: "My turn" sound]
Pi�kvorky (vlastn� tah)
[GoMoku: "Opponent's turn" sound]
Pi�kvorky (tah protivn�ka)
[GoMoku: Defeat]
Pi�kvorky (por�ka)
[GoMoku: Victory]
Pi�kvorky (v�t�zstv�)
[GoMoku: "New game" request]
Pi�kvorky (pozv�nka ke h�e)
[GoMoku: Starting new game]
Pi�kvorky (za��tek nov� hry)
[GoMoku: Request was denied]
Pi�kvorky (pozv�nka nep�ijata)
[GoMoku: Not your turn]
Pi�kvorky (na tahu je protivn�k)
[GoMoku: Game's over already]
Pi�kvorky (hra ji� skon�ila)
;(DUP) [Description]
N�zev souboru
[Wait for your opponent]
�ek�n� na tah protivn�ka
[Click to move]
Kliknut�m p�em�st�te
[You have won]
Vyhr�li jste!
[Sorry, You lose]
Prohr�li jste...
[Your request was denied by opponent]
Pozv�nka byla protivn�kem odm�tnuta
[Try to press the button :)]
Zkuste zm��knout tla��tko :)
[*GoMoku* There's someone who wants to play the game with you!]
Hal�! N�kdo by si s v�mi r�d zahr�l hru Pi�kvorky!
[A fatal error has been detected. Try to restart Miranda.]
Z�va�n� chyba. Restartuje pros�m Mirandu.
[Play &GoMoku]
Zahr�t si hru &Pi�kvorky
[GoMoku - Error]
GoMoku - chyba
[Empty place]
Pr�zdn� plocha
[Normal: My chip]
Norm�ln�: Vlastn� zna�ka
[Normal: Opponent's chip]
Norm�ln�: Zna�ka protivn�ka
[Highlighted: My chip]
Zv�razn�n�: Vlastn� zna�ka
[Highlighted: Opponent's chip]
Zv�razn�n�: Zna�ka protivn�ka
;(DUP) [History]
[Do you really want to reset the game statistics?]
Opravdu chcete vymazat tabulku s v�sledky?
;(DUP) [Game]
[Battle-field size]
Velikost hern�ho pole
[Reopen game window to apply the changes.]
Zm�ny se projev� a� po dal��m otev�en� okna.
;(DUP) [Have fun online!]
;(DUP) [Load &skin...]
[Opponent's move is out of a board]
Protivn�k t�hl mimo hern� pole
[Probably the size of opponent's board is not same as yours. Check the game settings]
Velikost hern�ho pole protivn�ka se neshoduje s va��m. Pod�vejte se do nastaven� hry.
[Opponent is thinking]
Protivn�k p�em��l�
[Send a notification, when you are thinking more than]
Poslat upozorn�n�, p�ekro��-li doba pot�ebn� k p�em��len�
[Showing an invitation messages]
Zobrazen� pozv�nek
[as events in the contact list]
Zobrazit jako zpr�vu
[in PopUp windows]
Zobrazit jako ozn�men�
[Resend your move until the reply coming, every]
Do p�ijet� odpov�di odes�lat informaci o tahu ka�d�ch
[Query for continuation of the saved game]
Po��dat o pokra�ov�n� v ulo�en� h�e
[There is an unfinished game. Do you want to continue this set?]
Je�t� jste nedohr�li p�edchoz� hru. Chcete v n� pokra�ovat?

; n�zev dopl�ku

[GoMoku skin file (*.gmk)]
T�ma vzhledu hry Pi�kvorky (*.gmk)


; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Hard disc drive info                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2570

;plugin name
[HDD Info]
Informace o HDD

[HDD Tracking]
Sledov�n� HDD
[HDD Temperature Tracking]
Sledov�n� teploty disk�
[Show standard popup]
Zobrazit ozn�men�
[for all drives]
v�echny disky
[only for]
jen pro �.
[Show warning popup if temperature is higher than]
Zobrazit varov�n�, p�ekro��-li teplota
[Show item in the Main menu]
Zobrazit v hlavn� nab�dce
[Print temperature data to log-file]
Zaznamenat informace o teplot� do souboru
[Add hot key ('Hotkey+' plugin)]
Kl�vesov� zkratka (vy�aduje 'Hotkey+')

Dal�� informace
[Popup customizable by variables]
Text ozn�men�
[Add to variable postfix of unit]
P�idat za prom�nnou jednotky
[Default text]
V�choz� text

[Hotkey is successfully added!]

[HDD &Temperature]
&Teplota HDD
[HDD &Information]
&Informace o HDD

;(LAI) [Debugging]
;(LAI) [Create debug log]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  History Keeper                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://pescuma.mirandaim.ru/miranda/historykeeper
; History Keeper
; Author: Pescuma

;(DUP) [Nickname]
;(DUP) [Status]
;(DUP) [Status Message]
Roz���en� stav
[X-Status Message]
Zpr�va roz���en�ho stavu

; Popups
;(DUP) [Popups]
[%s Change]
;(DUP) [ Tracking ]
[Show when contacts change their %s]
Zobrazit, zm�n�-li kontakt sv�j %s
;(DUP) [Template:]
[Show when contacts remove their %s]
Zobrazit, zru��-li kontakt sv�j %s
;(DUP) [ Colours ]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Use default colours]
;(DUP) [ Delay ]
;(DUP) [From popup plugin]
;(DUP) [Custom]
;(DUP) [Permanent]
;(DUP) [ Actions ]
;(DUP) [On right click:]
;(DUP) [On left click:]
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [Close popup]
[Show history]
Zobrazit historii
;(DUP) [Open message window]
;(DUP) [Preview]

; Speak
;(DUP) [Speak]
;[Announce when contacts change their %s]
;[Announce when contacts remove their %s]

; Options
;(DUP) [History]
;(DUP) [General]
[ Track ]
;(DUP) [Wait]
[s before notifying (to avoid duplications)]
sek. p�ed ozn�men�m (zamez� duplicit�m)
[Don't notify on protocol connection]
Neoznamovat p�ipojen� do s�t�
;(DUP) [ Protocols ]
;(DUP) [Enable tracking for these protocols:]
[ Log to file ]
 Z�znam do souboru 
;(DUP) [Filename:]
[Log when contacts change their %s]
Zaznamenat, zm�n�-li kontakt sv�j %s
[Log when contacts remove their %s]
Zaznamenat, zru��-li kontakt sv�j %s
;(DUP) [Notifications]
;(DUP) [** All contacts **]

; Notifications
[Log to History]
Z�znam do historie
;(DUP) [Log to File]
[Notify using Popups]
Vizu�ln� ozn�men� 
[Notify using Sounds]
Zvukov� ozn�men�
[Notify using Speak plugin]
Hlasov� ozn�men�

; Menus
;[Ignore %s changes]
;[Log %s changes]
;[Don't log %s changes]
;[Notify %s changes]
;[Don't notify %s changes]

; Sounds
[%s change]
;Zm�na � %s
;[%s removal]
;Zm�na � %s

;(DUP) [<empty>]

[History Keeper]
Ud�losti v historii

; ---

[Idle Change]
Zm�na ne�innosti
[Contact Name]
Jm�no kontaktu

; Templates
[removed his/her nickname (was %old%)]
odstranil(a) svoji p�ezd�vku (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% changed his/her client to %new% (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% zm�nil(a) sv�ho klienta na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% changed his/her x-status message to %new% (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% zm�nil(a) svou zpr�vu roz�. stavu na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[removed his/her client (was %old%)]
odstranil(a) sv�ho klienta (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% changed his/her x-status to %new% (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% zm�nil(a) sv�j roz�. stav na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% is now idle]
[%date%] %contact% je nyn� v ne�innosti
[removed his/her x-status message (was %old%)]
odstranil(a) svou zpr�vu roz�. stavu (d��ve %old%)
[changed his/her nickname to %new% (was %old%)]
zm�nil(a) svou p�ezd�vku na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% changed his/her status to %new% (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% zm�nil(a) sv�j stav na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[removed his/her status message (was %old%)]
odstranil(a) svou zpr�vu stavu (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% removed his/her x-status message (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% odstranil(a) svou zpr�vu roz�. stavu (d��ve %old%)
[changed his/her status message to %new% (was %old%)]
zm�nil(a) svou zpr�vu stavu na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% removed his/her nickname (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% odstranil(a) svou p�ezd�vku (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% returned from idle]
[%date%] %contact% se vr�til(a) z ne�innosti
[changed his/her status to %new%: %msg% (was %old%)]
zm�nil(a) sv�j stav na %new%: %msg% (d��ve %old%)
[returned from idle]
se vr�til(a) z ne�innosti
[[%date%] %contact% removed his/her status message (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% odstranil(a) svou zpr�vu stavu (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% removed his/her status (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% odstranil(a) sv�j stav (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% is now listening to %new%]
[%date%] %contact% nyn� poslouch� %new%
[changed his/her x-status message to %new% (was %old%)]
zm�nil(a) svoji zpr�vu roz�. stavu na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[changed his/her client to %new% (was %old%)]
zm�nil(a) sv�ho klienta na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% stopped listening to music]
[%date%] %contact% p�estal(a) poslouchat hudbu
[changed his/her x-status to %new%: %msg% (was %old%)]
zm�nil(a) sv�j roz�. stav na %new%: %msg% (d��ve %old%)
[is now listening to %new%]
nyn� poslouch� %new%
[removed his/her status (was %old%)]
odstranil(a) sv�j stav (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% removed his/her x-status (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% odstranil(a) sv�j roz�. stav (d��ve %old%)
[removed his/her x-status (was %old%)]
odstranil(a) sv�j roz�. stav (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% changed his/her nickname to %new% (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% zm�nil(a) svou p�ezd�vku na %new% (d��ve %old%)
[[%date%] %contact% removed his/her client (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% odstranil(a) sv�ho klienta (d��ve %old%)
[is now idle]
je v ne�innosti
[stopped listening to music]
p�estal(a) poslouchat hudbu
[[%date%] %contact% changed his/her status message to %new% (was %old%)]
[%date%] %contact% zm�nil(a) svou zpr�vu stavu na %new% (d��ve %old%)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  History+                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[History+ [%s]]
History+ [%s]
;system menu
[Change &Font...]
Zm�nit &p�smo...
[History+ Plugin &Info...]
&Informace o dopl�ku History+...
[Export the selected part of the history only?]
Chcete vyexportovat pouze ozna�enou ��st historie?
[If you click "no" the whole history will be exported.]
Odpov�te-li "Ne", bude vyexportov�na cel� historie.
;(DUP) [History for %s]
;(DUP) [Name]
;URL in History
[URL: %s\nDescription: %s]
URL: %s\nPopis: %s
[Authorisation Request by %s (%s%s%d): %s]
��dost o autorizaci: %s (%s%s%d): %s
[You were added by %s (%s%s%d)]
%s (%s%s%d) si v�s za�adil mezi kontakty
[Outgoing file transfer: %s (%s)]
Odes�l�n� souboru: %s (%s)
[Incoming file transfer: %s (%s)]
P��jem souboru: %s (%s)
[View &History+]
Zobrazit &historii+
[&System History]
Historie &syst�mu
;(DUP) [&Delete]
[Save &as...]
&Ulo�it jako...
;(DUP) [&Close]
[Save History]
Ulo�it historii
[Text file (*.txt)|*.txt|HTML file (*.htm)|*.htm;*.html]
textov� soubor (*.txt)|*.txt|HTML soubor (*.htm)|*.htm;*.html
;(DUP) [&Copy]
[Loading full history...]
Na��t�n� kompletn� historie...
[Event Details]
[Event Info]
Informace o ud�losti
;(DUP) [To]
[ICQ #]
[ICQ Server]
ICQ server
[Incoming ]
[Outgoing ]
;(DUP) [File]
[Authorisation request]
��dost o autorizaci
[Your were added message]
Zpr�va o za�azen� mezi kontakty
;(DUP) [URL]
;and finally if not already translated with the convers pluging
Datum a �as

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  History++ (2in1)                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2995

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\CustomizeFiltersForm.dfm
[Customize Filters]
Vlastn� �prava filtr�
[R&eset to Default]
Obnovit v�choz�
[Filter Properties]
Vlastnosti filtru
[Include custom event type (0-65535)]
Zahrnout vlastn� typ ud�losti (0-65535)
[Show only selected events]
Zobrazit pouze vybran� ud�losti
[Show all except selected events]
Zobrazit v�e krom� vybran�ch ud�lost�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\CustomizeFiltersForm.pas
[New Filter #%d]
Nov� filtr #%d
[Incoming & Outgoing]
P��choz� a odchoz�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\CustomizeToolbar.dfm
[Customize Toolbar]
�prava tla��tkov� li�ty
[A&vailable buttons:]
Tla��tka k dispozici:
[Buttons on &toolbar:]
Tla��tka na li�t�:
[&Add >>]
P�idat >>
[<< &Remove]
<< Odebrat

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\CustomizeToolbar.pas
[Event Filters]
Filtry ud�lost�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\EmptyHistoryForm.dfm
[Empty History]
Vymaz�n� historie
[Empty history of subcontacts also]
Odstranit tak� historii podkontaktu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\EmptyHistoryForm.pas
[History of this contact is password protected]
Historie tohoto kontaktu je chr�n�n� heslem
[Do you really want to delete ALL items for this contact?]
Opravdu chcete vymazat V�ECHNY z�znamy u vybran� polo�ky?
[Note: It can take several minutes for large histories]
Upozorn�n�: Tato akce m��e trvat u dlouh� historie i n�kolik minut.

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\EventDetailForm.dfm
[Event Details]
[Prevous message]
P�edchoz� zpr�va
[Next message]
Dal�� zpr�va
[Reply &Quoted]
Odpov�d�t s &citac�
[Event Info]
Informace o ud�losti
[Show sender information]
Zobrazit informaci o odes�lateli
[Show receiver information]
Zobrazit informaci o p��jemci
[Message direction]
Sm�r pos�lan�ch zpr�v
[&Browse Received Files]
&Proch�zet p�ijat� soubory
[&Open file folder]
&Otev��t slo�ku souboru
[&Copy Filename]
&Kop�rovat n�zev souboru
[Open in &new window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in existing window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[&Copy Link]
&Kop�rovat odkaz
[Copy All]
Kop�rovat v�e
[Select &All]
Vybr&at v�e
[Text Formatting]
Form�tov�n� textu
[Send &Message]
Poslat zp&r�vu
[&Reply Quoted]
Odpov�d�t s citac�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\GlobalSearch.dfm
[Global History Search]
Vyhled�v�n� v glob�ln� historii
[Search for]
[Search Protected Contacts]
Vyhled�vat v chr�n�n�ch kontaktech
[Starting up...]
[No items found]
Nic nenalezeno
[No items for your current filter]
Nic nenalezeno va��m aktu�ln�m filtrem
[Full History Log]
�pln� z�znam historie
[Partial History Log]
��ste�n� z�znam historie
[History++ export]
History++ export
[### (generated by history++ plugin)]
### (vygenerovan� pluginem history++)
[<h6>Generated by <b>History++</b> Plugin</h6>]
<h6>Vygenerov�no dopl�kem <b>History++</b></h6>
[Conversation started at %s]
Rozhovor za�al %s
[Clear Search]
Vymazat zadan�
[Advanced Search Options]
Dal�� krit�ria hled�n�
[Search any word]
Hledat jak�koli slovo
[Search all words]
Hledat v�echna slova
[Search exact phrase]
Hledat slovn� spojen�
[Search messages from]
Hledat zpr�vy od
[Limit Search Range]
Omezen� rozsahu vyhled�v�n�
[Advanced search options]
Mo�nosti pokro�il�ho vyhled�v�n�
[Limit search range]
Omezen� rozsahu vyhled�v�n�
[Limit event types]
Omezen� vyhled�van�ch ud�lost�
[Search protected contacts]
Vyhled�vat v chr�n�n�ch kontaktech
[Search messages matched to]
Hledat odpov�daj�c� ud�losti:
[Limit Event Types]
Omezen� vyhled�van�ch ud�lost�
[Sh&ow in context]
Zobrazit v kontextu
[Set &Bookmark]
Vlo�it z�lo�ku
[Speak Message]
P�e��st zpr�vu hlasem
[Copy &Text]
Zkop�rovat &text
[&Save Selected...]
&Ulo�it vybran�...
[Save History]
Ulo�it historii
Vlastn� �prava...
Li�ta tla��tek
[Hide Menu]
Skr�t nab�dku
[&File Actions]
&Souborov� operace

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\GlobalSearch.pas
[%.0n items in %d contacts found. Searched for %.1f sec in %.0n items.]
%.0n v %d kontaktech nalezeno. Vyhled�v�n� v %0n polo�k�ch trvalo %.1f s
[All Results]
V�echny v�sledky
[System History]
Historie syst�mu
[Searching "%s"...]
Hled�n� "%s"...
[Searching... Please wait.]
Hled�n�... pros�m �ekejte
[Preparing search...]
P��prava hled�n�...
[Searching... %.0n items in %d contacts found]
Hled�n�... %.0n polo�ek v %d kontaktech nalezeno
[History is not protected, searching all contacts]
Historie nen� chr�n�n�, prohled�v�m v�echny kontakty
[Searching unprotected contacts only]
Vyhled�v�m pouze v nechr�n�n�ch kontaktech
[Searching all contacts]
Prohled�v�n� v�ech kontakt�
[You have entered the wrong password.]
Zadali jste �patn� heslo.
[History++ Password Protection]
History++: Ochrana heslem
[Wrong password]
Nespr�vn� heslo
[Please wait while closing the window...]
Pros�m po�kejte, okno se zav�r�...
[Partial History [%s] - [%s]]
��ste�n� historie [%s] - [%s]
[Remove &Bookmark]
Odstranit z�lo�ku
[Ready to search]
P�ipraveno k vyhled�v�n�
[Click Search button to start]
Stiskn�te tla��tko Vyhled�v�n�
[From %s]
Od %s
[To %s]
Pro %s
[HotSearch: %s (F3 to find next)]
Vyhled�v�n�: %s (F3 najde dal��)
[You have reached the end of the history.]
U� jste na konci historie.
[Do you want to continue searching at the beginning?]
Chcete za��t hledat od za��tku?
[History++ Search]
History++ hled�n�
[Do you really want to delete selected items (%.0f)?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran� polo�ky? (%.0f)?
[Delete Selected]
Smazat vybran�
[Do you really want to delete selected item?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybranou polo�ku?

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\HistoryForm.dfm
[History is empty]
Historie je pr�zdn�
[No such items]
��dn� takov� polo�ky
[User Details]
Informace o u�ivateli
[User Menu]
U�ivatelsk� menu
[History Actions]
Funkce vyhled�v�n�
[History Search]
Hledat v historii
[You need password to access this history]
Pro p��stup k historii pot�ebujete heslo
[Export as &HTML...]
Exportovat jako &HTML...
[Export as &XML...]
Exportovat jako &XML...
[Export as &RTF...]
Exportovat jako &RTF...
[Export as &mContacts...]
Exportovat jako &mContacts...
[Export as &Text...]
Exportovat jako &text...
[Empty history...]
Odstranit historii...
[Text direction]
Sm�r psan� textu
[Always RTL]
V�dy zprava doleva
[Always LTR]
V�dy zleva doprava
[ANSI Encoding]
[System default codepage]
V�choz� k�dov�n� syst�mu
[Unknown codepage %u]
Nezn�m� k�dov� str�nka %u
[Password protection...]
Chr�nit heslem...
Ulo�it jako...
[Rename &Bookmark]
P�ejmenovat &z�lo�ku

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\HistoryForm.pas
[%.0n items in history]
%.0n polo�ek v historii
[Pseudo-edit mode...]
Re�im pseudo editace...
[Full History [%s] - [%s]]
�pln� historie [%s] - [%s]
[Phrase not found]
V�raz nenalezen
[Continued from the top]
Pokra�ovat odshora
[Continued from the bottom]
Pokra�ovat odspodu
[Search: %s (F3 to find next)]
Hledat: %s (F3 najde dal��)
["%s" not found]
"%s" nenalezeno
[You have entered the wrong password]
Zadali jste nespr�vn� heslo
[%d event]
%d ud�lost
[%0.n events (%s)]
%0.n ud�lost� (%s)

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\HistoryGrid.pas
[Remove Bookmark]
Odstran�n� z�lo�ky
[Set Bookmark]
Vlo�en� z�lo�ky
[Hide headers]
Skryt� z�hlav�
[Show headers]
Zobrazit z�hlav� ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Running version of AniSmiley is not supported]
Va�e verze dopl�ku AniSmiley nen� podporov�na
[Running version of SmileyAdd is not supported]
Va�e verze dopl�ku SmileyAdd nen� podporov�na
[Running version of Emoticons is not supported]
Va�e verze dopl�ku Emoticons nen� podporov�na

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\historypp.dpr
[View &History]
Zobrazit &historii
[&System History]
Historie &syst�mu
[His&tory Search]
Hledat v historii
[&Empty History]
Odstranit historii...
[&Empty System History]
Odstranit historii syst�mu...
[History++ module could not be loaded, richedit 2.0+ module is missing.\nPress OK to continue loading Miranda.]
Dopln�k History++ nelze pou��t, chyb� modul Richedit 2.0 nebo nov�j��.\nPokra�ovat ve spou�t�n� Mirandy lze stiskem tla��tka OK.

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\hpp_contacts.pas
[(Unknown Contact)']
(nezn�m� kontakt)'

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\hpp_eventfilters.pas
[Show all events]
Zobrazit v�echny ud�losti
[Link URLs]
[Status changes]
Zm�ny stavu
[Status message changes]
Zm�ny stavov� zpr�vy
[Nick changes]
Zm�ny p�ezd�vky
[Avatar changes]
Zm�ny avataru
[WATrack notify]
Ozn�men� WATrack
[Voice calls]
[All except changes]
V�echno krom� zm�n
[All except system]
V�echno krom� syst�mov�ch

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\hpp_events.pas
[Incoming events]
P��choz� ud�losti
[Outgoing events]
Odchoz� ud�losti
[File transfer]
P�enos souboru
[System message]
Zpr�va syst�mu
[SMS message]
Zpr�va SMS
[Webpager message]
Zpr�va webpageru
[EMail Express message]
Zpr�va Email Express
[SMTP Simple Email]
Zpr�va SMTP
[Other events (unknown)]
Jin� ud�losti (nezn�m�)
[Voice call]
[URL: %s]
URL: %s
[Outgoing file transfer: %s]
Odchoz� soubory: %s
[Incoming file transfer: %s]
P��choz� soubory: %s
[Authorisation request by %s (%s%d): %s]
��dost o autorizaci od %s (%s%d): %s
[You were added by %s (%s%d)]
%s (%s%d) si v�s p�idal
[Outgoing contacts: %s]
Odchoz� kontakty: %s
[Incoming contacts: %s]
P��choz� kontakty: %s
[Webpager message from %s (%s): %s]
Zpr�va p�es webpager od  %s (%s): %s
[Email express from %s (%s): %s]
Zpr�va p�es Email Express od %s (%s): %s
[Status change: %s]
Zm�na stavu: %s
[Authorization request granted by %s (%d): %s]
��dost o autorizaci schv�lil/a %s (%d): %s
[Authorization request denied by %s (%d): %s]
��dost o autorizaci zam�tl/a %s (%d): %s
[User %s (%d) removed himself from your contact list: %s]
U�ivatel/ka %s (%d) se odstranil/a z va�eho seznamu kontakt�: %s
[Authorization future request by %s (%d): %s]
Po�adavek na autorizaci od %s (%d): %s
[User %s (%d) changed icq client: %s]
U�ivatel %s (%d) zm�nil ICQ klienta na %s
[Status request by %s (%d):%s]
Po�adavek na zji�t�n� stavu od  %s (%d):%s
[Ignored status request by %s (%d):%s]
Ignorovan� po�adavek na zji�t�n� stavu od  %s (%d):%s
[Broadcast message from %s (%s): %s]
Hromadn� zpr�va od %s (%s): %s
[closed chat session]
ukon�il komunikaci
[WATrack: information request]
WATrack: po�adavek na informaci
[Artist: %s\r\nTitle: %s\r\nAlbum: %s]
Interpret: %s\r\nN�zev: %s\r\nAlbum: %s
[WATrack: %s]
WATrack: %s
[WATrack: request denied]
WATrack: po�adavek zam�tnut

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\hpp_externalgrid.pas
[No "%s" items]
��dn� polo�ky "%s"

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\hpp_global.pas
[Simplified Chinese]
��n�tina (zjednodu�en�)
[Traditional Chinese]
��n�tina (tradi�n�)
[Central European]
[Latin I]
[Korean (Johab)]
korej�tina (Johab)

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\hpp_options.pas
[Contact history]
Historie kontaktu
[History search]
Hledat v historii
[Conversation divider]
Odd�lova� konverzace
[Conversation icon]
Ikona konverzace
[Conversation summer]
Konverzace v l�t�
[Conversation autumn]
Konverzace na podzim
[Conversation winter]
Konverzace v zim�
[Conversation spring]
Konverzace na ja�e
[Conversation year]
Konverzace v roce
[In-place filter wait]
�ek�n� filtru
[Search panel]
Panel hled�n�
[Search All Results]
V�echny v�sledky hled�n�
[Save All]
Ulo�it v�e
[Search Up]
Vyhled�vat sm�rem nahoru
[Search Down]
Vyhled�vat sm�rem dol�
[Delete All]
Smazat v�e
[End of page]
Konec str�nky
[Clear in-place filter]
Zru�it filtrov�n�
[Conversation hide]
Skr�t z�hlav�
[Drop down arrow]
�ipka dal�� nab�dky
[Bookmark enabled]
P�idan� z�lo�ka
[Bookmark disabled]
Z�lo�ka je�t� nen�
[Incoming nick]
P��choz� p�ezd�vka
[Outgoing nick]
Odchoz� p�ezd�vka
[Selected text]
Vybran� text
[Selected background]
Vybran� pozad�
[Incoming message]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Outgoing message]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[Incoming file]
P��choz� soubor
[Outgoing file]
Odchoz� soubor
[Incoming url]
P��choz� odkaz
[Outgoing url]
Odchoz� odkaz
[Incoming SMS Message]
P��choz� SMS
[Outgoing SMS Message]
Odchoz� SMS
[Incoming contacts]
Odchoz� kontakty
[Outgoing contacts]
Odchoz� kontakty
[Conversation header]
Z�hlav� konverzace
[Incoming timestamp]
P��choz� �asov� �daj
[Outgoing timestamp]
Odchoz� �asov� �daj
[Grid messages]
Zpr�vy v m��ce
[Grid background]
Pozad� m��ky
[Incoming WATrack notify]
P��choz� ozn�men� WATrack
[Outgoing WATrack notify]
Odchoz� ozn�men� WATrack
[Cannot load icon pack (%s) from:\r\n%s\r\nThis can cause no icons will be shown.]
Nelze na��st knihovnu ikon (%s) z: \r\n%s\r\nNejsp� nebudou ��dn� ikony zobrazeny.
[You are using old icon pack from:\r\n%s\r\nThis can cause missing icons, so update the icon pack.]
Pou��v�te starou knihovnu ikon (%s) z: \r\n%s\r\nN�kter� ikony nebudou nejsp� zobrazeny, doporu�ujeme aktualizaci.

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\hpp_opt_dialog.rc
[Appearance options]
Mo�nosti vzhledu
[Show event icons]
Zobrazit ikony ud�lost�
[Use RTL by default]
Ps�t standardn� zprava doleva
[Open event details by Enter]
Zobrazit dod. informace kl�vesou ENTER
[Show events count in menu]
Zobrazit po�et ud�lost� v nab�dce
[Formatting options]
Mo�nosti form�tov�n�
[Enable BBCodes]
Povolit BBCode
[Enable SmileyAdd support]
Podporovat dopln�k SmileyAdd
[Enable MathModule support]
Podporovat dopln�k MathModule
[Enable raw RTF support]
Povolit RTF form�tov�n�
[Display changed avatars]
Zobrazovat zm�n�n� avatary
[Message log options]
Mo�nosti z�znamu rozhovoru
[Imitate IEView API]
Imitovat IEView API
[Group messages]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Disable border]
Nezobrazovat r�me�ek
[Disable scroll bar]
Vypnout posuvn�k
[History view options]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� historie
[Recent events on top]
Zobrazit nejnov�j�� ud�losti naho�e
[Change appearance]
Zm�na vzhledu
[To change fonts you need to install FontService plugin.]
Zm�na nastaven� p�sem vy�aduje dopln�k FontService.
[FontService is installed. Go to Customize -> Fonts to change settings.]
FontService je nainstalov�n. P�ejd�te do sekce Vlastn� �pravy -> P�sma a barvy.
[Download FontService plugin]
St�hnout dopln�k FontService
[To change icons you need to install IcoLib plugin.]
Zm�na nastaven� ikon vy�aduje dopln�k IcoLib.
[IcoLib is installed. Go to Customize -> Icons to change icons.]
IcoLib je nainstalov�n. P�ejd�te do sekce Vlastn� �pravy -> Ikony.
[Download IcoLib plugin]
St�hnout dopln�k IcoLib
[More info on these plugins]
V�ce informac� o t�chto dopl�c�ch
[Visit Wiki page for more options]
Nav�tivte Wiki str�nku pro v�ce informac�
[Please restart Miranda IM for your changes to take effect.]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\PassCheckForm.dfm
[Password Check]
Ov��en� hesla
[Enter password]
Zadejte heslo
[To access Password Protection options you need to enter password]
Pokra�ovat v nastaven� lze a� po zad�n� hesla

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\PassForm.dfm
[Password Options]
Nastaven� hesla
[Protect all contacts]
Chr�nit v�echny kontakty
[Protect only selected contacts]
Chr�nit jen vybran� kontakty
[&Refresh List]
&Obnovit seznam

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\PassForm.pas
[Password not set]
Bez hesla
[Password set]
Chr�n�no heslem

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\PassNewForm.dfm
[New Password]
Nov� heslo
[Enter new password]
Zadejte nov� heslo
[Leave this fields blank to disable password]
Nezad�te-li ��dn� text, heslo odstran�te.
[Pay attention to CAPS LOCK button state]
Dejte pozor na stav kl�vesy CAPS LOCK.

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\historypp\plugin\PassNewForm.pas
[Password and Confirm fields should be similar]
Text zadan� do pole Heslo a Potvrzen� mus� b�t stejn�

[Search Up (Ctrl+Up)]
Hledat nahoru (Ctrl+�ipka nahoru)
[Search Down (Ctrl+Down)]
Hledat dol� (Ctrl+�ipka dolu)

; History++
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[HTML file]
HTML soubor
[Unicode text file]
Unicode textov� soubor
[RTF file]
RTF soubor
[XML file]
XML soubor
[mContacts files]
soubory mContacts
[Open Link in New &Window]
Otev��t odkaz v no&v�m okn�
[Open &Link]
Otev��t &odkaz
[### (generated by History++ plugin)]
### (generov�no dopl�kem History++)
[Sh&ow in history]
Z&obrazit v historii
[<h6>Generated by <b dir="ltr">History++</b> Plugin</h6>]
<h6>Generov�no dopl�k�m <b dir="ltr">History++</b></h6>
[Events filter]
Filtr ud�lost�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  HistoryStats                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2535

[ (in)]
[ (out)]
;["Split" timeline]
["Split" type]
Druh 'd�li�e'
;(LAI) [#]
;(LAI) [#{amount} #{unit}]
;(LAI) [#{distict_words} distinct]
;(LAI) [#{rank}.]
;(LAI) [#{words} total]
;(LAI) [#{words} total / #{distict_words} distinct]
[(default nick)]
(v�ch. p�ezd�vka)
;(DUP) [** All contacts **]
[...after date (yyyy-mm-dd, empty=no limit)]
... po ur�it�m datu (rrrr-mm-dd; pr�zdn� = bez omezen�)
[...before date (yyyy-mm-dd, empty=no limit)]
... p�ed ur�it�m datem (rrrr-mm-dd; pr�zdn� = bez omezen�)
[...can be output as: ]
... v�stupem m��e b�t: 
[...older than (days, 0=no limit)]
... star�� ne� (dny; 0 = bez omezen�)
[...on Miranda IM's startup]
... b�hem spu�t�n� programu Miranda
[...via button "Create statistics" in options]
... po kliknut� na tla��tko 'Vytvo�it'
[...via Miranda IM's main menu]
... po kliknut� na p��slu�nou polo�ku v hlavn� nab�dce programu
;[...will be output as: ]
;[/Options tree]
;(LAI) [[#{date}] #{amount} #{unit}]
;(LAI) [[#{date}] #{in_amount} (in) / #{out_amount} (out) #{unit}]
;(LAI) [[#{day}] #{amount} #{unit}]
;(LAI) [[#{hour}:00-#{hour}:59] #{amount} #{unit}]
;(LAI) [[#{start_date}-#{end_date}] #{amount} #{unit}]
;(LAI) [[#{start_date}-#{end_date}] #{in_amount} (in) / #{out_amount} (out) #{unit}]
;(LAI) [[First] #{first_time} / [Last] #{last_time}]
;(LAI) [[Min] #{min_dur} / [Avg] #{avg_dur} / [Max] #{max_dur}]
;(LAI) [[Out] #{out_amount} (#{out_ratio}) / [In] #{in_amount} (#{in_ratio})]
;[About sets]
[Add column...]
P�idat sloupec...
;[Add set]
[Additional info in tooltip (depends on type)]
Dal�� informace v tipu (v z�vislosti na druhu)
;[Align on day boundary]
;[Align on week boundary]
[All messages]
V�echny zpr�vy
;[All sets are shared between columns. However, only the checked ones will be applied to the current column. Use the right field to specify words putting every word on a separate line.]
;[Already existing file]
[Always overwrite already existing files (dangerous!)]
V�dy p�epsat existuj�c� soubory (m��e b�t nebezpe�n�!)
;[An internal column configuration error occured. Please contact the author of this plugin.]
[Auto open statistics after being generated...]
Automaticky zobrazit statistiku po vygenerov�n�...
[Automatically get updates of HistoryStats]
Automaticky st�hne novou verzi HistoryStats
;[Available column types:]
[Bar graph for in/out]
Graficky (p��choz�/odchoz� data)
[Bar graph for total chat duration]
Graficky indikovat celkovou d�lku diskuse
[Bar unit]
Jednotka ukazatele
[Bars per graph]
Po�et ukazatel� na graf
[Block unit]
[Blocks per column]
Blok� na sloupec
;[Button (disabled)]
[Bytes (in/out ratio)]
Bajty (pom�r p��choz�/odchoz�)
[Bytes (incoming)]
Bajty (p��choz�)
[Bytes (outgoing)]
Bajty (odchoz�)
[Bytes (total)]
Bajty (celkem)
[Calculate maximum per column (not per graph)]
Vypo��tat maximum na sloupec (ne na graf)
[Calculating totals]
V�po�et celkov�ch v�sledk�
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Chat duration]
D�lka diskuse
[Chat duration (total)]
D�lka diskuse (celkem)
;[Chats (in/out ratio)]
;[Chats (incoming)]
;[Chats (outgoing)]
;[Chats (total)]
;[Checkbox (checked & disabled)]
;[Checkbox (checked)]
;[Checkbox (disabled)]
;[Column holding a graphical overview of your chatting amount split by day of week or by hour of day. Different chatting amount measures are available.]
;[Column holding a graphical overview of your chatting behaviour (out, in, total, in/out ratio) from the first to the last day of your history on an daily basis. Multiple days can be grouped. Different chatting behaviour measures are available.]
;[Column holding a graphical overview of your chatting behaviour (out, in, total, in/out ratio) from the first to the last day of your history. The information is spread along x- and y-axis and the values are encoded as color values. Different chatting behaviour measures are available.]
;[Column holding a list of a specified number of most/least common words or longest words used by you, by your contact, or by both of you.]
;[Column holding event counts for incoming, outgoing or total number of files or URLs.]
;[Column holding in/out statistics for bytes, messages or chats. Allows textual or graphical representation.]
;[Column holding the amount of time you have chatted with the given contact.]
;[Column holding the contact list's group name the contact is in.]
;[Column holding the contact's nick and first/last message time if selected.]
;[Column holding the contact's placing according to your sorting criteria.]
;[Column holding the contact's protocol.]
;[Column holding the number of (distinct) words used by you, by your contact, or by both of you.]
;[Column settings]
[Column setup]
Nastaven� sloupce
[Column specific settings]
Zp�es�uj�c� nastaven� sloupce
;[Combo box]
;[Combo box (disabled)]
[Configure HistoryStats]
Nastavit HistoryStats
[Configure HistoryStats...]
Nastavit HistoryStats...
[Configure... (main menu)]
Nastavit... (hlavn� nab�dka)
[Contact filtering and totals]
Filtrov�n� kontakt� a zobrazen� v�sledk�
;[Contact menu]
[Create statistics]
Generovat statistiku
[Create statistics (main menu)]
Generovat statistiku (hlavn� nab�dka)
[Create statistics (there are warnings)]
Generovat statistiku (s upozorn�n�m)
[Create statistics for meta-contacts and their subcontacts]
Umo��uje generov�n� statistiky pro metakontakty
[Create statistics on Miranda IM's startup]
Generovat statistiku b�hem spu�t�n� programu Miranda
[Created with #{plugin} #{version} on #{date} at #{time}]
Vygenerov�no dopl�kem #{plugin} #{version} dne #{date} v #{time}.
[Creating HTML]
Generov�n� HTML
[Custom (for experts only)]
Vlastn� (pouze pro zku�en�)
[Data source]
Zdroj dat
[Days of week]
Dny v t�dnu
;[Days of week timeline]
[Delete column]
Odstranit sloupec
;[Delete set]
[Detailed description:]
Podrobn� popis:
[Details for every bar (tooltip)]
Podrobnosti ke ka�d�mu ukazateli (tipy)
;[Details for every bar (tooltip) are only available with HTML output.]
[Discard generated]
Zahodit vygenerovan�
;[Distinct word count]
[Distinct words]
Shodn� zapo��tat pouze jednou
[Easily exchange icons in HistoryStats' user interface]
Snadn� z�m�na ikon v u�ivatelsk�m rozhran� HistoryStats
;[Edit control]
;[Edit control (disabled)]
[Enforce PNG output, possibly ignoring some column options]
Pou��t v�hradn� PNG; ignoruje n�kter� nastaven� sloupc�
;[Error while searching for meta-contact's subcontacts. Please contact the author of this plugin.]
[Events to count]
Po�adovan� ud�losti
;[Exclude contacts]
[Exclude from statistics]
Vyjmout ze statistiky
;[Excluded contacts]
[Extract words from]
Extrahovat slova z
[Fall back to HTML output, if column options require HTML output]
Vr�tit zp�t k HTML, pokud to nastaven� sloupc� vy�aduje
;[Fallback to HTML due to setting.]
[Files (incoming)]
Soubory (p��choz�)
[Files (outgoing)]
Soubor (odchoz�)
[Files (total)]
Soubor (celkem)
[Filter messages containing]
Filtrovat zpr�vy obsahuj�c�
[Filter messages ending with]
Filtrovat zpr�vy kon��c�
[Filter messages matching]
Filtrovat zpr�vy odpov�daj�c�
[Filter messages starting with]
Filtrovat zpr�vy za��naj�c�
[Filter URLs/e-mail addresses]
Filtrovat odkazy a e-maily
[Filter words containing]
Filtrovat slova obsahuj�c�
[Filter words ending with]
Filtrovat slova kon��c�
[Filter words matching]
Filtrovat slova odpov�daj�c�
[Filter words starting with]
Filtrovat slova za��naj�c�
[Filter words/messages]
Filtrovat slova a zpr�vy
[Finally sort by]
A nakonec �adit dle
[First sort by]
Nejd��ve �adit dle
[First/last message time (tooltip)]
�as prvn� a posledn� zpr�vy (tipy)
;[Folder (disabled)]
[For this config the selected column...]
T�mto nastaven�m ovlivn�te...
[General column settings]
Obecn� nastaven� sloupce
[Generate PNG files to represent graphics]
Pro grafick� data generovat obr�zky ve form�tu PNG
[Generate statistics in background thread with low priority]
Generovat statistick� data na pozad� s n�zkou prioritou
;[Global settings]
[Graph alignment]
Zarovn�n� grafu
[Hide additional column info...]
Skr�t dodate�n� informace o sloupci...
[History filtering]
Filtrov�n� historie
[History interpretation]
Zp�sob interpretace historie
[History read mode for MetaContacts]
Re�im pr�ce s histori� metakontakt�
Statistika historie
[HistoryStats - Add column]
HistoryStats :: P�idat sloupec
[HistoryStats - Conflicting files]
HistoryStats :: Seznam konflikt�
[HistoryStats - Error]
HistoryStats :: Chyba
[HistoryStats - Filter words/messages]
HistoryStats :: Filtrov�n� slov a zpr�v
[HistoryStats - Plugin/extension info]
HistoryStats :: Informace o dopl�ku
[HistoryStats - Warning]
HistoryStats :: Upozorn�n�
[HistoryStats - Working...]
HistoryStats :: Generov�n�
;[HistoryStats couldn't create a required folder (#{folder}).\r\n\r\nPlease check the output filename and additional output folder you have chosen for correctness. Additionally, please check whether the file, folder, and/or disk is writable.]
;[HistoryStats couldn't open the output file (#{file}) for write access.\r\n\r\nPlease check the output filename you have chosen for correctness. Additionally, please check whether the file, folder, and/or disk is writable.]
;[HistoryStats is already generating statistics. Please wait for the already running process to be finished or cancel it and try again.]
[HistoryStats supports several plugins/extensions. Click to hide info...]
HistoryStats vyu��v� r�zn� dopl�ky a knihovny. Kliknut�m je skryjete...
[HistoryStats supports several plugins/extensions. Click to learn more...]
HistoryStats vyu��v� r�zn� dopl�ky a knihovny. Kliknut�m zobraz�te v�ce informac�...
[Hours of day]
hod. / den
;[Hours of day timeline]
;[HTML as fallback]
[HTML file generation]
Generov�n� HTML
;[HTML output unsupported.]
;[Icons Library Manager]
[Ignore all contacts with protocol...]
Ignorovat kontakty pou��vaj�c� protokol...
[Ignore logged status changes from tabSRMM/Scriver]
Ignorovat zaznamenan� zm�ny stavu (t�k� se dopl�k� tabSRMM a Scriver)
[Ignore messages...]
Ignorovat zpr�vy...
[Ignore words longer than (chars, 0=no limit)]
Ignorovat slova del�� ne� (po�et znak�; 0 = bez omezen�)
[Ignore words shorter than (chars)]
Ignorovat slova krat�� ne� (po�et znak�)
[In/out details (tooltip)]
Zobrazit podrobnosti (tipy)
[Include omitted contacts in totals]
Zahrnout vynechan� kontakty do celkov�ch v�sledk�
[Include totals in statistics]
Zahrnout do statistiky celkov� souhrn v�sledk�
[Include totals of omitted contacts in additional row]
Celkov� po�et vynechan�ch kontakt� p�idat do dal��ho ��dku
;(DUP) [Incoming]
;(DUP) [Incoming files]
;(DUP) [Incoming messages]
;(DUP) [Incoming URLs]
;[Input settings]
;[Installing libpng on your system has the benefit of being able to let HistoryStats write PNG files for the graphs it generates. This can reduce the size of the generated file and improve the rendering speed when viewing your statistics. Additionally, there are columns that are only available with PNG output.\r\n\r\nMost recent systems already have an installation of libpng. Just check if you can enable the PNG output. If not, download and place "libpng13.dll" (see link below, then Current binaries: GnuWin32, download "libpng-x.x.x-bin.zip") and "zlib1.dll" (see links below) in your Miranda IM folder or in its Plugins folder. Having done so and having restarted Miranda IM, you should be able to enable the PNG output option.]
[Least common words]
Nejm�n� pou��van� slova
;(LAI) [libpng|zlib]
[Limit number of contacts in statistics]
Omezit po�et zobrazovan�ch polo�ek
;[Limiting number of contacts]
[Longest words]
Nejdel�� slova
[Merge contacts with same name]
Slou�it kontakty se stejn�m jm�nem
[Merging similar contacts]
Slu�ov�n� podobn�ch kontakt�
[Messages (in/out ratio)]
Zpr�vy (pom�r p��choz�/odchoz�)
[Messages (incoming)]
Zpr�vy (p��choz�)
[Messages (outgoing)]
Zpr�vy (odchoz�)
[Messages (total)]
Zpr�vy (celkem)
[MetaContacts Plugin]
Dopln�k MetaContacts
[Minimum/average/maximum (tooltip)]
Minimum/pr�m�r/maximum (tipy)
;(LAI) [month3:Apr]
;(LAI) [month3:Aug]
;(LAI) [month3:Dec]
;(LAI) [month3:Feb]
;(LAI) [month3:Jan]
;(LAI) [month3:Jul]
;(LAI) [month3:Jun]
;(LAI) [month3:Mar]
;(LAI) [month3:May]
;(LAI) [month3:Nov]
;(LAI) [month3:Oct]
;(LAI) [month3:Sep]
;(LAI) [monthF:April]
;(LAI) [monthF:August]
;(LAI) [monthF:December]
;(LAI) [monthF:February]
;(LAI) [monthF:January]
;(LAI) [monthF:July]
;(LAI) [monthF:June]
;(LAI) [monthF:March]
;(LAI) [monthF:May]
;(LAI) [monthF:November]
;(LAI) [monthF:October]
;(LAI) [monthF:September]
[Most common words]
Nej�ast�ji pou��van� slova
[Move down]
P�esunout dol�
[Move up]
P�esunout nahoru
;[Nothing (column will be skipped)]
[Number of columns to group]
Po�et sloupc� k seskupen�
[Number of contacts in "Top n"]
Po�et kontakt� mezi 'nejlep��mi x'
[Number of days to group]
Po�et dn� k seskupen�
[Number of weeks to group]
Po�et t�dn� k seskupen�
[Number of words]
V�skyt slov
;[Number of words to skip in output]
;(DUP) [OK]
[Omit all contacts not in "Top n"]
Vynechat v�echny, kte�� nejsou mezi 'nejlep��mi x'
[Omitted contacts]
Vynechan� kontakty
[Only merge if contacts are in the same group]
Slou�it pouze kontakty ze stejn� skupiny
[Only use HTML to simulate graphics]
Simulovat grafick� data pomoc� HTML
;(DUP) [Outgoing]
;(DUP) [Outgoing files]
;(DUP) [Outgoing messages]
[Outgoing URLs]
Odchoz� odkazy
[Output additional files to subfolder]
Dodate�n� soubory um�stit do podslo�ky
;[Output file]
[Output files and folders]
V�stupn� soubory a slo�ky
[Output graphical columns as PNG files instead of HTML]
Umo��uje generov�n� obr�zk� nam�sto k�du HTML
[Output header]
V�stupn� hlavi�ka
;[Output settings]
[Overwrite existing]
P�epsat existuj�c�
[Own nick for statistics]
Va�e p�ezd�vka pro ��ely statistiky
[Path to browser (leave blank for system default)]
Cesta k prohl�e�i (pr�zdn� = v�choz� prohl�e�)
[Percentage in bar graph]
Zobrazit v grafu procentu�ln� pom�r
[Plugin/extension name:]
N�zev dopl�ku:
[PNG (partial)]
PNG (��ste�n�)
[PNG, ignoring some sttings]
PNG; ignoruje n�kter� nastaven�
;[Postcollecting column data]
;[Precollecting column data]
[Prefer HTML output over PNG output, if available]
Preferovat HTML p�ed obr�zky ve form�tu PNG
Pod�n� v�sledk�
;[Provided features:]
[Put in Miranda IM's main menu]
P�idat do hlavn� nab�dky programu
[Put menu items into submenu]
Um�stit v�echny polo�ky do podmenu
;[Radio button]
;[Radio button (checked & disabled)]
;[Radio button (checked)]
;[Radio button (disabled)]
[Ratio total/distinct words]
Pom�r v�ech slov k unik�tn�m
[Reading database]
Proch�zen� datab�ze
[Remove contacts with empty history]
Nezahrnovat kontakty bez historie
[Remove contacts with only incoming chats]
Nezahrnovat kontakty, kter� maj� pouze p��choz� zpr�vy
[Remove contacts with only outgoing chats]
Nezahrnovat kontakty, kter� maj� pouze odchoz� zpr�vy
[Remove only if contact never answered]
Nezahrnovat kontakty, od kter�ch nikdy nep�i�la odpov��
[Remove only if you never answered]
Nezahrnovat kontakty, kter�m jste nikdy neodpov�d�li
[Removing contacts]
Odeb�r�n� kontakt�
[Repeat header every n contacts (0=don't repeat)]
Zobrazit hlavi�ku ka�d�ch n kontakt� (0 = vypnout)
;[Set mode:]
;[Set name:]
;[Setting ignored due to PNG output.]
[Show additional column info...]
Zobrazit dodate�n� informace o sloupci...
[Show statistics]
Zobrazit statistiku
;[Show statistics (main menu)]
[Show warnings...]
Zobrazit upozorn�n�...
;[Some files were temporarily stored in another location to avoid overwriting already existing files. If you always want to overwrite existing files there is an option for this.]
[Sorting contacts]
�azen� kontakt�
[Statistics for #{nick}]
Statistika: #{nick}
[Statistics for #{nick} - HistoryStats]
Statistika: #{nick} - HistoryStats
[Strip BBCode tags from messages]
Odstranit ze zpr�v zna�ky BBCode
[Subfolder for additional files]
N�zev podslo�ky pro dodate�n� soubory
;[Substitute variables in output file name and subfolder for additional files]
[Supported plugins/extensions (double-click to learn more):]
Seznam podporovan�ch dopl�k� (v�ce informac� dvoj�m kliknut�m):
[Table header]
Z�hlav� tabulky
[Textual sum for in/out]
Textov� (p��choz�/odchoz� data)
;[The following files could not be written because files with the same names already existed. Please decide whether to overwrite the existing or to discard the generated files.]
;[The following information are only relevant if your already use MetaContacts. In case you do please use version or above.\r\n\r\nHistoryStats perfectly integrates with MetaContacts and is able to collect the data from the meta-contact as well as from the subcontacts. It is able to intelligently merge all subcontacts histories and more. You can configure MetContacts integration in the "Input" options.]
;[The selected set is in use by at least one other column. If you remove it it won't be available to all other columns that use it. Are you sure you want to remove the set?]
;[The statistics can't be found. Either you never created them or the last created statistics were moved to a different location and can't be found anymore.]
[Then sort by]
D�le �adit dle
;[There are some potential conflicts in your settings. However, this is only a warning and can in general be ignored. The details:]
[Time a chat session must last to be counted (seconds)]
Minim�ln� doba trv�n� diskuse k zahrnut� do statistiky (v sek.)
;(DUP) [Time between two chat sessions (seconds)]
[Time of first message to/from contact]
�as prvn� odeslan�/p�ijat� zpr�vy
[Time of last message to/from contact]
�as posledn� odeslan�/p�ijat� zpr�vy
�asov� osa
[Title (default if empty)]
Z�hlav� (pr�zdn� = v�choz�)
[Total word count]
Celkov� po�et slov
[Total words]
Celkov� po�et slov
[Transforming data]
Transformace dat
[Treat meta-contacts and subcontacts as normal contacts]
Pova�ovat meta- a podkontakty za norm�ln� kontakty
;[Unexcluded contacts]
[Units per bar]
Po�et jednotek na ukazatel
[Units per block]
Po�et jednotek na blok
;(LAI) [Updater|Updater (Unicode)]
;(DUP) [URLs]
[URLs (incoming)]
URL (p��choz�)
[URLs (outgoing)]
URL (odchoz�)
[URLs (total)]
URL (celkem)
[Use meta-contact's history and its subcontacts' histories]
Pou��t historii metakontaktu a p��slu�n�ch podkontakt�
[Use only meta-contact's history]
Pou��t pouze historii metakontaktu
[Use only subcontacts' histories (for one meta-contact)]
Pou��t pouze historii p��slu�n�ch podkontakt� (plat� pro jeden metakontakt)
;[Use this plugin if you'd like to be automatically notified when a new version of HistoryStats is published. This plugin can install the updated version, too. As always, be sure to use a recent version though this shouldn't be a big problem with this plugin.]
;[Use this plugin if you'd like to customize most of the icons HistoryStats' user interface. Please be sure to use version or above. Otherwise HistoryStats won't show up in IcoLib's options.]
;(LAI) [wday2:Fr]
;(LAI) [wday2:Mo]
;(LAI) [wday2:Sa]
;(LAI) [wday2:Su]
;(LAI) [wday2:Th]
;(LAI) [wday2:Tu]
;(LAI) [wday2:We]
;(LAI) [wday3:Fri]
;(LAI) [wday3:Mon]
;(LAI) [wday3:Sat]
;(LAI) [wday3:Sun]
;(LAI) [wday3:Thu]
;(LAI) [wday3:Tue]
;(LAI) [wday3:Wed]
;(LAI) [wdayF:Friday]
;(LAI) [wdayF:Monday]
;(LAI) [wdayF:Saturday]
;(LAI) [wdayF:Sunday]
;(LAI) [wdayF:Thursday]
;(LAI) [wdayF:Tuesday]
;(LAI) [wdayF:Wednesday]
[Word count]
Po�et slov
[Word count for each word (tooltip)]
Po�et v�skyt� dan�ho slova (tipy)
[Word count type]
Druh v�sledn�ho po�tu slov
[Word delimiting characters]
Znaky odd�luj�c� slova
[Words type]
Druh slov
[Writing omitted contacts]
Ukl�d�n� vynechan�ch kontakt�
[Writing totals]
Ukl�d�n� celkov�ch v�sledk�
;[You can't access the options of HistoryStats as long as the stand-alone configuration dialog of HistoryStats is open. Please close the stand-alone dialog before opening the options dialog of Miranda IM to see the options of HistoryStats here.\r\n\r\nNote that the options offered by both dialogs are the same.]
;[You can't access the stand-alone configuration dialog of HistoryStats as long as the options dialog of Miranda IM is open. Please close the options dialog and try again.\r\n\r\nNote that the options offered by both dialogs are the same.]
;[You have unsaved settings. Do you want to save before running HistoryStats?]
[Display as]
Zobrazit jako
[Units per day]
Po�et jednotek na den
[Units per week]
Po�et jednotek na t�den
[Units per month (30 days)]
Po�et jednotek na m�s�c (30 dn�)
[In/out graph]
Graf (p��choz�/odchoz� data)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  History Sweeper                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

;Name of plugin, message box caption, ...
[History Sweeper]
�isti� historie

;Questions and notifications
[Sweep history messages?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit historii?
[Sweep system history?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit historii syst�mu?
[Sweep whole history?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit CELOU historii?
[Sweep history from selected contacts?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit historii vybran�ch kontakt�?

;Contact menu item
;(FIX) Sweep history [%d]
[Sweep history [%d]]
Odstranit historii [%d]

;Main menu & options items
[Sweep system history]
Odstranit historii syst�mu
[Sweep whole history]
Odstranit celou historii
[Sweep history from selected contacts]
Odstranit historii vybran�ch kontakt�

;Options page items
[Sweep history for this contacts:]
Odstranit historii vybran�m kontakt�m:
;(FIX) [Sweep history at Miranda IM startup]
[Sweep history at Miranda startup]
P�i spu�t�n� odstranit historii
;(FIX) [Sweep history at Miranda IM shutdown]
[Sweep history at Miranda shutdown]
P�ed ukon�en�m odstranit historii
[Put an item in the main menu*]
P�idat polo�ku do hlavn�ho menu *
[Put an item in the contact menu*]
P�idat polo�ku menu kontakt�m *
[Main menu action:]
Polo�ky hlavn�ho menu:
[At Startup/Shutdown:]
P�i spu�t�n� a ukon�en�:
[Use UNSAFE mode (sweep fastest as possible, but dangerous for DB)]
Pou��t ZRYCHLEN� maz�n� (v n�kter�ch p��padech m��e m�t ne��douc� ��inky)
[* Note: Miranda IM will have to be restarted for changes to take effect.]
* Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.

;Time intervals
[All events]
V�echny polo�ky
[Older than 1 Day]
Star�� ne� 1 den
[Older than 3 Days]
Star�� ne� 3 dny
[Older than 7 Days]
Star�� ne� 1 t�den
[Older than 2 Weeks (14 days)]
Star�� ne� 2 t�dny (14 dn�)
[Older than 1 Month (30 days)]
Star�� ne� 1 m�s�c (30 dn�)
[Older than 3 Months (90 days)]
Star�� ne� 3 m�s�ce (90 dn�)
[Older than 6 Months (180 days)]
Star�� ne� 6 m�s�c� (180 dn�)
[Older than 1 Year (364 days)]
Star�� ne� 1 rok (364 dn�)

[*** System History ***]
*** historie syst�mu ***
[Perform custom action on entry/exit]
Prov�st p�eddefinovanou akci
[Do not preserve any history]
Neukl�dat historii
[Custom Action:]
P�eddefinovan� akce:
[Sweep on closing message window]
Vymazat po zav�en� komunika�n�ho okna
[Change History Policy]
Zm�nit zp�sob ukl�d�n� historie

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  History viewer                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Mareman <Mareman (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=529

; Historyviewer Plugin 
[Message history [%s]]
Historie zpr�v
[&Search... ]
[last 100]
jen 100
[last 200]
jen 200
[last 500]
jen 500
;(DUP) [Close]
;(DUP) [&Copy]
;(DUP) [Co&py All]
[Copy to msg]
Zkop�rovat do zpr�vy
;(DUP) [Select &All]
;(DUP) [Delete]
[Find what:]
[Whole word]
Pouze cel� slova
[Case sensitive]
Rozli�ovat mal� a VELK�
;(DUP) [&Find Next]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Display items]
Zobrazen� polo�ek
[Show date/time]
Zobrazit datum a �as
;(DUP) [Show names]
[Display messages]
Zobrazen� zpr�v
[Reverse order (last event on top)]
Obr�tit po�ad�
[Limit number of messages at startup]
Limit na�ten� zpr�v po spu�t�n�
[Use plain fonts and colors]
Pou��t z�kladn� p�sma a barvy
;(DUP) [Other]
[Remember window position and size for each contact]
Pamatovat pozici okna pro ka�d� kontakt
[Show loading progress indicator]
Uk�zat indik�tor pr�b�hu na�ten�
[Left align message 'body']
Zarovnat t�la zpr�v vlevo
[Use SmileyAdd to replace smileys]
Pou��t dopln�k SmileyAdd
[Use Textformat to add formatting]
Pou��t dopln�k TextFormat

[History Viewer (History#)]
Historie (History Viewer)

[Authorization request by (%s) (%d)]
��dost o autorizaci: %s (%d)

; Description
[Replaces the standard history viewer]
Nahrazuje standardn� (v�choz�) prohl�e� historie.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  HostFile                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Martin Kon��ek <konicekmartin (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

;----Menu Item
[Host &File]
Sd�let &soubor

;----(M)\Services  menu item
[Enable HostFile HTTP Server]
Povolit sd�len� soubor� p�es HTTP
[Disable HostFile HTTP Server]
Zak�zat sd�len� soubor� p�es HTTP

[HTTP file publishing]
Publikov�n� soubor� p�es HTTP
[HTTP Server folder]
Slo�ka serveru HTTP
[Run server on port:]
Port slu�by HTTP:
;-keep spaces bellow
[Manual IP selection]
Ru�n� v�b�r IP adresy
[select Connection]
V�b�r p�ipojen�
[set fixed IP]
Nastavit vlastn� IP
[URL substitution (i.e. http://myserver.org:2222/my_directory/)]
Nahrazov�n� URL (nap�. http://mujserver.cz:2222/moje_slozka/)
[Show Enable/Disable Server item in (M) menu]
Zobrazovat polo�ku Aktivovat/Deaktivovat server v menu
[Start server when "HostFile" clicked in contact menu]
Spustit server po prvn�m pou�it� sd�len� soubor�
[Enable HTTP Server]
Aktivovat HTTP server
[Disable HTTP Server]
Deaktivovat HTTP server
;-status report line "HTTP Server: running on "+ "port"
[HTTP Server:]
HTTP server:
[running on]
spu�t�n na

[Services ]
[HTTP Server root path]
Ko�enov� adres�� HTTP serveru
[Host File]
Sd�len� po HTTP

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  HotKeys Plus                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2932

;(DUP) [Service]
;(DUP) [Description]
[1st argument]
1. argument
[Hotkey item #%d]
Kl�vesov� zkratka �.%d
[For Win9x use other plugin version.]
Tato verze dopl�ku Hotkeys+ nen� ur�ena pro Windows 9x.
[Win9x plugin version can work incorrect on newer Windows versions!\nUse Win2k/XP version instead.]
Tato verze dopl�ku Hotkeys+ je ur�ena pro zastaral�\nWindows �ady 9x. Nainstalujte si odpov�daj�c� verzi\npro Window 2000 nebo nov�j��.
;(DUP) [System]
;(DUP) [Miranda]
[2nd argument]
2. argument
[You should select any item!]
Vyberte pros�m po�adovanou polo�ku.
;(DUP) [List]
;(DUP) [Edit]
;(DUP) [Protocols]
;(DUP) [Menus]
;(DUP) [Status]
[Use \"Add hotkey\" item in Contact Menu]
Nab�dka 'P�idat kl�vesovou zkratku'
Roz���en� stav
[Do something]
<bez popisu>
;(DUP) [Custom]

[Service with such name is not registered within Miranda IM workspace!]
Slu�ba s t�mto n�zvem nen� v r�mci programu Miranda IM zaregistrov�na!
[Show Miranda About Window]
Zobrazit informace o programu Miranda
[Key pressing]
Stisknut� kl�vesy
[Add hotkey]
P�idat kl�vesovou zkratku
;[Single hotkey can be associated with more than one function.\nPrevious hotkey for this item - [%s] - was bound with %d items except this.\n\nPress \"Yes\" to change hotkeys also for other items that have [%s] as hotkey.\nPress \"No\" to change hotkey only for current item.]
[This hotkey already in use!\nChoose any other one.]
Zadan� kl�vesov� zkratka je ji� pou�it�.\nDefinujte pros�m jinou.
[Fill the service line!]
Zadejte n�zev po�adovan� slu�by.
[The service line is empty!]
Definujte n�zev po�adovan� slu�by.
[Start the service \'%s\']
Spustit slu�bu \'%s\'
[You're trying to add the item equal to already existed!]
Tato polo�ka ji� existuje.
;[You have added the hotkey to the hotkey group]
[You have not closed any conversation window\nafter Miranda was started.]
Dosud jste je�t� nezav�eli ani jedno konverza�n� okno.
;[Show menu\nto select item from the list\nof predefined services\nor to enter custom data\nShortcut: [Menu], [Right Click]]
[Add new hotkey]
P�idat kl�vesovou zkratku
[Invoke dialog with possibility to change\nservice name, hotkey description,\nkeys' combination and other data\nShortcut: [Double Click]]
�prava vybran� polo�ky, tj. n�zvu\nslu�by, popisu, kl�vesov� zkratky\na jin�ch.\nAktivace: [dvoj� kliknut� my��]
[Edit selected item in the list]
Upravit vybranou polo�ku
[After the pressing \'Apply\' button,\nthe hotkey will be removed\nfrom the processing procedure\nShortcut: [Del]]
Odstran�n� vybran� polo�ky. Akci\ndokon��te a� potvrzen�m pomoc�\ntla��tka \'Pou��t\'.\nKl�vesov� zkratka: [Del]
[Delete selected item in the list]
Odstranit vybranou polo�ku
[So you can see what do the service\nShortcut: [Backspace]]
Umo�n� vyzkou�en� vybran� slu�by.\nKl�vesov� zkratka: [Backspace]
[Run selected item in the list]
Spustit vybranou polo�ku seznamu
;[For functions having character string as second argument:\nstatus message, URL, words to paste.\nIf function does not support text parameters,\nthe text just will be not saved.]
[You can input text here...]
Zde zadejte po�adovan� text...

; Resource.rc

Kl�vesov� zkratky+
;(DUP) [Run]
;(DUP) [Edit]
[Associated key]
P�i�azen� kl�vesa
[Remove items with unexisting services]
Odebrat polo�ky neexistuj�c�ch slu�eb
[Set hot key]
Nastavit kl�vesovou zkratku
[Allow multiple services on single hotkey]
Povolit v�ce funkc� pro jednu kl�vesovou zkratku
[Remove same items]
Odebrat duplicitn� polo�ky
[Disable items]
Vypnout odpov�daj�c� polo�ky
[Drop repeated hotkeys]
Zru�it shodn� kl�vesov� zkratky
[In private chat only]
Pouze p�i soukrom�m rozhovoru
[Enable Contact Menu item]
P�idat polo�ku do nab�dky kontaktu
[<< List]
<< seznam
;(DUP) [Perform]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [Add...]
;(FIX) [Add custom...]
[&Add custom...]
P�id&at vlastn�...
;(DUP) [Hotkey]
;(DUP) [Group]
[Variable name for selected text]
N�zev prom�nn� pro vybran� text
Plat� v r�mci
[Items associated with the same hotkey]
Polo�ky se stejnou kl�vesovou zkratkou
[Sounds of Typing]
Zvuk p�i psan� zpr�vy
;(DUP) [Properties]

[Show Miranda Support page]
P�ej�t na f�rum projektu Miranda
[Show System History]
Zobrazit historii syst�mu
[Start VersionInfo]
Spustit dopln�k VersionInfo
[Show user info window]
Zobrazit okno 'Informace o kontaktu'
[Open 'Find User' dialog]
Otev��t okno 'Vyhledat kontakty'
[Open Options]
Otev��t okno 'Mo�nosti programu'
[Activate Contact List]
Aktivovat seznam kontakt�
[Show or hide Contact List]
Zobrazit nebo skr�t seznam kontakt�
[Open site]
Otev��t str�nku
[Paste text]
Vlo�it text
[Report a bug]
Nahl�sit chybu
[Show last closed conversation window]
Otev��t naposledy pou�it� konverza�n� okno
[Go to Miranda web-site]
P�ej�t na str�nky projektu Miranda
[Show window 'About Miranda IM']
Zobrazit okno 'O programu'

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  IAX                                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3198

; S�t� / IAX / Nastaven�
[*Source port:]
*Zdroj. port:
[Caller ID]
[Mic boost]
Zes�lit mikrofon
[Call Window]
Okno pro vol�n�
[Popup on incoming call]
Ozn�mit p��choz� hovor
[Popup on outgoing call]
Ozn�mit odchoz� hovor

; S�t� / IAX / Kodeky
[(*Changes will take effect after restart)]
* Pozn�mka: Zm�na polo�ky vy�aduje restart.
[Changes will take effect after restart]
* Pozn�mka: Ve�ker� zm�ny vy�aduj� restart.

; nab�dka
[Answer Call]
Zvednout telefon
[Dial Number]
Vyto�it ��slo

; Okno pro vol�n�
[Hang Up]

; Vlastn� �pravy / Zvuky
[Key Press]
Stisk kl�vesy
[Ring (Inbound)]
Vyzv�n�n� (p��choz�)
[Ring (Outbound)]
Vyzv�n�n� (odchoz�)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ICQOscarJ Protocol                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; fam_04message.c
[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x02]
Pos�l�te zpr�vy p��li� rychle. Po�kejte chv�li a zkuste znovu.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Chyba x02
[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x03]
Pos�l�te zpr�vy p��li� rychle. Po�kejte chv�li a zkuste znovu.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Chyba x03
[The user has logged off. Select 'Retry' to send an offline message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x04]
U�ivatel se odhl�sil. Pou�ijte 'Znovu' k odesl�n� zpr�vy offline.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Chyba x04
[The receiving client does not support this type of message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x09]
Klientsk� software p��jemce nepodporuje tento druh zpr�vy.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Chyba x09
[You sent too long message. The receiving client does not support it.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0A]
P��li� dlouh� zpr�va. Klientsk� software p��jemce nepodporuje takto dlouh� zpr�vy.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Chyba x0A
;(LAI) [The SNAC format was rejected by the server.\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0E]
[The user is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x13]
U�ivatel nen� moment�ln� k zasti�en�. Po�kejte chv�li a zkuste znovu.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Chyba x13
;(LAI) [SNAC(4.1) SENDMSG Error (x%02x)]
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was invalid.]
** Tato zpr�va byla zablokov�na serverem ICQ ** Neplatn� typ zpr�vy.
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was too long.]
** Tato zpr�va byla zablokov�na serverem ICQ ** Zpr�va je p��li� dlouh�.
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The sender has flooded the server.]
** Tato zpr�va byla zablokov�na serverem ICQ ** Odes�latel zahltil server.
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** You are too evil.]
** Tato zpr�va byla zablokov�na serverem ICQ ** Co to vlastn� d�l�te?
[%s has closed the message window.]
%s zav�el komunika�n� okno.
; icq_filerequests.c
[No description given]
Bez popisu

; icq_uploadui.c
;(DUP) [** All contacts **]

; icq_xstatus.c
[%s Custom Status]
%s (roz���en� stav)

; icqosc_svcs.c
[User ID]
[The receiver has an invalid user ID.]
��slo p��jemce je neplatn�.
[You cannot send messages when you are offline.]
Ve stavu offline nelze odes�lat zpr�vy.
[Messages to offline contacts must be shorter than 450 characters.]
Zpr�vy pro u�ivatele ve stavu offline mohou m�t maxim�ln� 450 znak�.
[Bad data (internal error #1)]
Neplatn� data (intern� chyba #1)
[Bad data (internal error #2)]
Neplatn� data (intern� chyba #2)
[%d Files]
%d soubory

; init.c
;(DUP) [%s server connection]
;(DUP) [%s client-to-client connections]
[Request authorization]
Po��dat o autorizaci
[Grant authorization]
Ud�lit autorizaci
[Revoke authorization]
Odvolat autorizaci
[Add to server list]
P�idat do seznamu na serveru
[Show custom status details]
Zobrazit roz���en� stav

; utilities.c

; resources.rc
[Create new account]
Z��dit nov� ��et
[Remember this session password]
Zapamatovat heslo t�to relace
[Retrieve a lost password or ICQ number]
Z�skat zp�t ztracen� heslo nebo ��slo (UIN)
[Create a new ICQ account using the ICQ website]
Z��dit nov� ��et prost�ednictv�m domovsk� str�nky ICQ
[Secure (MD5) login]
Zabezpe�it p�ihl�en� (MD5)
[Send 'Keep-alives' (enable this if you use a proxy server and frequently get disconnected)]
Udr�ovat spojen� (pom�h� p�i p�ipojen� p�es proxy server a �ast�m odpojov�n�)
[Ignore concurrent error messages]
Ignorovat soub�n� chybov� hl�en�
[Enable server-side contact lists *]
Povolit ukl�d�n� seznamu kontakt� na server *
[Add contacts to the server's list when I add them to mine]
Aktualizovat seznam kontakt� na serveru po p�id�n� nov�ch do lok�ln�ho seznamu
[Update my contacts' details from the server *]
Aktualizovat lok�ln� informace o kontaktech podle �daj� na serveru *
[Update contacts' details on the server's list when I change them in mine]
Aktualizovat informace o kontaktech na serveru dle zm�n v lok�ln�m seznamu
[Enable avatar support]
Aktivovat podporu avatar�
[Load avatars automatically (like ICQ Lite)]
Na��st obr�zky avatar� automaticky (jako ICQ Lite)
[Link avatars as contact photos (mToolTip photos)]
Pou��t avatary jako fotografie (foto v mToolTip)
[Enable unicode messaging support]
Aktivovat podporu pro zpr�vy ve form�tu Unicode
[Send all messages in unicode if possible]
Odes�lat zpr�vy ve form�tu Unicode (pokud to jde)
[Make me temporarily visible to contacts I send message to]
Do�asn� se zviditelnit osob�m, kter�m p�ete zpr�vu
[Notify me when a message delivery has failed (recommended)]
Upozornit p�i nedoru�en� odeslan� zpr�vy (doporu�eno)
[Use only server's acknowledgement (faster)]
Potvrdit doru�en� pouze serverem (rychlej��)
[Enable peer-to-peer message connections]
Povolit p��m� spojen� p�i psan� zpr�vy
[Passive mode, i.e. do not initiate new connections]
Pou��t pasivn� re�im (= neiniciovat nov� spojen�)
[Enable Custom status support]
Povolit definov�n� roz���en�ho stavu
[Reset Custom status on status change]
Po zm�n� vr�tit v�choz� roz���en� stav
[Auto-retrieve Custom status details]
Automaticky zjistit roz���en� stav
[Block known Spam Bots]
Blokovat zn�m� spamovac� roboty
[Enable AIM support]
Aktivovat podporu protokolu AIM
[Allow direct connections with any user]
Povolit p��m� spojen� s k�mkoli
[Allow direct connections with users on my contact list]
Povolit p��m� spojen� se v�emi v seznamu kontakt�
[Allow direct connections only when I authorize or initiate them]
Povolit p��m� spojen� pouze autorizovan�m nebo vlastn�m zpr�v�m
[All users may add me to their Contact List]
Kdokoli si m� m��e p�idat mezi sv� kontakty
[I want to be asked when someone wants to add me to their Contact List]
Zeptat se v p��pad�, �e si m� chce n�kdo p�idat mezi sv� kontakty
[Allow others to view my Online / Offline status from the web (Web Aware)]
Povolit v�em zji�t�n� aktu�ln�ho stavu z webu (online/offline, funkce Web Aware)
[Allow others to view my primary e-mail address]
Povolit v�em zji�t�n� prim�rn� elektronick� adresy
[Only reply to status message requests from users on my contact list]
Zji�t�n� stavov� zpr�vy povolit pouze lidem v seznamu kontakt�
[Only reply to status message request from visible contacts]
Z v��e uveden�ch pouze t�m, kte�� jsou moment�ln� viditeln�
[Enable popup support]
Povolit ozn�men�
;(DUP) [Display errors using popups]
[Display popup when spambot is detected]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i detekci spamu
[&Use Windows colors]
Po&u��t barvy Windows
[Use system &icons]
Pou��t &ikony syst�mu
[Search online users only]
Hledat pouze mezi u�ivateli online
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [&Send]
;(DUP) [Previe&w]
;(DUP) [Closing in %d]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [&Cancel]
[Manage server's list...]
Kontakty na serveru...
;(DUP) [Set]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [&Save changes]
[Please enter your ICQ account details to continue:]
Zadejte �daje pot�ebn� pro p�ihl�en� k serveru ICQ:
[ICQ number:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
[Enter a password for UIN %d:]
Zadejte heslo pro UIN %d:
[Hint: If you don't enter your password here, Miranda will ask for the password everytime you try to go online.]
Tip: Pokud nezad�te heslo, Miranda v�s o n�j bude ��dat p�i ka�d�m p�ipojen� k s�ti ICQ.
[Login Server:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
[Hint: Use port 0 to connect on a random port. Try port 80 or port 443 if you are having problems connecting through a http proxy server.]
Tip: Zad�n�m 0 nastav�te n�hodn� vyb�r portu. M�te-li probl�my s p�ipojen�m p�es http proxy server, vyzkou�ejte porty 80 nebo 443.
[Show connection error messages:]
Chybov� hl�en� t�kaj�c� se spojen�:
[You will need to reconnect to the ICQ network for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.]
Zm�ny se projev� a� p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� do s�t� ICQ.
[You cannot enable/disable the server-side contact list while you are connected to the ICQ network.]
Funkci ukl�d�n� kontakt� na serveru lze aktivovat nebo deaktivovat pouze po odpojen� ze s�t� ICQ.
[Note: The support is VERY limited, only messaging and status supported.]
Pozn�mka: Tato funkce nen� dod�lan�, zat�m lze pouze ps�t zpr�vy a m�nit stav.
[Allowing direct connections will expose your IP address but may be necessary for some ICQ features to work properly.]
Povolen� p��m�ho spojen� je pot�ebn� pro n�kter� z funkc� ICQ, ale z�rove� p�edstavuje ur�it� probl�m, proto�e t�m umo�n�te ostatn�m zjistit va�i IP adresu.
[Back Color]
Barva pozad�
[Text Color]
Barva textu
;(DUP) [Timeout (*)]
;(DUP) [Note]
;(DUP) [Warning]
;(DUP) [Error]
Z�va�n� chyba
[Spam detected]
Detekce spamu
;(DUP) [(*) Timeouts require Popup v. or later]
[External IP:]
Extern� IP:
[Internal IP:]
Intern� IP:
[Protocol Version:]
Verze protokolu:
[User Client:]
[Online since:]
Online od:
[System up since:]
Syst�m b�� od:
[Idle since:]
Neaktivn� od:
;(DUP) [Status:]
;(DUP) [Nickname:]
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
;(DUP) [Age:]
[Marital status:]
Rodinn� stav:
Kl��. slova:
;(DUP) [Occupation:]
;(DUP) [Company:]
;(DUP) [Department:]
;(DUP) [Position:]
;(DUP) [Country:]
;(DUP) [State:]
;(DUP) [City:]
Dom. str�nka
[Note: Only JPGs and GIFs\nImage size max 64x64\nFile size max 6kB]
Pozn.: Pouze JPEG nebo GIF\nMax. velikost obr�zku: 64x64\nMax. velikost souboru: 6 kB
[Select contacts to store:]
Vyberte kontakty k ulo�en�:
;(DUP) [Title:]
;(DUP) [Message:]
[Please re-type your new password:]
Zadejte pros�m nov� heslo znovu:
[Enter your current password:]
Zadejte pros�m sv� heslo:
[Use this codepage for Ansi <-> Unicode translation :]
Definice k�dov�n� pro p�evod znak� z a do Unicode:
[Connection settings]
Mo�nosti p�ipojen�
[ICQ contacts stored on server]
Kontakty ulo�en� na serveru ICQ
[ICQ avatars]
Obr�zky avatar�
;(DUP) [Messaging]
[Peer-to-peer Messaging]
Rozhovor (p��m� spojen� mezi klienty)
[Extra Features]
Dal�� mo�nosti
[Direct connections]
P��m� spojen�
[Contact List Authorization]
Autorizace kontakt�
[Misc Settings]
Ostatn� nastaven�
;(DUP) [Options]
[Look && Feel]
;(DUP) [Summary]
;(DUP) [Work]
;(DUP) [Location]
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Other]
[ICQ Account Setup]
Z��zen� nov�ho ��tu (ICQ)
[Enter an authorization request]
Napi�te ��dost o autorizaci
[Enter ICQ Password]
Zadejte heslo pro ICQ
[Manage ICQ Server Contacts]
Spr�va kontakt� na ICQ serveru
[Confirm Password Change]
Potvrdit zm�nu hesla

; N�zev dopl�ku
[ICQOscarJ Protocol]
Protokol ICQ (OscarJ)

[Celebrity Fans]
[Culture & Literature]
Kultura a literatura
P��e o zdrav�
;(DUP) [ICQ - Providing Help]
�ivotn� styl
Filmy a televize
[Outdoor Activities]
V�lety, turistika
V�da a technologie
[Web Design]
N�vrh webov�ch str�nek
[Nature and Environment]
P��roda a �ivotn� prost�ed�
[News & Media]
Noviny a �asopisy
;(DUP) [Government]
[Business & Economy]
Obchod a ekonomika
[Social science]
Soci�ln� v�dy
[Finance and corporate]
Finan�nictv� a obchod
[Consumer electronics]
Spot�ebn� elektronika
[Retail stores]
Obchodn� �et�zce
[Health and beauty]
Zdrav� a kr�sa
[Household products]
Pot�eby pro dom�cnost
[Mail order catalog]
Objedn�vkov� katalogy
[Business services]
Slu�by pro podnik�n�
[Audio and visual]
Audio a video
[Sporting and athletic]
[Home automation]
Pomocn�ci v dom�cnosti
[Elementary School]
Z�kladn� �kola
[High School]
St�edn� �kola
Vysok� �kola
Vojensk� slu�ba
[Past Work Place]
D��v�j�� zam�stn�n�
[Past Organization]
P�edchoz� organizace
Um�n� a z�bava
[College Student]
�kola (V�)
;(DUP) [Computers]
[Community & Social]
[Financial Services]
Pen�n� slu�by
St�tn� spr�va
[High School Student]
�kola (S�)
[ICQ - Providing Help]
Pomoc u�ivatel�m ICQ
[Alumni Org.]
[Charity Org.]
[Club/Social Org.]
[Community Org.]
[Cultural Org.]
[Fan Clubs]
[Hobbyists Org.]
[International Org.]
[Nature and Environment Org.]
ochrana p��rody
[Professional Org.]
[Scientific/Technical Org.]
[Self Improvement Group]
[Spiritual/Religious Org.]
duchovn� a n�bo�ensk�
[Sports Org.]
[Support Org.]
[Trade and Business Org.]
[Volunteer Org.]
p�es �edes�t
50t� l�ta
60t� l�ta
70t� l�ta
80t� l�ta
[Non-Government Organization]
Nest�tn� organizace
Profesn� organizace
V d�chodu
[Science & Research]
V�da a v�zkum
Technick� obor
[University Student]
�kola (V�)
[Web building]
Tvorba webov�ch str�nek
[Other services]
Ostatn� slu�by
[Close relationships]
ve spole�n� dom�cnosti

; ICQ OscarJ
[Note: The options marked with an asterisk have important side-effects or caveats that may not be initially apparent documented in the help.]
Pozn�mka: Mo�nosti ozna�en� hv�zdi�kou nemus� fungovat stoprocentn� a autor nenese ��dnou odpov�dnost za p��padn� �kody.
[Taking a bath]
koupu se
na p�rty
[Drinking beer]
na pivku
[Watching TV]
kouk�m na TV
na sch�zce
d�v�m si kafe
[Listening to music]
Poslouch�m hudbu
Za obchodem
[Having fun]
bav�m se
;(DUP) [On the phone]
hraju hry
u��m se
[Feeling sick]
nen� mi dob�e
brouzd�m po netu
[I'm high]
jsem zhulen�
[On WC]
jsem na WC
[To be or not to be]
b�t �i neb�t?
[Watching pro7 on TV]
kouk�m na pro7

; init.c
[Request authorisation]
Po��dat o autorizaci
[Grant authorisation]
Ud�lit autorizaci
[Revoke authorisation]
Odvolat autorizaci

; icq_opts.c
[System default codepage]
V�choz� k�dov�n� syst�mu

; dlgproc.c
[<unremovable once applied>]
<po zad�n� nelze odstranit>
[You've made some changes to your ICQ details but it has not been saved to the server. Are you sure you want to close this dialog?]
N�kter� z �daj� byly zm�n�ny. Opravdu chcete tento dialog zav��t bez ulo�en� zm�n?
[Upload FAILED]
Chyba p�i aktualizaci dat.

; fam_13servclist.c
[Server contact list is unavailable, Miranda will use local contact list.]
Seznam kontakt� na serveru nen� k dispozici, bude pou�ita lok�ln� kopie.
[Renaming of server contact failed.]
Chyba p�i p�ejmenov�v�n� kontaktu na serveru.
[Update of server contact's comment failed.]
Chyba p�i aktualizaci koment��e u kontaktu na serveru.
[Adding of privacy item to server list failed.]
Chyba p�i p�id�v�n� priv�tn�ch informac� ke kontaktu na serveru.
[Removing of privacy item from server list failed.]
Chyba p�i odeb�r�n� priv�tn�ch informac� od kontaktu na serveru.
[Adding of contact to server list failed.]
Chyba p�i p�id�v�n� kontaktu do seznamu na serveru.
[Adding of group to server list failed.]
Chyba p�i p�id�v�n� skupiny do seznamu na serveru.
[Removing of contact from server list failed.]
Chyba p�i odeb�r�n� kontaktu ze seznamu na serveru.
[Updating of group on server list failed.]
Chyba p�i aktualizaci skupiny na serveru.
[Removing of group from server list failed.]
Chyba p�i odeb�r�n� skupiny ze seznamu na serveru.
[Moving of user to another group on server list failed.]
Chyba p�i p�esouv�n� kontaktu na serveru z jedn� skupiny do druh�.
[Renaming of server group failed.]
Chyba p�i p�ejmenov�v�n� skupiny na serveru.

; userinfotab.c
[Member since:]
��et zalo�en:

; icq_uploadui.c
[Select contacts you want to store on server.]
Vyberte polo�ky k ulo�en� do seznamu na serveru.
[Adding group \"%s\"...]
P�id�n� skupiny: \"%s\"
[Uploading %s...]
Aktualizace: %s
[Uploading %u...]
Aktualizace: %u
[No upload group available]
Nenalezena skupina k um�st�n� na server
[Deleting %s...]
Maz�n�: %s
[Deleting %u...]
Maz�n�: %u
[Moving %s to group \"%s\"...]
P�esun: %s do skupiny \"%s\"
[Moving %u to group \"%s\"...]
P�esun: %u do skupiny \"%s\"
[Adding %u to visible list...]
P�id�n� mezi viditeln�: %u
[Adding %s to visible list...]
P�id�n� mezi viditeln�: %s
[Adding %u to invisible list...]
P�id�n� mezi neviditeln�: %u
[Adding %s to invisible list...]
P�id�n� mezi neviditeln�: %s
[Deleting %u from visible list...]
Odebr�n� z viditeln�ch: %u
[Deleting %s from visible list...]
Odebr�n� z viditeln�ch: %us
[Deleting %u from invisible list...]
Odebr�n� z neviditeln�ch: %u
[Deleting %s from invisible list...]
Odebr�n� z neviditeln�ch: %s
[Cleaning groups]
Aktualizace seznamu skupin
[Updating group \"%s\"...]
Aktualizace skupiny \"%s\"...
[Deleting group \"%s\"...]
Odeb�r�n� skupiny \"%s\"...
[All operations complete]
V�echny akce dokon�eny
;(DUP) [Close]
[You have to be online to sychronize the server-list !]
Seznam kontakt� lze synchronizovat pouze ve stavu online!

; icq_popups.c
;(DUP) [Popup Title]
[Sample Note]
N�hled: Pozn�mka
[Sample Warning]
N�hled: Upozorn�n�
[Sample Error]
N�hled: Chyba
[Sample Fatal]
N�hled: Z�va�n� chyba
[Sample Spambot]
N�hled: Spam

; chan_04close.c
[You could not sign on because the server returned invalid data. Try again.]
Server odpov�d� na po�adavek p�ihl�en� neplatnou sekvenc� dat. Zkuste znovu.
[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because the current server shut down.]
Byli jste odpojeni od s�t� ICQ. Server, ke kter�mu jste byli p�ipojeni, nereaguje.
[Connection failed.\nYour ICQ number or password was rejected (%d).]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nZadan� UIN a heslo bylo odm�tnuto serverem (%d).
[Connection failed.\nThe server is temporally unavailable (%d).]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nServer nen� do�asn� k dispozici (%d).
[Connection failed.\nServer has too many connections from your IP (%d).]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nK serveru je p�ipojeno p��li� mnoho klient� ze stejn� IP adresy (%d).
[Connection failed.\nYou have connected too quickly,\nplease wait and retry 10 to 20 minutes later (%d).]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nPo�et p�ihl�en� za ur�it� �asov� �sek je\nomezen� a pr�v� jste tento limit p�ekro�ili.\nZkuste to znovu za 10-20 minut (%d).
[Connection failed.\nThe server did not accept this client version.]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nServer odm�tnul nav�zat spojen� s va��m klientem, resp. touto konkr�tn� verz�.
[The server sent warning, this version is getting old.\nTry to look for a new one.]
Upozorn�n� serveru: Verze v�mi pou��van�ho protokolu ICQ\nje zastaral�. Pod�vejte se po nov�.
[Connection failed.\nYou were rejected by the server for an unknown reason.\nThis can happen if the UIN is already connected.]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nServer odm�tnul nav�zat spojen� bez ud�n� d�vodu.\nTento probl�m nast�v� obvykle tehdy, je-li zadan� ��et online.
[Connection failed.\nUnknown error during sign on: 0x%02x]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nNezn�m� probl�m b�hem p�ihla�ov�n�: 0x%02x
[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because you logged on from another location using the same ICQ number.]
Byli jste odpojeni od s�t� ICQ. V danou chv�li je jinde p�ihl�en� jin� u�ivatel se stejn�m UIN.
[Unknown runtime error: 0x%02x]
Nezn�m� typ chyby: 0x%02x

; S�t� / ICQ
[Display all problems]
Zobrazovat ve�ker� probl�my
[Display problems causing possible loss of data]
Zobrazovat probl�my souvisej�c� se ztr�tou dat
[Display explanations for disconnection]
Zobrazovat d�vody odpojen�
[Display problems requiring user intervention]
Zobrazovat probl�my vy�aduj�c� z�sah u�ivatele

; Zp�tn� kompatibilita s verzemi <
[Notify me when a message delivery has failed]
Upozornit p�i nedoru�en� odeslan� zpr�vy
[Ignore concurrent errors]
Ignorovat soub. chyb. hl�en�
[Enable Custom Statuses support]
Povolit definov�n� roz���en�ho stavu
[AIM Support]
Podpora protokolu AIM
[Custom Status "%s" Details]
Roz�. stav '%s'
; xstatus
Jsem na pivku
S kamar�dy
Dobr� n�lada
Nen� mi dob�e
Pochutn�v�m si

[ICQ Fatal]
ICQ: Z�va�n� chyba

; tapin
; ICQ.dll v.[b][/b] [10 Aug 2006], karta Mo�nosti ???
; [It is impossible to define ID]

[ICQ Note]
ICQ: Pozn�mka
[ICQ Warning]
ICQ: Upozorn�n�
[ICQ Error]
ICQ: Chyba
[The server did not respond to the connection attempt within a reasonable time, it may be temporarily down. Try again later.]
Server ICQ nereaguje na pokus o p�ipojen�. Zkuste pros�m danou akci zopakovat pozd�ji.
[The connection with the server was abortively closed during the connection attempt. You may have lost your local network connection.]
P�ipojov�n� k serveru ICQ bylo p�eru�eno. Nejste n�hodou odpojeni od s�t�?
[Miranda was unable to resolve the name of a server to its numeric address. This is most likely caused by a catastrophic loss of your network connection (for example, your modem has disconnected), but if you are behind a proxy, you may need to use the 'Resolve hostnames through proxy' option in M->Options->Network.]
Chyba p�i p�ekladu jmenn�ho n�zvu serveru na IP adresu. Tento probl�m m��e b�t zp�soben jak odpojen�m od s�t�, tak nap�. pou�itou proxy. Pokud se v�s t�k� druh� p��pad, zkuste pou��t funkci 'P�ekl�dat jm�na hostitel� pomoc� proxy', kterou najdete v nastaven� Mirandy (polo�ka S�).
[Miranda was unable to make a connection with a server. It is likely that the server is down, in which case you should wait for a while and try again later.]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n� k serveru ICQ. Zkuste pros�m danou akci zopakovat pozd�ji.
[Your proxy rejected the user name and password that you provided. Please check them in M->Options->Network.]
Proxy odm�tla zadan� u�ivatelsk� jm�no a heslo. Zkontrolujte pros�m nastaven� v nastaven� Mirandy (polo�ka S�).
[The server to which you are trying to connect does not exist. Check your spelling in M->Options->Network->ICQ.]
Zadan� server ICQ neexistuje. Zkontrolujte pros�m nastaven� v nastaven� Mirandy (polo�ka S�->ICQ).

[Connection failed.\nLogin sequence failed for unknown reason.\nTry again later.]
Chyba p�ipojen�.\nP�ihl�en� k s�ti se nezda�ilo z nezn�m�ho d�vodu.\nZkuste pros�m danou akci zopakovat pozd�ji.
[You have not entered a ICQ number.\nConfigure this in Options->Network->ICQ and try again.]
Nezadali jste ��slo ��tu v s�ti ICQ.\nOtev�ete nastaven� programu Miranda\na pot�ebn� �daje dopl�te (S�->ICQ).

; Vlastn� �pravy / Ikony
[%s/Custom Status]
%s/Roz���en� stav

; O osob�: ICQ, Jabber etc.
[%s Details]
%s Informace
[%s Avatar]
%s Avatar

[Unable to connect to ICQ login server]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n� k serveru ICQ
[Check avatar validity before saving *]
P�ed ulo�en�m prov��it obr�zek avataru *

; Informace o sob�
[Marital Status]
Rodinn� stav
[Originally from]
[Personal Interests]
[Interest category 1]
Kategorie �.1
[Interest areas 1]
Oblast z�jm� �.1
[Interest category 2]
Kategorie �.2
[Interest areas 2]
Oblast z�jm� �.2
[Interest category 3]
Kategorie �.3
[Interest areas 3]
Oblast z�jm� �.3
[Interest category 4]
Kategorie �.4
[Interest areas 4]
Oblast z�jm� �.4
[Past Background]
[Category 1]
Kategorie �.1
;[Past Background 1]
[Category 2]
Kategorie �.2
;[Past Background 2]
[Category 3]
Kategorie �.3
;[Past Background 3]
[Affiliation category 1]
Kategorie �.1
[Affiliation 1]
Spolky �.1
[Affiliation category 2]
Kategorie �.2
[Affiliation 2]
Spolky �.2
[Affiliation category 3]
Kategorie �.3
[Affiliation 3]
Spolky �.3

; Description
[Support for ICQ network, enhanced.]
Implementace protokolu ICQ. Umo��uje komunikaci s u�ivateli t�to s�t�.

; Popup
[Contact \"%s\" has closed the message window.]
Kontakt '%s' zav�el komunika�n� okno.

; ICQ Plus mod

[Allow bigger owner avatars (up to 128x128) [experimental]]
Zobrazit v�t�� avatary (max. 128�128) - experiment�ln� funkce

[Are you sure you want to revoke user's authorization (this will remove you from his/her list on some clients) ?]
Opravdu chcete odvolat ud�lenou autorizaci? Miranda se n�sledn� pokus� odstranit v� z�znam ze seznamu vybran�ho u�ivatele.

; ISee
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1037


; for ISee (24.04.2004) //
; by Bio

; add this to common IcqOscar8 translation.


[Rename contacts on the server's list when I rename them in mine]
P�ejmenovat kontakty na serveru po p�ejmenov�n� v lok�ln�m seznamu
[Other features]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Enable OEM convertion in console]
Aktivovat konverzi do OEM v konzole
[Enable Active Status Discovery]
Aktivovat aktivn� zji��ov�n� stavu
[Contacts upload delay (sec)]
Zpo�d�n� aktualizace kontakt� (s)
;(DUP) [Hidden]

; init.c
; in Main Menu...
[&Users Status Scan]
Z&jistit stav kontakt�

;Privacy menu
[Privacy Settings]
Nastaven� soukrom�

[Default, corresponding to status]
V�choz�, odpov�d� stavu
[Allow all users to see you]
Viditeln� v�em lidem
[Block all users from seeing you]
Neviditeln� pro v�echny
[Allow only users in the Visible list to see you]
Viditeln� pouze t�m, pro kter� je to povoleno
[Block only users in the Invisible list from seeing you]
Neviditeln� pouze t�m, pro kter� to nen� povoleno
[Allow only users in the Contact list to see you]
Viditeln� pouze lidem v seznamu kontakt�
Povolit funkci Web Aware (web status)
[Show privacy tools in user's menu]
P�idat mo�nosti nastaven� soukrom� do menu u�ivatele
;(DUP) [Grant authorization]
[Remove me from user's list]
Odebrat sebe z kontakt� u�ivatele

; in user's menu
[Us&er Status]
Sta&v kontaktu

; PopUps
[Users Status Scan Complete]
Zji��ov�n� stavu dokon�eno
[...was found!]
... nalezen!

[ICQ Status:]
Stav ICQ:

[Retrieve IP]
Zjistit IP

[Some options are greyed out because they can only be changed when you are online.]
P�i odpojen� od s�t� ICQ mohou b�t n�kter� z mo�nost� neaktivn�.

; S�t� / ICQ Kontakty
[Update my contacts' nicks from the server]
Aktualizovat p�ezd�vky kontakt� dle �daj� ze serveru
[Add and remove my contacts from the server's list when I add/remove them from mine]
Synchronizovat (p�id�v�n�/odeb�r�n�) zm�ny v lok�ln�m seznamu se seznamem na serveru
[Force update of list from server at next connect]
P�i p��t�m p�ipojen� zaktualizovat seznam dle serveru
[Enable Passive Status Discovery]
Aktivovat pasivn� zji��ov�n� stavu

; IcqOscarJ (Plus Mod) Protocol #99 (rc 2)
; P�eklad: jarvis <jarvis (zavin��) jabber (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3705

[HTTP User Agent for proxy]
HTTP agent pro proxy
[Try to connect to next server in list if connection error occured (Server AutoChange)]
P�i chyb� p�ipojen� zkusit p�ipojit k dal��mu serveru (Automatick� v�m�na)
[Register new UIN]
Zaregistrovat nov� ��et
[Manage ICQ Servers List]
Spr�vce server� ICQ
[Servers List]
Seznam server�
[Create new UIN]
Z��dit nov� ��et
; "  " nen� typo
[UIN registration  options]
Mo�nosti registrace nov�ho ��tu
[1. New UIN password:]
1. Heslo nov�ho ��tu:
[2. Show Picture]
2. Uk�zat obr�zek
[3. Picture Content:]
3. Text obr�zku:
[4. Register]
4. Registrovat
[5. New UIN info]
5. Info o nov�m ��tu
[Create a new ICQ account using the ICQ website (https://www.icq.com/register/)]
Vytvo�it nov� ��et prost�ednictv�m str�nek ICQ (https://www.icq.com/register/)
[Retrieve a lost password or ICQ number (https://www.icq.com/password/)]
Obnovit ztracen� heslo nebo ��slo pomoc� https://www.icq.com/password/
[Enable server-side contact lists]
Povolit ukl�d�n� seznamu kontakt� na server
[Not on list contacts]
Kontakty mimo seznam
[Do not add contacts that request info]
Nep�id�vat kontakty vy�aduj�c� informace
[Add contacts that request info to special group:]
P�id�vat kontakty ��daj�c� informace do skupiny:
[add temporarily]
p�idat jen do�asn�
[Check avatar validity before saving]
Zkontrolovat platnost avatar� p�ed ulo�en�m
[Main Features]
Hlavn� vlastnosti
[Accept RTF (if ID Miranda)]
P�ij�mat RTF (s ID Miranda)
[Show DC icon in contact list]
Ukazovat ikonu DC v seznamu
[DC icon slot:]
[Block unknown clients]
Blokovat nezn�m� klienty
[*need restart]
* vy�aduje restart
[xStatus options]
Mo�nosti roz���en�ho stavu
[Display Custom status icon in contact list]
Ukazovat ikonu roz���en�ho stavu v seznamu
[Replace Custom status name in menu*]
P�ejmenovat polo�ky v nab�dce stav�*
[Force to reread xstatus]
Vynutit p�e��t�n� roz���en�ho stavu
[Enable non-standart statuses*]
Povolit nestandardn� stavy*
[Update contacts xStatuses every]
Aktualizovat roz���en� stavy po
[X-Status icon slot:]
Um�st�n� ikony stavu:
[Advanced Features]
Roz���en� vlastnosti
[Status Discovery System]
Syst�m zji��ov�n� stav�
[Disable Passive Status Discovery for hidden contacts]
Zak�zat pasivn� zji��ov�n� stavu pro skryt� kontakty
[ASD Options]
Mo�nosti aktivn�ho zji��ov�n� stavu
[Check entire list on startup]
P�i p�ipojen� zkontrolovat cel� seznam
[Enable only for offline and invisible contacts (can fix some ASD problems)]
Povolit jen pro kontakty offline a neviditeln� (m��e �e�it n�kter� probl�my)
[Disable Statuscheck in invisible status]
Zak�zat zji��ov�n� stavu v re�imu neviditeln�
[Detect via status message (some old clients)]
Detekovat pomoc� stavov� zpr�vy (pro star�� klienty)
[Detect via malformed xtraz (icq6) (by [sin])]
Detekovat pomoc� poru�en�ch xtraz (pro ICQ 6)
[Detect via malformed url (old miranda, some other clients)]
Detekovat pomoc� poru�en�ch URL (pro Mirandu a n�kter� dal��)
[Detect unauthorized contacts status (reported by D@rkNeo)]
Detekovat stav neautorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Detect via Auth server bug]
Detekovat pomoc� autoriza�n� chyby serveru
[Stealth away message request]
Anonymn� zji��ov�n� stavov�ch zpr�v
[Usermenu entry]
V nab�dce kontakt�
[Global (affects every plugin)]
Glob�ln� (p�sob� na v�echny dopl�ky)
; && nen� typo
[Advanced Features && Users Status Scan Placement]
Um�st�n� nab�dek roz���en�ch vlastnost� a zji��ov�n� stavu u�ivatel�
[Main menu]
Hlavn� nab�dka
[Protocol status menu]
Nab�dka protokolu
[Place Users Status Scan inside Advanced Features menu]
Um�stit zji��ov�n� stavu u�ivatel� do nab�dky roz���en�ch mo�nost�
[Enable tZer support]
Zapnout podporu tZers
[Always show auth items in menu]
V�dy zobrazovat autoriza�n� polo�ky v nab�dce
[Don't send Status Message Reply (no away-message)]
Neodpov�dat na ��dost o zasl�n� stavov� zpr�vy
[Events log]
Z�znam ud�lost�
[Removed himself from my Serverlist:]
Smazal se z m�ho seznamu na serveru:
[Checking ignore state:]
Kontroluje ignorov�n�:
[Checking real status:]
Zji��uje skute�n� stav:
[Client change:]
Zm�na klienta:
[Auth grant/denied:]
Autorizace povolena/zam�tnuta:
[Request your info]
Vy�aduje m�j profil:
[Detected via ASD/PSD]
Byl odhalen:
[Write events to contact history (if not set writing to system history)]
Zapisovat ud�losti do historie kontaktu (jinak ukl�d� do syst�mov� historie)
[Client ID]
Identifikace klienta
[Client ID:]
[...and if MirandaIM, use this ICQ mod:]
....a pokud Miranda, pou��t tento Mod:
[original (Joe@Whale)]
norm�ln� (Joe@Whale)
[Show my real ClientID for ICQJ Mod users]
Ukazovat u�ivatel�m ICQ Mod pravou identitu
[Send custom protocol version:]
Vlastn� verze protokolu:
[(range 0-255)]
(rozsah 0-255)
[Send custom capabilities]
Pos�lat vlastn� p��znaky
[Edit capabilities]
Upravit p��znaky
[Manage ICQ Capabilities List]
Spr�va p��znak� s�t� ICQ
[Capabilities List]
Seznam p��znak�
[Capability text:]
Hodnota p��znaku:
[Allow only users in the Contact list to see you, except Invisible list users]
Ukazovat se jen u�ivatel�m v m�m seznamu, krom� seznamu neviditeln�ch
[Send global authorization request to all users, who haven't authorized you yet]
Zaslat ��dost o autorizaci u�ivatel�m, kte�� m� je�t� neautorizovali
[Show contact's UIN in Popups]
Ukazovat v oznamen� ��sla kontakt�
[Show popups for hidden/notonlist users]
Ukazovat ozn�men� pro skryt� kontakty a kontakty mimo seznam
[Advanced PopUps options]
Roz���en� mo�nosti ozn�men�
[Enabled ?]
[Unknown detected]
Nezn�m� zji�t�n
[User Found]
U�ivatel nalezen
[Active Status Scan]
Aktivn� zji��ov�n� stavu
[Change Client]
Zm�na klienta
[Info Request]
��dost o informace
[Check Ignore State]
Kontrola ignorov�n�
[Removed Himself]
Odstranil sebe
[XStatus Updater]
P�e��ta� stav�
[Sample ...was found!]
N�hled: Ozn�men� ...nalezen!
[Sample Users Status Scan Started]
N�hled: Zji��ov�n� stav� spu�t�no
[Sample Users Status Scan Complete]
N�hled: Zji��ov�n� stav� dokon�eno
[Sample Spambot Found]
N�hled: Nalezen Spambot
[Sample Unknown Found]
N�hled: Nalezen nezn�m�
[Check Your Ignore State]
N�hled: Kontrola ignorov�n�

[ICQ Number:]
[Create a new ICQ account]
Z��dit nov� ��et v s�ti ICQ
[Associated degree]
diplomovan� specialista
[Bachelor's degree]
[Master's degree]
[University / College]
;[Consumer Goods]
;[Corporate Services]
;[High Tech]
;[Medical & Health Care]
;[Non-Profit Organization Management]
;[Recreation, Travel & Entertainment]
;[Service Industry]
[Open relationship]
voln� vztah
[Company industry]
�rove� vzd�l�n�
[Graduation Year]

[Do not display any problems (not recommended)]
Zamezit zobrazov�n� chybov�ch hl�en� (nelze doporu�it)

[Status Icons/]
Stavov� ikony/
[/Custom Status]
/Vlastn� stav
[Enable Custom status support for moods]
Povolit podporu vlastn�ch stav� pro moody
[Enable Custom status support for xtraz]
Povolit podporu vlastn�ch stav� pro xtraz
[Enable AIM contacts support]
Podpora kontakt� protokolu AIM
[Contact "%s" was authorized in the server list.]
Kontakt "%s" byl autorizov�n v seznamu na serveru.

[Secure Connection (SSL)]
Zabezpe�it spojen� (SSL)

[Never use legacy messaging (server acknowledgements)]
Nepou��vat p�vodn� zp�sob komunikace (s potvrzen�m ze serveru)

;[Rock On]
[St. Patrick]
Sv. Patrik
;[Pink Lady]
;[Up yours]
[Crazy Professor]
��len� v�dec
;[Feeling Good]
;[Oink Oink]
[Broken hearted]
Zlomen� srdce
V pr�ci
[On my mobile]
Na mobilu
[Double Rainbow]
Dvojit� duha
;[Cupid shot me]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  IEView                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1788

; /ieview/ChatHTMLBuilder.cpp

; /ieview/HistoryHTMLBuilder.cpp
[Outgoing File Transfer]
Odchoz� p�enos souboru
[Incoming File Transfer]
��dost o p�enos souboru
[URL sent]
Odeslan� odkaz
[URL received]
P�ijat� odkaz

; /ieview/HTMLBuilder.cpp
['(Unknown Contact)']
'(nezn�m� kontakt)'
[(Unknown Contact)]
(nezn�m� kontakt)
[requested authorisation]
po��dal/a o autorizaci
[was added.]
byl/a p�id�n/a.

; /ieview/ieview.rc
[Copy Link]
Zkop�rovat adresu odkazu
[Select All]
Vybrat v�e
[Save Image As...]
Ulo�it obr�zek jako...
[Clear Log]
Vymazat z�znam
[Show source]
Zobrazit zdrojov� k�d

; /ieview/ieview.rc:IDD_GENERAL_OPTIONS
[Enable BBCodes]
Povolit BBCode
[Currently the following BBCodes are supported: [b][i][u][s][img][size][color][url]]
K dispozici jsou tyto BBCode zna�ky: [b][i][u][s][img][size][color][url]
[Enable support for Flash files in smileys and BBCodes]
Povolit smajl�ky ve Flashi a form�tov�n� pomoc� BBCode
[Enable workaround for PNG transparency]
Aktivovat opravu pro pr�hledn� PNG
[Enable MathModule support]
Podporovat dopln�k MathModule
[Replace smileys in user names]
Nahrazovat i smajl�ky ve jm�nech
[Hide window border]
Skr�t okraj okna

; /ieview/ieview.rc:IDD_SRMM_OPTIONS
[Compatibility Mode]
Re�im kompatibility
[Use External CSS]
Pou��t extern� CSS
[Use Templates]
Pou��t �ablony
[Background image]
Obr�zek na pozad�
[Scroll with text]
Rolovat s textem
[Template Options]
Mo�nosti �ablon
[Use message grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Show nicknames]
Zobrazit p�ezd�vky
[Show time]
Zobrazit �as
[Show seconds]
Zobrazit sek.
[Show date]
Zobrazit datum
[Use long date format]
Pou��t dlouh� form�t data
[Use relative timestamp]
Pou��t relativn� z�pis �asu

; /ieview/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp
[%s has joined.]
P��chod: %s
[%s has left.]
Odchod: %s
[The topic is %s.]
T�ma: %s

; /ieview/Options.cpp
[Message Log]
Z�znam komunikace
[Group Chats]
Skupinov� rozhovory
[Message Sessions]

; /ieview/ScriverHTMLBuilder.cpp
[File sent]
Odeslan� soubor
[File received]
P�ijat� soubor

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Ignore contact                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2096

[Ignore Contact]
Ignorovat kontakt
[Unignore Contact]
Zru�it ignorov�n� kontaktu
[Ignore Contact options]
Mo�nosti ignorov�n� kontaktu
[Hide contact]
Skr�t kontakt
[Mark contact as ignored]
Ozna�it kontakt za ignorovan�
[Deny existing authorization request]
Odebrat ji� p�id�lenou autorizaci
[Do you want to move %s to ignore list?]
Chcete za�adit u�ivatele %s do seznamu ignorovan�ch?
[Do you want to restore %s from ignore list?]
Chcete vy�adit u�ivatele %s ze seznamu ignorovan�ch?
[Close existing message window]
Zav��t komunika�n� okno

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Import                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Generated by lpgen on Mon Jan 17 14:26:29 2005
; Translations: 35

; main.c

; mirabilis.c
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
Po�adovan� soubor neexistuje. Zkontrolujte pros�m, zda je zadan� n�zev v po��dku.
[Mirabilis Import]
Mirabilis - import dat
[Mirabilis ICQ database indexes (*.idx)\0*.IDX\0All Files (*)\0*\0]
Mirabilis ICQ - indexy datab�ze (*.idx)\0*.IDX\0All Files (*)\0*\0

; miranda.c
[Miranda Import]
Miranda - import dat
[Miranda IM database (*.dat)\0*.DAT\0All Files (*)\0*\0]
Miranda IM - datab�ze (*.dat)\0*.DAT\0All Files (*)\0*\0

; wizard.c
;(DUP) [Cancel]

; resource.rc
[From a Miranda IM database.]
Z datab�ze klienta Miranda IM
[From a Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a) database.]
Z datab�ze klienta Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a)
[Use the Find/Add contacts tool to populate my contact list.]
Dopln�n� kontakt� pomoc� funkce 'Vyhledat kontakty'
[Do not load the import plugin at startup again]
Nad�le ji� dopln�k Import nespou�t�t
;(LAI) [Progress1]
[Import all contacts and all messages]
Importovat v�echny kontakty a zpr�vy
[Only import contacts]
Importovat pouze kontakty
[&Next >]
&Dal�� >
[&Other Database...]
&Jin� datab�ze...
[&Other Profile...]
Jin� pr&ofil...
[< &Back]
< &Zp�t
[Choose how you would like to import:]
Vyberte jeden ze zp�sob� importu dat:
[This wizard will help you import contacts and message history from Mirabilis ICQ, as well as letting you import from other Miranda IM profiles.]
Tento pr�vodce v�m umo�n� import kontakt� a historie zpr�v z origin�ln�ho programu Mirabilis ICQ nebo z jin�ch profil� Mirandy.
[Click "Next" to choose the information you wish to import, or click "Cancel" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.]
Po kliknut� na tla��tko "Dal��" p�ejdete k v�b�ru z mo�nost� importu dat. Tla��tkem "Zru�it" pr�vodce ukon��te.
[If you wish to import more information, click "Next" to return to the start of the wizard, otherwise click "Finish" to start using Miranda.]
Chcete-li importovat dal�� data, klikn�te na tla��tko "Dal��". Pokud ne, klikn�te na tla��tko "Dokon�it".
[You will probably never need to use this wizard again, so you can save memory by not loading it every time you start Miranda. This will mean that the import menu item will no longer be available.]
Je pravd�podobn�, �e Pr�vodce importem dat ji� nebudete pot�ebovat, a proto doporu�ujeme p��slu�n� dopln�k (Import) deaktivovat.
[Import completed]
Import dat dokon�en
[If at a future date you wish to use the wizard again, you can make it load again by going to the Plugins section of the Options dialog box.]
Pokud byste v budoucnu p�ece jen cht�li Pr�vodce importem dat pou��t, sta�� aktivovat p��slu�n� dopln�k (Import) v Nastaven�, sekci Dopl�ky.
[Miranda has found Mirabilis ICQ databases corresponding to the following ICQ numbers. Please select the one you wish to import, or click "Other Database" if your database is not listed.]
Pr�vodce na�el n�e uveden� datab�ze programu Mirabilis ICQ. Vyberte po�adovan� ��slo ICQ nebo klikn�te na tla��tko "Jin� datab�ze" a vyberte vlastn�.
[Miranda has found Miranda profiles with the following names. Please select the one you wish to import, or click "Other Profile" if your profile is not listed, or if the list is empty.]
Pr�vodce na�el n�e uveden� profily programu Miranda. Vyberte po�adovan� profil nebo klikn�te na tla��tko "Jin� profil" a vyberte vlastn�.
[Now importing...]
Import dat...
[Select this if you want to import as much data as possible. This is the recommended option.]
Vyberte tehdy, chcete-li naimportovat v�echno. Tuto mo�nost doporu�ujeme.
[Select this if you want to import contacts but don't want to import any message history.]
Vyberte tehdy, chcete-li naimportovat jen kontakty bez historie zpr�v.
[Miranda has now been configured to automatically download the contacts in your server-side contact list the next time you connect to ICQ.]
Miranda je nyn� nastavena tak, �e p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� k s�ti ICQ automaticky st�hne ve�ker� kontakty um�st�n� na serveru t�to slu�by.
[If you want to change the way Miranda handles server-side contacts at a later time, you can do this in the "ICQ Contacts" page in the Miranda options.]
Budete-li cht�t pozd�ji zm�nit zp�sob, kter�m Miranda IM pracuje s kontakty um�st�n�mi na serveru, v nastaven� programu p�ejd�te do sekce "S�t�->ICQ Kontakty".
[Import Information Wizard]
Pr�vodce importem dat

; N�zev dopl�ku
[Import contacts and messages]
Import kontakt� a zpr�v

[It is recommended that you create a backup of your current Miranda profile before importing.]
P�edt�m ne� budete pokra�ovat, doporu�ujeme v�m zaz�lohovat st�vaj�c� profil.
[Warning: Mirabilis ICQ running. Import may not be reliable.]
Upozorn�n�: Je spu�t�n� program Mirabilis ICQ. P�i importu dat m��e doj�t k chyb�.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Trillian message history importer 0.2.0                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1929

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Aug 31 16:39:10 2006
; Translations: 42

; main.c
[Import settings]
Importovat nastaven�
[Trillian logs directory]
Adres�� se z�znamy
;(DUP) [Protocols]
;(DUP) [Contacts]
;(DUP) [Import]
;(DUP) [Browse]
;(DUP) [Start]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Import ICQ history]
Import historie ICQ
[Import MSN history]
Import historie MSN
[Import AIM history]
Import historie AIM
[Import Yahoo! history]
Import historie Yahoo!
[Import IRC history]
Import historie IRC
[Import IRC channel history]
Import historie kan�lu IRC
[Import history of existing contacts]
Importovat historii aktu�ln�ch kontakt�
[Add new contacts if a contact from the history is not on the list]
P�idat nov�, nen�-li kontakt z historie zaveden� v seznamu
[Import messages]
Importovat zpr�vy
[Skip duplicate messages]
P�esko�it duplicitn� zpr�vy
[Replace duplicate messages]
Nahradit duplicitn� zpr�vy
[Delete entries before]
Smazat polo�ky p�ed
[(Must match this format exactly: MMM DD HH:mm:ss YYYY)]
(mus� p�esn� odpov�dat tomuto form�tu: MMM DD HH:mm:ss RRRR)
[Import status reports (filetransfers, away msg, etc.)]
Importovat hl�en� (p�enos soubor�, stavov� zpr�vy atd.)
[Fast mode (backup your db!)]
Zrychlen� re�im (z�lohovat profil!)
[Try to auto-detect UTF8 strings (is slow, detects ��������)]
Automaticky detekovat �et�zce v UTF8 (pomal� a ne�pln�)
[Interpret logs as UTF8 files]
Pro import pou��t k�dov�n� UTF8
[Please select the \'logs\' folder in your Trillian directory]
Vyberte pros�m adres�� \'logs\' programu Trillian.
[There's nothing to import, please\nselect a protocol.]
Nen� co importovat. Vyberte po�adovan� protokol.
[Invalid settings]
Neplatn� nastaven�
[Importing History]
Import historie
[Import in progress...]
Import historie...
[Overall (current protocol)]
Celkov� (aktu�ln� protokol)
;(DUP) [File]
;(DUP) [OK]
[WARNING: If you cancel now and continue later you might\nget duplicate entries. Cancel anyways?]
Budete-li po p�eru�en� importovat data znovu,\nmohou se v datab�zi objevit duplicitn� polo�ky.\nOpravdu chcete import p�eru�it?
;(DUP) [Warning]
[No logs found for this protocol.]
Pro tento protokol neexistuje z�znamov� soubor.
[Done importing %d contact history files!]
Dokon�en import historie. Po�et soubor�: %d
[\nCheck your UIN and path settings. Path musst end with \\logs]
\nOv��te identifik�tor a cestu. Cesta mus� kon�it �et�zcem \\logs.
[Import Trillian history/contacts...]
Importovat data z Trillian...

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Import TXT                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.de/mediawiki/index.php?title=Plugin:ImportTXT

; Import TXT

[Default extension]
V�choz� p��pona
[All files (*.*)]
V�echny soubory (*.*)
[This wizard will help you import message history from some other clients and Miranda plugins, stored in text files.]
Tento pr�vodce v�m pom��e naimportovat historii ostatn�ch klient� a dopl�k� Mirandy, ulo�enou v textov�ch souborech.
[Import Text Files Wizard]
Pr�vodce importem textov�ch soubor�
[Choose a file for import...]
Vyberte soubor k importu...
[Choose type of imported files:]
Vyberte typ importovan�ch soubor�:
[Select files or the whole directory for import:]
Vyberte soubory nebo celou slo�ku pro import:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  IRC protocol                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=550

; clist.cpp
[CTCP chat request from %s]
��dost CTCP Chat od %s

; commandmonitor.cpp
[%s sets mode %s]
%s nastavil(a) m�d %s
[%s sets mode %s%s]
%s nastavil(a) m�d %s%s
[CTCP FINGER requested by %s]
��dost CTCP FINGER od %s
[CTCP VERSION requested by %s]
��dost CTCP VERSION od %s
[CTCP SOURCE requested by %s]
��dost CTCP SOURCE od %s
[CTCP USERINFO requested by %s]
��dost CTCP USERINFO od %s
[CTCP PING requested by %s]
��dost CTCP PING od %s
[CTCP TIME requested by %s]
��dost CTCP TIME od %s
[DCC: Chat request from %s denied]
DCC: ��dost o chat od %s odm�tnuta
[DCC: File transfer request from %s denied]
DCC: ��dost o p�enos soubor� od %s odm�tnuta
[DCC: Reverse file transfer request from %s denied [No local IP]]
DCC: ��dost o reverzn� p�enos soubor� od %s odm�tnuta [nen� lok�ln� IP]
[DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]]
Chyba DCC: Po�kozen� ��dost CTCP od %s [%s]
[DCC: File transfer resume request from %s denied]
DCC: ��dost o nav�z�n� p�enosu soubor� od %s odm�tnuta
[CTCP %s requested by %s]
��dost CTCP %s od %s
[CTCP PING reply from %s: %u sec(s)]
Odpov�� na ��dost CTCP PING od %s: %u sek.
[CTCP %s reply from %s: %s]
Odpov�� na ��dost CTCP %s: %s
[Downloading list (%u%%) - %u channels]
Stahov�n� seznamu (%u %%) - %u kan�l�
[Downloading list - %u channels]
Stahov�n� seznamu - %u kan�l�
[Done: %u channels]
Po�et kan�l�: %u
[(probably truncated by server)]
(pravd�podobn� o��znuto serverem)
[User information]
Informace o u�ivateli
[Change nickname]
Zm�nit p�ezd�vku
[IRC error]
Chyba s�t� IRC
;(DUP) [Unknown]
[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user@host)\nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored]
Zadejte masku (p�ezd�vka!u�iv_jm�no@hostitel)\nPozn. Nelze ignorovat u�ivatele uveden� v seznamu kontakt�
;(DUP) [Ignore]
[Please enter the reason]
Zadejte pros�m d�vod
[Ban'n Kick]
Zak�zat a vykopnout
;(LAI) [Jerk]
;(DUP) [Offline]
*Odpojen od serveru*
[The usage of /AWAY in your perform buffer is restricted\n as IRC sends this command automatically.]
/AWAY lze pou��t pouze v omezen�m mno�stv� p��pad�,\nproto�e s� IRC tento p��kaz pos�l� automaticky.
[IRC Error]
Chyba s�t� IRC

; input.cpp
[Ignore system is enabled]
Syst�m ignorov�n� aktivov�n
[Ignore system is disabled]
Syst�m ignorov�n� deaktivov�n
[%s on %s is now ignored (+%s)]
%s (na %s), aktivov�no ignorov�n� (+%s)
[%s is not ignored now]
%s, zru�eno ignorov�n�
[%s was not ignored]
%s nebyl ignorov�n
[Outgoing commands are shown]
Zadan� p��kazy budou zobrazov�ny
[Outgoing commands are not shown]
Zadan� p��kazy nebudou zobrazov�ny
[The buddy check function is enabled]
Upozorn�n� na u�ivatele online zapnuto
[The buddy check function is disabled]
Upozorn�n� na u�ivatele online vypnuto
[The time interval for the buddy check function is now at default setting]
�asov� interval sledov�n� u�ivatel� online je nastaven na v�choz� hodnotu
[The time interval for the buddy check function is now %u seconds]
�asov� interval sledov�n� u�ivatel� online je nyn� %u sek.
[Channel Manager]
Mo�nosti kan�lu
[This command is not recommended on a network of this size!\r\nIt will probably cause high CPU usage and/or high bandwidth\r\nusage for around %u to %u minute(s).\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue?]
Tento p��kaz nelze doporu�it na velk� s�ti IRC server�!\r\nV�sledkem bude velmi velk� vyt�en� jak procesoru, tak\r\ni s�ov�ho p�ipojen� po dobu zhruba %u a� %u minut.\r\n\r\nOpravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[IRC warning]
Upozorn�n� s�t� IRC
[CTCP %s request sent to %s]
Odesl�na ��dost CTCP %s -> %s
[DCC ERROR: Unable to automatically resolve external IP]
Chyba DCC: Nelze automaticky p�elo�it extern� IP adresu
[DCC CHAT request sent to %s]
Odesl�na ��dost o DCC CHAT -> %s
[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind port]
Chyba DCC: Nelze nav�zat spojen� na po�adovan�m portu
[Input command]
Vstupn� p��kaz
[Please enter the reply]
Zadejte pros�m odpov��

; main.cpp
;(DUP) [Information]

; options.cpp
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Apply]
;(DUP) [Edit]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Channel list]
[Channel manager]
Spr�va kan�l�
[Quick connect]
P�ipojit rychle
[Server window]
Okno serveru
[Show channel]
Zobrazit kan�l
[Join channel]
P�ij�t na kan�l
[Leave Channel]
Opustit kan�l
[Incoming DCC Chat]
��dost o DCC Chat
[Logo (48x48)]
Logo (48x48)
[Please complete all fields]
Vypl�te v�echna pole pros�m
[<Resolved IP: ]
<zji�t�n� IP: 
[<Local IP: ]
<lok�ln� IP: 
[Click to set commands that will be performed for this event]
P�id� p��kazy k vybran� ud�losti
[Click to delete the commands for this event]
Odebere p��kazy vybran� ud�losti
[Add a new network]
P�id� nov� server
[Edit this network]
Uprav� mo�nosti vybran�ho serveru
[Delete this network]
Odebere vybran�o server
;(DUP) [N/A]
[Do you want to delete\r\n%s]
Opravdu chcete smazat %s?
[Delete server]
Smazat server
[Edit server]
Upravit server
[Add new ignore]
P�id� novou polo�ku
[Edit this ignore]
Uprav� vybranou polo�ku
[Delete this ignore]
Odebere vybranou polo�ku
[Ignore mask]
;(DUP) [Network]
[Add Ignore]
P�idat mezi ignorovan�
[Edit Ignore]
Upravit ignorovan�

; output.cpp
[WallOps from %s: ]
WallOps od %s: 
[%s is away]
%s je pry�
[%s invites you to %s]
%s t� zve na kan�l %s
[These are online: ]
Po�et online: 
[CTCP %s reply sent to %s]
Odpov�� na ��dost CTCP odesl�na -> %s
[CTCP %s reply sent to %s: %s]
Odpov�� na ��dost CTCP odesl�na -> %s: %s
[Notice to %s: ]
Pozn�mka -> %s: 

; services.cpp
[&Quick connect]
&P�ipojit rychle
[&Join a channel]
P�i&j�t na kan�l
[&Change your nickname]
&Zm�nit p�ezd�vku
[Show the &list of available channels]
S&eznam dostupn�ch kan�l�
[&Show the server window]
Zobrazit okno &serveru
[&Leave the channel]
Odej�t z kan�&lu
[&User details]
Informace o &u�ivateli
[DCC ERROR: No valid files specified]
Chyba DCC: Vybrali jste neplatn� soubory
[DCC reversed file transfer request sent to %s [%s]]
Odesl�na ��dost o reverzn� p�enos soubor� pomoc� DCC -> %s [%s]
[DCC file transfer request sent to %s [%s]]
Odesl�na ��dost o p�enos soubor� pomoc� DCC -> %s [%s]
[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port]
Chyba DCC: Nelze nav�zat spojen� na po�adovan�m lok�ln�m portu
[%s (%s) is requesting a client-to-client chat connection.]
%s (%s) ��d� o priv�tn� diskusi (DCC Chat).
[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user@host) \nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored]
Zadejte masku (p�ezd�vka!u�iv_jm�no@hostitel)\nPozn. Nelze ignorovat u�ivatele uveden� v seznamu kontakt�
[Please enter a channel to join]
Zadejte po�adovan� kan�l
[Please select IRC network and enter the password if needed]
Vyberte s� server� IRC a pokud je to nutn�, zadejte heslo.
[Change nick name]
Zm�nit p�ezd�vku
[Please enter a unique nickname]
Vyberte jinou p�ezd�vku
[Channel &settings]
Mo�nos&ti kan�lu
[Show the server &window]
Zo&brazit okno serveru
[&WhoIs info]
Informace (&WhoIs)
[Give &Op]
D�t &oper�tora
[Take O&p]
Vz�t o&per�tora
[Give &Halfop]
D�t o&mez. oper�tora
[Take H&alfop]
Vz�t omez. oper�tor&a
[Give &Voice]
D�t &hlas
[Take V&oice]
Vz�t h&las
[Ki&ck (reason)]
&Vykopnout (+ d�vod)
[Ban'&n kick]
Zak�zat a vykop&nout
[Ban'n kick (&reason)]
Z&ak�zat a vykopnout (+ d�vod)
[&Direct Connection]
P��m� spojen� (&DCC)
[Request &Chat]
Po��dat o &diskusi
[Send &File]
Poslat sou&bor
;(DUP) [Add to &ignore list]
[&Add User]
P�id&at mezi kontakty
[&Leave channel]
Opustit kan�&l
[&Show channel]
&Zobrazit kan�l
[&Show server]
Zobrazit okno &serveru
[&Add to ignore list]
P�id&at mezi ignorovan�
;(DUP) [Nickname]
[Connecting to]
P�ipojov�n� k
[This protocol is dependent on another plugin named \'Chat\'\nPlease download it from the Miranda IM website!]
Nainstalovan� protokol IRC vy�aduje dopln�k \'Chat\'.\nTen je k dispozici na str�nk�ch projektu Miranda IM.
[Please choose an IRC-network to go online. This network will be the default.]
Do stavu online p�ejdete po v�b�ru s�t� server� IRC. Tato s� bude nastavena jako v�choz�.
[Default network]
V�choz� s�
[Connection can not be established! You have not completed all necessary fields (Nickname, User ID and Name).]
Nelze nav�zat spojen�! Nejd��ve zadejte v�echny povinn� �daje, tj. p�ezd�vku, identifik�tor a jm�no.
[The protocol is not online]
Protokol nen� ve stavu online
[The dcc chat connection is not active]
Priv�tn� diskuse nen� aktivn�
[%s server connection]
%s - spojen� se serverem
[%s client-to-client connections]
%s - p��m� spojen� mezi klienty
[The IRC protocol depends on another plugin called \'Chat\'\n\nDo you want to download it from the Miranda IM web site now?]
Nainstalovan� protokol IRC vy�aduje dopln�k \'Chat\'.\nChcete p�ej�t na str�nky projektu Miranda IM a st�hnout ho?
[Reconnecting to]
Obnovov�n� p�ipojen� k

; windows.cpp
[Please wait...]
Po�kejte pros�m...
[Add ban/invite/exception]
P�id�n� z�kazu/pozv�n�/v�jimky
[Edit selected ban/invite/exception]
�prava vybran�ho z�kazu/pozv�n�/v�jimky
[Delete selected ban/invite/exception]
Odstran�n� vybran�ho z�kazu/pozv�n�/v�jimky
[Set this topic for the channel]
Nastav� t�ma kan�lu
[Set these modes for the channel]
Nastav� vybran� m�dy kan�lu
[Remove ban?]
Odstran�n� z�kazu
[Remove invite?]
Odstran�n� pozv�nky
[Remove exception?]
Odstran�n� v�jimky
[Edit ban]
�prava z�kazu
[Edit invite?]
�prava pozv�nky
[Edit exception?]
�prava v�jimky
[Please enter the hostmask (nick!user@host)]
Zadejte masku (p�ezd�vka!u�iv_jm�no@hostitel)
[Add ban]
P�id�n� z�kazu
[Add invite]
P�id�n� pozv�nky
[Add exception]
P�id�n� v�jimky
[You have not applied all changes!\n\nApply before exiting?]
Nejsou ulo�eny v�echny proveden� zm�ny!\n\nNechcete je p�ed zav�en�m okna ulo�it?

; IRC.rc
;(DUP) [&Add]
[only while connecting]
Pouze p�i p�ipojov�n�
[Force visible (-i)]
Vynutit viditelnost (-i)
[Rejoin channel if kicked]
Vr�tit se zp�t po vykopnut�
[Rejoin channels on reconnect]
Vr�tit se zp�t po odpojen�
[Disable tray balloon on error]
Vypnout ozn�men� o chyb�ch
[Show addresses]
Zobrazit adresy
[Use server window]
Pou��t okno serveru
[Show server window on startup]
Zobrazit okno serveru p�i spu�t�n�
;(DUP) [Keep connection alive]
[Automatically join on invite]
Autom. se p�idat po pozv�n�
['Old style' mode changes]
M�nit m�d 'postaru'
[Update online statuses for users]
Aktualizovat stav lid� v seznamu
;(LAI) [Spin1]
[Update statuses in channel nicklist]
Aktualizovat stav lid� na kan�le
;(LAI) [Spin2]
[Internet address]
[Don't check if more than (users):]
Nezji��ovat, p�ekro��-li po�et:
[Go to the IRC protocol website for help and information]
Dal�� informace o protokolu IRC najdete kliknut�m na tento odkaz
;(DUP) [Basic]
[Wildcard enabled network search]
P�i hled�n� v s�t�ch pou��t masku
[Only Ops set topic]
T�ma ur�uje op
[No external messages]
��dn� zpr�vy zvenku
[Invite only]
Jen pro zvan�
[User limit:]
Omez. po�et:
;(DUP) [Hidden]
P�edem (send-ahead)
[Attempt reverse DCC (good if firewalled)]
Zkusit reverzn� DCC (za firewallem)
[everyone on the contact list]
v�ech ze seznamu kontakt�
[Disconnect DCC chats when disconnecting from server]
Ukon�it priv�tn� diskusi p�i odpojen� od serveru
[Manually set external IP:]
Ru�n� nastavit extern� IP:
[Get IP address from server]
Zjistit IP adresu ze serveru
[Enable (*)]
Aktivovat (*)
[Ignore channel messages by default]
Ignorovat zpr�vy kan�lu
[Ignore filetransfer requests]
Ignorovat ��dosti o p�enos soubor�
[Ignore DCC Chat requests]
Ignorovat ��dosti o priv�tn� diskusi
[Ignore DCC Chat requests from unknown contacts]
Ignorovat ��dosti o priv�tn� diskusi od nezn�m�ch
[(*) Queries from users on your contactlist are never ignored]
(*) ��dosti od u�ivatel� ze seznamu kontakt� ignorov�ny nejsou
Soukr. zpr�vy
;(DUP) [Messages]
;(DUP) [Notices]
;(DUP) [&Close]
;(DUP) [&OK]
;(DUP) [&Deny]
;(LAI) [Ping]
;(DUP) [Version]
;(DUP) [Time]
O u�ivateli
&Ps�t soukrom�
;(DUP) [&Cancel]
[&Clear all]
V&ymazat v�e
[Port range]
Rozsah port�
[User ID (Ident)]
[Full name (e-mail)]
Cel� jm�no (e-mail)
;(DUP) [Password]
[Server name]
N�zev serveru
[Alternative nick]
Alt. p�ezd�vka
[Wait (s)]
Znovu po (s)
[Retry count]
Po�et pokus�
;(LAI) [Fear the monkeys!!!]
[Check every (s):]
Zji��ovat stav ka�d�ch (s):
;(DUP) [Name]
P�ehled kan�l�
;(DUP) [User]
[Away Info]
Zpr�va stavu 'Pry�'
;(DUP) [Other]
[The server returned the following information. Please note that this information might be misleading and/or falsified]
P�ehled informac� z�skan� ze serveru. Vezm�te na v�dom�, �e nic z toho nemus� b�t pravda...
[Perform on event:]
Spustit p�i:
;(LAI) [@]
;(LAI) [!]
[Use the options to set modes for this channel. You are usually required to be op. or higher to modify.]
P�ehled mo�nost� nastaven� m�d� kan�lu. Obvykle jsou k dispozici pouze oper�tor�m.
[for choosing the IRC protocol for Miranda IM. Please enter your nickname and real name]
za pou�it� dopl�ku Protokol IRC. Nyn� zadejte svou p�ezd�vku a skute�n� jm�no.
[Thank You...]
;(DUP) [Full name]
[Send mode:]
Metoda odes�l�n�:
[Packet size (b):]
Velikost paketu (B):
[Auto-accept from:]
Automaticky p�ij�mat od:
[Ignore mask ( nick!user@host )]
Maska (p�ezd�vka!u�iv_jm�no@hostitel)
[Network (*)]
S� (*)
;(LAI) [Ident]
[User info - Required]
Osobn� informace (povinn�)
Obnoven� spojen�
[CTCP information]
Informace CTCP
[Scripting support]
Maska hostitele
[Online detection mode]
Detekce stavu online
[User modes]
M�dy u�ivatel�
[Channel modes]
M�dy kan�lu
[Client-to-Client File Transfers]
P�enos soubor� (DCC Send/Receive)
[Client-to-Client Protocol]
Ostatn� mo�nosti CTCP
[Client-to-Client Chats]
Priv�tn� diskuse (DCC Chat)
[Ignore users]
Ignorov�n� ��astn�k�
[Ignore events]
[Add server]
P�idat server
[Channels on server]
Seznam kan�l� na serveru
;(LAI) [Miranda IRC]
[CTCP Chat Request]
��dost CTCP Chat
&Zjistit informace
D�t &oper�tora
&Vz�t oper�tora
&D�t hlas
Vz�t &hlas
;(FIX) [Ki&ck (Reason)]
;(FIX) [Ban'&n Kick]
;(FIX) [Ban'n Kick (&Reason)]
[&Add contact]
P�id&at kontakt
;(DUP) [&Copy]
;(DUP) [Co&py All]
;(DUP) [Select &All]
[Leave channel]
Odej�t z kan�lu
[Clear log]
Vymazat z�znam
[Show/Hide server]
Zobrazit/skr�t server
;(DUP) [Open in &new window]
;(DUP) [&Open in existing window]
;(DUP) [&Copy link]

; S�t�/IRC Ignorov�n�
[(*) blank to set this mask for all networks]
(*) ponech�te-li pr�zdn�, plat� pro v�echny s�t�

[Send notice]
Poslat ozn�men�

[CTCP ERROR: Malformed CTCP command received from %s!%s@%s. Possible attempt to take control of your irc client registered]
Chyba CTCP: Od %s!%s@%s byl obdr�en podvodn� p��kaz CTCP. Teoreticky m��e j�t z�m�rn� �tok na klienta s�t� IRC.

; retezce pro IRC (zpetna kompatibilita)
[Online notification of contacts]
Upozornit na u�ivatele online
[timer (s): ]
doba (s): 
[Check temporary also]
Sledovat i do�asn�
[Enable incoming requests]
Povolit p��choz� ��dosti
[Automatically accept chat requests from... ]
Automaticky p�ijmout ��dosti od ...
[Ignore chat requests from...]
Ignorovat ��dosti od ...
[everyone not on the contact list]
ka�d�ho mimo seznam kontakt�


; tapin
; IRC.dll v.[b][/b] [27 Jul 2006], karta Extra
[Enable Nudge support]
Aktivovat mo�nost drcnut�
[Enable Typing Notify support]
Aktivovat upozorn�n� na psan�
[Auto-retrieve version details]
Autom. zjistit informace o verzi

;[Faster! Searches the network for an exact match of the nickname only. The hostmask is optional and provides further security if used. Wildcards (? and *) are allowed.]
;["Slower! Searches the network for nicknames matching a wildcard string. The hostmask is mandatory and a minimum of 4 characters is necessary in the \"Nick\" field. Wildcards (? and *) are allowed.]
;[Settings could not be saved!\n\nThe \"Nick\" field must contain at least four characters including wildcards,\n and it must also match the default nickname for this contact.]
;[Settings could not be saved!\n\nA full hostmask must be set for this online detection mode to work.]

; Description
[IRC protocol for Miranda IM]
Implementace protokolu IRC. Umo��uje komunikaci s u�ivateli t�to s�t�.

; S�t� / IRC / Extra
[Quit message:]
P�i ukon�en�:
[Server code page:]
K�dov�n� serveru:
[Enable UTF8 autodetection]
Zapnout detekci UTF-8
[Default ANSI codepage]
ANSI (v�choz�)
[Cyrillic (KOI8R)]
cyrilice (KOI8R)
[Cyrillic (Windows)]
cyrilice (Windows)

[Strip colors]
Odstranit barvy

[Alternate nick]
Alt. p�ezd�vka
[&Join channel]
P�i&j�t na kan�l
[Invite to channel]
Pozvat na &kan�l
[Send &notice]
Poslat poz&n�mku

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Jabber Protocol                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Nov 10 17:00:55 2005
; Translations: 239

; jabber.cpp
;(DUP) [This plugin requires db3x plugin version or later]

; jabber_agent.cpp
;(DUP) [Status]
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Offline]
[Jabber Agent Registration]
Jabber :: Registrace slu�by
;(DUP) [Please wait...]
[No message]
��dn� zpr�va

; jabber_chat.cpp
;(DUP) [&Leave chat session]
[&Voice List...]
Seznam lid� s ud�len�m &hlasem...
[&Ban List...]
&Seznam zak�zan�ch...
[&Member List...]
Sezna&m �len�...
[Mo&derator List...]
Seznam mo&der�tor�...
[&Admin List...]
Sezn&am spr�vc�...
[&Owner List...]
Seznam vlastn�k�...
[Change &Nickname...]
Zm�&nit p�ezd�vku...
[Set &Topic...]
Stanovit &t�ma...
[&Invite a User...]
Pozvat u�&ivatele...
[Room Con&figuration...]
&Nastaven� m�stnosti...
[Destroy Room...]
Uzav��t m�stnost...
;(DUP) [Kick]
[Toggle &Voice]
&Zm�nit hlas
[Toggle Moderator]
Zm�nit moder�tora
[Toggle Admin]
Zm�nit spr�vce
[Toggle Owner]
Zm�nit vlastn�ka
[Reason to kick]
D�vod k vykopnut�
[Reason to ban]
D�vod k z�kazu
[Set topic for]
Stanovit t�ma pro
[Change nickname in]
Zm�nit p�ezd�vku na
[Reason to destroy]
D�vod k uzav�en�

; jabber_groupchat.cpp
;(DUP) [Name]
;(DUP) [Type]
[Jabber Error Message]
Jabber :: Chybov� hl�en�

; jabber_iqid.cpp
[Authentication failed for]
Chyba p�i ov��ov�n�:
[Jabber Authentication]
Jabber :: Ov��en�
[Registration successful]
Registrace prob�hla �sp�n�
[Password is successfully changed. Don't forget to update your password in the Jabber protocol option.]
Heslo bylo �sp�n� zm�n�no. Nezapome�te tento �daj zaktualizovat v nastaven� protokolu Jabber.
[Change Password]
Zm�nit heslo
[Password cannot be changed.]
Heslo nelze zm�nit.

; jabber_iqid_muc.cpp
[JID List]
Seznam identifik�tor�
[Voice List]
Seznam lid� s ud�len�m hlasem
[Member List]
Seznam �len�
[Moderator List]
Seznam moder�tor�
[Ban List]
Seznam zak�zan�ch
[Admin List]
Seznam spr�vc�
[Owner List]
Seznam vlastn�k�

; jabber_menu.cpp
[Join chat]
P�idat se do diskuse

; jabber_misc.cpp
[CHAT plugin is required for conferences. Install it before chatting]
Tato funkce vy�aduje dopln�k 'Chat'. P�ed pou�it�m je t�eba nainstalovat.

; jabber_opt.cpp
[System default]
Dle Windows
[These changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.]
Zm�ny se projev� a� p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� do s�t� Jabber.
[Jabber Protocol Option]
Mo�nost protokolu Jabber
;(DUP) [Advanced]

; jabber_password.cpp
[Set New Password for]
Nov� heslo pro
[New password does not match.]
Zadan� hesla si neodpov�daj�.
[Current password is incorrect.]
Zadan� heslo je neplatn�.

; jabber_svc.cpp
[Change Password...]
Zm�nit heslo...
[Multi-User Conference...]
Diskusn� skupina...
[Personal vCard...]
Osobn� karta (vCard)...

; jabber_thread.cpp
[Enter password for]
Zadejte heslo pro
;(DUP) [Connecting...]
[Error: Not enough memory]
Chyba: Nedostatek pam�ti
[Error: Cannot connect to the server]
Chyba: Nelze nav�zat spojen� se serverem
[The connection requires an OpenSSL library, which is not installed.]
Tento typ spojen� vy�aduje knihovnu OpenSSL. Nainstalujte ji pros�m.
[Jabber Connection Error]
Jabber :: Chyba spojen�
[Error: Connection lost]
Chyba: Spojen� ne�ekan� ukon�eno
[Requesting registration instruction...]
Po�adavek na instrukce k registraci...
[Windows Server 2003]
Windows Server 2003
[Windows XP]
Windows XP
[Windows 2000]
Windows 2000
[Windows NT]
Windows NT
[Windows 95]
Windows 95
[Windows 98]
Windows 98
[Windows ME]
Windows ME
;(DUP) [Windows]
[Sending registration information...]
Odes�l�n� registra�n�ch �daj�...

; jabber_userinfo.cpp
[<click resource to view>]
<klikn�te na zdroj>
;(DUP) [none]
[none ( not on roster )]
--- ( nen� v seznamu )
[<not specified>]
[Unknown format]
nezn�m� form�t
[<Photo not available while offline>]
<foto nen� ve stavu offline>
[<No photo>]
<foto nen�>
;(DUP) [Avatar]
;(DUP) [Photo]

; jabber_util.cpp
;(DUP) [Error]
[Unknown error message]
Nezn�m� chybov� hl�en�

; jabber_vcard.cpp
;(DUP) [Male]
;(DUP) [Female]
;(DUP) [All Bitmaps]
[Only JPG, GIF, and BMP image files smaller than 40 KB are supported.]
Povoleny jsou pouze obr�zky typu JPG, GIF a BMP men�� ne� 40 kB.
[Jabber vCard]
Jabber vCard
[Jabber vCard: Edit Email Address]
Jabber vCard: Upravit e-mail
[Jabber vCard: Edit Phone Number]
Jabber vCard: Upravit telefonn� ��slo
;(DUP) [Personal]
;(DUP) [Home]

; jabber_ws.cpp
;(DUP) [connection]

; jabber.rc
;(LAI) [Spin1]
[Save password]
Ulo�it heslo
[Use SSL]
Pou��t SSL
[Use TLS]
Pou��t TLS
[List of public servers]
Seznam ve�. server�
[Manually specify connection host]
Ur�it hostitele pro p�ipojen�
[Keep connection alive]
Udr�ovat spojen�
[Automatically delete contacts not in my roster]
Automaticky mazat kontakty mimo vlastn� seznam
;(LAI) [Progress1]
;(LAI) [Tab1]
;(DUP) [Internet]
;(DUP) [Fax]
;(DUP) [Cellular]
[Show transport agents on contact list]
Zobrazit transporty v seznamu kontakt�
[Automatically add contact when accept authorization]
Automaticky p�idat kontakt po �sp�n� autorizaci
[Send messages slower, but with full acknowledgement]
Odeslat zpr�vy pomaleji, ale s �pln�m potvrzen�m
[Allow file sending through direct peer-to-peer connection]
Povolit odes�l�n� soubor� p��m�m spojen�m mezi klienty
[Specify proxy server]
Zadat proxy server
;(DUP) [Disable main menu]
;(DUP) [Enable avatars]
[Automatically join conferences on login]
Po p�ihl�en� se automaticky p�ipojit do diskuse
[Autoaccept multiuser chat invitations]
Automaticky p�ij�mat pozv�nky do diskuse
;(LAI) [List4]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Browse]
;(DUP) [Close]
;(DUP) [&Accept]
[Register new user]
Z��dit nov� ��et
[Browse/Join chat room...]
[Log on]
[Log off]
Zru�it reg.
[Register with a new service...]
Registrovat novou slu�bu...
;(DUP) [Update Now]
[Save Changes]
Ulo�it zm�ny
;(DUP) [Set]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [Username:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Login server:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
[User directory:]
Adres��ov� slu�ba:
[Messaging language:]
Jazyk zpr�v:
[Subscription type:]
Druh autorizace:
;(DUP) [Version:]
[Jabber server:]
Server Jabber:
[View and update Jabber personal vCard]
Osobn� karta (vCard) protokolu Jabber
;(DUP) [City:]
;(DUP) [State:]
;(DUP) [Country:]
[Full name:]
Cel� jm�no:
[Nick name:]
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [Date of birth:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
;(DUP) [Homepage:]
;(DUP) [Company:]
;(DUP) [Department:]
;(DUP) [Title:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [Phone:]
[Email address:]
[Phone number:]
;(DUP) [Description:]
[Current Password:]
P�vodn� heslo:
[New Password:]
Nov� heslo:
[Confirm New Password:]
Nov� heslo znovu:
[Conference server:]
Diskusn� server:
[Room JID:]
Identifik�tor m�stnosti:
[User JID:]
Identifik�tor u�ivatele:
;(DUP) [Reason:]
;(DUP) [From:]
;(DUP) [Nick:]
[The following invitation to join a multi-user conference is received.]
P�i�la n�sleduj�c� pozv�nka do diskuse.
;(DUP) [Note: Only JPGs and GIFs\nImage size max 64x64\nFile size max 6kB]
;(DUP) [Expert]
[Register/Search Jabber Agents]
Registrovat slu�by
[Registered Jabber Transports]
Registrovan� slu�by
[File Transfer]
P�enos soubor�
[Jabber Account Registration]
Jabber :: Registrace ��tu
[Jabber Agents]
Jabber :: Transporty
[Jabber Form]
Jabber :: Formul��
[Jabber Password]
Jabber :: Heslo
[Jabber vCard: Add Email Address]
Jabber vCard: P�id�n� e-mailu
[Jabber vCard: Add Phone Number]
Jabber vCard: P�id�n� telefonu
[Join Jabber Multi-User Conference Room]
P�ipojen� do diskusn� skupiny
[Jabber Groupchat Invite a User]
Pozv�nka do diskuse
[Multi-User Conference Invitation]
Pozv�nka do diskusn� skupiny

; N�zev dopl�ku
[Jabber Protocol]
Protokol Jabber

[Registering New Jabber Account]
Jabber :: z��zen� nov�ho ��tu
[Central European]
[Traditional Chinese]
��n�tina (tradi�n�)
[Simplified Chinese]
��n�tina (zjednodu�en�)
[Latin I]
[Korean ( Johab )]
korej�tina (Johab)

[&Convert to Chat Room]
Z&m�nit na m�stnost

; modifikace jgmail.dll
; karta Standard
[StartTLS if available]
StartTLS, je-li dostupn�

; karta GMail
[Enable GMail functionality]
Povolit funkce pro GMail
[Suppress startup check]
P�i spu�t�n� ne��st po�tu
[Synchronize Clock]
Synchronizovat hodiny
Bez dal��ch informac�
[Use Fake Contact]
Pou��t virtu�ln� kontakt
[Use PopUps]
Pou��t ozn�men�
[Show Request]
Zobrazit ��dost
[Show Result]
Zobrazit v�sledek
[Suppress Errors]
Nezobrazovat chyby
[Check Now!]
Zjistit stav
[Last %s]
Posledn� %s
[Visit GMail on E-Mail PopUp click]
Kliknut�m na ozn�men� p�ej�t na GMail
[Messages: ]
[Clock: ]
[Debug: ]
[Errors: ]
;(DUP) [Reset]
[Show Labels]
Zobrazit popisky
[Labels query:]
[Treat Invisible as Unavailable]
Stav 'Neviditeln�' pova�ovat za 'Nejsem tady'
[Saving chats to server is: ]
Ukl�d�n� konverzace na server: 
[Impossible to check]
Stav nelze zjistit
[JGMAIL: New Mail Notify]
Jgmail (nov� po�ta)
[&Convert to Contact]
Z&m�nit na kontakt

[Disable SASL authentication (for old servers)]
Vypnout ov��en� p�es SASL (pro zastaral� servery)

[Press here to download OpenSSL, required for SSL & TLS support]
Kliknut�m st�hnete knihovnu OpenSSL, kterou vy�aduj� funkce SSL a TLS.

; ikony
[Protocol icon]
Ikona protokolu

[Validate contacts being added]
Ov��it ka�d� p�idan� kontakt

; modifikace pro Meebo
[Automatically authorize all new contacts]
Automaticky autorizovat v�echny nov� kontakty
[Always remove meebome contacts when they go offline]
Automaticky odstranit offline kontakty meebome

; Vyhledat kontakty
[Search service]
Vyhled�vac� slu�ba
[Error %s %s\r\nPlease select other server]
Chyba: %s %s\r\nVyberte pros�m jin� server.
[Error Unknown reply recieved\r\nPlease select other server]
Chyba: Nezn�m� odpov��\r\nVyberte pros�m jin� server.
[Error %s %s\r\nTry to specify more detailed]
Chyba: %s %s\r\nZadejte p�esn�j�� �daje.
[Search error]
Chyba p�i vyhled�v�n�
[Select/type search service URL above and press <Go>]
Vyberte nebo zadejte adresu serveru a klikn�te na '->'
[Please wait...\r\nConnecting search server...]
Po�kejte pros�m...\r\nP�ipojov�n� k vyhled�vac�mu serveru...
[You have to be connected to server]
Funkce vy�aduje p�ipojen� k serveru

; Bookmarks
[Jabber Bookmarks]
Jabber :: Z�lo�ky
[Room JID]
Identifik�tor m�stnosti
[Bookmark Name]
N�zev z�lo�ky
[Not implemented]
Prozat�m nefunguje

[Add room to Bookmarks when adding to roster]
Po p�id�n� do seznamu p�idat m�stnost mezi z�lo�ky
[Enable stream compression (if possible)]
Povolit kompresi p�en�en�ch dat
[Jabber Add-Hoc commands at]
Seznam p��kaz� pro
[Requesting command list. Please wait...]
Zji��ov�n� seznamu p��kaz�. Po�kejte pros�m...
[Error %s %s]
Chyba �.%s %s

[Last logoff time:]
Posledn� odhl�en�:
[user online now]
je pr�v� online

[Last active]
Naposledy aktivn�
[No activity yet, use server's choice]
��dn� komunikace, dle serveru
[Highest priority (server's choice)]
Nejvy��� priorita (dle serveru)

[Select Command]
Vyberte p��kaz
[Not supported]
Nen� podporov�no
[Show Chat Notification]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� na zpr�vy
[Find other client login on same machine]
Naj�t jin� p�ipojen� ze stejn�ho po��ta�e

[Not found]

[Privacy Lists...]
Filtrov�n� kontakt�...


; Service Discovery
[Service Discovery...]
Vyhled�n� slu�eb...
[Node hierarchy]
Hierarchie uzl�
[Refresh Info]
Aktualizovat informace
[Refresh Children]
Aktualizovat potomka
;[Jid: %s\r\n]
;JID: %s\r\n
;[Node: %s\r\n]
;Uzel: %s\r\n
;[%s (category: %s, type: %s)\r\n]
;%s (kategorie: %s, druh: %s)\r\n
;[Category: %s, Type: %s\r\n]
;Kategorie: %s, druh: %s\r\n
;[\r\nInfo request error: %s\r\n]
;[\r\nItems request error: %s\r\n]
;[\r\nSupported features:\r\n]

[Import from file]
[Export to file]

[Browse Chatrooms...]
Proch�zet diskuse...
[Local Transports...]
Lok�ln� slu�by...
[Registered Transports...]
Zaregistrovan� slu�by...
[Account removal warning]
Upozorn�n�: Odstran�n� ��tu
[This operation will kill your account, roster and all another information stored at the server. Are you ready to do that?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran� ��et, tj. seznam kontakt� um�st�n� na serveru a v�echny ostatn� souvisej�c� informace?
[Specify external address:]
Zadat extern� adresu:
[Try to uncheck all checkmarks above if you're experiencing troubles with sending files. But it can cause problems with transfer of large files.]
M�te-li probl�my s p�enosem soubor�, vypn�te v�echny v��e uveden� mo�nosti. Na druhou stranu to m��e zamezit p�enosu velk�ch soubor�.
[Enable remote controlling (from another resource of same JID only)]
Povolit d�lkov� ��zen� (plat� pouze v r�mci jednoho JID)
[Enable user moods receiving]
Zobrazit informace o n�lad�
[Enable user tunes receiving]
Zobrazit informace o poslechu hudby
[Log chat state changes]
Zaznamenat zm�ny stavu b�hem diskuse
[Allow file sending through bytestream proxy server:]
Povolit odes�l�n� soubor� p�es proxy server:
[Roster control]
[Roster (contact list on server) management]
Spr�va seznamu kontakt� na serveru

[View vCard]
Zobrazit vCard...
[Contact Menu...]
U�ivatelsk� menu...
[Add to favorites]
P�idat mezi obl�ben�
[Copy JID]
Zkop�rovat JID
[Copy node name]
Zkop�rovat n�zev uzlu
[Copy node information]
Zkop�rovat informace o uzlu

; mooods
v klidu
val�m o�i
;[In awe]
[In love]
je mi blb�
na m� nem�

[Add to Bookmarks]
P�idat mezi z�lo�ky
[Join chatroom]
P�ipojit se do diskuse...
[Bookmark chatroom]
P�idat mezi z�lo�ky...

[Privacy settings:]
Mo�nosti filtrov�n� (seznamy)
[Active list (current session):]
Aktivn� (tato relace):
[Add new...]
[Default list (all sessions):]
V�choz� (pro v�e):
[Enter the name of the new list:]
Zadejte n�zev seznamu:
[New privacy list name:]
N�zev nov�ho seznamu
[Privacy rule]
Pravidlo filtrov�n�
[Privacy rules editor:]
Editor pravidel
[Remove list]
[Selected list:]
Vybran� seznam:
[Active privacy list successfully declined]
Aktivn� seznam �sp�n� p�epnut
[Default privacy list successfully declined]
V�choz� seznam �sp�n� p�epnut
[Error occurred while setting list %s as active]
Chyba p�i p�ep�n�n� seznamu %s na aktivn�
[Error occurred while setting list %s as default]
Chyba p�i p�ep�n�n� seznamu %s na v�choz�
[Privacy list %s set as active]
Seznam %s je aktivn�
[Privacy list %s set as default]
Seznam %s je v�choz�
[Privacy lists are not saved, discard any changes and exit?]
V seznamu jste ud�lali zm�ny. Opravdu chcete editor ukon�it?
[Incoming presence]
Zm�na stavu (p��ch.)
[Outgoing presence]
Zm�na stavu (odch.)
[List has no rules, empty lists will be deleted then changes applied]
Zat�m bez pravidel; pr�zdn� seznamy budou vymaz�ny a stav n�sledn� ulo�en.
[Can't remove active or default list]
Aktivn� ani v�choz� seznam nelze odstranit.
[XML for MS Excel (UTF-8 encoded)(*.xml)\0*.xml\0\0]
XML pro MS Excel (k�dov�n� UTF-8)(*.xml)\0*.xml\0\0

[&User Details]
Informace o &u�ivateli

Diskusn� skupiny
[Server options]
Mo�nosti serveru
[Show information about operating system in version replies]
S verz� zobrazit z�rove� i informace o opera�n�m syst�mu
[Accept only in band incoming filetransfers (don't disclose own IP)]
Povolit p�enos dat pouze p�es server (pomalej��, ale anonymn�)

[Room JID / URL]
JID m�stnosti / URL

[Bookmark Details]
Informace o z�lo�ce
Automaticky p�ipojit
[Bookmark Name:]
N�zev z�lo�ky:
[Room JID/ URL:]
[Bookmark Type]
Druh z�lo�ky

; Commands / Set status
[Set status]
Zm�nit stav
[Choose the status and status message]
Vyberte po�adovan� stav a zadejte zpr�vu
; Commands / Set options
[Set options]
Zm�nit nastaven�
[Set the desired options]
Vyberte po�adovanou mo�nost
[Automatically Accept File Transfers]
Automaticky p�ij�mat soubory
[Disable remote controlling (check twice what you are doing]
Vypnout d�lkov� ��zen� (dob�e si to rozmyslete...)
[Play sounds]
P�ehr�t zvuky
; Commands / Quit MIM
[Quit Miranda IM]
Ukon�it program Miranda IM
[Please confirm Miranda IM shutdown]
Potvr�te pros�m ukon�en� Mirandy
[Workstation successfully locked]
Po��ta� byl zamknut
[Error %d occured during workstation lock]
Chyba �.%d p�i zamyk�n� po��ta�e
; Commands / Forward messages
[Forward unread messages]
P�eposlat nep�e�ten� zpr�vy
[%d message(s) forwarded]
Po�et p�eposlan�ch zpr�v: %d
[There is no messages to forward]
Po�et p�eposlan�ch zpr�v: 0
[%d message(s) to be forwarded]
Po�et zpr�v k p�eposl�n�: %d

[Weather transport]
Transport (po�as�)
[Jabber Disk transport]
Transport (Jabber Disk)
[Dictionary transport]
Transport (slovn�k)
[ICQ transport]
Transport (ICQ)

;[Reset log]

[Status text:\t]
Text stavu:\t
[Real JID:\t]
Skut. JID:\t


[ Extended Features ]
 Mo�nosti roz���en� 
[Enable voice calls]
Aktivovat telefonn� hovory
[* changes will be applied after miranda restart]
Pozn�mka: Proveden� zm�ny se projev� a� po restartu Mirandy.

[Custom Status]
Roz���en� stav

[Public XMPP Network]
XMPP (ve�ejn� s�)
[Secure XMPP Network]
XMPP (zabezpe�en� s�)
[Secure XMPP Network (old style)]
XMPP (zabezpe�en� s�, star�� typ)
[Google Talk!]
Google Talk!
[LiveJournal Talk]
LiveJournal Talk
[Use custom connection host and port:]
Ur�it hostitele (a port) pro p�ipojen�:

[Agents list]
Seznam transport�
[Registered transports]
Registrovan� slu�by
[Change password]
Zm�nit heslo
[Multi-User Conference]
Diskusn� skupina
[Personal vCard]
Osobn� karta (vCard)
;(DUP) [Request authorization]
;(DUP) [Grant authorization]
;(DUP) [Revoke authorization]
[Convert to room]
Zm�nit na m�stnost
[Add to roster]
P�idat do seznamu
[Resolve nicks]
Zjistit p�ezd�vku
[Privacy Lists]
Filtrov�n� kontakt�
[Service Discovery]
Zjistit nab�zen� slu�by
[AdHoc Command]
[XML Console]
Konzola XML

[Discovery succeeded]
Vyhled�v�n� dokon�eno
[Discovery failed]
Chyba p�i vyhled�v�n�
[Discovery in progress]
Vyhled�v�n� slu�eb
[View as tree]
Zobrazit jako stromovou strukturu
[View as list]
Zobrazit jako seznam
[Apply filter]
Pou��t filtr
[Reset filter]
Zru�it filtr

[Navigate home]
P�ej�t na domovsk� server
[Refresh node]
Aktualizovat uzel
[Browse node]
Proch�zet uzel
[RSS service]
Slu�ba RSS
[Storage service]
�lo�i�t� dat
[Weather service]
P�ehled po�as�

[Generic privacy list]
Obecn� seznam
[Active privacy list]
Aktivn� seznam
[Default privacy list]
V�choz� seznam
;(DUP) [Move up]
;(DUP) [Move down]
[Allow Messages]
Povolit zpr�vy
[Allow Presences (in)]
Povolit stavy (p��ch.)
[Allow Presences (out)]
Povolit stavy (odch.)
[Allow Queries]
Povolit ��dosti
[Deny Messages]
Zak�zat zpr�vy
[Deny Presences (in)]
Zak�zat stavy (p��ch.)
[Deny Presences (out)]
Zak�zat stavy (odch.)
[Deny Queries]
Zak�zat ��dosti

[Some changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.]
N�kter� zm�ny se projev� a� p�i p��t�m p�ihl�en� do vybran� s�t� Jabber.
[Use hostname as resource]
Jako prost�edek pou��t n�zev po��ta�e
[Language for human-readable resources:]
Definice jazyka pro textov� slu�by:
[Chat options]
Mo�nosti diskuse
[Automatically join bookmarks on login]
Po p�ihl�en� automaticky p�ipojit z�lo�ky
[Do not show multiuser chat invitations]
Ignorovat pozv�nky do diskuse ve v�ce lidech
[Log events]
Z�znam ud�lost�
[Ban notifications]
[Room configuration changes]
Zm�na nastaven� m�stnosti
[Affiliation changes]
Zm�ny vztahu
[Role changes]
Zm�ny funkce
[Custom messages]
Vlastn� zpr�vy
[Log presence subscription state changes]
Zaznamenat zm�ny stavu autorizace
[Log presence errors]
Zaznamenat chyby informace o stavu
[Automatically accept authorization requests]
Automaticky p�ij�mat ��dosti o autorizaci
[Fix incorrect timestamps in incoming messages]
Opravovat neplatn� datum p��choz�ch zpr�v
[Service discovery]
Vyhled�n� slu�eb
[Join conference]
P�ipojit se do diskuse
[Open bookmarks]
Otev��t z�lo�ky
[Privacy lists]
Filtrov�n� kontakt�

; menu
[Jabber Resource]
[Last Active]
Naposledy aktivn�
[Server's Choice]
Podle serveru
[Registered Transports]
Registrovan� slu�by
[Local Server Transports]
Zjistit lok�ln� slu�by
[Browse Chatrooms]
Proch�zet diskuse
[Create/Join groupchat]
Zalo�it/p�ipojit k diskusi
[Roster editor]
Seznamy na serveru

[Auto-join (Automatically join Bookmarks must be enabled in Miranda options)]
Automaticky p�ipojit (vy�aduje zapnut� funkce 'Po p�ihl�en� automaticky p�ipojit z�lo�ky')
[Create or Join Groupchat]
Zalo�it nebo se p�ipojit do diskuse

[Simple Mode]
Z�kladn� re�im
[Advanced Mode]
Pro pokro�il�
[Simple mode]
Z�kladn� re�im
[Advanced mode]
Pro pokro�il�
[Other JID:]
Ostatn� JID:
[Add list...]
P�idat seznam
[Set default]
Nastavit jako v�choz�
[Add rule]
P�idat pravidlo
[Edit rule]
Upravit pravidlo
[Move rule up]
P�esunout nahoru
[Move rule down]
P�esunout dol�
[Remove rule]
Odstranit pravidlo
[Delete rule]
Odstranit pravidlo
[Save changes]
Ulo�it zm�ny
[following stanza types:]
n�sleduj�c� druhy ud�lost�:
[No list selected]
Vyberte po�adovan� seznam.

[Last logoff time]
Doba posledn�ho odhl�en�
[Logoff message]
Zpr�va p�i odhl�en�
[Last active resource]
Naposledy aktivn� um�st�n�
[<no information available>]
[Resource priority]
[Idle since]
Ne�innost od
[Client capabilities]
Mo�nosti klientsk�ho softwaru
[Supports Service Discovery info]
Podporuje vyhled�n� slu�eb
[Supports Service Discovery items list]
Podporuje v�pis vyhledan�ch slu�eb
[Can inform about its Jabber capabilities]
Poskytuje informace o mo�nostech klienta
[Supports stream initiation (for filetransfers for ex.)]
Podporuje zah�jen� relace (nap�. pro p�enos soubor�)
[Supports stream initiation for file transfers]
Podporuje zah�jen� relace pro p�enos soubor�
[Supports file transfers via SOCKS5 Bytestreams]
Podporuje p�enos soubor� pomoc� SOCKS5
[Supports file transfers via In-Band Bytestreams]
Podporuje p�enos soubor� typu In-Band
[Supports file transfers via Out-of-Band Bytestreams]
Podporuje p�enos soubor� typu Out-of-Band
[Supports execution of Ad-Hoc commands]
Podporuje p��kazy Ad-Hoc
[Supports in-band registration]
Podporuje registraci In-Band
[Supports multi-user chat]
Podporuje diskuse ve v�ce lidech
[Can report chat state in a chat session]
Poskytuje informace o stavu diskuse
[Can report information about the last activity of the user]
Poskytuje informace posledn�ch akc�ch u�ivatele
[Can report own version information]
Poskytuje informace o verzi klienta
[Can report local time of the user]
Poskytuje informace o m�stn�m �asu
[Can send and receive ping requests]
Umo��uje poslat a p�ijmout ping
[Supports data forms]
Podporuje formul��ov� prvky
[Can request and respond to events relating to the delivery, display, and composition of messages]
Umo��uje zpracov�vat a reagovat na ud�losti typu doru�en�, zobrazen� a psan� zpr�vy
[Supports vCard]
Podporuje vCard
[Supports iq-based avatars]
Podporuje avatary dle IQ
[Supports xHTML formatting of chat messages]
Podporuje XHTML ve zpr�v�ch
[Supports Jabber Browsing]
Podporuje katalogizaci slu�eb
;[Can negotiate options for specific features]
;[Can request advanced processing of message stanzas]
[Can report information about user moods]
Poskytuje informace o n�lad�
[Receives information about user moods]
P�ij�m� informace o n�lad�
;[Supports generic publish-subscribe functionality]
[Supports SecureIM plugin for Miranda IM]
Podporuje dopln�k SecureIM pro Mirandu
[Can block communications from particular other users using Privacy lists]
Umo��uje blokovat komunikaci na z�klad� definovan�ch filtr�
[Supports Message Receipts]
Podporuje potvrzenky o doru�en�
[Can report information about the music to which a user is listening]
Poskytuje informace o poslouchan� hudb�
[Receives information about the music to which a user is listening]
P�ij�m� informace o poslouchan� hudb�
[Supports private XML Storage (for bookmakrs and other)]
Podporuje ukl�d�n� soukrom�ch dat (pro z�lo�ky aj.)
[Supports attention requests ('nudge')]
Podporuje zpracov�n� ��dosti o pozornost (tzv. drcnut�)
[Can report information about user activity]
Umo��uje odes�lat informace o aktivit� u�ivatele
[Receives information about user activity]
P�ij�m� informace o aktivit� u�ivatele

[List Editor...]

[Copy only this value]
Zkop�rovat jen hodnotu
[Filter mode]
[all attributes]
V�echny atributy

[Address (JID or URL)]
Adresa (JID nebo odkaz)

[Enable XMPP server ping (XEP-0199)]
Povolit ping p�es XMPP (XEP-0199)
[Accept HTTP Authentication requests (XEP-0070)]
Povolit ov��en� pomoc� HTTP a XMPP (XEP-0070)
[Resource priority [%d]]
Priorita um�st�n� (%d)
[Increase priority by %d]
Zv��it prioritu o %d
[Decrease priority by %d]
Sn�it prioritu o %d

; kompatibilita s �adou 0.7.x
[Automatically join Bookmarks on login]
Po p�ihl�en� automaticky p�ipojit z�lo�ky
[Nick Name]
[Create/Join groupchat...]
Zalo�it diskusi...

; Robyer
[Copy real &JID]
Zkop�rovat &JID
[Set &role]
Ur�it &roli
[Copy &nickname]
Zkop�rovat &p�ezd�vku
[Outcast (&ban)]
Zak�zan� (&ban)
[Set &affiliation]
Nastavit vzt&ah
[&Add to roster]
P�id&at do seznamu
[User &details]
&Detaily u�ivatele
[Member &info]
�lensk� &informace
[Real &JID: %s]
Skut. &JID: %s
[&Moderator list]
Seznam &moder�tor�
[Copy room topic]
Zkop�rovat t�ma m�stnosti
[Change &nickname]
Zm�&nit p�ezd�vku
[&Participant list]
Seznam ��astn�&k�
[Add to &bookmarks]
P�i&dat do z�lo�ek
[Outcast list (&ban)]
Seznam zak�zan�ch (&ban)
[&Member list]
Sezna&m �len�
[&Room options]
Na&staven� m�stnosti
[Copy room &JID]
Zkop�rovat &JID m�stnosti
[View/change &topic]
Zobrazit/zm�nit &t�ma
[&Destroy room]
Zru�i&t m�stnost
[&Invite a user]
Pozvat u�&ivatele
[&Admin list]
Sezn&am spr�vc�
[&Owner list]
Seznam &vlastn�k�
[Apply Filter]
Pou��t filtr
[Reset Filter]
Zru�it filtr
[In progress. Please Wait...]
�ekejte pros�m...
[closed chat session]
ukon�il komunikaci
[approved subscription request]
��dost o autorizaci schv�lena
[sent subscription request]
��dost o autorizaci odesl�na
[Supported features]
Podporovan� funkce

[Mood: %s]
N�lada: %s
[Activity: %s]
�innost: %s
[Frame text]
Text r�me�ku
[Frame title]
Z�hlav� r�me�ku
[Error occured during processing command]
Chyba p�i zpracov�n� p��kazu
[Error occurred while setting active list]
Chyba p�i aktivaci seznamu
[Hide conference windows at startup]
P�i spu�t�n� skr�t diskusn� skupiny
[Enable user activity receiving]
Sledovat aktivity u�ivatel�

[Set Activity]
Zad�n� �innosti

[Doing chores]
b�n� povinnosti
[buying groceries]
[doing maintenance]
d�l�m �dr�bu
[doing the dishes]
um�v�m n�dob�
[doing the laundry]
peru pr�dlo
na zahr�dce
[running an errand]
[walking the dog]
venku se psem

[having a beer]
[having coffee]
[having tea]

[having a snack]
[having breakfast]
[having dinner]
[having lunch]

na kole
na v�let�
[playing sports]
[working out]

pe�uju o sebe
[at the spa]
v l�zn�ch
[brushing teeth]
�ist�m si zuby
[getting a haircut]
u holi�e/kade�n�ka
hol�m se
[taking a bath]
koupu se
[taking a shower]
sprchuji se

[Having appointment]
na sch�zce

[day off]
den volna
[hanging out]
fl�k�m se
skr�v�m se
[on vacation]
na dovolen�
modl�m se
[scheduled holiday]
pl�novan� dovolen�

hraju hry
[going out]
na p�rty
�tu si
na n�kupu
ve spole�nosti
opaluju se
[watching TV]
kouk�m na TV
[watching a movie]
kouk�m na film

[in real life]
[on the phone]
po telefonu
[on video phone]

na cest�
na kole
[in a car]
v aut�
[on a bus]
v autobusu
[on a plane]
v letadle
[on a train]
ve vlaku
[on a trip]
na v�let�
na proch�zce

[in a meeting]
na porad�

[Set filter...]

[Set Mood]
Zad�n� nal�dy

[OpenID Request]
��dost OpenID

[Receive notes]
P�ij�mat pozn�mky
[Automatically save received notes]
Automaticky ulo�it obdr�en� pozn�mky

[Set mood...]
Zadat n�ladu...
[Set activity...]
Zadat �innost...
[Send Note]
Poslat pozn�mku
[Send note]
Poslat pozn�mku
[Incoming note from %s]
P��choz� pozn�mka: %s
[Incoming note: %s\n\n%s\nTags: %s]
P��choz� pozn�mka: %s\n\n%s\n�t�tky: %s
[Send note to %s]
Poslat pozn�mku: %s
[All tags]
V�echny �t�tky

[Privacy Lists\nFlexible way to configure visibility and more.]
Filtrov�n� kontakt�\nFlexibiln� zp�sob definice viditelnosti
[Increase priority by 10]
Zv��it prioritu o 10
[Increase priority by 5]
Zv��it prioritu o 5
[Increase priority by 1]
Zv��it prioritu o 1
[Decrease priority by 10]
Sn�it prioritu o 10
[Decrease priority by 5]
Sn�it prioritu o 5
[Decrease priority by 1]
Sn�it prioritu o 1
[Privacy lists successfully saved]
Seznamy �sp�n� ulo�eny
[ (act., def.)]
 (akt., v�ch.)
[ (active)]
[ (default)]
[Presence (in)]
Stav (p��choz�)
[Presence (out)]
Stav (odchoz�)
[** Default **]
** v�choz� **
[** Subsription: both **]
** autorizace: <-> **
[** Subsription: to **]
** autorizace: -> **
[** Subsription: from **]
** autorizace: <- **
[** Subsription: none **]
** autorizace: ��dn� **
[Send Presence]
Poslat stav
[Browse chatrooms]
Proch�zet diskuse
[Browse local transports]
Proch�zet lok�ln� slu�by
[Roster editor\nView and modify your server-side contact list.]
Seznamy na serveru\nZobrazen� a �pravy seznamu kontakt� na serveru
[Jabber Multi-User Conference\nCreate or join existing conference room.]
Diskusn� skupina\nZalo�en� nebo p�ipojen� se do existuj�c� diskusn� skupiny
[Jabber notebook\nStore notes on server and access them from anywhere.]
Pozn�mky\nUlo�en� pozn�mky budete m�t po��d p�i ruce
[Edit Note]
Upravit pozn�mku
[Server side bookmarks\nStore conference rooms and web links on server.]
Z�lo�ky na serveru\nUlo�en� diskus� a odkaz� do seznamu na serveru


[Disable frame]
Vypnout zobrazen� r�me�ku
[Enable XMPP link processing (requires Association Manager)]
Povolit pr�ci s odkazy (vy�aduje dopln�k Association Manager)
[Allow servers to request version (XEP-0092)]
Povolit ��dosti serveru o verzi (XEP-0092)

[%s connection]
%s - spojen� se serverem
[Use Domain Login]
Pou��t dom�nov� jm�no
[Supports private multi-user chat]
Podporuje soukrom� diskuse ve v�ce lidech

[Keep contacts assigned to local groups (ignore roster group)]
Nem�nit rozm�st�n� kontakt� ve skupin�ch (ignorovat stav na serveru)
[Supports Roster Exchange]
Podporuje v�m�nu seznam� na serveru
[Supports Jingle]
Podporuje Jingle
[Supports Miranda IM notes extension]
Podporuje roz���en� pozn�mky Miranda IM
[Supports GTalk private multi-user chat]
Podporuje d�v�rn� re�im

[First, save the list]
Ulo�it seznam
[Please save list before activating]
Nejprve pros�m ulo�te vytvo�en� seznam.
[Add JID]
P�idat JID

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  JustTabs                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Stanislav V�gner <vagner (zavin��) nway (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://scottellis.com.au/miranda_plugins

[Messaging Tabs]
Z�lo�ky zpr�v
[Put SRMM windows into a single frame]
V�ce zpr�v jako z�lo�ky v jednom okn�
[No titlebar]
Bez z�hlav�
[Show contact icon on tabs]
Zobrazit ikonu v z�lo�ce
;(DUP) [Always on top]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  KeepStatus                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2206

; Generated by lpgen on Mon Jul 18 17:30:25 2005
; Translations: 153

; commonstatus.c
;(LAI) [I've been away since %time%.]
;(LAI) [Give it up, I'm not in!]
;(LAI) [Not right now.]
;(LAI) [Give a guy some peace, would ya?]
;(LAI) [I'm a chatbot!]
;(LAI) [Yep, I'm here.]
;(LAI) [Nope, not here.]
;(LAI) [I'm hiding from the mafia.]
;(LAI) [That'll be the phone.]
;(LAI) [Mmm...food.]
;(LAI) [idleeeeeeee]

; confirmdialog.c
;(DUP) [Protocol]
;(DUP) [Status]
;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [Closing in %d]
;(DUP) [Close]
;(DUP) [<last>]
;(DUP) [<current>]
;(DUP) [<n/a>]

; action_keepstatus.c
[<from trigger>]
<ze spou�t��e>

; keepstatus.c
Udr�ov�n� stavu
[%s Connected from another location]
P�ipojen� z jin�ho m�sta (%s)
[%s Login error, cancel reconnecting]
Chyba p�i p�ihl�en� (%s), obnoven� ukon�eno
[%s Login error (next retry (%d) in %ds)]
Chyba p�i p�ihl�en� (%s), dal�� pokus (�.%d) za %d sek.
[%s Status error (next retry (%d) in %ds)]
Chyba stavu (%s), dal�� pokus (�.%d) za %d sek.
[Status error (next retry (%d) in %ds)]
Chyba stavu (dal�� pokus (�.%d) za %d sek.)
[%s\t(will be set to %s)\r\n]
%s\t(stav bude zm�n�n na '%s')\r\n
[Resetting status... (last try (%d))%s]
Reset stavu... (posledn� pokus (�.%d))%s
[Resetting status... (next retry (%d) in %ds)%s]
Reset stavu... (dal�� pokus (�.%d) za %d sek.)%s
[No internet connection seems available... (last try (%d))]
Nefunguje p�ipojen� k internetu... (posledn� pokus (�.%d))
[No internet connection seems available... (next retry (%d) in %ds)]
Nefunguje p�ipojen� k internetu... (dal�� pokus (�.%d) za %d sek.)
[Status was set ok]
Stav �sp�n� obnoven
[Giving up]
Stav nelze obnovit
[KeepStatus requires at least v0.3.1 (final) of Miranda IM, get it at www.miranda-im.org]
Dopln�k KeepStatus vy�aduje program Miranda IM v0.3.1 nebo nov�j��.

; options.c
;(DUP) [PopUps]

; trigger_keepstatus.c
[connection lost]
spojen� p�eru�eno
[each retry]
ka�d� obnoven�
[, each retry]
, ka�d� obnoven�
�sp�n� obnoveno
[, success]
, �sp�n� obnoveno
[giving up]
obnovov�n� zru�eno
[, giving up]
, obnovov�n� zru�eno

; resource.rc
[Check connection]
Zajistit spojen�
[Increase delay exponential]
Prodlevu postupn� zvy�ovat
[Show popups]
Zobrazovat ozn�men�
[Don't reconnect if no internet connection seems available]
Neobnovovat stav p�i odpojen� od internetu
[Cancel all if a protocol connects from another location]
P�eru�it obnoven� p�i p�ipojen� z jin�ho m�sta
[Continuously check for internet connection]
Periodicky ov��ovat p�ipojen� k internetu
[Do so by pinging host]
Pomoc� p��kazu ping
[Reconnect on APM resume]
Obnovit p�ipojen� po n�vratu z �sporn�ho re�imu
[Stop trying to reconnect]
P�estat obnovovat p�ipojen�
[Set delay to]
Zm�nit prodlevu na
[React on login errors]
Po chyb� p�i p�ihl�en�
;(DUP) [after]
;(DUP) [Confirm resetting status]
;(DUP) [Monitor Miranda's activity only]
;(DUP) [Reset status on return]
;(DUP) [when screen saver engages]
;(DUP) [only set when inactive]
;(DUP) [when workstation is locked]
;(DUP) [Set window state]
;(DUP) [Show dialog]
;(DUP) [Set status to offline before exit]
;(DUP) [Activate status profile]
;(DUP) [Set docked]
;(DUP) [Set window location]
;(DUP) [Set window size]
;(DUP) [Allow override]
;(DUP) [Automatically dial on startup]
;(DUP) [Automatically hang up on exit]
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Use default colours]
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [Close popup]
[Cancel reconnecting]
P�eru�it p�ipojov�n�
[Show when connection is lost]
Zobrazit p�i odpojen� od s�t�
[Show when a connection attempt is made]
Zobrazit p�i pokusu o nav�z�n� spojen�
[Show when reconnection has finished]
Zobrazit po �sp�n�m nav�z�n� spojen�
[Show other messages]
Zobrazit ostatn� zpr�vy
;(DUP) [From PopUp plugin]
;(DUP) [Custom]
;(DUP) [Permanent]
[Show additional information in popups]
Zobrazit i dal��, podrobn�j�� informace 
;(DUP) [Use Miranda's message setting]
;(DUP) [Use this message:]
;(DUP) [Specify settings for each protocol]
;(DUP) [Use same settings for all protocols]
;(DUP) [Ignore caps-lock, num-lock and scroll-lock keys]
;(DUP) [Monitor keyboard activity]
;(DUP) [Monitor mouse activity]
;(DUP) [Enable checking]
;(DUP) [Disable checking]
[connection loss is detected]
spojen� bylo p�eru�eno
[reconnection attempt is made]
pokus o obnoven� spojen�
[successfull reconnected]
spojen� �sp�n� nav�z�no
[giving up reconnecting]
konec obnovov�n� spojen�
;(DUP) [Create a TopToolBar button]
;(DUP) [Show confirm dialog when loading]
;(DUP) [Create a status menu item]
;(LAI) [HotKey1]
;(DUP) [Hotkey]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Copy to Clipboard]
;(DUP) [Create Shortcut]
;(DUP) [Show CMDL]
;(DUP) [Preview]
;(DUP) [Variables...]
;(DUP) [Add...]
;(DUP) [Del]
[Max. retries]
Max. opak.
[Initial delay (seconds)]
1. prodleva (sek.)
[Max. delay (seconds)]
Max. prodleva (sek.)
[Protocols to check]
Vybran� protokoly
;(DUP) [seconds]
;(DUP) [Profile]
;(DUP) [minutes of inactivity]
;(DUP) [minutes of level 1 mode]
;(DUP) [Only set if current status is]
;(DUP) [Set]
;(DUP) [Command Line:]
;(DUP) [Profile name]
;(DUP) [Set after]
;(DUP) [Timeout]
;(DUP) [s]
;(DUP) [Note: status profiles can be created in the 'Status Profiles' options screen]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
;(DUP) [Check interval (secs)]
;(DUP) [Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
;(DUP) [Protocols]
;(DUP) [Set status message]
[Trigger if...]
Spustit kdy�...
[Protocol Connection]
Stav protokol�
[Dial-Up (please read keepstatus.txt)]
Vyt��en� p�ipojen� (viz keepstatus.txt)
;(DUP) [Auto Away Rules]
;(DUP) [Other]
;(DUP) [Status on startup]
;(DUP) [Window on startup]
;(DUP) [Dial-up]
;(DUP) [Delay]
;(DUP) [On left click]
;(DUP) [On right click]
;(DUP) [Colours]
;(DUP) [Events]
;(DUP) [Auto Away Status Messages]
;(DUP) [Status Profiles]
;(DUP) [Confirm Status]
;(DUP) [Command Line]
;(DUP) [Add new profile]

[You broke the Internet!]
Kole�ko se pol�malo!
[Initial delay (secs)]
1. prodleva (sek.)
[Max. delay (secs)]
Max. prodleva (sek.)
[Max. connecting time]
Max. doba p�ipojov�n�
[Set protocol offline before a connection attempt]
P�ed obnoven�m p�ipojen� nastavit protokol offline
[Delay between retries (secs)]
Prodleva mezi obnoven�m (sek.)
[Max. protocol connecting time]
Max. doba p�ipojen� na protokol
Obnoven� p�ipojen�
[Ignore locked status of protocols]
Ignorovat zamknut� stav protokol�
Vyt��en� spojen�
[Consider connection lost after]
Pova�ovat za odpojeno po
[failed pings]
ztrac. pak.
[Continuously check interval (secs)]
Interval ov��ov�n� p�ipojen� (sek.)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Keyboard Notify Ext., FDD Notify        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2071

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Apr 28 08:58:04 2005
; Translations: 37

; main.cpp
[Keyboard Flash]
Blik�n� kl�vesnic�
[Floppy Flash]
Blik�n� floppy

;(DUP) [Plugins]
Knight Rider

; resources.rc
;(DUP) [Incoming messages]
;(DUP) [Incoming files]
;(DUP) [Incoming URLs]
[Everything else]
V�echno ostatn�
[Num Lock]
Num Lock
[Caps Lock]
Caps Lock
[Scroll Lock]
Scroll Lock
;(LAI) [Slider1]
;(LAI) [Spin1]
[All other situations]
V�echny ostatn� situace
[Screensaver is running]
B��c� spo�i� obrazovky
[Workstation is locked ]
Uzam�en� stanice (2000/XP)
[Fullscreen mode]
Celoobrazovkov� re�im
[In turn]
Na st��da�ku
[All at the same time]
V�echny LEDky najednou
[Turn on without blinking]
Zapnout bez blik�n�
[seconds (0 = unlimited)]
sek. (0 = st�le)
[ Notify when]
Okolnosti pro ozn�men�
[LEDs to flash]
Rozsv�tit LEDky
[Flash speed]
Rychlost blik�n�
[Seconds to wait before starting flash]
Po�et sekund p�ed za��tkem blik�n�
[Events to react on]
Reagovat p�i ud�lostech
[Flashing effects]
Efekty blik�n�
[Flashing time]
Doba blik�n�
[Beep the PC Speaker]
Pou��t intern� reproduktor
;(LAI) [Dialog]

[( 0 = no limit )]
(0 = st�le)

; KeyboardNotify Ext. by TioDuke
[Notify when]
Okolnosti pro ozn�men�
[Full Screen mode]
Celoobrazovkov� re�im
[Screen Saver is running]
B��c� spo�i� obrazovky
[Workstation is Locked (2000/XP)]
Uzam�en� stanice (2000/XP)
[Blink if message window is open]
Blikat p�i otev�en�m kom. okn�
[Flash until]
Doba blik�n�
[If Miranda is re-attended]
Do pov�imnut� - Miranda
[If Windows is re-attended]
Do pov�imnut� - Windows
[Events are opened]
Do vy�e�en� ud�lost�
[End of 'notify when' conditions]
Do skon�en� 'Okolnosti pro ozn�men�'
[Pending Events]
Trvaj�c� ud�losti
[Remind me every]
Blikat ka�d�ch

[Keys to flash]
Rozsv�tit LEDky
[In sequence]
zleva doprava
zprava doleva
Knight Rider
[Wait before starting flashing]
Prodleva p�ed za��tkem blik�n�

[Incoming URLs]
P��choz� - URL
[Custom theme]
Vlastn� sekvence
[Keyboard Notify requires WinIo.dll]
Dopln�k Keyboard Notify vy�aduje knihovnu WinIo.dll
[Error during initialization of WinIo]
Chyba p�i inicializaci WinIo
Vlastn� sekvence
[Create/Edit Themes]
Tvorba a �prava sekvence
[Override existing]
P�epsat existuj�c�
[     ... and not in foreground]
      ... kter� nen� v pop�ed�
[Only if last is]
Jen star��
[sec. old]
ti sek.
[is re-attended]
- pov�imnut�
[Accordingly to events' count]
Podle po�tu ud�lost�
[Message events]
[File events]
P�enos soubor�
[URL events]
P��choz� odkazy
[Other events]
Jin� ud�losti
[Defined programs are running]
B�� vybran� programy
[Set program list]
Seznam vybran�ch program�

[Emulate keypresses (Use this option if you are using an USB keyboard)]
Emulovat zm��knut� kl�ves (vy�adov�no pro kl�vesnice typu USB)

[Set xStatus list]
Nastavit roz���en� stavy
[Ignore others]
Ignorovat ostatn�
Import a export
[Keyboard Notify Theme]
Sekvence blik�n� kl�vesnic�

[Ignore messages]
Ignorovat zpr�vy
[Ignore URLs]
Ignorovat adresy
[Ignore files]
Ignorovat soubory

; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Set LEDs for events]
Zvolit LEDky pro ud�losti

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Language Pack Manager                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3003

[Language Pack Manager]
Spr�va p�eklad�
[Helps you manage Language Packs of different languages.]
Usnad�uje spr�vu soubor� s p�eklady v r�zn�ch jazyc�ch.
[Language Pack Manager Plugin]
Dopln�k Spr�va p�eklad�
[The Language Pack Manager plugin can not be loaded. It requires Miranda IM %s or later.]
Dopln�k Spr�va p�eklad� nelze na��st. Vy�aduje program Miranda IM %s nebo nov�j��.
[Language Pack Update HTTP connection]
P�eklady - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTP

; Options
;(DUP) [Customize]
;(DUP) [Language]
[Installed Languages]
Nainstalovan� jazyky
;(DUP) [File]
;(DUP) [Author(s):]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
[Last modified using:]
Ur�eno pro:
;(DUP) [Date:]
;(DUP) [Version:]
[Not included:]
V p�ekladu chyb�:
;(LAI) [%hs (%s)]
[All installed plugins are included.]
V�echny nainstalovan� dopl�ky jsou p�elo�eny.
[Download more Language Packs]
St�hnout dal�� p�eklady
;(DUP) [Please restart Miranda IM for your changes to take effect.]
[Check for new &versions of Language Packs periodically]
Pravideln� zji��ovat nov� &verze p�eklad�
[&Download Language]
St�hnout p�ekla&d

; All names of the Language Packs can be translated
[English (default)]
Angli�tina (standardn�)

; Update Notify
[Language Pack Update Now Available]
Nov� verze p�ekladu
[A new version of a Language Pack is now available. Click the install button to download and install this new update.]
K dispozici je nov� verze p�ekladu programu Miranda IM. St�hnete a nainstalujete ji kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Instalovat'.
;(DUP) [Language:]
;(DUP) [Current:]
[&Install Now]
;(DUP) [Close]
[Language Pack Update succeeded]
Aktualizace p�ekladu dokon�ena
[The language pack "%s" has been sucessfully downloaded and installed.]
P�eklad '%s' byl �sp�n� zaktualizov�n.
[Language Pack Update failed]
Chyba p�i aktualizaci p�ekladu
[The language pack "%s" could not be downloaded or extracted.]
P�eklad '%s' nelze st�hnout nebo rozbalit.

; Download Language
[Select your language]
Vyberte po�adovan� jazyk
[Miranda IM is available in many languages.\nHere is a list of all available languages of the file listing, please select your native &language:]
Program Miranda IM je p�e&lo�en do mnoha jazyk�.\nVyberte si pros�m ze seznamu v� mate�sk� jazyk:
[Download &all languages]
St�hnout v�echny j&azyky
[Note: This will download and install the newest language pack available for the selected language. There might be language packs from other authors available on the file listing.]
Pozn�mka: Pomoc� t�to funkce st�hnete a nainstalujete nejnov�j�� p�eklad v dan�m jazyce. Nezapome�te ov�em, �e m��e existovat n�kolik variant p�eklad� od r�zn�ch autor�.
stahov�n� dat
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Language Pack Download finished]
Stahov�n� vybran�ho jazyka dokon�eno
[The download succeeded!]
Stahov�n� dat dokon�eno!
[The download failed!\n\nThe language pack could not be downloaded or extracted.]
Chyba p�i stahov�n� dat!\n\nSoubor s p�ekladem nelze st�hnout nebo rozbalit.

; All language subcategory names on the website can be translated
;(DUP) [English (default)]
;(DUP) [Chinese]
;(DUP) [Portuguese]
;(DUP) [French]
;(DUP) [Hebrew]
;(DUP) [Hungarian]
;(DUP) [Italian]
;(DUP) [Spanish]
;(DUP) [Ukrainian]
;(DUP) [Russian]
;(DUP) [German]
;(DUP) [Dutch]
;(DUP) [Bulgarian]
;(DUP) [Czech]
;(DUP) [Korean]
;(DUP) [Polish]
;(DUP) [Turkish]
;(DUP) [Swedish]
;(DUP) [Japanese]
;(DUP) [Danish]
;(DUP) [Finnish]
;(DUP) [Croatian]

[Czech (CZ)]
�e�tina (http://miranda.kvalitne.cz)
;(LAI) [Nederlands]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Last Seen + Last seen plugin mod        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[Last seen]
Naposledy spat�en
[Last seen options]
[Last seen menuitem]
Polo�ky menu
[Userinfo tab]
Z�lo�ka s informacemi o u�ivateli
[Log to file]
Ulo�it z�znam
[year (4 digits)]
rok (4 ��slice)
[year (2 digits)]
rok (2 ��slice)
;(DUP) [day]
;(DUP) [minutes]
;(DUP) [seconds]
u�ivatelsk� jm�no
UIN (ident. ��slo)
[external IP]
extern� IP
[internal IP]
intern� IP
[line break]
dal�� ��dek
;(DUP) [<unknown>]
;New 4.0.2
[Ignore contacts going offline]
Ignorovat p�echod do stavu offline
;New 4.0.3
[Enable 'Missed Ones' feature]
Aktivovat funkci 'Zme�kan� kontakty'
[You missed following contacts:]
Zme�kali jste tyto kontakty:
;New 4.0.4
[Show icon]
Zobrazit ikonu
;Modified 4.0.5
; [hours]
[hours (24)]
hodiny (24)
;New 4.0.5
[hours (12)]
hodiny (12)
;(DUP) [AM/PM]
;New 4.0.6
[weekday (full)]
n�zev dne (cel�)
[weekday (abbreviated)]
n�zev dne (zkr�cen�)
;New 4.0.7
[name of month]
n�zev m�s�ce (cel�)
[short name of month]
n�zev m�s�ce (zkr�cen�)
;(DUP) [January]
;(DUP) [February]
;(DUP) [March]
;(DUP) [April]
;(DUP) [May]
;(DUP) [June]
;(DUP) [July]
;(DUP) [August]
;(DUP) [September]
;(DUP) [October]
;(DUP) [November]
;(DUP) [December]
;(DUP) [May]
;New 4.1.1
[Count times]
Zaznamenat po�et
[last seen history]
Historie zm�n stavu
[Log to history]
Z�znam do historie
[Maximum size]
Max. velikost
[Variable list]
[Protocols to watch:]
Sledovat protokoly:
[Alert when user status changes]
Upozornit p�i zm�n� stavu
[Send Instant Message]
Odeslat zpr�vu

[Last seen plugin]
Sledov�n� zm�ny stavu
[-- Date --]
-- Datum --
[-- Time --]
-- �as --
[-- User --]
-- U�ivatel --
[-- Format --]
-- Form�tov�n� --
[Last Seen Variables]
Last Seen - seznam prom�nn�ch
[LastSeen: User status change]
Naposledy spat�en: Zm�na stavu

[Enable Idle support]
Detekovat stav ne�innosti
[Use popups]
Pou��t ozn�men�
[PopUp Colors]
Barvy ozn�men�
[Reset colors]
V�choz� barvy
[Disable CList Notifications]
Vypnout ozn�men� seznamu kontakt�
[For watched protocols]
Pro sledovan� protokoly
[For non-watched protocols]
Pro nesledovan� protokoly
[Old status]
p�vodn� stav
[Client info]
[for empty string instead of]
pro pr�zdn� �et�zec nam�sto

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  History Linklist                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1762

; History Linklist strings
; History Linklist Plugin for Miranda-IM
; Date: 16/01/2006
; Language: German
; Plugin Version:

;(DUP) [Error]
[Unable to load the Rich Edit control!]
Nelze na��st t��du Rich Edit!
[&Create Linklist]
&Vytvo�it seznam odkaz�
[Linklist Plugin]
Dopln�k 'Linklist'
[History is empty!]
Historie vybran�ho kontaktu je pr�zdn�!
[Processing history...]
Zpracov�n� historie...
[Processing list...]
Zpracov�n� seznamu...
[Could not create window!]
Nelze sestavit a otev��t okno!
[Could not allocate memory!]
Nelze alokovat po�adovanou pam�!
[There are no links in history!]
Historie vybran�ho kontaktu neobsahuje odkazy!
[Matches for searchtext]
Po�et polo�ek odpov�daj�c�ch zadan�mu
[No messages found!\nPlease change current filter options.]
Hledan� �et�zec nebyl nalezen!\nPodle pot�eby zm��te krit�ria hled�n�.
;(DUP) [Date]
[Miranda Linklist]
Seznam odkaz� v historii
;(DUP) [Filter]
;(DUP) [none]
e-mailov� adresy
;(DUP) [URLs]
[search options]
mo�nosti hled�n�

;(DUP) [&About]
;(DUP) [&Search]
;(DUP) [&File]
[&Clear Search Results]
&Vymazat seznam nalezen�ch
[Message &Direction]
&Sm�r pos�lan�ch zpr�v
[&Incoming Messages Only]
Pouze &p��choz� zpr�vy
[&Outgoing Messages Only]
Pouze &odchoz� zpr�vy
[Message &Type]
&Druh zpr�v
[&Webaddresses Only]
Pouze &odkazy na str�nky
[&Mail-Addresses Only]
Pouze e-&mailov� adresy
;(DUP) [&Save]
;(DUP) [&Close]

;Popup Menu
;(DUP) [Copy to Clipboard]
[Open in new Window]
Otev��t v nov�m okn�
[Show Message]
Zobrazit zpr�vu

;Search Dialog
[Search for:]
[Message direction]
Sm�r pos�lan�ch zpr�v
[Message types]
Druh zpr�v
[All directions]
P�ijat� i odeslan�
[Incoming only]
Pouze p��choz�
[Outgoing only]
Pouze odchoz�
[All types]
V�echny druhy
[Mail addresses only]
Jen e-mailov� adresy
[Web addresses only]
Jen odkazy na str�nky
[Deep search]
Hledat i ve zpr�v�ch
;(DUP) [Search]
;(DUP) [Close]

;Options Dialog
[Colour Select]
V�b�r barev
;(DUP) [Preview]
[Use Miranda Settings]
Pou��t nastaven� Mirandy
[Plugin Default]
;(DUP) [Incoming messages]
;(DUP) [Outgoing messages]
Barva pozad�
Barva textu
[No Miranda Settings specified!]
Nastaven� Mirandy nen� k dispozici!
[General Settings]
Obecn� nastaven�
[Open links always in a new window]
Otev��t v�dy v nov�m okn� prohl�e�e
[Update list on new events]
Aktualizovat seznam v re�ln�m �ase
[Show whole Message on 'mouse over' event]
Zobrazit zpr�vu po najet� my�� nad odkaz
[Save window position individually for each contact]
Ulo�it informace o um�st�n� okna pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[Parting line]
D�lic� linka
�asov� �daj

; n�zev dopl�ku
[History Linklist]
Odkazy v historii

[Save RTF File]
Ulo�it soubor ve form�tu RTF
[RTF File]
Form�t RTF (*.rtf)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ListeningTo                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://pescuma.mirandaim.ru/miranda/listeningto
; ListeningTo
; Author: Pescuma
; http://forums.miranda-im.org/showthread.php?t=10912

;(DUP) [Listening to]

; Menu item
[Send to all protocols]
Poslat v�em protokol�m
[Send to %s]
Poslat %s

; Toptoolbar
[Enable/Disable sending Listening To info (to all protocols)]
Zapnout/vypnout pos�l�n� informac� o poslechu hudby (v�em protokol�m)

; Options
;(DUP) [Contact List]

;(DUP) [Status]
[Listening info]
Poslech hudby

;(DUP) [General]
[ Listening to information ]
 Informace o p�ehr�van� skladb� 
[Enable sending listening information to contacts:]
Povolit pos�l�n� informac� o poslechu hudby kontakt�m
[You also have to enable it per protocol in the main menu]
Pozn�mka: Mus�te povolit i jednotliv� protokoly v hlavn� nab�dce.
[ XStatus ]
 Roz���en� stav 
[For protocols that don't support listening to but support XStatus:]
V p��pad� protokol�, kter� podporuj� jen tzv. roz���en� stav (XStatus):
[Set XStatus to Music and show listening info]
Zm�nit stav na 'Poslouch�m hudbu' a p�idat informaci o skladb�
[If other XStatus is not set, set XStatus to Music and show listening info]
Tot� jako v��e, ale pouze tehdy, nen�-li u� roz���en� stav pou��van�
[If XStatus is Music, show listening info]
Je-li u� roz���en� stav 'Poslouch�m hudbu', p�idat informaci o skladb�
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [ Contacts ]
[Apply template for info from contacts (overrides contacts template)]
Pou��t �ablonu na informace od kontaktu (zm�n� �ablonu pro kontakt)
[Show advanced icon in slot]
Pou��t dopl�kovou ikonu �.

;(DUP) [Format]
[ Listening to ]
 Poslech hudby 
;(DUP) [Template:]
[%artist% - Artist name]
%artist% - jm�no interpreta
[%album% - Album name]
%album% - n�zev alba
[%title% - Song title]
%title% - n�zev skladby
[%track% - Track number]
%track% - ��slo skladby
[%year% - Song year]
%year% - rok vyd�n�
[%genre% - Song genre]
%genre% - ��nr
[%length% - Song length]
%length% - d�lka skladby
[%player% - Player name]
%player% - p�ehr�va�
[%type% - Media type (Music, Video, etc)]
%type% - druh m�dia (hudba, video atd.)
[When variable not found, use:]
Nen�-li prom�nn�, vlo�it text:
;(DUP) [Title:]
;(DUP) [Message:]
[%listening% - Listening to info (as set above)]
%listening% - dle �ablony (viz v��e)
[When nothing is playing, replace %listening% with:]
Pokud nehraje hudba, nam�sto %listening% pou��t:

[Get info from WATrack plugin]
P�evz�t informace z dopl�ku WATrack
[Get info from these players:]
P�evz�t informace z t�chto p�ehr�va��:
;(LAI) [Winamp (*)]
;(LAI) [Windows Media Player]
;(LAI) [iTunes]
[Other players]
Jin� p�ehr�va�e
[Ask for new info every]
Zjistit informace ka�d�ch
;(DUP) [seconds]
[Allow auto-loading plugins into players (affect players with *)]
Povolit automatick� na�ten� dopl�k� do p�ehr�va�� (t�k� se polo�ek s *)

[foobar2000 (need to install the plugin manually)]
foobar2000 (vy�aduje ru�n� instalaci)
[%type% - Media type (Music, Radio, Video, etc)]
%type% - druh m�dia (hudba, r�dio, video, atd.)
[Other Variables:]
Jin� prom�nn�:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  LogStatistics                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: waclaw <waclaw (zavin��) cmail (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=646

[Log Statistics]
[How many "most common words" should be printed]
Po�et zobrazen�ch nej�ast�ji pou��van�ch slov
[Time between two chat sessions (seconds)]
Doba mezi dv�ma rozhovory (v sek.)
[Your nickname (in the exported history)]
Va�e p�ezd�vka (v exportovan� historii)
[Time format (in the\nexported history)]
Form�t �asu (v exportovan� historii)
[Ignore these words in the wordlist]
Ignorovat tato slova ze seznamu
;(DUP) [&Delete]
[Ignore words with this lenght\nor less (0 to disable)]
Ignorovat slova s touto d�lkou\nnebo krat�� (0 - vypnuto)
;(DUP) [Variables]
[Ignore messages older than n days (0 to disable)]
Ignorovat zpr�vy star�� ne� n dn� (0 - vypnuto)
[Run Log Statistics on startup]
Spustit statistiku p�i startu
[Have Log Statistics in the Main Menu (Must restart Miranda to delete menus)]
Zobrazit polo�ku v hlavn�m menu (vy�aduje restart Mirandy)
[Open output after run]
Otev��t v�stup po spu�t�n�
[Read history from database (recomnended)]
��st historii z datab�ze (doporu�eno)
[Read exported history]
��st exportovanou historii
[&Run Log Statistics]
&Spustit statistiku
Styl zobrazen�

; Option-popups
[%Y: year (4 digits)\n%y: year (2 digits)\n%m: month\n%d: day\n%H: hours (24h)\n%M: minutes\n%S: seconds\n%p: AM/PM]
%Y: rok (4 ��slice)\n%y: rok (2 ��slice)\n%m: m�s�c\n%d: den\n%H: hodiny (24h)\n%M: minuty\n%S: sekundy\n%p: dop./odp.
[Time Variables]
Prom�nn� �asu
[0 Nick\n1 # Bytes\n2 % Bytes sent\n3 % Bytes recieved\n4 # Chats\n5 % Chats started\n6 % Chats not started\n7 Most common words\n8 When]
0 P�ezd�vka\n1 Po�et bajt�\n2 % Bajt� p�ijato\n3 % Bajt� odesl�no\n4 Po�et rozhovor�\n5 % Zah�jen� rozhovory\n6 % Nezah�jen� rozhovory\n7 Nejpou��van�j�� slova\n8 Kdy
[Column Variables]
Prom�nn� sloupc�
[All letters not in these two lines are considered as whitespaces.\nWrite uppercase letters in the LETTER-line and lowercase in the letter-line.\nIf the first character in the LETTER-line is A, then the first in the letter-line must be a, B->b, ....\nIf you type a number or any other character which doesn't exist as both upper- and lowercase type the same in both lines.]
Ne v�echna p�smena v t�chto dvou ��dc�ch jsou pova�ov�na za pr�zdn� m�sto.\nVelk� p�smena pi�te do ��dku "P�SMENA" a mal� do ��dku "p�smena".\nPokud je prvn� znak na ��dku P�SMENA "A", prvn� znak na ��dku p�smena mus� b�t "a". Podobn� B->b atd.\nPokud zad�te ��slici nebo jin� znak, kter� neexistuje v obou variant�ch, napi�te tent�� do obou ��dk�.
[Log Statistics is already running]
Statistika je ji� spu�t�na
[You have unsaved settings\nDo you want to save before running Log Statistics?]
Nastaven� dopl�ku bylo zm�n�no.\nChcete ho ulo�it p�ed spu�t�n�m statistiky?
[The timeformat can't end with a %-character]
Form�t �asu nem��e kon�it znakem %

; Menu
[&Log Statistics]
[&Create Statistics]
&Vytvo�it statistiku
[&Show Statistics]
Zobrazit &statistiku

; Progress Window
[Log Statistics - Working...]
Statistika - generov�n�...
[Creating %s]
Vytv��en� %s

; Errormessages using exported history
[Error in %s on line %d.\nCould not separate nickname and time.\nSkipping this file...]
Chyba v %s na ��dku %d.\nNelze odd�lit p�ezd�vku a �as.\nDan� soubor vynech�n...
[Error in %s on line %d.\nFound a message thas sent at this hour: %d\nMaybe you have wrong time format.\nSkipping this file...]
Chyba v %s na ��dku %d.\nNalezena zpr�va, kter� byla zasl�na v tuto hodinu: %d\nMo�n� �patn� form�t �asu.\nDan� soubor vynech�n...
[Could not find MsgExportDir in database.]
V datab�zi nelze nal�zt definici MsgExportDir.
[Could not find %s]
Nelze nal�zt %s
[big bug error :-(]
kritick� chyba :-(

; Output
[<html><head><title>Log Statistics for %s</title><style>%s</style></head><body><h1>Log Statistics for %s's %d friends</h1><hr>]
<html><head><title>Statistika u�ivatele %s</title><style>%s</style></head><body><h1>Statistika u�ivatele %s a jeho %d p��tel</h1><hr>
[<th width=65># Bytes</th>]
<th width=65>Bajt�</th>
[<th width=55>Sent</th>]
<th width=55>Odesl�no</th>
[<th width=55>Received</th>]
<th width=55>P�ijato</th>
[<th width=65># Chats</th>]
<th width=65>Rozhovor�</th>
[<th width=55>Me started</th>]
<th width=55>Zah�jeno mnou</th>
[<th width=55>Not me</th>]
<th width=55>Nezah�jeno mnou</th>
[<th>Most common words</th>]
<th>Nejpou��van�j�� slova</th>
[<td><span title='First message: %sLast message: %s'>%s</span></td>]
<td><span title='Prvn� zpr�va: %sPosledn� zpr�va: %s'>%s</span></td>
[<th><span title='First message: %s (%s)\nLast message: %s (%s)'>Total</span></th>]
<th><span title='Prvn� zpr�va: %s (%s)\nPosledn� zpr�va: %s (%s)'>Celkem</span></th>
[</table><br>Created %s</body></html>]
</table><br>Vytvo�eno %s</body></html>
[<!This file was generated in %d seconds>]
<!Tento soubor byl vygenerov�n za %d s>

; pro PluginUninstaller

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Magnetic Windows                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Soustruh <struzsky (te�ka) m (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2871

[Magnetic Windows]
Magnetick� okna
[Snap windows]
P�ichycen� oken
[Alternate behauvior of shift key: move windows together by default]
Alternativn� chov�n� kl�vesy SHIFT: Ve v�choz�m nastaven� p�ichytit okna
[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the CTRL key while moving/sizing. (make sure you use Scriver!)]
Pro u�ivatele dopl�ku Scriver: P�i p�esunu a zm�n� velikosti automaticky dr�te kl�vesu CTRL (jen pro Scriver!)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MathModule                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1994

;(DUP) [Preview]
[math Toolbox]
Matematick� symboly
[Displays mathematical formulas. For math-chat, use special Send-Receive-Plugin: MathSrmm]
Umo��uje psan� matematick�ch vzorc�.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mBirthday                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; this is a template for translation of mBirthday v0.0.0.3
; last updated 21-04-2004 for v0.0.0.3

[Add a mark to contact with birthday near]
P�idat zna�ku ke kontaktu s bl��c�mi se narozeninami

; ******** Options ******** 
[Mark with]
[Mark contacts with birthday near]
Zv�raznit bl��c� se narozeniny
[Use a char mark]
Pou��t zna�ku
[Add char mark before contact name]
P�idat zna�ku p�ed jm�no
[Use MultiWindow icon]
Pou��t ikonu
;(DUP) [Advanced #1]
;(DUP) [Advanced #2]
[Use PopUp]
Pou��t ozn�men�
;(DUP) [Notify]
[day(s) before birthday.]
dn� p�edem
[Set contact status to Invisible if birthday near]
Zm�nit stav kontaktu na 'Neviditeln�'

[Set birthday date:]
Zm�nit datum narozen�
[Use found birthday date]
Pou��t definovan� datum
[Use mBirthday date]
Pou��t datum dle mBirthday
[Do not use any birthday date]
Ponechat bez data narozen�
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [OK]

[day to]
den do
[days to]
dn� do
. narozenin
[year(s) old]
[Has birthday]
m� narozeniny

; N�zev dopl�ku

[&User birthday]
&Datum narozen�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mbot scripts                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; Import Gaim History
; P�eklad: Libor Pol��k <e1ko.gm (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3117

[Import Gaim history]
Import Gaim history
[Unexpected format]
Neo�ek�van� form�t
[Text files(*.txt)|*.txt|]
Textov� soubory(*.txt)|*.txt|
[If you want to import history for %uin, you have to add them to your contact list first!]
Pokud chcete importovat zpr�vy u�ivatele %uin, mus�te jej p�idat!
[Unknown error.]
Nezn�m� chyba.
[This script is in early phase, it can harm your computer!]
Toto je ran� verze skriptu, m��e zp�sobit v�n� pot�e!
[%n events were imported.]
Bylo importov�no %n ud�lost�.
[Configuration file for this script is corupted or missing!]
Chyb� konfigura�n� soubor pro tento skript!
[Missing file]
Chyb� soubor

; Name Day script
; P�eklad: Libor Pol��k <e1ko.gm (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3117

[Name day]
[has name day today]
dnes slav� sv�tek
[%n has name day]
Sv�tek m� %n

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MSP - Miranda Scripting Plugin                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1584

[Enable MBot]
Aktivovat MBot
[Disable all events]
Deaktivovat v�echny ud�losti
[Disable file caching (overwrites script settings)]
Zak�zat ke�ov�n� soubor� (m� vy��� prioritu ne� skript)
[Disable scheduler]
Deaktivovat pl�nova�
[Show MBot console on startup]
Zobrazit konzolu p�i spu�t�n�
[Show MBot console on error]
Zobrazit konzolu p�i chyb�
;[Wrap console output]
[Enable WWW Server]
Aktivovat WWW server
[Enable WWW Log]
Po�izovat z�znam o WWW serveru
[Show advanced script configuration (requires options restart);]
Umo�nit pokro�ilej�� konfiguraci skript� (vy�aduje restart)
[Command Tags]
Zna�ky p��kaz�
[Script tag (default: "?>")]
pro skript (v�choz�: "?>")
[Command tag (default: "m>")]
pro p��kaz (v�choz�: "m>")
[Installed scripts (double click to configure)]
Nainstalovan� skripty (dvoj�m kliknut�m lze konfigurovat)
[no description]
bez popisu
[Are you sure you want to unload selected script?]
Opravdu chcete odinstalovat vybran� skript?
[Show MBot Console]
Zobrazit konzolu

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mContacts                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; this is a template for translation of mContacts v0.0.0.9
; last updated 03-06-2004 for v0.0.0.9

[&Export contact list]
&Exportovat seznam kontakt�
[&Import contact list]
&Importovat seznam kontakt�
[Export contact list]
Exportovat seznam kontatk�
[While exporting MIM will be completely blocked until finished.]
P�i exportu budou zablokov�ny v�echny funkce Mirandy.
[Are You sure?]
Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Select export file name]
Zadejte n�zev souboru pro export
[INI Files]
Soubory INI
;(DUP) [All files]
[Export history (if available)?]
Chcete exportovat i historii?
[Contact list is empty.\nNothing to export.]
Seznam kontakt� je pr�zdn�. Nen� co exportovat.
[Nothing was exported.]
Nic nebylo vyexportov�no.
P�ehled vyexportovan�ch:
['Export contact list' is busy.]
P�i exportu seznamu je tato funkce neaktivn�.
[Import contact list]
Importovat seznam kontakt�
[While importing MIM will be completely blocked until finished.]
P�i importu budou zablokov�ny v�echny funkce Mirandy.
[Select import file name]
Vyberte soubor pro import
[Import history (if available, can take a while)?]
Chcete naimportovat i historii?
[To import:]
K naimportov�n�:
[Nothing was imported.]
Nic nebylo naimportov�no.
P�ehled naimportovan�ch:
['Import contact list' is busy.]
P�i importu seznamu je tato funkce neaktivn�.

;New v0.0.0.2

[DAT Files]
Soubory DAT
[Export contact history]
Exportovat historii kontakt�
[There was an error during contact history export.]
Chyba p�i exportu historie kontatk�.
[history event(s).]
polo�ek historie.
['Export contact history' is busy.]
P�i exportu historie je tato funkce neaktivn�.
[Import contact history]
Importovat historii kontakt�
[There was an error during contact history import.]
Chyba p�i importu historie kontatk�.

;New v0.0.0.3

[Delete whole history from selected contact, are you realy sure?]
T�mto odstran�te historii vybran�ho kontaktu. Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Delete contact history]
Odstranit historii kontaktu
[Whole history from selected contact has been deleted.]
Historie vybran�ho kontaktu byla odstran�na.
[Protocol independent contact list/history import/export.]
Import a export seznamu kontakt� a historie. Funguje nez�visle na pou�it�m protokolu.

;New v0.0.0.5

[&Delete whole history from all contacts]
O&dstranit historii v�ech kontakt�
[Delete whole history from all contacts (including system history), are you realy sure?]
T�mto odstran�te historii v�ech kontakt� a syst�mu. Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Delete whole history]
Odstranit celou historii
[Whole history from all contacts has been deleted.]
Historie v�ech kontakt� a syst�mu byla odstran�na.

;New v0.0.0.7

[Only merge history (don't add new contacts)?]
Chcete p�idat pouze historii (bez nov�ch kontakt�)?
[Merge history if contact already on list?]
Chcete p�idat historii i tehdy, je-li kontakt v seznamu?

;New v0.0.0.9
[Check for history events duplicates?]
Zkontrolovat v�skyt duplicitn�ch polo�ek v historii?

; N�zev dopl�ku
;(LAI) [mContacts]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MenuItemEx                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2883

[Always visible]
Tento �lov�k m� v�dy uvid�
[Never visible]
Tento �lov�k m� nikdy neuvid�
[Hide from list]
[Shown menu items]
Viditeln� polo�ky v menu

; N�zev dopl�ku
Roz���en� menu

[Send 'You were added']
Odeslat zpr�vu o za�azen�
[Request Authorization]
Po��dat o autorizaci

[Copy ID]
Zkop�rovat ID
[Copy MirVer]
Zkop�rovat klienta
[Copy Status Message]
Zkop�rovat zpr�vu stavu
[Add protocol name]
P�idat n�zev protokolu
[Copy Status Message (SMR needed)]
Zkop�rovat zpr�vu stavu (vy�aduje SMR)
[Show alpha icons]
Zobrazit pr�hledn� ikony
[Show alpha icon]
Zobrazit pr�hlednou ikonu

[Trim too long ID]
Zkr�tit p��li� dlouh� ID
[* Use Ctrl+click to see popup with the copied text]
* Pou��t Ctrl+klik pro zobrazen� ozn�men� se zkop�rovan�m textem
[Add item name]
P�idat n�zev polo�ky
[Copy to Account (Ctrl+click for move to Account)]
Zkop�rovat do ��tu (Ctrl+klik pro p�esunut� do ��tu)
[Show ID in menu item]
Zobrazit ID v polo�ce menu

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Merge Contacts 0.2.5                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1985

[Could not get status icon]
Nelze zjistit stavovou ikonu
[This value is invalid.\nEnter a number between (and including) 0 and 7.]
Zadan� hodnota je neplatn�.\n��slo mus� b�t z rozsahu 0-7 (v�etn�).
[This value is invalid.\nEnter a number between (and including) 0 and 60000.]
Zadan� hodnota je neplatn�.\n��slo mus� b�t z rozsahu 0-60000 (v�etn�).
[This is a main contact all sub contacts will\nbe removed as well. Proceed?]
Z�rove� s hlavn�m kontaktem budou z hierarchie odebr�ny\ni v�echny p��slu�n� vedlej�� kontakty. Chcete pokra�ovat?
;(DUP) [Information]
;(DUP) [Error]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;Tooltip i.e. "ICQ message from X"
[message from]
zpr�va od

;Options dialog
;Info text
[Contact hierarchy]
Hierarchie kontakt�
;(DUP) [Protocol]
[Insert as main contact]
P�idat jako v�choz�
[Insert as sub contact]
P�idat jako vedlej��
[Remove selected]
Odstranit vybran�
[Contact Menu]
Menu kontaktu
;(DUP) [General]
;(DUP) [Appearance]
[Show main contact status in contact menus]
Zobrazit stav v�choz�ho kontaktu v nab�dce
[Automatically open main contact window on doubleclick (if online)]
Dvoj�m kliknut�m otev��t okno pro v�choz� kontakt (je-li online)
[Select next online contact if main contact is offline]
Vybrat dal�� z kontakt� online, je-li v�choz� offline
[Forward all received messages to the main contact]
P�epos�lat v�echny p�ijat� zpr�vy v�choz�mu kontaktu
[Dynamically set the best contact as main]
Dynamicky nastavovat v�choz� kontakt
[Prefer main contact to others (e.g. show main contact status as long as not offline)]
Up�ednost�ovat v�choz� kontakt (tj. zobrazovat stav v�choz�ho kontaktu mimo offline)
[Show a different icon for merged contacts]
Pro slou�en� kontakty pou��t jinou ikonu 
[Icon change delay (set higher if the new icons don't always show)]
Zpo�d�n� p�i zm�n� ikony (m�te-li probl�m, nastavte vy��� hodnotu)
;(DUP) [milliseconds]
[Show number of sub contacts as name postfix (i.e. "Name [2]")]
Zobrazit po�et slou�en�ch kontakt� (p��klad: 'Pepa [2]')
[Show a '*' symbol as postfix]
Zobrazit znak hv�zdi�ka za p�ezd�vkou
[* May require you to close and restart Miranda]
* Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.
;(DUP) [status]
[Priorize contacts by]
Priorita kontakt� dle
[Enter the contact information above or drag any contact out of the contact list window to enter its information in the form. Then select if you wish to add the contact as a main or sub contact.]
Zadejte po�adovan� informace o kontaktu (tip: p�et�hnut�m kontaktu ze seznamu je lze doplnit automaticky). Pot� je nutno definovat, jde-li o kontakt hlavn� nebo vedlej��.
[Doubleclick on a sub contact to swap it with the main contact.]
Vedlej�� kontakt zm�n�te na hlavn� dvoj�m kliknut�m.
[Number of contacts to show in contact menus:]
Max. po�et kontakt� zobrazen�ch v nab�dce:
[Status information might be wrong until you re-logon.]
Stav nemus� odpov�dat skute�nosti; p�ihla�te se znovu.
[This contact is not on your list...]
Vybran� kontakt nen� v seznamu...
[This contact is allready a sub contact.\nDelete it first and reinsert it here...]
Vybran� kontakt ji� existuje jako vedlej��.\nOdstra�te ho a znovu p�idejte...
[This contact is allready a main contact.\nDelete it first and reinsert it here...]
Vybran� kontakt ji� existuje jako hlavn�.\nOdstra�te ho a znovu p�idejte...
[No main contact selected for this sub contact!\nPlease select a contact from the list]
Vybran� kontakt nem� definovan� hlavn� kontakt!\nVyberte pros�m jeden ze seznamu.
[Invalid main contact!]
Neplatn� v�choz� kontakt

;Options group
[Merge Contacts]
Kontakty (slou�en�)
;Options tabs
;(DUP) [Settings]

;Contact menu items
[Sub contacts:]
Vedlej�� kontakty:
[Show all sub contacts]
Zobrazit v�echny kontakty

;Select contact dialog
[Merged Contact]
Slou�en� kontakt
[Please select the sub contact you wish to send a message to.]
Vyberte pros�m kontakt, kter�mu chcete poslat zpr�vu.
;Main contact prefix

[Enter the contact information above or drag'n'drop any contact from the contact list.]
Po�adovan� kontakty slou��te p�et�hnut�m ze seznamu (p�es sebe).

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Message Notify                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Soustruh <struzsky (te�ka) m (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2415

Ozn�men� o zpr�v�
[Notification Options]
Mo�nosti ozn�men�
[Notify if window not open]
Zobrazit, je-li okno zav�en�
[Notify if window isn't 'foreground']
Zobrazit, nen�-li okno v pop�ed�
[Consider tabs]
Vztahovat i na panely
[Close window on right click]
Zav��t ozn�men� prav�m tla��tkem my�i
[Set timeout (otherwise, infinite)]
Nastavit �as (jinak bude nastaven na nekone�no)
[Timeout (seconds, 0 == default):]
�as (v sekund�ch, 0 = v�choz�):
[Set popup colours]
Nastavit barvy ozn�men�

[Include message text]
Zobrazit text zpr�vy v ozn�men�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Messages Total Notify                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2918

;[Messages Total Notify]
;Messages Total Notify
[Message was sent to]
Zpr�va byla odesl�na pro
[total messages]
zpr�v celkem
;(DUP) [Common]
;(DUP) [Settings]
;(DUP) [Show popup]
;(DUP) [Notify]
[Show popup notify every]
Zobrazit ozn�men� ka�d�ch
;(DUP) [messages]
[Send messages]
Pos�lat zpr�vy
[Send messages total every]
Pos�lat ka�d�ch
[Show notify too]
Zobrazit tak� ozn�men�
[Show information after send]
Zobrazit informace po odesl�n�
[Save to history]
Ulo�it do historie
[Send immediately]
Odes�lat hned
;(DUP) [Sounds]
[Play sound at popup notify]
P�ehr�t zvuk p�i ozn�men�	 
[Play sound at send messages action]
P�ehr�t zvuk p�i odesl�n� zpr�vy
;(DUP) [Popup mouse click]
;(DUP) [Left]
;(DUP) [Right]
;(DUP) [Dismiss]
;(DUP) [Contact history]
;(DUP) [Message window]
[Send messages total history]
Poslat po�et zpr�v v historii
[Send messages total to contact]
Poslat kontaktu po�et zpr�v
Send messages total to contact
[Contact details window]
Otev��t informace o kontaktu
;(DUP) [Nothing]
[Popup colours]
Barvy ozn�men�
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Text]
;(DUP) [Timeout]
[Auto send]
Odeslat automaticky
;(DUP) [Information]
;(DUP) [Preview]
;(DUP) [Enable contact menu item]
;(DUP) [Variables]
[%n - messages total]
%n - zpr�v celkem
[%c - contact name]
%c - jm�no kontaktu
;(DUP) [Template]

[Show/send the count of all messages from the history to a contact]
Zobraz� a umo�n� poslat informaci o po�tu zpr�v ulo�en�ch v historii.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MetaContacts Plugin                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1595

; /addto.c
[(Unknown Contact)]
(nezn�m� kontakt)
[This contact is a MetaContact.\nYou can't add a MetaContact to another MetaContact.\n\nPlease choose another.]
Vybran� kontakt je typu 'meta' a do takov�ho nelze p�idat dal�� metakontakt.\n\nVyberte pros�m jin�.
[MetaContact Conflict]
Konflikt metakontaktu
[This contact is already associated to a MetaContact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple MetaContacts.]
Tento kontakt je u� asociov�n s metakontaktem.\nKontakt nelze p�idat k v�ce metakontakt�m najednou.
[Multiple MetaContacts]
V�ce metakontakt�
[Either there is no MetaContact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new MetaContact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new MetaContact?]
Bu� v datab�zi nen� definovan� ani jeden metakontakt,\nnebo ��dn� z existuj�c�ch ten vybran� neakceptuje.\n\nChcete zkonvertovat vybran� kontakt na metakontakt?
[No suitable MetaContact found]
Nenalezen p��slu�n� metakontakt
[a contact]
[Adding %s...]
P�id�v�n� %s...
[Please select a MetaContact]
Pros�m vyberte metakontakt
[No MetaContact selected]
Nebyl vybr�n ��dn� metakontakt
[Assignment to the MetaContact failed.]
P�i�azen� k metakontaktu se nezda�ilo.
[Assignment failure]
Chyba p�i�azov�n�

; /edit.c
[Send Offline]
Poslat offline
[You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this MetaContact.\nThis will delete the MetaContact.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
Chyst�te se smazat metakontakt, co� krom� t�to polo�ky sma�e\ni v�echny kontakty asociovan� s dan�m metakontaktem.\nUr�it� chcete pokra�ovat a smazat metakontakt?
[Delete MetaContact?]
Smazat metakontakt?

; /MetaContacts.rc:IDD_METASELECT
[Add to Existing MetaContact]
P�idat k existuj�c�mu metakontaktu
[Please select a MetaContact:]
Pros�m vyberte metakontakt:
[Sort Alphabetically]
Se�adit abecedn�

; /MetaContacts.rc:IDD_METAEDIT
[&Set as Default]
&Jako v�choz�
[Move &Up]
[Move &Down]
[Force use of default for sending (even if offline)]
Nastavit jako v�choz� pro odes�l�n� (i kdy� je offline)
[Send &Offline]
Poslat offline

; /MetaContacts.rc:IDD_OPTIONS
[Set default contact on receipt of message]
Nastavit v�choz� kontakt pro p��jem zpr�v
[Always send to default contact if not offline]
V�dy odeslat v�choz�mu kontaktu, pokud nen� offline
[Suppress status notification for subcontacts]
Potla�it ozn�men� stavu u podkontakt�
[Context Menu]
Kontextov� nab�dka
[Use contact's unique id]
Pou��t identifik�tor kontaktu
[Use contact's display name]
Pou��t zobrazen� jm�no
[Contact Labels]
Popisky kontaktu
[Set default and open message window]
Nastavit jako v�choz� a otev��t kom. okno
[Show subcontact context menu]
Zobrazit kontextovou nab�dku kontaktu
[Show user information]
Zobrazit informace o u�ivateli
[Contact List]
[Display subcontact nickname]
Zobrazit p�ezd�vku podkontaktu
[Display subcontact display name]
Zobrazit nastaven� jm�no podkontaktu
[Hide in status bar and status menu (*requires restart, uncheck to set proto icons)]
Skr�t ve stavov� li�t� a v nab�dce (*nutn� restart, od�krtnut�m nastavujete ikony)
[History (** beware - change at your own risk **)]
Historie (** pozor - pouze na vlastn� nebezpe��! **)
[Copy subcontact history to MetaContact when creating or adding]
Kop�rovat historii podkontaktu do metakontaktu p�i vytv��en� �i p�id�v�n�
[Number of days to copy (0=all):]
Zkop�rovat dn� (0 = v�e):
[Use subcontact message windows]
Pou��t komunika�n� okno podkontaktu
[Keep MetaContact history synchronized with subcontacts]
Synchronizovat historii metakontaktu s podkontakty
[Keep subcontact history synchronized with MetaContact]
Synchronizovat historii podkontaktu s metakontaktem
[Copy subcontact data]
Kop�rovat data podkontaktu
[Lock name to first contact]
Pou��t jm�no prvn�ho kontaktu
[but only for the current conversation]
av�ak pouze pro aktu�ln� rozhovor
[History Copy]
Kop�rov�n� historie
[Please wait while the contact's history is copied.]
Pros�m �ekejte, historie kontaktu se kop�ruje.
[History Remove]
Maz�n� historie
[Please wait while the contact's history is removed.]
Pros�m �ekejte, historie kontaktu se ma�e.

; /meta_main.c
[Error - Database corruption.\nPlugin disabled.]
Chyba - po�kozen� datab�ze.\nDopln�k zak�z�n.

; /meta_menu.c
[There was a problem in assigning the contact to the MetaContact]
B�hem p�i�azov�n� kontaktu k metakontaktu se vyskytly probl�my.
[This will remove the MetaContact permanently.\n\nProceed Anyway?]
T�mto odstran�te metakontakt natrvalo.\n\nUr�it� chcete pokra�ovat?
[Are you sure?]
Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Unforce Default]
Zru�it jako v�choz�
[Force Default]
Vynutit jako v�choz�
[Delete MetaContact]
Smazat metakontakt
[Remove from MetaContact]
Odstranit z metakontaktu

; /meta_services.c
[No online contacts found.]
Nebyly nalezeny ��dn� online kontakty
[Message from %s]
Zpr�va od: %s
[Toggle MetaContacts Off]
Vypnout metakontakty
[Convert to MetaContact]
Zkonvertovat na metakontakt
[Add to existing MetaContact...]
P�idat k existuj�c�mu metakontaktu...
[Edit MetaContact...]
Upravit metakontakt...
[Set as MetaContact default]
Nastavit jako v�choz�
[Toggle MetaContacts On]
Zapnout metakontakty

; /meta_utils.c
[Could not get MetaContact id]
Nelze zjistit identifik�tor metakontaktu
[Assignment Error]
Chyba p�i�azov�n�
[Could not retreive MetaContact contact count]
Nelze zjistit po�et kontakt� v metakontaktu
[Could not retreive contact protocol]
Nelze zjistit protokol kontaktu 
[Could not get unique id of contact]
Nelze zjistit identifik�tor kontaktu
[Contact is 'Not on List' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.]
Kontakt nen� v seznamu - p�ed p�i�azen�m p�idejte pros�m kontakt do seznamu.
[MetaContact is full]
Metakontakt je pln�
[Could not write contact protocol to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat protokol kontaktu do metakontaktu
[Could not write unique id of contact to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat identifik�tor kontaktu do metakontaktu
[Could not write nickname of contact to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat p�ezd�vku kontaktu do metakontaktu
[Could not write clist displayname of contact to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat nastaven� jm�no kontaktu do metakontaktu
[Could not write contact status to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat stav kontaktu do metakontaktu
[Could not write contact handle to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat za�azen� kontaktu do metakontaktu
[Could not write contact status string to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat text stavu kontaktu do metakontaktu
[Could not write MetaContact id to contact]
Nelze zapsat identifik�tor metakontaktu do kontaktu
[Could not write MetaContact contact number to contact]
Nelze zapsat ��slo metakontaktu do kontaktu
[Could not write contact count to MetaContact]
Nelze zapsat po�et kontakt� do metakontaktu
[MetaId: ]
[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDelete MetaContact?]
Metakontakt je po�kozen - po�et podkontakt� nesouhlas�.\nChcete odstranit metakontakt?
[MetaContact corrupted - the number of subcontacts is incorrect.\nDeleting MetaContact.]
Metakontakt je po�kozen - po�et podkontakt� nesouhlas�.\nMaz�n� metakontaktu.
[The 'MetaContacts Hidden Group' has been added to your contact list.\n]
'Skryt� skupina metakontakt�' byla p�id�na do seznamu.\n
[- re-enable MetaContacts]
znovu povolit metakontakty
[MetaContacts Warning]
Upozorn�n� metakontakt�
Na chv�li pry�
Nem�m �as
[Free to Chat]
M�m volno
[On the Phone]
M�m telefon
[Out to Lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Miranda to GDS 0.3                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1965

; Generated by lpgen on Tue Aug 30 11:21:11 2005
; Translations: 18

; resource.rc
;(LAI) [Progress1]
[Do not load the gds DB index plugin at startup again]
P�i p��t�m spu�t�n� Mirandy ji� pr�vodce nena��tat
;(DUP) [&Next >]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [< &Back]
[This wizard will help you index all chats from database in Google Desktop Search.]
Tento pr�vodce v�m umo�n� naindexovat historii komunikace do programu Google Desktop Search.
;(FIX) [Click ]
[Click "Next" to choose the contacts you wish to index, or click "Cancel" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.]
Po kliknut� na tla��tko "Dal��" p�ejdete k v�b�ru kontakt� k indexaci. Tla��tkem "Zru�it" pr�vodce ukon��te.
[--\nBest regards,\nVladimir Vainer]
--\nS pozdravem,\nVladimir Vainer
[Please check contacts you want to index:]
Vyberte pros�m po�adovan� kontakty:
[Please wait, index in proccess, this may take several minutes, depending on the size of you database.]
Po�kejte pros�m. Proch�zen� historie m��e trvat i n�kolik minut, v�e z�le�� na velikosti datab�ze.
;(LAI) [Static]
;(DUP) [Total:]
;(LAI) [0/0]
[You will probably never need to use this wizard again, so you can save memory by not loading it every time you start Miranda. This will mean that the index menu item will no longer be available.]
P�i p��t�m spu�t�n� Mirandy ji� tohoto pr�vodce nebudete pot�ebovat, a proto ho doporu�ujeme vypnout. U�et��te pam�.
;(DUP) [Import completed]
;(DUP) [If at a future date you wish to use the wizard again, you can make it load again by going to the Plugins section of the Options dialog box.]
[Index chats from database in GDS]
Naindexuje historii komunikace do GDS

[&Export to GDS...]
&Exportovat do GDS...

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  micqBirthday                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

[&Birthday List]
P�&ehled narozenin
[Full name]
Cel� jm�no
Seznam narozenin
[Show &all birthday dates]
Zobr&azit v�echny narozeniny
[Show only d&isabled birthday dates]
Zobrazit pouze skryt� narozen&iny
[Show &during the next]
Zobrazit &b�hem p��t�ch
[&Never pops up automatically on startup]
&Nezobrazovat upozorn�n� automaticky p�i spu�t�n�
[Never pops up automatically on &midnight]
Nezobrazovat upozorn�n� auto&maticky o p�lnoci
;(DUP) [&Message]
;(DUP) [Web Page Address (&URL)]
;(DUP) [&File]
;(DUP) [User &Details]
;&Dal�� informace
;(DUP)[View &History]
[User &Birthday]
Da&tum narozen�
[D&isable Birthday]
Skr�t narozen&iny
[%s birthday]
%s : narozeniny
[Use &standard birthday (from contact list data)]
Pou��t definovan� (&standardn� zp�sob)
[Set c&ustom birthday (if standard is not available)]
Nastavit narozeniny (nejso&u-li definovan�)
[D&isabled birthday (do not show it in birthday list)]
Zak�zat zobrazen� (neuv&id�te je v seznamu)
[Notify &during the next]
Upozornit &b�hem p��t�ch
;(DUP) [Close]
[%s has birthday]
%s m� narozeniny
[Birthday alert]
Narozeniny (upozorn�n�)
[Birthday reminder...]
Upozorn�n� na narozeniny...
[Disable &birthday notification]
Vypnout ozn�men� &narozenin
[Enable &birthday notification]
Zapnout ozn�men� &narozenin

; N�zev dopl�ku

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MirandaComm                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: waclaw <waclaw (zavin��) cmail (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[MirandaComm - Error]
MirandaComm - chyba
[A fatal error has been detected. Try to restart Miranda.\nIf the problem persists, enable debug mode to get detailed error information.]
Kritick� chyba. Nyn� je nutno restartovat Mirandu.\nPokud probl�m nezmiz�, aktivujte ladic� re�im a z�skan� informace o chyb�ch ulo�te.
[The person you are trying to establish an Audio Session with is not using the same audio format. Make sure that both of you have installed and selected the same audio format in the options dialog.]
U�ivatel, se kter�m se pokou��te nav�zat audio konferenci, nepou��v� stejn� form�t zvuku. Je t�eba zajistit, aby ob� strany m�ly nainstalov�ny a vybr�ny stejn� form�t zvuku.
[Requesting Audio Session...]
��dost o audio koferenci...
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Received request for Audio Session from]
P�ijata ��dost o audio konferenci od
[Waiting for]
Pros�m �ekejte na
[to accept request...]
na potvrzen� ��dosti...
[Establishing UDP-Connection...]
Navazov�n� UDP spojen�...
[Remote user has cancelled/denied.]
U�ivatel p�eru�il/zam�tnul po�adavek.
[Remote user has terminated the connection.]
U�ivatel p�eru�il spojen�.
[&Audio Session]
&Audio konference
[Could not create Main Thread]
Nelze vytvo�it hlavn� vl�kno
;(DUP) [Plugins]
;(LAI) [Could not create ListenSocket.]
;(LAI) [Could not bind to Socket.]
;(LAI) [Could not create SendSocket.]
;(LAI) [Could not connect to Socket.]
;(LAI) [Could not receive on Socket.]
[Could not send jaja.]
Nelze poslat potvrzen�.
[Could not get the IP-Address of the person you are trying to connect to. Please ask if he/she could configure his/her ICQ client to let other users view the IP.]
Nelze zjistit IP adresu u�ivatele, s kter�m chcete hovo�it. Po��dejte ho pros�m o zm�nu nastaven� ICQ klienta tak, aby bylo mo�n� zjistit jeho IP adresu.
[Could not initialize WinSock.]
Nelze inicializovat WinSock.
[Could not send data.]
Nelze poslat data.
[No recording devices present.]
Chyb� pot�ebn� z�znamov� za��zen�.
;(DUP) [To:]
[Suggested Audio Format: GSM 6.10, 8-12 kHz. Be sure to select an Audio Compression which supports recording! Also consider that the other side needs the Codec too!]
Doporu�en� form�t: GSM 6.10, 8-12 kHz. Ujist�te se, zda je form�t podporov�n z�znamov�m za��zen�m. Nav�c je nutno vz�t v potaz, �e ostatn� pot�ebuj� tent�� kodek!
[You must restart Miranda for the changes to take effect!]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.
[Length of Recording Buffer]
Vyrovn. pam� pro z�znam
[Compression Format...]
Kompresn� form�t...
[UDP Port To Listen on]
UDP port pro p��jem
[UDP Port To Send to]
UDP port pro vys�l�n�
[256 bytes]
256 bajt�
[2048 bytes]
2048 bajt�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MirPy Scripting Plugin                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: MiSHAK <imishak (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://fs.obs.utcluj.ro/~cristi.libotean/plugins/miranda/MirPy/

[Extra modules]
Extra moduly
[Importing module '%s' (redirecting output buffers to console).]
Import modulu '%s' (v�stup je p�esm�rov�n do konzole).
[Module '%s%s' will not be loaded]
Modul '%s%s' nebude na�ten
[Adding script folders to load path:]
P�id�n� adres��e se skripty do nahr�vac� cesty:
[Autoloaded scripts]
Automaticky na��tan� skripty
[Loading MirPy ...]
Na��t�n� MirPy ...
[MirPy version %d.%d.%d.%d loaded.]
MirPy verze %d.%d.%d.%d na�ten.
[MirPy console]
Konzola MirPy
[Finished autoloading modules ...]
Dokon�eno automatick� na��t�n� modul�...
[Importing module '%s' ...]
Import modulu '%s' ...
[Loading modules found in autoload folder '%s'.]
Na��t�n� modul� ze slo�ky pro automatick� na��t�n� '%s'.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Support for new options design                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

[Setup your account information to start messaging.]
Zad�n� a spr�va informac� k ��t�m jednotliv�ch s�t�.
[Change the look of Miranda IM according to your taste.]
V t�to sekci lze zm�nit vzhled Mirandy.
[Configure behaviour of your contact list.]
Konfigurace funkc� seznamu kontakt�.
[Customize look&&feel of your chat windows here.]
�prava vzhledu a chov�n� komunika�n�ch oken.
[Ban those users and events, you are annoyed with.]
Obt�uje v�s n�kdo nebo n�co p�i komunikaci? Vyzkou�ejte n� filtr.
[Set your status messages and idle reporting.]
Definice stavov�ch zpr�v, n�lady, automatick�ch odpov�d� apod.
[Miranda IM is all about plugins. Manage all the plugins you have here.]
Miranda IM je postavena na mo�nosti v�e m�nit a roz�i�ovat pomoc� dopl�k�.

[Visit official Miranda IM website]
P�ej�t na domovskou str�nku projektu
[Switch to classic options]
P�epnout do p�vodn�ho zp�sobu konfigurace
[Use arrow keys to choose category]
Po�adovanou kategorii vyberete pomoc� �ipek
[View help online]
Zobrazit n�pov�du online
[You have some unsaved changes here.\n Do you wish to apply settings before switching?]
N�kter� ze zm�n nejsou ulo�eny.\nChcete je ulo�it?

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mPhantomUser                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: madmojo <madmojo (zavin��) kdynenet (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=468

[&Phantom Users]
&Virtu�ln� u�ivatel�
[&Add Phantom User]
P�id&at virtu�ln�ho u�ivatele
[&Edit Phantom User]
&Upravit virtu�ln�ho u�ivatele
[&Export Phantom Users]
&Exportovat virtu�ln� u�ivatele
[&Import Phantom Users]
&Importovat virtu�ln� u�ivatele
[&Full Name]
&Cel� jm�no
[&Nick Name]
[Contact &Type]
Druh kon&taktu
[Cellular &Phone]
Mobiln� &telefon
;(DUP) [&E-mail]
[&Home Page]
&Domovsk� str�nka
&IP adresa
;(DUP) [&OK]
;(DUP) [Close]
;(DUP) [Error]
[Invalid or empty full user name.]
Neplatn� nebo chyb�j�c� jm�no.
;(DUP) [Open]
;(DUP) [Save]
[Comma Separated Values (*.csv)]
Polo�ky odd�len� ��rkou (*.csv)
[Import process has not completed]
Import dat nebyl dokon�en.
[Import process has completed.]
Import dat byl �sp�n� dokon�en.
[Export process has completed.]
Export dat byl �sp�n� dokon�en.
;(DUP) [Unspecified]
;(DUP) [Friends]
;(DUP) [Business]
;(DUP) [Other]

[Add Phantom User]
Nov� virtu�ln� u�ivatel
[Edit Phantom User]
Upravit virtu�ln�ho u�ivatele
Virtu�ln� u�ivatel�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mRadio Mod                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Richard Ni�nik <nizak (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda.kom.pl/dev/bankrut/

[Playing music from:]
P�ehr�v�n� hudby z:
[Can't play selected station]
Vybranou stanici nelze p�ehr�t
;(DUP) [Close]
[mRadio protocol is disabled]
Protokol mRadio nen� aktivn�
[There was a problem loading BASS.DLL library]
Chyba p�i na��t�n� knihovny BASS.DLL
[Anything = station list]
Cokoli = seznam stanic
[Can''t initialize device]
Nelze inicializovat zvukov� za��zen�
[Incorrect BASS.DLL]
Neplatn� verze knihovny BASS.DLL
[BASS version 2.2 was not loaded]
Syst�m BASS verze 2.2 nebyl na�ten
[mRadio settings]
Nastaven� mRadio
[BASS.DLL not found!]
Nelze naj�t knihovnu BASS.DLL!

; ******** User information ********
[Stream info]
Informace o datov�m proudu
[Station info]
Informace o stanici
Datov� tok:
[Ch. resolution:]
Bitov� hloubka:
;(DUP) [Format:]
;(DUP) [URL:]
;(DUP) [Bitrate:]
[Now playing:]
Pr�v� hraje:

; ******** Options ******** 
[Equalizer presets]
P�edvolby ekvaliz�ru


; mRadio Mod
; P�eklad: V�t Pe�e�a <wenom64 (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>

[Add Station]
P�idat stanici
[Station Name]
N�zev stanice
[Station URL (required)]
Adresa stanice (povinn�)
Datov� tok
[Add station]
P�idat stanici
[To list]
[To INI]
[Shuffle playlist]
P�sni�ky v playlistu n�hodn�
[Play from first]
Hr�t od prvn� p�sni�ky
;(DUP) [Equalizer]
[Record path]
Nahr�vat do:
;(DUP) [Volume]
[Use EAX]
Pou��t EAX
[Buffer, ms (5000)]
Vyrovn�vac� pam�, ms (5000)
[PreBuf, % (75%)]
Napln�n� pam�ti, % (75%)
[Timeout, ms (5000)]
�asov� limit, ms (5000)
[Loop single media]
P�ehr�vat samostatn� m�dia ve smy�ce 
[Continuous record]
Nep�etr�it� nahr�v�n�
[Offline station as Offline]
Vypnut� stanice jako offline (jinak neviditeln�)
[Autoconnect last station]
Automaticky spustit posledn� stanici

; m�dy EAX
[Padded Cell]
Bu�ka s v�pln�
[Living Room]
Ob�vac� pokoj
[Stone Room]
Kamenn� m�stnost
[Concert Hall]
Koncertn� hala
[Carpeted Hallway]
Hala s koberci
[Stone Corridor]
Kamenn� chodba
;(DUP) [City]
[Parking Lot]
Parkovac� m�sto
[Sewer Pipe]
Odpadov� roura
[Under Water]
Pod vodou
Trp�c� z�vrat�mi

[Custom INI file]
Vlastn� INI
[Station URL]
Adresa stanice
[Start record]
Spustit nahr�v�n�
[Stop record]
Ukon�it nahr�v�n�

[Status message template]
�ablona stavov� zpr�vy
[Export All]
Exportovat v�e

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mSecure                                         |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

;############## mSecure ##############
;# Translation section for
;# mSecure Plugin 1.0.2
; Changes in 1.0.1:
; - [State]
; + [Status]
[Miranda mSecure Protection]
Miranda-IM (mSecure, ochrana heslem)
[Enter password to load Miranda]
Zadejte po�adovan� heslo.
;(DUP) [Password:]
[Wrong password. Try again.]
Bylo zad�no neplatn� heslo. 
[Enter password to enable profile protection]
Ochranu aktivujete zad�n�m hesla do textov�ho pole.
[To disable profile protection leave password field blank]
Chcete-li zru�it ochranu heslem, vyma�te obsah textov�ho pole.
;(DUP) [Status]
[Currently protected:]
Heslem je chr�n�no:
;(DUP) [None]
[Miranda startup]
Miranda-IM - spu�t�n�

; N�zev dopl�ku
Ochrana heslem

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Message Export                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

;; ====== Message Export ===========
; This file contains all the strings used in the Message Export
; plugin.

;; Contact menu item
[Open E&xported History]
Otev��t vye&xportovanou historii

;; Main options Tree
;(DUP) [Plugins]
[Message export]
Export zpr�v

;; Main options dialog
; Static
[Export directory]
Slo�ka pro export
;(DUP) [Browse]
[Default file]
[Export format]
V�stupn� form�t
[Max column width]
���ka sloupce
[Time format]
Datum, �as

; ListCtrl
;(DUP) [Nick]

; Buttons
[Auto filename]
Autom. n�zev
[Clear all]
Odstranit v�e
;(DUP) [Help]
[Export all history]
Exportovat v�e

; Errors / Questions
[You have unapplyed changes do you wish to apply these first ?]
N�kter� ze zm�n nebyly potvrzeny. Chcete je potvrdit?
[No contacts found to export]
Nenalezeny ��dn� kontakty
[Failed to export at least one contact]
Chyba p�i exportu; nenalezeny ��dn� kontakty.
[Max line width must be at least %d]
���ka sloupce mus� b�t nejm�n� %d znak�!

;; Dialog Export all, Progress bar
[Exporting old messages]
Export star�ch zpr�v
[Reading database information ( Phase 1 of 2 )]
Na��t�n� informac� z datab�ze (f�ze �.1)
[Sorting and writing database information ( Phase 2 of 2 )]
T��d�n� a z�pis do datab�ze (f�ze �.2)

;; Folder Browse dialog
[Select Destination Directory]
Vyberte c�lovou slo�ku

;; Strings written to export file
[The following user added you to their contact list:]
U�ivatel, kter� si v�s p�idal mezi kontakty:
[The following user made an authorization request:]
Tento u�ivatel v�s po��dal o autorizaci:

;; General Error dialogs
[Message has not been saved !]
Zpr�va nebyla ulo�ena!
[Failed to get the path to Msg_Export.dll\nPlease locate Msg_Export.txt your self]
Neplatn� cesta ke knihovn� Msg_Export.dll
[Failed to move to the end of the file :\n]
Chyba p�i p�esunu na konec souboru\n
[Failed to open or create file :\n]
Chyba p�i otev�r�n� nebo vytv��en� souboru:\n

;//  Version 1.4.0  //

;; Strings written to export file
;(DUP) [The following user added you to their contact list:]
;(DUP) [The following user made an authorization request:]
[Nick      :]
P�ezd�vka :
[FirstName :]
Jm�no     :
[LastName  :]
P��jmen�  :
[e-mail    :]
E-mail    :
[Reason    :]
D�vod     :

; Errors

;//  Version 1.4.1  //

;; General Error dialogs
[Failed to write message to the file :\n]
Chyba p�i z�pisu zpr�vy do souboru:\n
[Failed to write URL/File to the file :\n]
Chyba p�i z�pisu adresy nebo souboru do souboru:\n

;; Strings written to export file
[URL: ]
[File: ]
[Description: ]

;//  Version 1.5.0  //

;; Strings written to export file
[EmailExpress from:]
EmailExpress od:
[No from address]
Adresa nespecifikov�na

;; General Error dialogs
[Failed to write EmailExpress to the file :\n]
Chyba p�i z�pisu polo�ky EmailExpress do souboru:\n

;//  Version 1.6.0  //

;; General Error dialogs
[Failed to write SMS to the file :\n]
Chyba p�i z�pisu polo�ky SMS do souboru:\n

;//  Version 1.7.0  //

;; Main options dialog
[Replace miranda history]
Nahradit historii Mirandy
[Use internal viewer]
Intern� prohl�e�
[You need to restart miranda to change the history function]
Nahrazen� historie vy�aduje restart Mirandy.

;; File Viewer dialog
[History file for %s (%s)]
Historie: %s (soubor: %s)
;(DUP) [Close]
;(FIX) [External]
[Search string was not found !]
Hledan� �et�zec nebyl nalezen!

;//  Version 1.8.0  //

[File name for the user \"%s\" has changed !\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file ?]
Jm�no kontaktu bylo zm�n�no (na \"%s\").\n\nP�vodn� n�zev:\t%s\nNov� n�zev:\t%s\n\nChcete tento soubor p�ejmenovat?
[Failed to rename file\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nFailed with error: %s]
Chyba p�i p�ejmenov�n� souboru.\n\nP�vodn� n�zev:\t%s\nNov� n�zev:\t%s\n\nPopis chyby: %s
;(DUP) [&Yes]
[Yes to &All]
&Ano v�em
;(DUP) [&No]
[No to A&ll]
Ne v�&em

;//  Version 1.9.0  //

; File Viewer menu item

;//  Version 1.9.1  //

; File Viewer menu item

;//  Version 1.9.5  //

; Errors / Questions
[Failed to delete the file]
Chyba p�i maz�n� souboru

;//  Version 1.9.6  //

;Removed : [Failed to read ProfileDir from mirandaboot.ini]
;Removed : [Failed to get path to Miranda.exe]

;//  Version 1.9.7  //

;; Main options dialog

[Prompt to delete file]
Potvrdit smaz�n�

;//  Version 1.9.8  //

;; General Error dialogs

[Failed to replace Miranda History.\r\nThis is most likely due to changes in Miranda.]
Funkci Historie Mirandy nelze nahradit.\r\nD�vodem jsou pravd�podobn� intern� zm�ny v programu.

;//  Version 2.0.1  //

;Removed : [Unknowen event type %d, size %d]
;Removed : [Invalid Database event received. Type %d, size %d]
;Removed : [User has been deleted do you want to delete the file ?\r\n%s]
;(FIX) Proc to odstranil, kdyz se pouziva?
[User has been deleted do you want to delete the file ?\r\n%s]
Opravdu chcete smazat historii odstran�n�ho kontaktu?\r\n%s
;Removed : [Failed to HookEvent ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED]
;Removed : [Failed to HookEvent ME_OPT_INITIALISE]
;Removed : [Failed to HookEvent ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED]
;Removed : [Failed to add menu item Open Exported History\nCallService(MS_CLIST_ADDCONTACTMENUITEM,...)]
;Removed : [Failed to CreateServiceFunction MS_SHOW_EXPORT_HISTORY]
;Removed : [Failed to get the shells allocator !]
;Removed : [Failed to Allocate buffer space]

; Errors / Questions
[User has been deleted do you want to delete the file ?]
Jeden z u�ivatel� byl odebr�n ze seznamu.\nChcete smazat p��slu�n� soubor?

;//  Version 2.03.00  //

; File Viewer menu item
[Syntax highlight]
Zv�razn�n� kl��ov�ch slov

;//  Version 2.04.00  //

;; Main options dialog
[File viewer]
Prohl�e� soubor�
[Append extra new line]
P�idat 1 nov� ��dek

;//  Version 2.05.00  //

;; Strings written to export file

[WebPager from:]
WebPager od:

;//  Version 2.06.00  //

;; Main options dialog

; ListCtrl right click menu
;(DUP) [User &Details]
; These were not added in 2.06.00 but were forgotten in previous versions.
[Export selected]
Exportovat vybran�
[Set to default filename]
V�choz� n�zev souboru

;//  Version 2.09.00  //

;; Main options dialog

[Use << and >>]
Pou��t << a >>

;//  Version 2.12.00  //

;; Main options dialog

;Removed : [User has been deleted do you want to delete the file ?]

[When filename changes]
Po zm�n� n�zvu souboru
[When user is deleted]
Po odebr�n� kontaktu
[Prompt for action]
Dot�zat se
[Rename file]
P�ejmenovat soubor
[Do nothing]
Ned�lat nic
[Delete file]
Smazat soubor

[Message export2]
Export zpr�v 2

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MSN Protocol                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; msn.cpp

; msn_chat.cpp
;(DUP) [Me]
;(DUP) [Others]
[&Invite user...]
Pozvat k d&iskusi...
[&Leave chat session]
&Opustit diskusi
;(DUP) [User &details]
[User &history]
Zobrazit &historii

; msn_commands.cpp
[Hotmail from %s]
Zpr�va od: %s
[Subject: %s]
P�edm�t: %s
[A new mail has come from %s (title: %s).]
P�i�la nov� zpr�va od: %s (p�edm�t: %s).
[Hotmail from %s (%s)]
Zpr�va od %s (%s)
[A new mail has come from %s (%s) (title: %s).]
P�i�la nov� zpr�va od: %s (%s) (p�edm�t: %s).
[Unread mail is available: %d messages (%d junk e-mails).]
M�te nepre�tenou po�tu. Po�et zpr�v: %d (z toho spam: %d).
[Contact tried to open an audio conference (currently not supported)]
MirandaIM zat�m nepodporuje hlasovou konferenci v r�mci s�t� MSN.
p�e zpr�vu...
[Contact left channel]
Kontakt ode�el z kan�lu
[This conversation has been inactive, participants will be removed.]
Tato konverzace byla del�� dobu neaktivn�, ��astn�ci budou odpojeni.
[To resume the conversation, please quit this session and start a new chat session.]
Chcete-li v konverzaci pokra�ovat, ukon�ete tuto relaci a vytvo�te novou.
[There is only 1 person left in the chat, do you want to switch back to standard message window?]
Konverzace prob�h� jen s jedn�m �lov�kem. Chcete p�epnout do klasick�ho komunika�n�ho okna?
[MSN Chat]
MSN :: diskuse
[%s (%s) has joined the chat with %s]
%s (%s) si chce pov�dat s %s
[First message delivered]
Zpr�va byla doru�ena

; msn_opts.cpp
[MSN Protocol]
Protokol MSN
[The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the MSN Messenger network before they take effect]
Zm�ny se projev� a� p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� do s�t� MSN Messenger.
[The changes you have made require you to restart Miranda IM before they take effect]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.
[A New Hotmail has come!]
Hotmail: nov� zpr�va!
[Test: Arrival Hotmail]
Test: doru�en� e-mail

; msn_p2p.cpp
[Contact tried to send its webcam data (currently not supported)]
MirandaIM zat�m nepodporuje p��jem obr�zk� v webov� kamery.
[Contact tried to view our webcam data (currently not supported)]
MirandaIM zat�m nepodporuje pos�l�n� obr�zk� z webov� kamery.

; msn_svcs.cpp
;(DUP) [E-mail address]
[No active chat session is found.]
Nebyla nalezena ��dn� aktivn� konverzace.
[User is already in the chat session.]
Dan� u�ivatel se ji� p�idal do diskuse.
[MSN protocol allows only one file to be sent at a time]
Protokol MSN neumo��uje p�enos v�ce soubor� najednou.
[Message is too long: MSN messages are limited by 1202 UTF8 chars]
Zpr�va je p��li� dlouh�. Protokol MSN umo��uje napsat max. 1202 znak� (v k�dov�n� UTF8).
[MSN protocol does not support offline messages]
Protokol MSN nepodporuje pos�l�n� zpr�v kontakt�m ve stavu offline.
[You must be talking to start Netmeeting]
Za�n�te mluvit, Netmeeting se spust� automaticky.
[Set &Nickname]
&Nastavit p�ezd�vku...
[Display Hotmail &Inbox]
P�e��st po�tu (slu�ba Hotma&il)
[Edit MSN &Profile]
Upravit &profil
[View MSN Services &Status]
&Zjistit stav slu�eb
[Set &Avatar]
Nastavit &avatar
[&Invite to chat]
Pozvat k d&iskusi
[&Start Netmeeting]
Spustit Netmeetin&g
[&View Profile]
Zobrazit profi&l
[Send &Nudge]

; msn_useropts.cpp
[Your png2dib.dll is either obsolete or damaged. Press Ok to download the latest version]
Dopln�k png2dib.dll chyb� nebo je po�kozen�. Posledn� verzi st�hnete kliknut�m na tla��tko OK.
;(DUP) [Error]
;(DUP) [Avatar]

; msn.rc
[Create a new MSN messenger account using the MSN website]
Z��dit nov� ��et prost�ednictv�m domovsk� str�nky MSN
[Disable main menu]
Vypnout polo�ku menu
[Send message font color/size info inside messages]
Ke zpr�v� p�idat informaci o barv� a velikosti p�sma
[Disable all contacts not included into my contact list]
Vypnout v�echny kontakty neuveden� v aktu�ln�m seznamu
[Never update your nickname from server]
Neaktualizovat p�ezd�vku ze serveru
[Treat Away status as 'Be Right Back']
Pova�ovat stav 'Pry�' za 'Za chv�li zp�t'
[Manage server groups]
Zapnout spr�vu skupin na serveru
[Run the following application when new Hotmail arrives]
Spustit vybranou aplikaci (po p��chodu nov� po�ty)
[Enable avatars]
Aktivovat avatary
[Use HTTP gateway mode (incompatible with MSN Gateway plugin)]
Pou��t br�nu HTTP (nen� kompatibiln� s dopl�kem MSN Gateway)
[Use IE proxy settings]
Pou��t nastaven� proxy ze syst�mu (dle IE)
[Keep connection alive (send a ping packet every minute)]
Udr�ovat spojen� (pos�l�n�m pr�zdn�ho paketu ka�dou minutu)
;(DUP) [Notify me when a message delivery has failed]
[Use MSN Messenger 7 protocol]
Pou��t protokol programu MSN Messenger 7
[Use OpenSSL encryption (requires LIBSSL32.DLL)]
�ifrovat komunikaci (vy�aduje knihovnu LIBSSL32.DLL)
[Automatically obtain host/port for incoming file transfers]
Automaticky zjistit adresu a port pro p�enos p��choz�ch soubor�
[&Use Windows colours]
Po&u��t barvy Windows
[Disable receiving Hotmail notifications]
Vypnout upozorn�n� na nov� zpr�vy ze serveru Hotmail
[Ignore new messages in 'Junk Mail' folder only (at startup)]
Ignorovat nov� zpr�vy ze slo�ky 'Junk Mail' (p�i spu�t�n�)
[Display popups when user is typing]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy
[Display errors using popups]
Zobrazit chybov� hl�en� jako ozn�men�
[Enable 'First message delivered' popup]
Zapnout ozn�men� typu 'P�i�la prvn� zpr�va'
[Enable 'User left channel' popup]
Zapnout ozn�men� typu 'Odchod z kan�lu'
[Enable 'Custom Smiley' popup]
Zapnout ozn�men� typu 'Speci�ln� smajl�k'
[Enable nudge]
Povolit drc-drc
[Treat nudge as message]
Pova�ovat drc-drc za zpr�vu
;(DUP) [Show popup]
[Shake the clist window]
Zat��st seznamem kontakt�
[Shake the chat window]
Zat��st komunika�n�m oknem
[Play a sound]
P�ehr�t zvuk
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Set]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [...]
;(DUP) [Reset]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Install]
;(DUP) [Download]
[Login server:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
[Your host (or router):]
Po��ta� (nebo br�na):
[Background colour]
Barva pozad�
[Text colour]
Barva textu
[Timeout (*)]
Prodleva (*)
[(*) Timeouts require Popup v. or later]
(*) Tato funkce vy�aduje dopln�k typu Popup
[Running on a mobile device]
mobiln� za��zen�
[Running on a MSN mobile device]
mobiln� za��zen� (Microsoft)
[Using MSN Webmessenger]
webov� aplikace MSN
[To enable the avatar support, you must obtain the valid copy of the png2dib.dll. Choose one of the following:]
Podpora pro avatary vy�aduje extern� knihovnu png2dib.dll. Vyberte jednu z n�sleduj�c�ch mo�nost�:
[[Install] - install a png2lib plugin using Miranda Installer]
[Nainstalovat] - nainstaluje png2dib.dll pomoc� programu Miranda Installer
[[Download] - manually download a zipped DLL and then unzip it to the plugins folder]
[St�hnout] - ru�n� st�hnut� p��slu�n�ho arch�vu; pot� je t�eba ho rozbalit a png2dib.dll zkop�rovat do slo�ky Plugins
[[Cancel] - disable the avatar support]
[Zru�it] - deaktivuje podporu avatar�
[Contact is included into your server list]
Kontakt je um�st�n v seznamu na serveru
[Somebody included you in his/her server list]
Kontakt v�s m� um�st�n ve sv�m seznamu na serveru
[Allowed (active) contact]
Povolen� kontakt
[Blocked contact]
Zablokovan� kontakt
[Full e-mail:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Nickname:]
;(DUP) [Expert]
;(DUP) [Connection settings]
[Incoming file transfers]
P�enos p��choz�ch soubor�
;(DUP) [Other]
[Server List Manager]
Spr�va kontakt� na serveru
[MSN Extras]
Dopl�ky MSN
[Set Nickname]
Nastavit p�ezd�vku
[png2lib download]
St�hnut� knihovny png2dib

[MSN Options]
MSN - mo�nosti


[Valid SSLEAY32.DLL must be installed to perform the SSL login]
�ifrovan� p�ihl�en� k s�ti MSN vy�aduje knihovnu SSLEAY32.DLL.

[You cannot add yourself to the contact list]
Sebe sama mezi kontakty p�idat nem��ete.

[Server list]

[You need the png2dib plugin v. 0.1.3.x or later to process PNG images]
Obr�zky ve form�tu PNG vy�aduj� dopln�k png2dib 0.1.3.x nebo nov�j��.

[%s plugin connections]
%s - spojen� se serverem

; Errors
[Attempt to make the SSL connection resulted to error %d: %s.]
Chyba p�i pokusu o nav�z�n� zabezpe�en�ho spojen� (Chyba �.%d: %s).
[Cannot start the file transfer: no free sockets. Error %d: %s.]
Chyba p�i inicializaci p�enosu souboru (nen� voln� soket, chyba �.%d: %s).
[Cannot start the file transfer due to the lack of free sockets.]
Chyba p�i inicializaci p�enosu souboru (nen� voln� soket).
[Cannot start the file transfer: cannot listen on a socket. Error %d: %s.]
Chyba p�i inicializaci p�enosu souboru (nelze p�ij�mat data, chyba �.%d: %s).
[file transfer is canceled by remote host]
p�enos souboru p�eru�en druhou stranou
[file transfer: time out occurred]
p�enos souboru: vypr�el �as
[Internet Explorer is in the 'Offline' mode. Switch IE to the 'Online' mode and then try to relogin]
Internet Explorer je v re�imu Offline. P�epn�te IE do re�imu Online a zkuste akci zopakovat.
[MSN plugin cannot add a new contact because the contact list is full]
Dal�� kontakt nelze p�idat. Seznam kontakt� je zapln�n.
[MSN protocol does not allow you to communicate with others when you are invisible]
Protokol MSN neumo��uje komunikovat s ostatn�mi tehdy, jste-li ve stavu 'Neviditeln�'
[MSN Services are temporarily unavailable, please try to connect later]
Slu�by port�lu MSN nejsou do�asn� k dispozici. Zkuste to znovu pozd�ji.
[Server has requested an unknown protocol set (%s)]
Server vy�aduje nezn�mou verzi protokolu (%s).
[Unknown or invalid host name was specified (%s). Error %d: %s]
Nezn�m� nebo neplatn� hostitel (%s). Chyba �.%d: %s
[Unprocessed error: %s]
Nezn�m� chyba: %s
[Unrecognised error %d. The server has closed our connection]
Nezn�m� chyba (�.%d). Server p�eru�il spojen�.
[User is already in your contact list]
Tento u�ivatel u� v seznamu kontakt� je
[You must specify your e-mail in Options/Network/MSN]
Zadejte pros�m sv�j e-mail (viz Mo�nosti/S�/MSN)
[Your username or password is incorrect]
U�ivatelsk� jm�no nebo heslo je neplatn�
[Your MSN account e-mail is unverified. Goto http://www.passport.com and verify the primary e-mail first]
V� ��et na port�lu MSN nen� ov��en�. P�ejd�te na http://www.passport.com a ov��te sv�j prim�rn� e-mail.
[MSN Services are too busy, please try to connect later]
Slu�by port�lu MSN jsou p�et�en�. Zkuste to znovu pozd�ji.


[Hotmail Inbox]
Schr�nka Hotmail
[MSN Services]
Slu�by MSN
[Set Avatar]
Definovat avatar
[Block user]
Zablokovat u�ivatele
[Invite to chat]
Pozvat k diskusi
[Start Netmeeting]
Spustit Netmeeting
[Contact list]
Seznam kontakt�
[Allowed list]
Seznam povolen�ch
[Blocked list]
Seznam zablokovan�ch
[Relative list]
Seznam protistrany
[Server groups import may change your contact list layout after next login. Do you want to upload your groups to the server?]
Import skupin ze serveru m��e p�i p��t�m p�ihl�en� ovlivnit seznam\nkontakt�. Opravdu chcete zapnout spr�vu skupin na serveru?

; Description
[Adds support for communicating with users of the MSN Messenger network]
Implementace protokolu MSN. Umo��uje komunikaci s u�ivateli t�to s�t�.

; Popup
[Valid %s must be installed to perform the SSL login]
Zabezpe�en� p�ihl�en� do s�t� MSN vy�aduje knihovnu %s.
[Unable to contact MS Passport servers check proxy/firewall settings]
Nelze nav�zat spojen� se servery MS Passport. Zkontrolujte nastaven� proxy a firewallu.
[Chat session established by contact request]
Spojen� nav�z�no (��dost protistrany)
[Chat session established by my request]
Spojen� nav�z�no (vlastn� ��dost)
[Chat session established]
Spojen� nav�z�no
[Chat session dropped due to inactivity]
Spojen� ukon�eno (neaktivn�)

; Menu
[My MSN &Space]
Vlastn� prostor (slu�ba &Spaces)

; Network / MSN / Account
[Allow people on my contact list send messages to mobile device]
Lidem ze seznamu kontakt� povolit pos�l�n� zpr�v na mobil
; Network / MSN / Connection
[Use OpenSSL (requires LIBEAY32.DLL) ]
�ifrovat komunikaci (vy�aduje knihovnu LIBEAY32.DLL)
[Automatically obtain host/port]
Automaticky zjistit kombinaci hostitel/port
[Manually specify host/port]
Ru�n� zadat kombinaci hostitel/port
; Network / MSN / Notification
[Enable 'Contact left channel' popup]
Zapnout ozn�men� typu 'Odchod z kan�lu'
[Enable 'Chat Session Established' popup]
Zapnout ozn�men� typu 'Spojen� nav�z�no'

[Chat #]
Diskuse �.
[Message is too long: SMS page limited to 133 UTF8 chars]
P��li� dlouh� zpr�va: Max. po�et znak� je 133 (s diakritikou)
[Offline messages could not be sent to this contact]
Vybran�mu kontaktu nelze poslat zpr�vu ve stavu offline
[You are not allowed to send offline messages to this user]
Vybran� kontakt v�m neumo�nil poslat zpr�vu ve stavu offline
[You cannot send message to yourself]
Nem��ete poslat zpr�vu sami sob�.
[You sent too many offline messages and have been locked out]
P�ekro�ili jste max. po�et zpr�v odeslan�ch kontakt�m offline.

[Live Alert]
Upozorn�n� (Live)
[Live Mail]
Nov� po�ta (Live)

[(SSL through Internet Explrer is used when unchecked)]
(ve v�choz�m stavu je spojen� zabezpe�eno pomoc� IE)

; kompatibilita s �adou 0.7.x
[Use OpenSSL encryption (requires LIBEAY32.DLL)]
�ifrovat komunikaci (vy�aduje knihovnu LIBEAY32.DLL)

[Create a new Windows Live account]
Z��dit nov� ��et v s�ti Windows Live
[Live ID:]

[Live ID]

[My Live &Space]
P�ej�t na Live &Space
[Setup Live &Alerts]
N&astavit upozorn�n�

[%s plugin HTTPS connections]
%s - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTPS
[Disable Popup notifications]
Vypnout standardn� upozorn�n�
[Disable Contact List notifications]
Vypnout upozorn�n� ze seznamu kontatk�
[Disable Tray notifications]
Vypnout upozorn�n� z oblasti ozn�men�
[Ignore new messages not in Inbox folder]
Ignorovat nov� zpr�vy z jin� slo�ky ne� Doru�en� po�ta
[Display &Hotmail Inbox]
P�e��st po�tu &Hotmail
[Your avatar not set correctly. Avatar should be set in View/Change My Details | Avatar]
Avatar nen� spr�vn� nastaven�. V hlavn� nab�dce p�ejd�te na polo�ku Informace o sob� a klikn�te na funkci Nastavit avatar.
[Send &Hotmail E-mail]
E-mail p�es &Hotmail
[View Live &Space]
Zobrazit Live &Space

[<nothing playing>]
<hudba nehraje>

; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Contact is on your local list]
Kontakt je ve va�em lok�ln�m seznamu

[Open &Hotmail Inbox]
P�e��st po�tu &Hotmail

[Unread mail is available: %d messages (%d junk e-mails).]
M�te nepre�tenou po�tu. Po�et zpr�v: %d (z toho spam: %d).
[Unread mail is available: %d in Inbox and %d in other folders).]
M�te nepre�tenou po�tu. P��choz�: %d, ostatn�: %d.
[Hotmail from %S]
Zpr�va od: %S
[Subject: %S]
P�edm�t: %S
[Hotmail from %S (%s)]
Zpr�va od %S (%s)
[Hotmail from %s (%S)]
Zpr�va od %s (%S)


[Create &Chat]
Za��t &diskusi
[Invite Contact To Chat]
Pozvat k diskusi

MSN: Chyba
MSN: Hotmail
MSN: Upozorn�n�

[Local list]
Lok�ln� seznam

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Miranda Text Control                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; plugin: mTextControl
[Text Display]
Zobrazen� textu
[In-text objects]
Objekty v textu
Zjistit automaticky
[Display technique]
Metoda zobrazen�
[Simple text renderer (faster, RTL, no fancy stuff)]
Z�kladn� vykreslov�n� textu (rychl�, bez par�di�ek, RTL)
[Advanced text renderer (smilies, bbcodes, no RTL)]
Vylep�en� vykreslov�n� textu (smajl�ci, BBCodes, bez RTL)
Zleva doprava
Zprava doleva (RTL)
[SmileyAdd Smilies]
Smajl�ci (SmileyAdd)
[MathModule Formulas]
Matematick� vzorce (MathModule)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mToolTip                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; this is a template for translation of mToolTip v0.0.1.3
; last updated 16-07-2004 for v0.0.1.3

;New v0.0.0.8

[Show various contact infos as tooltip]
Zobrazuje souhrn informac� o kontaktu

; ******** User information ******** 
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [Change]
[Choose image file]
Vyberte fotku

;New v0.0.0.3

;(DUP) [All Bitmaps]
;(DUP) [Windows Bitmaps]
;(DUP) [JPEG Bitmaps]
;(DUP) [GIF Bitmaps]

; ******** Options ******** 
[mToolTip info]
Mo�nosti zobrazen�
;(DUP) [Show tooltip even if list is not focused]
;(DUP) [Show tooltip over groups]
[Show: Retrieving mode message... (%smsg)]
Zobrazit informaci o na��t�n� zpr�vy stavu
[Remove empty lines]
Odstranit pr�zdn� ��dky
[Tooltip message]
Text tipu
[Variable not available]
Nedefin. prom�nn�:
;(FIX) [Tooltip delay]
[Tooltip delay:]
Zpozdit tip:
[mToolTip look]
Nastaven� vzhledu
[Background color]
Barva pozad�
[Text color]
Barva textu
[Max width]

;New v0.0.0.3

[Fixed width]
Pevn� ���ka

;New v0.0.0.4

[Show tooltip over statusbar]
Zobrazit tip na stavov� li�t�

;New v0.0.0.6

;(DUP) [Tooltip delay]

;New v0.0.0.7

[Auto-resize tooltip photo]
Autom. velikost fotky

;New v0.0.0.8


;Default tooltip text, can be multiline.
;Built-in default is:
%%%lsstatus|%%%%| %lsday|%%%%|-%lsmonth|%%%%|-%lsyear|%%%%| @ %lsHours|%%%%|:%lsminutes|%%%%|:%lsseconds|%%%%|%lsp| %%%%|%lssince| (%%%% ago)|
%#<b>IP:</b>%tab%tab%ip|%%%% |%realip|(%%%%)|
%#<b>Narozeniny:</b>%tab%bday|%%??%%-|%bmonth|%%??%%|-%byear|%%????%%|%age| (%%%%)|%dtb|, do dal��ch: <b>%%%%</b>|
%%<b>ICQ u�ivatel:</b>%tab%iuser|%%%%|
%%<b>ICQ s�:</b>%tab%inetwork|%%%%|%icount| (<b>%%%%</b> user(s))|
%%<b>Re�im kan�lu:</b>%tab%imode|%%%%|
%%%itopic||<b>T�ma kan�lu:</b>
%%<b>P�ihl�en�:</b>%tab%logondate|%%%%|%logonTime| @ %%%%|%logonsince| (p�ed %%%%)|
%%<b>Ne�inn� od:</b>%tab%idledate|%%%%|%idleTime| @ %%%%|%idlesince| (p�ed %%%%)|
%#<b>Posledn� zpr�va</b> (%lastmsgdate|%%%%| @ %lastmsgtime|%%%%|):%lastmsg||
%%<b>Zpr�va stavu:</b>%smsg||
%%Po�as� pro %iname|<b>%%%%</b>|%wUpdate| aktualizov�no %%%%|:
%#%wcon|%%%%|%wvisibility|, viditelnost: %%%%|
%#<b>Teplota:</b> %wtemp|%%%%|%wfltemp| (%%%%)|%wlow|, min: %%%%|%whigh|, max: %%%%|
%#<b>V�tr:</b> %wwindspeed|%%%%|%wwdirection| (sm�r: %%%%)|
%%<b>Tlak:</b> %wpressure|%%%%|
%%<b>Vlhkost vzduchu:</b> %whumidity|%%%%|
%%V�chod slunce v %wSunrise|%%%%|
%%Z�pad slunce v %wSunset|%%%%|

;New v0.0.0.9

;(DUP) [Advanced Options]
[Font & Text color]
P�smo a text
[Border light color]
Sv�tl� okraj
[Border dark color]
Tmav� okraj
[%smsg timeout:]
Zpozdit %smsg:
[Round corners]
Zaoblit rohy
[Text to border space]
Odst. textu od okraje:
[mToolTip advanced]
Mo�nosti pro experty
[mToolTip protocol]
Definice dle protokolu
[mToolTip text]
Zobrazen� text
;(DUP) [Default]
;(DUP) [Variables]
;(DUP) [Save]
[mToolTip - Variables]
mToolTip - prom�nn�
;(DUP) [Close]
[mToolTip - Font & Text color selection]
mToolTip - v�b�r p�sma a barvy textu
[Font name]
N�zev p�sma
[Font size]
;(DUP) [Text color]
;(DUP) [Preview]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [OK]

;New v0.0.1.0

;(DUP) [Link]
[Photo selection]
V�b�r fotky
;(DUP) [Border]
[ICQ web photo]
Fotka (ICQ)
;(DUP) [day]
;(DUP) [days]

;New v0.0.1.1

[Bar color]
Barva li�ty
[Photo border (default)]
Okraj fotky (v�choz�)

;New v0.0.1.3
[PNG Bitmaps]
obr�zky typu PNG

; n�zev dopl�ku
;(LAI) [mToolTip]
[Line color]
Barva ��dku

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  mTV                                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda.kom.pl/dev/bankrut

[Anything = channel list]
Cokoli = seznam kan�l�
[TV review]
P�ehled po�ad� v TV
[mTV protocol is disabled]
Protokol mTV nen� aktivn�.
[Can't find any active mTV contact]
Nen� definovan� ani jeden kan�l TV!
[TV program for]
Program kan�lu
[No program available for selected contact]
Program pro vybran� kan�l TV nen� k dispozici.
[There was an error reading progID value!]
Chyba p�i �ten� hodnoty progID!
;(DUP) [mTV protocol is disabled]
[Show TV guide]
Zobrazit program
[Re-download guide for all days]
Aktualizovat v�echno
[Re-download guide for current day]
Aktualizovat dne�n� den

; Main Window

[Program not available!]
Program nen� k dispozici!
[Nothing scheduled!]
Nen� napl�novan� ��dn� po�ad.
[program info]
informace o programu
;(DUP) [days]
[Program length]
D�lka po�adu
[Time left]
[End of program]
Konec po�adu
[Channel list]
Seznam kan�l�
;(DUP) [Close]
[Now in TV]
Pr�v� te� d�vaj�
[Scheduled shows]
Napl�novan� po�ady

; Config Window

;(DUP) [General]
[Proxy server]
Server proxy
;(DUP) [Host:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
;(DUP) [User:]
;(DUP) [Use proxy server]
[Download program for newly added channels from:]
Program nov� p�idan�ch kan�l� TV stahovat z:
[Update check every:]
Aktualizovat ka�d�ch:
;(DUP) [sec.]
[Download timeout:]
�as. limit stahov�n�:
[Download data for:]
St�hnout data na:
[day(s) ahead]
dn� dop�edu
[Use one mouse click in TV Review to change channel]
Program v p�ehledu po�ad� zm�nit jedn�m kliknut�m
;(DUP) [Favorites]
[Keywords (words separated with '|' char)]
Kl��ov� slova (jednotliv� slova odd�lte znakem '|')
[Mark favorites with different color]
Obl�ben� po�ady ozna�it jinou barvou
[Auto add favorites to schedule (works only for newly downloaded)]
Obl�ben� po�ady p�id�vat mezi pl�novan� automaticky (pouze pro nov�)
[Show current TV program as status msg]
Aktu�ln� po�ad zobrazit ve form� zpr�vy stavu
;(FIX) [Show mTV icon in status bar]
[Show mTV icon in status bar (need MIM restart)]
Zobrazit ikonu mTV ve stavov� li�t� (vy�aduje restart MIM)
[TV Review hotkey]
Kl�vesa pro p�ehled
;(FIX) [Scheduled list sorting]
[Schedule list sorting]
�azen� pl�novan�ch po�ad�
[by channel name]
dle n�zvu kan�lu
[by time]
dle �asu
[Rules: word=word, *word=xxxword, word*=wordxxx, *word*=xxxwordxxx]
Pravidla: slovo=slovo, *slovo=xyzslovo, slovo*=slovoxyz, *slovo*=xyzslovoxyz
[Show additional program info in TV review]
V p�ehledu po�ad� zobrazit dodate�n� informace

;(DUP) [Copy]
[&Select all]
&Vybrat v�e
[&Add to favorites]
P�id&at mezi obl�ben�
[Added to favorites:]
P�id�no mezi obl�ben�:
[Can't add to favorites]
Nelze p�idat mezi obl�ben�
[There is nothing to add]
Nen� co p�idat

[Look && feel]
[TV Program list]
Seznam program�
;(DUP) [Green]
;(DUP) [Yellow]
;(DUP) [Red]
;(DUP) [Black]
[Light Gray]
Sv�tle �ed�
[Dark Gray]
Tmav� �ed�
[Light Blue]
Sv�tle modr�
[Dark Blue]
Tmav� modr�
[Fav mark color]
Obl�ben� po�ad
[List sel. color]
Vybran� polo�ka
[Stat. name color]
N�zev kan�lu
[Time left green]
�as (zb�v�)
[Time left red]
�as (uplynul�)
[Font name]
N�zev p�sma
[Colorize titles]
Obarvit titulky
[Tooltip timeout:]
Doba zobrazen�:
[Max width:]
Max. ���ka:
;(DUP) [Font name]
;(DUP) [Text color]
[Back color]
Barva pozad�
;(DUP) [Border color]
;(DUP) [Transparency]
;(DUP) [Popup]
[Fore color]
Barva pop�ed�
;(DUP) [Back color]
;(DUP) [Show popups]
[Show popup/Launch event]
Informace o po�adu/Spustit akci
[min. before program start (0 = disable)]
min. p�ed za��tkem (0 = vypnout)
[Popup timeout:]
Doba zobrazen�:
[sek. (0 = stay forever)]
s (0 = trvale)
;(DUP) [Preview]
[mTV popup test]
Zku�ebn� ozn�men� mTV
;(DUP) [Test]
[Short info]
Stru�n� popis
[Extended info]
Podrobn� informace
;(DUP) [On left click]
;(DUP) [On right click]
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [Close popup]
[Show info]
Zobrazit info

;(DUP) [Events]
[Launch list]
Seznam akc�
[Command line]
P��kazov� ��dek
;(DUP) [Change]
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Remove]
[Use events]
Definovat akce

; n�zev dopl�ku
Program TV

; Dopl�ky/mTV/Vzhled

; P�ehled po�ad� v TV
[Nothing scheduled!]

; Ud�losti/Zvuky/Ostatn�
[mTV notification]
Program TV (upozorn�n�)
O programu...
[Simple pseudo protocol with TV listing]
Pseudo-protokol pro v�pis televizn�ch program�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  MultiWindow                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[My contacts]
Seznam kontakt�

;(DUP) [Hide All Titlebars]
;(DUP) [Show All Titlebars]
;(DUP) [Show All Frames]
;(DUP) [Frames]
;(DUP) [New Menu System not Found...]

;(DUP) [&Visible]
;(DUP) [&Show TitleBar]
;(DUP) [&Locked]
;(DUP) [&Collapsed]
;(DUP) [Floating]
;(DUP) [&Floating Mode]
;(DUP) [&Border]
;(DUP) [&Align]
;(DUP) [&Top]
;(DUP) [&Client]
;(DUP) [&Bottom]
;(DUP) [&Position]
;(DUP) [&Up]
;(DUP) [&Down]

Okno (MW)
;(DUP) [Contact List]
[Status Bar(Frames)]
Stavov� li�ta (MW)

;//legacy menu for titlebar

;(DUP) [Lock Frame]
;(DUP) [Visible]
;(DUP) [Show TitleBar]


; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  My Details                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Odkaz: http://forums.miranda-im.org/showthread.php?t=5643

; /resource.rc
[Set My Nickname]
Nastavit p�ezd�vku
;(DUP) [Nickname:]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPTS
[ General ]
[Cycle through protocols every:]
M�nit protokoly ka�d�ch:
;(DUP) [Button]
;(DUP) [seconds]
[Global on avatar]
Glob�ln� pro avatar
Ps�t zprava doleva
[Align text to right]
Zarovnat text doprava
[Global on nickname]
Glob�ln� pro p�ezd�vku
[Auto-resize frame]
M�nit velikost okna
[Use contact list smileys]
Pou��t smajl�ky pro kontakty
[Global on status]
Glob�ln� pro stav
[Replace Smileys]
Vykreslovat smajl�ky
[Resize Smileys]
M�nit velikost smajl�k�
[Global on status message]
Glob�ln� pro zpr�vu stavu
[ Frame Options ]
Mo�nosti okna
[Top: ]
[Background Color:]
Barva pozad�:
[ Avatar ]
[Custom size:]
Vlastn� velikost:
;(DUP) [pixels]
[Allow it to grow]
Povolit zv�t�ov�n�
[Draw border on avatar]
Or�movat avatary
[Border Color:]
Barva r�me�ku:
[Round corners of avatars]
Zaoblit rohy avatar�
[Custom corner size:]
Velikost zakulacen�:
[Use free space (under avatar) to other texts]
Vyu��t m�sto pod avatarem pro dal�� texty
[ Protocol ]
;(DUP) [Show protocol name]
[Set My Status Message for All Status]
Nastavit zpr�vu pro v�echny stavy
[Status Message:]
Stavov� zpr�va:
[Status popup]
Nab�dka stav�
;(DUP) [On&line]
;(DUP) [&Away]
;(DUP) [&NA]
;(DUP) [Occ&upied]
;(DUP) [&DND]
;(DUP) [&Free for chat]
;(DUP) [&Invisible]
;(DUP) [On the &Phone]
;(DUP) [Out to &Lunch]
[Context popup]
Kontextov� nab�dka
[Set My Avatar...]
Nastavit avatar...
[Set My Nickname...]
Nastavit p�ezd�vku...
[Set My Status Message...]
Zm�nit stavovou zpr�vu...
[Show next protocol]
Zobrazit dal�� protokol
[Show previous protocol]
Zobrazit p�edchoz� protokol
[Cycle through protocols]
M�nit pravideln� protokoly
[Don't cycle through protocols]
Nem�nit protokoly
[Nick popup]
Nab�dka p�ezd�vky
[Status message popup]
Nab�dka stavov� zpr�vy
[Avatar popup]
Nab�dka avataru

; /frame.cpp
[My Details]
Informace o sob�
[Show My Details]
Zobrazit informace o sob�
;(DUP) [Main Window/Backgrnd]
[Set My Avatar for %s...]
Nastavit avatar pro %s...
[Set My Nickname for %s...]
Nastavit p�ezd�vku pro %s...
[Set My Status Message for %s...]
Zadat stavovou zpr�vu pro %s...
[Hide My Details]
Skr�t informace o sob�

; /mydetails.cpp
[Set My Nickname for %s]
Nastavit p�ezd�vku pro %s
[Set My Status Message for %s]
Zadat stavovou zpr�vu pro %s

; /options.cpp
;(DUP) [Customize]

; /smileys.cpp
;(DUP) [Contact List smileys]

[<no status message>]
<zpr�va nen� zadan�>

[Enable Listening To]
Povolit dopln�k Listening To
[Enable Listening To for %s]
Povolit dopln�k Listening To pro %s

; Vlastn� �pravy / P�sma
[Listening To]
Poslech hudby

[Show and allows you to edit your details for all protocols.]
Souhrnn� zobrazen� a mo�nost �pravy osobn�ch informac�, stavov�ch zpr�v apod.

[Previous protocol]
P�edchoz� protokol
[Next protocol]
Dal�� protokol

[Show protocol cycle button]
Umo�nit p�epnut� mezi protokoly

[<no status name>]
<stav nen� zadan�>

; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[<no nickname>]
<bez p�ezd�vky>

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  NickChangeNotify                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; ==  NEW in  ==
[PopUp text]
Samotn� text
; new popup preview
[My Custom Name]
Vlastn� jm�no
[Old Nickame]
Star� p�ezd�vka
[New Nickame]
Nov� p�ezd�vka

; ==  NEW in  ==
[Nickname Changed]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky

; ==  NEW in  ==
[Enable/Disable internal logging for this contact]
Zapnout/vypnout intern� z�znam pro dan� kontakt
[Enable/Disable external logging]
Zapnout/vypnout intern� z�znam
[Enable/Disable popups for this contact]
Zapnout/vypnout ozn�men� pro dan� kontakt
[View nickname history]
Zobrazit historii zm�n p�ezd�vek

; the following can be found some popup plugins
;(DUP) [Left Click Actions]  (neweventnotify)
;(DUP) [Right Click Actions]  (neweventnotify)
;(DUP) [Dismiss PopUp]  (weather proto)
;(DUP) [Open message window]  (whoisreadingmyawaymsg notify)
;(DUP) [Show user detail]  (weather proto)
;(DUP) [Show user menu]  (weather proto)
;(DUP) [Background colours]  (weather proto)
;(DUP) [Text colours]  (weather proto)
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]  (newstatusnotify)

; ==  NEW in  ==
;(DUP) [Logging]
[Log to]
[History format]
Form�t historie
[Log format]
Form. z�zn.

; ==  NEW in  ==
[Use contact's custom nickname to display popup]
Pou��t vlastn� jm�no v ozn�men� o zm�n� p�ezd�vky

; texts in option pages
[PopUp display time]
Doba zobrazen�
;(FIX) [Maximun history entry]
[Maximun entries]
Max. polo�ek

; menu items
[Disable ni&ckname change notification]
Vypnout ozn�men� o zm�n� p�ezd�vk&y
[Enable ni&ckname change notification]
Zapnout ozn�men� o zm�n� p�ezd�vk&y
[View Nickname History]
Zobrazit historii zm�n p�ezd�vek
[Nickname History]
Historie zm�n p�ezd�vek

; popup messages
[changes his/her nickname to:]
zm�nil/zm�nila p�ezd�vku na


; the following are the same for most notification plugins (ie. neweventnotify, newstatusnotify)
;(DUP) [General Options]
[Temporarily disable Popups]
Do�asn� vypnout ozn�men�
;(DUP) [seconds]
;(DUP) [Preview]
;(DUP) [PopUp]

; the following are the same as some text in SRMM plugin
;(DUP) [User Menu]
;(DUP) [View User's Details]
;(DUP) [View User's History]

; this string can also be found in last seen plugin
;(DUP) [Send Instant Message]

; N�zev dopl�ku
Zm�na p�ezd�vky

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  nConvers++                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1497

;;;; ===========================================================================
;;;; Module: nconvers++.dll
;;;; Plugin: Messaging Style Conversation
;;;; Versions:
;;;; ===========================================================================

;(DUP) [&Send]
[Hide Buttons]
Skr�t tla��tka
[User Menu (Alt+U)]
U�ivatelsk� menu (ALT+U)
[User Info]
Informace o u�ivateli
[Show History (Ctrl+H)]
Zobrazit historii (Ctrl+H)
[Show Internal History (Ctrl+H)]
Zobrazit intern� historii (Ctrl+H)
[Select Emotion]
Vybrat smajl�k
;(DUP) [Undock]
Pozn�mkov� blok
[Send Message (Ctrl+Enter)]
Odeslat zpr�vu (CTRL+ENTER)
[Close (Esc)]
Zav��t (ESC)
[There are Some Text in Notepad]
Pozn�mkov� blok obsahuje text
;-Popup Menus
[&As Memo]
J&ako pozn�mka
[&Copy to clipboard]
[&Quote to memo]
&Citovan� jako pozn�mka
[Quote Message for Editing]
Citovan� do odpov�di
[To &Memo]
Do pozn�&mky
&Vr�tit zp�t
;(DUP) [&Copy]
[To &Clipboard]
Do s&chr�nky
;(DUP) [&Quote]
[&Delete Selected]
O&dstranit vybran�
[&Load 10 more recent]
Na��st 10 nov�&j��ch
[Clear Half]
Vymazat polovinu
;(DUP) [Clear]
[Last 5 Messages]
Posledn�ch 5 zpr�v
;(DUP) [Undo]
[Reverts the last action]
Vr�t� zp�t posledn� krok
[Quote Selection]
Komentovat vybran�
;(DUP) [Cut]
[Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard]
Vyjme vybran� text a vlo�� do schr�nky
;(DUP) [&Copy]
;(DUP) [Copy]
[Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard]
Zkop�ruje vybran� text a vlo�� do schr�nky
;(DUP) [&Paste]
;(DUP) [Paste]
[Inserts Clipboard contents]
Vlo�� obsah schr�nky
;(DUP) [Select &All]
[Show Notepad]
Zobrazit pozn�mkov� blok
Zp�sob odes�l�n�
;(DUP) [Default]
[through Server]
P�es server
[Show Buttons]
Zobrazit tla��tka
[Stay on top]
V�dy navrchu
[Close on send]
Zav��t po odesl�n�
;(DUP) [Use global setting]
;(DUP) [YES: this contact]
;(DUP) [NO: this contact]
;(DUP) [Minimize on send]
[Use global setting]
Pou��t v�choz� nastaven�
[YES: this contact]
Ano (pro tento kontakt)
[NO: this contact]
Ne (tento kontakt)
Vyjmout z doku
;nConvers++ Notepad
[Close NotePad]
Zav��t pozn�mkov� blok
[Clear Memo]
Vymazat pozn�mku
[Save Memo]
Ulo�it pozn�mku
[Take Text From Main Edit]
P�evz�t z hlavn�ho textov�ho pole
[Send Text To Main Edit]
P�edat do hlavn�ho textov�ho pole

[is now]
[is typing a message...]
p�e zpr�vu...
[has stopped typing]
p�estal ps�t
[Message from]
Zpr�va od
;(DUP) [View &History]
;(DUP) [&System History]
;(DUP) [Message: Queued Incoming]
;(DUP) [Message: Incoming]
;(DUP) [Message: Outgoing]

;==Main module
;(FIX) [Timeout]
[There is still a message in the message queue. This message wont be send if you close the message window.]
Ve front� k odesl�n� je je�t� st�le jedna zpr�va. Pokud okno komunikace zav�ete, nebude odesl�na.
[Close message window nevertheless?]
Chcete komunika�n� okno p�esto zav��t?
[There are still %d messages in the message queue. These messages wont be send if you close the message window.]
Ve front� k odesl�n� je je�t� st�le %d zpr�v. Pokud okno zav�ete, nebudou odesl�ny.
[Unsent Messages]
Neodeslan� zpr�vy
[There are still unsent text in the message window.]
Komunika�n� okno obsahuje rozepsan� text. Chcete ho odeslat?
[Close message window?]
Chcete zav��t kom. okno?
;(DUP) [Retry]
[Discard Message]
Odstranit zpr�vu
[Sending Message ...]
Odes�l�n� zpr�vy...
[nConvers++ Notepad]
Pozn�mkov� blok

[Delete Message(s)?]
Chcete odstranit vybran� zpr�vy?
[Open URL in New Window]
Otev��t odkaz v nov�m okn�
[Open URL]
Otev��t odkaz
[Copy URL to Clipboard]
Zkop�rovat odkaz

[Store layout info]
Informace o uspo��d�n� oken
[Global: for all contacts]
Ulo�it glob�ln� pro v�echny kontakty
[Speciffic: for every contact]
Ulo�it zvl᚝ pro ka�d� kontakt
[Messaging window layout]
Uspo��d�n� konverza�n�ho okna
[Straight: memo below history (messages added at bottom of log)]
Ps�t pod rozhovor (zpr�vy se p�id�vaj� na konec z�znamu)
[Reverse: memo above history (messages added at top of log)]
Ps�t nad rozhovor (zpr�vy se p�id�vaj� nahoru nad z�znam)
[Other UI elements]
Ostatn� prvky rozhran�
[Show message length metter (in splitter between memo and log)]
Zobrazit indik�tor d�lky zpr�vy (mezi polem pro psan� a z�znamem)
[Toolbar buttons]
N�strojov� li�ta
["Hide ToolBar" button]
Tl. "Skr�t n�str. li�tu"
["Contact Menu" button]
Tl. "Menu kontaktu"
["User Info" button]
Tl. "Inf. o u�iv."
["History" button]
Tl. "Historie"
["nHistory" button]
Tl. "nHistory"
["Select Emotion" button]
Tl. "Vybrat smajl�k"
["Undock" button]
Tl. "Vyjmout z doku"
["Notepad" button]
Tl. "Pozn. blok"
[nConvers++ features]
Funkce nConvers++
[Show lang. indicator]
Zobrazit indik�tor jazyka
["Fade" enabled]
Aktivovat plynul� p�echody
["Flat" enabled]
Aktivovat "modern�" vzhled
["Dictionary" enabled]
Aktivovat "Slovn�k"
["Joined Smilies" enabled]
Aktivovat "Spojen� smajl�ky"
[Show spaces in history log]
Zru�it zalamov�n� textu v historii
["Text Formatting" enabled]
Aktivovat form�tov�n� textu
["MS Spell Checking" enabled]
Aktivovat kontrolu pravopisu

;===Options::Emotion Package
[Emotion Package]
Bal�k smajl�k�
[Emotion packages]
Bal�ky smajl�k�
;(DUP) [All Files]
[Package Info]
Informace o bal�ku
;(DUP) [Author]
;(DUP) [Notes]
[NOTE! You need to restart miranda for changes on this page to take place!!!]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.

;===Options::Fonts & Colors
[Fonts & Colors]
P�sma a barvy
[Fonts and Colors]
P�sma a barvy
[Select Font]
Vybrat p�smo
;(DUP) [Fore color]
;(DUP) [Back color]
[History Background]
Pozad� z�znamu zpr�v
[Incoming message]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Outgoing message]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[System message]
Zpr�va syst�mu
[Nick <<]
P�ezd�vka <<
[Own nick >>]
Vlastn� p�ezd�vka >>
[Memo text]
Text psan�

;(DUP) [Log]
[message Log display]
Zobrazen� z�znamu komunikace
;(DUP) [Messages Drop Shadow]
[Notification in message log on contact Status Change]
Upozornit v z�znamu komunikace na zm�nu stavu
[      Show Contact's "NICK" in log]
Zobrazit p�ezd�vku v z�znamu hovoru
;(DUP) [>>]
[NICK >>]
P�EZD. >>
;(DUP) [Custom]
[Window Caption Elements]
Prvky z�hlav� okna
;(DUP) [Username]
;(DUP) [UIN]
;(DUP) [Status]
[      Substitute Emotions with Images]
Nahradit smajl�ky obr�zky
[Hints on emotions]
Zobrazit nad smajl�ky n�pov�du
[Quick / Cascaded Links in Context Menu]
Rychl� / kask�d. odkazy v kontext. menu
[      URL Clicking]
Otev�en� odkazu
;(DUP) [Allways In New Browser]
[Allways copy link]
V�dy zkop�rovat odkaz
[Load recent history]
Na��st posledn�ch
[Filter Duplicate Messages (RECOMMENDED)]
Filtrovat zdvojen� zpr�vy (DOPORU�ENO)
[Gray Recent Messages]
Zobrazit aktu�ln� zpr�vy �ediv�
[messages shown (blank or 0 means no restriction)]
zpr�v (bez ��sla nebo 0 znamen� bez omezen�)

[Notification mode]
Zp�sob upozorn�n�
[Aggressive: Bring to front steal focus from other apps]
Agresivn�: P�en�st okno do pop�ed�
[Flash taskbar tab (nonaggressive mode only)]
Zablikat na hlavn�m panelu (v�e mimo agresivn�ho re�imu)
[Normal: Open Window Don't Steal Focus]
Norm�ln�: Otev��t okno, ale nep�en�st do pop�ed�
[Timid: Show Minimized and Flash Taskbar]
Nevt�rav�: Otev��t minimalizovan� okno a blikat
[Discreet: Flash icon on contactlist only]
Diskr�tn�: Blikat ikonou v oblasti ozn�men�
[Popup messaging window when flashing tray clicked]
Otev��t konverza�n� okno po kliknut� na blikaj�c� ikonu
;(DUP) [Typing Notification Options]
[Send Typing notification]
Poslat upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy
;(DUP) [Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message]
;(DUP) [Update inactive message window icons when a user is typing]
;(DUP) [Show typing notification when no message dialog is open]
;(DUP) [Flash in the system tray and in the contact list]
;(DUP) [Show balloon popup]
[Display change typing notification on log]
Ulo�it do z�znamu informaci o zm�n� nastaven�

;(DUP) [Send]
[      Split messages (RECOMENDED)]
D�lit dlouh� zpr�vy
[Longer than]
Del�� ne�
[when sending "default way"]
p�i odes. "v�ch. zp�sobem"
[when sending "Direct"]
p�i odes. "p��mo"
[when sending "trough server"]
p�i odes�l�n� "p�es server"
[When sending]
Odes�l�n� zpr�v
[Wait for confirmation]
Po�kat na potvrzen�
;(DUP) [sec]
[Close window after send]
Zav��t okno po odesl�n�
[Minimize on send]
Minimalizovat po odesl�n�
[Send multiple messages interval]
Interval odes�l�n� v�ce zpr�v
[Memo customization]
Oblast pro psan� textu
[Vertical scrollbar]
Svisl� posuvn�k
Zalam. text
[Horisontal scrollbar]
Vodorovn� posuvn�k
[Special send shortcuts]
Vlastn� zkratky pro odesl�n�
[Double Enter Sends]
Odeslat dvoj. ENTER
[Single Enter Sends Ctrl+Enter adds NewLine]
Odeslat kl�vesou ENTER; CTRL+ENTER = nov� ��dek

;===Options::Timestamp display
[Timestamp display]
Zobrazen� �asu
[Message timestamp display]
Zobrazen� �asu ve zpr�v�
[Show Hints On Hover]
Tipy pod kurzorem
[      Show Time]
;(DUP) [Transparent background]
;(DUP) [Has border]
[As text (nondigital)]
Jako text (ne��seln�)
[Time color]
Barva �asu
;(DUP) [Background color]
;(DUP) [Border color]
[      Show Date]
[Fixed format]
[Full date]
�pln� datum
[As text]
Jako text
;(DUP) [Display]
[Text line1 color]
Barva 1. ��dku textu
[Text line2 color]
Barva 2. ��dku textu
;(DUP) [Background color]
[Border color]
Barva r�me�ku
[Use bigger font]
Pou��t v�t�� p�smo
[Has border]
S r�me�kem
[Transparent background]
Pr�hledn� pozad�

;===Options::Window docking
[Window docking]
Dokov�n� oken
[      Enable Docking]
Povolit dokov�n�
[Dock when dragging over another window if Ctrl is down]
Dokovat p�etahovan� okno, je-li zm��knuta kl�vesa CTRL
[Dock when dragging over another window if Ctrl is _NOT_ down]
Dokovat p�etahovan� okno, nen�-li zm��knuta kl�vesa CTRL
[Allways Popup as Docked]
Nov� okno v�dy zadokovat
[Remember Docked Windows]
Zapamatovat dokovan� okna
[Max together]

;***** Internal nHistory (use only with nConvers++ translation)
[nHistory startup]
Spu�t�n� nHistory
[Add "System history" Item to miranda menu]
P�idat do hlavn�ho menu "Historie syst�mu"
[Add "Global history" Item to miranda menu]
P�idat do hlavn�ho menu "Glob�ln� historie"
[Apply last filter on startup]
Aplikovat posl. pou�it� filtr

[nHistory Log display]
Zobrazen� z�znamu
[Messages Drop Shadow]
Zobrazit pod zpr�vami st�n
[Show Contact's "NICK" in log]
Zobrazit p�ezd�vku v z�znamu hovoru
[Substitute Emotions with Images]
Nahradit smajl�ky pomoc� obr�zk�
[URL Clicking]
Otev�en� odkazu
[Allways In New Browser]
V�dy v nov�m okn�
[Reverse message order]
Obr�tit po�ad� zpr�v

;===nHistory window
[selected ot of]
vybr�no z
[To &Message Window]
&Do komunika�n�ho okna
[Find (Ctrl+F)]
Naj�t (Ctrl+F)
[Find Next (F3)]
Naj�t dal�� (F3)
[Remove Filter]
Odebrat filtr
[Break Loading]
P�eru�it na��t�n�

["Dictionary" (Ctrl+Space)]
Aktivovat Slovn�k (CTRL+Mezern�k)
[Minimal Style]
�sporn� styl

[Transparency (winXP+)]
Pr�hlednost (Windows XP)
[Enable Docking]
Povolit dokov�n�
[Enable Sticking]
Povolit p�ichycen�
[      Enable Sticking]
Povolit p�ichycen�
[Check Top]
Aktivn� shora
[Check Left]
Aktivn� zleva
[Check Right]
Aktivn� zprava
[Check Bottom]
Aktivn� zdola
[Stick At:]
[Split messages (RECOMENDED)]
D�lit dlouh� zpr�vy
[Notification in message log on user Typing]
Upozornit v z�znamu komunikace na psan� zpr�vy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  NetAccessNotify                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1490

S�ov� prost�edky
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [PopUps]
;(DUP) [Popups]
;(DUP) [Logging]
[Network connections]
P�ehled s�ov�ch spojen�
[Current network connections]
Aktivn� s�ov� spojen�
[Established network sessions]
Nav�zan� s�ov� spojen�
;(DUP) [Files]
;(DUP) [Active]
;(DUP) [Idle]
[Logging options]
Mo�nosti z�znamu
[Log network activity to file:]
Zaznamenat provoz do souboru:
[Log when network connections are established]
Zaznamenat nav�z�n� spojen� se sd�len�m
[Log when shared files are accessed]
Zaznamenat p��stup ke sd�len�m soubor�m
[Log when shared folders are accessed]
Zaznamenat p��stup ke sd�len�m slo�k�m
[Log file format]
Form�t z�znamu
[Title format:]
Form�t z�hlav�:
[Line format:]
Form�t ��dku:
[Available variables]
P�ehled prom�nn�ch
[Defaults for HTML format]
P�edvolby pro HTML
[Defaults for CSV format]
P�edvolby pro CSV
[Popup notifications]
[Notify when network connections are established]
Ozn�mit nav�z�n� spojen� se sd�len�m
[Notify of shared file access]
Ozn�mit p��stup ke sd�len�m soubor�m
[Notify of shared folder access]
Ozn�mit p��stup ke sd�len�m slo�k�m
;(DUP) [Popup colors]
[Use default popup colors]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
;(DUP) [Use windows colors]
[Choose colors:]
Vybrat barvy:
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Text]
[Popup display and click options]
Doba zobrazen� a ovl�d�n�
[Separate popups for all events]
Pro ka�dou ud�lost samostatn� ozn�men�
[One permanent popup per connection]
Pro ka�d� spojen� jedno trval� ozn�men�
[One popup per connection on user activity]
Pro ka�d� spojen� a akci jedno ozn�men�
[Popups stay shown for:]
Zobrazit po dobu:
;(DUP) [seconds]
Lev� tla�.
Prav� tla�.
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [Close popup]
[Break the connection]
Ukon�it spojen�
[Disable all popups]
Vypnout v�echna ozn�men�
[No popups for this connection]
Pro dan� spojen� vypnout ozn�men�
[Network session info]
Informace o relaci
[In popup titles:]
V z�hlav�:
[In popup contents:]
[In network window:]
V okn�:
[Popup preview]
N�hled ozn�men�
;(DUP) [General options]
[Show network activity icon in system tray]
Indikovat provoz ikonou v oblasti ozn�men�
[Active network connections]
Aktivn� s�ov� relace
[Add "Network connections" item to main menu]
Do nab�dky p�idat polo�ku "S�ov� spojen�"
[Use hot key to bring up network connections:]
P�ehled s�ov�ch spojen� zobrazit po zm��knut�:
["Network connections" window is always on top]
Okno "S�ov� spojen�" zobrazit v�dy navrchu
[Show network connections]
Zobrazit s�ov� spojen�
[Update frequency]
Interval aktualizace
[Query network state every]
Proch�zet s� ka�d�ch
[ms  (Warning: this can be CPU-intensive)]
ms  (Upozorn�n�: M��e zat�ovat procesor)
[Use NTFS auditing capabilities (should be configured for all shared files && folders)]
Pou��t auditov�n� NTFS (m�lo by b�t nastaveno pro v�echny sd�len� sobory a slo�ky)
[Boost query interval on active connections:]
Zkr�tit interval u aktivn�ho spojen� na
[ms  (Very CPU-intensive)]
ms  (velmi zat�uje procesor)
[Shared resources]
Sd�len� prost�edky
[Resource name]
[Local path]
M�stn� cesta
[Show administrative shares]
Zobrazit admin. sd�len�
;(DUP) [Add...]
;(DUP) [Remove]
[Popup notification filters]
Filtry pro ozn�men� ud�lost�
;(DUP) [Computer]
;(DUP) [User]
[Shared resource]
Sd�len� prost�edek
;(DUP) [Notify]
[Add filter...]
P�idat filtr...
;(DUP) [Edit...]
;(DUP) [Up]
;(DUP) [Down]
[Filter settings]
Mo�nosti filtrov�n�
[Computer name:]
N�zev po��ta�e:
[User name:]
[Shared resource:]
Sd�l. prost�edek:
[If values match:]
Souhlas�-li zadan�:
[Always notify with popups]
V�dy ozn�mit
[Disable popup notifications]
Vypnout oznamov�n�
[Note: Use * and ? wildcard characters to specify multiple values]
Pozn.: P�i zad�v�n� hodnot lze pou��t masku (znaky * a ?)
[All popups are now disabled.\nEnable popups in the Popups section of the main menu]
Ve�ker� ozn�men� byla vypnuta.\nZnovu je povol�te v hlavn� nab�dce, ��sti Ozn�men�.
[All popups are now disabled.\nEnable popups on the NetAccessNotify/Popups page]
Ve�ker� ozn�men� byla vypnuta.\nZnovu je povol�te v nastaven�, ��sti S�ov�\nprost�edky/Ozn�men�.
[Are you sure you wish to remove\nthe shared resource '%s'?]
Opravdu chcete odebrat sd�len�\nprost�edek '%s'?
[Disable network access notifications]
Vypnout ozn�men� p��stupu ke &sd�len�
[Enable network access notifications]
Zapnout ozn�men� p��stupu ke &sd�len�
[Error creating/opening specified log file]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� nebo otev�r�n� souboru pro z�znam
[Popup plugin not found.\nPlease install and enable this plugin]
Nelze nal�zt dopln�k 'Popup'.\nNainstalujte ho pros�m.
[Select a folder for sharing]
Vyberte slo�ku, kterou chcete sd�let
[Shared resource '%s' could not be removed\nNetwork error code: %d]
Sd�len� prost�edek '%s' nelze odpojit.\nChyba s�t� �.%d
[This file has already been closed]
Vybran� soubor u� byl uzav�en
[This session has already terminated]
Tato relace u� byla ukon�ena
[Sorry, not supported in this version]
Tato funkce nen� v sou�asn� verzi podporov�na
;(DUP) [Connected]
;(DUP) [Disconnected]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  New Away System                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://forums.miranda-im.org/showthread.php?t=2179

; /CommonLibs/m_ContactSettings.h
[XStatus change notifications:]
Ozn�men� o zm�n� roz����en�ho stavu:
;(DUP) [Ignore]
[Notify always]
Upozornit v�dy
[Use global settings]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�
[Tooltip text]
Text tipu
[Other setting]
Dal�� nastaven�
[Some group]
N�jak� skupina

; /CommonLibs/m_LogService.h
[Test message]
Testovac� zpr�va
;(DUP) [ClientChangeNotify]
;(DUP) [`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) changed client to %extratext%]
[%s changed his client to %s]
%s zm�nil 

; /CommonLibs/m_NewAwaySys.h
[New global status message.]
Nov� glob�ln� zpr�va stavu.

; /NewAwaySys/AwayOpt.cpp
[Open Variables help dialog]
Otev��t n�pov�du o prom�nn�ch
[Other (XStatus)]
Jin� (roz���en� stav)
[Open message window]
Otev��t komunika�n� okno
[Close popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Open contact details window]
Zobrazit okno s detaily kontaktu
[Open contact menu]
Zobrazit nab�dku kontaktu
[Open contact history]
Zobrazit historii kontaktu
[Open log file]
Zobrazit z�znam
[Do nothing]
Ned�lat nic
[Create new message]
Vytvo�it novou zpr�vu
[Create new category]
Vytvo�it novou kategorii
[Your most recent status messages are placed in this category. It's not recommended to put your messages manually here, as they'll be replaced by your recent messages.]
Do t�to kategorie jsou ukl�d�ny nej�ast�ji pou��van� stavov� zpr�vy. Sem nen� vhodn� ukl�dat zpr�vy ru�n�, nebo� budou nahrazeny t�mi, kter� pou��v�te nej�ast�ji.
[You can put your frequently used and favorite messages in this category.]
Do t�to kategorie m��ete zadat �asto pou��van� a obl�ben� odpov�di.
[When this checkbox is ticked, NewAwaySys counts "send times" starting from the last status message change, even if status mode didn't change.\nWhen the checkbox isn't ticked, "send times" are counted from last status mode change (i.e. disabled state is more restrictive).]
Pokud za�krtnete tuto volbu, NewAwaySys bude po��tat po�et odesl�n� od posledn� zm�ny stavov� zpr�vy, i kdy� se nezm�nil stav.\nPokud tato volba nen� za�krtnut�, bere se po�et odesl�n� od posledn� zm�ny stavu (tzn. v�ce restriktivn� nastaven�).
[** All contacts **]
** v�echny kontakty **
[** Not-on-list contacts **]
** Kontakty mimo seznam **
[Edit status messages]
�prava stavov�ch zpr�v
[Main options]
Hlavn� mo�nosti
Automatick� odpov�di
[Predefined messages]
[Recent messages]
Naposledy pou�it�
[Gone fragging]
[Been fragging since %]
�Fraguji od %
[%, I'll msg you later when the adrenaline wears off.]
%, ozvu se hned, jak mi vyprch� adrenalin.
[Your master, %nas_mynick%, has been %nas_statdesc% since the day that is only known as ?nas_awaysince_date(dddd)... When he gets back, I'll tell him you dropped by...]
Va�e V�sosti, %nas_mynick% je %nas_statusdesc% ode dne zn�m�ho jako ?nas_awaysince_date(dddd)... Jakmile se vr�t�, po��d�m ho, aby se V�m ozval.
[Default messages]
V�choz� zpr�vy
[Yep, I'm here.]
Jasn�, jsem tu.
Na chv�li pry�
[Been gone since %nas_awaysince_time%, will be back later.]
Jsem pry� od %nas_awaysince_time%, vr�t�m se pozd�ji.
Nejsem tady
[Give it up, I'm not in!]
Vzdejte to, nejsem tu!
Nem�m �as
[Not right now.]
Te� ne, pros�m.
[Give a guy some peace, would ya?]
Nechte m� pros�m chv�li o samot�, ano?
[Free for chat]
M�m volno
[I'm a chatbot!]
Kec�m, a� se mi od kl�vesnice pr��!
[I'm hiding from the mafia.]
Skr�v�m se p�ed mafi�.
[On the phone]
M�m telefon
[I've been on the phone since %nas_awaysince_time%, give me a sec!]
Telefonuji od %nas_awaysince_time%, dejte mi vte�inku!
[Out to lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�
[Been having ?ifgreater(?ctime(H),2,?ifgreater(?ctime(H),10,?ifgreater(?ctime(H),16,supper,dinner),breakfast),supper) since %nas_awaysince_time%.]
Od %nas_awaysince_time% ?ifgreater(?ctime(H),2,?ifgreater(?ctime(H),10,?ifgreater(?ctime(H),16,ob�dv�m,ve�e��m),sn�d�m),ob�dv�m).

; /NewAwaySys/AwaySys.cpp
[) read your ]
) �etl va�i zpr�vu ve stavu '
[Set %s message for the contact]
Nastavit %s (zpr�vu stavu) pro kontakt
[Re&ad %s Message]
P�e��st &automatickou odpov��
[Toggle autoreply on/off]
Zapnout/vypnout autom. odpov�di
[New Away System: Status message request notifications]
New Away System: ozn�men� o po�adavku na zji�t�n� stavov� zpr�vy
[Enable autoreply when you are %s]
Povolit automatickou odpov�� ve stavu %s
["Store contact autoreply/ignore settings for each status separately" is enabled, so this setting is per-contact AND per-status.]
"Ukl�dat nastaven� autom./odpov�di �i ignorov�n� pro ka�d� stav zvl᚝" je povoleno, tak�e toto nastaven� plat� "na kontakt" A Z�ROVE� "na stav".
[Enable autoreply]
Povolit automatickou odpov��
[Don't send status message when you are %s]
Nepos�lat zpr�vu stavu, pokud jste %s
[Ignore status message requests from this contact and don't send an autoreply.\r\n"Store contact autoreply/ignore settings for each status separately" is enabled, so this setting is per-contact AND per-status.]
Ignorovat po�adavky na zji�t�n� stavov� zpr�vy od tohoto kontaktu a nepos�lat autom. odpov��.\r\n"Ukl�dat nastaven� autom. odpov�di �i ignorov�n� pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝" je povoleno, tak�e toto nastaven� plat� "na kontakt" A Z�ROVE� "na stav".
[Don't send status message]
Nepos�lat zpr�vu stavu
[Ignore status message requests from this contact and don't send an autoreply]
Ignorovat po�adavky na zji�t�n� zpr�vy stavu od tohoto kontaktu a nepos�lat autom. odpov��
[%d hours]
%d hod.
[%d minutes]
%d min.
[%d seconds]
%d sek.
[Read status message]
P�e��st zpr�vu stavu
[Set status message]
Nastavit stavov� zpr�vy
[Use the default setting]
Pou��t v�choz� nastaven�
[NewAwaySys: Incoming status message request]
NewAwaySys: P��choz� po�adavek na p�e�ten� stavov� zpr�vy
[New Away System\t(x)\tAway since time in format x (x is optional)]
New Away System\t(x)\t'Pry� od' �as ve form�tu x (x je voliteln�)
[New Away System\t(x)\tAway since date in format x (x is optional)]
New Away System\t(x)\t'Pry� od' datum ve form�tu x (x je voliteln�)
[New Away System\tStatus description]
New Away System\tPopis stavu
[New Away System\tYour nick for current protocol]
New Away System\tVa�e p�ezd�vka pro dan� protokol
[New Away System\tNumber of status message requests from the contact]
New Away System\tPo�et po�adavk� na zji�t�n� stavov� zpr�vy od kontaktu
[New Away System\tNumber of messages from the contact]
New Away System\tPo�et zpr�v od kontaktu
[New Away System\tTime passed until request]
New Away System\t�as uplynul� od po�adavku
[New Away System\t(x)\tReturns one of your predefined messages by its title: ?nas_predefinedmessage(creepy)]
New Away System\t(x)\tVrac� jednu z va�ich p�ednastaven�ch zpr�v dle n�zvu: ?nas_predefinedmessage
[New Away System\tCurrent protocol name]
New Away System\tN�zev dan�ho protokolu
[New Away System plugin requires Miranda version or above.]
Dopln�k New Away System vy�aduje Mirandu �i nov�j��
[`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) read your %]
`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) �te va�i %
[% message:\r\n%extratext%\r\n\r\n]
% zpr�va:\r\n%extratext%\r\n\r\n

; /NewAwaySys/Client.cpp

; /NewAwaySys/Common.h
[?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) is reading your %nas_statdesc% message:\r\n%extratext%]
?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) �te va�i %nas_statdesc% zpr�vu:\r\n%extratext%
[Miranda IM autoreply >\r\n%extratext%]
Miranda IM automatick� odpov�� >\r\n%extratext%
[Toggle autoreply off]
Vypnout automatick� odpov�di
[Toggle autoreply on]
Zapnout automatick� odpov�di
[extended status]
roz���en� stav
[Away System]
Automatick� odpov�di
[Variables plugin is not installed]
Dopln�k Variables nen� nainstalov�n

; /NewAwaySys/ContactList.cpp

; /NewAwaySys/MsgTree.cpp
[You've made changes to multiple Message trees at a time.\r\nDo you want to leave changes in "]
Zm�nili jste zpr�vy v n�kolika seznamech najednou.\r\nChcete ponechat zm�ny v dialogu '
[" dialog?\r\nPress Yes to leave changes in this dialog, or No to discard its changes and save changes of the other Message tree instead.]
'?\r\nKl�vesou 'Ano' zm�ny potvrd�te, 'Ne' znamen� zru�en� a ulo�en� do jin�ho seznamu.
[Do you really want to delete this ]
Chcete opravdu smazat vybranou 
[category with its messages?]
kategorii zpr�v?
[New category]
Nov� kategorie
[New message]
Nov� zpr�va

; /NewAwaySys/m_popup.h
[PopUp 1.0.1.x compatability]
Kompatibilita s dopl�kem PopUp 1.0.1x

; /NewAwaySys/m_variables.h
[Open String Formatting Help]
Otev��t n�pov�du o prom�nn�ch

; /NewAwaySys/Notification.cpp
[) is reading your ]
) �te va�i zpr�vu stavu '
[Error #%d]
Chyba �.%d
[Can't open log file ]
Nepoda�ilo se otev��t soubor z�znamu

; /NewAwaySys/Properties.cpp

; /NewAwaySys/ReadAwayMsg.cpp

; /NewAwaySys/Resources.rc:IDD_POPUPOPTDLG
[Popup notification]
Upozornit ozn�men�m
[Popup text format]
Form�t textu ozn�men�
[%extratext% is your status message]
%extratext% je va�e stavov� zpr�va
[Click action]
P�i kliknut� my��
[On left click]
Lev� tla��tko
[On right click]
Prav� tla��tko
[0 = Default]
0 = v�choz�
[-1 = Infinite]
-1 = neust�le
[Use default]
[Only notify when:]
Oznamovat jen p�i stavu
N&a chv�li pry�
&Nejsem tady
N&em�m �as
[&Free for chat]
&M�m volno
[Log to a file only when popup notification for a contact is enabled]
Zaznamenat do souboru, pokud je ozn�men� pro kontakt povoleno

; /NewAwaySys/Resources.rc:IDD_AUTOREPLY
[On event...]
[Don't reply to ICQ contacts]
Neodpov�dat kontakt�m s�t� ICQ
[Don't reply when I'm invisible to the contact]
Neodpov�dat, pokud jsem v��i kontaktu neviditeln�
[Save autoreply to the history]
Ukl�dat automatick� odpov�di do historie
[Reply only when Idle]
Odpov�dat pouze pokud jsem ne�inn�
[Reply only when contact's message window is closed]
Odpov�dat pouze pokud je komunika�n� okno zav�en�
[Send maximum]
Poslat maxim�ln�
[times (-1=infinite)]
�  (-1 = neust�le)
[Reset this counter also when I just change my status text\n(when status icon remains the same)]
Vynulovat toto po��tadlo i kdy� jen zm�n�m zpr�vu stavu\n(kdy� ikona stavu z�stane stejn�)
[Disable autoreply when...]
Nepos�lat automatickou odpov�� ve stavu:
[On the &Phone]
Na &telefonu
[Out to &Lunch]
Na &ob�d�
[Autoreply format:]
Form�t automatick� odpov�di:

; /NewAwaySys/Resources.rc:IDD_SETAWAYMSG
[Ignore requests]
&Ignorovat ��dosti
[Send an autoreply]
&Poslat aut. odpov��
[New &Category]
Nov� &kategorie
[Save As &New]
Ulo�it jako &nov�


; /NewAwaySys/Resources.rc:IDD_MESSAGES
[Use this message as default for]
Pou��t tuto zpr�vu jako v�choz� pro

; /NewAwaySys/Resources.rc:IDD_MOREOPTDIALOG
[seconds before closing the status message dialog (-1=don't close)]
sek. p�ed zav�en�m dialogu s v�b�rem stavov� zpr�vy (-1 = nezav�rat)
[most recent messages (0=disable)]
posledn�ch zpr�v (0 = vypnout)
[...for each status separately]
... pro ka�d� stav zvl᚝
[By default...]
V�choz� stav
[Use the most recent message]
Pou��t nejposledn�j�� zpr�vu
[Use the default message]
Pou��t v�choz� odpov��
[Reset per-protocol messages when changing global status]
P�i zm�n� glob�ln�ho stavu obnovit zpr�vy p��slu�n� dan�mu protokolu
[Store protocol messages for each status separately]
Ukl�dat zpr�vy dan�ho protokolu pro ka�d� stav zvl᚝
[Store protocol autoreply settings for each status separately]
Ukl�dat nastaven� autom. odpov�di protokolu pro ka�d� stav zvl᚝
[Remember last message used for a contact...]
Pamatovat posledn� zpr�vu pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[Store contact autoreply/ignore settings for each status separately]
Ukl�dat nastaven� autom. odpov�di �i ignorov�n� pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[Enable contact menu items]
Povolit polo�ky v menu kontaktu
[Use protocol specific nick for %nas_mynick%]
Pro %nas_mynick% pou��t p�ezd�vku nastavenou pro protokol
[Update status messages for non-ICQ protocols every]
Aktualizovat stavov� zpr�vy pro protokoly jin� ne� ICQ co
[Don't show the message dialog for]
Nezobrazovat v�b�r zpr�vy, je-li stav

; /NewAwaySys/Resources.rc:IDD_READAWAYMSG
[%s Message for %s]
Stav: '%s', u�ivatel: %s
[Retrieving %s message...]
Zji�t�n� automatick� odpov�di ve stavu '%s'...

; /NewAwaySys/Resources.rc:IDD_CONTACTSOPTDLG
[Notify of requests]
Oznamovat po�adavky
[Don't notify of requests]
Neoznamovat po�adavky
[Autoreply on]
Aut. odp. zap.
[Autoreply off]
Aut. odp. vyp.
[Note: these settings are applied to all status modes at once.]
Pozn.: V�echna tato nastaven� jsou aplikov�na na v�echny stavy najednou.
[Means the setting is different for different status modes / contacts]
znamen�, �e nastaven� se li�� pro r�zn� stavy / kontakty
[Set away message window options]
Mo�nosti nastaven� okna s odpov�d�
[Show predefined &messages]
&Zobrazit p�eddefinovan� zpr�vy
[Show &contacts]
Zobrazit &kontakty
[Save default window settings &automatically]
Ukl�dat nastaven� okna &automaticky
[&Save current window settings as default]
Ulo�it na&staven� okna jako v�choz�
[Disable parsing of status messages by Variables plugin]
&Vypnout zpracov�n� dopl�kem Prom�nn�
[Message tree menu]
Nab�dka zpr�v
[Create new &message]
&Vytvo�it novou zpr�vu
[Create new &category]
V&ytvo�it novou kategorii
;(DUP) [&Rename]
[Message tree category menu]
Nab�dka kategori�
[Set as &default for]
&Nastavit jako v�choz� pro

; /NewAwaySys/SetAwayMsg.cpp
[Save, replacing the selected message]
Ulo�it a nahradit vybranou zpr�vu
[Save as a new message]
Ulo�it jako novou zpr�vu
[Show settings menu]
Nab�dka nastaven�
[Don't send the status message to selected contact(s)]
Nepos�lat zpr�vu stavu vybran�m kontakt�m
Don't send the status message to selected contact(s)
[Send an autoreply to selected contact(s)]
Pos�lat zpr�vu stavu vybran�m kontakt�m
[Do you want to apply the message?]
Chcete pou��t zadanou zpr�vu?
[Set ]
[for ]
[(autoreply only)]
(pouze autom.odpov��)
[all contacts]
v�echny kontakty
[Closing in %d]
Zav�e se za %d sek.
[* ]
[contacts *]
kontakty *

; AwaySystemEx
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Do not change status message]
Nem�nit zpr�vu stavu
[Enable Auto Status Change]
Povolit automatickou zm�nu stavu
[Disable auto status change]
Zak�zat automatickou zm�nu stavu

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  NewEventNotify                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3637

; obsahuje zaroven NewGenerationEventNotify 1.9.1
; http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2102

;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [URL]
;(DUP) [File]
;(DUP) [Contacts]
[You were added!]
Byl jste p�id�n
[Requests your authorisation]
��dost o autorizaci
[ICQ Web pager]
ICQ WebPager
[ICQ Email express]
ICQ EmailExpress
[Unknown Event]
Nezn�m� ud�lost

[Notify of new events]
Informovat o ud�lostech

;(DUP) [PopUps]
[Event Notify]
Ozn�men� ud�losti

[Popup Colors]
Barvy ozn�men�
[Use default colors]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[Notify me of ...]
;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [URL]
;(DUP) [File]
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Text]
;(DUP) [General Options]
[Show entry in the main menu]
P�idat polo�ku do hlavn�ho menu
[Temporarily disable Event Popups]
Do�asn� vypnout ozn�men�
[Show Preview of Event in Popup]
Zobrazit n�hled ud�losti
[Left Click Actions]
Lev� tla��tko my�i
[Right Click Actions]
Prav� tla��tko my�i
[Dismiss Popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Open Event]
Otev��t ud�lost
[Dismiss Event]
Zru�it ud�lost
[Message-Event only]
Pouze pro zpr�vy
[Don't show Popup when Message-Dialog is already open]
Nezobrazit ozn�men�, je-li okno se zpr�vou otev�eno
[Open Reply-Dialog instead of reading the Message]
Otev��t okno pro odpov�� nam�sto �ten� zpr�vy
;(DUP) [Preview]

[Use OSD plugin instead of popups]
Pou��t dopln�k OSD nam�sto ozn�men�
[No popups for RSS contacts]
Nezobrazit ozn�men� pro zdroje RSS

; NewEventNotify 0190
; ==  NEW in  ==
[Show entry in the PopUps menu]
Zobrazit i v nab�dce Ozn�men�
[Time to expires]
[Hide Popup when sending new message]
Skr�t ozn�men� po odesl�n� nov� zpr�vy
[Merge popups from one user]
Slou�it ozn�men� jednoho u�ivatele
[Number of begin shown messages]
Po�et zobrazen�ch zpr�v
[Show newer messeges]
Zobrazit nov�j�� zpr�vy
[Show older messeges]
Zobrazit star�� zpr�vy
[Plugin Test]
Zkou�ka dopl�ku
;(DUP) [Popup notification]
[Popup text format]
Form�t textu ozn�men�
[Only notify when:]
Oznamovat jen p�i stavu
[Use default]
[0 =  Default\n-1 = Infinite]
0 = v�choz�\n-1 = nekone�n�
[Click action]
P�i kliknut� my��
[Open contact details window]
Zobrazit okno s detaily kontaktu
[Open contact menu]
Zobrazit nab�dku kontaktu
[Open contact history]
Zobrazit historii kontaktu
[Time Expires Actions]
P�i �asov� expiraci
[Show Time]
Zobrazit �as
[Show Headers]
Zobrazit z�hlav�

[Last message display first]
Posledn� zpr�vu zobrazit prvn�
[Last message display last]
Posledn� zpr�vu zobrazit posledn�
[Enable new event notification]
Zapnout ozn�men� nov� ud�losti
[Disable new event notification]
Vypnout ozn�men� nov� ud�losti

[No popups for read messages]
Neoznamovat p�e�ten� zpr�vy
[Number of new message: ]
Po�et nov�ch zpr�v: 
[ requested authorization]
 ��d� o autorizaci
[ added you to the contact list]
 si v�s p�idal do seznamu kontakt�

; dopln�n� p�ekladu
; NewEventNotify
[Show Date]
Zobrazit datum

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  NewStatusNotify                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=207
; V�voj: http://vasilich.org/blog/category/miranda-im/newstatusnotify/

; /indiv_sounds.c
[(default sound)]
(v�choz� zvuk)
[Sound for the status]
[From offline]
Ze stavu offline
[** All contacts **]
** v�echny kontakty **

; /main.c
[(was %s)]
(p�edt�m %s)
[Enable status &notification]
Zapnou&t ozn�men� stavu
[Disable status &notification]
Vypnou&t ozn�men� stavu
[Status Notify]
Ozn�men� stavu
[User: from offline (has priority!)]
U�ivatel: z offline (m� prioritu!)
[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
Nelze zadat hodnotu ni��� ne� %d a vy��� ne� %d.
[Not a proto. Return!]
Nen� protokol. N�vrat.
[<retrieving status message>]
<zji��ov�n� stavov� zpr�vy>

[%s is now %s]
%s je nyn� %s
[%s, %s. %s changed to: %s (was: %s).\r\n]
%s, %s. %s zm�na na: %s (was: %s).\r\n
[This is "from offline" status message]
Toto je stavov� zpr�va "z offline"
[(M) is back online!]
je op�t online
[(F) is back online!]
je op�t online
[(U) is back online!]
je op�t online
[User: Online]
Stav (online)
[(M) went offline! :(]
[(F) went offline! :(]
[(U) went offline! :(]
[User: Offline]
Stav (offline)
[(M) hides in shadows...]
je neviditeln�...
[(F) hides in shadows...]
je neviditeln�...
[(U) hides in shadows...]
je neviditeln�...
[User: Invisible]
Stav (neviditeln�)
[(M) feels talkative!]
m� volno
[(F) feels talkative!]
m� volno
[(U) feels talkative!]
m� volno
[Free for chat]
M�m volno
[User: Free For Chat]
Stav (m�m volno)
[(M) went Away]
odb�hl pry�
[(F) went Away]
odb�hla pry�
[(U) went Away]
odb�hl pry�
Na chv�li pry�
[User: Away]
Stav (na chv�li pry�)
[(M) isn't there anymore!]
bude pry� del�� dobu
[(F) isn't there anymore!]
bude pry� del�� dobu
[(U) isn't there anymore!]
bude pry� del�� dobu
Nejsem tady
[User: Not Available]
Stav (nejsem tady)
[(M) has something else to do.]
nem� �as
[(F) has something else to do.]
nem� �as
[(U) has something else to do.]
nem� �as
Nem�m �as
[User: Occupied]
Stav (nem�m �as)
[(M) doesn't want to be disturbed!]
nechce b�t vyru�ov�n!
[(F) doesn't want to be disturbed!]
nechce b�t vyru�ov�na!
[(U) doesn't want to be disturbed!]
nechce b�t vyru�ov�n!
[User: Do Not Disturb]
Stav (neru�it!)
[(M) is eating something]
je na ob�d�
[(F) is eating something]
je na ob�d�
[(U) is eating something]
je na ob�d�
[Out to lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�
[User: Out To Lunch]
Stav (na ob�d�)
[(M) had to answer the phone]
[(F) had to answer the phone]
[(U) had to answer the phone]
[On the phone]
M�m telefon
[User: On The Phone]
Stav (m�m telefon)

; /resource.rc:IDD_NSN_OPT
[Notify when a contact changes to one of these statuses]
Ozn�men� zm�ny stavu ostatn�ch kontakt�
[Always when changing from offline]
V�dy p�i p�echodu ze stavu offline
[Plugin activation]
Aktivace dopl�ku
[Automatically turn off PopUps and Sounds on status change]
Automaticky vypnout ozn�men� a zvuky p�i zm�n� stavu
[Temporarily disable NewStatusNotify (disables popups and sounds)]
Do�asn� deaktivovat NewStatusNotify (vypne ozn�men� a zvuky)
[Put an item in the main menu to easily enable/disable the plugin]
P�idat do hlavn� nab�dky polo�ku vypnut�/zapnut� dopl�ku
[Show PopUps when I connect]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p�ipojen�
[Do not warn me for people not in my Contact List]
Nehl�sit zm�ny u lid�, kte�� nejsou v seznamu kontakt�
[Blink icon in the system tray]
Blikat v oznamovac� ��sti li�ty
[Use status icon]
Pou��t ikonu stavu
[Sound options]
Zvukov� v�stup
[Use Internal &Speaker]
Pou��t &intern� reproduktor
[&Avoid clipping]
P�ede&j�t p�ebuzen�
[To select the sounds to play, click on "Sounds" in the menu on the left.]
P�i�adit zvuky konkr�tn�m ud�lostem lze nalevo v ��sti "Ud�losti/Zvuky".
[Use individual sounds]
Pou��t individu�ln� zvuky
[&Log status changes to file]
&Zaznamenat informace o zm�n�ch

; /resource.rc:IDD_INFO_SOUNDS
[with sounds]
se zvuky
[with popups]
s ozn�men�mi
[Individual sounds are disabled.\n\nTo enable them, go to Options -  Status - Notify, enable \n"Use individual sounds" checkbox, and then reopen this dialog.]
Individu�ln� zvuky jsou vypnuty.\n\nChcete-li je zapnout, p�ejd�te do nab�dky Mo�nosti -> Stavy -> Ozn�men�\na povolte "Pou��t individ�ln� zvuky". Pot� se vra�te na tento dialog.

; /resource.rc:IDD_AUTODISABLE
[Automatically disable sounds or popups when I change to:]
Automaticky vypnout ozn�men� a zvuky p�i zm�n� m�ho stavu:

[Enable sound notifications for this contact]
Povolit zvukov� ozn�men� pro tento kontakt
[Enable popup notifications for this contact]
Povolit ozn�men� pro tento kontakt
[Contact status change notifications]
Ozn�men� zm�ny stavu kontatu

; /resource.rc:IDD_NSN_OPT_POPUP
[Use cus&tom colors]
Pou��t vlastn� barvy
[Use &Windows colours]
Pou��t barvy Windows
[Use Pop&up colours]
Pou��t barvy Ozn�men�
[Use standard &descriptions]
Pou��t stan&dardn� popis stav�
[Read status &message]
Na��st auto&matickou odpov��
[Show &previous status too]
Zobrazit i &p�edchoz� stav
Doba zobrazen�
[&From PopUp plugin]
G&lob�ln� nastaven�
[Popups on contact status change to:]
Oznamovat tyto zm�ny stavu:
[On left click]
Lev� tla��tko
[Open message]
Otev��t zpr�vu
[On right click]
Prav� tla��tko
[Open user menu]
Otev��t u�iv. menu
[Popup title]
Popisek ozn�men�
[Show contact &group name]
Zobrazit p��slu�nost ke skupin�
[Use &alternative descriptions]
Pou��t alternativn� popisy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Nosound                                         |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[&Disable all sounds]
&Deaktivovat v�echny zvuky
[&Enable sounds]
Aktivovat &zvuky
[Online mode]
[Away mode]
Na chv�li pry�
[DND mode]
[NA mode]
Nejsem tady
[Occupied mode]
Nem�m �as
[Free for chat mode]
M�m volno
[Invisible mode]
[Enable sounds in]
Povolit zvuky pro:
[Hide the "toggle sound" menu item (requires restart of Miranda)]
Skr�t polo�ku menu "P�epnout zvuk" (vy�aduje restart Mirandy)
[Flash systray icon in]
Blikat na panelu pro:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Sticky Notes & Reminders                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2047

;(DUP) [&Close]

;Name In Options Page
[Notes & Reminders]
Pozn�mky a p�ipom�nky
;(DUP) [Plugins]
;(DUP) [Alerts]
[Reminder Notify]

;Menu Strings
[Notes && Reminders]
Pozn�mky &a p�ipom�nky
[&New Note]
&Nov� pozn�mka...
[&Show / Hide Notes]
Zobrazit/skr�t pozn�m&ky
[&Delete All Notes]
S&mazat v�echny pozn�mky
[&New Reminder]
N&ov� p�ipom�nka...
[&View Reminders]
Zobrazit p�ipom�nk&y...
[&Delete All Reminders]
Sm&azat v�echny p�ipom�nky

;Note Window Popup Menu
[Sticky Notes]
Pozn�mky na plo�e
[Remove Note]
Smazat pozn�mku
[Hide Note]
Skr�t pozn�mku
[Togle On Top]
V�dy navrchu
;(DUP) [Undo]
;(DUP) [&Copy]

;New Reminder Dialog
[&Add Reminder]
P�id&at p�ipom�nku
[Add Reminder]
P�idat p�ipom�nku
[Trigger On Time && Date:]
Da&tum a �as vyvol�n�
[Reminder Note:]
Obsah p�ipom�nky
Mo�nosti opakov�n�
;(DUP) [None]
Ka�d� den
Co t�den
Co m�s�c

;Reminder List Dialog
[Reminders List]
Seznam p�ipom�nek
[Date of activation]
Datum vyvol�n�
[Reminder text]
Obsah p�ipom�nky
[Add New]
P�idat novou
[Add New Reminder]
P�idat novou p�ipom�nku
[Delete Reminder]
Smazat p�ipom�nku
[Delete All Reminders]
Smazat v�echny

;Reminder Notify Dialog
[Notify me Again in]
P�ipomenout znovu
[After :]

;Options Dialog
[Note Colors]
Barvy pozn�mek
[Note Caption Color]
Barva z�hlav� pozn�mky
[Note Body Color]
Barva t�la pozn�mky
[Note Fonts]
P�sma pro pozn�mky
[Sample Text Caption]
N�hled hlavi�ky
[Sample Text Body]
N�hled textu zpr�vy
[Pick Font for Caption]
P�smo pro hlavi�ku...
[Pick Font for Body]
P�smo pro zpr�vu...
[Hot Keys]
Kl�vesov� zkratky
[New note Hot Key]
Pro novou pozn�mku
[Show/Hide Notes Hot Key]
Zobrazen�/skryt� pozn�mek
[New Reminder Hot Key]
Pro novou p�ipom�nku
[Note Transparency (Windows 2K && XP)]
Pr�hlednost pozn�mek (pouze Windows 2000 &a XP)
[Default Note Size]
Velikost pozn�mky
[Width (Pixels)]
���ka (v pixelech)
[Height (Pixels)]
V��ka (v pixelech)
[Startup options]
Mo�nosti p�i spu�t�n�
[Reset to defaults]
Obnovit v�choz�
[Show notes at startup]
Zobrazit pozn�mky p�i spu�t�n�
[Add Contact list menu items]
P�idat polo�ky menu do seznamu kontakt�
[(Require Miranda restart)]
(vy�aduje restart Mirandy)
[Send Reminders through E-mail / SMS :]
Odeslat p��pom�nky e-mailem nebo sms:
[Show Scrollbars]
Zobrazit posuvn�ky

[Miranda Sticky Notes & Reminders]
Pozn�mky na plo�e a p�ipom�nky
[Add New Note]
P�idat novou pozn�mku

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Nudge                                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2708

; main.cpp
[You are not allowed to send too much nudge (only 1 each %d sec, %d sec left)]
Upozorn�n�: Drcnut� lze opakovat jen jednou za %d sek. (%d sek. zb�v�)
[Nudge : Shake contact list]
Drcnut�: Zat�esen� seznamem kontakt�
[Nudge : Shake message window]
Drcnut�: Zat�esen� komunika�n�m oknem
[You received a nudge]
No tak, probu� se!
;(DUP) [Send &Nudge]

; nudge.cpp
[You sent a nudge]
Snad se probud�...

; m_popup.h
;(DUP) [PopUps]

; resource.rc
;(DUP) [Offline]
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Away]
;(DUP) [N/A]
;(DUP) [Occupied]
;(DUP) [DND]
;(DUP) [Free for chat]
;(DUP) [Invisible]
;(DUP) [On the phone]
;(DUP) [Out to lunch]
;(DUP) [Popup notification]
;(DUP) [&Use Windows colours]
[Specify options for each protocol]
Definovat pro ka�d� protokol zvl᚝
[Enable contact list shaking]
Povolit zat�esen� seznamem
[Enable message window shaking]
Povolit zat�esen� oknem
[Treat nudge as a message]
Pova�ovat drcnut� za zpr�vu
;(DUP) [Preview]
;(DUP) [s]
[Popup duration]
(doba trv�n�)
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Static]
[Sending text]
Text p�i odesl�n� 
[Receiving text]
Text p�i p�ijet� 
[Number of moves]
Po�et posunut�
[Width of move]
O kolik posunout
[Allow nudges when you're:]
Povolit drcnut� ve stavu:
;(DUP) [Popup options]
[Protocol options]
Mo�nosti protokolu
[Shaking Clist Options]
Mo�nosti seznamu kontakt�
[Shaking Message Window Options]
Mo�nosti komunika�n�ho okna

[Allow sending* one nudge to the same contact every :]
Drcnout* do jednoho a t�ho� kontaktu max. jednou za:
[Allow receiving one nudge from the same contact every :]
Umo�nit drcnut� jednomu a t�mu� kontaktu max. jednou za:
[Show as status change]
Zobrazit jako zm�nu stavu
[Auto resend nudge after]
Automaticky znovu drcnout po

[* Nudge sending delay is hardcoded and cannot be changed.]
* Prodleva pro drcnut� je pevn� ur�ena a nem��e b�t zm�n�na.

[Window Shaking]
Zat�esen� oknem
[Nudge : Default]
Drcnut� (v�choz�)

[Nudge as Default]
Drcnut� jako v�choz�
[Nudge for]
Drcnut� pro

[Open contact list]
Zobrazit seznam kontakt�
[Respect ignore settings (status changes)]
Zohlednit filtrov�n� kontakt� (zm�ny stavu)
[Default Nudge]
V�choz� drcnut�
[Nudge for %s]
Drcnut� v s�ti %s
[Show Nudge]


; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  OrangeSMS                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Maros Jabloncik <marosjabloncik (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://www.prophet.ic.cz/download/

;Error messages
[You are not connected to the Internet.]
Nejste p�ipojen� k s�ti Internet.
[An error occured while attempting to log in.]
Nastala chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n�.
[Could not log in (check account settings - login and password).]
Nebylo mo�n� se p�ihl�sit (zadali jste �patn� jm�no nebo heslo).
[Could not retrieve SMS count. It is possible, that the main page has changed. Sending of message may also not work correctly. Please contact the author of this plugin.]
Nebylo mo�n� zjistit po�et SMS. Je mo�n�, �e se zm�nila str�nka, tak�e nemus� fungovat ani pos�l�n� SMS. Kontaktujte pros�m autora dopl�ku.
[An error occured while sending the message.]
Nastala chyba p�i pos�l�n� zpr�vy.
[Orangeportal refused the number.]
Orangeportal odm�tl ��slo.
[You did not enter the number.]
Nezadali jste ��slo.
[You did not enter the message body.]
Nezadali jste text zpr�vy.
[You did not enter a nick in options.]
Nevyplnili jste jm�no v nastaven�.
[You did not enter a password in options.]
Nevyplnili jste heslo v nastaven�.

;SendSMS Dialog 
[Send SMS]
Poslat SMS
[Choose your account]
Vyberte ��et
[Message: (type without national characters!)]
Zpr�va: (zad�vejte bez diakritiky!)
[Remaining SMS:]
Po�et zb�vaj�c�ch SMS:
[Remaining characters:]
Po�et zb�vaj�c�ch znak�:

;Sending Dialog
[Message successfully sent.]
Zpr�va byla �sp�n� odesl�na.
[Message not delivered!]
Zpr�va nebyla odesl�na!
[Sending message...]
Odes�l�m zpr�vu...
[Logging to OrangePortal.sk...]
P�ihla�uji se na OrangePortal.sk...
[Signing off from OrangePortal.sk...]
Odhla�uji se od OrangePortal.sk...

[Send SMS]
Poslat SMS

[Account %d]
��et %d
[Account Name]
N�zev ��tu
[Account Name:]
N�zev ��tu:
[Create a new Orangeportal account]
Zalo�it nov� ��et na Orangeportal.sk

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  OTR                                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2644

[Prefix secure messages]
Ozna�it �ifrovan� zpr�vy
[Default Policy]
V�choz� metoda
Na vy��d�n�
[New Private Key]
Vygenerovat soukrom� kl��
[Start OTR]
�ifrovat spojen� (OTR)
[Stop OTR]
Zru�it �ifrov�n� (OTR)

Mimo z�znam
[Show start/stop inline]
Indikovat (de)aktivaci
[Popups Icon]
Nen� zabezpe�eno

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Ping Plugin                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Jan 20 17:49:16 2005
; Translations: 29

; plugwin.cpp
;(LAI) [&Plugin1_Item1]
;(LAI) [Ping]
[*Hide/Show &Ping Window]
&Skr�t/Zobrazit okno
[Disable All Pings]
Deaktivovat v�echny pingy
[Enable All Pings]
Aktivovat v�echny pingy
;(DUP) [Plugins]

; pingplug.rc
;(DUP) [Timeout]
[Log to File]
Do souboru
[Show/hide with contact list]
Zobrazit/skr�t dle okna s kontakty
[Block Repetitions]
Potla�it opakovan�
;(LAI) [TCP Connect]
;(DUP) [View Log]
;(DUP) [Browse...]
;(DUP) [Remove]
[Delay between pings:]
Prodleva mezi pingy:
[Ping timeout:]
Doba platnosti:
[Log Filename:]
N�zev souboru:
;(DUP) [Port:]
[Control Protocol:]
Ovl�dan� protokol:
;(DUP) [Network]
;(DUP) [Windows]
;(DUP) [PopUps]
[Ping Destinations]
Ping Adresy

[Set my status to:]
Zm�nit stav na:
[Ping Timout]
Ping (p�ekro�en� doby platnosti)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Ping Protocol                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Apr 28 15:35:00 2005
; Translations: 57

; menu.cpp
;(DUP) [Enable]
;(DUP) [Enable All Pings]
;(DUP) [Disable All Pings]

; options.cpp
[You cannot set any status to the same as 'disabled']
��dn� ze stav� se nesm� rovnat tomu 'p�i vypnut�'.
;(DUP) [Error]
;(DUP) [<none>]
;(DUP) [Network]
[PING Destinations]
Ping Adresy

; pingproto.cpp
[Old PingPlug data detected in database.\nWould you like to import?]
V profilu je ulo�eno nastaven� dopl�ku\nPingPlug. Chcete je naimportovat?
[Should I ask this question again\nnext time you start Miranda?]
Chcete tuto ot�zku zopakovat p�i p��t�m\nspu�t�n� programu Miranda?
[Failed to initialize. Plugin disabled.]
Chyba p�i inicializaci; dopln�k byl vypnut.
[PING Protocol]
Protokol Ping

; rawping.cpp
[Host %s requests that you reduce the amount of traffic you are sending.]
Upozorn�n�! Zahlcujete hostitele %s\np��li� velk�m mno�stv�m dat. Zvy�te dobu mezi\njednotliv�mi dotazy (=pingy).

; pingproto.rc
;(DUP) [Timeout]
;(DUP) [Log to File]
;(DUP) [Reply]
;(DUP) [Block Repetitions]
[Do not change status when testing]
P�i ov��ov�n� dostupnosti nem�nit stav
[Hide in status bar and status menu (requires restart - uncheck to set icons)]
Skr�t polo�ku menu i ikonu ze stavov� li�ty (vy�aduje restart)
[TCP Connect]
TCP Connect
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [View Log]
;(DUP) [Browse...]
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Remove]
;(DUP) [Edit]
;(DUP) [Up]
;(DUP) [Down]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Delay between pings (secs):]
Doba mezi dotazy (sek.):
[Ping timeout (secs):]
Dotaz vypr�� po (sek.):
;(DUP) [Log Filename:]
[Responding Status:]
Stav p�i odpov�d�n�:
[Not Responding Status:]
Stav pokud nereaguje:
[Testing Status:]
Stav p�i ov��ov�n�:
[Disabled Status:]
Stav p�i vypnut�:
;(DUP) [Address:]
;(DUP) [Label:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
;(DUP) [Set my status to:]
[On success, if my status is:]
Je-li v�e v po��dku a stav:
;(DUP) [Configuration]
;(DUP) [Logging]
;(DUP) [PopUps]
;(DUP) [Status]
;(DUP) [Ping Destinations]
;(DUP) [Contact]
;(DUP) [Protocols]
[Ping Destination]
C�lov� adresa
[Disable all pings]
Deaktivovat v�echny pingy
[Enable all pings]
Deaktivovat v�echny pingy

[Add to contact list group:]
P�idat do skupiny kontakt�:
[Set my status to:]
Zm�nit stav na:
[Execute the following command on double-click:]
Dvoj�m kliknut�m spustit n�sleduj�c� p��kaz:
[(Optional) Command Parameters:]
Argumenty p��kazu:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  PluginUninstaller                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

Odinstalov�n� dopl�k�
[Extends the plugin options and offers the possibility to directly remove plugins and delete all associated settings and files.]
Roz�i�uje pr�ci s dopl�ky o mo�nost je odebrat a smazat p��slu�n� nastaven� z datab�ze s profilem.

; Options (all other strings are from default plugin options dialog)
[Plugins: active %d/%d, size %d KB/%d KB]
Dopl�ky: aktivn�ch %d z %d; velikost %d kB, celkov� %d kB
[%s (Original: %s)]
%s (%s)
[%d KB]
%d kB
[More Information]
Dal�� informace
Licen�n� ujedn�n�
;(DUP) [%s (%s)]
[&Remove Plugin...]
[&Enable Plugin]
[&Disable Plugin]
[&More Plugins...]
&Dal�� dopl�ky...
[Remove Plugin]
Odebr�n� dopl�ku
[Are you sure that the plugin \"%s\" shall be removed?]
Opravdu chcete odebrat dopln�k \"%s\"?
[Delete &settings (recommended)]
&Smazat p��slu�n� nastaven�
[&Restart Miranda IM]
&Restartovat program Miranda IM

; Uninstalling
[Miranda IM is going to be restarted...]
Program Miranda IM bude restartov�n...
[The plugin file \"%s\" could not be removed!]
Dopln�k, resp. soubor \"%s\" nelze smazat!

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; | Miranda IM Profile Changer                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Fille <filip.kendik (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-planet.com/forum/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=1062

[&Change Profile...]
Zm�nit profil...

[Are you sure want to change your profile? Miranda will be closed.]
Opravdu chcete p�epnout do jin�ho profilu? Miranda bude ukon�ena.

; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  PopUp Plus                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3400

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPT_POPUP
[Content && Style]
Chov�n� a vzhled
[Display time]
Zobrazit �as
[Infinite popup delay]
Zobrazit trvale
[Popup delay:]
Doba zobrazen�
[Use Windows colours]
Pou��t barvy Windows
[Go to Customize > Fonts section for fonts and colors options]
P�sma a barvy lze nastavit v nab�dce Vlastn� �pravy -> P�sma a barvy
[Draw avatar borders]
Or�movat avatary
[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
Zobrazit r�me�ek i u polopr�hledn�ch avatar�
[Round corners by]
Zaoblit rohy o
[Avatar size:]
Velikost avataru:
[Disable popups in fullscreen mode]
Vypnout v celoobrazovkov�m re�imu
[Do not close hovered popups]
Nezav�rat po um�st�n� my�i
[Size && Position]
Velikost a um�st�n�
[Dynamically resize the popups]
M�nit velikost dynamicky
[Minimum width]
Minim�ln� ���ka
[Maximum width]
Maxim�ln� ���ka
[Use transparency (Windows 2000+)]
Pr�hlednost (pouze 2000/XP)
100 %
[Opaque popups under cursor]
Zv�raznit ozn�men� pod kurzorem
[Window sliding]
Animovan� ozn�men�
[Window fading (Windows 2000+)]
Plynul� p�echody (2000/XP)
[Display time:]
Doba zobrazen�:
[Vanish time:]
Doba skr�v�n�:
[Reorder Popups]
Obr�tit po�ad�
[Live Preview]
[Default color]
V�choz� barva
[Default text color]
V�choz� barva textu
[Slide popups while reordering]
Posouvat ozn�men� b�hem zm�ny po�ad�

[Performance && Tweaks]
V�kon a lad�n�
[Use advanced text render]
Pou��t pokro�il� vykreslov�n� textu
[Enable popup history]
Povolit historii ozn�men�
[Store last]
Ulo�it posledn�ch
[Use History++ to render log]
Pou��t History++ pro z�znam
[Limit window amount to:]
Omezit po�et ozn�men� na
[Enable Win 9x/Me transparency]
Povolit pr�hlednost ve Win 9x/Me
[Enable freeform shadows (XP+)]
Povolit st�ny (XP+)
[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
Povolit Aero Glass (Vista+)
[Enable avatar updates]
Povolit aktualizaci avatar�
[Make action icons customizable*]
Povolit vlastn� �pravy ikon akc�
[Make OK/Cancel icons customizable*]
Povolit vlastn� �pravy ikon OK/Zru�it
[Multimonitor (98/ME/2000/XP)]
V�ce monitor� (98/ME/2000/XP)
[Start the popups in the monitor with]
Zobrazovat ozn�men� na monitoru, kde je
[Miranda's window]
okno Mirandy
[the active window]
aktivn� okno
[Disable when:]
Neaktivn� ve stavu
[Always (has priority)]
V�dy (m� prioritu)
[Options marked with asterisk will be applied after restart]
Mo�nosti ozna�en� (*) vejdou v platnost po restartu Mirandy
[Open history]
Otev��t historii

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPT_POPUPS
[Left Click:]
Lev� tla��tko:
[Right Click:]
Prav� tla��tko:
;(DUP) [Style]
[Use Default]
Pou��t v�choz�
[Display when]
Zobrazit kdy�

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPT_SKIN2
[* - built-in skins]
* - intern�
;(DUP) [Skin options]
[Drop shadow effect (Windows XP+)]
Zobrazit st�n (XP+)
[Popup History]
Historie ozn�men�
[Popup Plus]
Ozn�men� plus
[Never show news]
Nikdy nezobrazovat novinky

; /resource.rc:IDD_POSITION
[Whole Screen]
Cel� obrazovka
[Popup Area]
Oblast ozn�men�
[Configure popup area]
Konfigurace um�st�n�

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPT_ACTIONS
[Enable popup actions]
Povolit akce p�i ozn�men�
[Popup Actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
Akce p�i ozn�men� jsou ona mal� tla��tka pod textem ozn�men�.
[Common Actions]
Obecn� akce
[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
Pros�m vyberte, ve kter�ch p��padech maj� b�t p�id�ny v�choz� akce:
[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
P�idat jen info a nab�dku po kontakty
[Add default actions for contacts only]
P�idat jen v�choz� ikony pro kontakty
[Don't close popups on default actions]
Nezav�rat ozn�men� p�i v�choz� akci
[Use large icons]
Zobrazit velk� ikony
[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
Akce budou zobrazeny jako:
[Icons and labels below text]
Ikony a popisky pod textem
[Icons on the left]
Ikony vlevo
[Icons aligned to the right]
Ikony vpravo
[Show Actions: (requires apply)]
Zobrazit akce: (vy�aduje tla��tko Pou��t)

[Popup timeout]
Doba zobrazen�
[Use default]
[Custom value:]
Vlastn� hodnota:
[Left click action:]
Lev�m tla��tkem:
[Right click action:]
Prav�m tla��tkem:
[Disable when global status is...]
Zak�zat, je-li glob�ln� stav 
[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
Zak�zat, je-li p��slu�n� protokol ve stavu 
[Popup Queue]
Fronta ozn�men�
[Use internal queue (classic behaviour)]
Povolit intern� frontu (klasick� chov�n�)
[Host queue (provide interface for other applications to put popups in our queue)]
Zalo�it vlastn� frontu (poskytne rozhran� pro za�azov�n� jin�m dopl�k�m)
[Use external queue (store our notifications in popup queue of other application)]
Pou��t extern� frontu (ukl�d� ozn�men� do fronty jin�mu dopl�ku)
[Queue name:]
N�zev fronty:

; /api/m_popup.h

; /api/m_popup.old.h
[PopUp 1.0.1.x compatability]
Kompatibilita s dopl�kem PopUp 1.0.1x

; /src/actions.cpp

; /src/bitmap_funcs.cpp
[You need the png2dib plugin v. 0.1.3.x or later to process PNG images]
Obr�zky ve form�tu PNG vy�aduj� dopln�k png2dib 0.1.3.x nebo nov�j��.

; /src/common.h
[Simplified Chinese]
��n�tina (zjednodu�en�)
[Traditional Chinese]
��n�tina (tradi�n�)
[Central European]
[Latin I]
[Korean (Johab)]
korej�tina (Johab)

; /src/config.cpp
[Popup Plus Warning]
Varov�n� dopl�ku Ozn�men� plus
[The Jabberwocky]
[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
Testovac� n�hled dopl�ku ozn�men�. Tento text je snad dost dlouh� na to, aby se neve�el na jeden ��dek...
[This is a notification message]
Toto je ozn�men� :-)
[This is a warning message]
Toto je varovn� hl�en� :-o
[This is an error message]
Toto je chybov� hl�en� :-(

; /src/icons.cpp
[Popups are enabled]
Ozn�men� jsou zapnuta
[Popups are disabled]
Ozn�men� jsou vypnuta
[Refresh skin list]
Obnovit seznam skin�
[Popup Placement]
Um�st�n� ozn�men�
[Send Message]
Odeslat zpr�vu
[User Details]
Informace o u�ivateli
[Contact Menu]
Menu kontaktu
[Add Contact Permanently]
P�idat kontakt natrvalo
[Pin Popup]
P�ip�chnout ozn�men�
[Pinned Popup]
P�ip�chnut� ozn�men�
[Dismiss Popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�

; /src/main.cpp
Vlastn� �pravy
[Toggle Popups]
Zapnout/vypnout ozn�men�
[Enable &popup module]
Zapnout ozn�men� (&glob�ln�)
[Disable &popup module]
Vypnout ozn�men� (&glob�ln�)
[Error: I could not register the PopUp Window class.\nThe plugin will not operate.]
Chyba: Nezda�ila se registrace t��dy okna ozn�men�.\nDopln�k nebude funk�n�.

; /src/notifications.cpp
Na chv�li pry�
Nem�m �as
[Free for chat]
M�m volno
[On the phone]
M�m telefon
[Out to lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�

; /src/notify_imp.cpp

; /src/opt_notify.cpp
[1 second]
1 sek.
[2 seconds]
2 sek.
[3 seconds]
3 sek.
[4 seconds]
4 sek.
[5 seconds]
5 sek.
[7 seconds]
7 sek.
[10 seconds]
10 sek.
[15 seconds]
15 sek.

; /src/opt_old.cpp
[upper left corner]
Lev� horn� roh
[lower left corner]
Lev� doln� roh
[lower right corner]
Prav� doln� roh
[upper right corner]
Prav� horn� roh
[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
Nelze zadat hodnotu ni��� ne� %d a vy��� ne� %d.

; /src/opt_skins.cpp
[Skin preview]
N�hled skinu
[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
Ra�te se na tento skin pod�vat
[Refresh List]
Aktualizovat seznam

; /src/services.cpp

[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
Bylo sma�no, lep� svihl� tlov�\r\n se batoumali v d�lnici,\r\n chrudo�n� byli borolov�,\r\n na mamn� krsy ��rn�c�.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]

[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
Toto je speci�ln� testovac� n�hled nastaven� dopl�ku ozn�men�. Text a titulek jsou docela dlouh�, tak�e si m��ete se skinem a dopl�kem pohr�t tak, aby v�m pln� vyhovoval :)

[Popup Plus/Test action]
Popup Plus/Testovac� akce
[Popup Plus/Second test action]
Popup Plus/Druh� testovac� akce
[Popup Plus/One more action]
Popup Plus/Dal�� akce

[Process Miranda IM tray notifications]
Povolit oznamovac� okna Miranda IM

['Reorder Popups' option is currently diabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewStatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
Upozor�ujeme, �e volba 'Obr�tit po�ad�' nen� zapnut�.\r\nTento fakt m��e zp�sobit nekorektn� zarovn�v�n� ozn�men�,\r\nkter� obsahuj� avatary z�rove� s dopl�kem NewStatusNotify.\r\nNechcete zapnout uvedenou funkci pro obr�cen� po�ad�?\r\n

[Enable this notification]
Povolit tento druh ozn�men�
[Mouse Actions Overwrite]
Vlastn� nastaven� my�i
Lev� tla��tko
St�edn� tla��tko
Prav� tla��tko
[no overwrite]
[Quick reply]
Rychl� odpov��
[Pin popup]
Zobrazit trvale
[Copy to clipboard]
Zkop�rovat do schr�nky
[Per-contact settings]
Lok�ln� nastaven�
[Show default]
V�choz� stav
[Show always]
Zobrazit trvale
[Ignore fullscreen]
Ignor. celoobraz.
[Never show]
[Slide Popup]
Posouvat ozn�men�
[No effect]
Bez efektu
[Fade in/out]
Plynul� p�echody
[Square fading]
P�echod s kosti�kov�n�m
[Time (in):]
Doba n�b�hu:
[Time (out):]
Doba dob�hu:
[Global Status]
Glob�ln� stav
[Protocol Status]
Stav protokolu
[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize > Fonts && Colors]
Barvy lze nastavit v nab�dce Vlastn� �pravy -> P�sma a barvy.
[CLASS Plugins]
[Distance between popups]
Odstup jednotliv�ch polo�ek
[Show clock]
Zobrazit �as
[non rectangular]
[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
Povolit Aero Glass (Vista+)
[Global settings]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[Draw gradient background]
Zapnout p�echody pozad�
[Flat borders]
P�idat r�me�ek
[Download more skins]
St�hnout dal�� skiny

[Hovered Action]
Po najet� my�i
[Avatar Border]
R�me�ek avataru
[Error (colors only)]
Chyba (pouze barvy)
[Notification (colors only)]
Ozn�men� (pouze barvy)
[Warning (colors only)]
Upozorn�n� (pouze barvy)
[With "favourite" overlay]
P�ekryt� pro obl�ben�
[With "fullscreen" overlay]
P�ekryt� pro celoobraz. re�im
[Popup Group]
Skupina ozn�men�
[Favorite Contact]
Obl�ben� kontakt
[Show in Fullscreen]
Celoobraz. re�im
[Blocked Contact]
Blokovan� kontakt
[Quick Reply]
Rychl� odpov��

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ProtoLink                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: madmojo <madmojo (zavin��) kdynenet (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2218

; Options page
;(LAI) [ProtoLink]
[Registered associations]
Registrovan� asociace
[&ICQ files - .icq]
Soubory &ICQ - .icq
[&Yahoo links - ymsgr:]
Odkazy &Yahoo - ymsgr:
[&Gadu-Gadu links - gg:]
Odkazy &Gadu-Gadu - gg:
[&Tlen links - tlen:]
Odkazy &Tlen - tlen:
[&WPKontakt links - wpmgr:]
Odkazy &WPKontakt - wpmgr:
[Jabber links:]
Odkazy Jabber:
;(LAI) [&jabber:]
;(LAI) [&xmpp:]
;(LAI) [ji&d:]

;Plugin description
[Handle .icq files and protocol URLs like: jid: ymsgr: gg:]
Zpracov�v� soubory .icq a URL typu jid: ymsgr: gg:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Quick Contacts                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2904

; Quick Contacts
; Author: micron-x, Pescuma
; http://pescuma.mirandaim.ru/miranda/quickcontacts

[Quick Contacts]
Rychl� kontakty

; Hotkey description
[Open dialog]
Otev��t dialog
[Open Quick Contacts dialog]
Otev��t dialog s kontakty

; Menu item
[Quick Contacts...]
Rychl� kontakty...

; Main dialog
;(FIX) [Enter Username:]
[Enter username:]
Zadejte u�ivatele:
[Show all contacts]
Zobrazit v�echny kontakty

; Tooltips
;(DUP) [Send message]
[Make a voice call]
[Send file]
Poslat soubor
[Send URL]
Poslat odkaz
[Open userinfo]
Otev��t informace o kontaktu
[Open history]
Otev��t historii
;(DUP) [Open contact menu]

; Options
[ Last Sent ]
 Posledn� odeslan� 
[Enable last-sent-to]
Povolit funkci 'Posledn� odeslan�'
[recognize all messages sent]
Vz�t v�echny poslan� zpr�vy
[recognize messages sent with hotkey only]
Vz�t jen zpr�vy odeslan� t�mto dopl�kem
[ Contacts ]
[Show offline contacts on these protocols:]
Pro tyto protokoly zobrazit kontakty offline:
[But hide them if protocol is offline]
Skr�t kontakty, je-li dan� protokol offline
[Append group name to contact name]
Ke jm�nu p�idat p��slu�nou skupinu
[But show it as a column ...]
Zobrazit jako samostatn� sloupec ...
[... on left side of name]
... vlevo od jm�na
[Hide subcontacts]
Skr�t podkontakty
[But keep subcontacts of protocols in above list if meta is hidden]
Je-li Meta skryto, ponechat podkontakty vybran�ch protokol�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Quick Search Mod                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://awkward.mirandaim.ru

;start title
[Quick Search]
Rychl� hled�n�
;(DUP) [Close]
[Search on:]
;(DUP) [UIN]
;(DUP) [Nickname:]
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
[E-mail Address:]
;(DUP) [Last seen]
;(DUP) [%d users found (]
;(DUP) [Time:]
;(DUP) [milliseconds]
;(DUP) [Title]
;(DUP) [Module]
;(DUP) [Setting]
[Quick Search Options]
Mo�nosti rychl�ho hled�n�
;(DUP) [&New]
;(DUP) [&Delete]
;(DUP) [&Up]
;(DUP) [Title:]
;(DUP) [Module:]
;(DUP) [Type:]
[&Set Item]
[At Start Sort by Status]
P�i spu�t�n� se�adit dle stavu
[Global scope hotkey:]
Kl�vesov� zkratka (glob�ln�):
[Miranda scope hotkey:]
Kl�vesov� zkratka (Miranda):
[Add Item to Main Menu]
P�idat polo�ku do menu
[Show Only Users in List]
Zobrazit pouze u�iv. v seznamu
[Add Button to TopToolBar]
P�idat tla��tko do horn� li�ty
[Additional Options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
;(DUP) [HotKeys]
[Columns && Data]
Definice sloupc�
[Auto Close mode]
Automaticky zav��t
Typ inf.:

;multiselect menu
;(DUP) [Selected]
;(DUP) [contacts]
;(DUP) [Delete]

;info types
[Not Selected]

Modul/Typ inf.

; Quick Search mod
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://awkward.mirandaim.ru

Rychl� hled�n�

[Show Offline contacts]
Zobrazit offline kontakty

[Global scope hotkey]
Kl�vesov� zkratka (glob�ln�):
[Miranda scope hotkey]
Kl�vesov� zkratka (Miranda):

[New Column]
Nov� sloupec
[Save Column]
Ulo�it sloupec
[Delete Column]
Smazat sloupec

[Column Up]
Posunout nahoru
[Column Down]
Posunout dol�

[Save Item]
Ulo�it polo�ku

[Sort by Status]
Se�adit podle stavu
[Only Users in List]
Pouze kontakty v seznamu
[Draw Grid]
Vykreslit m��ku
[Show Client Icons]
Zobrazit ikony klient�

[Item in Main Menu]
P�idat polo�ku do menu
[Button on TopToolBar]
Tla��tko do horn� li�ty
[Tool Window Style]
Tool styl okna
[Copy line to CSV]
Zkop�rovat ��dek do CSV
[CSV with headers]
CSV s hlavi�kou
[Skip minimized columns]
Ignorovat skryt� sloupce

[Unicode string]
Unicode �et�zec
[ANSI string]
ANSI �et�zec
[number value]
��seln� hodnota
[integer value]
integer hodnota
[lParam type:]
lParam typ:
[wParam type:]
wParam typ:
[current contact]
sou�asn� kontakt


; Quick search mod
[Save search pattern]
Zapamatovat hledan� �et�zec

; Quick Search mod
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[%u users found (%u) Online: %u]
%u kontakt� nalezeno (%u) Online: %u

; Quick Search mod
[%u users found (%u) Online: %u]
%u nalezen�ch kontakt� (%u) Online: %u

Na��st znovu

[Open main window]
Otev��t hlavn� okno
[Previous item]
P�edchoz� polo�ka
[Next item]
Dal�� polo�ka

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Reconnect                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Tur McDonnel <tur (te�ka) mcdonnel (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Reconnect
[Max Attempts:]
Po�et pokus�:
;(DUP) [Timeout]
[0 - Infinite it is clean attempts]
(0 nebo pr�zdn� - zkou�et neust�le)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  replacer                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Cree <michal.tomasek (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=4336
[Replace with:]
[List fo words for replace:]
Seznam slov k nahrazen�:
[Add text]
P�idat text
[Source word:]
Zdrojov� slovo:
[Target word:]
C�lov� slovo:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  RePosition                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: waclaw <waclaw (zavin��) cmail (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

Obnova pozice
[&RePosition Miranda]
&Obnovit pozici Mirandy
[&Save Miranda Position]
&Ulo�it pozici Mirandy
[Miranda's visible again.\nEnjoy youself!]
Miranda je znovu vid�t. U�ijte si to!
[Miranda's position has been restored!]
Pozice Mirandy byla obnovena!
[Miranda is outside the visible area.\nIts position won't be stored.]
Miranda je mimo viditelnou oblast.\nPozici nen� mo�n� obnovit.
[Miranda's actual position has been saved!]
Sou�asn� pozice Mirandy byla ulo�ena!
;The following were changed due to mistypes and bad memory. :-)
[Show &Messages]
Zobrazit ko&ment��e
[Save on &exit]
Ulo�it pozici p�i ukon�&en�
[Re&Position on start]
Obnovit &pozici p�i startu
[&Save position]
&Ulo�it pozici
[You can save Miranda's actual position by clicking here.]
Kliknut�m sem lze ulo�it sou�asnou pozici Mirandy.
[&Save position now]
U&lo�it pozici nyn�
[&RePosition now]
&Obnovit pozici nyn�
;It's ages that this can be translated, but I never put the sentence here. :-)
;Note: *every* plugin's description can be translated even if the author
;doesn't write the string in the langpack! It's automatic.
[Wanna RePosition Miranda inside the visible screen area? Just do it!]
Chcete m�t um�st�nou Mirandu ve viditeln� ��sti obrazovky? Tak pou�ijte tohle!

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  RSSNews                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=409

; Dialogs
[Adding new feed]
P�id�n� zdroje
[Manage feed]
�prava zdroje
[Main options]
Hlavn� mo�nosti
;(DUP) [URL:]
[Auto &discovery]
Autom. vyhle&dat
[Use &authentication]
Pou��t &autorizaci
;(DUP) [Username]
;(DUP) [Password]
[Check every]
Proj�t ka�d�ch
[Maximum displayed items]
Max. po�et zobrazen�ch
[(0 = no limit)]
(0 = neomezen�)
;(DUP) [&Reset]
[Display news using the following format:]
Zpr�vy zobrazit v n�sleduj�c�m form�tu:
[All item's tags are valid. Put them between #. Example: #<author>#]
Zna�ky je t�eba um�stit mezi #. P��klad: #<autor>#
;(DUP) [&Ok]
;(DUP) [&Cancel]

;(DUP) [Help]

;(DUP) [&Delete]
[Retrieve news at &startup]
P�ij�mat zpr�vy p�i &startu
;(DUP) [&Import...]

[RSSNews - Import]
RSSNews - importov�n� zdroj�
[Import from:]
Importovat z:
;(FIX) [Available feeds:]
[Avaliable feeds:]
Zdroje k dispozici:
[Feeds to be imported:]
Zdroje k importu:
;(DUP) [&Import]
;(DUP) [&Close]

[RSSNews - Export]
RSSNews - exportov�n� zdroj�
[Available feeds:]
Zdroje k dispozici:
[Feeds to be exported:]
Zdroje k exportu:
[Export to file:]
Exportovat do:

; UI Help
[Enter a value in Title field.]
Zadejte n�zev zdroje.
[Enter a value in URL field.]
Zadejte adresu serveru.
[Enter a value in Username field.]
Zadejte u�ivatelsk� jm�no.
[Enter a value in Password field.]
Zadejte heslo.
[Select a feed to manage.]
Vyberte ze seznamu zdroj.
[Select a feed to delete.]
Vyberte zdroj ke smaz�n�.
;(DUP) [Warning]
[Invalid path and/or filename.]
Neplatn� cesta nebo n�zev souboru.
[Exporting sucessfully completed.]
Export dat �sp�n� dokon�en.
[There are no items to be exported.]
P�ed exportov�n�m vyberte po�adovan� zdroje.
[RSSNews plugin did not find any feed.]
Dopln�k RSSNews nenalezl ��dn� zdroj.
[Importing sucessfully completed.]
Import dat �sp�n� dokon�en.
[There are no items to be imported.]
P�ed importov�n�m vyberte po�adovan� zdroje.
[%s\nis a valid feed's address.]
%s\nje platn� adresa zdroje.
[RSSNews found a new feed's address]
Dopln�k RSSNews nalezl adresu zdroje:
[Do you want to use it?]
Chcete tento zdroj pou��t?

; Options pages
;(DUP) [Plugins]
Novinky (RSS)

; Menu item
[&Add new feed...]
P�id&at nov� zdroj...
[&Check all feeds]
Proj�t v�e&chny zdroje

; Other
[OPML File]
Soubor OPML
[Feed ID]
ID zdroje

; S�t�
[RSSNews connection]
RSSNews - spojen� se serverem

; Dopl�ky / Novinky (RSS)

[Please read the readme file for help, there instructions on how to use and how to configure the plugin.]
Informace o tom, jak nastavit a pou��vat dopln�k RSSNews naleznete v souboru Readme.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  RSS News Popup                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1942

; N�zev dopl�ku
[RSS news]
Novinky (RSS)

[Show news every]
Zobrazit ka�d�ch
[Download  news every]
St�hnout ka�d�ch
[Initial timeout:]
P�i spu�t�n� po�kat
[characters per line]
znak� na ��dek
[lines per news]
��dk� na zpr�vu
[Do not show news when computer is idle]
Nezobrazovat novinky p�i ne�innosti
[Show up to ]
Zobrazit max.
[Popup background colour:]
Barva pozad�:
[Popup text colour:]
Barva textu:
Podrobn� v�pis

[Please restart Miranda IM for your changes to take effect.]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Smart Auto Away                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1704

; /aa_utils.c
[Reconnect after ]
Obnovit spojen� po
; [%s%d min ]
; [%s%d sec]
; [%s (Too fast!)]

; /autoaway.c
[Smart Auto Away]
Zm�na stavu (vylep�en�)
; [%s WakeningUp: %s]
; [%s: Reconnect conditions before change status to %s(%d) are: FatalError did%s happen; DontReconnectOnFatalError is %sabled and we are going to %s.]
; [%s: we will not change the status to %s(%d).]
; [%s: we will change the status to %s(%d).]
; [%s: %s already set]
; [%s: Specific Status Message is %s]
; [%s: Going to %s (%d); StatusMessage is: %s]
; [%s: Cleaning after MS_AWAYMSG_GETSTATUSMSG: %s]
; [%s: Scheduling "ResetDefaultStatusMessage" after %d seconds]
; [null]
; [%d(%s)]

; /dlgproc.c
[Status Messages]
Stavov� zpr�vy
Obnoven� spojen�

; /globals.h
[-- Date --]
-- Datum --
[year (4 digits)]
rok (4 ��slice)
[year (2 digits)]
rok (2 ��slice)
[name of month]
n�zev m�s�ce (cel�)
[short name of month]
n�zev m�s�ce (zkr�cen�)
[weekday (full)]
n�zev dne (cel�)
[weekday (abbreviated)]
n�zev dne (zkr�cen�)
[-- Time --]
-- �as --
[hours (24)]
hodiny (24)
[hours (12)]
hodiny (12)
[-- Time Zone --]
-- �asov� p�smo --
[total bias]
rozd�l mezi p�smy
[time zone name]
n�zev �asov�ho p�sma
[-- Format --]
-- Form�tov�n� --
[line break]
dal�� ��dek

; /idle.c
; [%s: Restoring the default "StatusMessage": %s]

; /idleMenu.c

; /idleMessages.c
[Set the default status message after ]
Nastavit v�choz� zpr�vu stavu po 

[I am here: %s]
B�n� pr�ce: %s
[Short Idle: %s]
Kr�tk� nep��tomnost: %s
[Long Idle: %s]
Del�� nep��tomnost: %s
; [%s cannot set status messages]

; /reconnect.c
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s reconnection is forced.]
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s is Offline and counting: %d to %d]
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s has ReconnectEnabled]
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s has FatalError; ProtoStatus: %d]
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s has DontReconnectOnFatalError]
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s has FatalError but DontReconnectOnFatalError disabled]
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s Reconnect permitted]
; [ReconnForbiddden: %s Reconnecting to %s(%d) was not permited by %d]
; [TimerProc: %s is a proto]
; [TimerProc: %s is Counting: AwayStatus: %s; reqStatus: %s;]
; [TimerProc: %s Counting Cancelled: AwayStatus: %s; reqStatus: %s;]
; [IsReconnectForbidden: %s is not counting or is not offline]
; [IsReconnectForbidden: %s it is too early to reconnect]
; [IsReconnectForbidden: %s has reconnect disabled]
; [IsReconnectForbidden: %s fatal error and DontReconnect enabled]
; [IsReconnectForbidden: %s current AAStatus should not be reconnected]
; [IsReconnectForbidden: %s is permited to reconnect]
; [IsReconnectForbidden: %s Surprising answer]

[Requested Status:]
Po�adovan� stav:
[Current Status:]
Sou�asn� stav:
[Apply to all protocols]
Pro v�echny protokoly

; /saa-res.rc:IDD_OPT_SAA_AA
[Short Idle]
Kr�tk� nep��tomnost
[Change my status mode to:]
Zm�nit stav na:
[Only if my requested status is:]
Pouze tehdy, je-li po�adovan� stav
Na chv�li pry�
Nem�m �as
[On the phone]
M�m telefon
[Out to lunch]
Jsem na ob�d�
[Free for chat]
M�m volno
[Long Idle]
Del�� nep��tomnost

[reconnect after]
znovu p�ipojit po
[If my current status is:]
Pouze tehdy, je-li sou�asn� stav
[Too Fast!]
P��li� rychle!
[Do not reconnect after fatal error]
Neobnovovat spojen� po z�va�n� chyb�
[Keep main status offline*]
Udr�ovat glob�ln� stav offline*
[* Setting this option may confuse other plugins]
* Tato mo�nost nemus� fungovat spr�vn� se v�emi dopl�ky

; /saa-res.rc:IDD_OPT_SAA_IDLE
[If Windows is inactive]
Pokud jsou neaktivn� Windows
[If Miranda is inactive]
Pokud je neaktivn� Miranda
[Use GetLastInputInfo()]
Fce GetLastInputInfo()
[Force short idle if:]
Stav 'Na chv�li pry�'
[Screen Saver is running]
B��c� spo�i� obrazovky
[Workstation is Locked (2K/XP)]
Po��ta� je zam�en (2000/XP)
[Inactivity times:]
Doba ne�innosti
[Short idle after]
Kr�tk� nep��tomnost po
[Long idle after]
Del�� nep��tomnost po
[Do not share my idle info.]
Nezve�ej�ovat informace o ne�innosti
[Do not set "Not Idle" automaticaly]
Nep�ech�zet z re�imu ne�innosti automaticky
[Set "Not Idle" on manual status change]
Nenastavovat nep��tomnost p�i manu�ln� zm�n�
[Simulate Idle]
Simulace ne�innosti
[Be Not Idle]
B�n� pr�ce
[Be Short Idle]
Kr�tk� nep��t.
[Be Long Idle]
Del�� nep��t.
[Disable Idle menu. (restart is required)]
Vypnout polo�ku menu (vy�aduje restart)


; /saamain.c
[Smart Auto Away Module]
Vylep�en� zm�na stavu
; [%s\n%s Type:%d\nLastReqStatus: %s\n]
; [%s  %d. %s\n]
; [%d\t%d\t%s]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Scriver                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3701

; globals.c
;(DUP) [Add contact]
[User's details]
Osobn� �daje
[User's history]
Historie komunikace
;(DUP) [Send message]
;(DUP) [Close session]
;(DUP) [Smiley button]
[User is typing]
Indikace psan� zpr�vy
[Unicode is on]
Unicode: zapnuto
[Unicode is off]
Unicode: vypnuto
[Quote button]
Citovat text
;(DUP) [Incoming message]
;(DUP) [Outgoing message]
[Default codepage]
V�choz� k�dov�n�

; msgdialog.c
;(DUP) [Add Contact Permanently to List]
;(DUP) [User Menu]
;(DUP) [View User's Details]
;(DUP) [View User's History]
[Quote Text]
Citovat text
;(DUP) [Insert Emoticon]
[Send Message]
Odeslat zpr�vu
[Close Session]
Zav��t relaci
[User Menu - %s]
U�ivatelsk� menu - %s
[User Menu - %u]
U�ivatelsk� menu - %u
[Sending in progress: %d message(s) left...]
Odes�l�n�; po�et zpr�v k odesl�n�: %d
;(DUP) [%s is typing a message...]
;(DUP) [Last message received on %s at %s.]
;(DUP) [The message send timed out.]

; msglog.c
;(DUP) [Today]
;(DUP) [Yesterday]
[File sent]
Odeslan� soubor
[File received]
P�ijat� soubor
[URL sent]
Odeslan� odkaz
[URL received]
P�ijat� odkaz

; msgoptions.c
;(DUP) [** New contacts **]
;(DUP) [** Unknown contacts **]
;(DUP) [Show balloon popup (unsupported system)]
;(DUP) [Messaging]
;(DUP) [Message Sessions]
;(DUP) [Messaging Log]
;(DUP) [Typing Notify]

; msgs.c
;(DUP) [Message from %s]
;(DUP) [%s is typing a message]
;(DUP) [Typing Notification]
;(DUP) [&Message]
;(DUP) [Miranda could not load the built-in message module, riched20.dll is missing. If you are using Windows 95 or WINE please make sure you have riched20.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.]
;(DUP) [Information]
;(DUP) [Messages]
;(DUP) [Incoming (Focused Window)]
;(DUP) [Incoming (Unfocused Window)]
;(DUP) [Incoming (New Session)]
;(DUP) [Outgoing]

; msgtimedout.c
;(DUP) [An unknown error has occured.]
;(DUP) [Send Error]

; resource.rc
[Automatically pop up the window when]
Automaticky vyvolat okno ve stavu
[Stay minimized]
Ponechat minimalizovan�
;(DUP) [Close the message window on send]
;(DUP) [Minimize the message window on send]
;(DUP) [Use the contact's status icon as the window icon]
[Use tabbed mode]
Pou��t syst�m panel�
[Hide tab bar if there is only one tab]
Skr�t, je-li otev�en� pouze jeden panel
[Tabs at bottom]
Panely v doln� ��sti
[Limit names on tabs to 20 characters]
Omezit d�lku jm�na na panelu na 20 znak�
[Automatically switch to active tab]
Automaticky p�epnout na aktivn� panel
;(DUP) [Cascade new windows]
[Save splitter position for each contact]
Ulo�it pozici d�lic� linky pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
;(DUP) [Support control up/down in message area to show previously sent messages]
[Save message draft on close]
P�i zav�en� ulo�it rozepsanou zpr�vu
;(DUP) [Enable avatar support in the message window]
;(DUP) [Enable transparency]
;(DUP) [Send message on 'Enter']
;(DUP) [Send message on double 'Enter']
;(LAI) [&U]
;(LAI) [&D]
;(LAI) [&H]
;(LAI) [&Q]
;(DUP) [Close]
[Enable IEView]
Pou��t dopln�k IEView
;(DUP) [Show icons]
;(DUP) [Show names]
[Show times]
Zobrazit �as
;(DUP) [Show seconds]
;(DUP) [Show dates]
;(DUP) [Use relative timestamp]
[Mark follow-up msgs with timestamp]
Ozna�it seskupen� zpr�vy �asem
[Start message text on a new line]
Za��t ps�t text na nov�m ��dku
;(DUP) [Show status changes]
;(DUP) [Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message]
[Update message window icons when a user is typing]
Indikovat psan� zpr�vy zm�nou ikony okna
;(DUP) [Show typing notification when no message dialog is open]
;(DUP) [Flash in the system tray and in the contact list]
;(DUP) [Show balloon popup]
;(DUP) [Try again]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Choose font...]
[and max.]
;(DUP) [pixels.]
;(DUP) [active]
100 %
;(DUP) [inactive]
;(DUP) [Show warning when message has not been received after]
;(DUP) [seconds.]
;(DUP) [An error has occured. The protocol reported the following error:]
[while sending the following message:]
b�hem odes�l�n� n�sleduj�c� zpr�vy:
[Background colour:]
Barva pozad�:
[Input area background:]
Pozad� psan� zpr�vy:
;(DUP) [Incoming background:]
;(DUP) [Outgoing background:]
;(DUP) [minutes old]
;(DUP) [Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
;(DUP) [Message Window Options]
;(DUP) [Message Window Event Log]
;(DUP) [Fonts]
;(DUP) [Load History Events]
;(DUP) [Typing Notification Options]
;(DUP) [Message Session]
;(DUP) [&Copy]
;(DUP) [Co&py All]
;(DUP) [Select &All]
;(DUP) [C&lear Log]
;(DUP) [Open in &new window]
;(DUP) [&Open in existing window]
;(DUP) [&Copy link]
;(DUP) [Undo]
;(DUP) [Redo]
;(DUP) [Cut]
;(DUP) [Copy]
;(DUP) [Paste]
;(DUP) [Delete]

; N�zev dopl�ku
Odes�l�n� a p��jem zpr�v

[Limit names on tabs to]
Omezit d�lku jm�na na panelu na
[Show close button on each tab ]
Zobrazit tla��tko "Zav��t" na v�ech panelech
[Look And Feel]
[Outgoing URL]
Odchoz� odkaz
[Close button]
Tla��tko Zav��t
[Save size and location for each contact]
Ulo�it velikost a um�st�n� okna pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[Input area background]
Pozad� psan� zpr�vy
[Incoming background]
Pozad� p��choz�ch zpr�v
[Outgoing background]
Pozad� odchoz�ch zpr�v

[Hide containers on close]
P�i zav�en� skr�t kontejner
[But be polite]
Neobt�uj�c�m zp�sobem
[Save message draft when closing message window]
P�i zav�en� okna ulo�it rozepsanou zpr�vu
[Indent text]
Odsadit text o
[Single Messaging]
B�n� rozhovor
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages]
Komunika�n� modul pro pos�l�n� a p��jem zpr�v
[User's status was changed]
Zm�na stavu u�ivatele

[Keep original avatar size]
Nem�nit velikost avataru

[Always On Top]
V�dy navrchu
[Incoming message (10x10)]
P��choz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Outgoing message (10x10)]
Odchoz� zpr�va (10x10)

[Show typing notification switch in the status bar]
P�idat do stavov� li�ty p�ep�na� indikace psan� zpr�vy
[Navigate: Previous Tab]
P�ej�t na p�edchoz� panel
[Navigate: Next Tab]
P�ej�t na dal�� panel
[Navigate: Tab %d]
P�ej�t na panel �.%d
[Window: Toggle Statusbar]
P�epnout stavov� ��dek
[Window: Toggle Titlebar]
P�epnout z�hlav� okna
[Window: Toggle Toolbar]
P�epnout n�strojovou li�tu
[Window: Clear Log]
Vymazat z�znam
[Window: Minimize]
Minimalizovat okno
[Window: Close Tab]
Zav��t panel
[Action: Send to All]
Poslat v�em

[Typing notification off]
Indikace psan� vypnuta

[Close Other Tabs]
Zav��t ostatn� panely

[and stay minimized]
a z�rove� minimalizovat
[and do not steal focus]
a z�rove� neaktivovat

[Remember unsent messages]
Ulo�it neodeslan� zpr�vy
[Hide windows on close]
P�i zav�en� okno pouze skr�t
[Delete temporary contacts on closing]
P�i zav�en� smazat do�asn� kontakty
[Event Log]
Z�znam ud�lost�
[Group Chat]
Skupinov� rozhovor
[Group Chat Log]
Z�znam rozhovor�
[Enable tabs]
Zapnout panely
[Always show tab bar]
Trvale zobrazit li�tu s panely
[Switch to active tab]
P�ep�nat na aktivn� panel
[Limit number of tabs per window to]
Omezit po�et panel� v jednom okn� na
[Use separate windows for group chats]
Pro skupinov� rozhovory pou��t jin� okno
[Limit number of group chats tabs per window to]
Omezit po�et panel� v jednom okn� na
[Show titlebar]
Zobrazit z�hlav�
[Show toolbar]
Zobrazit li�tu
[Limit height to min.]
Minim�ln� v��ka avatara
[Use original size]
Pou��t definovanou velikost
[Show progress indicator]
Zobrazit indik�tor pr�b�hu p�enosu
[Long date format]
Pou��t dlouh� form�t data
[Relative date]
Pou��t relativn� z�pis data
[Enable message grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Show lines between messages]
Jednotliv� zpr�vy odd�lit linkou
[Save logs]
Ulo�it do souboru
[Trim to]
[Unread events only]
Pouze nep�e�ten� ud�losti
;Konkr�tn� po�et p�edchoz�ch ud�lost�
[Events in the last]
P�edchoz� ud�losti star�� m�n� ne�
[User list row height]
V��ka ��dku v seznamu

[Appearance and functionality of chat windows]
Nastaven� vzhledu a funkc� komunika�n�ch oken
[Flash when someone speaks]
Zablikat oknem p�i naps�n� zpr�vy
[Flash when a word is highlighted]
Zablikat oknem p�i zv�razn�n� slova
[Show chat user list]
Zobrazit seznam u�ivatel� v m�stnosti
[Show send button]
Zobrazit tla��tko pro odes�l�n� zpr�v
[Show chat control buttons]
Zobrazit tla��tka ��zen� pravidel m�stnosti
[Show text formatting buttons]
Zobrazit tla��tka pro form�tov�n� textu p�i psan�
[Enable button context menus]
Zobrazit kontextov� menu u tla��tek
[Show topic on your contact list (if supported)]
Zadan� t�ma zobrazit v seznamu kontakt� (je-li to podporov�no)
[Do not play sounds when focused]
Nep�ehr�vat zvuky, je-li okno m�stnosti aktivn�
[Do not pop up when joining]
Neaktivovat okno po p��chodu do m�stnosti
[Show and hide by double clicking in the contact list]
P�epnout viditelnost p�i dvoj�m kliknut� na u�ivatele v seznamu
[Show contact statuses (if supported)]
Zobrazit stav ��astn�k� (je-li to podporov�no)
[Display contact status icon before role icon]
Zobrazit ikonu stavu kontaktu p�ed ikonou jeho role
[Add \':\' to auto-completed names]
P�idat dvojte�ku za automaticky dopln�n� jm�no
[Timestamp has same colour as event]
Pro informaci o �ase pou��t stejnou barvu jakou m� p��slu�n� ud�lost
[Limit user names to 20 characters]
Omezit d�lku jmen v z�znamu na 20 znak�
[Strip colors from messages]
Z�znam ukl�dat bez k�d� definuj�c� barvy
[Enable \'event filter\' for new rooms]
Povolit \"filtrov�n� ud�lost�\" pro nov� m�stnosti

[Group Chats Log]
Z�znam rozhovor�

[User list members (online)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (online)
[User list background (selected)]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt� (vybran�)
[User list lines]
Linky v seznamu kontakt�

[(0 means default setting, -1 means indefinite time)]
(0 = v�choz� nastaven�, -1 = vypnut� prodlevy)

[Action: Paste & Send]
Vlo�it text a poslat
[Action: Quote]
Vlo�it citaci
[Navigate: Tab 1]
P�ej�t na panel �.1
[Navigate: Tab 2]
P�ej�t na panel �.2
[Navigate: Tab 3]
P�ej�t na panel �.3
[Navigate: Tab 4]
P�ej�t na panel �.4
[Navigate: Tab 5]
P�ej�t na panel �.5
[Navigate: Tab 6]
P�ej�t na panel �.6
[Navigate: Tab 7]
P�ej�t na panel �.7
[Navigate: Tab 8]
P�ej�t na panel �.8
[Navigate: Tab 9]
P�ej�t na panel �.9
[Window: Toggle Infobar]
P�epnout informa�n� li�tu

[Paste && Send]
Vlo�it a poslat
[Show infobar]
Zobrazit informa�n� li�tu
[Auto resize input area]
Autom. m�nit velikost pole pro zad�n� textu

[Infobar contact name]
Jm�no v informa�n� li�t�
[Infobar status message]
Stav v informa�n� li�t�

[Min input area size]
Min. velikost pole pro zad�v�n� textu:
[Customize fonts and colors]
Upravit p�smo a barvy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ScrollLockNotify                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>

[ScrollLockNotify - properties]
ScrollLockNotify - nastaven�
[ScrollLockNotify - Properties]
ScrollLockNotify - nastaven�
[When receiving something while Miranda is inactive:]
Pokud byla p�ijata ud�lost a Miranda je neaktivn�:
[Flash until Miranda gets activated]
Blikat, dokud nen� Miranda aktivov�na
[Flash for max]
Blikat max.
[When receiving something while Miranda is active:]
Pokud byla p�ijata ud�lost a Miranda je aktivn�:
[Don't flash]
[Flash for]
[Interval (time between on / off):]
Doba rozsv�cen� (rychlost):

;//  Version  //
[Auth requests]
��dost o autorizaci
[Added notifications]
Ozn�men� o p�id�n�

[Flash duration]
Doby blik�n�
[Additional LEDs]
Dal�� LEDky
[Flash when my status is]
Blikat, kdy� je m�j stav
[Flash on]
Blikat p�i
[Flash until Miranda gets focused]
Blikat do aktivace Mirandy
[Flash interval (speed)]
Doba rozsv�cen� (rychlost)
Kdy� jsou probl�my
[Force newer Windows version (only try if flashing doesn't work)]
Vnutit nov�j�� verzi Windows (zkuste jen kdy� LEDky neblikaj�)

Blik�n� LED kl�vesnice

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SecureIM                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2445

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\SecureIM\language.cpp
[SecureIM established...]
�ifrovan� spojen� nav�z�no...
[Key exchange failed...]
Chyba p�i v�m�n� kl���...
[Key from disabled...]
Deaktivov�n ciz� kl��...
[Sended back message received...]
P�ijata odpov��...
[Sending back secure message...]
Odes�l�n� �ifrovan� odpov�di...
[SecureIM disabled...]
�ifrov�n� vypnuto...
[Sending Key...]
Odes�l�n� kl��e...
[Key Received...]
Kl�� p�ijat...
[Sending Message...]
Odes�l�n� zpr�vy...
[Message Received...]
P�ijata zpr�va...
[Encrypting File:]
�ifrov�n� souboru:
[Decrypting File:]
De�ifrov�n� souboru:
[Bad key received...]
Obdr�en �patn� kl��...
[SecureIM: Error while decrypting the message.]
Chyba p�i de�ifrov�n� zpr�vy.
[SecureIM: Error while decrypting the message, bad message length.]
Chyba p�i de�ifrov�n� zpr�vy, �patn� d�lka.
[SecureIM: Error while decrypting the message, bad message CRC.]
Chyba p�i de�ifrov�n� zpr�vy, chyba CRC.
[User has not answered to key exchange !\nYour messages are still in SecureIM queue, do you want to send them Unencrypted now ?]
U�ivatel neodpov�d� na v�m�nu kl���!\r\nChcete zpr�vu odeslat ne�ifrovanou?
[SecureIM not enabled! You Must Enable SecureIM with this user...]
SecureIM nen� povoleno! S t�mto u�ivatelem mus�te SecureIM povolit!
[Can't Send Encrypted Message !\nUser is offline now and his secure key has been expired, Do you want to send your message ?\nIt will be unencrypted !]
Nemohu poslat �ifrovanou zpr�vu!\nU�ivatel je ve stavu offline a platnost kl��e vypr�ela.\nChcete poslat zpr�vu bez �ifrov�n�?
[SecureIM won't be loaded because cryptopp.dll is missing or wrong version !]
SecureIM nebyl nahr�n. Knihovna cryptopp.dll chyb�/�patn� verze!
[SecureIM can't load PGP/GPG key! Check PGP/GPG settings!]
SecureIM nem��e na��st PGP/GPG kl��! Zkontrolujte PGP/GPG nastaven�!
[SecureIM can't encrypt message! Check trust of PGP/GPG key!]
SecureIM nem�e� za�ifrovat zpr�vu! Zkontrolujte d�v�ryhodnost PGP/GPG kl��e!
[Can't Send Encrypted Message !\nDo you want to send your message ?\nIt will be unencrypted !]
Nelze poslat �ifrovanou zpr�vu!\nChcete poslat va�� zpr�v ne�ifrovanou?
[Password is too short!]
Heslo je p��li� kr�tk�!
[Key ID]
ID kl��e
[Keyrings loaded.]
Kl��enka na�tena.
[Keyrings not loaded!]
Kl��enka nebyla na�tena!
[PGP SDK v%i.%i.%i found.]
Nalezen PGP SDK v.%i.%i.%i
[PGP SDK not found!]
PGP SDK nenalezen!
[This version not supported!]
Tato verze nen� podporov�na!
[Private key loaded.]
Osobn� kl��e nahr�ny.
[Private key not loaded!]
Osobn� kl��e nenahr�ny!
[The new settings will become valid when you restart MirandaIM!]
Nov� nastaven� se projev� a� po restartu Mirandy!
[Keyrings disabled!]
Kl��enka vypnuta!
[Create SecureIM connection]
Nav�zat �ifrovan� spojen�
[Disable SecureIM connection]
Zru�it �ifrovan� spojen�
[SecureIM status (disabled)]
Stav SecureIM (vypnuto)
[SecureIM status (enabled)]
Stav SecureIM (zapnuto)
[SecureIM status (always try)]
Stav SecureIM (zkus v�dy)
[Load PGP Key]
Na��st PGP kl��
[Unload PGP Key]
Odstranit PGP kl��
[Load GPG Key]
Nahr�t GPG kl��
[Unload GPG Key]
Opustit GPG kl��
[Delete RSA Key]
Smazat RSA kl��
[SecureIM: Sorry, unable to decrypt this message due you have no PGP/GPG installed. Visit www.pgp.com or www.gnupg.org for more info.]
Nemohu de�ifrovat tuto zpr�vu - nam�te instalov�n PGP. V�ce informac� na www.pgp.com nebo na www.gnupg.org
[SecureIM received unencryped message:\n]
SecureIM p�ijal ne�ifrovanou zpr�vu:\n
[SecureIM received encryped message:\n]
SecureIM p�ijal �ifrovanou zpr�vu:\n
[SecureIM received RSA Public Key from "%s"\n\nSHA1: %s\n\nDo you Accept this Key ?]
SecureIM p�ijal RSA ve�ejn� kl��od "%s"\n\nSHA1: %s\n\nChcete p�ijmout tento kl��??

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\SecureIM\options.cpp

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\SecureIM\popupOptions.cpp

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\SecureIM\resource.rc
[User List]
Seznam u�ivatel�
[Enable Secure Offline messages]
�ifrovat zpr�vy offline
[Enable Secure File Transfer]
�ifrovat p�enos soubor�
[Always show status icons in contact list]
Uk�zat stavovou ikonu v kontaktech
[Miranda Client Detection]
Detekovat Mirandu          
[Status in Context Menu]
Stav v kontextov�m menu
[Disable encryption for game plugins]
Vypnout �ifrov�n� pro hern� dopl�ky
[Always secured if possible]
Pokud lze, �ifrovat v�dy
[Contact List Icon slot]
Pozice pro ikonu
[Key Exchange Timeout :]
Doba pro v�m�nu kl��e:
[Offline Key Timeout :]
Offline kl�� vypr�� za:
[Reset All]
V�e resetovat
[Split Messages]
Rozd�lit zpr�vy
[RSA Key]
RSA kl��
[Set &keyrings...]
Nastavit &kl��enku...
[Disable keyrings use]
Vypnout pou�it� kl��enky
[Load &Private key]
Nahr�t &Soukrom� kl��
Program gpg.exe:
[Home Directory:]
Dom. adres��:
[Key Assignment]
P�i�azen� kl���
[Log to File]
Do souboru
[Save Pass]
Ulo�it heslo
[Key agreement colors]
Potvrzen� kl���
[Secure connection colors]
�ifrovan� spojen�
[Send/Receive encrypted colors]
�ifrovan� odes�l�n� a p��jem
[SecureIM PopUp Colors]
Nastaven� barev
[PopUp Timeout]
Doba zobrazen�
[Time in Seconds]
�as v sekund�ch
[0 = Default PopUp Timeout Value]
0 = v�choz� hodnota
[Show a popup on established connection]
Indikovat vytvo�en� spojen�
[Show a popup on disabled connection]
Indikovat zru�en� spojen�
[Show a popup on key send]
Indikovat odes�l�n� kl��e
[Show a popup on key received]
Indikovat p��jem kl��e
[Show a popup on each secure send]
Indikovat odes�l�n� �ifrovan� zpr�vy
[Show a popup on each secure receive]
Indikovat p��jem �ifrovan� zpr�vy
[Please type in your password]
Zadejte pros�m sv� heslo
[Native SecureIM]
Nativn� SecureIM
[Always Try to Establish Secure IM]
V�dy se pokusit pou��t SecureIM
[Secure IM Enabled]
Povolit SecureIM
[Secure IM Disabled]
Zak�zat SecureIM
[Pre-shared key]
P�edsd�len� kl�� (PSK)
[Set key]
Nastavit kl��
[Delete key]
Smazat kl��

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\SecureIM\secureim.h
[Connection Disabled]
Bez �ifrov�n�
[Connection Established (valid prime)]
�ifrovan� spojen� nav�z�no
[Establishe Secure Connection]
�ifrovan� spojen� nav�z�no
[Key Exchange]
V�m�na kl��e
[Connection Established (ver <=]
�ifrovan� spojen� nav�z�no (ver <=
[Connection Established (ver >=]
�ifrovan� spojen� nav�z�no (ver >=
[PGP Key]
PGP kl��
[GPG Key]
GPG kl��
[flag Disabled]
p��znak Vypnuto
[flag Enabled]
p��znak Zapnuto
[flag Always Try]
p��znak V�dy zkusit
[flag PGP Key]
p��znak PGP kl��
[flag GPG Key]
p��znak GPG kl��
[Recv Secured MSG (popup)]
P��jem �ifrovan� zpr�vy (ozn�men�)
[Send Secured MSG (popup)]
Posl�n� �ifrovan� zpr�vy (ozn�men�)
[Recv Key (popup)]
P��jem kl��e (ozn�men�)
[Send Key (popup)]
Vysl�n� kl��e (ozn�men�)
[Connection Established (popup)]
�ifrovan� spojen� nav�z�no (ozn�men�)
[Connection Disabled (popup)]
�ifrovan� spojen� zru�eno (ozn�men�)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Send Screenshot                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1428

; Capture Window
[Send screenshot to <Unknow Contact> - Capture Options]
Odeslat obr�zek (mo�nosti sn�m�n�)
[JPG &Quality :]
&Kvalita JPEG:
[Ti&med capture]
�asovan� sn�m�n�
[Time (secs) :]
Zpo�d�n� (sec.):
[&Emulate Send button click.]
&Emulovat funkci tla��tka Odeslat
[Delete &after send]
Po odesl�n� obr�zek sm&azat
[&Fill description textbox.]
V&yplnit pole pro popis
Cel� ploc&ha
[Single &Window]
Pouze o&kno
[C&lient Area]
Bez okraje okna
[Drag&&Drop the target on the desired window.]
Um�st�te k�� na po�adovan� okno.
[Caption :]
Z�hlav� okna:
[Size (HxW) :]
Velikost (vך):
[&Format :]
[Send B&y :]
O pro&gramu
[Open again]
[&Just save it]
Pou&ze ulo�it
[Use Edit&or]
Pou��t edit&or
[Send Screenshot]
Odeslat obr�zek
; Messages
[Select a target window.]
Vyberte pros�m po�adovan� okno.
[Could not start the HTTP Server plugin.]
Nelze spustit dopln�k HTTP Server.
[Could not add a share to the HTTP Server plugin.]
Nelze p�idat dal�� sd�len� webov�ho serveru.

[<Unknown Contact>]
<Nezn�m� kontakt>

; Preview Window

;Action Menu
[&Capture Again]
&Sejmout znovu
Zav��t a od&eslat
Za&v��t a ulo�it

;Tool Menu
[&Crop tool]
[&Ellipse tool]
[&Pen tool]
&Voln� kreslen�
[&Rectangle tool]
[&Line tool]
&Kreslen� �ar
[&Text tool]
Psan� &textu
[Selection Tool]
N�stoj v�b�ru

;Tool options menu
[Tool &Options]
Nastaven� n�str&oje
&S vypln�n�m
[Transparent &Background]
Pr�hledn� poza&d�
[Set &Width]
&Nastaven� ���ky
[Set C&olor]
N&astaven� barvy

; Messages
[Set Width]
Nastaven� ���ky
[New width?]
Zadejte ���ku ��ry vybran�ho n�stroje:
[Type the text to be draw:]
Zadejte po�adovan� text:
[Send the screenshot?]
Chcete vybran� obr�zek odeslat?

; nepouzivane(?)
[Print&Screen Emulation]
Emulovat funkci Print&Screen
[Des&tination Folder :]
&C�lov� slo�ka:
[Destination for the image file(s):]
Slo�ka k ulo�en� sn�man�ch obr�zk�:
[The content of the clipboard will be not saved. (This warning appear only one time.)]
Obr�zek ulo�en� do schr�nky nelze ulo�it.

[Starting upload!]
Za��tek uploadu!
[Upload completed!]
Upload dokon�en!

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Sessions                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[Restore Session]
Obnovit relaci
[&Restore Session]
Obnovit &relaci
[Choose session to restore from the list:]
Zvolit relaci pro obnoven� ze seznamu:
[Save session...]
Ulo�it relaci...
[Load session...]
Na��st relaci...
[Load last session]
Na��st posledn� relaci
[Only if last session present]
Pouze pokud existuje posledn� relace
[Open Sessions Manager dialog]
Otev��t okno spr�vce relac�
[Restore Last Session]
Obnovit posledn� relaci
[Startup delay]
Zpo�d�n� po startu
[Crash Recovery mode]
M�d obnoven� po p�du
[Save Current Session]
Ulo�it aktu�ln� relaci
[Save only last]
Ulo�it pouze posledn�
[Warn, when some of LastSession contacts are hidden]
Varovat kdy� jsou n�kter� kontakty z posledn� relace skryty
[Exclude hidden contacts from session on exit]
P�i ukon�en� vylou�it skryt� kontakty z relace
[Show other warnings ("session already opened" etc...)]
Zobrazovat ostatn� varov�n� ("relace je ji� otev�ena", atd...)
[User Sessions Management]
Spr�va u�ivatelsk�ch relac�
[Action on Startup]
Akce p�i spu�t�n�
[Action on Exit]
Akce p�i ukon�en�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SETI@Home                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Generated by lpgen on Fri Jan 21 11:33:27 2005
; Translations: 46

; m_popup.h
;(DUP) [PopUps]

; seti.c
[Server is down or lagging]
Server nereaguje nebo je p�et�en�
[Server error code]
Chybov� k�d serveru
[Cannot write to file]
Nelze zapsat do souboru
;(DUP) [Plugins]
; seti.rc
[View statistics web page]
Zobrazit web se statistikou
;(LAI) [Spin1]
[Suppress error messages]
Potla�it chybov� hl�en�
[Disable main menu items]
Vypnout polo�ky v hlavn�m menu
[Use MultiWindow]
Pou��t v�ce oken
[Update data on start-up]
P�i spu�t�n� zaktualizovat data
;(DUP) [Always on top]
[Use Miranda colors]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[Show/Hide statistics window:]
Zobrazit/skr�t okno se statistikou:
;(LAI) [HotKey2]
[Save SETI@Home statistics to file:]
Ulo�it statistiku SETI do souboru:
;(DUP) [Name]
;(DUP) [Country]
[Recent Av. Credit]
Pr�m�rn� kredit
[Archived Classic SETI WU]
Archivovan� Classic SETI WU
[Archived Classic SETI CPU Time]
Archivovan� Classic SETI CPU Time
[No. Of Members]
Po�et �len�
[Group Total Credit ]
Celkov� kredit skupiny
[Group Recent Av. Credit]
Pr�m�rn� kredit skupiny
;(DUP) [Close]
;(DUP) [ID:]
;(DUP) [minutes]
;(FIX) [Hide statistics window]
[&Hide statistics window]
&Skr�t okno se statistikou
;(DUP) [Background Color:]
;(LAI) [Seti@Home]
;(DUP) [Colors]
;(DUP) [Logging]
[&Hide Window]
&Skr�t okno
[&Update Statistics]
Zakt&ualizovat statistiku
;(FIX) [&Unstick/Stick to front]
[Disable Stick to front]
P�epno&ut v�dy navrchu

[%s Enable Statistics]
%s Statistika
[Text Color:]
Barva textu:
[Update statistics every]
Aktualizovat statistiku po
[Reset crash detection]
Obnovit detekci p�du syst�mu
[Total Credit]
Celkov� kredit
[Reg. Date]
Datum registrace
; Statistika / Kontextov� menu
[&Open statistics web page]
Z&obrazit web se statistikou
[&Show statistics window]
Zobrazit okno se &statistikou
[&Open statistics]
Z&obrazit statistiku
[Hide statistics]
Skr�t statistiku

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  shlext                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: waclaw <waclaw (zavin��) cmail (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=534

[Problem, registration missing/deleted.]
Nalezen probl�m, registrace byla ztracena/smaz�na.
[Successfully created shell registration.]
Integrace do prost�ed� byla provedena �sp�n�.
[Not Approved]
Nebylo odsouhlaseno
[Are you sure? this will remove all the settings stored in your database and all registry entries created for shlext to work with Explorer]
Opravdu chcete smazat v�echna nastaven� ve va�em profilu a v�echny polo�ky registru vytvo�en� pro spolupr�ci s Explorerem?
[Disable/Remove shlext]
Zak�zat/odstranit shlext
[Shell context menus]
Kontextov� nab�dky

[Clear entries]
Vymazat polo�ky
�asto pou��van�

[Display contacts in their assigned groups (if any)]
Zobrazit kontakt v jeho vlastn� skupin� (pokud v n�jak� je)
[Only if/when the contact list is using them]
Pouze kdy� seznam kontakt� skupiny pou��v�
[Display hidden, ignored or temporary contacts]
Zobrazovat skryt�, ignorovan� nebo do�asn� kontakty
[Shell Status]
Stav integrace v prost�ed�
[Do not display the profile name in use]
Nezobrazovat n�zev pou��van�ho profilu
[Contact Status]
Stav kontaktu
[Show contacts that you have set privacy rules for]
Zobrazit kontakty pro kter� existuj� soukrom� pr�va
[Do not show status icons in menus]
Nezobrazovat v nab�dce ikonu stavu
[Do not show contacts that are offline, even if my contact list does]
Nezobrazovat offline kontakty 

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  ShowUIN                                         |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Soustruh <struzsky (te�ka) m (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2846

[ShowUIN options]
Mo�nosti dopl�ku ShowUIN
[Display format:]
Form�t pro zobrazen�:
[Copy format:]
Form�t pro zkop�rov�n� do schr�nky:
[Following macroses are available:]
Jsou k dispozici n�sleduj�c� prom�nn�:
[Instant messaging protocol]
[Protocol UIN]
Identifik�tor kontaktu
[Protocol nickname]
V�choz� p�ezd�vka kontaktu
[Contact-list nickname]
P�ezd�vka zobrazen� v seznamu kontakt�
[Protocol first name]
K�estn� jm�no kontaktu
[Protocol last name]
P��jmen� kontaktu
[First + last name in one string]
K�estn� jm�no a p��jmen� kontaktu
[Protocol e-mail address]
E-mailov� adresa kontaktu

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  AutoShutdown                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3056

Automatick� ukon�en�
[Adds the possibility to shutdown the computer when a specified event occurs.]
Na z�klad� ur�it� ud�losti umo��uje vypnout, restartovat po��ta� nebo podobn�.
[AutoShutdown Plugin]
Dopln�k AutoShutdown
[The AutoShutdown plugin can not be loaded. It requires Miranda IM %s or later.]
Pou�it� dopln�k Automatick� ukon�en� vy�aduje program Miranda IM %s nebo nov�j��.

; Menu item
[Automatic &shutdown...]
Automatick� &ukon�en�...
[Stop automatic &shutdown]
Zru�it automatick� &ukon�en�
; TopToolBar button
[Start/Stop automatic shutdown]
Spust� nebo zastav� automatick� vypnut�
[Start automatic shutdown]
Aktivuje automatick� ukon�en�
[Stop automatic shutdown]
Deaktivuje automatick� ukon�en�

; Sound
;(DUP) [Alerts]
[Automatic Shutdown Countdown]
Automatick� ukon�en� (odpo��t�v�n�)

; Hotkey
[Toggle Automatic Shutdown]
Aktivovat automatick� ukon�en�

; Icons
;(DUP) [Active]
;(DUP) [Inactive]
; Fonts and Colors
[Countdown on Frame]
R�me�ek: Odpo��t�v�n�
;(DUP) [Background]
[Progress Bar]
Ukazatel pr�b�hu

; Settings Dialog
[Automatic Shutdown]
Automatick� ukon�en�
[Select the automatic shutdown event]
Vyberte po�adovanou ud�lost pro ukon�en�
[Shutdown at &specific time]
Ukon�i&t po ur�it� dob�
[Shutdown a&t:]
Ukon�it &v:
[Shutdown i&n:]
Ukon�&it za:
[Shutdown when a &message is received containing the following text:]
Ukon�it po p�ijet� zpr�vy obsahuj�c� &n�sleduj�c� text:
[Shutdown when all &file transfers are finished]
Ukon�it po dokon�en� p�enosu sou&bor�
[Shutdown when &prozessor usage drops below:]
Ukon�it pokud vyt�en� &procesoru klesne pod:
[(current: %u%%)]
(aktu�ln�: %u %%)
;(LAI) [%]
[Shutdown when Miranda IM becomes &idle]
Ukon�it po p�echodu do ne�&innosti
;(DUP) [Configure]
[Shutdown when all contacts are &offline]
Ukon�it po p�echodu v�ech kontakt� &offline
;(FIX) [&Action]
[Close Miranda IM]
Ukon�it program Miranda IM
[Sets all Miranda IM protocols to offline and closes Miranda IM.]
P�epne v�echny protokoly do stavu offline a ukon�� program Miranda IM.
[Set Miranda IM offline]
P�ej�t do stavu offline
[Sets all Miranda IM protocols to offline.]
P�epne v�echny protokoly do stavu offline.
[Log off user]
Odhl�sit u�ivatele
[Logs the current Windows user off so that another user can log in.]
Odhl�s� u�ivatele a t�m umo�n� p�ihl�en� jin�mu.
[Restart computer]
Restartovat po��ta�
[Shuts down Windows and then restarts Windows.]
Ukon�� syst�m Windows a restartuje po��ta�.
[Shutdown computer]
Vypnout po��ta�
[Closes all running programs and shuts down Windows to a point at which it is safe to turn off the power.]
Ukon�� v�echny spu�t�n� programy a n�sledn� syst�m Windows.
[Standby mode]
�sporn� re�im
[Saves the current Windows session in memory and sets the system to suspend mode.]
Ulo�� rozd�lanou pr�ci do pam�ti a p�epne po��ta� do �sporn�ho re�imu.
[Hibernate mode]
Re�im sp�nku
[Saves the current Windows session on harddisc, so that the power can be turned off.]
Ulo�� rozd�lanou pr�ci na pevn� disk, co� umo�n� vypnout po��ta�.
[Lock workstation]
Zamknout po��ta�
[Locks the computer. To unlock the computer, you must log in.]
Zamkne po��ta�. Odemknete ho pouze tak, �e se znovu p�ihl�s�te.
[Hang up dialup connections]
Odpojit modem od s�t�
[Sets all protocols to offline and closes all RAS connections.]
P�epne v�echny protokoly do stavu offline a ukon�� vzd�len� p�ipojen�.

; Options
[&Show confirmation dialog before shutdown]
&P�ed ukon�en�m potvrdit vybranou akci
;(FIX) [Countdown starts at:]
[&Countdown starts at:]
&Za��tek odpo��t�v�n�:
;(DUP) [seconds]
[Shutdown Events]
Ud�losti pro ukon�en�
[&Activate automatic shutdown with the same settings again if Miranda IM was closed with automatic shutdown enabled]
&Aktivovat znovu stejn� nastaven� v p��pad�, �e program Miranda IM byl u� p�edt�m automaticky ukon�en
[&Ignore hidden or temporary contacts when watching for all contacts being offline]
&Ignorovat skryt� nebo do�asn� kontakty p�i sledov�n� p�echodu do stavu offline
[Critical Shutdown Events]
Z�va�n� ud�losti pro ukon�en�
[&Thunderstorm warning is issued  (Weather)]
Varov�n� p�ed bou�kou (Wea&ther)
[&Harddrive overheats (HDD Info)]
P�eh��v�n� pevn�ho disku (&HDD Info)

; Trigger plugin
[Shutdown: Close Miranda IM]
Ukon�en�: Ukon�it program Miranda IM
[Shutdown: Set Miranda IM offline]
Ukon�en�: P�ej�t do stavu offline
[Shutdown: Log off user]
Ukon�en�: Odhl�sit u�ivatele
[Shutdown: Restart computer]
Ukon�en�: Restartovat po��ta�
[Shutdown: Shutdown computer]
Ukon�en�: Vypnout po��ta�
[Shutdown: Standby mode]
Ukon�en�: �sporn� re�im
[Shutdown: Hibernate mode]
Ukon�en�: Re�im sp�nku
[Shutdown: Lock workstation]
Ukon�en�: Zamknout po��ta�
[Shutdown: Hang up dialup connections]
Ukon�en�: Odpojit modem od s�t�

; Shutdown dialog
[Automatic Shutdown]
Automatick� ukon�en�
[Miranda IM is going to be automatically closed in %u second(s).]
Program Miranda IM bude za %u sek. automaticky ukon�en.
[You will be logged off automatically in %u second(s).]
Za %u sek. budete automaticky odhl�eni.
[The computer will automatically be restarted in %u second(s).]
Tento po��ta� bude za %u sek. automaticky restartov�n.
[The computer will automatically be set to standby mode in %u second(s).]
Tento po��ta� bude za %u sek. automaticky p�epnut do �sporn�ho re�imu.
[The computer will automatically be set to hibernate mode in %u second(s).]
Tento po��ta� bude za %u sek. automaticky p�epnut do re�imu sp�nku.
[The workstation will automatically get locked in %u second(s).]
Tento po��ta� bude za %u sek. automaticky zamknut.
[The computer will automatically be shut down in %u second(s).]
Tento po��ta� bude za %u sek. automaticky vypnut.
[All dialup connections will be closed in %u second(s).]
V�echna modemov� p�ipojen� budou za %u sek. automaticky ukon�ena.
[Unsaved data in open applications except Miranda IM might get lost.]
V�echna neulo�en� data mimo program Miranda IM budou ztracena.
[Please click "Cancel" if you would like to abort the process.]
Chcete-li p�eru�it spu�t�nou akci, klikn�te na tla��tko "Zru�it".

; Countdown frame
[Time left:]
Zb�vaj�c� �as:
[Shutdown at:]
Ukon�it v:
;(DUP) [Paused]
[&Cancel Countdown]
&Zru�it odpo��t�v�n�
[&Pause Countdown]
&Pozastavit odpo��t�v�n�
[&Unpause Countdown]
&Pokra�ovat v odpo��t�v�n�

; Error
[Automatic Shutdown Error]
Chyba p�i automatick�m ukon�en�
[The shutdown process failed!\nReason: %s]
Chyba p�i pokusu o automatick� ukon�en�!\nD�vod: %s

[Automatically shutdown the computer and turn the power off when one of the following occurs:]
Automaticky ukon�it opera�n� syst�m a vypnout po��ta�, nastane-li jedna z n�sleduj�c�ch variant:
[All Miranda IM protocols are going to be set to offline in %u second(s).]
V�echny protokoly programu Miranda IM budou za %u sek. p�epnuty do stavu offline.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SimpleStatusMessage                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://dezhq.rogacz.com/miranda/

; This is a template for translation of SimpleAway plugin
; Last updated 26-11-2007 for

[OK (%d)]
OK (%d)
[Closing in %d]
Zav�e se za %d sek.
[%s Status Message: %s]
Zpr�va ve stavu %s: %s
[%s Message for %s]
Stav: '%s', u�ivatel: %s
[Retrieving %s message...]
Zji�t�n� stavov� zpr�vy ve stavu '%s'...
[Co&py to Clipboard]
[Retrieving status message for %s...]
Zji��ov�n� stavov� zpr�vy pro '%s'...
[Re&ad %s Message]
P�e��st &automatickou odpov��
[Re&ad Away Message]
P�e��st &autom. odpov��
[Copy %s Message]
Zkop�rovat zpr�vu stavu
[Copy Away Message]
Zkop�rovat zpr�vu stavu
[Delete Selected]
Smazat vybran�
[Recent Message]
Posledn� zpr�va
[Predefined Message]
P�eddefinovan� zpr�va
[Add to Predefined]
P�idat mezi p�eddefinovan�
[Clear History]
Smazat historii
[Change Status Message]
Zm�nit zpr�vu stavu
[Status Message...]
Zpr�va stavu...

; Popup Menu
[Select All]
Vybrat v�e
[More variables...]
V�ce prom�nn�ch...

; Status Options
;(DUP) [Status]
[Status on Startup]
Stav po spu�t�n�
[Set status after]
Nastavit stav po
[<Last status>]
<Posledn� stav>
[Independent setting for each protocol]
Nastaven� pro ka�d� protokol zvl᚝

; Status Messages General Options
[Status Messages]
Stavov� zpr�vy
[Apply to all]
Pou��t u v�ech
[Max length:]
Max. d�lka:
[Pop up dialog box]
Zobrazit dialog
[Do not set status message]
Nedefinovat zpr�vu stavu
[Always set the same message]
V�dy pou��t stejnou zpr�vu
[Pop up dialog asking for new message]
Zobrazit dialog a zadat novou zpr�vu
[Set an empty message]
Pou��t pr�zdnou zpr�vu
[Use default message]
Pou��t v�choz� zpr�vu
[Use last message]
Pou��t posledn� zpr�vu
[Use last message set for this status]
Pou��t posledn� zpr�vu pro dan� stav
[Set the following message:]
Pou��t n�sleduj�c� zpr�vu:
[Put default message in message list]
P�i�adit v�choz� zpr�vu do seznamu

[Open String Formatting Help]
Otev��t n�pov�du o prom�nn�ch

; Status Messages Advanced Options
[Show status list]
Zobrazit seznam stav�
[Show status profiles in status list]
Zobrazit v menu stav� profily
[Show icons in status list]
Zobrazit ikony v seznamu stav�
[Show icons in message list]
Zobrazit ikony v seznamu zpr�v
[Show next to cancel button]
Zobrazit vedle tla��tka Zru�it
[Flat, next to cancel button]
Modern�, vedle tla��tka Zru�it
[Show in message list]
Zobrazit v seznamu zpr�v
[Store up to]
Ulo�it max.
[recent messages (0 = disable)]
posledn�ch zpr�v (0 = vypnuto)
[Automatically close dialog window after]
Automaticky zav��t okno se zpr�vou po
[Check for winamp song change every]
Zji��ovat skladbu ve Winampu ka�d�ch
[Leave last played track's title after exiting the player]
Ponechat n�zev posledn� skladby po vypnut� p�ehr�va�e
[Set random status message every]
Nastavit n�hodnou zpr�vu stavu ka�d�ch
[Remember last dialog window position]
Zapamatovat posledn� pozici dialogu
[Remove Carriage Return (CR = '\\r' = #0D) chars from status messages]
Odstranit ze stavov�ch zpr�v znaky CR (CR = '\\r' = #0D)
[Show 'Copy Away Message' item in contact menu]
Zobrazit v menu kontaktu 'Zkop�rovat zpr�vu stavu'
[Show 'Status Message...' item in status menu]
Zobrazit v menu stav� 'Zpr�va stavu...'
[Clear History]
Smazat historii
[Clear Predefined]
Smazat p�eddef.
[Are you sure you want to clear status message history?]
Ur�it� chcete smazat celou historii stavov�ch zpr�v?
[Confirm clearing history]
Potvrdit smaz�n� historie
[Are you sure you want to clear predefined status messages?]
Ur�it� chcete smazat v�echny p�eddefinovan� stavov� zpr�vy?
[Confirm clearing predefined]
Potvrdit smaz�n� p�eddefinovan�ch
[* This feature is only available when using StartupStatus.]
* Tato funkce je dostupn� pouze p�i pou�it� dopl�ku StartupStatus.
[* Your contact list plugin doesn't support this feature. Try another one.]
* Pou�it� dopln�k pro seznam kontakt� nepodporuje tuto funkci. Zkuste jin�.

[* This feature is available only when using StartupStatus plugin.]
* Tato funkce je dostupn� pouze p�i pou��t� dopl�ku StartupStatus.
[Update variables in status messages every]
Aktualizovat prom�nn� ve zpr�v� stavu ka�d�ch
[Show 'Go to URL in Away Message' item in contact menu]
Zobrazit v nab�dce kontaktu polo�ku 'P�ej�t na URL ve zpr�v� stavu'
[&Go to URL in %s Message]
&P�ej�t na URL ve zpr�v� %s stavu

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SIP Protocol                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3046

[Sign-in name:]
P�ihl. jm�no:
[Example: someone@example.com]
P��klad: n�kdo@n�kde.cz
[Authentication settings]
Mo�nosti autorizace
[Automatic configuration]
Automatick� konfigurace
[Server name or IP address:]
Server nebo IP adresa:
[Connect using:]
Transp. protokol:
[Note: You have to reconnect to the SIP network before the changes take effect]
Pozn�mka: Zm�ny se projev� a� p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� do s�t� SIP.
[SIP Address]
Adresa SIP

[SiP Options]
Mo�nosti SIP
[You need to reconnect SiP to apply some changes]
Zm�ny se projev� a� p�i dal��m p�ipojen� do s�t� SIP
[Connection settings:]
Mo�nosti p�ipojen�
[Use logon credentials]
Pou��t p�ihla�. �daje Windows
[*usually URI and login are same.]
*URI a jm�no jsou obvykle stejn�
;[Roaming (leave it checked if possible)]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Play ring on incoming calls]
Zvonit u p��choz�ch hovor�
[Play ring on outgoing calls]
Zvonit u odchoz�ch hovor�
[Allow audio]
Povolit zvuk
[Allow video]
Povolit video
[Audio / Video Tuning Wizard]
Optimalizace zvuku a videa
[Tuning Wizard]
Optimalizace zvuku a videa
[Sessions Manager]
Spr�vce relac�
[Add buddy]
P�idat kontakt...
[Resync contactlist]
Sesynchronizovat seznam kontakt�
[Download contacts from server]
St�hnout kontakty ze serveru
[Upload contacts to server]
Ulo�it kontakty na server
[Import contacts from file]
Importovat kontakty ze souboru
[Export contacts to file]
Exportovat kontakty do souboru
;(DUP) [Answer]
[Max A/V bitrate:]
Max. dat. tok:
[Acoustic Echo Cancelation]
Potla�it echo
[SiP :: Add New Buddy]
SIP :: Nov� kontakt
[Type user name you want to add (e.g. user@domain.com):]
Zadejte identifika�n� �daje (nap�. n�kdo@n�kde.cz):
[SiP Control Panel]
Panel protokolu SIP
[Type URI you want to call to.]
Zadejte pros�m identifika�n� �daje volan� osoby.
[Open session manager on incoming calls]
Otev��t spr�vce u p��choz�ch hovor�
[Open session manager on outgoing calls]
Otev��t spr�vce u odchoz�ch hovor�
[Automatically download server contacts on logon]
B�hem p�ihl�en� ze serveru st�hnout kontakty
[Append my domain to callee's URI if no domain specified]
Nen�-li u volan�ho uvedena dom�na, p�i�adit vlastn�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Skype                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1570

; Generated by lpgen on Tue Sep  6 13:48:47 2005
; Translations: 52

; contacts.c
[Call (Skype)]
Zavolat (Skype)
[Call using SkypeOut]
Zavolat (SkypeOut)
[Hang up call (Skype)]
Zav�sit (Skype)
[Hang up SkypeOut call]
Zav�sit (SkypeOut)
[Hold call]
P�idr�et hovor
[Resume call]
Pokra�ovat v hovoru
;(DUP) [&File]
[Import Skype history]
Importovat historii (Skype)
[Add Skype contact]
P�idat kontakt Skype

; gchat.c
;(DUP) [Others]
[No Topic]
(t�ma nen� stanoveno)
;(DUP) [Me]
;(DUP) [&Invite user...]
;(DUP) [&Leave chat session]
;(DUP) [User &details]
;(DUP) [User &history]

; m_popup.h
;(DUP) [PopUps]

; skype.c
[Do a SkypeOut-call]
Zavolat p�es SkypeOut
[Incoming call from %s]
P��choz� hovor (%s)
;(DUP) [Network]
[This seems to be the first time that you're running the Skype protocol plugin. Do you want to enable the protocol for this Miranda-Profile? (If you chose NO, you can always enable it in the plugin options later.]
Chcete aktivovat podporu protokolu Skype pro vybran� profil v Mirand�?

; Skript1.rc
[Start Skype with miranda, if it is not running using the following cmdline options:]
Pokud ji� nen� spu�t�no, spustit Skype p�i startu Mirandy s t�mito argumenty:
;(FIX) [/NOTRAY - Skype tray icon becomes grey and is therefore ]
[/NOTRAY - Skype tray icon becomes grey and is therefore "invisible"]
/NOTRAY - ikona v oblasti ozn�men� za�edne (= pr�zdn� m�sto)
[/NOSPLASH - Don't show Splash screen on startup]
/NOSPLASH - p�i spu�t�n� nezobraz� uv�tac� okno
[/MINIMIZED - Start Skype minimized]
/MINIMIZED - spust� program minimalizovan�
[Shut down Skype when you close Miranda]
P�i ukon�en� Mirandy ukon�it i Skype
[Enable Skype Menu options (currently: Find/Add user)]
Povolit polo�ky menu Skype (aktu�ln� 'Naj�t/P�idat')
;(FIX) [Unload Skype when you change to status ]
[Unload Skype when you change to status "offline"]
Ukon�it program Skype po p�echodu do stavu 'Offline'
[Use Skypeproxy connection over network instead of local Skype API]
P�ipojit pomoc� programu Skypeproxy nam�sto API Skype
[This Skypeproxy requires password authentication:]
P�ipojen� p�es proxy vy�aduje ov��en� heslem:
[Use Popup-Plugin (if installed) for displaying messages ]
Zpr�vy zobrazovat formou ozn�men� (dopln�k typu PopUp)
[Use groupchat interface for conversations - requires chat.dll (Please don't!)]
Pro konverzaci pou��t rozhran� pro v�ce lid� (vy�aduje dopln�k Chat)
[Suppress all error-Messages (not recommended, but if it annoys you.. ;)]
Zamezit zobrazov�n� ve�ker�ch chybov�ch hl�en� (nelze doporu�it)
[Keep requested online status on startup under every circumstance]
Za v�ech okolnost� zajistit p�i spu�t�n� stav 'Online'
;[Join conference with %s]
[Answer call; set call to %s on hold]
Zvednout telefon; sou�asn� hovor (%s) p�idr�et
[Hang up]
;(DUP) [OK]
[Cleanup Nicknames]
Promazat p�ezd�vky
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Host:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
[You must restart Miranda in order to let the settings take effect]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.
[Try at least]
Pokusit se
[times to connect to Skype API before giving up]
kr�t o p�ipojen� pomoc� API Skype, pak p�estat
[SkypeOut contacts are in status]
Kontakty SkypeOut ozna�it jako
Proxy pro Skype
;(DUP) [Dialog]
[%s is calling]
Vol�: %s

; N�zev dopl�ku
[Skype protocol]
[Whee, Skype won't let me use the API. :(]
Program Skype zabr�nil pou�it� aplika�n�ho rozhran� (API).
[Skype default]
[Skype proxy]
[/REMOVEABLE - For running portable skype]
/REMOVEABLE - pro Skype na p�enosn�m disku
[/DATAPATH - Specify the path for portable skype]
/DATAPATH - cesta pro Skype na p�enosn�m disku
[Use your custom path]
Nastavit vlastn� cestu ke Skype
[Skype advanced]
Pro experty
[Skype Advanced]
Pro experty
[Use time zone patch]
Pou��t opravu �asov�ho p�sma
[Skype Popups]
Ozn�men� Skype
[Incoming Calls]
P��choz� hovory
[Show incoming calls popup]
Zobrazit ozn�men� o p��choz�m hovoru
[Incoming call from %s]
P��choz� hovor (%s)
[Error Message]
Chybov� hl�en�
[Display Error Message]
Zobrazit chybov� hl�en�
[Incoming Skype Call]
P��choz� hovor ze Skype
[Preview Error Message]
N�hled chybov�ho hl�en�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Status Message History                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: MiSHAK <imishak (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://pescuma.mirandaim.ru/miranda/smh

[Status Msg Change]
Zm�na stavov� zpr�vy
[ Protocols ]
[Only when the contact is not offline]
Jen kdy� kontakt nen� offline
[ History ]
[changed his/her status message to %s]
zm�nil/a jeho/jej� stavovou zpr�vu na %s
[ Tracking ]
[Log changes to history]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny do historie
[Enable tracking for these protocols:]
Povolit sledov�n� pro tyto protokoly:
[Track when contacts change their status messages]
Sledovat zm�ny stavov�ch zpr�v kontakt�
[removed his/her status message]
odebral/a jeho/jej� stavovou zpr�vu
[Track when contacts remove their status messages]
Sledovat odebr�n� stavov� zpr�vy kontaktu
[Don't save Unicode parts for 7bit ANSI history (saves db space)]
Neukl�dat znaky Unicode do historie ve form�tu ANSI (�et�� m�sto DB)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SmileyAdd                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2152

; /customsmiley.cpp

; /dlgboxsubclass.cpp
[Show Smiley Selection Window]
Zobrazit okno s v�b�rem smajl�k�

; /download.cpp
[SmileyAdd HTTP connections]
SmileyAdd - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTP

; /general.cpp
[GDI+ not installed.\n]
GDI+ nen� nainstalovan�.\n
[GDI+ can be downloaded here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads]
GDI+ lze st�hnout na adrese http://www.microsoft.com/downloads
[Miranda SmileyAdd]

; /main.cpp
[Button Smiley]
Tla��tko smajl�k�
[Assign Smiley Category]
P�i�azen� kategorie smajl�k�
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\n]
Spustit lze jen jednu instanci dopl�ku Smajl�ky.\n
[Remove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
Odstra�te duplicitn� kopie tohoto dopl�ku ze slo�ky 'Plugins'.

; /options.cpp
Vlastn� �pravy
[Smiley Packs]
Sady smajl�k�
[All Files]
V�echny soubory

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPT_SMILEYS
[Smiley Categories]
Knihovny smajl�k�
[Specify Smiley Pack for each category]
Pro ka�d� protokol definovat jinou sadu
[Replace isolated smileys (spaces on both sides)]
Nahradit jen odd�len� smajl�ky (mezery z obou stran)
[Scale smiley to textheight]
Sjednotit velikost smajl�k� s textem
[Built-In Message Dialog Support]
Vestav�n� podpora
[Smiley Button]
Tla��tko se smajl�ky
[Smiley Selector]
Pou�it� smajl�ku
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
P�idat mezeru z ka�d� strany smajl�ku
[Use first smiley for selection size]
Velikost smajl�ku definovat dle prvn�ho
[IEView style window]
Vzhled okna nastavit dle IEView
;(LAI) [-]
[Enable Smileys]
Povolit smajl�ky
[Input Area]
Oblast psan� zpr�vy
[Don't replace at cursor]
Nenahrazovat b�hem psan�
[Disable custom smileys]
Zak�zat vlastn� sady smajl�k�

; /services.cpp

; /smileyroutines.cpp
[Time elapsed: %u]
Uplynul� �as: %u

; /smileys.cpp
[Nothing loaded]
Nic se nena�etlo
[Smiley Pack %s not found.\n]
Knihovna smajl�k� %s nebyla nalezena.\n
[Select correct Smiley Pack in the Miranda Options | Customize | Smileys.]
Vyberte platnou knihovnu smajl�k� v Mo�nosti | Vlastn� �pravy | Smajl�ky
[Smiley Pack %s not found.\nSelect correct Smiley Pack in the Miranda Options | Customize | Smileys.]
Knihovna smajl�k� %s nebyla nalezena.\nVyberte platnou knihovnu smajl�k� v Mo�nosti | Vlastn� �pravy | Smajl�ky.
[There were problems loading smiley pack (it should be corrected).\nSee Network Log for details.]
Nepoda�ilo se na��st po�adovanou knihovnu smajl�k�.\nDal�� informace naleznete v z�znamu komunikace po s�ti.
[Smiley #%u in file %s for Smiley Pack %s not found.]
Smajl�k �.%u v souboru %s knihovny smajl�k� %s nebyl nalezen.
[Test String]
Testovac� �et�zec
[Regular Expression "%s" in smiley pack "%s" could produce "empty matches".]
Regul�rn� v�raz "%s" v knihovn� smajl�k� "%s" m��e vracet "pr�zdn� v�sledky".
[Regular Expression "%s" in smiley pack "%s" malformed.]
Regul�rn� v�raz "%s" v knihovn� smajl�k� "%s" je neplatn�.

; /smileys.h

; /smltool.cpp
A sakra!
; SmileyAdd
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Replace only smileys surrounded by spaces]
Nahradit pouze smajl�ky ohrani�en� mezerami
[Max "Custom Smiley" height]
Max. velikost vlastn�ch smajl�k�
[High Quality smiley scaling]
Zapnout kvalitn� p�epo�et velikosti
[Min smiley height]
Min. velikost smajl�k�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SMS++                                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda.cz/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4966

[SMS &Balance]
&Z�statek SMS
[SMS Message Sent]
Zpr�va SMS odesl�na
[Sample: ICQ (SomeNick)]
P��klad: ICQ (p�ezd�vka)
[Sample: ICQ (Nick [999999])]
P��klad: ICQ (p�ezd�vka [999999])
[Sample: ICQ (Nick [990099])]
P��klad: ICQ (p�ezd�vka [990099])
[Add MRA to protocols list]
P�idat MRA do seznamu protokol�

[Your SMS]
Va�e SMS
;(DUP) [Received SMS]
[Send &SMS...]
Poslat &SMS
[&SMS Message]
Zpr�va &SMS
[SMS Plugin]
[Sample: ICQ]
P��klad: ICQ
[Sample: ICQ (%d)]
P��klad: ICQ (%d)
[Sample: ICQ (%s)]
P��klad: ICQ (%s)
[Sample: ICQ (%s[%s])]
P��klad: ICQ (%s[%S])
[Sample: MRA (nick@mail.ru)]
P��klad: MRA (p�ezd�vka@mail.ru)
[Sample: MRA]
P��klad: MRA
[SMS From %s (%s)]
SMS od %s (%s)
[SMS From %s]
SMS od %s
[SMS message didn't send by %s to %s because: %s]
Zpr�va SMS nebyla odesl�na od %s pro %s z d�vodu: %s
[SMS Message from %s]
Zpr�va SMS od %s
[SMS Confirmation from %s]
Potvrzen� SMS od %s
;(DUP) [Incoming SMS Message]
[Incoming SMS Confirmation]
P��choz� potvrzen� SMS
[Received SMS]
P�ijat� SMS
[Received SMS Confirmation]
P�ijat� potvrzen� SMS
;(DUP) [View User's History]
[Add Number To The Multiple List]
P�idat ��slo do hromadn�ho seznamu
[Save Number To The User's Details Phonebook]
Ulo�it ��slo do informac� o kontaktu
[Show/Hide Multiple List]
Zobrazit/Skr�t hromadn� seznam
[Shows How Much Chars You've Typed]
Zobrazit po�et napsan�ch znak�
[The SMS message send to %s timed out.]
Vypr�ela platnost zpr�vy SMS pro %s.
[The phone szPhone should start with a + and consist of numbers, spaces, brackets and hyphens only.]
Telefonn� ��slo mus� za��nat + a obsahovat pouze ��sla, mezery, z�vorky a poml�ky.
;(DUP) [Invalid Phone Number]
[Message is too long, press OK to continue.]
Zpr�va je p��li� dlouh�, pokra�ujte stisknut�m OK.
[Error - Message too long]
Chyba - zpr�va je p��li� dlouh�
[There must be numbers in the list first.]
V seznamu mus� b�t nejprve ��sla.
[No Numbers]
��dn� ��sla
[Valid phone numbers are of the form '+(country code)(phone szPhone)'. The contents of the phone szPhone portion is dependent on the national layout of phone numbers, but often omits the leading zero.]
Spr�vn� tvar cel�ho ��sla je '+(k�d zem�)(telefonn� ��slo)'. Z�pis samotn�ho telefonn�ho ��sla se li�� podle zem�, ale �asto se ud�v� bez po��te�n� nuly.
[Invalid phone number]
Neplatn� telefonn� ��slo
[Send SMS]
Poslat SMS
[<< Single]
<< Jednotliv�
[Multiple >>]
Hromadn� >>

;SMS Options
[Use Signature?]
P�idat podpis?
[Use Signature]
P�idat podpis
[Put signature at the:]
Vlo�it podpis na:
[Show server notifications:]
Zobrazovat ozn�men� serveru:
[Show server notifications]
Zobrazovat ozn�men� serveru
;(DUP) [Show popups]
[Auto open events]
Auto-otv�r�n� ud�lost�
[Add ICQ to protocols list]
P�idat ICQ do seznamu protokol�
[Show UIN]
Zobrazit UIN
[Show Nick]
Zobrazit p�ezd�vku
[Show e-mail]
Zobrazit e-mail
;(DUP) [To:]
;(DUP) [Number:]
[Enter message:]
Zadejte zpr�vu:
;(DUP) [&Send]
;(DUP) [&Close]
[Save number]
Ulo�it ��slo
[Add number to list]
P�idat ��slo do seznamu
;(DUP) [From:]
[Message received:]
Zpr�va p�ijata:
;(DUP) [&Reply]
[Message ID:]
;(DUP) [Source:]
[&Try again]
Zkusi&t znovu
;(DUP) [&Cancel]

; SMS++
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[SMS received event]
p��choz� SMS
[SMS succesfully sent]
SMS �sp�n� odesl�na
[SMS sent failed]
chyba p�i odes�l�n� SMS
[Read Next]
P�e��st dal��

[Defatult SMS Account:]
V�choz� ��et pro pos�l�n� sms:
[Save window position per contact:]
Ulo�it pozici okna pro ka�d� kontakt:
[Auto popup on new message:]
Automaticky zobrazit p��choz� zpr�vu:
[SMS Messages]
Zpr�vy SMS

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SMS+                                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Tur McDonnel <tur (te�ka) mcdonnel (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

;Miranda Menu
[&Send SMS+]
Odeslat SMS

;Options Menu

;Message Details
C�lov� ICQ ��slo
;(DUP) [Message]
[Send At]
Odeslat v
[Invalid ACK data!]
Neplatn� potvrzen�!
[Error ID]
��slo chyby
;(DUP) [Description]
[Message ID]
ID zpr�vy
;(DUP) [Network]
[Messages Left]
zpr�v zb�v�

;Options Dialog
[Sent by]
[SMS To E-mail Gateway :]
Br�na SMS > Email
[Always Send Through E-mail Gateway]
V�dy odes�lat p�es Email br�nu
[Insert Signature In Message]
P�ilo�it ke zpr�v� podpis
[SMS+ Options]
Mo�nosti SMS+

;Receive SMS Dialog
[SMS From]
SMS od
[From :]
[Phone No :]
��slo telefonu:
[Received SMS from ICQ network]
P�ijata SMS ze s�t� ICQ
[Message :]
[&Show details]
Zo&brazit detaily
;(DUP) [&Reply]
;(DUP) [&Close]

;Send SMS Dialog
[Send SMS+]
Poslat SMS+
;(DUP) [&Close]
;(DUP) [&Send]
;(DUP) [Message]
[0 character(s); 0 part(s)]
0 znak(�); 0 ��st(�)
[To :]
;(DUP) [Phone No :]
[Phone Number]
��slo telefonu
[Send In Translit]
Odeslat hned
[Send Through E-mail Gateway]
Odeslat p�es Email br�nu
[Deliver State]
Pr�b�h doru�en�
[Show Details]
Zobrazit detaily
[Request sent through E-mail Gateway!]
Po�adavek odesl�n p�es Email br�nu!
[Successfully delivered through E-mail Gateway!]
�sp�n� doru�eno p�es Email br�nu!
[Request sent!]
Po�adavek odesl�n
[Invalid ACK Data!]
Neplatn� potvrzen�!
[SMS To]
SMS komu
[Successfully delivered!]
�sp�n� doru�eno

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  sndVol                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://faith.mirandaim.ru/archive/SoundVolume/

[Sounds Volume]
Hlasitost zvuk�
[Click to mute mRadio only, right click for mRadio settings]
Kliknut�m ztlumit mRadio, prav� klik vyvol� nastaven�
[Sound Volume]
Hlasitost zvuk�
[Set mRadio volume]
Nastavit hlasitost mRadia
[Mute mRadio ]
Ztlumit mRadio
[Mute button]
Tla��tko ztlumit
[ Volume ]
[Use windows default colour]
Pou��t v�choz� barvu Windows

[Click to toggle all sounds]
Kliknut�m zak�zat/povolit v�echny zvuky

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  SOMWO                                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Ji�� Kocman <jirka (zavin��) iis (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3083

[Url Event]
Jako odkaz (URL)
[Message Event]
Jako zpr�vu
[Receive Status Message (ICQ)]
P�ij�mat stavovou zpr�vu (ICQ)
[Status Message Type:]
Typ p�ijet�:
[Show X-Status-Symbol Tags (for Smileyadd)]
Zobrazit symboly roz�. stavu (vy�aduje Smileyadd)
[Delete DB entries]
Smazat z�znamy z historie
[X Status: ]
Roz�. stav: 
[Statusmessage: ]
Autom. odpov��: 

[SOMWO Options]
Mo�nosti SOMWO

[Show new Statusmsg on change]
Zobrazit novou zpr�vu stavu p�i zm�n�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Spam Filter                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2188

; Generated by lpgen on Tue Jan 10 13:07:56 2006
; Translations: 157

; common.h
;(LAI) [Spam.xml]
[Hello %sender%,\r\nI don't like such messages. Please don't send them to me anymore.\r\nThanks.\r\n\r\n(Automated message)]
%sender%,\r\nnep�eji si, abyste mi nad�le pos�lali zpr�vy tohoto typu.\r\nD�kuji.\r\n\r\n(Tento text je automatick� zpr�va)
[Hello %sender%,\r\nPlease reply \"%securitycode%\" if you want to contact me. If you don't reply correctly your messages will be ignored. Sorry for the inconvenience.\r\nThis spam check guarantees that you are a real person.\r\nYou have %triesleft% tries left.\r\nThanks in advance!\r\n\r\n(Automated message)]
%sender%,\r\nchcete-li m� kontaktovat, do odpov�di vepi�te zaslan� k�d \"%securitycode%\" (bez uvozovek). Nespr�vn� odpov�� v�etn� v�ech n�sleduj�c�ch zpr�v budou ignorov�ny. Omlouv�m se za toto nep��jemn� opat�en�, jde o obranu p�ed spamem.\r\nPo�et zb�vaj�c�ch pokus�: %triesleft%\r\n\r\n(Tento text je automatick� zpr�va)
[Thank you for your help!\r\nAll your previous messages were delivered. New messages do now reach me directly without an additional spam check.\r\n\r\n(Automated message)]
D�kuji za trp�livost!\r\nV�echny d��v�j�� zpr�vy bylo doru�eny a ty n�sleduj�c� u� budou zas�l�ny p��mo adres�tovi bez dal�� kontroly.\r\n\r\n(Tento text je automatick� zpr�va)

; contact.c
;(LAI) [%s (%s)]
[ (Spammer)]
[&Mark as spammer]
Ozna�it za spa&mera

; logfile.c
[Spam Filter Error]
Chyba p�i filtrov�n� spamu
[The log file \"%s\"\r\ncan not be written.\r\n\r\nPlease check the settings.]
Nelze zapisovat do z�znamov�ho souboru (\"%s\").\r\nZkontrolujte pros�m nastaven�.
;(LAI) [, ]
[Message marked read]
Zpr�va ozna�ena jako p�e�ten�
[Message deleted]
Zpr�va vymaz�na
[User ignored]
U�ivatel ignorov�n
;(LAI) [\"%log_date%\";\"%log_time%\";\"%log_user%\";\"%log_type%\";\"%log_recognition%\";\"%log_result%\";\"%log_message%\"\r\n]
[[%log_date% %log_time%, User: %log_user%, Type: %log_type%]\r\nRecognition: %log_recognition%\t\r\nResult: %log_result%\r\n%log_message%\r\n\r\n]
[%log_date% %log_time%, U�ivatel: %log_user%, Typ: %log_type%]\r\nZji�t�no: %log_recognition%\t\r\nV�sledek: %log_result%\r\n%log_message%\r\n\r\n

; main.c
[Automated message]
Automatizovan� zpr�va
;(LAI) [Please forward]
[You did not install any Spam Definition files! Spam Filter can not work as powerful as it could.\r\n\r\nPlease install at least one language of the Spam Definitions.]
Nejsou k dispozici soubory definuj�c� spam! Z tohoto d�vodu nebude filtrov�n� tak ��inn�, jak by mohlo b�t.\r\n\r\nNainstalujte pros�m alespo� jednu sadu ze v�ech dod�van�ch.
;(DUP) [Authorization Request]
[Added Notification]
Ozn�men� o p�id�n�
;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [URL]
;(DUP) [File]
;(DUP) [Contacts]
;(DUP) [WebPager]
;(DUP) [EmailExpress]
[Spam Filter]
Filtrov�n� spamu
[Advertisment Alert]
Upozorn�n� na nevy��danou reklamu
[Disliked Message Alert]
Upozorn�n� na ne��douc� zpr�vu
[Robot Alert]
Upozorn�n� na robota
[Spam Message Overlay]
Zpr�vy obsahuj�c� spam
[Mark contact as Spammer]
Ozna�it kontakt za spamera
[Popup Background]
Pozad� ozn�men�
;(DUP) [Popup Text]

; options.c
[Select Log File]
Vybrat soubor
[Log Files (*.log)]
Z�znamov� soubory (*.log)
[Text Files (*.txt)]
Textov� soubory (*.txt)
[Comma Separated Values Files (*.csv)]
CVS soubory (*.csv)
[XML Files (*.xml)]
XML soubory (*.xml)
[All Logging Files (*.log; *.txt; *.csv; *.xml)]
V�echny z�znamov� soubory (*.log; *.txt; *.csv; *.xml)
;(DUP) [All Files (*.*)]
[Are you sure that the Auto Ignore counters shall really be reset?\r\n\r\nSpammers that are not already ignored will then not be remembered any longer.]
Opravdu chcete resetovat po�itadlo automatick�ho ignorov�n�?\r\n\r\nSpame�i mimo seznam ignorovan�ch nebudou ulo�eni.
[Reset Auto Ignore]
Resetovat automatick� ignorov�n�
[Add bad phrase/pattern]
P�idat z�vadnou fr�zi/s�rii slov
[Remove bad phrase/pattern]
Odstranit z�vadnou fr�zi/s�rii slov
[Add good phrase/pattern]
P�idat nez�vadnou fr�zi/s�rii slov
[Remove good phrase/pattern]
Odstranit nez�vadnou fr�zi/s�rii slov
[The entered bad phrase \"%s\" already exists in the list.\r\n\r\nThe filter doesn't differentiate between lower and upper case.\r\nTwo entries with the same phrase are not neccessary\nand will decrease the filter quality.\r\n\r\nShall the bad phrase be added anyway?]
Zadan� z�vadn� fr�ze (\"%s\") ji� existuje.\r\n\r\nJe t�eba upozornit, �e tento filtr nerozli�uje mezi mal�mi a velk�mi p�smeny.\r\nDva z�znamy se stejnou fr�z� nelze doporu�it, proto�e sni�uj� kvalitu filtrov�n�.\r\n\r\nOpravdu chcete tuto fr�zi p�idat do seznamu?
[The entered bad phrase \"%s\" already exists in the default bad phrases lists.\r\n\r\nAllowing the same bad phrase in the customized bad phrases lists will\npull down the filter quality.\r\n\r\nShall the bad phrase be added anyway?]
Dod�van� seznam ji� tuto fr�zi (\"%s\") obsahuje.\r\n\r\nPokud ji p�id�te i do vlastn�ho seznamu, sn��te kvalitu filtrov�n�.\r\n\r\nOpravdu chcete tuto fr�zi p�idat do seznamu?
[The entered good phrase \"%s\" already exists\r\nin the list.\r\n\r\nThe filter doesn't differentiate between lower and upper case.\r\nTwo entries with the same phrase are not neccessary\nand will decrease the filter quality.\r\n\r\nShall the good phrase be added anyway?]
Zadan� nez�vadn� fr�ze (\"%s\") ji� v seznamu existuje.\r\n\r\nJe t�eba upozornit, �e tento filtr nerozli�uje mezi mal�mi a velk�mi p�smeny.\r\nDva z�znamy se stejnou fr�z� nelze doporu�it, proto�e sni�uj� kvalitu filtrov�n�.\r\n\r\nOpravdu chcete tuto fr�zi p�idat do seznamu?
[Add indicating phrase/pattern]
P�idat fr�zi/s�rii slov
[Remove indicating phrase]
Odstranit z�vadnou fr�zi
[The entered indicating phrase \"%s\" already exists in the list.\r\n\r\nThe filter doesn't differentiate between lower and upper case.\r\nTwo entries with the same phrase are not neccessary\nand will decrease the filter quality.\r\n\r\nShall the indicating phrase be added anyway?]
Zadan� z�chytn� fr�ze (\"%s\") ji� v seznamu existuje.\r\n\r\nFiltr nerozli�uje rozd�l mezi mal�mi a velk�mi p�smeny.\r\nDva z�znamy se stejnou fr�z� se nedoporu�uj�,\njeliko� sni�uj� kvalitu filtru.\r\n\r\nM� b�t idikuj�c� fr�ze opravdu p�id�na?
[&How to use Regular Expressions]
&N�pov�da pro regul�rn� v�razy
[The entered phrase \"%s\" consists of a Regular Expression which is invalid!\r\n\r\nAdding an invalid Regular Expression will cause the filter\r\nto treat the expression as a normal phrase.\r\n\r\nShall the invalid Regular Expression be added anyway?]
Zadan� fr�ze (\"%s\") obsahuje neplatn� regul�rn� v�raz!\r\n\r\nChybn� regul�rn� v�raz bude pova�ov�n za norm�ln� fr�zi.\r\n\r\nOpravdu ho chcete pou��t tak jak je?
[Syntax Error in Regular Expression]
Chyba v syntaxi regul�rn�ho v�razu
;(DUP) [Events]
[You chose to ignore all kind of messages from contacts that are not on your contact list although the spam filter is activated.\r\n\r\nShall the spam filter be deactivated?]
Zm�nou v nastaven� jste zru�ili mo�nost pos�l�n� zpr�v, soubor� atd. v�em lidem, kte�� jsou nejsou uvedeni v seznamu kontakt�. V tomto p��pad� nem� smysl nad�le pou��vat ochranu proti spamu.\r\n\r\nChcete deaktivovat filtrov�n� spamu?

; popup.c
[Disable &spam popups]
Vypnout ozn�men� o &spamu
[Enable &spam popups]
Zapnout ozn�men� o &spamu
;(DUP) [PopUps]
[Disliked Message Alert!]
Upozorn�n� na ne��douc� zpr�vu!
[Advertisment Alert!]
Upozorn�n� na nevy��danou reklamu!
[Robot Alert!]
Upozorn�n� na robota!

; services.c
[Mark contact as spammer]
Ozna�it kontakt za spamera
[Are you sure that the contact \"%s\" shall be marked as spammer?\r\n\r\nMarking a contact as spammer means that all associated messages will be recognized as spam and the contact will be completely ignored in the future.\r\n\r\nA contact that was marked as spammer can be restored using the options dialog.]
Opravdu chcete ozna�it kontakt \"%s\" n�lepkou spamer?\r\n\r\nPokud ano, v�echny zpr�vy tohoto kontaktu budou pova�ov�ny za spam a kontakt s�m bude ignorov�n.\r\n\r\nToto opat�en� lze zru�it v Mo�nostech nastaven� Mirandy (Ud�losti/Filtrov�n� kontakt�).
[Manually set as spam]
Ru�n� ozna�eno jako spam
;(DUP) [Other]
[Robot message]
Zpr�va od robota
[Contains %u disliked indicating phrases/patterns]
Po�et ne��douc�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: %u
[Contains 1 disliked indicating phrases/patterns]
Po�et ne��douc�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: 1
[Is hoax text]
Text typu hoax
[Is multiple]
S�rie stejn�ch zpr�v
[Is empty]
Zpr�va bez textu
[Is capitalized]
V�e velk�mi p�smeny
[User is known as spammer]
Zn�m� spamer
[Is teaser]
Nab�dka pochybn�ch slu�eb
[Contains URL address]
Obsahuje odkaz (URL)
[Contains phone number]
Obsahuje telefonn� ��slo
[Contains %u bad phrases/patterns]
Po�et z�vadn�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: %u
[Contains 1 bad phrase/pattern]
Po�et z�vadn�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: 1
[Contains %u differently formated bad phrases/patterns]
Po�et nestandardn� form�tovan�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: %u
[Contains 1 differently formated bad phrase/pattern]
Po�et nestandardn� form�tovan�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: 1
[Contains %u good phrases/patterns]
Po�et nez�vadn�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: %u
[Contains 1 good phrase/pattern]
Po�et nez�vadn�ch fr�z�/s�ri� slov: 1

; string.c
;(LAI) [abcdefghkmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789]

; ui.c
;(DUP) [Background]

; SpamFilter.rc
[Look for standard &bad phrases in received messages]
Hledat standardn� z�vadn� fr�ze v &p�ijat�ch zpr�v�ch
[Also watch for following &customized bad phrases:]
Nav�c sledovat n�sleduj�&c� voliteln� z�vadn� fr�ze:
[Recogni&ze different formating]
Rozpoznat o&dli�n� form�tov�n�
[Allowed &formated bad phrases:]
Max. &form�tovan�ch z�v. fr�z�:
[Filter out messages from standard &known spammers]
Odfiltrovat zpr�vy notoric&ky zn�m�ch spamer�
[&URL addresses]
Odkazy (&URL)
[&Phone numbers]
T&elefonn� ��sla
[C&apitalized messages]
&Zpr�vy velk�mi p�smeny
[&Empty messages]
P&r�zdn� zpr�vy
[&Multiple messages with same content]
S�rie zpr�v se stejn�m obsahe&m
[&Teaser messages]
Nab�dka pochybn�ch &slu�eb
[Messages are &no spam when containing some of the following phrases:]
Zpr�vy &nejsou pova�ov�ny za spam, obsahuj�-li n�kter� z n�sleduj�c�ch fr�z�:
[Allo&wed phrases until no spam:]
Ma&x. fr�z� do ozna�en� za spam:
[&Advertisment Filter (recommended)]
Filtrov�n� rekl&am (doporu�eno)
[&Robot Filter]
Filtrov�n� zpr�v &robot�
[&Disliked Messages Filter]
Filtrov�n� ne��&douc�ch zpr�v
[Automatically &ignore spammers]
Automaticky &ignorovat spamery
[Allowed spam per &user:]
Povolen� spam na u�iv.:
[Mar&k spam messages as read]
Ozna�it spa&m jako p�e�ten�
[D&elete spam messages]
Vymazat obdr�&en� spam
[Show &popup when a spam message is received]
Zobrazit ozn�men� &p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy obsahuj�c� spam
[&Log spam messages to file:]
&Z�znam o spamu ulo�it do souboru:
[Look for &known hoax message texts]
&Kontrolovat zn�m� zpr�vy typu hoax
[Look for the following indicating &phrases:]
Zji��ovat &p��tomnost n�sleduj�c�ch fr�z�:
[Auto &reply to disliked messages using the following text:]
Pro automatickou odpov�� na ne��douc� zp&r�vy pou��t n�sleduj�c� text:
[Add the reply to contact &history]
P�idat odpov�� do &historie kontaktu
[Add the message texts to contact &history]
P�idat texty zpr�v do &historie kontaktu
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(LAI) [&...]
;(DUP) [&Reset]
[&New phrase/pattern:]
&Nov� fr�ze/s�rie slov:
[(You can use Regular Expressions, too.)]
(Lze pou��t i regul�rn� v�razy.)
[All&owed bad phrases until spam:]
M&ax. fr�z� do ozna�en� za spam:
[Filters out advertisments from unknown users that are not on the contact list.]
Odfiltruje zpr�vy reklamn�ho typu od u�ivatel�, kte�� nejsou v seznamu kontakt�.
[Filters out all automated messages from unknown contacts via requesting a correct answer from the sender.]
Odfiltruje automatizovan� zpr�vy od nezn�m�ch kontakt� po�adavkem na zad�n� bezpe�nostn�ho k�du.
[Filters out disliked messages such as hoax messages from known contacts that are on your contact list.]
Odfiltruje ne��douc� zpr�vy typu hoax apod. od u�ivatel�, kte�� nejsou v seznamu kontakt�.
[Types of incoming e&vents which shall be checked for spam:]
Druhy p��choz�ch zpr�v, kter� budou kon&trolov�ny:
[(You can use the substitute symbols %sender% and %message% for the appropriate contents.)]
(Seznam povolen�ch prom�nn�ch: %sender%, %message%)
[(You can use the substitute symbols %sender%, %message%, %securitycode% and %triesleft% for the appropriate contents.)]
(Seznam povolen�ch prom�nn�ch: %sender%, %message%, %securitycode%, %triesleft%)
[The following text needs to be replied by the contact to confirm that the message was not sent automatically:]
Zadan� text slou�� k rozli�en� osob od automatick�ch robot�. Pokud kontakt za�le tento k�d, lze pokra�ovat v komunikaci:
[(You can use readable words, too.)]
(Lze pou��t i b�n� slova.)
[Bad Phrases/Patterns]
Z�vadn� fr�ze/s�rie slov
[Known Spammers]
Zn�m� spame�i
[Bad Contents]
Z�vadn� obsah
[Good Phrases/Patterns]
Nez�vadn� fr�ze/s�rie slov
[Auto Ignore]
Automaticky ignorovat
;(DUP) [Behaviour]
[Spam Logging]
Z�znam spamu
[Message Types]
Druh zpr�v
[Hoax Messages]
Zpr�vy typu hoax
[Indicating Phrases/Patterns]
Z�chytn� fr�ze/slova
[Auto Reply]
Automatick� odpov��
[Message Texts]
[Security Code]
Bezpe�nostn� k�d
;(DUP) [Add %s]
[Configure Advertisment Filter]
Mo�nosti filtrov�n� reklamy
[Configure Disliked Messages Filter]
Mo�nosti filtrov�n� ne��douc�ch zpr�v
[Configure Robot Filter]
Mo�nosti filtrov�n� zpr�v robot�
;(DUP) [&Remove]
;(DUP) [&Add...]

[Filters out advertisment messages, messages sent by robots and other disliked messages such as hoax messages.]
Filtruje reklamy, zpr�vy zaslan� roboty a jin� nevy��dan� sd�len�, nap�. zpr�vy typu hoax (= popla�n� zpr�vy).

; Logging: XML Format
[Received Spam]
P�ijat� spam
[Logged since]
Zaznamen�n od

; Sounds

[Automatically &ignore spamming users]
Automaticky &ignorovat spammery
[Spam Notification]
Ozn�men� spamu
[Show &popup on spam message]
Zobrazit ozn�men� &p�i p�ijet� spamu
[Spam &Definitions]
&Definice spamu
[Messages containing &spaces only]
Zpr�vy ob&sahuj�c� pouze mezery
[(You can use normal words or Regular Expressions)]
(Pou��t lze b�n� slova nebo regul�rn� v�razy)
[Installed Spam Definitions for filter:]
P�ehled nainstalovan�ch definic spamu:
[Advertisment Filter]
Filtrov�n� reklamy
[Disliked Messages Filter]
Filtrov�n� ne��douc�ch zpr�v
[Download more Spam Definitions]
St�hnout dal�� definice spamu
[Known Teaser Texts]
Zn�m� pochybn� nab�dky
[Default Bad Words]
V�choz� z�vadn� slova
[Phone Number Recognition]
Zji�t�n� tel. ��sel
[Not Available]
Nejsem tady
[URL Recognition]
Zji�t�n� odkaz� (URL)
[Known Hoax Texts]
Zn�m� zpr�vy typu hoax
[Warning: Not all Spam Definitions are available! Some features are disabled.]
Upozorn�n�: Chyb� n�kter� definice spamu! ��st funkc� filtrov�n� nen� aktivn�.
[&Hide users until they identified themselves]
&U�ivatele zobrazit v seznamu a� po identifikaci
[Note: The filter gets invoked after the Advertisment Filter.\r\nThus, no instruction message will be sent in reply to advertisment messages.]
Pozn.: Tento filtr je aktivov�n a� PO odfiltrov�n� reklam.\r\nNen� tedy nutn� m�t obavu z rozes�l�n� ��dost� o potvrzen� v reakci na reklamn� zpr�vy.
[Messages containing &known hoax message texts]
Zpr�vy obsahuj�c� zn�m� texty t&ypu hoax
[Disliked Contents]
Ne��douc� obsah
[&Unmark spammer]
Odzna�it spa&mera
[Spambot Detected]
Detekov�n spamovac� robot
[Contact deleted & further events blocked.]
Kontakt smaz�n a pro p��t� zablokov�n.

[Ignored Spammers]
Seznam ignorovan�ch spamer�
[The following contacts were recognized as spammers:]
Seznam kontakt�, kter� filtr pova�uje za spamery:
[&Hide spammers from contact list]
&Nezobrazovat v seznamu kontakt�
[Store spammers in special &group:]
Ulo�it do vyhrazen� &skupiny:

[Different Format Recognition: Separators]
Rozpozn�n� odli�n�ho form�tov�n�: Odd�lova�e
[Different Format Recognition: Numbers]
Rozpozn�n� odli�n�ho form�tov�n�: ��sla
[Different Format Recognition: Text]
Rozpozn�n� odli�n�ho form�tov�n�: Text

[Spam Definitions: Advertisment Filter]
Definice spamu: Filtrov�n� reklamy
[Spam Definitions: Disliked Messages Filter]
Definice spamu: Filtrov�n� ne��douc�ch zpr�v

[The Spam Filter plugin can not be loaded. It requires Miranda IM 0.4.3 #49 or later.]
Dopln�k pro odfiltrov�n� spamu vy�aduje program Miranda IM 0.4.3 #49 nebo nov�j��.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Spam-o-tron                                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Cree <michal.tomasek (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=4286

[Do not send more than]
Nepos�lat v�ce ne�
[times a day]
kr�t denn�
[Contact approved]
Kontakt schv�len
[messages to one contact per day]
zpr�v jednomu kontaktu za den
[Default timeout]
V�choz� doba zobrazen�
[Add permanently to list on verified]
Po schv�len� p�idat do seznamu na trvalo
[Flood protection]
Ochrana proti zahlcen�
[Do not reply to messages with words in this list:]
Neodpov�dat na zpr�vy obsahuj�c� slova z tohoto seznamu:
[Windows colors]
Barvy Windows
[Log actions to system history]
Zaznamenat ud�losti do historie syst�mu
[Contact blocked]
Kontakt zablokov�n
[Outgoing message]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[Hide contact until verified]
Skr�t kontakt dokud nen� schv�len
[Challenge sent]
V�zva odesl�na
[Enabled accounts:]
Povolen� ��ty:
[Do not reply to the same message more than]
Neodpov�dat na stejnou zpr�vu v�ce ne�
[Default colors]
V�choz� barvy
[Enable popup notifications]
Povolit ozn�men�
Doba zobrazen�
[Auto approve on:]
Automaticky schv�lit p�i:
[Response: (saved in %response% variable)]
Odpov��: (ulo�eno v prom�n� %response%)
[Reply on success:]
Odpov�� p�i schv�len�:
[Incoming message with any word from list:]
P��choz� zpr�va obsahuj�c� slovo z tohoto seznamu:
[Send challenge on authorization request:]
Odeslat v�zvu p�i po�adavku o autorizaci:
[Keep blocked messages in contact history]
Ponechat blokovan� zpr�vy v historii kontaktu
[and mark them unread after approval]
a po schv�len� je ozna�it jako nep�e�ten�
[Send challenge on incoming message:]
Odeslat v�zvu p�i p��choz� zpr�v�:
Rozli�ovat velikost p�smen
[Math expression]
Matematick� v�raz
[Filtering options]
Mo�nosti filtrov�n�


[Will be automatically evaluated from %mathexpr%]
Bude automaticky vyhodnocen z %mathexpr%
[Learned ham messages:]
Nau�en�ch ham zpr�v:

;[Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.]
;Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.
;[Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with "%response%" without quotes.]
;Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with "%response%" without quotes.
;[Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.]
;Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.
;[Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with "%response%" without quotes.]
;Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with "%response%" without quotes.

[Do not send challenge request if message score above]
Neodes�lat v�zvu pokud m� zpr�va index nad
[Auto-learn messages from contacts if not approved in]
Automaticky br�t zpr�vy od kontakt� nepotvrzen�ch do
[days as spam]
dn� jako spam
[Auto approve contact if message score below]
Schv�lit kontakt pokud m� zpr�va index pod
[Learn message:]
Learn message:
[Do not enable any of these options until Spam-o-tron have learned at least 20 of ham and 50 of spam messages.]
Nezap�nejte ��dnou z t�chto voleb dokud Spam-o-tron nepozn� alespo� 20 zpr�v jako ham a 50 zpr�v jako spam.
[Auto-learn messages from approved contacts as ham]
Automaticky ur�ovat zpr�vy od schv�len�ch kontakt� jako ham
[and learn as ham]
a ur�it jako ham

[Learned spam messages:]
Nau�en�ch spam zpr�v:

[Auto-learn outgoing messages as ham]
Automaticky ur�ovat odchoz� zpr�vy jako ham
[will be saved in %mathexpr%]
bude ulo�en v %mathexpr%
[Learning options]
Nastaven� u�en�
[Their message was]
P��choz� zpr�va byla
[Sending plain challenge to %s.]
Odes�l�m jednoduchou v�zvu pro %s.
[Sending math expression challenge to %s.]
Odes�l�m matematick� v�raz pro %s.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Speak                                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Tapin <tapin (zavin��) wo (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=214

[Read message if less characters than]
P�e��st p��choz� zpr�vu, je-li krat�� ne�
[Ignore event if message dialog is open]
Ignorovat ud�lost, je-li konverza�n� okno otev�en�
[Ignore event if message dialog is focused]
Ignorovat ud�lost, je-li konverza�n� okno aktivn�
[Announce status changes on connect]
Oznamovat zm�nu stavu p�i p�ipojen�
; Status changes
[%u is now offline]
%u je offline
[%u is now online]
%u je online
[%u is away]
%u je na chv�li pry�
[%u is invisible]
%u je neviditeln�
[%u is not available]
%u tady nen�
[%u does not want to be disturbed]
%u nechce b�t ru�en
[%u is occupied]
%u nem� �as
[%u is free for chat]
%u m� volno
; Events
[incoming message from %u]
p��choz� zpr�va od %u
[incoming U R L from %u]
p��choz� url adresa od %u
[you have been added to %u's contact list]
%u si v�s p�idal do seznamu u�ivatel�
[there is an incoming file from %u]
%u p��choz� soubor od
[%u says]
%u p�e
; Dialog text
; Engine/Voice Dialog
Rozhran� a hlas
[Engine Settings]
Nastaven� rozhran�
[testing testing 1 2 3]
Zkou�ka zkou�ka 1 2 3
[Welcome Message]
Uv�tac� zpr�va
; Active Modes Dialog
[Active Modes]
Aktivn� stavy
Na chv�li pry�
[Do not Disturb]
[Not Available]
Nejsem tady
Nem�m �as
[Free for Chat]
M�m volno
[Active Users]
oznamovat zm�nu u�ivatel�
;(DUP) [All]
;(DUP) [None]
; Announce Dialog
[Status Changes]
Zm�ny stavu
[Status Messages]
Stavov� zpr�vy
[Occuring Events]
[Incoming Message]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Incoming URL]
P��choz� odkaz
[Incoming File]
P��choz� soubor
[Authorisation Request]
��dost o autorizaci
[Added to Contact List]
P�idan� mezi kontakty
[Message Events]
Ud�losti zpr�v

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Spell Checker plugin                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://forums.miranda-im.org/showthread.php?t=11555

; /dictionary.cpp
[Tagalog (Philippines)]
Tagalog (Filip�ny)
[German (Germany)]
N�m�ina (N�mecko)

; /options.cpp
[Message Sessions]
[Spell Checker]
Kontrola pravopisu
[Dash dot]
��rka te�ka
[Dash dot dot]
��rka te�ka te�ka

; /resource.rc:IDD_OPTIONS
[ Spell Checker ]
Kontrola pravopisu
[Default language:]
V�choz� jazyk:
[Auto-replace words with dictionary suggestions]
Automaticky nahrazovat slova navr�en�mi v�skyty ze slovn�ku
[Auto-replace words with user defined replacements]
Automaticky nahrazovat slova u�ivatelsky definovan�mi
[Ignore words in UPPER CASE]
Ignorovat slova KAPIT�LKAMI
[Download more dictionaries]
St�hnout dal�� slovn�ky
[ Advanced ]
[Underline type:]
Styl podtr�en�:
[Show corrections in submenu]
Zobrazovat nab�zen� slova v podmenu
[Show all corrections in context menu (takes more time to show)]
Zobrazit v�echny odhadnut� opravy v nab�dce (zabere v�ce �asu)
[Show wrong word]
Zobrazit nenalezen� slovo
[Use flags]
Pou��vat vlajky
[Use input language to select dictionary]
Ur�it jazyk slovn�ku dle zvolen� kl�vesnice
[Use dictionaries from other programs]
Pou��t slovn�ky jin�ch program�
[Add auto-replace word]
P�idat slovo automatick� n�hrady
[Wrong word:]
Chybn� slovo:
Star� slovo

; /spellchecker.cpp
[Unknown Flag]
Nezn�m� vlajka
[Custom Dictionaries]
Vlastn� slovn�ky
[Flags DLL]
Knihovna vlajek
[Always replace with]
V�dy nahrazovat slovem
[Ignore all]
Ignorovat v�e
[Add to dictionary]
P�idat do slovn�ku
Nab�zen� slova
[Wrong word: %s]
Nenalezen� slovo: %s
[Enable spell checking]
Povolit kontrolu pravopisu
[Wrong words]
Nespr�vn� slova
[Could not find the message dialog. This usually means one of two things:\n- In tabSRMM the checkbox 'Enable event API' is disabled or\n- You are using SRMM (which don't support Spell Checker)]
Nebyl nalezen z�znam komunikace. To se m��e st�t ze dvou d�vod�:\n- V TabSRMM je vypnut� volba 'Aktivovat API pro ud�losti'\n - Pou��v�te komunika�n� modul SRMM, kter� nepodporuje dopln�k Kontrola pravopisu
[The correction can't be an empty word!]
Oprava nem��e b�t pr�zdn� slovo!
[Wrong Correction]
�patn� oprava
[The correction can't be the equal to the wrong word!]
Slovo opravy nem��e b�t shodn� se chybn�m slovem

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Send/Receive Messages                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: https://miranda.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/miranda

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Sep 22 09:25:42 2005
; Translations: 88

; msgdialog.c
;(DUP) [Add Contact Permanently to List]
;(DUP) [User Menu]
;(DUP) [View User's Details]
;(DUP) [View User's History]
[Last message received on %s at %s.]
Posledn� zpr�va p�ijata %s v %s.
[signed off (was %s)]
(odhl�en�, p�edchoz� stav: %s)
[signed on (%s)]
(p�ihl�en�, sou�asn� stav: %s)
[is now %s (was %s)]
(sou�asn� stav: %s, p�edchoz� stav: %s)
[The message send timed out.]
P�ekro�en �asov� limit odesl�n� zpr�vy.
[%s is typing a message...]
%s p�e zpr�vu...

; msgoptions.c
[** New contacts **]
** nov� kontakty **
;(DUP) [** Unknown contacts **]
[Show balloon popup (unsupported system)]
Zobrazit ozn�men� bublinami (nepodporov�no)
;(DUP) [Events]
[Messaging Log]
Z�znam rozhovoru
[Typing Notify]
Psan� zpr�vy

; msgs.c
[Message from %s]
Zpr�va od: %s
[%s is typing a message]
%s p�e zpr�vu
[Typing Notification]
Upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy
[Miranda could not load the built-in message module, riched20.dll is missing. If you are using Windows 95 or WINE please make sure you have riched20.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.]
Chyb� knihovna riched20.dll, co� znemo��uje pou�it� intern�ho modulu pro zpr�vy. Pokud pou��v�te Windows 95 nebo emulaci WINE, doinstalujte si tuto knihovnu.
[Incoming (Focused Window)]
P��choz� (aktivn� okno)
[Incoming (Unfocused Window)]
P��choz� (neaktivn� okno)
[Incoming (New Session)]
P��choz� (nov� konverzace)

; msgtimedout.c
[An unknown error has occured.]
Nezn�m� chyba.

; resource.rc
[Close the message window on send]
Zav��t okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Minimize the message window on send]
Minimalizovat okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Use the contact's status icon as the window icon]
Pou��t v li�t� okna ikonu aktu�ln�ho stavu
[Save the window size and location individually for each contact]
Ulo�it velikost a um�st�n� okna pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[Cascade new windows]
Skl�dat okna kask�dn�
[Show 'Send' button]
Zobrazit tla��tko 'Poslat'
[Show username on top row]
Zobrazit naho�e p�ezd�vku
[Show toolbar buttons on top row]
Zobrazit naho�e li�tu s tla��tky
[Send message on double 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Send message on 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Show character count]
Zobrazit po�et napsan�ch znak�
[Support control up/down in message area to show previously sent messages]
Pou��t kombinaci kl�ves CTRL+Nahoru/Dol� k zobrazen� p�ede�l�ch zpr�v
[Delete temporary contacts when closing message window]
Smazat do�asn� kontakty po zav�en� okna pro rozhovor
[Enable avatar support in the message window]
Aktivovat zobrazen� avatar� v okn� pro rozhovor
[Limit avatar height to ]
Max. v��ka obr�zku avataru
;(LAI) [&D]
;(LAI) [&H]
;(DUP) [Show icons]
[Show names]
Zobrazit jm�na
[Show timestamp]
Zobrazit �as
[Show dates]
Zobrazit datum
[Load unread events only]
Pouze nep�e�ten� ud�losti
[Load number of previous events]
Konkr�tn� po�et p�edchoz�ch ud�lost�
;(LAI) [Spin1]
[Load previous events less than]
P�edchoz� ud�losti star�� m�n� ne�
[Show status changes]
Zobrazit zm�ny stavu
[Show seconds]
Zobrazit sek.
[Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� v p��pad�, �e protistrana p�e zpr�vu
[Update inactive message window icons when a user is typing]
Aktualizovat ikony neaktivn�ho okna, je-li otev�eno
[Show typing notification when no message dialog is open]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� i v p��pad�, �e nen� otev�eno okno
[Flash in the system tray and in the contact list]
Blikat v oblasti ozn�men� a okn� s kontakty
[Show balloon popup]
Ozn�mit pomoc� bubliny
[Try again]
;(DUP) [&Send]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Close]
[Choose font...]
Vybrat p�smo...
[Show warning when message has not been received after]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� v p��pad�, �e zpr�va nebyla doru�ena do
[Automatically popup window when:]
Automaticky vyvolat okno p�i:
[An error has occured. The protocol reported the following error:]
Do�lo k chyb�. P��slu�n� protokol zahl�sil n�sleduj�c� probl�m:
;(DUP) [Background colour:]
[minutes old]
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
Poslat upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy t�mto vybran�m kontakt�m:
[Message Window Options]
Mo�nosti rozhovoru
[Message Window Event Log]
Z�znam ud�lost�
;(DUP) [Fonts]
[Load History Events]
Na�ten� historie
[Typing Notification Options]
Upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy
[Send Error]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n�
[Message Session]
;(DUP) [C&lear Log]
;(DUP) [&Copy]
;(DUP) [Co&py All]
;(DUP) [Select &All]
;(DUP) [Open in &new window]
;(DUP) [&Open in existing window]
;(DUP) [&Copy link]

; N�zev dopl�ku
[Send/Receive Messages]
Odes�l�n� a p��jem zpr�v

; Ud�losti / Z�znam rozhovoru
[Outgoing messages]
Odchoz� zpr�vy
[Outgoing files]
Odchoz� soubory
[Incoming messages]
P��choz� zpr�vy
[Incoming files]
P��choz� soubory
[Outgoing name]
Odchoz� jm�no
[Outgoing time]
Odchoz� �as
[Outgoing colon]
Odchoz� dvojte�ka
[Incoming name]
P��choz� jm�no
[Incoming time]
P��choz� �as
[Incoming colon]
P��choz� dvojte�ka
[Message area]
Oblast se zpr�vou

[Select multiple fonts by dragging or by using the control key]
T�hnut�m my�i nebo pomoc� kl�ves vyberete v�ce polo�ek najednou.

[Send and receive instant messages]
Komunika�n� modul pro pos�l�n� a p��jem zpr�v

[Message window behaviour:]
Chov�n� komunika�n�ho okna
[Save the window position for each contact]
Ulo�it pozici okna pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝

[Instant messages]
[Message send error]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n�
[Max Number of Flashes]
Max. po�et bliknut�
[In background]
Na pozad�
[Show Formatting]
Zobrazit form�tov�n�

[&Open link]
&Otev��t odkaz

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  StartupStatus                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2207

; Generated by lpgen on Mon Jul 18 17:30:31 2005
; Translations: 144

; commonstatus.c
;(LAI) [I've been away since %time%.]
;(LAI) [Give it up, I'm not in!]
;(LAI) [Not right now.]
;(LAI) [Give a guy some peace, would ya?]
;(LAI) [I'm a chatbot!]
;(LAI) [Yep, I'm here.]
;(LAI) [Nope, not here.]
;(LAI) [I'm hiding from the mafia.]
;(LAI) [That'll be the phone.]
;(LAI) [Mmm...food.]
;(LAI) [idleeeeeeee]

; confirmdialog.c
;(DUP) [Status]
;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [Closing in %d]
;(DUP) [Close]
;(DUP) [<current>]
;(DUP) [<n/a>]

; options.c
;(DUP) [None]
;(DUP) [Hidden]
;(DUP) [Normal]
;(DUP) [unknown]
[At least one profile must exist]
Mus� b�t zalo�en nejm�n� jeden profil!
Stav p�i spu�t�n�
[Your default profile will be changed]
V�choz� profil bude zm�n�n.
[Some changes you made require a restart of Miranda-IM]
Pozn�mka: Proveden� zm�ny vy�aduj� restart programu.
[Status Profiles]
Startovn� profily

; profiles.c
Profily stavu p�i spu�t�n�
[There is a maximum of 6 menu items]
Max. po�et polo�ek menu je 6.

; resource.rc
;(DUP) [Check connection]
;(DUP) [Increase exponential]
;(DUP) [Show popups]
;(DUP) [Don't reconnect if no internet connection seems available]
;(DUP) [Cancel all if a protocol connects from another location]
;(DUP) [Continuesly check for internet connection]
;(DUP) [Do so by pinging host]
;(DUP) [Reconnect on APM resume]
;(DUP) [Stop trying to reconnect]
;(DUP) [Set delay to]
;(DUP) [React on login errors]
;(DUP) [after]
;(DUP) [Confirm resetting status]
;(DUP) [Monitor Miranda's activity only]
;(DUP) [Reset status on return]
;(DUP) [when screen saver engages]
;(DUP) [only set when inactive]
;(DUP) [when workstation is locked]
[Set window state]
Stav okna
[Show dialog]
Zobrazit dialog
[Set status to offline before exit]
P�ed ukon�en�m p�ej�t do 'Offline'
[Activate status profile]
Aktivovat profil
[Set docked]
[Set window location]
Um�stit na sou�adnice
[Set window size]
Velikost okna
[Allow override]
Povolit potla�en�
[Automatically dial on startup]
Automaticky vyt��et po spu�t�n�
[Automatically hang up on exit]
Automaticky zav�sit po ukon�en�
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Use default colours]
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [Close popup]
;(DUP) [Cancel reconnecting]
;(DUP) [Show when connection is lost]
;(DUP) [Show when a connection attempt is made]
;(DUP) [Show when reconnection has finished]
;(DUP) [Show other messages]
;(DUP) [From PopUp plugin]
;(DUP) [Custom]
;(DUP) [Permanent]
;(DUP) [Show additional information in popups]
;(DUP) [Use Miranda's message setting]
;(DUP) [Use this message:]
;(DUP) [Specify settings for each protocol]
;(DUP) [Use same settings for all protocols]
;(DUP) [Ignore caps-lock, num-lock and scroll-lock keys]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
Monitorovat psan� na kl�vesnici
[Monitor mouse activity]
Monitorovat pohyb my�i
[Enable checking]
Zapnout kontrolu
[Disable checking]
Vypnout kontrolu
;(DUP) [connection loss is detected]
;(DUP) [reconnection attempt is made]
;(DUP) [successfull reconnected]
;(DUP) [giving up reconnecting]
[Create a TopToolBar button]
P�idat tla��tko do horn� li�ty
[Show confirm dialog when loading]
Po spu�t�n� potvrzovat stav
[Create a status menu item]
Vytvo�it polo�ku v hlavn� nab�dce
;(LAI) [HotKey1]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Copy to Clipboard]
[Create Shortcut]
Vytvo�it z�stupce
[Show CMDL]
P��kazov� �.
;(DUP) [Preview]
;(DUP) [Max. retries]
;(DUP) [Initial delay (seconds)]
;(DUP) [Max. delay (seconds)]
;(DUP) [Protocols to check]
;(DUP) [seconds]
;(DUP) [Profile]	;v0.0.1.2
;(DUP) [minutes of inactivity]
;(DUP) [minutes of level 1 mode]
;(DUP) [Only set if current status is]
;(DUP) [Set]
[Command Line:]
P��kazov� ��dek:
[Profile name]
N�zev profilu
;(DUP) [ms]
[Set after]
Zpozdit o
;(DUP) [Timeout]
;(DUP) [s]
[Note: status profiles can be created in the 'Status Profiles' options screen]
Pozn.: Profily lze vytvo�it v sekci Startovn� profily.
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
;(DUP) [Check interval (secs)]
;(DUP) [Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
;(DUP) [Protocols]
;(DUP) [Set status message]
;(DUP) [Trigger if...]
;(DUP) [Protocol Connection]
;(DUP) [General]
;(DUP) [Dial-Up (please read keepstatus.txt)]
;(DUP) [Auto Away Rules]
;(DUP) [Other]
[Status on startup]
Stav po spu�t�n�
[Window on startup]
Okno po startu
;(FIX) [Dial-up]
[Dial-up (experimental)]
Vyt��en� spojen� (experiment�ln�)
;(DUP) [Delay]
;(DUP) [On left click]
;(DUP) [On right click]
;(DUP) [Colours]
;(DUP) [Events]
;(DUP) [Auto Away Status Messages]
;(DUP) [Confirm Status]
[Command Line]
P��kazov� ��dek
[Add new profile]
P�idat nov� profil

[In submenu]
V podmenu

[Create a main menu item]
P�idat polo�ku do hlavn� nab�dky

[StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
Definuje stav protokol� p�i spu�t�n� Mirandy.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Status global hotkeys                           |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2629

[Global Hotkeys]
Glob�ln� kl�vesov� zkratky
Nejsem tady:
Nem�m �as:
[Free for chat:]
M�m volno:
[On the phone:]
M�m telefon:
[Out to lunch:]
Jsem na ob�d�:
[Apply same settings to all protocols]
Nastavit pro v�echny protokoly najednou
[ICQ Custom status]
Roz���en� stav ICQ
[Status and key assignments]
Stav a p�i�azen� kl�vesy
P�i�azen� kl�vesy:
[Add  >>]
P�idat >>
[<<  Remove]
<< Odebrat
Roz���en� stav:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  StopSpam                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1561

; Generated by lpgen on Tue Nov 22 11:32:03 2005
; Translations: 15

; stopspam.rc
[Enable StopSpam-StopSpam infinite talk protection]
Povolit ochranu proti spamu StopSpam-StopSpam
[Add contact permanently]
Automaticky p�idat kontakt po spr�vn� odpov�di
[Autoreply to auth. requests]
Automatick� odpov�� na ��dost o autorizaci
[Restore defaults]
Obnovit p�vodn�
;(LAI) [>>>>]
;(LAI) [>>]
;(LAI) [<<]
;(LAI) [<<<<]
[Question: (Ctrl-Enter for carriage return)]
Ot�zka: (nov� ��dek pomoc� CTRL+ENTER)
Po �sp�n� odpov�di:
[Installed protocols:]
Nainstalovan� protokoly:
[Despammed protocols:]
Aplikovat na:
[Do not send more than ]
Nepos�lat v�ce ne� 
[ questions to one contact (0 - for no limit)]
 ot�zek na jeden kontakt (0 - bez omezen�)

;(LAI) [nospam]
[Congratulations! You just passed human/robot test. Now you can write me a message.]
Gratuluji! Pr�v� jste pro�li testem �lov�k/robot. Te� u� mi m��ete poslat zpr�vu.

[No more spam! Robots can't go! Only human beings invited!\r\n\r\n]
U� ��dn� dal�� spam! Roboti nemaj� �anci, lid� si pov�daj�!\r\n\r\n
[This plugin works pretty simple:\r\n]
Tento dopln�k pracuje na jednoduch�m principu:\r\n
[While messages from users on your contact list go as there is no any anti-spam software, ]
Zat�mco zpr�vy od lid� ze seznamu projdou v�dy, tak jako p�edt�m bez tohoto filtru,
[messages from unknown users are not delivered to you. ]
zpr�vy od nezn�m�ch kontakt� v�m doru�eny nebudou.
[But also they are not ignored, this plugin replies with a simple question, ]
Tyto zpr�vy ale nejsou ignorov�ny, jen je jejich autor�m nejd��ve automaticky
[and if user gives the right answer plugin adds him to your contact list ]
zasl�na jednoduch� ot�zka. Teprve a� na ni doty�n�/doty�n� spr�vn� odpov�,
[so that he can contact you.]
m��e v�s kontaktovat.

[Spammers made me to install small anti-spam system you are now speaking with.\r\n]
Tato zpr�va byla zasl�na softwarem, kter� slou�� k obran� proti spamu.\r\n
[Please reply "nospam" without quotes and spaces if you want to contact me.]
Pokud opravdu chcete danou osobu kontaktovat, do odpov�di napi�te slovo\r\n"nospam" (bez uvozovek a mezer).

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TabSRMM                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://tabsrmm.sf.net
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/development/

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\API\m_msg_buttonsbar.h
TabSRMM/Li�ta tla��tek

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\API\m_popup.h

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\chat.rc
[  Show these events]
   Zobrazit tyto ud�losti
[Nick changes]
Zm�ny p�ezd�vky
[Users joining]
P��ch�zej�c� u�ivatele
[Users leaving]
Odch�zej�c� u�ivatele
[Topic changes]
Zm�ny t�matu
[Status changes]
Zm�ny stavu
[User kicks]
Vykopnut� u�ivatele
[Enable chat integration (changing this needs restart)]
Povolit integraci chatu (vy�aduje restart)
[Add new rooms to group:]
Nov� m�stnosti do skupiny:
[Chat integration is disabled. You can enable it here, and then you to NEED RESTART Miranda after making this change.\n\nYou MUST disable the standard chat plugin when you enable the group chat support here. Otherwise no group chat at all may work.]
Integrace chatu je nyn� vypnut�, zde j� m��ete zapnout (pot� je NUTN� RESTARTOVAT Mirandu, aby nastaven� ve�lo v platnost).\n\nTak� pros�m vypn�te standardn� modul pro chat, pokud se rozhodnete pou��vat integrovan�. Pokud tak neu�in�te, chat nejsp� nebude fungovat v�bec.
[Log files]
Soubory z�znam�
[Enable logging to disk]
Aktivovat z�znam
[Log directory]
Slo�ka pro z�znam
[Maximum size for log files (in kB)]
Maxim�ln� velikost souboru z�znamu (v kB)
[Group chat log formatting]
Form�tov�n� z�znamu chatu
[Your name]
Vl. jm�no
[Other name]
Ost. jm�na
[Timestamp (window)]
�asov� �daj (okno)
[Timestamp (logfile)]
�asov� �daj (z�znam)
[Maximum number of events in the message window]
Maxim�ln� po�et ud�lost� v z�znamu komunikace
[Enable highlighting]
Aktivovat zv�raz�ov�n�
[Words to highlight (wildcards allowed)]
Zv�razn�n� slova (masky jsou povoleny)
[Groupchat userlist row height (pixels)]
V��ka seznamu u�ivatel� skupinov�ho rozhovoru (px)
[Use same style as in the message log]
Pou��t nastaven� pro z�znam komunikace
[Use default colours]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[Use custom colours]
Pou��t vlastn� barvy
[Popups for the Chat plugin]
Oznamovac� okna
[Timeout (s)]
Prodleva (s)
[(The timeout require at least PopUp plugin v Setting it to 0 means default setting and -1 means indefinite time)]
(*) Tato funkce vy�aduje dopln�k typu Popup (0 = v�choz� nastaven�, -1 = vypnut� prodlevy)
[Clear lo&g]
Vy&mazat z�znam
[Co&py all]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Word lookup]
Vyhled�v�n� slova
[Open a &new browser window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in current browser window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[&Copy link]
Z&kop�rovat odkaz
[Undo  ]
[Select All]
Vybrat v�e
[&Close tab]
&Zav��t panel
[C&lose other tabs]
Zav��t ostatn� pane&ly
[&Open at this position]
&Otev��t na stejn�m m�st�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\clist.c
[Chat rooms]
M�stnosti chatu
[Join chat]
P�idat se do diskuse
[Open chat window]
Otev��t komunika�n� okno

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\colorchooser.c
[Text colour]
Barva textu
[Background colour]
Barva pozad�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\log.c
[%s (%s)]
%s (%s)
[%s has joined]
P��chod: %s
[You have joined %s]
P��chod na %s
[%s has left]
Odchod: %s
[%s has disconnected]
Odpojen�: %s
[%s is now known as %s]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky: %s -> %s
[You are now known as %s]
Zm�na vlastn� p�ezd�vky: %s
[%s kicked %s]
Vykopnut�: %s -> %s
[Notice from %s: ]
Pozn�mka od %s:
[The topic is \'%s%s\']
T�ma: \'%s%s\'
[ (set by %s on %s)]
 (nastavil %s na %s)
[ (set by %s)]
 (nastavil %s)
[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s]
Aktivace stavu: %s, \'%s\' pro %s
[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s]
Deaktivace stavu: %s, \'%s\' pro %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\options.c
�asov� �daj
[Others nicknames]
Ostatn� p�ezd�vky
[Your nickname]
Va�e p�ezd�vka
[User has joined]
P��chod na kan�l
[User has left]
Odchod z kan�lu
[User has disconnected]
Odpojen� u�ivatele
[User kicked ...]
[User is now known as ...]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[Notice from user]
[Incoming message]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Outgoing message]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[The topic is ...]
Zobrazen� t�matu
[Information messages]
[User enables status for ...]
Aktivace stavu pro ...
[User disables status for ...]
Deaktivace stavu pro ...
[Action message]
[Highlighted message]
Zv�razn�n� zpr�va
[Chat log symbols (Webdings)]
Symboly v z�znamu chatu (Webdings)
[User list members (Online)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (online)
[User list members (away)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (pry�)
[>> Outgoing messages]
>> Odchoz� zpr�vy
[>> Outgoing misc events]
>> Odchoz� ud�losti
[<< Incoming messages]
<< P��choz� zpr�vy
[<< Incoming misc events]
<< P��choz� ud�losti
[>> Outgoing name]
>> Odchoz� jm�no
[>> Outgoing timestamp]
>> Odchoz� �as
[<< Incoming name]
<< P��choz� jm�no
[<< Incoming timestamp]
<< P��choz� �as
[>> Outgoing messages (old)]
>> Odchoz� zpr�vy (star�)
[>> Outgoing misc events (old)]
>> Odchoz� ud�losti (star�)
[<< Incoming messages (old)]
<< P��choz� zpr�vy (star�)
[<< Incoming misc events (old)]
<< P��choz� ud�losti (star�)
[>> Outgoing name (old)]
>> Odchoz� jm�no (star�)
[>> Outgoing time (old)]
>> Odchoz� �as (star�)
[<< Incoming name (old)]
<< P��choz� jm�no (star�)
[<< Incoming time (old)]
<< P��choz� �as (star�)
[* Message Input Area]
* Psan� zpr�v
[* Status changes]
* Zm�ny stavu
[* Dividers]
* Odd�lova�e
[* Error and warning Messages]
* Chyby a upozorn�n�
[* Symbols (incoming)]
* Symboly (p��choz�)
[* Symbols (outgoing)]
* Symboly (odchoz�)
[Contacts local time]
M�stn� �as kontaktu
[Window caption (skinned mode)]
Titulek okna (se skinem)
[Open new chat rooms in the default container]
Otev�rat nov� m�stnosti ve v�choz�m kontejneru
[Flash window when someone speaks]
Zablikat oknem p�i naps�n� zpr�vy
[Flash window when a word is highlighted]
Zablikat oknem p�i zv�razn�n� slova
[Create container/tab on highlight, if it's not available]
Vytvo�it kontejner/panel p�i zv�razn�n�, nen�-li k dispozici
[Activate chat window on highlight]
Aktivovat okno chatu p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show list of users in the chat room]
Zobrazit seznam u�ivatel� v m�stnosti
[Colorize nicknames in member list]
Obarvovat p�ezd�vky v seznamu �len�
[Show button menus when right clicking the buttons]
Zobrazit kontextov� menu u tla��tek
[Show the topic of the room on your contact list (if supported)]
Zadan� t�ma zobrazit v seznamu kontakt� (je-li to podporov�no)
[Do not play sounds when the chat room is focused]
Nep�ehr�vat zvuky, je-li okno m�stnosti aktivn�
[Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room]
Neaktivovat okno po p��chodu do m�stnosti
[Toggle the visible state when double clicking in the contact list]
P�epnout viditelnost p�i dvoj�m kliknut� na u�ivatele v seznamu
[Sync splitter position with standard IM sessions]
Nastavit pozici odd�lova�e dle ostatn�ch rozhovor�
[Show contact statuses if protocol supports them]
Zobrazit stav kontaktu, pokud je protokol podporuje
[Display contact status icon before user role icon]
Zobrazit ikonu stavu kontaktu p�ed ikonou jeho role
[Use IRC style status indicators in the member list (@, %, + etc.)]
Pou��vat IRC indik�tory stavu v seznamu �len� (@, %, + atd.)
[Use alternative sorting method in member list]
Pou��t alternativn� metodu t��d�n� v seznamu �len�
[Prefix all events with a timestamp]
P�ed ka�dou ud�lost p�idat informaci o �ase
[Only prefix with timestamp if it has changed]
Informaci o �ase p�idat pouze pokud se zm�n�
[Timestamp has same colour as the event]
Pro informaci o �ase pou��t stejnou barvu jakou m� p��slu�n� ud�lost
[Indent the second line of a message]
Odsadit druh� ��dek dlouh� zpr�vy
[Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters]
Omezit d�lku jmen v z�znamu na 20 znak�
[Add \':\' to auto-completed user names]
P�idat dvojte�ku za automaticky dopln�n� jm�no
[Start private conversation on doubleclick in nick list (insert nick if unchecked)]
Soukrom� rozhovor zah�j�te dvojklikem v seznamu p�ezd�vek (chyb�-li p�ezd�vka, zadejte ji)
[Strip colors from messages in the log]
Z�znam ukl�dat bez k�d� definuj�c� barvy
[Enable the \'event filter\' for new rooms]
Povolit \"filtrov�n� ud�lost�\" pro nov� m�stnosti
[Use IRC style status indicators in the log]
Pou��vat IRC indik�tory stavu v z�znamu
[Use text symbols instead of icons in the chat log (faster)]
Pou��t textov� symboly v z�znamu chatu m�sto ikon (rychlej��)
[Make nicknames clickable hyperlinks]
P�ev�st p�ezd�vky na klikac� odkazy
[Colorize nicknames in message log]
Obarvovat p�ezd�vky v z�znamu konverzace
[Scale down icons to 10x10 pixels in the chat log]
Zm�nit velikost ikon na 10x10 pixel� v z�znamu chatu
[Draw dividers to mark inactivity]
Odd�lit neaktivn� rozhovory ��rou
[Use the containers popup configuration to place dividers]
Odd�lova�e umis�ovat dle konfigurace ozn�men�
[Support math module plugin]
Podporovat dopln�k MathModule
[Show topic changes]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� t�matu
[Show users joining]
Zobrazit informaci o p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show users disconnecting]
Zobrazit informaci o odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show messages]
Zobrazit zpr�vy
[Show actions]
Zobrazit akce
[Show users leaving]
Zobrazit informaci o odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show users being kicked]
Zobrazit informaci o vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show notices]
Zobrazit pozn�mky
[Show users changing name]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� jm�na
[Show information messages]
Zobrazit informativn� zpr�vy
[Show status changes of users]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� stavu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for topic changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� t�matu
[Show icon for users joining]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show icon for messages]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu zpr�vy
[Show icon for actions]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu akce
[Show icon for highlights]
Zobrazit ikonu ke zv�razn�n�
[Show icon for users leaving]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o vykopnut�
[Show icon for notices ]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu pozn�mky
[Show icon for name changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� jm�na
[Show icon for information messages]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu informativn� zpr�vy
[Show icon for status changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� stavu
[Show icons in tray only when the chat room is not active]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti pouze p�i neaktivn�m okn� s diskus�
[Show icon in tray for topic changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� t�matu
[Show icon in tray for users joining]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for messages]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy
[Show icon in tray for actions]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i akci
[Show icon in tray for highlights]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show icon in tray for users leaving]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for notices ]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti u pozn�mky
[Show icon in tray for name changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� jm�na
[Show icon in tray for information messages]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p�ijet� informativn� zpr�vy
[Show icon in tray for status changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� stavu
[Skip all popups when no channel window is opened]
Vynechat v�echna ozn�men�, pokud nen� otev�eno ��dn� okno
[Show pop-up for topic changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� t�matu
[Show pop-up for users joining]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for messages]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy
[Show pop-up for actions]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i akci
[Show pop-up for highlights]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show pop-up for users leaving]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for notices ]
Zobrazit ozn�men� u pozn�mky
[Show pop-up for name changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� jm�na
[Show pop-up for information messages]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p�ijet� informativn� zpr�vy
[Show pop-up for status changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� stavu
[Log topic changes]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny t�matu
[Log users joining]
Zaznamen�vat p�ipojen� u�ivatele
[Log users disconnecting]
Zaznamen�vat odpojen� u�ivatele
[Log messages]
Zaznamen�vat zpr�vy
[Log actions]
Zaznamen�vat akce
[Log highlights]
Zaznamen�vat zv�razn�n�
[Log users leaving]
Zaznamen�vat odchod u�ivatele
[Log users kicking other user]
Zaznamen�vat vykopnut� u�ivatele jin�m
[Log notices ]
Zaznamen�vat pozn�mky
[Log name changes]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny jmen
[Log information messages]
Zaznamen�vat infozpr�vy
[Log status changes]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny stavu
[Window Icon]
Ikona okna
[Room settings]
Nastaven� m�stnosti
[Event filter disabled]
Filtrov�n� ud�lost� deaktivov�no
[Event filter enabled]
Filtrov�n� ud�lost� aktivov�no
[Icon overlay]
P�ekryvn� ikona
[Show nicklist]
Zobrazit seznam p�ezd�vek
[Hide nicklist]
Skr�t seznam p�ezd�vek
[Status 1 (10x10)]
Stav �.1 (10x10)
[Status 2 (10x10)]
Stav �.2 (10x10)
[Status 3 (10x10)]
Stav �.3 (10x10)
[Status 4 (10x10)]
Stav �.4 (10x10)
[Status 5 (10x10)]
Stav �.5 (10x10)
[Status 6 (10x10)]
Stav �.6 (10x10)
[Message in (10x10)]
P��choz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Message out (10x10)]
Odchoz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Action (10x10)]
Akce (10x10)
[Add Status (10x10)]
P�idat stav (10x10)
[Remove Status (10x10)]
Odstranit stav (10x10)
[Join (10x10)]
P�idat (10x10)
[Leave (10x10)]
Opustit (10x10)
[Quit (10x10)]
Ukon�it (10x10)
[Kick (10x10)]
Vykopnout (10x10)
[Notice (10x10)]
Pozn�mka (10x10)
[Nickchange (10x10)]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky (10x10)
[Topic (10x10)]
T�ma (10x10)
[Highlight (10x10)]
Zv�razn�n� (10x10)
[Information (10x10)]
Informace (10x10)
[TabSRMM/Group chat windows]
TabSRMM/Okna pro rozhovor
[TabSRMM/Group chat log]
TabSRMM/Z�znam rozhovoru
[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
Nastaven� vzhledu a funkc� komunika�n�ch oken
[Appearance of the message log]
Nastaven� vzhledu z�znamu komunikace
[Default events to show in new chat rooms if the \'event filter\' is enabled]
V�choz� nastaven� zobrazen� ud�lost� p�i aktivovan�m \"filtrov�n� ud�lost�\"
[Icons to display in the message log]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� ikon v z�znamu komunikace
[Icons to display in the tray and the message window tabs / title]
Ikony zobrazen� v oznamovac� oblasti a v panelech/titulku okna
[Log these events to the log file (when file logging is enabled)]
Zapisovat tyto ud�losti do souboru z�znamu (je-li povoleno)
[Pop-ups to display]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� oken s ozn�men�m
[You should now immediatly restart Miranda to make this change take effect.]
Nyn� byste m�li ihned zrestartovat Mirandu, ��m� vejdou zm�ny v platnost.
[tabSRMM Message]
Zpr�va TabSRMM
[Channel operators]
Spr�vci m�stnost�
[Half operators]
Polovi�n� spr�vci
[Extended mode 1]
Roz���en� m�d 1
[Extended mode 2]
Roz���en� m�d 1
[Selection background]
Pozad� v�b�ru
[Selected text]
Vybran� text
[Incremental search highlight]
Zv�razn�n� inkrement�ln�ho vyhled�v�n�
[Outgoing background]
Pozad� odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Outgoing background(old)]
Odchoz� pozad� (star�)
[Incoming background(old)]
P��choz� pozad� (star�)
[Input area background]
Pozad� psan� zpr�vy
[Status background]
Pozad� stavu
[Log Background]
Pozad� z�znamu
[Incoming background]
Pozad� p��choz�ch zpr�v
[Horizontal Grid Lines]
Vodorovn� linky m��ky
[Fields background]
Pozad� pol�
[TabSRMM/Group Chats]
[Userlist background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Select Folder]
Vyberte po�adovanou slo�ku
[Message is highlighted]
Zv�razn�n� zpr�vy
[User has performed an action]
Proveden� akce
[User has kicked some other user]
Vykopnut� z kan�lu
[User's status was changed]
Zm�na stavu u�ivatele
[User has changed name]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[User has sent a notice]
Odesl�n� pozn�mky
[The topic has been changed]
Zm�na t�matu diskuse

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\services.c
[Chat Rooms]
M�stnosti chatu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\tools.c
[%s wants your attention in %s]
%s ��d� o pozornost na kan�le %s
[%s speaks in %s]
%s p�e (na %s)
[%s has joined %s]
%s p�i�el (na %s)
[%s has left %s]
%s ode�el (z %s)
[%s kicked %s from %s]
%s vykopnul %s (z %s)
[Notice from %s]
Pozn�mka (napsal: %s)
[Topic change in %s]
Zm�na t�matu na %s
[Information in %s]
Informace (na %s)
[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s aktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s deaktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s says: %s]
%s p�e: %s
[%s %s]
%s %s
[%s has left (%s)]
%s ode�el (%s)
[%s has disconnected (%s)]
%s se odpojil (%s)
[%s kicked %s (%s)]
%s vykopnul %s (%s)
[Notice from %s: %s]
Pozn�mka od %s: %s
[The topic is \'%s\']
T�ma je \'%s\'
[The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)]
T�ma je \'%s\' (autor: %s)
[%s %c %s\n]
%s %c %s\n
[%s %s\n]
%s %s\n
[Look up \'%s\':]
Vyhledat \'%s\'
[No word to look up]
Nen� co vyhledat
[Character Encoding]
K�dov� str�nka

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\window.c
[Nick name]
[Unique id]
[%s: Chat Room (%u user%s)]
%s: m�stnost (��astn�k�: %u)
[%s: Chat Room (%u users%s)]
%s: m�stnost (��astn�k�: %u)
[%s: Message Session]
%s: rozhovor
[%s: Message Session (%u users)]
%s: rozhovor (��astn�k�: %u)
[The filter canoot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]
Filtr nelze povolit, nebo� nejsou vybr�ny ��dn� typy ud�lost�, a� u� glob�ln�, nebo pro tuto m�stnost.
[Event filter error]
Chyba filtru ud�lost�
[WARNING: new tabindex: %d]
UPOZORN�N�: nov� tabindex: %d

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tabmodplus\modplus.c
[Insert [img] tag / surround selected text with [img][/img]]
Vlo�it zna�ku [img] / uzav��t vybran� text do [img][/img]
[Insert [/img] tag]
Vlo�it zna�ku [img]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tabmodplus\msgoptions_plus.c
[Message window tweaks (changing any of them requires a restart)]
Pokro�il� �pravy okna (zm�ny vejdou v platnost po restartu Mirandy)
[General tweaks]
Obecn� �pravy
[Enable image tag button (*)]
Povolit tla��tko IMG (*)
[Show client icon in status bar (fingerprint plugin required) (*)]
Zobrazit ikonu klienta ve stavov� li�t� (vy�aduje fingerprint.dll (*)
[Enable typing sounds (*)]
Povolit zvuk p�i psan� zpr�vy (*)
[Disable animated GIF avatars (*)]
Zak�zat animovan� GIF avatary (*)
[Enable fix for nicklist scroll bar]
Povolit opravu posuvn�ku v seznamu p�ezd�vek
[Close current tab on send]
Zav��t panel po odesl�n�
[Enable icon pack version check (*)]
Povolit kontrolu verze knihovny ikon (*)
[Disable error popups on sending failures]
Zak�zat ozn�men� chyby p�i nedoru�en� zpr�vy

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\buttonsbar.c
[Protocol Button]
Tla��tko protokolu
[Info button]
Tla��tko Informace
[Insert Emoticon]
Vlo�it smajl�k 
[Bold text]
Tu�n� text
[Italic text]
[Underlined text]
Podtr�en� text
[Strike-through text]
P�e�krtnut� text
[Select font color]
V�b�r barvy textu
[Send message\nClick dropdown arrow for sending options]
Poslat zpr�vu\nKliknut�m na �ipku zobraz�te mo�nosti odesl�n�
[Close session]
Zav��t rozhovor
[Quote last message OR selected text]
Citovat posledn� zpr�vu NEBO vybran� text
[Message Log Options]
Mo�nosti z�znamu komunikace
[View User's History]
Zobrazit historii
[Avatar Options]
Nastaven� avataru
[Change background color]
Zm�nit barvu pozad�
[Toggle nick list]
P�epnout seznam p�ezd�vek
[Event filter - right click to setup, left click to activate/deactivate]
Filtr ud�lost� - prav�m tla��tkem nastav�te, lev�m aktivujete/deaktivujete
[Channel manager]
Spr�va kan�l�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\container.c
[Do you really want to close this session?]
Chcete opravdu tento rozhovor zav��t?
[Message Log]
Z�znam komunikace
[Sounds are %s. Click to toggle status, hold SHIFT and click to set for all open containers]
Zvuky jsou %s. Kliknut�m stav zm�n�te, kliknut�m se SHIFTem nastav�te pro v�echny otev�en� kontejnery.
[Sending typing notifications is %s.]
Odes�l�n� ozn�men� o psan� je %s.
[There are %d pending send jobs. Message length: %d bytes, message length limit: %d bytes]
Ve front� je %d zpr�v k odesl�n�. D�lka zpr�vy: %d bajt�, limit d�lky zpr�vy: %d bajt�
[Stay on Top]
V�dy navrchu
[Hide titlebar]
Skr�t z�hlav� okna
[Container options...]
Mo�nosti kontejneru...
[Message Session...]
[The requested action requires a valid contact selection. Please select a contact from the contact list and repeat]
Po�adovanou operaci lze prov�st a� po v�b�ru osoby ze seznamu kontakt�.
[Parameter mismatch]
Parametry nesouhlas�
[%s (%s) - Idle: %d:%02d:%02d]
%s (%s) - Ne�inn�: %d:%02d:%02d
[Show session list (right click to show quick menu)]
Zobrazit seznam rozhovor� (prav� tl. zobraz� rychl� menu)
[Message Session]
[Attach to]
P�ipojit k
[Meta Contact]
Meta kontakt
Automatick� v�b�r
[Use Protocol]
Pou��t protokol
[Set Default Protocol]
Nastavit v�choz� protokol

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\containeroptions.c
[General options]
Hlavn� mo�nosti
[Window layout]
Vzhled okna
[Select, in which cases you want to see event notifications for this message container. These options are disabled when you are using one of the "simple" notifications modes]
Zvolte p��pady, ve kter�ch chcete vid�t upozorn�n� na ud�losti pro tento kontejner. Pokud pou��v�te jednen ze zjednodu�en�ch re�im� upozor�ov�n�, jsou tyto prvky neaktivn�.
[Title bar]
Z�hlav� okna
[Window size and theme]
Velikost okna a vzhled
[You can select a private theme (.tabsrmm file) for this container which will then override the default message log theme.]
Pro tento kontejner m��ete vybrat zvl᚝ vzhled z�znamu. Takov� nastaven� obch�z� v�choz� vzhled.
[This feature requires Windows 2000 or later and is not available when custom container skins are in use]
Tato funkce vy�aduje Windows 2000 �i nov�j�� a nen� dostupn� v p��pad�, �e je aplikov�n skin na kontejner.
[Container options]
Mo�nosti kontejneru
[\tConfigure container options]
Konfigurace kontejneru

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\eventpopups.c
[One of your popup actions is set to DISMISS EVENT.\nNote that this options may have unwanted side effects as it REMOVES the event from the unread queue.\nThis may lead to events not showing up as "new". If you don't want this behaviour, please review the Event Notifications settings page.]
Jedna z akc� pro ozn�men� je nastavena na ZAV��T UD�LOST.\nToto nastaven� m��e m�t necht�n� vedlej�� ��inky, nebo� odstra�uje nep�e�ten� ud�losti z fronty.\nD�ky tomu se nemus� zobrazovat ud�losti jako \"nov�\". Pokud chcete zamezit tomuto chov�n�, zkontrolujte nastaven� v hlavn� nab�dce -> Mo�nosti -> Komunikace -> Ozn�men� ud�losti.
[Announce events of type...]
Oznamovat tyto ud�losti:
[System tray and floater options]
Oznamovac� oblast a plovouc� pomocn�k
[Left click actions (popups only)]
Kliknut� lev�ho tla��tka my�i na ozn�men�
[Right click actions (popups only)]
Kliknut� prav�ho tla��tka my�i na ozn�men�
[Timeout actions (popups only)]
Vypr�en� �asov�ho limitu ozn�men�
[Popup merging (per user) options]
Slu�ov�n� ozn�men� (pro jednoho u�ivatele)
[Remove popups under following conditions]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� p�i t�chto podm�nk�ch:
[Show a preview of the event]
Zobrazit n�hled ud�losti
[Don't announce event when message dialog is open]
Neoznamovat, je-li konverza�n� okno otev�eno
[Don't announce events from RSS protocols]
Neoznamovat ud�losti z RSS �te�ky
[Enable the system tray icon]
Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovac� oblasti
[Show the floater]
Zobrazit plovouc�ho pomocn�ka
[When floater is enabled, only show it while the contact list is minimized]
Je-li plovouc� pomocn�k povolen, zobrazit jen p�i minimalizovan�m seznamu kontak�
[Show session list menu on the message windows status bar]
Zobrazit seznam aktivn�ch rozhovor� na stavov� li�t� okna
[Merge popups "per user" (experimental, unstable)]
Slu�ovat ozn�men� od jednoho u�ivatele (experiment�ln� funkce)
[Show date for merged popups]
Zobrazit datum ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Show time for merged popups]
Zobrazit �as ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Show headers]
Zobrazit z�hlav� ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Dismiss popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Open event]
Otev��t ud�lost
[Dismiss event]
Ozna�it ud�lost jako zhl�dnutou
[Disable ALL event notifications (check, if you're using an external plugin for event notifications)]
Vypnout V�ECHNA ozn�men� ud�losti (za�krtn�te, pokud pou��v�te jin� dopln�k na oznamov�n� ud�losti)
[Message events]
[File events]
P�enos soubor�
[URL events]
P��choz� odkazy
[Other events]
Jin� ud�losti
[Remove event popups for a contact when its message window becomes focused]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� u kontaktu, jeho� komunika�n� okno p�ejde do pop�ed�
[Remove event popups for a contact when you start typing a reply]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� u kontaktu, kter�mu za�nete ps�t odpov��
[Remove event popups for a contact when you send a reply]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� u kontaktu, kter�mu ode�lete odpov��
[Don't use simple mode]
Nepou��vat �ablony
[Notify always]
Upozornit v�dy
[Notify for unfocused sessions]
Upozornit jen pro neaktivn� rozhovory
[Notify only when no window is open]
Upozornit jen pokud nen� otev�eno okno
[Balloon tooltips]
Bublinov� n�pov�da
[On screen display]
[%s requested authorization]
%s ��d� o autorizaci
[%s added you to the contact list]
%s si v�s p�idal mezi kontakty
[New messages: ]
Nov� zpr�vy: 
[This is a sample message event :-)]
Zkou�ka ud�losti Zpr�va :-)
[This is a sample URL event ;-)]
Zkou�ka ud�losti Odkaz ;-)
[This is a sample file event :-D]
Zkou�ka ud�losti Soubor :-D
[This is a sample other event ;-D]
Zkou�ka  jin� ud�losti ;-D
[Message from %s: %s]
Zpr�va od %s: %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\formatting.cpp

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\generic_msghandlers.c
[Open session list]
Otev��t seznam rozhovor�
[Open favorites]
Otev��t obl�ben�
[Open recent contacts]
Otev��t ned�vn� kontakty
[Contact preferences]
P�edvolby kontaktu
[Miranda options]
Mo�nosti Mirandy
[Send message]
Poslat zpr�vu
[User menu]
Zobrazit osobn� �daje
[User details]
Informace o u�ivateli
[%s is typing...]
%s p�e zpr�vu...

[%s is typing a message.]
%s p�e zpr�vu.
[%s has entered text.]
%s napsal text zpr�vy.

[...is typing a message.]
...p�e zpr�vu.
[...has stopped typing.]
...p�estal ps�t.

[UIN: %s]
UIN: %s
[Last received: %s at %s]
Posledn� zpr�va p�ijata %s v %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\hotkeyhandler.c
[tabSRMM Quick Menu]
Rychl� menu TabSRMM
[Session List]
Seznam rozhovor�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgdialog.c
Na p�rty
Na pivku
S kamar�dy
D�v�m si kafe
Za obchodem
Dobr� n�lada
Vysok� �kola
Nen� mi dob�e
[Eating... yummy]
J�dlo... m�amka
[Having fun]
Dob�e se bav�m
[Chit chatting]
Na pokecu
[Going to toilet]
Jde na z�chod
[Add this contact permanently to your contact list]
P�idat tento kontakt do seznamu natrvalo
[Do not add this contact permanently]
Nep�id�vat tento kontakt do seznamu
[Toggle notes display]
Skr�t/zobrazit vlastn� pozn�mky
[Set your visibility for this contact]
Nastavte svou viditelnost v��i tomuto kontaktu
[A message failed to send successfully.]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n� zpr�vy
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
UPOZORN�N�: Zpr�va, kterou se pokou��te vlo�it, je del��, ne� povolen� limit pro tento protokol. Zpr�va bude odesl�na po ��stech o maxim�ln� d�lce %d znak�
[The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent.]
UPOZORN�N�: Zpr�va, kterou se pokou��te vlo�it, je del��, ne� povolen� limit pro tento protokol. Bude odesl�no prvn�ch %d znak�
[Save and close session]
Ulo�it a zav��t rozhovor
[Message Log is frozen]
Z�znam komunikace je pozastaven
[Click for contact menu\nClick dropdown for window settings]
Kliknut�m zobraz�te u�ivatelsk� menu\nKliknut�m na �ipku mo�nosti okna
[Send later]
Poslat pozd�ji
[UIN: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nRight click for MetaContact control\nClick dropdown for infopanel settings]
UIN: %s (SHIFT+klik zkop�ruje UIN do schr�nky)\nKliknut�m zobraz�te detaily kontaktu\nPrav�m tla��tkem zobraz�te mo�nosti metakontaktu\nKliknut�m na �ipku zobraz�te mo�nosti infopanelu.
[No UIN]
[UIN: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nClick dropdown for infopanel settings]
UIN: %s (SHIFT+klik zkop�ruje UIN do schr�nky)\nKliknut�m zobraz�te detaily kontaktu\nKliknut�m na �ipku zobraz�te mo�nosti infopanelu.
[signed off.]
se odhl�sil/a.
[signed on and is now %s.]
se p�ihl�sil/a a je nyn� %s
[changed status from %s to %s.]
zm�nil/a stav z %s na %s.
[Message Log is frozen (%d queued)]
Z�znam komunikace je pozastaven (ve front�: %d)
[Unknown client]
nezn�m� klient
[No extended status message available]
��dn� zpr�va stavu nen� k dispozici
[Delivery failure: %s]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n�: %s
[The message send timed out]
�as na odesl�n� vypr�el
[MULTISEND timeout: %d, %d]
�asov� limit pos�l�n� v�ce kontakt�m: %d, %d 
[iCurrentQueueError out of bounds (%d)]
iCurrentQueueError je mimo rozsah (%d)
[Show Contact Picture]
Zobrazit obr�zek kontaktu
[Message saved for later delivery]
Zpr�va ulo�ena pro pozd�j�� odesl�n�
[Selection copied to clipboard]
V�b�r zkop�rov�n do schr�nky
[Unforce failed]
Chyba p�i ru�en� vynucen�ho
[The selected protocol cannot be forced at this time]
Vybran� protokol nelze pr�v� te� vynutit
[Extended status for %s: %s]
%s (roz���en� stav: %s)
[%s is using]
%s pou��v�
[Status message for %s (%s)]
%s (zpr�va stavu: %s)
[tabSRMM Information]
tabSRMM informace
[Warning: you have selected a subprotocol for sending the following messages which is currently offline]
Upozorn�n�: vybrali jste offline protokol pro odesl�n� n�sleduj�c�ch zpr�v
[Contact is offline and this protocol does not support sending files to offline users.]
Kontakt je offline a tento protokol nepodporuje pos�l�n� soubor� offline u�ivatel�m

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgdlgutils.c
[Error creating destination directory]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� c�lov�ho adres��e
[Save contact picture]
Ulo�it obr�zek kontaktu
[The file exists. Do you want to overwrite it?]
Soubor existuje. Chcete jej p�epsat?
[Contact picture settings...]
Mo�nosti obr�zku...
[Set your avatar...]
Vybrat avatar...
[Do you want to also read message templates from the theme?\nCaution: This will overwrite the stored template set which may affect the look of your message window significantly.\nSelect cancel to not load anything at all.]
Chcete se vzhledem nahr�t tak� �ablony z�znamu?\nUPOZORN�N�: Tato volba p�ep�e ulo�enou sadu �ablon, co� m��e v�znam� ovlivnit vzhled z�znamu komunikace.\nPokud zvol�te Storno, nenahraje se v�bec nic.
[Load theme]
Nahr�t vzhled
[The 'paste and send' feature is disabled. You can enable it on the 'General' options page in the 'Sending Messages' section]
Funkce 'vlo�it a poslat' je vypnut�. M��ete ji zapnout v nab�dce Mo�nosti -> Komunikace -> Obecn�.
[User Id:]
['(Unknown Contact)']
'(nezn�m� kontakt)'

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msglog.c
[Simplified Chinese]
��n�tina (zjednodu�en�)
[Traditional Chinese]
��n�tina (tradi�n�)
[Central European]
[Cyrillic KOI8-R]
cyrilika KOI8-R
[Latin I]
[Korean (Johab)]
korej�tina (Johab)
[Use default codepage]
V�choz� k�dov�n�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgoptions.c
[Message window behaviour]
Chov�n� komunika�n�ho okna
[Sending messages]
Odes�l�n� zpr�v
[Other options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Send on SHIFT - Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� SHIFT+ENTER
[Send message on 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Send message on double 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Minimize the message window on send]
Minimalizovat okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Close the message window on send]
Zav��t okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Always flash contact list and tray icon for new messages]
V�dy blikat v seznamu kontakt� a v oznam. oblasti p�i nov� zpr�v�
[Delete temporary contacts on close]
Smazat do�asn� kontakty po zav�en� okna
[Enable event API (support for third party plugins)]
Aktivovat API pro ud�losti (podpora ostatn�ch dopl�k�)
[Allow PASTE AND SEND feature (Ctrl-D)]
Povolit funkci VLO�IT A POSLAT (Ctrl-D)
[Automatically split long messages (experimental, use with care)]
Automaticky rozd�lovat p��li� dlouh� zpr�vy (experiment�ln� fce)
[1 pixel solid]
Tenk� r�me�ek
[Rounded border]
Zaoblen� r�me�ek
[Globally on]
Glob�ln� zapnuto
[On, if present]
Jen kdy� je definovan�
[Globally OFF]
Glob�ln� vypnuto
[Show them if present]
Zobrazit, pokud existuj�
[Don't show them]
[Message log appearance]
Vzhled z�znamu komunikace
[Support for external plugins]
Podpora extern�ch dopl�k�
[Events to show]
Zobrazen� ud�lost�
[Timestamp settings (note: timstamps also depend on your templates)]
Nastaven� �asov�ch �daj� (pozn.: rovn� z�vis� na va�ich �ablon�ch)
[Message log icons]
Ikony v z�znamu komunikace
[Show file events]
Zobrazit informace o p�enosu soubor�
[Show url events]
Zobrazit informace o pos�l�n� odkaz�
[Show timestamps]
Zobrazit �asov� �daje
[Show dates in timestamps]
Zobrazit datum v �asov�m �daji
[Show seconds in timestamps]
Zobrazit sekundy v �asov�m �daji
[Use contacts local time (if timezone info available)]
Pou��t lok�ln� �as kontaktu (je-li dostupn� informace o z�n�)
[Draw grid lines]
Zobrazit m��ku
[Show Icons]
Zobrazit ikony
[Show Symbols]
Zobrazit symboly
[Use Incoming/Outgoing Icons]
Pou��t p��choz� a odchoz� ikony
[Use Message Grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Indent message body]
Odsadit t�lo zpr�vy
[Simple text formatting (*bold* etc.)]
Prost� form�tov�n� textu (*tu�n�* atd.)
[Support BBCode formatting]
Form�tovat text pomoc� BBCode
[Place dividers in inactive sessions]
Vlo�it odd�lova� mezi neaktivn� hovory
[Use popup configuration for placing dividers]
Odd�lova�e umis�ovat dle nastaven� chov�n� oken
[RTL is default text direction]
Zprava doleva je v�choz� sm�r psan�
[Support Math Module plugin]
Zapnout podporu matematick�ch symbol�
[Show events at the new line (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Zobrazit ud�losti na nov�m ��dku (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Underline timestamp/nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Podtrhnout �as/p�ezd�vku (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Show timestamp after nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Zobrazit �as za p�ezd�vkou (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Automatically copy selected text]
Automaticky kop�rovat vybran� text
[Use multiple background colors]
Barevn� odli�it pozad� zpr�v
[Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates if your template set supports them)]
Pou��t norm�ln� �ablony (po odzna�en� se pou�ij� jednoduch� �ablony, pokud to sada dovoluje)
[IEView plugin]
Styly (IEView)
[History++ plugin]
Dopln�k History++
[** New contacts **]
** nov� kontakty **
[** Unknown contacts **]
** nezn�m� kontakty **
[Show balloon popup (unsupported system)]
Zobrazit ozn�men� bublinami (nepodporov�no)
[Always, but no popup when window is focused]
Poka�d�, krom� otev�en�ho okna ve v�hledu
[Only when no message window is open]
Jen kdy� nen� ��dn� komunika�n� okno otev�en�
[Tab options]
Mo�nosti panel�
[Message tab and window creation options]
Mo�nosti vytv��en� panel� a oken
[Message dialog visual settings]
Vzhled konverza�n�ho okna
[Miscellaneous options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Show status text on tabs]
Zobrazit text stavu na panelu
[Prefer xStatus icons when available]
Preferovat ikonu roz���en�ho stavu
[Warn when closing a tab or window]
Upozor�ovat p�i zav�r�n� okna �i panelu
[Detailed tooltip on tabs (requires mToolTip or Tipper plugin)]
Zobrazit tipy nad panely (vy�aduje mToolTip �i Tipper)
[ALWAYS pop up and activate new message windows (has PRIORITY!)]
V�DY vyvolat a aktivovat nov� komunika�n� okno (m� PRIORITU!)
[Create new tabs in existing windows without activating them]
Vytv��et (ale neaktivovat) nov� panely v existuj�c�ch oknech
[Create new windows in minimized state]
Vytv��et nov� okna minimalizovan�
[Pop up a minimized window when a new tab is created]
Vyvolat minimalizovan� okno p�i nov� vytvo�en�m panelu
[New events will automatically switch tabs in minimized windows]
P�ep�nat panely v minimalizovan�ch oknech p�i nov� ud�losti
[Don't draw visual styles on toolbar buttons]
Vypnout vizu�ln� styly na tla��tk�ch
[Flat toolbar buttons]
Ploch� tla��tka na li�t�
[Splitters have static edges (uncheck this to make them invisible)]
Pou��t pevn� okraje u d�lic�ch linek (od�krtnut�m zmiz�)
[No visible borders on text boxes]
Skr�t r�me�ky textu
[Always use icon pack image on the smiley button]
V�dy pou��t smajl�ka z knihovny na tla��tko
[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
Zapamatovat a nastavit rozlo�en� kl�vesnice pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[ESC closes sessions (minimizes window, if disabled)]
Ukon�it rozhovor kl�vesou ESC (jinak minimalizuje okno)
[ESC closes whole container(uncheck for closing per-tab)]
Kl�vesa ESC zav�r� cel� kontejner (jinak pouze panel)
[Close button only hides message container]
Tla��tkem Zav��t pouze kontejner skr�vat
[Allow tabulation (uncheck for TAB focus-switching)]
Povolit tabul�tory (jinak kl�vesa TAB p�ep�n� mezi prvky okna)
[Use global hotkeys (configure modifiers below)]
Pou��t glob�ln� kl�vesov� zkratky (modifik�tory zvolte dole)
[Force more aggressive window updates]
Vynutit agresivn�j�� obnovov�n� okna
[Add offline contacts to multisend list]
P�id�vat offline kontakty do seznamu v�ce p��jemc�
[Dim icons for idle contacts]
Ze�ednout neaktivn� kontakty
[3D - Sunken]
3D - Zano�en�
[3D - Raised inner]
3D - Vystoupl� vnit�n�
[3D - Raised outer]
3D - Vystoupl� vn�j��
3D r�me�ek
[Flat (no border at all)]
Bez r�me�ku
[Message Sessions]
[Group Chats]
Skupinov� rozhovory
[Typing Notify]
Psan� zpr�vy
[Event notifications]
Ozn�men� ud�losti
[Message window skin]
Skin komunika�n�ho okna
Vlastn� �pravy
[Choose status modes]
Vyberte stavy
[Tabs and layout]
Panely a rozvr�en�
[Message log]
Z�znam komunikace
[Tool bar]
Tla��tkov� li�ta
[Advanced tweaks]
Pokro�il� �pravy
[Log formatting]
Form�tov�n� z�znamu
[Load and apply]
[Tab appearance]
Vzhled panel�
[No status message available]
Zpr�va stavu nen� k dispozici

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgs.c
[tabSRMM Session List]
Seznam rozhovor� v tabSRMM
[tabSRMM Tray Menu]
Rychl� menu tabSRMM
[Message from %s]
Zpr�va od: %s
[%s is typing a message]
%s p�e zpr�vu
[Typing Notification]
Upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy
[This plugin requires db3x plugin version or later]
Tento dopln�k vy�aduje dopln�k db3x verze nebo nov�j��.
[&Messaging settings...]
&Nastaven� komunikace...
[Incoming (Focused Window)]
P��choz� (aktivn� okno)
[Incoming (Unfocused Window)]
P��choz� (neaktivn� okno)
[Incoming (New Session)]
P��choz� (nov� konverzace)
[Error sending message]
Chyba p�i pos�l�n� zpr�vy
[TABSRMM: Typing]
TabSRMM: psan�
[Warning: trying to create duplicate window]
Upozorn�n�: pokus o vytvo�en� toto�n�ho okna
[Show History]
Zobrazit historii
[Add contact]
P�idat kontakt
[Multisend indicator]
Indik�tor odes�l�n� v�ce osob�m
[Quote text]
Citovat text
[Save and close]
Ulo�it a zav��t
[Avatar menu]
Nastaven� avataru
[Smiley button]
[Format bold]
[Format italic]
[Format underline]
[Font face]
[Font color]
Barva p�sma
[Format strike-through]
P�e�krtnut� text
[Message delivery error]
Chyba p�i doru�ov�n� zpr�vy
Zm�na stavu
[Static container icon]
Pou��t pro kontejner statickou ikonu
[Sending typing notify is off]
Odes�l�n� upozorn�n� na psan� je vypnuto
[Sounds are On]
Zvuky jsou zapnut�
[Sounds are off]
Zvuky jsou vypnut�
[Message Log frozen]
Z�znam komunikace je pozastaven
[Pulldown Arrow]
Rozbalovac� �ipka
[Left Arrow]
�ipka doleva
[Right Arrow]
�ipka doprava
[Up Arrow]
�ipka nahoru
[Favorite Contacts]
Obl�ben� kontakty
[Recent Sessions]
Posledn� rozhovory
[Setup Sidebar]
Nastaven� postrann� li�ty
[Contact Preferences]
P�edvolby kontaktu
[TabSRMM/Message Log]
TabSRMM/Z�znam komunikace
[TabSRMM/Animated Tray]
TabSRMM/Animace v oznam.oblasti
[The icon pack is either missing or too old.]
Knihovna ikon nen� k dispozici nebo je zastaral�.
[tabSRMM warning]
Upozorn�n� TabSRMM
[You are using an old icon pack (tabsrmm_icons.dll version < 3.5). This can cause missing icons, so please update the icon pack]
Pou��v�te starou knihovnu ikon (tabsrmm_icons.dll verzi <3.5). To m��e m�t za n�sledek chyb�j�c� ikony, aktualizujte pros�m tuto knihovnu.
[Critical: cannot init IcoLib, no resource DLL found.]
Upozorn�n�: nelze inicializovat IcoLib, nebyla nalezena DLL knihovna.

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgwindow.rc

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\nen.h
[You were added!]
Byl jste p�id�n
[Requests your authorisation]
��dost o autorizaci
[ICQ Web pager]
ICQ WebPager
[ICQ Email express]
ICQ EmailExpress
[Unknown Event]
Nezn�m� ud�lost

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\resource.rc
[Message send timeout]
�asov� limit na odesl�n�
[Input history size]
Uchovat v historii odes�l�n�
[Options marked with an asterisk (*) will only take effect after Miranda has been restarted.]
Mo�nosti ozna�en� (*) vejdou v platnost po restartu Mirandy
[More about advanced tweaks]
V�ce o pokro�il�ch �prav�ch
[Revert to (safe) defaults]
Obnovit v�choz� hodnoty
[Event notify options]
Nastaven� ozn�men� ud�losti
[Simple configuration]
P�eddefinovan� �ablony
[Announce events with]
Oznamovat ud�losti pomoc�
[Limit message preview to]
Omezit n�hled zpr�vy na
[Announce events when status is...]
Oznamovat ud�losti ve stavu...
[Popup Options]
Mo�nosti ozn�men�
[Timeout (seconds, 0 = default, -1 = no timeout)]
�asov� limit (sekundy, 0 = v�choz�, -1 = bez limitu)
[Preview popup]
N�hled ozn�men�
[All modes]
V�echny stavy
[Choose modes]
V�b�r stav�
[Message log view mode]
Zobrazen� z�znamu
[Select how to display the message log. This setting can be ignored when one of the listed plugins is not installed.]
Vyberte, jak zobrazit z�znam komunikace. Toto nastaven� nebude zohledn�no, pokud nen� n�kter� z n�sleduj�c�ch dopl�k� nainstalov�n.
[Send text formatting method]
Form�tov�n� odes�lan�ho textu
[You can override the global setting for text formatting here. Use "Force Off" to never send formatting info for this contact.]
Zde je mo�no zvolit jin� form�tov�n� textu, ne� je v glob�ln�ch nastaven�ch. Zvol�te-li "V�dy vypnout", nebude se tomuto kontaktu odes�lat form�tov�n� nikdy.
[ANSI codepage]
K�dov� str�nka ANSI
[Codepage for ANSI encoding/decoding when sending or receiving non-unicode messages.]
K�dov� str�nka pro ANSI k�dov�n�/dek�dov�n� p�i komunikaci bez unicode. 
[Info panel mode]
Re�im info panel
[Show contact picture in message window]
Zobrazov�n� avatara v komunika�n�m okn�
[Use private splitter position]
Pou��t soukrom� odd�lova�
[Contact is a favorite contact]
Kontakt je mezi obl�ben�mi
[Never close automatically]
Nikdy nezav�rat automaticky
[Force ANSI send / receive]
V�dy odes�lat/p�ij�mat v ANSI
[Ignore sending timeouts]
Neupozor�ovat na vypr�en� �asu doru�en�
[Load only actual history]
Na��st pouze aktu�ln� historii
[Always trim message log to]
Max. po�et ud�lost� v z�znamu
[Timezone offset]
�asov� p�smo
[Only show tab bar when it's needed]
Skr�t li�tu s panely, je-li jen jeden
[Container stays on top]
Kontejner v�dy navrchu
[Vertical maximize]
Maxim�ln� v��ka
[Use default setting]
Pou��t v�choz� stav
[Flash until focused]
Blikat do pov�imnut�
[Disable flashing]
Vypnout blik�n�
[Enable popups if minimized]
Oznamovat p�i minim. okn�
[Enable popups if unfocused]
Oznamovat p�i neaktivn�m okn�
[Show popups for inactive tabs in active containers]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� pro neaktivn� panely v aktivn�ch kontejnerech
[Sync sounds with popup mode]
Sjednotit zvuky s upozorn�n�m
[Hide the status bar]
Skr�t stavovou li�tu
[Hide the menu bar]
Skr�t hlavn� nab�dku
[Tabs at the bottom]
Panely v doln� ��sti okna
[UIN in Status Bar]
Zobrazit UIN ve stav. li�t�
[Hide the tool bar]
Skr�t li�tu s tla��tky
[Place ToolBar at bottom]
Tla��tkov� li�ta v doln� ��sti okna
[Show the info panel]
Zobrazit info panel
[Hide title bar]
Skr�t z�hlav� okna
[Use static container Icon]
Pou��t pro kontejner statickou ikonu
[Use private title format]
Vlastn� form�t z�hlav� okna
[Use global container size and position]
Pou��t glob�ln� velikost a um�st�n� kontejneru
[Save current as global]
Ulo�it nastaven� jako glob�ln�
[Enable transparency]
Povolit pr�hlednost
[Container settings are private]
Nastaven� kontejneru jsou soukrom�
[Check if you don't want this container to use the global container options. Titlebar format and window position can always be private.]
Zkontrolujte, jestli nechcete pro tento kontejner pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�. Z�hlav� a pozice okna mohou b�t upraveny v�dy individu�ln�.
[Message window options]
Mo�nosti komunika�n�ho okna
[Avatar options (size and scaling only for bottom avatar display)]
Mo�nosti avataru (zm�ny velikosti plat� pouze pro avatar vespod)
[Max. height]
Max. v��ka
[(0 = no limit)]
(0 = neomezen�)
[Show contact avatars]
Zobrazit avatary kontakt�
[Show my own avatars]
Zobrazit m� avatary
[Border type]
Druh okraje
[Automatically close tabs and windows]
Automaticky zav�rat panely a okna
[Automatically close tabs after]
Zav��t panel automaticky po
[minutes of inactivity (0 = disable)]
min. ne�innosti (0 = nezav�rat)
[Also auto-close the last tab and its container]
Zav��t automaticky posledn� panel i kontejner
[Send text formatting:]
Form�tov�n� textu:
[Try to keep original size]
Udr�ovat p�vodn� velikost
[Help on this]
[Indent values]
Velikost odsazen�
[Template sets]
Sady �ablon
[Standard templates...]
Standardn� �ablony...
[RTL templates...]
�ablony Zprava doleva...
[Load History Events]
Na�ten� historie
[Load unread events only]
Pouze nep�e�ten� ud�losti
[Load number of previous events]
Konkr�tn� po�et p�edchoz�ch ud�lost�
[Load previous events less than]
P�edchoz� ud�losti star�� m�n� ne�
[minutes old]
[Global message log display]
Zobrazen� glob�ln�ho z�znamu komunikace
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to the them:]
Poslat upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy t�mto vybran�m kontakt�m:
[          Show typing notifications in the message window]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� o psan� v komunika�n�m okn�
[Flash window once on typing events (only if flashing enabled)]
Zablikat jednou oknem jako upozorn�n� na psan� (p�i povolen�m blik�n�)
[          Show typing notifications in the contact list and tray]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� o psan� v seznamu kontakt� a oznam.oblasti
[Show typing notification when message dialog is open]
Upozor�ovat na psan� kdy� je komunika�n� okno otev�en�
[Show typing notification when no message dialog is open]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� i v p��pad�, �e nen� otev�eno okno
[Show balloon tooltip in the system tray]
Zobrazit bublinovou n�pov�du v oznamovac� oblasti
[          Show popups when a user is typing]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� pokud u�ivatel p�e
[More about typing notifications]
V�ce o oznamov�n� psan�
[Info Panel field borders:]
Vzhled okraj� info panelu:
[Setup status modes for automatic tab creation...]
Vybrat stavy pro automatick� vytv��en� panel�...
[Limit nicknames on tabs to]
Omezit d�lku p�ezd�vky na panelu na
[Global hotkey modifiers]
Modifik�tory kl�vesov�ch zkratek
[Select container]
Vybrat kontejner
[Available containers]
Seznam kontejner�
[Create a new container]
Nov� kontejner
[Create new]
[Show this button in regular window]
Zobrazit toto tla��tko v b�n�m okn�
[Show this button in chat window]
Zobrazit toto tla��tko v okn� chatu
[Buttons spacing:]
Rozestup tla��tek:
[Hide if there is not enough space]
Skr�t p�i nedostatku m�sta
[Insert Separator]
Vlo�it odd�lova�
[To set container options, please use the container settings dialog. It is available by:\n1. choosing "container settings" from the system menu of a container.\n2. right clicking the tab or the button bar in any message window.]
Okno s mo�nostmi nastaven� kontejneru lze zobrazit dv�ma zp�soby:\n1. Vyberte polo�ku 'Mo�nosti kontejneru' z nab�dky kontejneru.\n2. V komunika�n�m okn� klikn�te prav�m tla��tkem na panel �i tla��tkovou li�tu.
[Container mode]
Re�im kontejneru
[Use contact list group names for organizing containers]
Pou��t n�zvy skupin pro organizaci kontejner�
[Maximum number of tabs per container]
Maxim�ln� po�et panel� v kontejneru
[Use single window mode (one container per session)]
Pou��t syst�m bez panel� (jeden kontejner na okno)
[Use default container mode (manual contact assignments)]
Pou��t v�choz� re�im kontejner� (ru�n� p�i�azen� kontakt�)
[Container flashing]
Blik�n� kontejneru
[Flash containers]
Po�et zablik�n�
[Flash interval]
Interval blik�n�
[Default window title format]
V�choz� form�t z�hlav� okna
[Help on containers]
N�pov�da ke kontejner�m
[...is &typing]
... p�e zpr�&vu
[...stopped t&yping]
... &dopsal zpr�vu
[U&se Popup colours]
Pou��t glob�ln� na&staven�
[&Use Windows colours]
Po&u��t barvy Windows
[Only &one popup for each contact]
Pouze jedn&o ozn�men� na kontakt
[Show &entry in the main menu]
Zobrazit polo�ku v hlavn�m m&enu
[PopUp timeout (is typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (p�i psan�)
[From PopUp plugin]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[From protocol]
Dle protokolu
[PopUp timeout (stopped typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (po dops�n�)
[Edit template]
Editace �ablony
[Quick help on Variables...]
N�pov�da pro Prom�nn�...
[Double click a template to edit it. Select a template from the list box and click "Update Preview" to show a preview message.]
�ablonu lze za��t upravovat dvoj�m kliknut�m. N�hled zobraz�te kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Obnovit n�hled'.
[Get more help on variables]
Podrobn�j�� n�pov�da pro prom�nn�
[Define up to 5 colors which you can use with some variables]
Zde je mo�no nastavit a� 5 barev pro n�kter� prom�nn�
[Update Preview]
Obnovit n�hled
[Save Template]
Ulo�it �ablonu
[Revert to Default]
Obnovit v�choz�
[Reset all templates...]
Reset v�ech �ablon...
[Tab label colors]
Barvy popisek panel�
[Use windows colors]
Pou��t barvy Windows
[Hot Track (mouse over)]
Po najet� my�i
[Tab background colors]
Barvy pozad� panel�
[NOTE: Background colors will only work with button-style tabs.]
Pozn.: barvy pozad� plat� pouze pro ploch� panely
[Flash icon]
Blikat ikonou
[Flash text label]
Blikat textem v panelu
[Single row tab control]
Panely jen v jednom ��dku
[Default tab width:]
V�choz� ���ka panelu:
[Disable visual styles]
Vypnout vizu�ln� styly
[Use button tabs]
Pou��t ploch� panely
[Tab text label padding vertical]
Odstazen� textu v panelu svisl�
[Tab page padding:]
Odsazen� panel�:
[Bottom tabs vertical adjustment:]
Svisl� odsazen� panel� vespod:
[NOTE: some settings will not affect open containers.]
Pozn.: N�kter� nastaven� hned neovlivn� otev�en� kontejnery.
[Styled tabs]
Pou��t stylov� panely
[Light shadow]
Sv�tl� st�n
[Dark shadow]
Tmav� st�n
[About tabSRMM]
[Load this skin on startup]
Na��st vybran� skin p�i spu�t�n�
[Apply skin now]
Pou��t skin
[Unload skin]
Zru�it skin
[Skin options]
Mo�nosti skinu
[Load fonts and colors provided by skin]
Nahr�t se skinem i p�sma a barvy
[Load templates provided by skin (use with care, will overwrite your templates)]
Nahr�t se skinem i vzhled z�znamu (tato volba p�ep�e va�e �ablony)
[Skinning is only available when running under Windows 2000 or later]
Skiny lze aplikovat pouze pod Windows 2000 �i nov�j��mi
[Show icons]
Zobrazit ikony
[Show symbols]
Zobrazit symboly
[Use different icons to mark incoming and outgoing messages]
Pou��t r�zn� ikony pro ozna�en� p��choz�ch a odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Date and time]
Datum a �as
[Show seconds in timestamp]
Zobrazit sekundy v �asov�m �daji
[Show date in timestamps]
Zobrazit datum v �asov�m �daji
[Use contacts local time]
Pou��t lok�ln� �as kontaktu
[Display grid lines]
Zobrazit m��ku
[Message grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Support BBCODE]
Podporovat BBCODE
[Use different background colors for incoming and outgoing messages]
Barevn� odli�it pozad� p��choz�ch a odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Log status changes (in open message windows only)]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny stavu (pouze p�i otev�en�m okn�)
[Revert to global options]
Resetovat nastaven�
[You can set private message log options for this contact here. Filled boxes are inherited from the global settings which can be found on Message Sessions->Message Log]
Zde si m��ete nastavit z�znam rozhovoru pro konkr�tn� kontakt. P�edvypln�n� hodnoty jsou p�evzaty z glob�ln�ho nastaven�, kter� se nach�z� v Komunikace -> Z�znam komunikace
[Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates)]
Pou��t norm�ln� �ablony (odzna�en�m se pou�ij� jednoduch�)
[Co&py All]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Select &All]
Vybr&at v�e
[Clear Log]
Vymazat z�znam
[Freeze Log]
Pozastavit z�znam
[Open in &new window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in existing window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[Paste formatted Text]
Vlo�it form�tovan� text
[Paste and Send immediately]
Vlo�it a Poslat ihned
[Copy all]
Zkop�rovat v�e
[Select all]
Vybrat v�e
[Show Message Length Indicator]
Zobrazit indik�tor d�lky zpr�vy
[Close Tab]
Zav��t panel
[Leave Chat Room]
Opustit m�stnost
[Save Tab Position]
Ulo�it rozm�st�n� panel�
[Clear saved Tab Position]
Vymazat ulo�en� rozm�st�n� panel�
[Attach to Container...]
P�ipojit ke kontejneru...
[Container Options...]
Mo�nosti kontejneru...
[Close Container]
Zav��t kontejner
[Hidden for this Contact]
Skryt� pro tento kontakt
[Visible for this Contact]
Viditeln� pro tento kontakt
[Contact Picture Settings...]
Mo�nosti obr�zku...
[Choose Background Color...]
Vybrat barvu pozad�...
[Always keep the button bar at full width]
Udr�ovat li�tu s tla��tky v pln� ���i
[Save this Picture As...]
Ulo�it tento obr�zek jako.. 
[&Message Log Settings]
&Mo�nosti z�znamu komunikace
[&For this Contact...]
&Pro tento kontakt...
[&Export Message Log Settings...]
&Exportovat nastaven� z�znamu komunikace...
[&Import Message Log Settings...]
&Importovat nastaven� z�znamu komunikace...
[Send &Default]
Poslat &kontaktu
[Send to &multiple Users]
Poslat v�ce u�ivatel�&m
[Send to &Container]
Poslat &v�em v kontejneru
[Send &Later]
Pos&lat pozd�ji
[Force &ANSI]
V�dy poslat jako &ANSI
[Send unsafe (ignore Timeouts)]
Poslat bez ov��en� (ignorovat chyby doru�en�)
[Send Nudge]
[Message Log Display]
Zobrazen� z�znamu komunikace
[Use global Setting for this Contact]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven� pro tento kontakt
[Use IEView Plugin]
Pou��t dopln�k IEView
[Use History++ Plugin]
Pou��t dopln�k History++
[Use Default Message Log]
Pou��t v�choz� z�znam
[Autosave on Close]
Ulo�it p�i zav�en�
[Save Now]
Ulo�it hned
[Send Text Formatting]
Form�tov�n� textu
[This Contact]
Tento kontakt
[Global Setting]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[Force Off]
V�dy vypnout
[Add Contact to Favorites]
P�idat kontakt do obl�ben�ch
[Remove Contact from Favorites]
Ostranit kontakt z obl�ben�ch
[Show the Floater]
Zobrazit plovouc�ho pomocn�ka
[Show the Tray Icon]
Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovac� oblasti
[Disable All Event Notifications]
Vypnout v�echna ozn�men� ud�losti
[Don't create Windows automatically]
Nevytv��et okna automaticky
[Hide all Message Containers]
Skr�t v�echny kontejnery
[Restore all Message Containers]
Obnovit v�echny kontejnery
[Don't play Sounds]
Nep�ehr�vat zvuky
[Be "Super Quiet"]
Supertich� re�im
[Default Color]
V�choz� barva
[Clear all Formatting]
Vy�istit v�echna form�tov�n�
[No Message Sessions opened]
Nen� otev�en ��dn� rozhovor
[Quick Toggle\tALT-I]
Info panel\tAlt-I
[Container Setting]
Nastaven� kontejneru
[Use Global Setting]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�
[Always On]
V�dy zapnuto
[Always Off]
V�dy vypnuto
[You appear always offline or have this contact blocked]
Pro tento kontakt jste v�dy offline nebo ho m�te blokov�n
[You are always visible to this contact]
Pro tento kontakt jste v�dy viditeln�
[Your status determines visibility to this contact]
V� stav ur�uje va�i viditelnost v��i t�to osob�
[Set Position for this Session]
Nastavit pozici pro tento rozhovor
[Set and Save for all Sessions]
Nastavit a ulo�it pro v�echny rozhovory
[Set and Save for this Contact only]
Nastavit a ulo�it pro tento kontakt
[Revert to old Position]
Vr�tit p�vodn� pozici
[Save Message Log As...]
Ulo�it z�znam jako...
[Close Message Session\tCtrl-W]
Ukon�it konverzaci\tCtrl-W
[Close Container\tAlt-F4]
Zav��t kontejner\tAlt-F4
[Show Menu Bar]
Zobrazit hlavn� nab�dku
[Show Status Bar]
Zobrazit stavovou li�tu
[Tool Bar]
Tla��tkov� li�ta
[Show Tool Bar]
Zobrazit li�tu s tla��tky
[Title Bar]
Z�hlav� okna
[Show Title Bar]
Zobrazit z�hlav� okna
[Tabs at Bottom]
Panely vespod okna
[Window Flashing]
Blik�n� okna
[Use default Value]
Pou��t v�choz�
[Disable Flashing]
Zak�zat blik�n�
[Show Multisend Contact List]
Zobrazit seznam hromadn�ho odesl�n�
[Message &Log]
Z�z&nam hovoru
[Event Popups]
Ozn�men� ud�lost�
[Disable all Event Popups]
Zak�zat ozn�men� v�ech ud�lost�
[Show Popups if Window is minimized]
Zobrazit ozn�men�, je-li okno minimalizovan�
[Show Popups if Window is unfocused]
Zobrazit ozn�men�, je-li okno neaktivn�
[Show Popups for all inactive sessions]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pro neaktivn� rozhovory
[Save current Window Position as Default]
Pou��t um�st�n� okna jako v�choz�
[View Release Notes...]
Zobrazit pozn�mky k t�to verzi..
[About tabSRMM...]
O tabSRMM...

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\selectcontainer.c
[Select container for %s]
Vyberte kontejner pro %s
[You cannot delete the default container]
Nelze smazat v�choz� kontejner
[This name is already in use]
Tento n�zev ji� byl pou�it
[You cannot rename the default container]
Nelze p�ejmenovat v�choz� kontejner

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\sendqueue.c
[You haven't selected any contacts from the list. Click the checkbox box next to a name to send the message to that person.]
Nebyl vybr�n ��dn� kontakt ze seznamu. Klikn�te na za�krt�v�tko vedle jm�na pro odesl�n� zpr�vy tomuto u�ivateli.
[%d is not a window]
%d nen� okno
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
Zpr�vu se nepoda�ilo odeslat.\nKliknut�m otev�ete komunika�n� okno.
[Multisend: failed sending to: %s]
V�ce adres�t� - nezda�ilo se odeslat pro: %s
[A message delivery has failed after the contacts chat window was closed. You may want to resend the last message]
Nezda�ilo se doru�en� zpr�vy pot�, co kontakt zav�el okno. Po�lete zpr�vu znovu
[Multisend: successfully sent to: %s]
V�ce adres�t� - poda�ilo se odeslat pro: %s
[There are unsent messages waiting for confirmation.\nWhen you close the window now, Miranda will try to send them but may be unable to inform you about possible delivery errors.\nDo you really want to close the Window(s)?]
N�kter� neodeslan� zpr�vy �ekaj� na potvrzen�.\nPokud nyn� zav�ete komunika�n� okno, Miranda se je pokus� poslat, av�ak pokud se j� to nepoda��, mo�n� v�s nebude moci informovat o chyb�ch.\nOpravdu chcete zav��t toto okno?
[Message Window warning]
Varov�n� komunika�n�ho okna

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\srmm.c
[This version of tabSRMM requires Miranda 0.8.0 or later. The plugin cannot be loaded.]
Tato verze TabSRMM vy�aduje Mirandu verze 0.8.0 nebo nov�j��. Dopln�k nebude na�ten.
[Critical error. Unsupported database driver found. tabSRMM will be disabled]
Katastrof�ln� selh�n�. Byl nalezen nekompatibiln� datab�zov� ovlada�. TabSRMM nebude spu�t�n.
[tabSRMM Message (%s)]
tabSRMM zpr�va (%s)
[Built %s %s]
Datum: %s %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\templates.c
[Message In]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Message Out]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[Group In (Start)]
Seskupen� p��choz� (za��tek)
[Group Out (Start)]
Seskupen� odchoz� (za��tek)
[Group In (Inner)]
Seskupen� p��choz� (uvnit�)
[Group Out (Inner)]
Seskupen� odchoz� (uvnit�)
[Status change]
Zm�na stavu
[Error message]
Chybov� zpr�va
[Template Set Editor]
Editor sady �ablon
[This will reset the template set to the default built-in templates. Are you sure you want to do this?]
Tato volba obnov� v�echny �ablony do p�vodn�ho stavu. Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Template editor]
Editor �ablon
[Template set was successfully reset, please close and reopen all message windows. This template editor window will now close.]
Sada �ablon byla �sp�n� obnovena do p�vodn�ho stavu, nyn� zav�ete a otev�ete v�echna komunika�n� okna. Editor �ablon bude nyn� ukon�en. 
[Template editor help]
N�pov�da pro editor �ablon
[tabSRMM release notes]
Pozn�mky k t�to verzi tabSRMM

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\themes.c
[All message containers need to close before the skin can be changed\nProceed?]
V�echny kontejnery se zpr�vami mus� b�t p�ed aplikac� skinu zav�eny\nPokra�ovat?
[Change skin]
Zm�nit skin

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\typingnotify.c
[Disable &typing notification]
Vypnout &upozorn�n� na psan�
[Enable &typing notification]
Zapnout &upozorn�n� na psan�
[Warning: Popup plugin not found!]
Upozorn�n�: Nelze naj�t dopln�k typu Popup!
[Warning: Current Popup plugin version is not supported! Update it!]
Upozorn�n�: Nainstalovan� verze dopl�ku Popup nen� podporovan�.
[...is typing a message.]
... p�e zpr�vu.
[...has stopped typing.]
... dopsal zpr�vu.
[Typing Notify: is typing]
Upozorn�n� na psan� (psan� zpr�vy)
[Typing Notify: stopped typing]
Upozorn�n� na psan� (zpr�va dops�na)

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\userprefs.c
[Use global Setting]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�
[Show always (if present)]
Zobrazit v�dy (je-li k dispozici)
[Never show it at all]
Nezobrazovat nikdy
[Force History++]
V�dy pou��t History++
[Force History++ (plugin missing)]
V�dy pou��t History++ (dopln�k chyb�)
[Force IEView]
V�dy pou��t IEView
[Force IEView (plugin missing)]
V�dy pou��t IEView++ (dopln�k chyb�)
[Force Default Message Log]
V�dy pou��t vestav�n� z�znam
[Simple Tags (*/_)]
Jednoduch� zna�ky */_
[<default, no change>]
<v�choz�, beze zm�ny>
[Set messaging options for %s]
Nastaven� komunikace pro kontakt %s
[Frame 1]
Okno 1
[Frame 3]
Okno 3
[Frame 4]
Okno 4

[Message sending:]
Pos�l�n� zpr�v
[Esc closes sessions (minimizes window, if disabled)]
Zav��t kl�vesou ESC (jinak minimalizuje okno)
[Always pop up and activate new windows]
V�dy vyvolat a aktivovat nov� komunika�n� okno
[Send message on Ctrl+Enter (always enabled)]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� CTRL+ENTER (intern�)
[Send on Shift+Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� SHIFT+ENTER
[Send message on Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Send message on double Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Use tabbed interface]
Pou��t syst�m panel�
[Create new tabs without activating them]
Otev��t nov� panel jako neaktivn�
[Pop up minimized window when a new tab is created]
Vyvolat minimal. okno p�i otev�en� nov�ho panelu
[Automatically switch tabs in minimized windows]
Automaticky p�epnout panely v minimal. oknech
[Don't announce when dialog is open]
Neoznamovat, je-li konverza�n� okno otev�eno

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TABSRMM                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Bobo
; Adresa: http://tabsrmm.sf.net
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/development/

; chat\chat.rc
[You can add the user by user name or his id. Wildcards are allowed and recommended.]
M��ete p�idat u�ivatelsk� jm�no nebo ID. Z�stupn� znaky jsou povoleny a doporu�eny.
[  Show these events]
   Zobrazit tyto ud�losti
[Nick changes]
Zm�ny p�ezd�vky
[Users joining]
P��chody u�ivatel�
[Users leaving]
Odchody u�ivatel�
[Topic changes]
Zm�ny t�matu
[Status changes]
Zm�ny stavu
[User kicks]
[Add new rooms to group:]
Nov� m�stnosti p�idat do skupiny:
[Chat integration is disabled. You can enable it here, and then you to NEED RESTART Miranda after making this change.\n\nYou MUST disable the standard chat plugin when you enable the group chat support here. Otherwise no group chat at all may work.]
Integrace chatu je nyn� vypnut�, zde j� m��ete zapnout (pot� je NUTN� RESTARTOVAT Mirandu, aby nastaven� ve�lo v platnost).\n\nTak� pros�m vypn�te standardn� modul pro chat, pokud se rozhodnete pou��vat integrovan�. Pokud tak neu�in�te, chat nejsp� nebude fungovat v�bec.
[Log files]
Soubory z�znam�
[Enable logging to disk]
Aktivovat z�znam
[Log directory]
Slo�ka pro z�znam
[Maximum size for log files (in kB)]
Maxim�ln� velikost souboru z�znamu (v kB)
[Group chat log formatting]
Form�tov�n� z�znamu chatu
[Your name]
Vlastn� jm�no
[Other name]
Ostatn� jm�na
[Timestamp (window)]
�asov� �daj (okno)
[Timestamp (logfile)]
�asov� �daj (z�znam)
[Maximum number of events in the message window]
Maxim�ln� po�et ud�lost� v z�znamu komunika�n�ho okna
[Groupchat userlist row height (pixels)]
V��ka seznamu u�ivatel� skupinov�ho rozhovoru (px)
[Open log file base folder]
Otev��t ko�enovou slo�ku z�znam�
[Default settings for known event types]
V�choz� nastaven� pro zn�m� typy ud�lost�
[Show when filter is active]
Zobrazit p�i aktivn�m filtru
[Log to file]
Ulo�it z�znam
[Show Popup]
Zobraz ozn�men�
[Notify in tray]
Oznam. oblast
[Suppress tray notifications for focused channel windows]
Potla�it upozorn�n� v oznamovac� oblasti pro aktivn� okna
[Do not show popups when the channel window is not open]
Nezobrazovat ozn�men� pokud okno nen� otev�eno
[Highlight event]
Zv�raznit ud�lost
[Line markers in the message log]
Odd�lova�e ��dk� v z�znamu komunikace
[Highlight user names]
Zv�razn�n� u�ivatelsk�ch jmen
[Enable highlighting for user names]
Povolit zv�razn�n� u�ivatelsk�ch jmen
[Also look in user ids]
Hledat tak� v identifik�toru u�ivatele
[Names to highlight, wildcards like * and ? are allowed, separate multiple entries with spaces]
Jm�na ke zv�razn�n�, z�stupn� znaky jako * a ? jsou povoleny, jednotliv� polo�ky se odd�luj� mezerami
[Highlight message text]
Zv�razn�n� textu zpr�vy
[Enable highlighting for message text]
Povolit zv�razn�n� textu zpr�vy
[Words to highlight, wildcards like * and ? are allowed, separate multiple entries with spaces. Leave it empty if you only want to highlight your own nick name.]
Slova ke zv�razn�n�, z�stupn� znaky jako * a ? jsou povoleny, jednotliv� polo�ky se odd�luj� mezerami. Ponechte pr�zdn� pokud chcete zv�raznit pouze va�i vlastn� p�ezd�vku.
[Highlight messages containing my own nick name]
Zv�raznit zpr�vy obsahuj�c� vlastn� p�ezd�vku
[Clear lo&g]
Vy&mazat z�znam
[Co&py all]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Word lookup]
Vyhled�v�n� slova
[Open a &new browser window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in current browser window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[&Copy link]
Z&kop�rovat odkaz
[Undo  ]
[Select All]
Vybrat v�e
[&Close tab]
&Zav��t panel
[C&lose other tabs]
Zav��t ostatn� pane&ly
[&Open at this position]
&Otev��t na stejn�m m�st�

; chat\clist.cpp
[Chat rooms]
M�stnosti chatu
[Join chat]
P�idat se do diskuse
[Open chat window]
Otev��t komunika�n� okno

; chat\log.cpp
[%s has joined]
P��chod: %s
[You have joined %s]
P��chod na %s
[%s has left]
Odchod: %s
[%s has disconnected]
Odpojen�: %s
[%s is now known as %s]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky: %s -> %s
[You are now known as %s]
Zm�na vlastn� p�ezd�vky: %s
[%s kicked %s]
Vykopnut�: %s -> %s
[Notice from %s]
Pozn�mka od %s
[The topic is \'%s%s\']
T�ma: \'%s%s\'
[ (set by %s on %s)]
 (nastavil %s na %s)
[ (set by %s)]
 (nastavil %s)
[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s]
Aktivace stavu: %s, \'%s\' pro %s
[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s]
Deaktivace stavu: %s, \'%s\' pro %s

; chat\options.cpp
[TabSRMM/Group Chats]
TabSRMM/Skupinov� rozhovory
[Group chat log background]
Pozad� skupinov�ho rozhovoru
[Input area background]
Pozad� oblasti pro psan� zpr�vy
[Log background]
Pozad� z�znamu
[TabSRMM/Single Messaging]
TabSRMM/Psan� zpr�vy
[Outgoing background]
Pozad� odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Incoming background]
Pozad� p��choz�ch zpr�v
[Status background]
Pozad� zm�n stavu
[Incoming background(old)]
Pozad� p��choz�ch zpr�v (star�ch)
[Outgoing background(old)]
Pozad� odchoz�ch zpr�v (star�ch)
[Horizontal Grid Lines]
Vodorovn� linky m��ky
[TabSRMM/Info Panel]
TabSRMM/Informa�n� panel
[Panel background low]
Pozad� panelu (doln�)
[Panel background high]
Pozad� panelu (horn�)
[TabSRMM/Common colors]
TabSRMM/Obecn� barvy
[Toolbar background high]
Pozad� tla��tkov� li�ty (horn�)
[Toolbar background low]
Pozad� tla��tkov� li�ty (doln�)
[Window fill color]
Barva v�pln� okna
[Text area borders]
Okraje textov�ch pol�
[Aero glow effect]
Aero efekt
[Generic text color (only when fill color is set)]
Obecn� barva textu (pouze je-li nastavena v�pl�)
[Normal text]
B�n� text
[Active text]
Aktivn� text
[Hovered text]
Ozna�en� text
[Unread text]
Nep�e�ten� text
[Normal background]
Pozad� b�n�ho textu
[Active background]
Pozad� aktivn�ho textu
[Hovered background]
Pozad� ozna�en�ho textu
[Unread background]
Pozad� nep�e�ten�ho textu
�asov� �daj
[Others nicknames]
Ostatn� p�ezd�vky
[Your nickname]
Va�e p�ezd�vka
[User has joined]
P��chod na kan�l
[User has left]
Odchod z kan�lu
[User has disconnected]
Odpojen� u�ivatele
[User kicked ...]
[User is now known as ...]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[Notice from user]
[Incoming message]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Outgoing message]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[The topic is ...]
Zobrazen� t�matu
[Information messages]
[User enables status for ...]
Aktivace stavu
[User disables status for ...]
Deaktivace stavu
[Action message]
[Highlighted message]
Zv�razn�n� zpr�va
[Chat log symbols (Webdings)]
Symboly v z�znamu chatu (Webdings)
[User list members (Online)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (online)
[User list members (away)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (pry�)
[>> Outgoing messages]
>> Odchoz� zpr�vy
[>> Outgoing misc events]
>> Odchoz� ud�losti
[<< Incoming messages]
<< P��choz� zpr�vy
[<< Incoming misc events]
<< P��choz� ud�losti
[>> Outgoing name]
>> Odchoz� jm�no
[>> Outgoing timestamp]
>> Odchoz� �asov� �daj
[<< Incoming name]
<< P��choz� jm�no
[<< Incoming timestamp]
<< P��choz� �asov� �daj
[>> Outgoing messages (old)]
>> Odchoz� zpr�vy (star�)
[>> Outgoing misc events (old)]
>> Odchoz� ud�losti (star�)
[<< Incoming messages (old)]
<< P��choz� zpr�vy (star�)
[<< Incoming misc events (old)]
<< P��choz� ud�losti (star�)
[>> Outgoing name (old)]
>> Odchoz� jm�no (star�)
[>> Outgoing timestamp (old)]
Odchoz� �asov� �daj (star�)
[<< Incoming name (old)]
<< P��choz� jm�no (star�)
[<< Incoming timestamp (old)]
P��choz� �asov� �daj (star�)
[* Message Input Area]
* Psan� zpr�v
[* Status changes]
* Zm�ny stavu
[* Dividers]
* Odd�lova�e
[* Error and warning Messages]
* Chyby a upozorn�n�
[* Symbols (incoming)]
* Symboly (p��choz�)
[* Symbols (outgoing)]
* Symboly (odchoz�)
[Contacts local time]
M�stn� �as kontaktu
[Window caption (skinned mode)]
Titulek okna (p�i pou�it� skinu)
[Open new chat rooms in the default container]
Otev�rat nov� m�stnosti ve v�choz�m kontejneru
[Flash window when someone speaks]
Zablikat oknem p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy
[Flash window when a word is highlighted]
Zablikat oknem p�i zv�razn�n� slova
[Create tabs or windows for highlight events]
Vytvo�it panely nebo okna p�i zv�razn�n�
[Activate chat window on highlight]
Aktivovat okno chatu p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show list of users in the chat room]
Zobrazit seznam u�ivatel� v m�stnosti
[Colorize nicknames in member list]
Obarvit p�ezd�vky v seznamu u�ivatel�
[Show button menus when right clicking the buttons]
Zobrazit kontextov� menu u tla��tek
[Show topic as status message on the contact list]
Zobrazit t�ma jako zpr�vu stavu v seznamu kontakt�
[Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room]
Neaktivovat okno po p��chodu do m�stnosti
[Hide or show the window by double click in the contact list]
Zobrazit nebo skr�t okno dvoj�m kliknut�m v seznamu kontakt�
[Sync splitter position with standard IM sessions]
Sd�let pozici odd�lova�e se standardn�mi rozhovory
[Show contact's status modes if supported by the protocol]
Zobrazit stav kontaktu, pokud je protokol podporuje
[Display contact's status icon before user role icon]
Zobrazit ikonu stavu kontaktu p�ed ikonou jeho role
[Use IRC style status indicators in the user list]
Pou��t IRC indik�tory stavu v seznamu u�ivatel�
[Use alternative sorting method in member list]
Pou��t alternativn� metodu t��d�n� v seznamu u�ivatel�
[Prefix all events with a timestamp]
P�ed ka�dou ud�lost p�idat �asov� �daj
[Timestamp only when event time differs]
Zobrazit �asov� �daj pouze pokud se li��
[Timestamp has same color as the event]
Pro �asov� �daj pou��t stejnou barvu jakou m� p��slu�n� ud�lost
[Indent the second line of a message]
Odsadit druh� ��dek dlouh� zpr�vy
[Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters]
Omezit d�lku jmen v z�znamu na 20 znak�
[Add a colon (:) to auto-completed user names]
P�idat dvojte�ku za automaticky dopln�n� jm�no
[Start private conversation on doubleclick in nick list (insert nick if unchecked)]
Zah�jit soukrom� rozhovor dvojklikem v seznamu u�ivatel� (jinak vlo�it p�ezd�vku)
[Strip colors from messages in the log]
Z�znam ukl�dat bez k�d� definuj�c� barvy
[Enable the \'event filter\' for new rooms]
Povolit \'filtrov�n� ud�lost�\' pro nov� m�stnosti
[Use IRC style status indicators in the log]
Pou��t IRC indik�tory stavu v z�znamu
[Allow clickable user names in the message log]
Povolit klikateln� u�ivatelsk� jm�na v z�znamu komunikace
[Colorize user names in message log]
Obarvit u�ivatelsk� jm�na v z�znamu komunikace
[Scale down icons to 10x10 pixels in the chat log]
Zm�nit velikost ikon na 10x10 pixel� v z�znamu chatu
[Place a separator in the log after a window lost its foreground status]
Um�stit odd�lova� do z�znamu jakmile okno p�estane b�t v pop�ed�
[Only place a separator when an incoming event is announced with a popup]
Um�stit odd�lova� pouze pokud je p��choz� ud�lost uvozena ozn�men�m
[Support the math module plugin]
Zapnout podporu matematick�ch symbol�
[Window Icon]
Ikona okna
[Icon overlay]
P�ekryvn� ikona
[Status 1 (10x10)]
Stav �.1 (10x10)
[Status 2 (10x10)]
Stav �.2 (10x10)
[Status 3 (10x10)]
Stav �.3 (10x10)
[Status 4 (10x10)]
Stav �.4 (10x10)
[Status 5 (10x10)]
Stav �.5 (10x10)
[Status 6 (10x10)]
Stav �.6 (10x10)
[Message in (10x10)]
P��choz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Message out (10x10)]
Odchoz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Action (10x10)]
Akce (10x10)
[Add Status (10x10)]
P�id�n� stavu (10x10)
[Remove Status (10x10)]
Odstran�n� stavu (10x10)
[Join (10x10)]
P��chod (10x10)
[Leave (10x10)]
Odchod (10x10)
[Quit (10x10)]
Odpojen� (10x10)
[Kick (10x10)]
Vykopnut� (10x10)
[Notice (10x10)]
Pozn�mka (10x10)
[Nickchange (10x10)]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky (10x10)
[Topic (10x10)]
T�ma (10x10)
[Highlight (10x10)]
Zv�razn�n� (10x10)
[Information (10x10)]
Informace (10x10)
[TabSRMM/Group chat windows]
TabSRMM/Skupinov� rozhovory
[TabSRMM/Group chat log]
TabSRMM/Z�znam diskuze
[Channel operators]
Spr�vci m�stnost�
[Half operators]
Polovi�n� spr�vci
[Extended mode 1]
Roz���en� m�d 1
[Extended mode 2]
Roz���en� m�d 1
[Selection background]
Pozad� v�b�ru
[Selected text]
Vybran� text
[Incremental search highlight]
Zv�razn�n� p�i vyhled�v�n�
[Fields background]
Pozad� pol�
[Userlist background]
Pozad� seznamu u�ivatel�

; chat\services.cpp

; chat\window.cpp
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
Zobrazit �i skr�t bo�n� li�tu

; src\buttonsbar.cpp
[Protocol Button]
Tla��tko protokolu
[Info button]
Informace o kontaktu
[Insert Emoticon]
Vlo�it smajl�k 
[Bold text]
Tu�n� text
[Italic text]
[Underlined text]
Podtr�en� text
[Strike-through text]
P�e�krtnut� text
[Select font color]
V�b�r barvy textu
[Send message\nClick dropdown arrow for sending options]
Poslat zpr�vu\nKliknut�m na �ipku zobraz�te mo�nosti odesl�n�
[Close session]
Zav��t rozhovor
[Quote last message OR selected text]
Citovat posledn� zpr�vu NEBO vybran� text
[Message Log Options]
Mo�nosti z�znamu komunikace
[View User's History]
Zobrazit historii
[Edit user notes]
Editovat pozn�mky u�ivatele
[Change background color]
Zm�nit barvu pozad�
[Toggle nick list]
P�epnout seznam u�ivatel�
[Event filter - right click to setup, left click to activate/deactivate]
Filtr ud�lost� - prav� tla��tko pro nastaven�, lev� pro aktivaci/deaktivaci
[Channel manager]
Spr�va kan�lu

; src\controls.cpp

; src\eventpopups.cpp
[One of your popup actions is set to DISMISS EVENT.\nNote that this options may have unwanted side effects as it REMOVES the event from the unread queue.\nThis may lead to events not showing up as "new". If you don't want this behaviour, please review the Event Notifications settings page.]
Jedna z akc� pro ozn�men� je nastavena na ZAV��T UD�LOST.\nToto nastaven� m��e m�t necht�n� vedlej�� ��inky, nebo� odstra�uje nep�e�ten� ud�losti z fronty.\nD�ky tomu se nemus� zobrazovat ud�losti jako \"nov�\". Pokud chcete zamezit tomuto chov�n�, zkontrolujte nastaven� v hlavn� nab�dce -> Mo�nosti -> Komunikace -> Ozn�men� ud�losti.
[Unknown module or contact]
Nezn�m� modul nebo u�ivatel

; src\globals.cpp
[&Messaging settings...]
&Nastaven� komunikace...
[&Send later job list...]
Fronta zpo�d�n�ch zpr�v...

; src\msgdialog.cpp
[Unforce failed]
Chyba p�i ru�en� vynucen�ho
[The selected protocol cannot be forced at this time]
Vybran� protokol nelze pr�v� te� vynutit

; src\msgoptions.cpp
[Message Sessions]
[Typing Notify]
Psan� zpr�vy
[Event notifications]
Ozn�men� ud�losti
[Message window skin]
Skin komunika�n�ho okna
Vlastn� �pravy
[Group Chats]
Skupinov� rozhovory

; src\msgs.cpp
[Image tag]
Tag obr�zku
[Quote text]
Citovat text
[Save and close]
Ulo�it a zav��t
[Send message]
Poslat zpr�vu
[Smiley button]
[Format bold]
[Format italic]
[Format underline]
[Font face]
[Font color]
Barva p�sma
[Format strike-through]
P�e�krtnut� text
[Background colour]
Barva pozad�
[Room settings]
Nastaven� m�stnosti
[Event filter]
Filtr ud�lost�
[Nick list]
Seznam p�ezd�vek
[Message delivery error]
Chyba p�i doru�ov�n� zpr�vy
Zm�na stavu
[Static container icon]
Pou��t pro kontejner statickou ikonu
[Sounds (status bar)]
Zvyky (stavov� li�ta)
[Pulldown Arrow]
Rozbalovac� �ipka
[Left Arrow]
�ipka doleva
[Right Arrow]
�ipka doprava
[Up Arrow]
�ipka nahoru
[Session List]
Seznam rozhovor�
[Frame 1]
Okno 1
[Frame 2]
Okno 2
[Frame 3]
Okno 3
[Frame 4]
Okno 4
TabSRMM/Tla��tkov� li�ta
[TabSRMM/Message Log]
TabSRMM/Z�znam komunikace
[TabSRMM/Animated Tray]
TabSRMM/Animace oznam.oblasti
[Clock symbol (for the info panel clock)]
Symbol hodin (pro hodiny informa�n�ho panelu)
[Feature disabled (used as overlay)]
Funkce zak�z�na (pou�ito jako p�ekryt�)
[Feature enabled (used as overlay)]
Funkce povolena (pou�ito jako p�ekryt�)

; src\srmm.cpp
[tabSRMM Message (%s)]
tabSRMM zpr�va (%s)
[Built %s %s]
Datum: %s %s

; src\templates.cpp
[Message In]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Message Out]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[Group In (Start)]
Seskupen� p��choz� (za��tek)
[Group Out (Start)]
Seskupen� odchoz� (za��tek)
[Group In (Inner)]
Seskupen� p��choz� (uvnit�)
[Group Out (Inner)]
Seskupen� odchoz� (uvnit�)
[Status change]
Zm�na stavu
[Error message]
Chybov� zpr�va

; src\translator.cpp
[Stay on Top]
V�dy navrchu
[Hide titlebar]
Skr�t z�hlav� okna
[Container options...]
Mo�nosti kontejneru...
[Message Session...]
[Attach to]
P�ipojit k
[Meta Contact]
Meta kontakt
Automatick� v�b�r
[Use Protocol]
Pou��t protokol
[Set Default Protocol]
Nastavit v�choz� protokol
[Nick name]
[Unique Id]
Inik�tn� Id
[%s: Chat Room (%u user%s)]
%s: m�stnost (��astn�k�: %u)
[%s: Chat Room (%u users%s)]
%s: m�stnost (��astn�k�: %u)
[, event filter active]
, filtr ud�lost� aktivn�
[%s: Message Session]
%s: rozhovor
[%s: Message Session (%u users)]
%s: rozhovor (��astn�k�: %u)
[The filter canoot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]
Filtr nelze povolit, nebo� nejsou vybr�ny ��dn� typy ud�lost�, a� u� glob�ln�, nebo pro tuto m�stnost.
[Event filter error]
Chyba filtru ud�lost�
[Text color]
Barva textu
[Background color]
Barva pozad�
[Container options]
Mo�nosti kontejneru
[Tabs at the top]
Panely naho�e
[Tabs at the bottom]
Panely v doln� ��sti okna
[Switch bar on the left side]
P�ep�nac� li�ta vlevo
[Switch bar on the right side]
P�ep�nac� li�ta vpravo
[Configure container options for\n%s]
Nastavit mo�nosti kontejneru pro\n%s
[Message &Log]
Z�z&nam hovoru
[Sounds are %s. Click to toggle status, hold SHIFT and click to set for all open containers]
Zvuky jsou %s. Kliknut�m stav zm�n�te, kliknut�m se SHIFTem nastav�te pro v�echny otev�en� kontejnery.
[Sending typing notifications is %s.]
Odes�l�n� upozorn�n� na psan� je %s.
[Extended status for %s: %s]
%s (roz���en� stav: %s)
[%s is using]
%s pou��v�
[Status message for %s (%s)]
%s (zpr�va stavu: %s)
[tabSRMM Information]
tabSRMM informace
[All message containers need to close before the skin can be changed\nProceed?]
V�echny kontejnery se zpr�vami mus� b�t p�ed aplikac� skinu zav�eny\nPokra�ovat?
[Change skin]
Zm�nit skin
[Warning: Popup plugin not found.]
Varov�n�: Popup plugin nenalezen.
[Warning: Current Popup plugin version is not supported.]
Varov�n�: St�vaj�c� verze Popup pluginu nen� podporov�na.
[...is typing a message.]
... p�e zpr�vu.
[...has stopped typing.]
... dopsal zpr�vu.
[Recent Sessions]
Posledn� rozhovory
[Last received: %s at %s]
Posledn� zpr�va p�ijata %s v %s
[There are %d pending send jobs. Message length: %d bytes, message length limit: %d bytes\n\n%d messages are queued for later delivery]
Po�et zah�jen�ch odesl�n�: %d\nD�lka zpr�vy: %d byt�\nLimit d�lky zpr�vy: %d byt�\nPo�et zpr�v za�azen�ch k pozd�j��mu doru�en�: %d
[General options]
Hlavn� mo�nosti
[Window layout]
Vzhled okna
[Tabs and switch bar]
Panely a p�ep�nac� li�ta
[Title bar]
Z�hlav� okna
[Window size and theme]
Velikost okna a vzhled
[Choose your options for the tabbed user interface. Not all options can be applied to open windows. You may need to close and re-open them.]
Zvolte sv� nastaven� pro panely. Ne v�echna nastaven� mohou b�t pou�ita na otev�en� okna. Mo�n� je bude pot�eba zav��t a znovu otev��t.
[Select, when you want to see event notifications (popups) for this window. The settings apply to all tabs within this window.]
Vyberte, pokud chcete vid�t upozorn�n� na ud�losti (popup) pro toto okno. Nastaven� bude pou�ito na v�echny panely uvnit� tohoto okna.
[You can select a private theme (.tabsrmm file) for this container which will then override the default message log theme. You will have to close and re-open all message windows after changing this option.]
M��ete vybrat vlastn� t�ma (soubor .tabsrmm) pro tento kontejner, kter� p�ep�e v�choz� t�ma z�znamu komunikace. Po t�to zm�n� bude nutn� zav��t a znovu otev��t v�echna komunika�n� okna.
[This feature requires Windows 2000 or later and may be unavailable when using a container skin.]
Tato funkce vy�aduje Windows 2000 nebo nov�j�� a m��e b�t nedostupn� p�i pou�it� skinu kontejneru.
[Unknown event]
Nezn�m� ud�lost
[New messages: ]
Nov� zpr�vy: 
[No status message]
��dn� zpr�va stavu
[%s is typing a message.]
%s p�e zpr�vu.
[Typing Notification]
Upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy
[Message from %s]
Zpr�va od: %s
[Select container for %s]
Vyberte kontejner pro %s
[This name is already in use]
Tento n�zev ji� byl pou�it
[You cannot rename the default container]
Nelze p�ejmenovat v�choz� kontejner
[You cannot delete the default container]
Nelze smazat v�choz� kontejner
[Error creating destination directory]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� c�lov�ho adres��e
[Save contact picture]
Ulo�it obr�zek kontaktu
[The file exists. Do you want to overwrite it?]
Soubor existuje. Chcete jej p�epsat?
[Topic is: %s]
T�ma je: %s
[no topic set.]
��dn� t�ma nezvoleno.
[%s has entered text.]
%s dopsal/a zpr�vu.
[Contact Picture Settings...]
Mo�nosti obr�zku...
[Set Your Avatar...]
Nastavit sv�j avatar...
[Do you want to also read message templates from the theme?\nCaution: This will overwrite the stored template set which may affect the look of your message window significantly.\nSelect cancel to not load anything at all.]
Chcete se vzhledem nahr�t tak� �ablony z�znamu?\nUPOZORN�N�: Tato volba p�ep�e ulo�enou sadu �ablon, co� m��e v�znam� ovlivnit vzhled z�znamu komunikace.\nPokud zvol�te Storno, nenahraje se v�bec nic.
[Load theme]
Nahr�t vzhled
[The 'paste and send' feature is disabled. You can enable it on the 'General' options page in the 'Sending Messages' section]
Funkce 'vlo�it a poslat' je vypnut�. M��ete ji zapnout v nab�dce Mo�nosti -> Komunikace -> Obecn�.
[Either the nudge plugin is not installed or the contact's protocol does not support sending a nudge event.]
��dn� plugin pro ��ouch�n� nen� nainstalov�n nebo protokol kontaktu nepodporuje zas�l�n� s�ouchnut�.
['(Unknown Contact)']
'(nezn�m� kontakt)'
[Use default codepage]
V�choz� k�dov�n�
[UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nRight click for MetaContact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.]
UID: %s (SHIFT klik -> kop�rovat do schr�nky)\nKliknout pro zobrazen� detail� u�ivatele\nKliknout prav�m pro spr�vu metakontakt�\nT�hnout pro p�id�n� nebo odebr�n� u�ivatele z obl�ben�ch.
[No UID]
��dn� UID
[UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (SHIFT klik -> kop�rovat do schr�nky)\nKliknout pro zobrazen� detail� u�ivatele\nT�hnout pro zm�nu obl�benosti tohoto u�ivatele.
[signed off.]
se odhl�sil/a.
[signed on and is now %s.]
se p�ihl�sil/a a je nyn� %s
[changed status from %s to %s.]
zm�nil/a stav z %s na %s.
[There are unsent messages waiting for confirmation.\nWhen you close the window now, Miranda will try to send them but may be unable to inform you about possible delivery errors.\nDo you really want to close the Window(s)?]
N�kter� neodeslan� zpr�vy �ekaj� na potvrzen�.\nPokud nyn� zav�ete komunika�n� okno, Miranda se je pokus� poslat, av�ak pokud se j� to nepoda��, mo�n� v�s nebude moci informovat o chyb�ch.\nOpravdu chcete zav��t toto okno?
[Message window warning]
Varov�n� komunika�n�ho okna
[You haven't selected any contacts from the list. Click the checkbox box next to a name to send the message to that person.]
Nebyl vybr�n ��dn� kontakt ze seznamu. Klikn�te na za�krt�v�tko vedle jm�na pro odesl�n� zpr�vy tomuto u�ivateli.
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
Zpr�vu se nepoda�ilo odeslat.\nKliknut�m otev�ete komunika�n� okno.
[A message delivery has failed after the contacts chat window was closed. You may want to resend the last message]
Nezda�ilo se doru�en� zpr�vy pot�, co kontakt zav�el okno. Po�lete zpr�vu znovu
[Multisend: successfully sent to: %s]
V�ce adres�t� - poda�ilo se odeslat pro: %s
[Message successfully queued for later delivery.\nIt will be sent as soon as possible and a popup will inform you about the result.]
Zpr�va �sp�n� za�azena pro pozd�j�� doru�en�.\nZpr�va bude odesl�na jakmile to bude mo�n� a ozn�men� v�s bude informovat o v�sledku.
[The send later feature is not available on this protocol.]
Tento protokol nepodporuje zpo�d�n� odes�l�n�.
[\n(Sent delayed. Original timestamp %s)]
\n(Odesl�no opo�d�n�. P�vodn� �as %s)
[Session list.\nClick left for a list of open sessions.\nClick right to access favorites and quickly configure message window behavior]
Seznam rozhovor�.\nKlikn�te lev�m pro zobrazen� seznamu otev�en�ch rozhovor�.\nKlikn�te prav�m pro p��stup k obl�ben�m a rychl�mu nastaven� chov�n� komunika�n�ho okna.
[Character Encoding]
K�dov� str�nka
[A message failed to send successfully.]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n� zpr�vy
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
UPOZORN�N�: Zpr�va, kterou se pokou��te vlo�it, je del��, ne� povolen� limit pro tento protokol. Zpr�va bude odesl�na po ��stech o maxim�ln� d�lce %d znak�
[The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent.]
UPOZORN�N�: Zpr�va, kterou se pokou��te vlo�it, je del��, ne� povolen� limit pro tento protokol. Bude odesl�no prvn�ch %d znak�
[Close Session]
Zav��t rozhovor
[Save and close session]
Ulo�it a zav��t rozhovor
[Autoscrolling is disabled (press F12 to enable it)]
Automatick� posouv�n� je vypnuto (stiskn�te F12 pro zapnut�)
[Click for contact menu\nClick dropdown for window settings]
Kliknut�m zobraz�te u�ivatelsk� menu\nKliknut�m na �ipku mo�nosti okna
[Send later]
Poslat pozd�ji
[Selection copied to clipboard]
V�b�r zkop�rov�n do schr�nky
[Autoscrolling is disabled, %d message(s) queued (press F12 to enable it)]
Automatick� posouv�n� je vypnuto, %d zpr�va/y) ve front� (stiskn�te F12 pro zapnut�)
[Unknown client]
nezn�m� klient
[No extended status message available]
��dn� zpr�va stavu nen� k dispozici
[Delivery failure: %s]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n�: %s
[The message send timed out]
�as na odesl�n� vypr�el
[Show Contact Picture]
Zobrazit obr�zek kontaktu
[You cannot edit user notes when there are unsent messages]
Nem��ete upravovat pozn�mky k u�ivateli pokud existuj� neodeslan� zpr�vy.
[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Editujete pozn�mky k u�ivateli. Stiskn�te tla��tko znovu nebo pou�ijte kl�vesovou zkratku (v�choz�: Alt-N) pro ulo�en� pozn�mek a n�vrat do norm�ln�ho re�imu
[Warning: you have selected a subprotocol for sending the following messages which is currently offline]
Upozorn�n�: vybrali jste offline protokol pro odesl�n� n�sleduj�c�ch zpr�v
[Contact is offline and this protocol does not support sending files to offline users.]
Kontakt je offline a tento protokol nepodporuje pos�l�n� soubor� offline u�ivatel�m
[Multisend: failed sending to: %s]
V�ce adres�t� - nezda�ilo se odeslat pro: %s
[Look up \'%s\':]
Vyhledat \'%s\'
[No word to look up]
Nen� co vyhledat
[Notice from %s: ]
Pozn�mka od %s:
[Highlight User...]
Ozna�it u�ivatele...
[Add user to highlight list]
P�idat u�ivatele do do seznamu ozna�en�ch
[Edit user highlight list]
Upravit seznam ozna�en�ch u�ivatel�
[Edit Highlight List...]
Upravit seznam ozna�en�ch u�ivatel�...
[Contact not on list. You may add it...]
Kontakt nen� v seznamu. M��ete ho p�idat...
[A send later job completed successfully.\nThe original message: %s]
Zpo�d�n� odes�l�n� prob�hlo �sp�n�.\nP�vodn� zpr�va: %s
[Copy To Clipboard]
Kop�rovat do schr�nky
[Open User Details...]
Otev��t detaily u�ivatele
[Messaging Settings...]
Nastaven� komunikace...
[Room Settings...]
Nastaven� m�stnosti...
[Open History...]
Otev��t historii...
[, %d %s, %d %s idle]
, %d %s, %d %s ne�inn�
[, %d %s idle]
, %d %s ne�inn�
[Contact avatars]
Avatary kontaktu
[%s wants your attention in %s]
%s ��d� o pozornost na kan�le %s
[%s speaks in %s]
%s p�e (na %s)
[%s has joined %s]
%s p�i�el (na %s)
[%s has left %s]
%s ode�el (z %s)
[%s kicked %s from %s]
%s vykopnul %s (z %s)
[Topic change in %s]
Zm�na t�matu na %s
[Information in %s]
Informace (na %s)
[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s aktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s deaktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s ��k�:%s %s
[%s has left (%s)]
%s ode�el (%s)
[%s has disconnected (%s)]
%s se odpojil (%s)
[%s kicked %s (%s)]
%s vykopnul %s (%s)
[Notice from %s: %s]
Pozn�mka od %s: %s
[The topic is \'%s\']
T�ma je \'%s\'
[The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)]
T�ma je \'%s\' (autor: %s)
[Sound notifications]
Zvukov� upozorn�n�
[%s    Idle: %dh,%02dm]
%s    Ne�inn�: %dh,%02dm
[\\tab \\ul\\b Status message:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s]
\\tab \\ul\\b Zpr�va stavu:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s
[\\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b Extended status information:\\ul0\\b0 \\par ]
\\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b Zpr�va roz���en�ho stavu:\\ul0\\b0 \\par
[\\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b Listening to:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s]

[\\par\\par\\ul\\b Client:\\ul0\\b0  %s]
\\par\\par\\ul\\b Klient:\\ul0\\b0  %s
[Insert [img] tag / surround selected text with [img][/img]]
Vlo�it zna�ku [img] / uzav��t vybran� text do [img][/img]
[Original timestamp]
P�vodn� �as
[Message text]
Text zpr�vy
[Last send info]
Informace o posledn�m odesl�n�
[<All contacts>]
<V�echny kontakty>
[Sent OK]
[Wait ACK]
�ek�m na ACK
[Configuration issue|The unattended send feature is disabled. The \\b1 send later\\b0  and \\b1 send to multiple contacts\\b0  features depend on it.\n\nYou must enable it under \\b1Options->Message Sessions->Advanced tweaks\\b0. Changing this option requires a restart.]
Probl�m v nastaven�|Funkce bezobslu�n�ho odes�l�n� je zak�z�na. Funkce \\b1 zpo�d�n� odes�l�n�\\b0  a \\b1 poslat v�ce kontakt�m\\b0  ji v�ak vy�aduj�.\n\nNutno povolit v \\b1Mo�nosti->Komunikace->Pokro�il� �pravy\\b0. Zm�na tohoto nastaven� vy�aduje restart.
[You are about to modify the state of one or more items in the\nunattended send queue. The requested action(s) will be executed at the next scheduled queue processing.\n\nThis action cannot be made undone.]
Upravujete jednu nebo v�ce polo�ek ve front� bezobslu�n�ho odes�l�n�. Po�adovan� akce budou provedeny p�i dal��m napl�novan�m zpracov�n� fronty.\n\nTato akce nem��e b�t vr�cena zp�t.
[Queue manager]
Mana�er fronty
[A send later job failed to complete.\nThe original message: %s]
Zpo�d�n� odes�l�n� selhalo.\nP�vodn� zpr�va: %s
[The message cannot be sent delayed or to multiple contacts, because it exceeds the maximum allowed message length of %d bytes]
Zpr�va nem��e b�t odesl�na, proto�e p�ekra�uje maxim�ln� povolenou d�lku %d byt�
[Default container]
V�choz� kontejner
[No description given]
Bez popisu
[Incoming file (invalid format]
P��choz� soubor (neplatn� form�t
[Incoming file]
P��choz� soubor
[Add this contact permanently to your contact list]
P�idat tento kontakt do seznamu natrvalo
[Do not add this contact permanently]
Nep�id�vat tento kontakt do seznamu
[Chat room %s]
Chatovac� m�stnost %s
[Server window]
Okno serveru
[%d Unread]
%d nep�e�teno
[%d User(s)]
%d U�ivatel/�
[Previews not availble when using History++ plugin for message log display.]
N�hled nen� dostupn� p�i pou�it� pluginu History++ pro zobrazen� z�znamu zpr�v.
[TabSRMM warning message]
TabSRMM varov�n�
[Use Global Setting]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�
[Always On]
V�dy zapnuto
[Always Off]
V�dy vypnuto
[Show always (if present)]
Zobrazit v�dy (je-li k dispozici)
[Never show it at all]
Nezobrazovat nikdy
[Force History++]
V�dy pou��t History++
[Force IEView]
V�dy pou��t IEView
[Force Default Message Log]
V�dy pou��t vestav�n� z�znam
[Simple Tags (*/_)]
Jednoduch� zna�ky */_
[Force Off]
V�dy vypnout
[Time zone service is missing]
Chyb� slu�ba �asov� z�ny
[Set messaging options for %s]
Nastaven� komunikace pro kontakt %s
[Message Log]
Z�znam komunikace
[No border]
Bez okraje
[1 pixel, solid]

[Rounded (only for internal avatar drawing)]
Zakulacen� (pouze pro intern� vykreslov�n� avataru)
[Globally on]
Glob�ln� zapnuto
[On, if present]
Jen kdy� je definovan�
[Globally OFF]
Glob�ln� vypnuto
[On, if present, always in bottom display]
Zapnuto, je-li uvedeno, v�dy zobrazit dole
[Don't show them]
[Window layout tweaks]
Rozvr�en� okna
[Load and apply]
[Set panel visibility for this %s]
Nastavit viditelnost panelu pro %s
[chat room]
chatovac� m�stnost
[Do not synchronize the panel height with IM windows]
Nesynchronizovat v��ku panelu s komunika�n�mi okny
[Do not synchronize the panel height with group chat windows]
Nesynchronizovat v��ku panelu s okny skupinov�ho chatu
[Inherit from container setting]
Odvodit z nastaven� kontejneru
[Always off]
V�dy vypnuto
[Always on]
V�dy zapnuto
[Use default size]
Pou��t v�choz� velikost
[Use private size]
Pou��t vlastn� velikost
[IEView plugin]
Styly (IEView)
[History++ plugin]
Dopln�k History++
[** New contacts **]
** nov� kontakty **
[** Unknown contacts **]
** nezn�m� kontakty **
[Always, but no popup when window is focused]
Poka�d�, krom� otev�en�ho okna ve v�hledu
[Only when no message window is open]
Jen kdy� nen� ��dn� komunika�n� okno otev�en�
[Normal - close tab, if last tab is closed also close the window]
Norm�ln� - zav��t panel, pokud je uzav�en posledn� panel, zav��t i okno
[Minimize the window to the task bar]
Minimalizovat okno
[Close or hide window, depends on the close button setting above]
Zav��t �i schovat okno, z�le�� na nastaven� uzav�rac�ho tla��tka
[Show balloon popup (unsupported system)]
Zobrazit ozn�men� bublinami (nepodporov�no)
[Choose status modes]
Vyberte stavy
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
p�ezd�vka st�vaj�c�ho kontaktu (pokud je definov�no)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiaccounts]
n�zev protokolu st�vaj�c�ho kontaktu (pokud je definov�n). N�zev ��tu je pou�it pokud protokol podporuje mo�nost v�ce ��t�
[UserID of current contact (if defined). It is like UIN Number for ICQ, JID for Jabber, etc.]
UID st�vaj�c�ho kontaktu (pokud je definov�no). To je jako UIN pro ICQ, JID pro Jabber atd.
[path to root miranda folder]
cesta ke ko�enov� slo�ce Mirandy
[path to current miranda profile]
cesta k aktu�ln�mu profilu Mirandy
[name of current miranda profile (filename, without extension)]
jm�no aktu�ln�ho profilu Mirandy (jm�no souboru bez p��pony)
[will return parsed string %miranda_profile%\\Profiles\\%miranda_profilename%]
navr�t� �et�zec %miranda_profile%\\Profiles\\%miranda_profilename%
[same as environment variable %APPDATA% for currently logged-on Windows user]
stejn� jako syst�mov� prom�nn� %APPDATA% pro aktu�ln� p�ihl�en�ho u�ivatele Windows
[username for currently logged-on Windows user]
jm�no pro aktu�ln� p�ihl�en�ho u�ivatele Windows
["My Documents" folder for currently logged-on Windows user]
slo�ka "Dokumenty" pro aktu�ln� p�ihl�en�ho u�ivatele Windows
["Desktop" folder for currently logged-on Windows user]
slo�ka "Plocha" pro aktu�ln� p�ihl�en�ho u�ivatele Windows
[any environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)]
n�jak� syst�mov� prom�nn� definovan� v aktu�ln� relaci Windows (jako %systemroot%, %allusersprofile% atd.)
[day of month, 1-31]
den m�s�ce, 1-31
[day of month, 01-31]
den m�s�ce, 01-31
[month number, 1-12]
��slo m�s�ce, 1-12
[month number, 01-12]
��slo m�s�ce, 01-12
[abbreviated month name]
zkr�cen� jm�no m�s�ce
[full month name]
cel� jm�no mes�ce
[year without century, 01-99]
rok bez stolet�, 01-99
[year with century, 1901-9999]
rok v�etn� stolet�, 1901-9999
[abbreviated weekday name]
zkr�cen� jm�no dne v t�dnu
[full weekday name]
pln� jm�no dne v t�dnu
[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
Nastaven� vzhledu a funkc� komunika�n�ch oken
[Appearance of the message log]
Nastaven� vzhledu z�znamu komunikace
[Select Folder]
Vyberte po�adovanou slo�ku
[No markers]
Bez odd�lova��
[Show as icons]
Zobrazit jako ikony
[Show as text symbols]
Zobrazit jako textov� symboly
[Template Set Editor]
Editor sady �ablon
[This will reset the template set to the default built-in templates. Are you sure you want to do this?]
Tato volba obnov� v�echny �ablony do p�vodn�ho stavu. Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Template set was successfully reset, please close and reopen all message windows. This template editor window will now close.]
Sada �ablon byla �sp�n� obnovena do p�vodn�ho stavu, nyn� zav�ete a otev�ete v�echna komunika�n� okna. Editor �ablon bude nyn� ukon�en. 
[Template editor help]
N�pov�da pro editor �ablon
[Tabs and layout]
Panely a rozvr�en�
[Message log]
Z�znam komunikace
[Tool bar]
Tla��tkov� li�ta
[Advanced tweaks]
Pokro�il� �pravy
[Log formatting]
Form�tov�n� z�znamu
[Events and filters]
Ud�losti a filtry
[You have chosen to use an external plugin for displaying the message history in the chat window. Most of the settings on this page are for the standard message log viewer only and will have no effect. To change the appearance of the message log, you must configure either IEView or History++.]
Vybrali jste extern� plugin pro zobrazen� z�znamu zpr�v v komunika�n�m okn�. Mnoho nastaven� v tomto okn� je pouze pro standardn� zobrazen� z�znamu komunikace, a proto nebude m�t ��dn� vliv. Pro zm�nu vhledu z�znamu komunika�n�ho okna mus�te nastavit IEView nebo History++.
[<no skin>]
<��dn� skin>
[Important release notes|A test warning message]
D�le�it� pozn�mka|Testovac� varovn� zpr�va
[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Editovat pozn�mky k u�ivateli|Editujete pozn�mky k u�ivateli. Klikn�te na tla��tko znovu nebo pou�ijte kl�vesovou zkratku (v�choz�: Alt-N) pro ulo�en� pozn�mek a n�vrat do norm�ln�ho re�imu
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
Aero n�hled - varov�n�|M�te povolen Aero n�hled a nahr�n vlastn� styl kontejneru\n\nTo m��e v�st k vedlej��m vizu�ln�m anom�li�m.
[Settings problem|The option \\b1 History->Imitate IEView API\\b0  is enabled and the History++ plugin is active. This can cause problems when using IEView as message log viewer.\n\nShould I correct the option (a restart is required)?]
Probl�m v nastaven�|Mo�nost \\b1 History->Imitate IEView API\\b0 je povolena a plugin History++ je aktivn�. To m��e v�st k probl�m�m p�i pou�it� IEView jako prohl�e�e z�znamu komunikace.\n\nMohu napravit nastaven� (vy�aduje restart)?
[Closing Window|You are about to close a window with multiple tabs open.\n\nProceed?]
Zav�r�n� okna|Pokou��te se zav��t okno s n�kolika otev�en�mi panely.\n\nPokra�ovat?
[Closing options dialog|To reflect the changes done by importing a theme in the options dialog, the dialog must be closed after loading a theme \\b1 and unsaved changes might be lost\\b0 .\n\nDo you want to continue?]
Zav�en� okna|Pro projeven� zm�n nahran�ho t�matu v okn� mo�nost�, mus� b�t po nahr�n� t�matu toto okno zav�eno\\b1 a neulo�en� zm�ny mohou b�t ztraceny\\b0 .\n\nP�ejete si pokra�ovat?
[Loading a theme|Loading a color and font theme can overwrite the settings defined by your skin.\n\nDo you want to continue?]
Nahr�n� t�matu|Nahr�n� barev a p�sma t�matu m��e p�epsat nastaven� definovan� va��m skinem.\n\nP�ejete si pokra�ovat?
[Message window tweaks]
Komunika�n� okno
[Error feedback]
Hl�en� o chyb�ch
[Show client icon in status bar (fingerprint plugin required)]
Zobrazit ikonu klienta ve stavov� li�t� (vy�aduje plugin fingerprint)
[Enable typing sounds]
Povolit zvuky psan�
[Disable animated GIF avatars (will not affect already open message windows)]
Zak�zat animovan� GIF avatary (nebude m�t vliv na pr�v� otev�en� komunika�n� okna)
[Close current tab on send]
Zav��t panel po odesl�n�
[Disable error popups on sending failures]
Zak�zat chybov� ozn�men� p�i neodesl�n� zpr�vy
[Use Aero Glass for the message window (Vista+)]
Pou��t Aero Glass pro komunika�n� okno (Vista+)
[Use Windows 7 task bar features for tabbed windows (*)]
Pou��t roz���en� funkce hlavn�ho panelu Windows 7 pro panely (*)
[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
Automatick� rozlo�en� kl�vesnice: Nenahr�vat v�choz� rozlo�en� syst�mu pro nov� kontakt
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Povolit bezobslu�n� odes�l�n� (experiment�ln� funkce vy�adovan� pro mnohon�sobn� �i zpo�d�n� odes�l�n�) (*)
[Show a preview of the event]
Zobrazit n�hled ud�losti
[Don't announce event when message dialog is open]
Neoznamovat, je-li konverza�n� okno otev�eno
[Don't announce events from RSS protocols]
Neoznamovat ud�losti z RSS �te�ky
[Enable the system tray icon]
Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovac� oblasti
[Merge new events for the same contact into existing popup]
Spojit nov� ud�losti pro jeden kontakt do existuj�c�ho ozn�men�
[Show headers]
Zobrazit z�hlav� ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Dismiss popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Open event]
Otev��t ud�lost
[Dismiss event]
Ozna�it ud�lost jako zhl�dnutou
[Disable event notifications for instant messages]
Zak�zat ozn�men� ud�lost� pro b�nou komunikaci
[Disable event notifications for group chats]
Zak�zat ozn�men� ud�lost� pro skupinov� chat
[Disable notifications for non-message events]
Zak�zat ozn�men� pro ud�losti nesouvisej�c� se zpr�vami
[Remove popups for a contact when the message window is focused]
Odstranit ozn�men� kontaktu pokud je komunika�n� okno aktivn�
[Remove popups for a contact when I start typing a reply]
Odstranit ozn�men� kontaktu jakmile za�nu ps�t odpov��
[Remove popups for a contact when I send a reply]
Odstranit ozn�men� kontaktu jakmile po�lu odpov��
[Disable notifications]
Vypnout ozn�men�
[System tray icon]
Ikona v oznamovac� oblasti
[Left click actions (popups only)]
Kliknut� lev�ho tla��tka my�i na ozn�men�
[Right click actions (popups only)]
Kliknut� prav�ho tla��tka my�i na ozn�men�
[Timeout actions (popups only)]
Vypr�en� �asov�ho limitu ozn�men�
[Combine notifications for the same contact]
Kombinovat ozn�men� pro jeden kontakt
[Remove popups under following conditions]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� p�i t�chto podm�nk�ch:
[Message window behaviour]
Chov�n� komunika�n�ho okna
[Sending messages]
Odes�l�n� zpr�v
[Other options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Send on SHIFT - Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� SHIFT+ENTER
[Send message on 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Send message on double 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Minimize the message window on send]
Minimalizovat okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Close the message window on send]
Zav��t okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Always flash contact list and tray icon for new messages]
V�dy blikat v seznamu kontakt� a v oznam. oblasti p�i nov� zpr�v�
[Delete temporary contacts on close]
Smazat do�asn� kontakty po zav�en� okna
[Enable "Paste and send" feature]
Povolit funkci "Vlo�it a poslat"
[Allow BBCode formatting in outgoing messages]
Povolit form�tov�n� pomoc� BBCode v odchoz�ch zpr�v�ch
[Automatically split long messages (experimental, use with care)]
Automaticky rozd�lovat p��li� dlouh� zpr�vy (experiment�ln� fce)
[Message log appearance]
Vzhled z�znamu komunikace
[Support for external plugins]
Podpora extern�ch dopl�k�
[Additional events to show]
Zobrazen� dal��ch ud�lost�
[Timestamp settings (note: timstamps also depend on your templates)]
Nastaven� �asov�ch �daj� (pozn.: rovn� z�vis� na va�ich �ablon�ch)
[Message log icons]
Ikony v z�znamu komunikace
[Show file events]
Zobrazit informace o p�enosu soubor�
[Show timestamps]
Zobrazit �asov� �daje
[Show dates in timestamps]
Zobrazit datum v �asov�m �daji
[Show seconds in timestamps]
Zobrazit sekundy v �asov�m �daji
[Use contacts local time (if timezone info available)]
Pou��t lok�ln� �as kontaktu (je-li dostupn� informace o z�n�)
[Draw grid lines]
Zobrazit m��ku
[Event type icons in the message log]
Ikona typu ud�losti v z�znamu komunikace
[Text symbols as event markers]
Znaky jako ozna�en� ud�losti
[Use Incoming/Outgoing Icons]
Pou��t p��choz� a odchoz� ikony
[Use Message Grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Indent message body]
Odsadit t�lo zpr�vy
[Simple text formatting (*bold* etc.)]
Prost� form�tov�n� textu (*tu�n�* atd.)
[Support BBCode formatting]
Form�tovat text pomoc� BBCode
[RTL is default text direction]
Zprava doleva je v�choz� sm�r psan�
[Support Math Module plugin]
Zapnout podporu matematick�ch symbol�
[Show events at the new line (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Zobrazit ud�losti na nov�m ��dku (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Underline timestamp/nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Podtrhnout �as/p�ezd�vku (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Show timestamp after nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Zobrazit �as za p�ezd�vkou (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Log status changes]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny stavu
[Automatically copy selected text]
Automaticky kop�rovat vybran� text
[Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates if your template set supports them)]
Pou��t norm�ln� �ablony (po odzna�en� se pou�ij� jednoduch� �ablony, pokud to sada dovoluje)
[Tab options]
Mo�nosti panel�
[How to create tabs and windows for incoming messages]
Vytv��en� z�lo�ek a oken pro p��choz� zpr�vy
[Miscellaneous options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Show status text on tabs]
Zobrazit text stavu na panelu
[Prefer xStatus icons when available]
Preferovat ikonu roz���en�ho stavu
[Detailed tooltip on tabs (requires mToolTip or Tipper plugin)]
Zobrazit tipy nad panely (vy�aduje mToolTip �i Tipper)
[ALWAYS activate new message sessions (has PRIORITY over the options below)]
V�DY aktivovat panel/okno s novou zpr�vou (m� PRIORITU p�ed nastaven�m uveden�m d�le)
[Automatically create new message sessions without activating them]
Automaticky (bez nutnosti aktivov�n�) vytvo�it panel/okno p�i p�ijet� nov� zpr�vy
[New windows are minimized (the option above MUST be active)]
Nov� okna jsou minimalizov�na (pouze pokud je povoleno nastaven� nad t�mto nastaven�m)
[Activate a minimized window when a new tab is created inside it]
Aktivovat minimalizovan� okno pokud je v n�m vytvo�en nov� panel
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Automaticky p�ep�nat existuj�c� panely v minimalizovan�m okn� p�i p��choz�ch zpr�v�ch (ignorov�no p�i pou�it� Aero n�hledu v hlavn�m panelu)
[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
Zapamatovat a nastavit rozlo�en� kl�vesnice pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[Close button only hides message windows]
Zav�rac� tla��tko pouze skryje komunika�n� okno
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
Povolit kl�vesu TAB v ��sti psan� zpr�vy (vypne ozna�ov�n� dal��ho prvku okna pomoc� kl�vesy TAB)
[Add offline contacts to multisend list]
P�id�vat offline kontakty do seznamu v�ce p��jemc�

; src\typingnotify.cpp
[Disable &typing notification]
Vypnout &upozorn�n� na psan�
[Enable &typing notification]
Zapnout &upozorn�n� na psan�

; resource.rc
[TabSRMM exception]
TabSRMM v�jimka
[Copy to clipboard]
Kop�rovat do schr�nky
[Exit Miranda]
Ukon�it Mirandu
[Although the exception was caught and you may continue working with Miranda, you should restart the program as soon as possible. The exception may have damaged internal data structures and can have a serious impact on stability.]
A�koliv byla v�jimka zachycena a vy m��ete pokra�ovat v pr�ci s Mirandou, m�li byste ji restartovat jakmile to bude mo�n�. V�jimka m��e po�kodit vnit�n� datov� struktury a a m��e m�t z�sadn� vliv na stabilitu.
[Customize the panel]
P�izp�sobit panel
[Scope of settings]
Mo�nosti nastaven�
[Use global or private panel height]
Pou��t glob�ln� nebo vlastn� v��ku panelu
[Set size to]
Nastavit velikost na
[Compact (1 Line)]
Kompaktn� (1 ��dek)
[Normal (2 Lines)]
Norm�ln� (2 ��dky)
[Tip: To use a custom size you can always drag the bottom edge of the panel]
Tip: Pro nastaven� vlastn� velikosti t�hn�te za doln� okraj panelu
[Note: All settings are applied immediately]
Pozn�mka: V�echno nastaven� bude pou�ito okma�it�
[The container is using private settings. The panel  height  will not be shared with other containers.]
Kontejner pou��v� vlastn� nastaven�. V��ka panelu nebude stejn� s ostatn�mi kontejnery.
[Show picture for this contact]
Zobrazit obr�zek pro tento kontakt
[Message send timeout]
�asov� limit na odesl�n�
[Input history size]
Uchovat v historii odes�l�n�
[Options marked with an asterisk (*) will only take effect after Miranda has been restarted.]
Mo�nosti ozna�en� (*) vejdou v platnost po restartu Mirandy
[More about advanced tweaks]
V�ce o pokro�il�ch �prav�ch
[Revert to (safe) defaults]
Obnovit v�choz� hodnoty
[Event notify options]
Nastaven� ozn�men� ud�losti
[Limit message preview to]
Omezit n�hled zpr�vy na
[Only show event notifications when my status is...]
Oznamovat ud�losti pouze ve stavu...
[Popup Options]
Mo�nosti ozn�men�
[Timeout (seconds, 0 = default, -1 = no timeout)]
�asov� limit (sekundy, 0 = v�choz�, -1 = bez limitu)
[Default colors]
V�choz� barvy
[Group chats]
Skupinov� rozhovory
[Use the message log color theme for group chat popups]
Pou��t barevn� sch�ma z�znamu komunikace pro skupinov� chat
[No compatible popup plugin was found. The event notification\nsystem is not available.]
Nebyl nalezen ��dn� podporovan� popup plugin. Ozn�men� ud�lost�\nnen� dostupn�.
[All modes]
V�echny stavy
[Choose modes]
V�b�r stav�
[Message log view mode (does not affect open windows)]
Styl z�znamu komunikace (nem� vliv na otev�en� okna)
[Select how to display the message log. This setting can be ignored when one of the listed plugins is not installed.]
Vyberte, jak zobrazit z�znam komunikace. Toto nastaven� nebude zohledn�no, pokud nen� n�kter� z n�sleduj�c�ch dopl�k� nainstalov�n.
[Send text formatting method]
Form�tov�n� odes�lan�ho textu
[You can override the global setting for text formatting here. Use "Force Off" to never send formatting info for this contact.]
Zde je mo�no zvolit jin� form�tov�n� textu, ne� je v glob�ln�ch nastaven�ch. Zvol�te-li "V�dy vypnout", nebude se tomuto kontaktu odes�lat form�tov�n� nikdy.
[ANSI codepage]
K�dov� str�nka ANSI
[Codepage for ANSI encoding/decoding when sending or receiving non-unicode messages.]
K�dov� str�nka pro ANSI k�dov�n�/dek�dov�n� p�i komunikaci bez unicode. 
[Info panel mode]
Re�im info panel
[Show avatar in message window]
Zobrazit avatar v komunika�n�m okn�
[Use private splitter position]
Pou��t soukrom� odd�lova�
[Contact is a favorite contact]
Kontakt je mezi obl�ben�mi
[Force ANSI send / receive]
V�dy odes�lat/p�ij�mat v ANSI
[Ignore sending timeouts]
Neupozor�ovat na vypr�en� �asu doru�en�
[Load only actual history]
Na��st pouze aktu�ln� historii
[Always trim message log to]
Max. po�et ud�lost� v z�znamu
[Only show tab bar when it's needed]
Skr�t li�tu s panely, je-li jen jeden
[Container stays on top]
Kontejner v�dy navrchu
[Vertical maximize]
Maxim�ln� v��ka
[Close or hide inactive container after]
Zobrazit nebo schovat neaktivn� kontejner
[sec. (0=never)]
s (0=nikdy)
[Automatically size input area (*)]
Automatick� velikost vstupn�ho pole (*)
[Use default setting]
Pou��t v�choz� stav
[Flash until focused]
Blikat do pov�imnut�
[Disable flashing]
Vypnout blik�n�
[Enable popups if minimized]
Oznamovat p�i minim. okn�
[Enable popups if unfocused]
Oznamovat p�i neaktivn�m okn�
[Show popups for inactive tabs in active containers]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� pro neaktivn� panely v aktivn�ch kontejnerech
[Hide the status bar]
Skr�t stavovou li�tu
[Hide the menu bar]
Skr�t hlavn� nab�dku
[User ID in status bar]
ID u�ivatele ve stavov� li�t�
[Hide the tool bar]
Skr�t li�tu s tla��tky
[Place the tool bar at the bottom (*)]
Um�stit tla��tkovou li�tu dole (*)
[Show the info panel]
Zobrazit info panel
[Hide title bar]
Skr�t z�hlav� okna
[Title bar format]
Form�t z�hlav� okna
[Available formats]
Dostupn� form�ty
[Use this to specify a private message log theme for this container. This will have no effect when using IEView or another message log viewer and should NOT be confused with skins.]
Pou�ijte pro specifikaci vlastn�ho t�matu z�znamu komunikace pro tento kontejner. Nem� vliv p�i pou�it� IEView nebo jin�ho zobrazova�e z�znamu komunikace a nem�lo by b�t v rozporu se skiny.
[Use global container size and position]
Pou��t glob�ln� velikost a um�st�n� kontejneru
[Save current as global]
Ulo�it nastaven� jako glob�ln�
[Enable transparency]
Povolit pr�hlednost
[When checked, this container will use private settings, otherwise settings are shared among containers.]
Je-li za�krtnuto, tento kontejner bude pou��vat vlastn� nastaven�, jinak bude nastaven� sd�leno mezi kontejnery.
[Tab location]
Um�st�n� panelu
[When using the switch bar, use the following layout]
P�i pou�it� p�ep�nac� li�ty pou��t n�sleduj�c� rozvr�en�
[Flash event icon on tab]
Blikat ikonou ud�losti v z�lo�ce
[Flash text label on tabs]
Blikat textem v z�lo�ce
[Single row tab control (*)]
Panely v jednom ��dku (*)
[Close button on tabs]
Zav�rac� tla��tko na z�lo�ce
[Use button tabs (*)]
Pou��t tla��kov� panely (*)
[You have chosen to disable all event notifications for open message windows.]
Zak�zali jste v�echna ozn�men� ud�lost� pro otev�en� komunika�n� okna.
[Show contact avatars]
Zobrazit avatary kontakt�
[Show my own avatars]
Zobrazit m� avatary
[Show avatars on task bar (Win 7, large task bar required)]
Zobrazit avatary v hlavn�m panelu (Win 7, vy�aduje velk� ikony na hlavn�m panelu)
[Enable sound effects]
Povolit zvukov� efekty
[Play sounds when minimized]
P�ehr�vat zvuky p�i minimalizovan�m okn�
[Play sounds when not focused]
P�ehr�vat zvuky p�i neaktivn�m okn�
[Play sounds for inactive tabs in active containers]
P�ehr�vat zvuky pro neaktivn� panely v aktivn�m kontejneru
[Play sounds for the active tab / window]
P�ehr�vat zvuky pro aktivn� panely/okna
[Options marked with an asterisk (*) do not affect open message windows.]
Nastaven� ozna�en� pomoc� (*) se projev� a� po uzav�en� a op�tovn�m otev�en� komunika�n�ho okna.
[Message window options]
Mo�nosti komunika�n�ho okna
[Avatar options (size and scaling only for bottom avatar display)]
Mo�nosti avataru (zm�ny velikosti plat� pouze pro avatar vespod)
[Maximum display height (pixels)]
Maxim�ln� v��ka zobrazen� (pixely)
[(0 = no limit)]
(0 = neomezen�)
[Try to keep original size]
Udr�ovat p�vodn� velikost
[Help on this]
[Reset all hidden warnings]
Obnovit v�echna skryt� ozn�men�
[Indent values]
Velikost odsazen�
[Template sets]
Sady �ablon
[Standard templates...]
Standardn� �ablony...
[RTL templates...]
�ablony Zprava doleva...
[Load History Events]
Na�ten� historie
[Load unread events only]
Pouze nep�e�ten� ud�losti
[Load number of previous events]
Konkr�tn� po�et p�edchoz�ch ud�lost�
[Load previous events less than]
P�edchoz� ud�losti star�� m�n� ne�
[minutes old]
[Global message log display]
Zobrazen� glob�ln�ho z�znamu komunikace
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to the them:]
Poslat upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy t�mto vybran�m kontakt�m:
[          Show typing notifications in the message window]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� o psan� v komunika�n�m okn�
[Flash window once on typing events (only if flashing enabled)]
Zablikat jednou oknem jako upozorn�n� na psan� (p�i povolen�m blik�n�)
[          Show typing notifications in the contact list and tray]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� o psan� v seznamu kontakt� a oznam.oblasti
[Show typing notification when message dialog is open]
Upozor�ovat na psan� kdy� je komunika�n� okno otev�en�
[Show typing notification when no message dialog is open]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� i v p��pad�, �e nen� otev�eno okno
[Show balloon tooltip in the system tray]
Zobrazit bublinovou n�pov�du v oznamovac� oblasti
[          Show popups when a user is typing]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� pokud u�ivatel p�e
[More about typing notifications]
V�ce o oznamov�n� psan�
[Setup status modes for automatic tab creation...]
Vybrat stavy pro automatick� vytv��en� panel�...
[Limit nicknames on tabs to]
Omezit d�lku p�ezd�vky na panelu na
[ESC key behavior]
Chov�n� kl�vesy ESC
[Select container]
Vybrat kontejner
[Available containers]
Seznam kontejner�
[Create a new container]
Nov� kontejner
[Create new]
[Show in IM chats]
Zobrazit v b�n� komunikaci
[Show in chat rooms]
Zobrazit v chatovac�ch m�stnostech
[Gap between buttons:]
Mezera mezi tla��tky:
[Hide if there isn't enough space]
Skr�t pokud nen� dost m�sta
[Insert Separator]
Vlo�it odd�lova�
[To set container options, please use the container settings dialog. It is available by:\n1. choosing "container settings" from the system menu of a container.\n2. right clicking the tab or the button bar in any message window.]
Okno s mo�nostmi nastaven� kontejneru lze zobrazit dv�ma zp�soby:\n1. Vyberte polo�ku 'Mo�nosti kontejneru' z nab�dky kontejneru.\n2. V komunika�n�m okn� klikn�te prav�m tla��tkem na panel �i tla��tkovou li�tu.
[Tabs should be used in the following way]
Panely by m�ly b�t pou�ity n�sleduj�c�m zp�sobem
[Use contact list groups for organizing tabs (one window per group)]
Pou��t skupiny kontakt� pro organizaci z�lo�ek (jedno okno pro ka�dou skupinu)
[Tabbed interface, limit the maximum number of tabs per window to:]
Rozhran� se panely, maxim�ln� po�et panel� v okn�:
[No tabs at all, each session has its own top level window]
��dn� panely, ka�d� rozhovor m� sv� vlastn� okno
[Default mode (tabbed interface, manual assignments)]
V�choz� nastaven� (rozhran� s panely, ru�n� p�i�azov�n�)
[Container flashing]
Blik�n� kontejneru
[Flash containers]
Po�et zablik�n�
[Flash interval]
Interval blik�n�
[Help on containers]
N�pov�da ke kontejner�m
[Aero effect]
Aero efekt
[...is &typing]
... p�e zpr�&vu
[...stopped t&yping]
... &dopsal zpr�vu
[U&se Popup colours]
Pou��t glob�ln� na&staven�
[&Use Windows colours]
Po&u��t barvy Windows
[Only &one popup for each contact]
Pouze jedn&o ozn�men� na kontakt
[Show &entry in the main menu]
Zobrazit polo�ku v hlavn�m m&enu
[PopUp timeout (is typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (p�i psan�)
[From PopUp plugin]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[From protocol]
Dle protokolu
[PopUp timeout (stopped typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (po dops�n�)
[Edit template]
Editace �ablony
[Double click a template to edit it. Select a template from the list box and click "Update Preview" to show a preview message.]
�ablonu lze za��t upravovat dvoj�m kliknut�m. N�hled zobraz�te kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Obnovit n�hled'.
[Get more help on variables]
Podrobn�j�� n�pov�da pro prom�nn�
[Define up to 5 colors which you can use with some variables]
Zde je mo�no nastavit a� 5 barev pro n�kter� prom�nn�
[Update Preview]
Obnovit n�hled
[Save Template]
Ulo�it �ablonu
[Revert to Default]
Obnovit v�choz�
[Reset all templates...]
Reset v�ech �ablon...
[Default width for fixed (single row) tabs]
V�choz� ���ka pro panely (pro panely v jednom ��dku)
[Tab text label padding vertical]
Odstazen� textu v panelu svisl�
[Tab page padding:]
Odsazen� panel�:
[Bottom tabs vertical adjustment:]
Svisl� odsazen� panel� vespod:
[NOTE: some settings will not affect open containers.]
Pozn.: N�kter� nastaven� hned neovlivn� otev�en� kontejnery.
[Tab layout tweaks]
Rozvr�en� z�lo�ek
[About tabSRMM]
[Support and latest version information]
Podpora, hl�en� chyb a informace o nov�ch verz�ch
[Selected skin]
Vybran� skin
[Load this skin on startup]
Na��st vybran� skin p�i spu�t�n�
[Reload active skin]
Obnovit aktivn� skin
[Skin options]
Mo�nosti skinu
[Load fonts and colors provided by skin]
Nahr�t se skinem i p�sma a barvy
[Load templates provided by skin (use with care, will overwrite your templates)]
Nahr�t se skinem i vzhled z�znamu (tato volba p�ep�e va�e �ablony)
[Skin root folder]
Ko�enov� slo�ka skinu
[Before you can load or unload a skin, you must close all message windows.]
P�ed t�m, ne� m��ete nahr�t �i zru�it skin, mus�te zav��t v�echna komunika�n� okna.
[Close open message windows now]
Zav��t v�echna komunika�n� okna nyn�
[Theme support]
Podpora t�mat
[You can export and import all your color and font settings here. This allows you to create a Theme file which can be shared between different profiles or with your buddies.]
Zde m��ete exportovat �i nahr�t v�echna va�e nastaven� barev a p�sem. Umo��uje vytvo�it soubor t�matu, kter� m��ete sd�let mezi r�zn�mi profily nebo s va�imi p��teli.
[Export to a file...]
Exportovat do souboru...
[Import from a file...]
Importovat ze souboru...
[Use different icons to mark incoming and outgoing messages]
Pou��t r�zn� ikony pro ozna�en� p��choz�ch a odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Date and time]
Datum a �as
[Show seconds in timestamp]
Zobrazit sekundy v �asov�m �daji
[Show date in timestamps]
Zobrazit datum v �asov�m �daji
[Use contacts local time]
Pou��t lok�ln� �as kontaktu
[Display grid lines]
Zobrazit m��ku
[Message grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Support BBCODE]
Podporovat BBCODE
[Log status changes (in open message windows only)]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny stavu (pouze p�i otev�en�m okn�)
[Revert to global options]
Resetovat nastaven�
[You can set private message log options for this contact here. Filled boxes are inherited from the global settings which can be found on Message Sessions->Message Log]
Zde si m��ete nastavit z�znam rozhovoru pro konkr�tn� kontakt. P�edvypln�n� hodnoty jsou p�evzaty z glob�ln�ho nastaven�, kter� se nach�z� v Komunikace -> Z�znam komunikace
[Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates)]
Pou��t norm�ln� �ablony (odzna�en�m se pou�ij� jednoduch�)
[Co&py All]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Select &All]
Vybr&at v�e
[Clear Log]
Vymazat z�znam
[Freeze Log]
Pozastavit z�znam
[Open in &new window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in existing window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[Paste formatted Text]
Vlo�it form�tovan� text
[Paste and Send immediately]
Vlo�it a Poslat ihned
[Copy all]
Zkop�rovat v�e
[Select all]
Vybrat v�e
[Show Message Length Indicator]
Zobrazit indik�tor d�lky zpr�vy
[Close Tab]
Zav��t panel
[Leave Chat Room]
Opustit m�stnost
[Save Tab Position]
Ulo�it rozm�st�n� panel�
[Clear saved Tab Position]
Vymazat ulo�en� rozm�st�n� panel�
[Attach to Container...]
P�ipojit ke kontejneru...
[Container Options...]
Mo�nosti kontejneru...
[Close Container]
Zav��t kontejner
[Hidden for this Contact]
Skryt� pro tento kontakt
[Visible for this Contact]
Viditeln� pro tento kontakt
[Always keep the button bar at full width]
Udr�ovat li�tu s tla��tky v pln� ���i
[Save this Picture As...]
Ulo�it tento obr�zek jako.. 
[&Message Log Settings]
&Mo�nosti z�znamu komunikace
[&For this Contact...]
&Pro tento kontakt...
[Send &Default]
Poslat &kontaktu
[Send to &multiple Users]
Poslat v�ce u�ivatel�&m
[Send to &Container]
Poslat &v�em v kontejneru
[Send &Later]
Pos&lat pozd�ji
[Force &ANSI]
V�dy poslat jako &ANSI
[Send unsafe (ignore Timeouts)]
Poslat bez ov��en� (ignorovat chyby doru�en�)
[Send Nudge]
[Splitter Position]
Pozice odd�lova�e
[Send Text Formatting]
Form�tov�n� textu
[This Contact]
Tento kontakt
[Global Setting]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[Show the Tray Icon]
Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovac� oblasti
[Disable All Event Notifications]
Vypnout v�echna ozn�men� ud�losti
[Don't create Windows automatically]
Nevytv��et okna automaticky
[Hide all Message Containers]
Skr�t v�echny kontejnery
[Restore all Message Containers]
Obnovit v�echny kontejnery
[Don't play Sounds]
Nep�ehr�vat zvuky
[Be "Super Quiet"]
Supertich� re�im
[Default Color]
V�choz� barva
[Clear all Formatting]
Vy�istit v�echna form�tov�n�
[No Message Sessions opened]
Nen� otev�en ��dn� rozhovor
[Add Contact to Favorites]
P�idat kontakt do obl�ben�ch
[Remove Contact from Favorites]
Ostranit kontakt z obl�ben�ch
[Set Position for this Session]
Nastavit pozici pro tento rozhovor
[Set and Save for all Sessions]
Nastavit a ulo�it pro v�echny rozhovory
[Set and Save for this Contact only]
Nastavit a ulo�it pro tento kontakt
[Revert to old Position]
Vr�tit p�vodn� pozici
[Mark Selected for Removal]
Ozna�it vybran� pro vyjmut�
[Reset Selected]
Obnovit vybran�
[Cancel all Multisend Jobs]
Zru�it mnohon�sobn� odes�l�n�
[Copy Message to Clipboard]
Kop�rovat zpr�vu do schr�nky
[Save Message Log As...]
Ulo�it z�znam jako...
[Close Message Session\tCtrl-W]
Ukon�it rozhovor\tCtrl-W
[Close Container\tAlt-F4]
Zav��t kontejner\tAlt-F4
[Show Menu Bar]
Zobrazit hlavn� nab�dku
[Show Status Bar]
Zobrazit stavovou li�tu
[Info Panel...]
Informa�n� panel...
[Tool Bar]
Tla��tkov� li�ta
[Show Tool Bar]
Zobrazit li�tu s tla��tky
[Place ToolBar at bottom]
Tla��tkov� li�ta v doln� ��sti okna
[Title Bar]
Z�hlav� okna
[Tabs at Bottom]
Panely vespod okna
[Window Flashing]
Blik�n� okna
[Use default Value]
Pou��t v�choz�
[Disable Flashing]
Zak�zat blik�n�
[Show Multisend Contact List]
Zobrazit seznam hromadn�ho odesl�n�
[Event Popups]
Ozn�men� ud�lost�
[Disable all Event Popups]
Zak�zat ozn�men� v�ech ud�lost�
[Show Popups if Window is minimized]
Zobrazit ozn�men�, je-li okno minimalizovan�
[Show Popups if Window is unfocused]
Zobrazit ozn�men�, je-li okno neaktivn�
[Show Popups for all inactive sessions]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pro neaktivn� rozhovory
[Save current Window Position as Default]
Pou��t um�st�n� okna jako v�choz�
[About tabSRMM...]
O tabSRMM...
[Queued send jobs]
Fronta odes�l�n�
[Queued jobs]
Fronta akc�
[Filter by contact:]
Filtrovat podle kontaktu:
[Display popups for failed jobs]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i ne�sp�n� akci
[Display ozn�men� for completed jobs]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pro dokon�en� akce
[Do not show this message again]
Tuto zpr�vu ji� nezobrazovat
[Message sending:]
Pos�l�n� zpr�v
[Esc closes sessions (minimizes window, if disabled)]
Zav��t kl�vesou ESC (jinak minimalizuje okno)
[Always pop up and activate new windows]
V�dy vyvolat a aktivovat nov� komunika�n� okno
[Create new windows in minimized state]
Vytv��et nov� okna minimalizovan�
[Send on Shift+Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� SHIFT+ENTER
[Send message on Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Send message on double Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Use tabbed interface]
Pou��t syst�m panel�
[Create new tabs without activating them]
Otev��t nov� panel jako neaktivn�
[Pop up minimized window when a new tab is created]
Vyvolat minimal. okno p�i otev�en� nov�ho panelu
[Automatically switch tabs in minimized windows]
Automaticky p�epnout panely v minimal. oknech
[Don't announce when dialog is open]
Neoznamovat, je-li konverza�n� okno otev�eno
[Message events]
[File events]
P�enos soubor�
[URL events]
P��choz� odkazy
[Other events]
Jin� ud�losti
[Send message on Ctrl+Enter (always enabled)]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� CTRL+ENTER (intern�)

; p�id�no ru�n� (nab�dka z Mo�nosti kontejneru... > Panely a p�ep�nac� li�ta)
[Like tabs, vertical text orientation]
Jako panely, vertik�ln� orientace
[Compact layout, horizontal buttons]
Kompaktn� rozvr�en�, horizont�ln� orientace
[Advanced layout with avatars]
Roz���en� rozvr�en� s avatary, horizont�ln� orientace
[Advanced with avatars, vertical orientation]
Roz���en� rozvr�en� s avatary, vertik�ln� orientace

; ostatn� ru�n� p�idan�
[Common colors]
Obecn� barvy
[Info Panel]
Informa�n� panel
[Instant messages]
[Contact started typing]
Kontakt za�al ps�t
[Contact stopped typing]
Kontakt p�estal ps�t
[Message send error]
Chyba odesl�n� zpr�vy

;[%s on %s%s]
;[Copyright ? 2004-2010 by the Miranda IM project. More  \ndetailed copyright information can be found in the included README file.\n\nThis software is distributed and licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License V2 or any later version.]
;[Unread Menu]
;[Splitter context]
;[Hold Selected]
;[Resume Selected]

[TabSRMM warning message]
Upozorn�n� dopl�ku TabSRMM
;[Previews not availble when using History++ plugin for message log display.]
[Contact started typing]
Kontakt p�e (za�al)
[Contact stopped typing]
Kontakt p�e (p�estal)
[Size and scaling options for the bottom avatar display]
Velikost avataru um�st�n�ho dole
[Maximum display height (pixels)]
Maxim�ln� v��ka (v pixelech)
[Reset all hidden warnings]
Resetovat v�echna skryt� upozorn�n�
[Enable "Paste and send" feature]
Povolit funkci 'vlo�it a poslat'
[Allow BBCode formatting in outgoing messages]
Povolit form�tov�n� typu BBCode v odchoz�ch zpr�v�ch

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TipInfo                                         |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Tur McDonnel <tur (te�ka) mcdonnel (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[Retrieving mode message...]
Zji�t�n� automatick� odpov�di...
[No ICQ user]
Nepou��v� ICQ
[Tool Tip]
[Tooltip info]
Mo�nosti tip�
[Show tooltip even if list is not focused]
Zobrazit tip i tehdy, nen�-li okno aktivn�
[Show tooltip over contacts]
Zobrazit tip u kontakt�
[Show tooltip over groups]
Zobrazit popisek u skupin
[ms tooltip delay]
ms (prodleva zobrazen�)
[See tipinfo_info.txt for the descriptions]
Kompletn� seznam prom�nn�ch naleznete v dokumentaci.
[Remove %break in front of %smsg if not needed]
Odstranit ��dkov�n� p�ed %smsg pokud nen� pot�eba
[No information available]
Informace nejsou k dispozici

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Tipper YM                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3717

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\sdk\m_newawaysys.h
;(DUP) [New global status message.]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\sdk\m_variables.h
;(DUP) [Button]
;(DUP) [Open String Formatting Help]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\mir_smileys.cpp
[Tipper smileys]
Smajl�ky v tipech
;(DUP) [...]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\options.cpp
[Do you want to import selected skin setting? Current setting will be overwritten.]
P�ejete si importovat vybran� nastaven� skinu? St�vaj�c� nastaven� budou p�eps�na.
[Tipper skin import]
Import skinu rychl� tip�
[Select image]
Vybrat obr�zek
[Last message: (%sys:last_msg_reltime% ago)]
Posledn� zpr�va: (p�ed %sys:last_msg_reltime%)
[Status message:]
Zpr�va stavu:
;(DUP) [status]
;(DUP) [Status:]
;(DUP) [Client:]
;(DUP) [Name:]
[You must enter a label]
Mus�te zadat titulek
[Invalid Substitution]
Neplatn� substituce
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Remove]
;(DUP) [Edit]
;(DUP) [Move up]
;(DUP) [Move down]
[<No Label>]
<bez titulku>
;(DUP) [Icon on left]
;(DUP) [Icon on right]
[No icon]
Bez ikony
[No title]
Bez titulku
;(DUP) [Bottom right]
;(DUP) [Bottom left]
;(DUP) [Top right]
;(DUP) [Top left]
;(DUP) [Top]
;(DUP) [Bottom]
;(DUP) [Left]
;(DUP) [Right]
;(DUP) [No avatar]
;(DUP) [Left avatar]
;(DUP) [Right avatar]
[Max avatar size:]
Maxim�ln� rozm�r avatara:
;(DUP) [Avatar size:]
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Sidebar]
;(DUP) [None]
;(DUP) [Appearance]
;(DUP) [Tooltips]
;(DUP) [Customize]
[Tooltip skin]
Skin tip�
;(DUP) [Content]
[Tray tooltip]
Oznamovac� oblast

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\options.h
[Stretch both directions]
Rozt�hnout v obou sm�rech
;(DUP) [Stretch to width]
;(DUP) [Stretch to height]
[Tile both directions]
Opakovat v obou sm�rech
;(DUP) [Tile horizontally]
;(DUP) [Tile vertically]
[Number of contacts]
Po�et kontakt�
[Protocol lock status]
Stav uzam�en� protokolu
[Logon time]
�as p�ihl�en�
[Unread emails]
Nep�e�ten� e-maily
[Status message]
Zpr�va stavu
[Extra status]
Roz���en� stav
;(DUP) [Listening to]
[Favourite contacts]
Obl�ben� kontakty
[Miranda uptime]
Doba b�hu Mirandy
[Clist event]
Ud�lost v seznamu kontakt�
[Jabber activity]
Jabber aktivita
;(DUP) [Gender]
[Country flag]
Vlajka st�tu
;(DUP) [Client]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\popwin.cpp
;(DUP) [%s (locked)]
[ ago]
[Log on:]
[Unread emails:]
Nep�e�ten� e-maily:
;(DUP) [XStatus:]
[Listening to:]
Poslech hudby:
[Copy all items with labels]
Zkop�rovat v�echny polo�ky s n�zvy
[Copy all items]
Zkop�rovat v�echny polo�ky
[Copy avatar]
Zkop�rovat avatar
[Fav. contacts]
Obl�ben� kontakty
;(DUP) [%s (%s)]
;(DUP) [Other]
[Miranda uptime:]
Doba b�hu Mirandy:

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\predef_items.cpp
;(DUP) [Birthday]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
;(DUP) [Homepage]
;(DUP) [Homepage:]
;(DUP) [Idle]
;(DUP) [IP:]
[IP internal]
IP intern�
[IP internal:]
IP intern�:
[Last message]
Posledn� zpr�va
;(DUP) [Name]
[Number of received messages]
Po�et p�ijat�ch zpr�v
[Number of msg [IN]:]
Po�et zpr�v [p�ijat�ch]:
[Number of sended messages]
Po�et odeslan�ch zpr�v
[Number of msg [OUT]:]
Po�et zpr�v [odeslan�ch]:
[XStatus title]
N�zev roz���en�ho stavu
[XStatus title:]
N�zev roz���en�ho stavu:
[XStatus text]
Zpr�va roz���en�ho stavu
[XStatus text:]
Zpr�va roz���en�ho stavu:
[[jabber.dll] Activity title]
[jabber.dll] N�zev aktivity
[Activity title:]
N�zev aktivity:
[[jabber.dll] Activity text]
[jabber.dll] Zpr�va aktivity
[Activity text:]
Zpr�va aktivity:
[[seenplugin.dll] Last seen time]
[seenplugin.dll] Naposledy spat�en
[Last seen time:]
Naposledy spat�en:
[[seenplugin.dll] Last seen status]
[seenplugin.dll] Naposledy spat�en� stav
[Last seen status:]
Naposledy spat�en� stav:
[[weather.dll] Condition]
[weather.dll] Situace
[[weather.dll] Humidity]
[weather.dll] Vlhkost
[[weather.dll] Max/Min temperature]
[weather.dll] Max/min teplota
[[weather.dll] Moon]
[weather.dll] M�s�c
[[weather.dll] Pressure]
[weather.dll] Tlak
[[weather.dll] Sunrise]
[weather.dll] V�chod slunce
V�chod slunce:
[[weather.dll] Sunset]
[weather.dll] Z�pad slunce
Z�pad slunce:
[[weather.dll] Temperature]
[weather.dll] Teplota
[[weather.dll] Update time]
[weather.dll] �as aktualizace
[Update time:]
�as aktualizace:
[[weather.dll] Visibility]
[weather.dll] Viditelnost
[[weather.dll] Wind]
[weather.dll] V�tr

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\resource.rc
;(DUP) [Options]
;(DUP) [Layout]
;(DUP) [Text indent:]
;(DUP) [Window]
;(DUP) [Max width:]
[Max height:]
Max. v��ka:
[Show if list not focused]
I neaktivn� seznam
[General padding:]
Obecn� odsazen�
[Hover time:]
[Status bar tips]
Tipy stavov� li�ty
;(DUP) [Alignment]
[Min width:]
Min. ���ka:
[Min height:]
Min. v��ka:
;(DUP) [Sidebar width:]
[Text padding:]
Odsazen� textu:
[Outer avatar padding:]
Vn�j�� okraj avataru:
;(DUP) [Round corners (avatar)]
;(DUP) [Keep original avatar size]
[Avatar border]
Or�movat avatary
[Title indent:]
Odsazen� titulku:
[Value indent:]
Odsazen� obsahu:
[Inner avatar padding:]
Vnit�n� okraj avataru:
;(DUP) [Label:]
[Contact protocol module]
Modul protokolu
[Setting or prefix:]
Volba nebo prefix:
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Draw a line above]
Nad polo�kou vykreslit ��ru 
[Value on a new line]
Odsadit na nov� ��dek
[Predefined items:]
P�eddefinovan� polo�ky:
;(DUP) [Items]
;(DUP) [Up]
;(DUP) [Down]
[Advanced options]
Pokro�il� mo�nosti
[Disable status message retrieve in invisible status]
Nezji��ovat zpr�vu stavu ve stavu Neviditeln�
[Retrieve XStatus details if auto-retrieve is disabled]
Zji��ovat roz���en� stav i kdy� je automatika vypnuta
;(DUP) [Extra icons]
[Smileys support]
Podpora smajl�k�
;(DUP) [Enable SmileyAdd support]
[Resize smileys]
M�nit velikost smajl�k�
;(DUP) [Use protocol smileys]
[Replace only isolated smileys]
Nahradit jen odd�len� smajl�ky
;(DUP) [Use background image]
;(DUP) [Picture options]
[Use glyph transformation]
Nastavit okraje
;(DUP) [Skin items]
;(DUP) [Export to skin file]
;(DUP) [Load from skin file]
;(DUP) [Opacity(%):]
;(DUP) [Transparency]
;(DUP) [Effects]
;(DUP) [Border]
;(DUP) [Round corners (window)]
;(DUP) [Background image]
[Show effect]
Efekt zobrazen�
;(DUP) [Type]
[Effect speed:]
Rychlost efektu:
[Enable tray tooltip]
Povolit tipy v oznam.oblasti
[Enable extended tray tooltip]
Povolit roz�. tipy oznam.oblasti
[Expand tooltip after:]
Zobrazit tipy po:
;(DUP) [ms]
[Use status bar setting]
P�evz�t nastaven� stavov� li�ty
[Basic tooltip]
Z�kladn� tip
[Expanded tooltip]
Roz���en� tip
[Hide offline protocols]
Skr�t offline protokoly
[Hide offline]
Skr�t offline
[Append protocol name]
P�ipojit n�zev protokolu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\subst.cpp
;(DUP) [proto]
;(DUP) [%dh %dm]
;(DUP) [%dm]
%d dn�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\tipper.cpp
;(DUP) [Dividers]
;(DUP) [Title]
[Tray title]
Titulek oznam.oblasti
[You need advaimg.dll plugin for advanced skin features. Get latest from Miranda alpha builds.]
Pro spr�vn� zobrazen� pokro�il�ch prvk� ve skinu pot�ebujete dopln�k advaimg.dll, kter� z�sk�te z experiment�ln�ch sestaven� Mirandy.
[Tipper error]
Chyba tip�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tipper\translations.cpp
[[No translation]]
(bez p�ekladu)
;(DUP) [s]
;(DUP) [Yes]
;(DUP) [No]
;(DUP) [Female]
;(DUP) [Male]
[BYTE to Yes/No]
definice ano/ne (BYTE)
[BYTE to Male/Female (ICQ)]
rozli�en� pohlav� v s�ti ICQ (BYTE)
[BYTE timezone to time]
�asov� z�na (BYTE)
[WORD to status description]
popis stavu (WORD)
[WORD to country name]
n�zev zem� (WORD)
[DWORD to ip address]
IP adresa (DWORD)
[DWORD timestamp to date (short)]
�asov� �daj pro datum, zkr�cen� (DWORD)
[DWORD timestamp to date (long)]
�asov� �daj pro datum, dlouh� (DWORD)
[DWORD timestamp to time]
�asov� �daj pro �as (DWORD)
[DWORD timestamp to time (no seconds)]
�asov� �daj pro �as, bez sekund (DWORD)
[DWORD timestamp to time difference]
�asov� �daj pro �asov� rozd�l (DWORD)
[DWORD seconds to time difference]
po�et sekund pro �asov� rozd�l (DWORD)
[<prefix>Day|Month|Year to date]
<prefix>den|m�s�c|rok pro datum
[<prefix>Day|Month|Year|Hours|Minutes|Seconds to time difference]
<prefix>den|m�s�c|rok|hodiny|minuty|sekundy pro �asov� rozd�l
[<prefix>Day|Month|Year to age]
<prefix>den|m�s�c|rok pro datum narozen�
[<prefix>Day|Month to days to next birthday]
<prefix>den|m�s�c pro po�et dn� do p��t�ch narozenin
[<prefix>Hours|Minutes to time]
<prefix>hodiny|minuty pro �as
[<prefix>Hours|Minutes|Seconds to time]
<prefix>hodiny|minuty|sekundy pro �as
[xStatus: empty xStatus name to default name]
xStatus: pouze n�zev roz���en�ho stavu

[# Solid color fill]
# Celkov� Vypln�n� barvou

[Reload skin list]
Obnovit seznam skin�
[Apply skin]
Pou��t skin
[Get more skins]
Z�skat v�ce skin�

[No preview]
��dn� n�hled

[Skin option]
Nastaven� skinu
[Enable skin coloring]
Povolit obarven� skinu
[Load tooltip proportions]
Na��st velikosti tipu
[Load fonts and colors]
Na��st p�sma a barvy

[Animation speed:]
Rychlost animace:

[Add item]
P�idat polo�ku
[Add separator]
P�idat odd�lova�

[Preset items:]
P�eddefinovan� polo�ky:

[UV Index:]
UV Index:
[[weather.dll] UV Index]
[weather.dll] UV Index

[WORD to name of a day (0..6, 0 is Sunday)]
WORD na n�zev dne (0..6, 0 je ned�le)
[WORD to name of a month (1..12, 1 is January)]
WORD na n�zev m�s�ce (1..12, 1 je leden)
[BYTE to language (ICQ)]
BYTE na jazyk (ICQ)

[Enable tray tooltips]
Povolit tipy oznamovac� oblasti
[Handle tray tooltips by Tipper]
Tipy oznamovac� oblasti skrz Tipper
[Expand to second level after:]
Roz���it na druhou �rov�� po:

[First level tooltip]
Tip prvn� �rovn�
[Second level tooltip]
Tip druh� �rovn�

[Show tooltip after all content is ready (avatar && status message)]
Zobrazit tip a� po na�ten� cel�ho obsahu (avatar && zpr�va stavu)
[Disable status message retrieve in all statuses]
Vypnout na��t�n� zpr�vy stavu ve v�ech stavech

[Status bar and tray tooltip]
Tipy stavov�ho ��dku a oznamovac� oblasti
[Limit status messages in status bar and tray tooltips to:]
Omezit d�lku zpr�vy stavu v tipech stavov�ho ��dku a oznamovac� oblasti na:

; Tipper
[Avatar padding:]
V�pl� u avatar�:
[Background image:]
Obr�zek na pozad�:
Upravit velikost
Windows XP nebo nov�j��

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Tlen Protocol                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: churchyard <churchyard (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1485

;(DUP) [Username:]
[Create a new account]
Vytvo�it nov� ��et
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Save password]
;(DUP) [Options]
[Automatically reconnect after unintentional disconnection]
Po p�eru�en� automaticky nav�zat spojen�
[Leave status message after disconnection]
Po odpojen� zanechat zpr�vu stavu
[<Last message>]
<posledn� zpr�va>
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Away]
;(DUP) [NA]
;(DUP) [Occupied]
;(DUP) [DND]
;(DUP) [Free for chat]
;(DUP) [Invisible]
[Ignore advertisements]
Ignorovat reklamy
;(DUP) [Automatically delete contacts not in my roster]
[Show offline users with status messages as invisible in contact list]
Zobrazovat offline u�ivatele se stavovou zpr�vou jako neviditeln�
[Alert policy]
Pravidla pro upozorn�n�
[Accept all alerts]
P�ijmout v�echna upozorn�n�
[Ignore alerts from unauthorized contacts]
Ignorovat upozorn�n� od neautorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Ignore all alerts]
Ignorovat v�echna upozorn�n�
[Group chat policy]
Pravidla pro diskuse
[Always ask me]
V�dy se zeptat
[Accept invitations from authorized contacts]
P�ijmout pozv�n� od autorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Accept all invitations]
P�ijmout v�echny pozv�n�
[Ignore invitations from unauthorized contacts]
Ignorovat pozv�n� od neautorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Ignore all invitation]
Ignorovat v�echna pozv�n�
[Voice Chats]
[Voice chat policy]
Pravidla pro hovory
;(DUP) [Always ask me]
;(DUP) [Accept invitations from authorized contacts]
;(DUP) [Accept all invitations]
;(DUP) [Ignore invitations from unauthorized contacts]
;(DUP) [Ignore all invitations]
[Recording device:]
Z�znamov� za��zen�:
[Playback device:]
P�ehr�vac� za��zen�:
[Expert Options]
Mo�nosti pro experty
;(DUP) [Login server:]
[Connection Host:]
Hostitel p�ipojen�:
;(DUP) [Port:]
;(DUP) [Keep connection alive]
[Enable Always Visible and Never Visible]
Povolit v�dy viditeln� a v�dy neviditeln�
[File Transfer and Voice Chats]
P�enos soubor� a telefonn� hovory
[Use proxy for incoming connections]
Pro p��choz� spojen� pou��t proxy
[Proxy type:]
Druh proxy:
;(DUP) [Proxy server:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
[Proxy requires authorization]
Proxy vy�aduje autorizaci
;(DUP) [Username:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [General Options]
[Enable incoming mail notification]
Povolit ozn�men� o do�l� po�t�
;(DUP) [Colours]
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Text]
;(DUP) [Delay]
;(DUP) [&From PopUp plugin]
;(DUP) [&Custom]
;(DUP) [P&ermanent]
;(DUP) [Preview]
[Tlen login:]
Tlen login:
;(DUP) [Nick name:]
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [Age:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [City]
;(DUP) [Occupation:]
[Collage student]
Vysoko�kolsk� student
V dom�cnosti
;(DUP) [Other]
[Looking for:]
[Somebody to talk]
;(DUP) [Nothing]
;(DUP) [Nick name:]
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
[Year of birth:]
Rok narozen�:
;(DUP) [City]
;(DUP) [School:]
;(DUP) [Occupation:]
;(DUP) [Student]
;(DUP) [Collage student]
;(DUP) [Farmer]
;(DUP) [Manager]
;(DUP) [Specialist]
;(DUP) [Clerk]
;(DUP) [Unemployed]
;(DUP) [Pensioner]
;(DUP) [Housekeeper]
;(DUP) [Teacher]
;(DUP) [Doctor]
;(DUP) [Other]
;(DUP) [Looking for:]
;(DUP) [Somebody to talk]
;(DUP) [Friendship]
;(DUP) [Flirt/romance]
;(DUP) [Love]
;(DUP) [Nothing]
;(DUP) [Voice chats]
[Save changes]
Ulo�it zm�ny
;Search extra
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [Nick name:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
;(DUP) [Age:]
;(DUP) [to]
;(DUP) [City]
;(DUP) [Occupation:]
;(DUP) [Student]
;(DUP) [Collage student]
;(DUP) [Farmer]
;(DUP) [Manager]
;(DUP) [Specialist]
;(DUP) [Clerk]
;(DUP) [Unemployed]
;(DUP) [Pensioner]
;(DUP) [Housekeeper]
;(DUP) [Teacher]
;(DUP) [Doctor]
;(DUP) [Other]
;(DUP) [School:]
;(DUP) [Looking for:]
;(DUP) [Somebody to talk]
;(DUP) [Friendship]
;(DUP) [Flirt/romance]
;(DUP) [Love]
;(DUP) [Nothing]
[Extra Search Criterias]
Extra krit�ria pro hled�n�
;Voice Chat Invi
[Tlen Voice Chat Invitation]
Pozv�nka k hovoru
[The following invitation to join a voice chat is received.]
P�i�la v�m pozv�nka k hovoru.
;(DUP) [From:]
;(DUP) [Multi-User Conference]
[Tlen Chats...]
Diskuse (Tlen)...

[Log alerts as messages]
Zaznamenat upozorn�n� jako zpr�vy
[Send and receive client version information]
Odeslat a p�ijmout informaci o verzi klienta
[Use Nudge plugin]
Pou��t dopln�k Nudge

; S�t� / Tlen Extra
[P2P Connections]
P��m� spojen�
[User list background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Choose font]
Vybrat p�smo
[Others names]
Ostatn� jm�na
[User list]
Seznam kontakt�
[User list group]
Skupina kontakt�
[Default Log Appearence]
V�choz� vzhled z�znamu
[Show message on a new line]
Zobrazit zpr�vy na nov�m ��dku
[Default Event Filter]
V�choz� filtr ud�lost�
[Default Timestamp Settings]
V�choz� informace o �asu
[Default Text Formatting Filter]
V�choz� filtr form�tov�n� textu
[Font style]
�ez p�sma
[Default Window Flashing]
V�choz� stav blik�n� oken
[Limit log history to (events):]
Max. po�et zaznam. ud�lost�:
[General Options]
Obecn� mo�nosti

; Ozn�men� / Tlen / N�hled
;[New mail]
;Nov� po�ta
;[From: test@test.test]
;Od: test@test.test
;[Subject: test]
;V�c: test

; Ud�losti / Zvuky / Tlen
[Incoming mail]
Nov� po�ta
[Voice chat]
Telefonn� hovor

[Image transfer policy]
Pravidla pro obr�zky
[Accept all images]
P�ijmout v�echny obr�zky
[Ignore images from unauthorized contacts]
Ignorovat obr�zky od neautorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Ignore all images]
Ignorovat v�echny obr�zky
[Mail Notification]
Ozn�men� nov� po�ty
[Tlen Mail]
Po�ta Tlen
[Tlen Chats]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TopToolBar                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=466

; Generated by lpgen on Fri Dec  9 15:45:39 2005
; Translations: 50

; InternalButtons.c
[Hide Offline Users]
Skr�t offline u�ivatele
[Show All Users]
Zobrazit v�echny u�ivatele
[Show Groups]
Zobrazit skupiny
[Hide Groups]
Skr�t skupiny
[Disable Sounds]
Zak�zat zvuky
[Enable Sounds]
Povolit zvuky
;(DUP) [Show Options]

; buttonopt.c
;(DUP) [Contact List]
;(DUP) [Protocols]

; launchbt.c
;(DUP) [Default]

; ttbopt.c
[Select Directory]
Vyberte slo�ku
[Bitmap/Icon files]
Bitmapov� obr�zky �i ikony
;(DUP) [All Files]
[Select Up Bitmap]
Vyberte bitmapu nezm��knut�ho tla��tka
[Select Down Bitmap]
Vyberte bitmapu zm��knut�ho tla��tka
Horn� li�ta
Pozad� li�ty

; main.rc
[Image Directory:]
Slo�ka s obr�zky:
[Use Miranda Button Class]
Pou��t tla��tka Mirandy
[Use Flat Mode]
Ploch� tla��tka
[Use IcoLib (need restart!)]
Pou��t IcoLib (nutn� restart)
;(DUP) [Use background bitmap]
;(DUP) [Stretch to width]
;(DUP) [Stretch to height]
;(DUP) [Tile horizontally]
;(DUP) [Tile vertically]
;(DUP) [Scroll with text]
;(DUP) [Stretch proportionally]
[Add Separator]
+ odd�lova�
[Del Separator]
- odd�lova�
[Add Launch]
+ tla��tko spu�t�n�
[Del Launch]
;(DUP) [Set]
;(DUP) [...]
[Buttons order:]
Po�ad� tla��tek:
[Click on images to select new bitmaps.]
Kliknut�m na obr�zek vyberte novou bitmapu
[Name: ]
;(DUP) [Path:]
[Button Height:]
V��ka tla��tka
[Button Width: ]
���ka tla��tka
;(DUP) [Background colour:]
;(DUP) [Selection colour:]
[Buttons Order && Visibility]
Po�ad� tla��tek a jejich viditelnost
[Separator Button]
[Launch Button]
Tla��tka spu�t�n�
[TopToolBar Background]
Pozad� horn� li�ty

[Show only Online Users]
Zobrazit jen online u�ivatele
[Groups On/Off]
Skr�t/Zobrazit skupiny
[Sounds Enable/Disable]
Zapnout/vypnout zvuky
[Show Options Page]
Zobrazit str�nku nastaven�
[Minimize Button]
Tla��tko minimalizace
[Show Main Menu]
Zobrazit hlavn� menu

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Traffic/Time Counter                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=844

; prefs tree items
[Time counter options]
Po�itadlo �asu
[Traffic counter options]
Po�itadlo dat
[Traffic counter expert options]
Po�itadlo dat (pro experty)
[Traffic counter]
Po�itadlo dat

; time counter options
[Time counter]
Po�itadlo �asu
[Options just as Traffic counter]
P�evz�t nastaven� z po�itadla p�enesen�ch dat
[Show/Hide time window:]
Zobrazen� a skryt� okna s �asem:
[Show now]
Zobrazit okno
[Hide now]
Skr�t okno
[Time window background color:]
Barva pozad� okna s �asem:
[Time window font color:]
Barva p�sma pro okno s �asem:
[Draw border around window]
Vykreslovat okraj okna
[Transparency options (Windows 2000/XP only)]
Pr�hlednost (pouze pro Windows 2000 a XP)
[Transparent time window]
M�ra pr�hlednosti
[Always on top (only if multiwindow is off)]
V�dy navrchu (dopln�k MultiWindow mus� b�t vypnut�)
[Use multiwindow]
Vyu��t dopln�k MultiWindow
[Show/hide time window together with contact list (only if multiwindow is off)]
Zobrazit/skr�t dle okna s kontakty (dopln�k MultiWindow mus� b�t vypnut�)
[Show protocol icon]
Zobrazit ikonu protokolu

; traffic counter options
[Show/Hide traffic window:]
Zobrazen� a skryt� okna s daty:
[Traffic statistics]
Statistika p�enesen�ch dat
[Last clear date:]
Posl. nulov�n�:
(nen� zn�mo)
[Clear traffic now]
Vynulovat po�itadlo
[Show on traffic window last clear date]
Zobrazit datum posledn�ho vynulov�n�
[Automaticaly clear traffic every:]
Automaticky vynulovat ka�d�:
[Don't show clear question]
Nepotvrzovat vynulov�n�
[Traffic window background color:]
Barva pozad� okna s daty:
[Traffic window font color:]
Barva p�sma pro okno s daty:
[Transparent traffic window]
M�ra pr�hlednosti
[Show size in:]
Pou�it� jednotky:
[Show/hide traffic window together with contact list (only if multiwindow is off)]
Zobrazit/skr�t dle okna s kontakty (dopln�k MultiWindow mus� b�t vypnut�)
[Minimize traffic window size (only if multiwindow is on)]
Minimalizovat velikost okna (dopln�k MultiWindow mus� b�t zapnut�)

; traffic counter expert options
["Show/Hide traffic" in main menu]
Do nab�dby p�idat 'Zobrazit/Skr�t data'
["Show/Hide time" in main menu]
Do nab�dby p�idat 'Zobrazit/Skr�t �as'
;[Show tooltip in traffic window]
[Last clear date format]
Form�t data vynulov�n�:
[Fixed line height]
Pevn� v��ka ��dku
[Line height:]
V��ka ��dku:
[Space between lines:]
Odstup mezi ��dky:
[Last clear date alignment:]
Datum nulov�n� zarovnat:
Na st�ed
[Draw line above last clear date]
Zobrazit d�lic� ��ru nad datem vynulov�n�
[You will need to restart miranda for the changes you have made to take effect.]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.

; traffic counter
;(DUP) [Notification]
[Notify me on every]
Upozornit ka�d�ch
[Text colour:]
Barva textu:
[Popup timeout]
Doba zobrazen�

; traffic/time toolbox window

; confirmation dialog
[Auto clear traffic]
Vynulov�n� po�itadla
[Now traffic will be cleared.]
Po�itadlo p�enesen�ch dat bude vynulov�no.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Translator                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3144

[Translator options]
Mo�nosti p�eklada�e
[General settings]
Hlavn� mo�nosti
[Flush on exit]
Zapsat p�i ukon�en�
[Flush to disk now]
Zapsat na disk nyn�
[Custom code page]
Vlastn� k�dov� str�nka
[Strings in memory: %d / %d]
�et�zce v pam�ti: %d / %d

[Normal mode]
Norm�ln� m�d
[Number of strings to keep in memory before writing to disk:]
Po�et �et�zc� ponechan�ch v pam�ti p�ed z�pisem na disk:
[This value is used as a minimum, the actual number might be bigger.\nWarning: setting a big number will increase memory requirements considerably.]
Tato hodnota je pou�ita jako minim�ln�, st�vaj�c� hodnota m��e b�t vy���.\nVarov�n�: nastaven�m vy��� hodnoty zv���te po�adavky na pam�.

[Log the following strings:]
Ukl�dat n�sleduj�c� �et�zce:
[All strings]
1. V�echny �et�zce
[Only translated strings]
2. Pouze p�elo�en� �et�zce
[Only untranslated strings]
3. Pouze nep�elo�en� �et�zce

[Translation mode]
P�ekl�dac� m�d
[Translations window]
P�ekladov� okno
[Enable dynamic translation]
Povolit dynamick� p�ekl�d�n�
[Ignore double translations]
Ignorovat zdvojen� p�eklady
[Ignore untranslated strings when building language pack]
Ignorovat nep�elo�en� �et�zce p�i vytv��en� jazykov�ho bal��ku

[Filter entries automatically after]
Filtrovat z�znamy automaticky po

[Warning: Translation mode will increase memory requirements further.\nYou should only enable this mode if you plan to write Miranda translations.\nYou need to restart Miranda for the setting to take effect.]
Varov�n�: P�ekl�dac� m�d velice zv��� n�roky na pam�.\nTento m�d m�jte zapnut� pouze kdy� pl�nujete p�ekl�dat Mirandu.\nMus�te restartovat Mirandu pro uveden� t�to volby v platnost.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TriggerPlugin                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~pboon/projects.htm

; Generated by lpgen on Sat Nov 12 14:33:01 2005
; Translations: 106

; trigger_opt.c
;[Edit trigger]
[Add new trigger]
P�idat nov� spu�t��
;[This trigger is invalidated by TriggerPlugin]
[<unknown trigger>]
<nezn�m� spou�t��>
[<unknown action>]
<nezn�m� akce>
[<unkown trigger>]
<nezn�m� spou�t��>
;(DUP) [Plugins]

; act_mir_rstmsg_opts.c
;[** From trigger **]

; act_mir_setstatus.c
;[I've been away since %time%.]
;[Give it up, I'm not in!]
;[Not right now.]
;[Give a guy some peace, would ya?]
;[I'm a chatbot!]
;[Yep, I'm here.]
;[Nope, not here.]
;[I'm hiding from the mafia.]
;[That'll be the phone.]
;[<from trigger>]

; act_mir_setstatus_opts.c
[Set custom status message]
Zadat vlastn� stavovou zpr�vu

; act_mir_sound.c
;[disable sounds]
;[enable sounds]
;[play sound ]

; opthelpers.c

; trg_mir_csts_opts.c
;[** New contacts **]
;[** Unknown contacts **]

; trg_mir_imsg.c
[Any message]
Jak�koli zpr�va
[Message that contains]
Zpr�va obsahuj�c�
[Message that starts with]
Zpr�va za��naj�c� na

; trg_sched_opts.c

; resource.rc
;(LAI) [DateTimePicker1]
;(LAI) [DateTimePicker2]
[Monthly on day]
Ka�d� m�s�c ka�d�ho
;[Use Windows colours]
[Use default text colour]
Pou��t v�choz� barvu textu
[Use default background colour]
Pou��t v�choz� barvu pozad�
;(LAI) [Tab1]
;(LAI) [List2]
;(LAI) [List3]
[Use default status message]
Pou��t v�choz� stavovou zpr�vu
[Disable all sounds]
Vypnout v�echny zvuky
[Enable all sounds]
Zapnout v�echny zvuky
;[Play a sound]
[If the message starts with]
Pokud zpr�va za��n� na
[If the message contains]
Pokud zpr�vu obsahuje
[Add to history]
P�idat do historie
;[Store at NULL Contact]
;[Store at the following contact]
[Trigger at the following time]
Spustit v n�sleduj�c�m �ase
;[Background colour]
;[Text colour]
[First Line]
Prvn� ��dek
;[Second Line]
[Trigger when the status of one the following protocols change]
Spustit p�i zm�n� stavu n�kter�ho z n�sleduj�c�ch protokol�
[When changing status from]
P�i zm�n� stavu z
[And changing status to]
A zm�n� stavu na
[Trigger when the following contacts change their status]
Spustit akci tehdy, zm�n�-li n�kter� z n�sleduj�c�ch kontakt� stav
[Program to execute]
Spustit program
[Change status of the following protocols]
Zm�nit stav n�sleduj�c�ch protokol�
[Set status to]
Zm�nit stav na
[Trigger when a message comes in from the following contacts]
Spustit p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy od n�kter�ho z n�sleduj�c�ch kontakt�
[Send a message to the following contacts]
Odeslat zpr�vu n�sleduj�c�m kontakt�m
[Message to send]
Zpr�va k odesl�n�
[Only accept from host]
Pouze od hostitele
[On port]
Na portu
[Trigger when a UDP packet arrives]
Spustit po doru�en� paketu UDP
;[Bind to host]
[Store value as]
Ulo�it hodnotu jako
[Trigger when a status message is requested on the following protocols:]
Spustit p�i ��dosti o stavovou zpr�vu n�kter�ho z n�sleduj�c�ch protokol�:
[Request status message of the following contacts]
Po��dat o stavovou zpr�vu n�sleduj�c�ch kontakt�

[Miranda: Contact status change]
Miranda: Zm�na stavu kontaktu
[Miranda: Exit]
Miranda: Ukon�en�
[There are no options to configure]
U t�to polo�ky nen� co nastavit.
[Miranda: Incoming message]
Miranda: P��choz� zpr�va
[Miranda: Protocol status change]
Miranda: Zm�na stavu protokolu
[Miranda: Startup]
Miranda: Spu�t�n�
[Miranda: Status message request]
Miranda: ��dost o stavovou zpr�vu
;[Trigger when a status message is requested on the following protocols]
[Network: Incoming UDP]
S�: P��choz� paket UDP
[Execute a program]
Spustit program
[Miranda: Change status]
Miranda: Zm�na stavu
[Miranda: Request Status Message]
Miranda: ��dost o stavovou zpr�vu
[Miranda: Send message]
Miranda: Odesl�n� zpr�vy
[Miranda: Sounds]
Miranda: Zvuky
[Miranda: Store DB Setting]
Miranda: Polo�ka v datab�zi
[Please do only use this action if you know what you are doing!]
Tuto akci pou��vejte pros�m pouze tehdy, v�te-li co �in�te!
[Show a PopUp]
Zobrazit ozn�men�
[First line]
Prvn� ��dek
;[Triggers can only be edited when the module is disabled. Changes made cannot be undone or canceled.]
[Output file]
V�stupn� soubor
;[Contact-specific settings are not exported.]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Tooltip Notify                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1290

; ******** Plugin ******** 
[Tooltip Notify]
Zm�na stavu
;(FIX) [Shows a small tooltip above system tray area when a contact status is changed]
[Shows a small tooltip above system tray area when a contact status is changed.]
P�i p�echodu do vybran�ho stavu zobraz� v oznamovac� oblasti p��slu�nou informaci.

; ******** Options ******** 

[Notify upon the following contact status changes]
Upozorn�n� p�i p�echodu do vybran�ho stavu
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Offline]
;(DUP) [Away]
;(DUP) [N/A]
;(DUP) [Occupied]
;(DUP) [DND]
;(DUP) [Free for chat]
;(DUP) [Invisible]
[All other]
;(DUP) [Unknown]
[Select protocols]
Vybrat protokoly

Doba trv�n�
[Show tooltip for]
Zobrazit na
;(DUP) [ms]
[Duration x2 upon online event]
P�i p�echodu do online 2� d�le

;(DUP) [Misc]
[Obey 'Suppress online notification' settings]
Zohlednit stav 'Neoznamovat p�echod do online'
[Default positioning]
V�choz� um�st�n�
[[Hint: right-click on the tooltip to move it when in custom placement mode]]
Tip: Kliknete-li prav�m tla��tkem nad oknem, lze zm�nit jeho um�st�n�

;(DUP) [Translucency options (Windows 2000/XP only)]
[Transparent tooltip]
M�ra pr�hlednosti

[%s is %s]
%s je %s

[Auto positioning]
Autom. um�st�n�
[Double click on tooltip]
Dvoj�m kliknut�m
[Shows/Hides CList]
Zobrazit/skr�t seznam
[Opens message dialog]
Otev��t okno a ps�t
[Contact is Online]
XYZ je online
[Background color:]
Barva pozad�:
[Text color:]
Barva txt:
[Notify upon the following events]
Upozorn�n� na ud�losti
[Suppress notifications upon connection for]
Zpozdit upozorn�n� na p�ipojen� o
[Prefix proto name]
Indik. protokol
[Transparent input]
Pr�hledn� vstup

[Tooltip Notify: Online]
Zm�na stavu (p�echod online)
[Tooltip Notify: Offline]
Zm�na stavu (p�echod offline)
[Tooltip Notify: Other]
Zm�na stavu (ostatn�)
[Tooltip Notify: Typing]
Zm�na stavu (psan� zpr�vy)

[Choose contacts...]
Vyberte kontakty...
[Allow tooltip notifications for the following users:]
U vybran�ch kontakt� povolit upozorn�n� na zm�nu stavu:
[Proto: %s is %s]
Proto: %s je %s


; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TV plugin YM                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-easy.net/addons/plugins/tvplugin.zip

; This is a template for translation of TV plugin
; Last updated 18-07-2008 for
; -----------------------------------------------

; General
[TV plugin]
TV dopln�k
[Program ID]
ID programu
;(DUP) [Redownload TV guide]
;(DUP) [Show TV overview]
;(DUP) [Show TV guide]
[TV overview]
P�ehled TV program�
[Tv program for %s]
TV program pro %s
[No info available...]
��dn� informace...
[No program is available!]
Data program� nejsou k dispozici!
;(DUP) [Backward]
;(DUP) [Forward]
;(DUP) [Close]
[will start in %d minutes...]
za�ne za %d min...
[TV plugin HTTP connections]
TV dopln�k - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTP
[Failed to connect to \"%s\" - Invalid response, code %d]
Chyba p�i p�ipojen� k \"%s\" - neplatn� odezva, k�d %d
[Failed to connect to \"%s\" - Error code %d]
Chyba p�i p�ipojen� k \"%s\" - chybov� k�d %d

; Options
;(DUP) [General]
[Window options]
Mo�nosti okna
[Use single window mode (one window for all channels)]
Pou��t jedno okno pro v�echny programy
[Use multi window mode (separate window for each channel)]
Pou��t samostatn� okno pro ka�d� program
[Save window size and position]
Ulo�it velikost a pozici okna
[Hide scrollbar]
Skr�t posuvn�k
[Auto scroll to current program]
Automaticky posunout na aktu�ln� po�ad
[TV guide options]
Mo�nosti TV programu
[Show original title]
Zobrazit origin�ln� n�zev
[Show program info]
Zobrazit informace o po�adu
[Scheduled programs]
Napl�novan� po�ady
[Auto mark programs as scheduled]
Automaticky napl�novat po�ady
[Search keywords also in program info]
Hledat kl��ov� slova i v informac�ch o po�adu
[Keywords (separated by '|' char)]
Kl��ov� slova (odd�len� znakem '|')
;(DUP) [Notification]
;(DUP) [Main options]
[Notify all programs by popups]
Upozornit na v�echny po�ady ozn�men�m
[Notify scheduled programs by:]
Upozornit na napl�novan� po�ady:
;(DUP) [Popup]
[Dialog window]
Dialogov� okno
[Show notification]
Zobrazit ozn�men�
[min. before program start]
min. p�ed za��tkem po�adu
;(DUP) [Popup options]
;(DUP) [Colours]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Delay]
;(DUP) [Default]
;(DUP) [Custom]
;(DUP) [sec.]
[Dialog options]
Mo�nosti dialogov�ho okna
[Drop shadow effect]
Zobrazit st�n

; Fonts setting
;(DUP) [Background]
[Even items background]
Pozad� sud�ch ��dk�
[Current program background]
Pozad� aktu�ln�ho po�adu
[Scheduled program background]
Pozad� napl�novan�ho po�adu
;(DUP) [Separator]
[Time label]
�asov� popisek
[Channel name]
N�zev programu
;(DUP) [Time]
;(DUP) [Title]
[Original title]
Origin�ln� n�zev
[Program info]
Informace po�adu

; Icons setting
;(DUP) [Protocol icon]
[Redownload TV guide]
St�hnout znovu TV program
[Show TV overview]
Zobrazit p�ehled TV program�
[Show TV guide]
Zobrazit TV program
[Shift time backward]
Posunout v �ase zp�t
[Shift time forward]
Posunout v �ase dop�edu
;(DUP) [Close]

; Sounds setting
[Scheduled program (popup)]
Napl�novan� program (ozn�men�)
[Scheduled program (dialog)]
Napl�novan� program (dialogov� okno)

; Custom folders setting
[TV guide data]
Data TV programu

[Sort channels in alphabetical order (TV overview)]
Se�adit kan�ly dle abecedy (pro p�ehled po�ad�)
[keyword^t = search only in title, keyword^i = search only in info]
kl��_slovo^t = pouze v n�zvu, kl��_slovo^i = pouze v informac�ch
[TV tuner application]
Program pro televizn� tuner
[Path to executable:]
Cesta ke spustiteln�mu souboru:

[Show TV schedule]
Zobrazit napl�novan� po�ady
[Quick guide]
Rychl� program
[Run TV application]
Spustit TV aplikaci
[Auto schedule programs by mean of keywords]
Automaticky napl�novat programy dle kl��ov�ch slov
[About plugin]
O dopl�ku
[Search in title]
Hledat v titulku
[Search in info]
Hledat v informac�ch
[Add keyword]
P�idat kl��ov� slovo
[Data for TV plugin are provided by]
Data pro TV dopl�ek poskytuje
[Delete keyword]
Smazat kl��ov� slovo
[URI s.r.o.]
URI s.r.o.
Kl��ov� slova

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TweakUI beta                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Stanislav V�gner <vagner (zavin��) nway (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.volumna.com.br/pessoal/angelo/

[Tweaks for user interface.]
Vylep�en� u�ivatelsk�ho rozhran�.
;(DUP) [Border]
[Use default border]
Pou��t v�choz� okraj
;(DUP) [No border]
[Thin-line border]
Slab� okraj
[Double border]
Dvojit� okraj
[Static edge]
Pevn� okraj
[Sunken edge]
Spodn� okraj
[All border's changes will hide the titlebar.]
V�echny okraje z�hlav� oken budou zm�n�na.
[Make main window transparent, but let contacts opaque]
Nastavit pr�hlednost hlavn�ho okna krom� kontakt�
[Contact's opacity:]
�rove� nepr�hlednosti
[Disable background picture]
Vypnout obr�zek na pozad�
[Some changes need a Miranda restart to take effect]
Zm�ny se projev� a� po restartu Mirandy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Typing Notify                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Jan 20 17:49:22 2005
; Translations: 32

; typingnotify.c
[Disable &typing notification]
Vypnout &upozorn�n� na psan�
[Enable &typing notification]
Zapnout &upozorn�n� na psan�
;(DUP) [%s is typing a message]
[Warning: Popup plugin not found!]
Upozorn�n�: Nelze naj�t dopln�k typu Popup!
[Warning: Current Popup plugin version is not supported! Update it!]
Upozorn�n�: Nainstalovan� verze dopl�ku Popup nen� podporovan�.
[Note: Native typing API not found! Emulating...]
Pozn�mka: Nelze naj�t nativn� API! Pokus o emulaci...
;(DUP) [Typing Notify]
;(DUP) [PopUps]
[...is typing a message.]
... p�e zpr�vu.
[...has stopped typing.]
... dopsal zpr�vu.
;(DUP) [Message Session]
[Typing Notify: is typing]
Upozorn�n� na psan� (psan� zpr�vy)
[Typing Notify: stopped typing]
Upozorn�n� na psan� (zpr�va dops�na)

; resource.rc
[...is &typing]
... p�e zpr�&vu
[...stopped t&yping]
... &dopsal zpr�vu
;(DUP) [U&se Popup colours]
;(DUP) [&Use Windows colours]
[&Do not show if msg window is opened]
&Nezobrazit, je-li okno se zpr�vou otev�eno
[Only &one popup for each contact]
Pouze jedn&o ozn�men� na kontakt
[Show &entry in the main menu]
Zobrazit polo�ku v hlavn�m m&enu
[D&isable popups]
V&ypnout ozn�men�
;(DUP) [From PopUp plugin]
[From protocol]
Dle protokolu
;(DUP) [Custom]
[Flash icon in the contact &list]
Zab&likat ikonou v seznamu kontakt�
[Do not fl&ash if msg window is opened]
Neblik&at, je-li okno se zpr�vou otev�eno
;(DUP) [Preview]
[Preview all]
N�hled v�ech
[PopUp timeout (is typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (p�i psan�)
[PopUp timeout (stopped typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (po dops�n�)
;(DUP) [Icons]
;(DUP) [Contact List]

[Set #1 (IconLib)]
Sada �.1 (IconLib)
[Set #2]
Sada �.2
[Set #3]
Sada �.3
[Set #4]
Sada �.4
[Set #5]
Sada �.5
[Set #6]
Sada �.6
[Set #7]
Sada �.7
[Set #8]
Sada �.8
[Set #9]
Sada �.9

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  UINBackup                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=197

[Export contacts]
Exportovat kontakty
[Import contacts]
Importovat kontakty
[Show the export menuitem (requires restart of Miranda)]
Zobrazit polo�ku Exportovat (vy�aduje restart Mirandy)
[Show the import menuitem (requires restart of Miranda)]
Zobrazit polo�ku Importovat (vy�aduje restart Mirandy)
[Autoimport a clb file on startup]
P�i spu�t�n� autom. importovat
[Error writing to the file. Is the disk full?]
Chyba p�i z�pisu do souboru. Zapln�n� disk?
;(DUP) [Error]
[One contact had too long nickname or groupname.\nThe contact was not saved.]
P��li� dlouh� p�ezd�vka nebo n�zev skupiny.\nDan� kontakt nebyl ulo�en.
[No contacts found]
Nebyly nalezeny ��dn� kontakty
[%d contact saved\nThere are %d contacts in the database]
Po�et ulo�en�ch kontatk�: %d\nCelkov� po�et kontakt� v datab�zi: %d
[%d contacts saved\nThere are %d contacts in the database]
Po�et ulo�en�ch kontatk�: %d\nCelkov� po�et kontakt� v datab�zi: %d
[Backup done]
Z�lohov�n� dokon�eno
;(DUP) [No contacts found]
[%s on line %d]
%s na ��dku �.%d
[Too many errors, no more error messages will be shown.]
P��li� mnoho chyb; zastaven� jejich v�pisu.
[Insufficient memory available]
Nedostatek pam�ti
[A critical error occured.\nTry to do the operation one more time.]
Do�lo k z�va�n� chyb�.\nZkuste akci zopakovat.
[Critical error]
Z�va�n� chyba
[Warning, strange sequence]
Upozorn�n�; neplatn� posloupnost
[Syntax error, early line break]
Chyba syntaxe; neplatn� znak ukon�en� ��dku
[Syntax error, too many \";\" characters]
Chyba syntaxe; p��li� mnoho znak� ';' za sebou
[Warning, strange character sequence]
Upozorn�n�; neplatn� posloupnost znak�
[Error, too many characters]
Chyba; p��li� mnoho znak�
[Too long UIN]
P��li� dlouh� UIN
[%d contact imported\nThere are %d contacts in the database]
Po�et importovan�ch kontatk�: %d\nCelkov� po�et kontakt� v datab�zi: %d
[%d contacts imported\nThere are %d contacts in the database]
Po�et importovan�ch kontatk�: %d\nCelkov� po�et kontakt� v datab�zi: %d
[Import successfull]
Import �sp�n� dokon�en
[No contacts imported]
Nebyly importov�ny ��dn� kontakty

[Use ICQ style linebreaks (CRCRLF, default is CRLF)]
Pou��t ukon�en� ��dk� ICQ (CRCRLF, standardn� CRLF)
Z�loha UIN
[Contactlist backup (*.clb)\0*.clb\0All files (*.*)\0*.*\0]
Z�loha kontakt� (*.clb)\0*.clb\0V�echny soubory (*.*)\0*.*\0

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Updater                                         |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254

[Component Name]
N�zev dopl�ku

; /conf_dialog.cpp
[New Version]
Nov� verze
[Current Version]
Sou�asn� verze
; [msg]

; /extern.cpp
; [\\ud_data.txt]
[Could not create data file for restart.]
Nelze vytvo�it datov� soubor pro restart
[Could not create data file for restart]
Nelze vytvo�it datov� soubor pro restart
; [\\Plugins]
; [no backups]
[Miranda's not 'OK TO EXIT'.]
Miranda nen� p�ipravena na restart
; [\\plugins\\updater.dll]
; [\\updater.dll]
; [RUNDLL32.EXE .\\updater.dll,_ExternalUpdate@16 %s]
; [RUNDLL32.EXE .\\updater.dll,ExternalUpdate@16 %s]
[Error code: %d]
K�d chyby: %d
[Your 'temporary files' folder is set to NULL. Install aborted.]
Adres�� pro do�asn� soubory nen� nastaven. Instalace zru�ena.
[Updater Error]
Chyba aktualizace
; [dbtool.exe]
; [langpack_]
; [Read Unicode text line]
[Miranda did not exit - cannot install or restart.\n]
Miranda nebyla ukon�ena - nelze instalovat nebo restartovat.\n
[Press OK to kill the process, ]
Stisknut�m OK ukon��te proces,
[or press Cancel to abort.]
tla��tkem Storno akci zru��te.
[It seems Miranda is still running. Aborting update.]
Zd� se, �e Miranda st�le b��. Aktualizace zru�ena.
; ["%s" "%s"]
[Failed to restart Miranda]
Nepoda�ilo se restartovat Mirandu

; /extern.h
; [root_files]

; /icons.cpp
[Check for Updates]
Zkontrolovat aktualizace
[Update and Exit]
Aktualizovat a ukon�it

; /options.cpp
[Update on major version change.]
Stahovat z�sadn� aktualizace
[Update on minor version change.]
Stahovat men�� aktualizace
[Update on release number change.]
Stahovat mal� aktualizace
[Update on build number change.]
Stahovat ka�d� sestaven�
[Use Beta?]
[Select Updates Folder]
Vyberte slo�ku pro aktualizace
[The folder you have chosen for temporary files is not empty.\nALL FILES in this folder will be REMOVED during the update process.]
Vybran� slo�ka pro do�asn� soubory nen� pr�zdn�.\nV�ECHNY SOUBORY v t�to slo�ce budou ODSTRAN�NY v pr�b�hu aktualizace.
[Updater Warning]
Upozorn�n� Aktualizac�
[Temporary Files]
Do�asn� soubory
; [\\updater\\temp]
; [\\updater\\backups]
; [\\updater\\data]
[Saved Archives]
Ulo�en� archivy
; [\\updater\\archives]
; [\\Updater]
; [\\Temp]
; [\\Backups]
; [\\Data]
; [\\Archives]

; /popups.cpp
[%s Message]
%s zpr�va
[%s Warning]
%s upozorn�n�
[%s Error]
%s chyba

; /progress_dialog.cpp
; [.]
[Progress - %d%%]
Stav - %d %%

; /scan.cpp
; [\\*.dll]
; [; FLID:]
; [\\langpack_*.txt]
[Library does not contain Miranda PluginInfo function]
Knihovna neobsahuje funkci Miranda PluginInfo
[File not loadable as library]
Soubor nelze na��st jako knihovnu
; [\\Plugins\\*.dll]

; /services.cpp
[Downloading Updates]
Stahov�n� aktualizac�
[Progress - Downloading updates...]
Stahov�n� aktualizac�...
[Downloading plugin: %s]
Stahov�n� dopl�ku %s
[Skipping plugin: %s]
P�esko�en� dopl�ku %s
[No network - aborting update check]
Nen� spojen� - kontrola aktualizac� zru�ena
[Checking for Updates]
Kontrola aktualizac�
[Progress - Checking for updates...]
Pr�b�h aktualizace...
[Downloading XML data]
Stahov�n� XML
[Checking for updates]
Hled�n� aktualizac�
[Scanning plugins folder]
Prohled�v�n� slo�ky s dopl�ky
[Updating component file listing ids]
Aktualizace seznamu komponent
[Scanning language packs]
Kontrola jazykov�ho bal��ku
[Checking plugin: %s]
Kontrola dopl�ku %s
[Updates Available]
Dostupn� aktualizace
[Click here to install]
Kliknut�m spust�te instalaci
[Could not create backup folder]
Nelze vytvo�it slo�ku z�loh
[Check for updates]
Zjistit aktualizace

; /socket.cpp
; [.zip]
[Failed to download "%s" - Invalid response, code %d]
Nezda�ilo se st�hnout "%s" - nespr�vn� odezva, k�d %d
[Failed to download "%s": ]
Nezda�ilo se st�hnout "%s":

; /unzip.cpp
; [\\../]
; [/../]
; [%s%s]
; [%s%s%s]
[unknown zip result code]
nezn�m� v�sledek ZIPu
[Culdn't duplicate handle]
Nelze duplikovat proces
[Couldn't create/open file]
Nelze vytvo�it/otev��t soubor
[Failed to allocate memory]
Nezda�ila se alokace pam�ti
[Error writing to file]
Chyba p�i z�pisu do souboru
[File not found in the zipfile]
Soubor v ZIPu nenalezen
[Still more data to unzip]
St�le zb�vaj� vyzipovat data
[Zipfile is corrupt or not a zipfile]
Soubor ZIP je po�kozen� nebo nen� platn� 
[Error reading file]
Chyba p�i �ten� souboru
[Correct password required]
Vy�adov�no heslo
; [Caller: faulty arguments]
; [Caller: the file had already been partially unzipped]
; [Caller: can only get memory of a memory zipfile]
; [Caller: not enough space allocated for memory zipfile]
; [Caller: there was a previous error]
; [Caller: additions to the zip have already been ended]
; [Caller: mixing creation and opening of zip]
; [Zip-bug: internal initialisation not completed]
; [Zip-bug: trying to seek the unseekable]
; [Zip-bug: the anticipated size turned out wrong]
; [Zip-bug: tried to change mind, but not allowed]
; [Zip-bug: an internal error during flation]

[Confirm Files]
Potvrzen� soubor�
[Uncheck the files that you do not want installed:]
Vyberte soubory, kter� chcete instalovat:
[Select DLLs]
Vybrat jen DLL
[Invert Selection]
Invertovat v�b�r
[Select All]
Vybrat v�e

; /updater.rc:IDD_OPT1
[Check for updates on startup]
Zkontrolovat p�i spu�t�n�
[(But only once per day)]
Pouze jednou denn�
[Check daily]
Kontrolovat ka�d� den
[Install without confirmation if idle]
Instalovat bez potvrzen� (p�i ne�innosti)
[Backup updated files]
Z�lohovat p�edchoz� verze
[General Settings]
Obecn� nastaven�
[Global Status Control]
Glob�ln� stav
[Start offline, restore after update check]
Spustit jako offline, po aktualizaci obnovit
[Use popups for progress info]
Pro informaci o pr�b�hu pou��t ozn�men�
[Show 'Restart' menu item]
Zobrazit v nab�dce polo�ku 'Restart'
[Show 'Update and Exit' menu item]
Zobrazit v nab�dce polo�ku 'Aktualizovat a ukon�it'
[Keep downloaded archives]
Zachovat sta�en� archivy
[Only install DLLs automatically]
Instalovat automaticky pouze DLL

[Confirm Updates]
Potvrzen� aktualizac�
[Updates are available for the following components:]
Na sv�t� jsou nov�j�� verze t�chto dopl�k�:
[Confirm install for individual files]
Potvrdit instalaci jednotliv�ch soubor�
[Download but do not install]
St�hnout, ale neinstalovat
Seznam zm�n

; /updater.rc:IDD_PROGRESS

; /updater.rc:IDD_OPT2
[WARNING: Updater will move or delete everything in the 'Updates' folder when installing - so do not point it at anything important (e.g. your plugins folder) or put anything other than updates in there!]
UPOZORN�N�: Ve�ker� obsah adres��e 'Updates' bude p�i instalaci vymaz�n - neumis�ujte sem ��dn� d�le�it� soubory!
[Saved archives:]
Ulo�en� archivy:

; /utils.cpp
[Could not create temporary folder.]
Nelze vytvo�it do�asnou slo�ku
; [..]

; /xmldata.cpp
; [.xml]
[BZ2 Decompression, configuration error]
Rozbalov�n� dat; chyba konfigurace
[BZ2 Decompression, parameter error]
Rozbalov�n� dat; chyba parametru
[DB2 Decompression, memory error]
Rozbalov�n� dat; chyba pam�ti
[Failed to download XML data: ]
Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data: 
[Updater: Error Downloading XML Data]
Aktualizace: Chyba p�i stahov�n� XML dat
[Failed to download XML data - Response is NULL]
Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data; odpov�� je NULL
[Error downloading XML data...\nResponse is NULL]
Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data...\nOdpov�� je NULL
[Failed to download XML data - Invalid response, code %d]
Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data; neplatn� odpov��, k�d �.%d
[Failed to decompress XML data]
Nepoda�ilo se rozbalit XML data

[Don't unzip]
Nerozbalovat archivy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  UserInfoEx                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1971

; /Include/m_popup.h

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_DETAILS
[Edit Contact Information]
�prava informac� o u�ivateli
[View personal user details and more.]
P�ehled informac� o vybran� osob�

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_CONTACT_GENERAL
[First name:]
[Second name:]
Druh� jm�no:
[Last name:]
[Marital status:]
Rodinn� stav:
[Display Name:]
Zobr. jm�no:
[Language skills]
Jazykov� dovednosti

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_CONTACT_ORIGIN
[Postal code:]
[Contact added to ContactList:]
Kontakt p�idan� do seznamu:
[Just from the beginning.]
Od za��tku.
[Your contact's local time is:]
�as u u�ivatele je:
�asov� p�smo:

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_CONTACT_COMPANY

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_CONTACT_ABOUT
Ostatn� informace:

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_ADDPHONE
[Add Phone Number]
P�idat telefonn� ��slo
[Enter your number, don't worry about formating.]
Zadejte ��slo (na form�tu nez�le��)
[Enter a category for this number:]
Ur�ete kategorii pro toto ��slo:
[Enter country, area code and phone number:]
Zadejte k�d zem�, oblasti a samotn� ��slo:
[Or enter a full international number:]
Nebo ��slo zadejte v mezin�rodn�m form�tu:
[Phone can receive SMS text messages]
Telefon umo��uje p��jem textovek (SMS)

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_ADDEMAIL
[Add E-Mail]
P�idat e-mail
[Enter your full e-mail address.]
Zadejte �plnou e-mailovou adresu
[( e.g.: john.doe@provider.com )]
nap�.: jan.novak@firma.cz
[Enter a representitive name for the e-mail address here.]
Sem zadejte opravdov� jm�no majitele adresy
[Enter the e-mail address here.]
Sem zadejte e-mailovou adresu

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_OPT_REMINDER
[Show menu items]
Zobrazovat polo�ky v nab�dce
[Remind me]
[days before.]
dn� p�edem
[Check every]
Proj�t ka�d�ch
[CList extra icon:]
Ikona v seznamu kontakt�:
[Icon flashing on event]
Blikat ikonou p�i ud�losti
[Perform check on each startup]
Kontrolovat p�i spu�t�n�
[Time of last check:]
Naposledy zkontrolov�no:
[Birthday compatibility mode:]
Re�im kompatibility narozenin:
[Automatically backup and keep protocol based birthdays up to date]
Automaticky z�lohovat a udr�ovat informace o narozenin�ch aktu�ln�
[Play sound]
P�ehr�t zvuk
[Use ignore list]
Pou��t seznam filtrov�n� kontakt�

[What do you want to export?]
Co byste cht�li exportovat
[Contact Information]
Informace o kontaktu
[Contact History]
Historie kontaktu

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_OPT_POPUP
[Birthday popup colours]
Barvy upozorn�n� na narozeniny
[Background colour]
Barva pozad�
[Text colour]
Barva textu
[Use Windows colours]
Pou��t barvy Windows
[Use default colours]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[From PopUp plugin]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[Show reminder messages as popups (if reminder is enabled)]
Upozor�ovat na p�ipom�nky (jsou-li p�ipom�nky zapnuty)
[Anniversary popup colours]
Barvy upozorn�n� na v�ro��
[Replace progress dialogs with popups]
Zobrazovat ozn�men� m�sto oken pr�b�hu
[Replace message boxes with popups]
Zobrazovat ozn�men� m�sto oken s ozn�men�mi

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_CONTACT_ADDRESS

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_CONTACT_PROFILE
[Add Affiliation]
P�idat �lenstv�
[Add Past]
P�idat minulost
[Add Interest]
P�idat z�jem

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_EXPORT
[Select Modules]
Vyberte moduly
[Check the Modules in the TreeView which you want to export for the contact. To add  the file as a new list entry later you need to export at least the protocol module.]
Vyberte moduly ve stromu, kter� byste cht�li pro dan� konakt exportovat. Aby bylo mo�n� p�idat pozd�ji soubor jako novou polo�ku seznamu, mus�te exportovat aspo� modul protokolu.
[Check all]
Ozna�it v�echny
[Uncheck all]
Odzna�it v�echny

[Add Anniversary]
P�idat v�ro��
[You can edit the annviversary here.]
Zde m��ete upravovat v�ro��.
[Enter a name for the anniversary here please:]
Sem pros�m vlo�te n�zev v�ro��:
[Select a date here:]
Zde vyberte datum:
[Remind me of this anniversary.]
Upozor�ovat m� na toto v�ro��

[Anniversary list]
Seznam v�ro��
[This list gives you some overview about all your contact's anniversaries.]
Tento seznam p�edstavuje p�ehled o narozenin�ch osob ve va�em seznamu kontakt�.
[with birthday:]
s narozeninami:
[number of contacts:]
Po�et kontakt�:
[average age:]
Pr�m�rn� v�k:
[Show &during the next]
Zobrazit &b�hem p��t�ch
[Popup this dialog on a contact's anniversary]
Zobrazit tento dialog p�i v�ro�� kontaktu

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_OPT_ADVANCED
[Check file version of default IconPack to prevent wrong icon display]
Kontrolovat verzi knihovny ikon (zabr�n� �patn�mu zobrazov�n�)
[Display icons on each dialog button]
Zobrazit ikony na ka�d�m tla��tku dialog�
[Scan SubContacts for missing information]
Vyhledat chyb�j�c� informace v podkontaktech
[Enable extended 'GetContactInfo' module (*)]
Povolit roz���en� modul GetContactInfo (*)
[Enable extended 'send/receive email' service (*)]
Povolit roz���enou slu�bu 'poslat/p�ijmout mail' (*)
[Use Windows Timezone]
Pou��t �asov� p�smo z Windows
[(*) Requires Miranda to be restarted.]
(*) Vy�aduje restart Mirandy
[Reset factory defaults]
Obnovit p�vodn� nastaven�

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_OPT_DETAILSDLG
[Protocol's information]
Informace z protokolu
[Custom information]
Vlastn� informace
[Overwritten information]
Vlastn� protokolov� informace
[Changed information]
Zm�n�n� informace
[Enable colours to give information about information's status.]
Zp�ehlednit informace o stavu obarvov�n�m textu
[Make protocol based contact information readonly.]
Nem�nit osobn� informace definovan� protokolem
[Enable groups in details dialog's treeview.]
Povolit skupiny ve stromov�m zobrazen� detail�
[Sort all tree items alphabetically.]
Se�adit polo�ky v menu dle abecedy
[Info of a MetaContact's SubContact]
Informace o podkontaktu z metakontaktu
[Change my ICQ details with UserInfoEx. (Disabled if ICQ doesn't support it)]
M�nit osobn� informace pomoc� UserInfoEx (vypnuto, nepodporuje-li funkci ICQ)
Stromov� zobrazen�
[Make item labels readonly.]
Vypnout mo�nost zm�nit popisky

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_COPYPROGRESS
[Importing contacts. Please wait...]
Import kontakt�. Pros�m �ekejte...

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_MSGBOX

; /Resource/UInfoEx.rc:IDD_OPT_COMMON
[Enable contact menu items to export/import vCards]
Zobrazit polo�ky importu/exportu vCard v nab�dce
[Cascade main menu items]
Pou��t kask�dov� styl v nab�dce
[Cascade contact menu:]
Kask�dov� nab�dka kontaktu:
[Ex-/Import items]
Export/import polo�ek
[Cascading menu items is available only if the genmenu plugin is installed.]
Kask�dov� nab�dky vy�aduj� dopln�k Genmenu.
[Extra Icons]
Dal�� ikony
Dom. str�nka
[Replace the following default icons:]
Nahradit n�sleduj�c� v�choz� ikony:
[This options require a contact list which supports extra icons.]
Tyto mo�nosti vy�aduj� takov� seznam kontakt�, kter� podporuje extra ikony
[Use Zodiac as avatar]
Zobrazit znak zv�rokruhu m�sto avataru

[Reminder settings:]
Nastaven� p�ipomenut�:
[not found]

[Refresh Contact Details]
Aktualizovat detaily kontaktu

; /Source/classMAnnivDate.cpp
[%s provides a new birthday via protocol.\nIt is %s. The old one was %s.\n\nDo you want to use this as the new birthday for this contact?]
%s hl�s� nov� narozeniny p�es protokol.\nJedn� se o %s. Star� byly %s.\n\nP�ejete si pou��t nov� �daj jako narozeniny kontaktu?
[Update custom birthday]
Aktualizace narozenin
[Keeps your custom birthday up to date.]
Udr�uje va�e vlastn� informace o narozenin�ch aktu�ln�.

; /Source/classPsTree.cpp
[Due to a parameter error, one of the treeitems can't be added!]
Kv�li chyb� parametru nemohla b�t p�id�na jedna z polo�ek nab�dky!
[An fatal error occured on adding a property sheet page!\nDialog creation aborted!]
Nastalo katastrof�ln� selh�n� p�i p�id�v�n� z�lo�ky detail�!\nAkce zru�ena!
[Rename Item]
P�ejmenovat polo�ku
[Hide Item]
Skr�t polo�ku
[Show Items:]
Zobrazit polo�ky:
[Reset to defaults]
Obnovit v�choz�

; /Source/classPsTreeItem.cpp
[Creating unique name for a page failed with %d and error code %d]
Nepoda�ilo se vytvo�it unik�tn� n�zev str�nky %d (chyba %d)
[Creating the label for a page failed with %d and error code %d]
Nepoda�ilo se vytvo�it unik�tn� popisek str�nky %d (chyba %d)
[The dialog template type is no longer supported]
Typ dialogov�ch �ablon ji� nen� podporov�n

; /Source/classTzManager.cpp

; /Source/ctrlContact.cpp
[Edit E-Mail]
Upravit e-mail
[Edit Phone Number]
Upravit telefonn� ��slo
[The phone number should start with a + and consist of\nnumbers, spaces, brackets and hyphens only.]
Telefonn� ��slo by m�lo za��nat znam�nkem + a sm� obsahovat\n��sla, mezery, z�vorky a poml�ky.
[Syntax Error]
Chyba syntaxe
[Choose the item to display.]
Vyberte po�adovanou polo�ku
[Edit the currently displayed item.]
Upravit pr�v� zobrazenou polo�ku
[Add a new custom item.]
P�idat novou polo�ku
[Delete the selected item.]
Smazat vybranou polo�ku
[CRITICAL: Unable to edit current entry!\nThis should not happen!]
CHYBA: nelze upravit tento z�znam!\nTo by se d�t nem�lo!
[Do you really want to delete the current selected item?\n\t%s\n\t%s]
Chcete opravdu smazat vybran� z�znam?\n\t%s\n\t%s

; /Source/ctrlTzCombo.cpp

; /Source/dlgAnniversaryList.cpp
[All contacts]
V�echny kontakty
[Birthdays only]
Pouze narozeniny
[Anniversaries only]
Pouze v�ro��
[Disabled reminder]
Zak�zan� p�ipom�n�n�

; /Source/dlgMsgBox.cpp

; /Source/dlgPropSheet.cpp
[Protocol '%s' is offline]
Protokol '%s' je offline
[Upload Details]
Ulo�it zm�ny
[You are not currently connected to the ICQ network.\nYou must be online in order to update your information on the server.\n\nYour changes will be saved to database only.]
Informace na serveru lze aktualizovat a� po p�ipojen�\nk s�ti ICQ. Do t� doby budou proveden� zm�ny ulo�eny\npouze lok�ln�, do datab�ze Mirandy.
[Creating the imagelist failed!]
Nepoda�ilo se vytvo�it seznam obr�zk�!
[Could not find contact's protocol. Maybe it is not active!]
Nepoda�ilo se naj�t protokol kontaktu. Mo�n� nen� aktivn�.
[No pages have been added. Canceling dialog creation!]
Nebyly p�id�ny ��dn� str�nky. Tvorba dialogu zru�ena!
[Details dialog failed to be created. Returning error is %d.]
Nepoda�ilo se vytvo�it dialog detail�. N�vratov� k�d je %d
[The Page to add has invalid size %d bytes!]
P�id�van� str�nka m� nespr�vnou velikost %d bajt�!
[Fatal memory allocation error on creating treeitem object]
Katastrof�ln� selh�n� p�i alokov�n� pam�ti
[Export to file]
[Import from file]
N�co o sob�
[Upload ICQ Details]
Nahr�t detaily ICQ na server
[Upload failed]
Aktualizace se nezda�ila
[Your details were not uploaded successfully.\nThey were written to database only.]
Va�e �daje nebyly �sp�n� aktualizov�ny\nByly pouze zaps�ny do datab�ze.

; /Source/icons.cpp
[IM Naming]
Ikona klienta
�asov� p�smo
[Marital status]
Rodinn� stav
[Export: Modules]
Export: moduly
[Export: Folder]
Export: slo�ka
[Details Infobar]
Li�ta detailu
[Phone Infobar]
Li�ta telefonu
[E-Mail Infobar]
Li�ta e-mailu
[Export VCard]
Export VCard
[Import VCard]
Importovat VCard
[Anniversary Infobar]
Li�ta v�ro��
[Custom Phone]
Vlastn� typ telefonu
[Down arrow]
�ipka dol�
[Backup Birthday]
Z�lohovat narozeniny
;(DUP) [Ignore]
[Birthday today]
Narozeniny (dnes)
[Birthday tomorrow]
Narozeniny z�tra
[Birthday in 2 days]
Narozeniny poz�t��
[Birthday in 3 days]
Narozeniny za 3 dny
[Birthday in 4 days]
Narozeniny za 4 dny
[Birthday in 5 days]
Narozeniny za 5 dn�
[Birthday in 6 days]
Narozeniny za 6 dn�
[Birthday in 7 days]
Narozeniny za 7 dn�
[Birthday in 8 days]
Narozeniny za 8 dn�
[Birthday in 9 days]
Narozeniny za 9 dn�
[Birthday later]
Narozeniny pozd�ji
[Anniversary today]
V�ro�� dnes
[Anniversary tomorrow]
V�ro�� z�tra
[Anniversary in 2 days]
V�ro�� poz�t��
[Anniversary in 3 days]
V�ro�� za 3 dny
[Anniversary in 4 days]
V�ro�� za 4 dny
[Anniversary in 5 days]
V�ro�� za 5 dn�
[Anniversary in 6 days]
V�ro�� za 6 dn�
[Anniversary in 7 days]
V�ro�� za 7 dn�
[Anniversary in 8 days]
V�ro�� za 8 dn�
[Anniversary in 9 days]
V�ro�� za 9 dn�
[Anniversary later]
V�ro�� pozd�ji
[Warning: Your current IconPack's version differs from the one UserInfoEx is designed for.\nSome icons may not be displayed correctly]
Upozorn�n�: V�e sou�asn� verze knihovny ikon pro Detaily u�ivatele se li�� od verze, pro kterou byl tento dopln�k vytvo�en.\n N�kter� ikony se nemus� zobrazit spr�vn�.
[Warning: No IconPack found in one of the following directories: 'customize\\icons', 'icons' or 'plugins'!]
Upozorn�n�: Nebyla nalezena ��dn� knihovna ikon v ��dn� z t�chto slo�ek: 'customize\\icons', 'icons' or 'plugins'!

; /Source/menuitems.cpp
[Ex-/Import contact]
Export/Import kontakt�
[User &Details]
In&formace o kontaktu
[View/Change My &Details...]
In&formace o sob�...
[Export all contacts]
Exportovat v�echny kontakty
[Import all contacts]
Importovat v�echny kontakty
[Backup birthdays]
Zaz�lohovat narozeniny
[Check anniversaries]
Zkontrolovat v�ro��

; /Source/options.cpp
[Advanced #1]
Roz���en� stav
[Advanced #2]
Extra �.2
[Advanced #3]
Extra �.3
[Advanced #4]
Extra �.4
[This will delete all settings, you've made!\nAll TreeView settings, window positions and any other settings!\n\nAre you sure to procceed?]
Tato akce sma�e v�echna nastaven�, kter� jste provedli!\nV�echna nastaven� nab�dky, pozic okna atd.\n\nOpravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Everything is done!]
V�e hotovo!
[All settings are reset to default values now!]
V�echna nastaven� byla vynulov�na na v�choz� hodnoty.
[Reminder disabled]
P�ipom�nky vypnuty
[Bithdays only]
Pouze narozeniny
[mBirthday ( default )]
mBirthday (v�choz�)
[Extended UserInfo]
Detaily u�ivatele
Detaily u�ivatele

; /Source/pspAnniversary.cpp
[Add a new anniversary]
P�idat nov� v�ro��
[Delete an existing anniversary]
Smazat existuj�c� v�ro��
[Edit Anniversary]
Upravit v�ro��
[Please enter a valid Description first!]
Pros�m zadejte nejd��ve platn� popis!
[No valid date selected for editing!]
Nebylo vybr�no platn� datum pro �pravy!
[Do you really want to delete the %s?]
Opravdu chcete smazat %s?

; /Source/pspGeneral.cpp
[%s (%s)]
%s (%s)
[Open in Browser]
Otev��t v prohl�e�i
[Primary e-mail]
Prim�rn� e-mail
[Secondary e-mail]
Druh� e-mail
[Tertiary e-mail]
T�et� e-mail

; /Source/pspNotes.cpp
[My Notes:]

; /Source/pspProfile.cpp
[Sorry, but there is a problem with adding a new item of type "%s"]
Upozorn�n�: vyskytl se probl�m s p�id�v�n�m nov� polo�ky "%s"
[Add Affliation]
P�idat �lenstv�
[Edit Category]
Upravit kategorii
[Edit Value]
Upravit hodnotu
[Delete an entry]
Smazat z�znam
[Do you really want to delete this entry?]
Chcete opravdu smazat tuto polo�ku

; /Source/svcAvatar.cpp
[Your png2dib.dll is either obsolete or damaged.]
Dopln�k png2dib.dll je bu� zastaral� nebo po�kozen�.

; /Source/svcConstants.cpp
per�tina (farsi)
Um�n� a z�bava
[College Student]
�kola (V�)
[Community & Social]
[Financial Services]
Pen�n� slu�by
St�tn� spr�va
[High School Student]
�kola (S�)
[ICQ - Providing Help]
Pomoc u�ivatel�m ICQ
Vojensk� slu�ba
[Non-Government Organization]
Nest�tn� organizace
Profesn� organizace
V d�chodu
[Science & Research]
V�da a v�zkum
Technick� obor
[University Student]
�kola (V�)
[Other Services]
[Celebrity Fans]
[Culture & Literature]
Kultura a literatura
P��e o zdrav�
�ivotn� styl
Filmy a televize
[Outdoor Activities]
V�lety, turistika
V�da a technologie
[Web Design]
N�vrh webov�ch str�nek
[Nature and Environment]
P��roda a �ivotn� prost�ed�
[News & Media]
Noviny a �asopisy
[Business & Economy]
Obchod a ekonomika
[Social science]
Soci�ln� v�dy
60t� l�ta
70t� l�ta
80t� l�ta
50t� l�ta
[Finance and corporate]
Finan�nictv� a obchod
[Consumer electronics]
Spot�ebn� elektronika
[Retail stores]
Obchodn� �et�zce
[Health and beauty]
Zdrav� a kr�sa
[Household products]
Pot�eby pro dom�cnost
[Mail order catalog]
Objedn�vkov� katalogy
[Business services]
Slu�by pro podnik�n�
[Audio and visual]
Audio a video
[Sporting and athletic]
[Home automation]
Pomocn�ci v dom�cnosti
[Elementary School]
Z�kladn� �kola
[High School]
St�edn� �kola
Vysok� �kola
[Past Work Place]
D��v�j�� zam�stn�n�
[Past Organization]
P�edchoz� organizace
[Alumni Org.]
[Charity Org.]
[Club/Social Org.]
[Community Org.]
[Cultural Org.]
[Fan Clubs]
[Hobbyists Org.]
[International Org.]
[Nature and Environment Org.]
ochrana p��rody
[Professional Org.]
[Scientific/Technical Org.]
[Self Improvement Group]
[Spiritual/Religious Org.]
duchovn� a n�bo�ensk�
[Sports Org.]
[Support Org.]
[Trade and Business Org.]
[Volunteer Org.]
[Close relationships]
ve spole�n� dom�cnosti

; /Source/svcContacts.cpp
['( Unknown Contact )']
'(nezn�m� kontakt)'

; /Source/svcEmail.cpp
[Send e-mail]
Poslat e-mail
[Memory allocation error!]
Chyba p�i alokov�n� pam�ti!

; /Source/svcHomepage.cpp
[User has no valid homepage]
U�ivatel nem� uvedenou platnou dom�c� str�nku
[View Homepage]
Zobrazit domovskou str�nku
&Dom�c� str�nka

; /Source/svcRefreshUserDetails.cpp
[[b]%s (%S)...[/b]\n%d Contacts remaning]
 [b]%s (%S)...[/b]\n%d kontakt� zb�v�
[Abort Refreshing Contact Details]
P�eru�it proces ob�erstvov�n� detail�
[Do you want to cancel the current refresh procedure?]
Chcete p�eru�it prob�haj�c� proceduru ob�erstvov�n�?
[Miranda must be online for refreshing contact information!]
Pro ob�erstven� detail� kontakt� je pot�eba b�t online!
[The function caused an exception!]
Tato akce zp�sobila v�jimku!

; /Source/svcReminder.cpp
[%s has %s today.]
%s m� dnes %s.
[an anniversary]
[%s has the following anniversaries:]
%s m� tato v�ro��:
[%d. %s today]
%d. %s dnes
[%d. %s tomorrow]
%d. %s z�tra
[%d. %s in %d days]
%d. %s za %d dn�
[%s has birthday today.]
%s m� dnes narozeniny!
[%s has birthday tomorrow.]
%s bude m�t z�tra narozeniny.
[%s has birthday in %d days.]
P�ezd�vka: %s, zb�v� dn�: %d
[\n%s becomes %d years old.]
\n%s oslav� %d. narozeniny.
[No anniversaries to remind of]
Nen� co p�ipomenout z v�ro��
[Backing up and syncing all birthdays complete!]
Z�lohov�n� a synchronizace v�ech narozenin hotova!
[Birthday reminder]
[Birthday reminder: it's coming]
Narozeniny (ji� brzy!)
[Anniversary Reminder]
Upozor�ov�n� na v�ro��

; /Source/ex_import/classExImContactBase.cpp
[contact identificaion]
identifikace kontaktu
[The contact %s( %s ) has no unique id in the vCard,\nbut there is a contact in your clist with the same nick and protocol.\nDo you wish to use this contact?]
Kontakt %s(%s) nem� ��dn� unik�tn� ID ve vCard vizitce, av�ak\nve sv�m seznamu kontakt� m�te kontakt stejn� p�ezd�vky a protokolu.\nP�ejete si pou��t tento kontakt?

; /Source/ex_import/classExImContactXML.cpp
[Importing a new contact was aborted!]
Importov�n� nov�ho kontaktu bylo zru�eno!
[You aborted import of a new contact.\nSome information may be missing for this contact.\n\nDo you want to delete the incomplete contact?]
Zru�ili jste import nov�ho kontaktu.\nN�kter� informace mohou u tohoto kontaktu chyb�.\n\nP�ejete si kontakt smazat �pln�?
[Sub Contact: %s ( %S )]
Subkontakt: %s (%S)
[Importing a new meta subcontact failed!]
Nezda�il se import nov�ho podkontaktu!
[The newly created MetaSubContact '%s'\ncould not be added to MetaContact '%s'!\n\nDo you want to delete this contact?]
Nov� vytvo�en� podkontakt '%s'\nnemohl b�t p�id�n do metakontaktu '%s'!\n\nP�ejete si smazat tento kontakt �pln�?
[Settings: %S]
Nastaven�: %S
[Events: %S]
Ud�losti: %S

; /Source/ex_import/dlgModules.cpp
[All Contacts]
V�echny kontakty
[Required modules]
Po�adovan� moduly
[Optional modules]
Voliteln� moduly

; /Source/ex_import/dlgOpenSaveFile.cpp
[Miranda IM]
Miranda IM
[Shows Miranda's installation directory.]
Zobraz� adres�� s Mirandou.
[Shows the directory with all your Miranda's profiles.]
Zobraz� adres�� se v�emi va�imi profily Mirandy.
[The OpenFileDialog returned an error: %d!]
Dialog otev�en� souboru vr�til chybu: %d!
[The SaveFileDialog returned an error: %d!]
Dialog ulo�en� souboru vr�til chybu: %d!

; /Source/ex_import/fileINI.cpp
[The ini-file "%s"\nfor saving contact information could not be opened.]
INI soubor "%s"\nnemohl b�t otev�en pro ulo�en� informac� o kontaktu.
[None of the %d contacts, stored in the ini-file, match the selected contact!\nNothing will be imported]
��dn� z %d kontakt� ulo�en�ch v INI souboru neodpov�dal vybran�mu kontaktu!\nNic nebude importov�no.
[Import complete]
Import hotov
[Some basic statistics]
Z�kladn� statistiky
[Added %d of %d contacts stored in the ini-file.]
P�id�no %d z %d kontakt� ulo�en�ch v INI souboru.
[The ini-file "%s"\nfor reading contact information could not be opened.]
INI soubor "%s"\nnemohl b�t otev�en pro na�ten� informac� o kontaktu.

; /Source/ex_import/fileXML.cpp
[Can't create xml file!\n%S]
Nelze vytvo�it xml soubor!\n%S
[Export took %f msec]
Export zabral %f ms
[Contact: %s (%S)]
Kontakt: %s (%S)
[Importing %s caused error %d]
Import %s zp�sobil chybu %d
[Loading contact %s from xml failed with error %d]
Na��t�n� kontaktu %s z XML skon�ilo chybou %d
[Importing Owner caused error %d]
Import Vlastn�ka zp�sobil chybu %d
[Parser is unable to load XMLCard "%s"\nError: %d\nDescription: %s]
Parser nem��e na��st XMLCard "%s"\nChyba: %d\nPopis: %s
[The selected file is no valid XMLCard]
Vybran� soubor nen� platn� XMLCard
[The version of the XMLCard is not supported by UserInfoEx]
Tato verze XMLCard nen� podporov�na dopl�kem Detaily u�ivatele
[Owner contact successfully imported.]
Kontakt vlastn�ka byl �sp�n� naimportov�n.
[Selected XMLCard does not contain an owner contact!]
Vybran� XMLCard neobsahuje kontakt vlastn�ka
[Import took %f msec]
Import zabral %f msec
[added contacts: %u / %u\nadded settings: %u / %u\nadded events %u / %u\nduplicated events: %u]
p�idan� kontakty: %u / %u\np�idan� nastaven�: %u / %u\np�idan� ud�losti %u / %u\nzdvojen� ud�losti: %u
[FATAL: An exception was thrown while importing contacts from xmlCard!]
CHYBA: vznikla v�jimka p�i importu kontakt� z XMLCard!

; /Source/ex_import/svcExImport.cpp
[all Contacts]
v�echny kontakty
[Select a destination file...]
Vyberte c�lov� soubor...
[Import User Details from VCard]
Importovat detaily u�ivatele z VCard
[Contact (Work)]
Kontakt (pracovn�)
[Contact (private)]
Kontakt (soukrom�)
[Details Dialog]

[Popup Anniversary list]
Zobrazit seznam v�ro��

; UserInfoEx
; dodal Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
[Note: Miranda IM will have to be restarted for changes to take effect.]
Pozn.: Je pot�eba restartovat Mirandu pro uveden� zm�n v platnost.
[Use Zodiac as default avatar]
Pou��t znamen� zv�rokruhu jako v�choz� avatar

; UserInfoEx
[Adapt propertysheet pages to aero mode.]
Vykreslit str�nky vlastnost� skrz aero.
Kask�dov� styl:
Nab�dka ��tu
[UserInfo (default)]
Detaily u�ivatele (v�choz�)
[Use global reminder settings.]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven� upozorn�n�.
[Don't remind me of this anniversary.]
Neupozor�ovat m� na toto v�ro��.
[Address & Contact]
Adresa & kontakt

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Variables                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2834

; options.c

; resource.rc
[Auto parse]
Automaticky zpracovat
[Parse the following string at startup]
P�i spu�t�n� zpracovat n�e uveden�
[Automatically strip "end of line" characters]
Automaticky odstranit konce ��dk� (EOL)
[Don't set a contact]
Nenastavovat kontakt
[Set to the following contact]
Nastavit n�sleduj�c� kontakt
[Trigger when the following string changes]
Spustit p�i zm�n� n�sleduj�c�ho �et�zce
[Please enter your input below]
Zadejte pros�m po�adovan� text:
;[The token %subject% is translated into a special contact, which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the contact to which %subject% translates. An example for using this token is: !cinfo(%subject%,display).]
;[The token %extratext% is translated into a string which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the string to which %extratext% translates.]
;[The Variables plugin translates various tokens into a certain value. An example is: I'm running Miranda %mirandaversion%. The substring %mirandaversion% will be translated into the correct version number. The following list shows all available tokens.]

; help.c
[Variables Help]
N�pov�da pro dopln�k Variables

; parse_alias.c
[stores y as alias named x]
ulo�� y jako alias s n�zvem x
[user defined]
definov�no u�ivatelem

; parse_external.c
[External Applications]
Extern� programy
[retrieves song name of the song currently playing in Winamp]
Zjist� n�zev skladby pr�v� p�ehr�van� programem Winamp
[retrieves current Winamp state (Playing/Paused/Stopped)]
Zjist� aktu�ln� stav p�ehr�va�e Winamp (p�ehr�v�/pauza/zastaveno)

; parse_inet.c
[Internet Related]
;[converts each non-html character into hex format]
;[converts each hex value into non-html character]
[converts a 32-bit number to IPv4 dotted notation]
zkonvertuje 32bitov� ��slo do form�tu IP(v4) adresy
[converts a 32-bit number (in host byte order) to IPv4 dotted notation]
zkonvertuje 32bitov� ��slo do form�tu IP(v4) adresy (zohledn� po�ad� bajt�)

; parse_logic.c
[Logical Expressions]
Logick� v�razy
[performs logical AND (x && y && ...)]
logick� AND (x && y && ...)
[boolean FALSE]
[performs w, then shows z and performs y while x is TRUE]
smy�ka FOR (provede w, pak zobraz� z a prov�d� y dokud je x TRUE)
[y if x is TRUE, else z]
je-li x TRUE, pak y; jinak z
[x if x is TRUE, else z]
je-li x TRUE, pak x; jinak z
;[the first argument parsed successfully]
[y if w > x, else z]
je-li w > x, pak y; jinak z
[y if string length of w > x, else z]
je-li d�lka �et�zce w > x, pak y; jinak z
[TRUE if x > y]
je-li x > y, pak TRUE
[TRUE if x is longer than y]
je-li x del�� ne� y, pak TRUE
[performs logical NOT (!x)]
logick� NOT (!x)
[performs logical OR (x || y || ...)]
logick� OR (x || y || ...)
[boolean TRUE]
[performs logical XOR (x ^ y)]
logick� XOR (x ^ y)

; parse_math.c
[Mathematical Functions]
Matematick� funkce
[x + y + ...]
x + y + ...
[x divided by y]
x d�leno y
[converts decimal value x to hex value and padds to length y]
zkonvertuje (dekadick�) ��slo x na hexadecim�ln� a vypln� zbytek do d�lky y
[x modulo y (remainder of x divided by y)]
x modulo y (zbytek po d�len�)
[x times y]
x kr�t y
[x times y divided by z]
x kr�t y d�leno z
[minimum value of (decimal) arguments]
minim�ln� hodnota ze zadan�ch (dekadick�ch) argument�
[maximum value of (decimal) arguments]
maxim�ln� hodnota ze zadan�ch (dekadick�ch) argument�
;[pads decimal value x to length y with zeros]
[random number]
n�hodn� ��slo
[x - y - ...]
x - y - ...

; parse_miranda.c
[Miranda Related]
[translates status code x into a status description]
p�evede stavov� k�d x na popis stavu
;[zth contact with property y described by x, example: (unregistered,nick) (z is optional)]
[number of contacts with property y described by x, example: (unregistered,nick)]
po�et kontakt� s vlastnost� y bl�e ur�enou pomoc� x; p��klad: (<u�iv. jm�no>,<p�ezd�vka>)
[info property y of contact x]
informace y kontaktu x
[db profile name]
n�zev profilu (datab�ze)
[db profile path]
cesta k profilu (datab�zi)
[db setting z of module y of contact x]
p�e�te z datab�ze hodnotu polo�ky z modulu y kontaktu x
;[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation]
;[get last seen time of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
;[get last seen date of contact x in format y (y is optional)]
;[get last seen status of contact x]
[path to the Miranda-IM executable]
cesta ke spustiteln�mu souboru Mirandy
[current status description of protocol x (without x, the global status is retrieved)]
aktu�ln� stav protokolu x (nezad�te-li x, p�e�te glob�ln� stav)
;[retrieves the subject, depending on situation]
[get the version of miranda]
zjist� verzi Mirandy

; parse_regexp.c
[Regular Expressions]
Regul�rn� v�razy
[(ANSI input only) the number of substring matches found in y with pattern x]
(pouze pro ANSI) po�et nalezen�ch �et�zc� v textu y p�i pou�it� masky x
;[(ANSI input only) substring match number z found in subject y with pattern x]
[the number of substring matches found in y with pattern x]
po�et nalezen�ch �et�zc� v textu y p�i pou�it� masky x
;[substring match number z found in subject y with pattern x]

; parse_str.c
[Regular Expressions]
Regul�rn� v�razy
[converts each first letter of a word to uppercase, all others to lowercase]
zkonvertuje prvn� p�smeno slova na VELK�; v�e ostatn� zm�n� na MAL�
[converts each first letter of a word to uppercase]
zkonvertuje prvn� p�smeno slova na VELK�
[inserts 'end of line' character]
vlo�� znak konce ��dku (EOL)
[depends on calling plugin]
z�vislost na dopl�ku
;[cuts x after the first line and appends y (y is optional)]
[replaces all end of line characters by y (y is optional)]
nahrad� v�echny znaky konce ��dku znakem y (y nen� povinn�)
[inserts string y at position z in string x]
vlo�� �et�zec y na pozici z �et�zce x
[trims x to length y, keeping first y characters]
o��zne x na d�lku y, p�i�em� ponech� prvn�ch y znak�
[length of x]
d�lka x
[the number of lines in string x]
po�et ��dk� v �et�zci x
[the longest string of the arguments]
nejdel�� �et�zec ze zadan�ch argument�
[converts x to lowercase]
zkonvertuje x na mal� p�smena
;[padds x to length y prepending character z (z is optional)]
;[padds x to length y appending character z (z is optional)]
;[padds x to length y prepending character z, or cut if x is longer (z is optional)]
;[padds x to length y appending character z, or cut if x is longer (z is optional)]
[repeats x y times]
x zopakuje y-kr�t
[replace all occurenses of y in x with z, multiple y and z arguments allowed]
nahrad� v�echny v�skyty y v x �et�zcem z; argumenty y a z mohou b�t v�cen�sobn�
[trims x to length y, keeping last y characters]
o��zne x na d�lku y, p�i�em� ponech� posledn�ch y znak�
;[moves x z charcters to the left and trims it to y characters]
[TRUE if x equals y]
je-li x rovno y, pak TRUE
[TRUE if x equals y, ingnoring case]
je-li x rovno y, pak TRUE; ignoruje rozd�ly mezi mal�mi a velk�mi p�smeny
[the shortest string of the arguments]
nejkrat�� �et�zec ze zadan�ch argument�
;[location of first occurence of character y in string x]
;[location of last occurence of character y in string x]
;[location of first occurence of string y in x]
;[substring of x starting from position y to z]
[the xth string of the arguments]
x-t� �et�zec ze zadan�ch argument�
[z if y equals x, multple y and z arguments allowed]
je-li y rovno x, pak z; argumenty y a z mohou b�t v�cen�sobn�
[removes white spaces in before and after x]
odstran� netisknuteln� znaky p�ed a za x
[inserts x tab characters (x is optional)]
vlo�� x tabul�tor� (x nen� povinn�)
[converts x to upper case]
zkonvertuje x na VELK� p�smena
;[words (seperated by white spaces) number y to z from string x (z is optional)]

; parse_system.c
[System Functions]
Syst�mov� funkce
[computer name]
n�zev po��ta�e
[cpu load of process x (without extension) (x is optional)]
indikuje vyt�en� CPU procesem x (bez p��pony) (x nen� povinn�)
[current date in format y (y is optional)]
aktu�ln� datum ve form�tu y (y nen� povinn�)
[current time in format y (y is optional)]
aktu�ln� �as ve form�tu y (y nen� povinn�)
[the directory y directories above x]
vyp�e adres�� um�st�n� ve struktu�e y adres��� nad x
[strips y directories from x]
odstran� y adres��� z x
[number of seconds between date x and y (x and y in format: M/d/yy H:m:s)]
po�et sekund mezi daty x a y (x a y mus� b�t ve form�tu M/d/rr H:m:s)
[expand environment variable x]
vyp�e obsah prom�nn� x
[TRUE if file x exists]
nastav� TRUE, jestli�e existuje soubor x
[window title of first window of class x]
z�hlav� prvn�ho okna t��dy x
[TRUE if process x is running]
nastav� TRUE, jestli�e je spu�t�n� process x
[value y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only]
hodnota y kl��e x (pouze hodnoty REG_SZ (string))
[formats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in date format y]
uprav� x (po�et sekund od 1.1.1970) na datum dle form�tu y
[formats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in time format y]
uprav� x (po�et sekund od 1.1.1970) na �as dle form�tu y
;[(File content ANSI only) y > 0: line number y from file x, y = 0: the whole file, y < 0: line y counted from the end, y = r: random line]
;[y > 0: line number y from file x, y = 0: the whole file, y < 0: line y counted from the end, y = r: random line]
[uptime in seconds]
doba od spu�t�n� po��ta�e (v sek.)
[user name]
u�ivatelsk� jm�no
;[variable set by put(s) with name x]
;[x, and stores y as variable named x]
[only stores y as variables x]
pouze ulo�� y jako prom�nnou x

[String Functions]
Pr�ce s �etezci

[Parse options]
Mo�nosti zpracov�n�
[Automatically strip white space]
Automaticky odstranit netisknuteln� znaky
[Automatically strip all non-parsing characters]
Automaticky odstranit v�echny nezpracovateln� znaky
[Test area]
M�sto pro zkou�ky
[Click on the help button to get more information]
V�ce informac� se dozv�te kliknut�m na tla��tko N�pov�da

[Open String Formatting Help]
Otev��t n�pov�du o prom�nn�ch

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Version Information                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2351

; Generated by lpgen on Mon Sep 26 13:31:31 2005
; Translations: 26

; CVersionInfo.cpp
[If you are going to use this report to submit a bug, remember to check the website for questions or help the developers may need.\r\nIf you don't check your bug report and give feedback, it will not be fixed!]
V p��pad�, �e ohl�s�te chybu pomoc� tohoto formul��e, nezapome�te se ob�as pod�vat na webovou str�nku dopl�ku.\nJe velmi pravd�podobn�, �e program�to�i v�s budou ��dat o up�esn�n� nebo jinou pomoc.\nV mnoha p��padech se bez va�� asistence chybu nepoda�� opravit.
[Information successfully written to file: \"%s\".]
Souhrnn� informace ulo�eny do souboru: '%s'.
[Error during the creation of file \"%s\". Disk may be full or write protected.]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� souboru '%s'. Nen� disk chr�n�n proti z�pisu?
[The clipboard is not available, retry.]
Chyba p�i pr�ci se schr�nkou. Zkuste pozd�ji.
[Information successfully copied into clipboard.]
Po�adovan� informace byly zkop�rov�ny do schr�nky.

; main.cpp
[Version Information]
Informace o verzi
;(DUP) [Plugins]

; utils.cpp
[Ok, something went wrong in the \"%s\" setting. Report back the following values:\nFacility: %X\nError code: %X\nLine number: %d]
Chyba v nastaven� '%s'. Po�lete n�m pros�m n�sleduj�c� �daje:\nModul: %X\nChybov� k�d: %X\n��slo ��dku: %d

; resource.rc
[Add a menu item to the main Miranda Menu]
P�idat polo�ku do hlavn�ho menu
[Text file]
Textov� soubor
Funkce MessageBox()
Dialogov� okno
[Show disabled plugins too]
Vypsat i neaktivn� dopl�ky
Funkce OutputDebugString()
[Enable debug messages]
Povolit ladic� informace
[Forum style formatting]
Zform�tovat v�stup pomoc� BBCode
[Also copy info to clipboard]
Z�rove� zkop�rovat do schr�nky
[Show window in taskbar]
Zobrazit na hlavn�m panelu
[Show version number in bold]
Informaci o verzi zobrazit tu�n�
[Do it now]
Prov�st nyn�
;(DUP) [Close]
[&Copy text]
[You will need to restart Miranda to add/remove the menu item.]
P�id�n� a odebr�n� polo�ky v menu vy�aduje restart Mirandy.
[Output to:]
V�stup do:
[Miranda Version Information]
Informace o Mirand�

[Attempt to find unloadable plugins (doesn't work on Windows 98)]
Pokusit se naj�t nefunk�n� dopl�ky (nefunguje ve Windows 98)
[Ask every time]
Poka�d� se zeptat
[Select output:]
Vyberte v�stup
[Highlight version number using]
Zv�raznit ��slo verze pomoc�
[Suppress header information]
Nevypisovat informace o dopl�ku a autorech
[Upload site settings]
�lo�i�t� dat
[Upload to site]
Poslat na server
-> server
[&Save to file]
-> &soubor
[Aditional options:]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Collects and prints information related to Miranda, the plugins and the OS.]
Souhrn podrobn�ch informac� o programu Miranda, dopl�c�ch a opera�n�m syst�mu.
[Show plugin UUIDs]
Vypsat identifik�tory dopl�k�

[Show installed languages]
Zobrazit nainstalovan� p�eklady
[Customize using folders plugin]
Ur�it pomoc� dopl�ku Folders

; nove retezce pro verzi - Soustruh
; tyto retezce uz v originale presahuji vymezeny prostor (v clist_modern: Vlastni upravy - Tlacitkova lista)
[Show Version Information]
Zobrazit info. o verzi
[Upload Version Information]
Odeslat info. o verzi

; neprelozene retezce v okne informaci o verzi
; titulek okna - tento preklad se neprojevuje :-(
[View Version Information]
Informace o verzi
; tlacitka
[To File]
Do souboru
[To Clipboard]
Do schr�nky

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Voice Service                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: MiSHAK <imishak (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://pescuma.mirandaim.ru/miranda/voiceservice

;--------------- VS Test
; Voice Service
; Author: Pescuma

[Voice Calls]
; Dialog
[New Voice Call]
Nov� hovor
[%s wants to start a voice call with you. What you want to do?]
%s v�m vol�.
;(DUP) [Answer]
[From now on, repeat this action for this contact]
Pamatovat si volbu pro tento kontakt

; Options
;(DUP) [Background]

;(DUP) [Popups]
;(DUP) [Enable popups]
[ Colours ]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Use default colours]
[ Delay ]
[From popup plugin]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
;(DUP) [Custom]
;(DUP) [Permanent]
[ Actions ]
[On right click:]
Prav� tla��tko
[On left click:]
Lev� tla��tko
;(DUP) [Do nothing]
;(DUP) [Close popup]
;(DUP) [Preview]

[Auto actions]
[ Automatic Actions ]
 P�ehled akc� 
[Auto accept this contact calls]
Automaticky p�ijmout vol�n�
[Auto drop this contacts calls]
Automaticky odm�tnout vol�n�

[ Frame ]
[Auto-size frame]
Automatick� velikost

; Test popup
[Test Contact]
Testovac� kontakt
[Test description]
Testovac� popis

; Status
[On Hold]

; Actions
[Voice Call]
[Answer Voice Call]
[Hold Voice Call]
[Drop Voice Call]

; Icons
;(DUP) [Main]

; Popups
[Calling %s]
Vol�m %s
[Ringing call from %s]
%s v�m vol�
[Voice call ended]
Hovor ukon�en
[Call from %s has ended]
Hovor s %s skon�il
[Call from %s started]
Hovor s %s za�al
[Voice call started]
Hovor za�al
[Call from %s is on hold]
Hovor s %s je p�idr�en
[Voice call on hold]
Hovor je p�idr�en

; Frame popup menu
[Answer call]
[Drop call]
;(DUP) [Hold call]

; Sound
[Calling a contact]
[Started talking]
Za��tek hovoru
[Put a call on Hold]
P�idr�en� hovoru
[End of a Call]
Konec hovoru

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Wassup                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=358

; Important Note: Subcategories are translatable! They're not listed here though.

; In v0.3.1.2 the following strings were removed:
; Updated development files
; and the following were added:
[Always show complete changelog]
Zobrazit kompletn� p�ehled zm�n
[Updated devel files]
Soub. pro v�voj��e

;(DUP) [Use NTLM authentication]
[&Copy URL to clipboard]
Z&kop�rovat odkaz

; In v0.3.1.0 the following strings were removed:
; Highlight updates since:, Show Selection..., Check for..., Wassup - Selection,
; , Wassup - Selection (Not active), Clear List, Download All..., Install All...
; and the following were added:
[Plugins Updates]
Akt. dopl�ky
[All Selections]
[More Info]
[Web Info]
[Some of your tracked plugins have updates]
Nov� verze n�kter�ch ze sledovan�ch dopl�k�!
[Looking up installed plugins...]
Zji��ov�n� nainstalovan�ch dopl�k�...
[Latest version]
Nejnov�j�� verze
[Last checked version]
Naposl. zji�t�n� verze
[Installed version]
Pou��van� verze
[Highlight updates...]
Zv�raznit zm�n�n�...
[Since last time I checked]
od posledn� kontroly
[Current build date:]
[Get List from Server]
St�hnout seznam ze serveru
[Plugins Selection]
V�b�r dopl�k�
[Only select active plugins]
Vybrat jen aktivn� dopl�ky
[Select installed plugins]
Vybrat nainstalovan� dopl�ky
[Select All]
Vybrat v�e
[Select Updated]
Vybrat zm�n�n�

; In v0.3.0.0 the strings table changed completely, here it is:
; Note: Subcategories names are translatable!
; Not all subcategories are listed here, though.

[Updates since:]
Novinky od:
[Select highlighted]
Vybrat zv�razn�n�
[Clear All]
Zru�it v�b�r
;(FIX) [Skip File]
[Skip file]
[Nightly updates]
V�vojov� verze
[Latest nightly build:]
Nejnov�j�� betaverze:
Odes�l�n� dotazu ...
P�ehled zm�n...
[Select file:]
Vyberte soubor:

; options
;(DUP) [Auto-Checkups]
[A new nightly]
Nov� v�v. verze
[Updated plugins]
[Customisation files]
Pozad�, ikony
[Localisation files]
[Updated tools]
[Updated docs]
[Check for updates on startup]
Zkontrolovat p�i spu�t�n�
[Network settings]
Nastaven� s�t�
[Use HTTP Proxy Server]
Pou��t HTTP Proxy
;(DUP) [Proxy server:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
;(DUP) [Proxy requires authorization]
;(DUP) [Username:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Misc]
[Do not save files to disk]
Neukl�dat soubory na disk
[Open file/directory when download finishes]
Po st�hnut� otev��t slo�ku/soubor
[Remember dialog size and position]
Zapamatovat velikosti a pozice oken
[Add a TopToolBar button]
P�idat do horn� li�ty (TopToolBar)
[Miranda Installer path:]
Miranda Installer:
[Wassup Updates]
[There are some updates you should check out]
Mezi novinkami jsou i takov�, kter� v�s mohou zaj�mat.
;(DUP) [Name]
;(DUP) [Author]
;(DUP) [Version]
[Last Update]
Posledn� zm�na
[Select Miranda Installer's path]
Vyberte cestu k programu Miranda Installer
[Miranda Installer (MirInst.exe)]
Miranda Installer (MirInst.exe)
[Executables (*.exe)]
Spustiteln� soubory (*.exe)
[All Files (*.*)]
V�echny soubory (*.*)
[Miranda's ChangeLog]
Seznam zm�n v Mirand�
[Protocols' changelog]
Seznam zm�n v protokolu
[Plugins' changelog]
Seznam zm�n v dopl�ku
[Latest nightly build]
Nejnov�j�� v�voj. verze
[Latest nightly build (Debug)]
Nejnov�j�� v�voj. verze (ladic�)
[Latest nightly build (Source)]
Nejnov�j�� v�voj. verze (zdroje)
[The latest Miranda IM build, should be used with caution.]
Nejnov�j�� verze programu Miranda IM. Pouze pro zku�en�!
[The latest Miranda IM build, built with debugging information. Mostly useful for developers.]
Ladic� verze nejnov�j�� verze programu Miranda IM. Ur�eno pro v�voj��e.
[The latest Miranda IM build's source code]
Zdrojov� k�dy nejnov�j�� verze programu Miranda IM.
[>> Resolving...]
>> Vyhled�v�n�...
[<< Connecting...]
<< Navazov�n� spojen�...
[>> Connected!]
>> Spojen� nav�z�no...
[<< Waiting for reply...]
<< �ek�n� na odpov��...
[>> Received %lu/%lu bytes (%d%%)]
>> St�hnuto %lu z %lu bajt� (%d %%)
;(DUP) [Plugins]
Pro v�voj��e
;(DUP) [Sounds]
;(DUP) [Icons]
[Source Code]
Zdrojov� k�dy
;(DUP) [Type]
V�voj. verze
[Development files]
Soubory pro v�voj��e
[Show me]
[A new nightly version of Miranda IM]
Nov� v�vojov� verze Miranda IM
[Some plugins were updated]
Novinky mezi dopl�ky
[Updated customisation files]
Novinky mezi obr�zky, ikonami
[Updated localisation files]
Novinky mezi p�eklady
;(DUP) [Updated tools]
[Updated documentation]
Novinky v dokumentaci
[Using Cache...]
Pou�it� cache...
[Source Type (*.%s)]
Zdrojov� soubor (*.%s)
[Save download to...]
Ulo�it do...
[Resolving %s...]
Vyhled�v�n� %s ...
[Connecting to %s...]
P�ipojov�n� k %s ...
Spojen� nav�z�no!
[Waiting for reply]
�ek�n� na odpov��
[Receiving file...]
Stahov�n� souboru...
;(DUP) [Size]
;(DUP) [URL]
;(DUP) [N/A]
[/ %lu files]
/ %lu soubor(�)
[%lu MB/sec]
%lu MB/s
[%lu KB/sec]
%lu kB/s
[%lu bytes/sec]
%lu bajt�/s
[Stopped by user]
P�eru�eno u�ivatelem
[Error has occured during transfer!]
Chyba p�i p�enosu dat!
;(DUP) [OK]
[Press OK to continue]
Pokra�ujte zm��knut�m OK
[Are you sure you would like to abort?]
Opravdu chcete akci p�eru�it?
[Select directory to save to:]
Vyberte slo�ku pro ulo�en�:

; this is the plugin description shown in the plugins options page
[Check for Miranda IM updates]
Automatick� zji�t�n� novinek t�kaj�c�ch se programu Miranda IM
V�voj. verze
Akt. sou��sti
Automatick� kontrola
[Could not initialize WinSock! Try restarting Miranda]
Nelze inicializovat WinSock! Zkuste restartovat Mirandu.

[Could not resolve host. Try again later.]
Nelze naj�t hostitele. Opakujte pozd�ji.
[Remind me later...]
P�ipomenout pozd�ji
[A new nightly is not available]
Nov�j�� verze nen� k dispozici
[You have chosen to install one or more plugins, are you sure you would like to continue?]
Vybrali jste instalaci jednoho nebo v�ce dopl�k�. Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[You have chosen to install the latest nightly, are you sure you would like to continue?]
Vybrali jste instalaci nejnov�j�� (beta)verze. Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Downloading selected]
Stahov�n� vybran�ch
[Previous version]
P�edchoz� verze
[The transfer was unsuccessful (%d error code)]
Chyba p�i stahov�n� (k�d chyby: %d)
[Required data was not received, aborting...]
Chyba p�i stahov�n� po�adovan�ch dat.
[List of]
[A new nightly is available]
Je k dispozici nov� betaverze
[One or more of your plugins was updated]
Je k dispozici nov� verze n�kter�ho z pou��van�ch dopl�k�
[Download file]
St�hnout soubor
[Copy URL to clipboard]
Zkop�rovat odkaz
[Enable caching]
Pou��t mezipam�
Hromadn� v�b�r
[Check for &Nightly Updates]
Zjistit aktu�l&n� betaverzi
[Check for &Components Updates]
Zjistit aktualiza&ce komponent
[Check for &Plugins Updates]
Zjistit aktualizace do&pl�k�
[Fetching Data...]
Stahov�n� dat...
[Before you can check for plugin updates, you will need to select what plugins you would like to track. Go to Options->Wassup->Plugins Updates.]
Nejd��ve vyberte ty dopl�ky, o kter�ch chcete m�t st�le aktu�ln� informace. P�ejd�te do sekce "Mo�nosti->Wassup->Aktualizace dopl�k�"
[Retrieving Plugins list]
Stahov�n� seznamu dopl�k�
[List of Plugins]
Seznam dopl�k�
[Are you sure you would like to delete settings? If you continue, all of your settings will be deleted!]
Opravdu chcete smazat nastaven�?
[All settings will be erased after you close the options window!]
Po zav�en� okna budou ve�ker� nastaven� smaz�na!
[Before selecting installed plugins, the current list of plugins will be retrieved from the server.]
P�ed vlastn�m v�b�rem je nutn� st�hnout aktu�ln� seznam dopl�k� ze serveru.
[Sending packets]
Odes�l�n� po�adavku
[Receiving packets]
Stahov�n� dat
[Getting the latest Nightly version]
Stahov�n� nejnov�j�� betaverze
[Latest nightly version]
Nejnov�j�� betaverze
[Getting the changelog]
Stahov�n� p�ehledu zm�n
[Retrieving list]
Stahov�n� seznamu
[Wassup Error]
Wassup - chyba
[Connection to the server has failed. Try again later.]
Chyba p�i navazov�n� spojen� se serverem. Opakujte pozd�ji.
[Cannot send packet to server, aborting...]
Nelze odeslat po�adavek na server.
[Error has occured while trying to receive packet from server, aborting...]
Chyba p�i stahov�n� dat ze serveru.
[Could not create a new socket for the connection]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� nov�ho spojen�.
[Could not save the downloaded file, please make sure that the save path is not being used]
Nelze ulo�it stahovan� soubor. Ujist�te se pros�m, zda c�lov� disk nen� chr�n�n proti z�pisu.
;(LAI) [Some error has occured while trying to create a new thread]
[Are you sure you would like to abort? A transfer is in progress!]
Opravdu chcete p�eru�it stahov�n�?
[Stop now!]
[Transfer Status (In bytes)]
Stav p�enosu (v bajtech)
;(DUP) [Transferred:]
[Nightly Builds]
[Current nightly build:]
Posledn� zjist�n�:
[Get Changelog]
St�hnout p�ehled zm�n
P�ehled zm�n
[Thread started]
Vl�kno aktivov�no
[Execution has stopped]
Proces byl zastaven
[Analyzing data...]
Kontrola dat...
[Error has occured]
Vyskytla se chyba
[Connected to server!]
Server p�ipojen!
[Download Options]
Mo�nosti stahov�n�
;(DUP) [Reset]
[Delete Settings]
Smazat nastaven�
[Wassup - Network Settings]
Wassup - nastaven� s�t�
[Wassup - Plugins Updates]
Wassup - aktualizace dopl�k�
[Components Updates - Wassup]
Wassup - aktualizace komponent
[Plugins Updates - Wassup]
Wassup - aktualizace dopl�k�

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Winamp Track                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://awkward.mirandaim.ru
; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\frame\frameunit.pas

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\frame\frameunit.pas
[All Bitmaps]
V�echny bitmapy

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\frame\frm.rc
[Use frame]
Pou��t okno
[Show info in the frame]
Zobrazit v okn� informace
[Show controls in the frame]
Zobrazit v okn� ovl.prvky
[Show volume controls]
Zobrazit v okn� hlasitost
[Background color]
Barva pozad�
[Use Picture]
Vlo�it obr�zek
[Use cover instead of picture]
Nam�sto obr�zku vkl�dat obal
[Center horizontally]
Centrovat vodorovn�
[Center vertically]
Centrovat svisle
[Tile horizontally]
Vodorovn� vedle sebe
[Tile vertically]
Svisle vedle sebe
[Stretch to width]
Uzp�sobit na ���ku
[Stretch to height]
Uzp�sobit na v��ku
[Stretch proportionally]
Uzp�sobit pom�rn�
[Use styled trackbar]
Stylovat posuvn�k p�ehr�v�n�
[Show trackbar]
Zobrazit posuvn�k p�ehr�v�n�
[Frame refresh time]
Obnovov�n� okna
[Use buttons gap]
Rozestoupit ovl�dac� prvky
[Hide frame when player not found]
Skr�t okno, pokud nen� p�ehr�va� nalezen
[Hide frame when no music played]
Skr�t okno, kdy� nic nehraje
[Cover padding]
Okraje obalu
[Choose font...]
Vybrat p�smo...
[Text effect]
Efekt textu
Ping pong
[Align text to center]
Centrovat text
[Text movement]
Pohyb textu
[Text rotation speed (1-20)]
Rychlost rotace textu (1-20)
[Scroll step]
[Scroll gap]
[Minimum scroll tail]
Minim�ln� p�esah pro rolov�n�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\popup\popup.rc
[Show popup]
Zobrazit ozn�men�
[Show file name in info]
Zobrazit v ozn�men� n�zev souboru
[Show player]
Zobrazit p�ehr�va�
[Next track]
Dal�� stopa
[Left click]
Lev� tla�.
[Right click]
Prav� tla�.
[Default colors]
V�choz� barvy
[Windows colors]
Barvy Windows
[Custom colors]
Vlastn� barvy
[Show by request only]
Zobrazit jen na vy��d�n�
[Global hotkey]
Glob�ln� kl�vesov� zkratka

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\popup\popups.pas
[Music Info]
Informace o hudb�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\res\dlgopt.rc
[Refresh time, sec]
Aktualizace (v sek.)
[Unicode to Ansi translation codepage:]
K�dov�n� jazyka, definice skriptu:
[Insert in messages]
Vlo�it do zpr�vy
[Use status messages]
Pou��t zpr�vu stavu
[Use XStatus]
Pou��t roz���en� stav
[Independed XStatus]
Nez�visl� roz���en� stav
[Use process implantation]
Implantovat proces
[Simple Template mode]
Re�im zjednodu�en�ch �ablon
[Clear xStatus before set new one]
P�ed nastaven�m roz���en�ho stavu nastavit pr�zdn�
[Use existing XStatus]
Pou��t existuj�c� roz�. stav
[Only if 'Music' status was set]
Pouze pro roz���en� stav 'Hudba'
[Keep 'Music' XStatus]
Ponechat roz���en� stav 'Hudba' i po vypnut� p�ehr�va�e
[Replace underlines with spaces]
Nahradit podtr��tka mezerami
[Check file time]
Zji��ovat �as ze souboru
[Other thread handle check]
Zji�t�n� handle v jin�m vl�kn�
[Keep old file]
Ponechat star� soubor
[No Music]
��dn� hudba
[No Player]
��dn� p�ehr�va�
[User message]
Zpr�va u�ivateli
[Channel message]
Zpr�va na kan�l
[[X]Status Title / Text]
Z�hlav� a text roz���en�ho stavu
[This is simplified version of template editor. This templates will be used with all protocols, protocol and player (media) statuses]
Toto je zjednodu�en� verze editoru. Tyto �ablony budou pou�ity na v�echny protokoly, stavy a p�ehr�va�e.
[Chat Template]
�ablona chatu
[Popup Title / Text]
Z�hlav� a text ozn�men�
[Frame Text]
Text v okn�
[Export Text]
Text k exportu
[FileSize text format]
Zobrazen� velikosti souboru
[File size]
Vel. souboru
[lowercase %type%]
%type% mal�mi p�smeny
[VBR or empty]
VBR nebo pr�zdn�
[VBR or CBR]
VBR nebo CBR
[Players list]
Seznam p�ehr�va��
[Player name letters]
N�zev p�ehr�va�e
[All uppercase]
V�e velk�mi p�smeny
[Do not change]
[All lowercase]
V�e mal�mi p�smeny
[Emulate Multimedia keys]
Emulovat multimedi�ln� kl�vesy
[WATrack Macro Info]
Informace o makru WATrack 
[Text insertion to other Apps]
Vkl�d�n� textu do dal��ch aplikac�
[Cover filenames]
N�zvy obal�
[Share music list]
Sd�let seznam hudby
[Save events in database]
Ukl�dat ud�losti do datab�ze
[Music Info Request]
Po�adavky na info o hudb�
[Request Error]
Chyby po�adavk�
[Save ignored requests]
Ukl�dat ignorovan� po�adavky
[Answer to ignored requests]
Odpov�dat na ignorovan� po�adavky

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\stat\stat.rc
[Disable Log]
Vypnout z�znam
[Statistic log file]
Soubor se statistick�mi �daji
[Autosort period, days]
Perioda autom. t��d�n� (dny)
[Report file]
Soubor se z�pisem
[Template file]
Soubor �ablony
[Export default]
[Show in report]
Zobrazit v z�pisu
[Freq. songs]
Po�et opakov�n� p�sn�
[Freq. artists]
Po�et opakov�n� interpret�
[Freq. album]
Po�et opakov�n� alba
[Freq. paths]
Po�et opakov�n� adres���
[Last played songs]
Naposledy hran� p�sn�
[Song time]
�as p�sn�
[Sort log file]
Se�adit z�znam dle
[by Title]
[by Date]
[by Count]
[by Path]
[by Length]
[Reverse order]
Obr�tit po�ad�
[Report Items]
Po�et polo�ek
[Open report]
Otev��t z�pis
[Add report file ext.]
P�idat extern� z�pis

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\stat\statlog.pas
[Music Statistic]
Hudebn� statistiky
[Create Report]
Vytvo�it z�pis

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\HlpDlg.pas
[Text format codes]
K�dy form�t� textu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\macros.pas
[player window title]
z�hlav� okna p�ehr�va�e
[song title]
n�zev p�sn�
[media file name]
n�zev souboru
[track number]
��slo stopy
[number of channels]
po�et kan�l�
vzorkovac� frekvence
[total song length (sec)]
celkov� d�lka (sek.)
[song year (date)]
rok p�sn� (datum)
[current song position (sec)]
aktu�ln� pozice (sek.)
[time/length * 100%]
�as/d�lka * 100%
[comment from tag]
koment�� z tagu
[player name]
n�zev p�ehr�va�e
[player version]
verze p�ehr�va�e
[media file size]
velikost souboru
[media file type]
typ souboru
[VBR or not (empty)]
VBR (pokud je, jinak nic)
[player status (stopped,playing,paused)]
stav p�ehr�va�e (zastaveno, p�ehr�v�n�, pozastaveno)
[FPS (frames per second), video only]
FPS (sn�mk� za sekundu), pouze pro video
[codec, video only]
kodek, pouze pro video
[width, video only]
���ka, pouze pro video
[height, video only]
v��ka, pouze pro video
[player version in text format]
verze p�ehr�va�e v textov�m form�tu
[Lyric from ID3v2 tag]
slova z ID3v2 tagu
[Cover file path]
cesta k souboru obalu
[Player volume (0-15)]
hlasitost p�ehr�va�e (0-15)
[Player homepage URL]
domovsk� str�nka p�ehr�va�e
[player status (not translated)]
stav p�ehr�va�e (nep�ekl�d�n)

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\waticons.pas
[Prev Hovered]
P�edchoz� (my�)
[Play Hovered]
P�ehr�t (my�)
[Pause Hovered]
Pozastavit (my�)
[Stop Hovered]
Zastavit (my�)
[Next Hovered]
Dal�� (my�)
[Prev Pushed]
P�edchoz� (stisknuto)
[Play Pushed]
P�ehr�t (stisknuto)
[Pause Pushed]
Pozastasvit  (stisknuto)
[Stop Pushed]
Zastavit (stisknuto)
[Next Pushed]
Dal�� (stisknuto)
[Volume Down]
Hlasitost -
[Volume Up]
Hlasitost +
[Volume Down Hovered]
Hlasitost - (my�)
[Volume Up Hovered]
Hlasitost + (my�)
[Volume Down Pushed]
Hlasitost - (stisknuto)
[Volume Up Pushed]
Hlasitost + (stisknuto)
[WATrack/Frame Controls]
Ovl�dac� prvky

; untranslated
[Refresh time (sec) is time to refresh music info, statistic and status messages. If zero, automatic refresh is disabled. If value greater than 499, time signify as milliseconds.]
Rychlost aktualizace (sekundy) je doba, po kter� se zaktualizuj� informace o hudb�, statistiky a zpr�vy stavu. Je-li nataveno na nulu, je auktualizace vypnuta. Je-li hodnota vy��� ne� 499, pak jsou �asov�mi jednotkami milisekundy.
[If this option is "ON", XStatus doesn't depend of protocol status.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, nez�vis� roz���en� stav na stavu protokolu.
[Use "Variables" plugin or not. If plugin used, you can use some transform, data and math functions. If plugin not used, work will be faster.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, je mo�n� pou��vat transforma�n�, datov� a matematick� funkce. Je-li podpora neaktivn�, bude pracovat WATrack rychleji.
[Use player process injection to obtain info easier. Can provoke antivirus or firewall alarm.]
Umo��uje infiltraci do procesu p�ehr�va�e, d�ky �emu� lze z�sk�vat sn�ze informace, ale nemus� se l�bit va�emu antiviru �i osobn�mu firewallu.
[Replaces "_" (underscores) globally in pasted os status text, sometimes may be useful]
Nahrazuje "_" podtr��tka ve vkl�dan�m textu �i zpr�v� stavu, n�kdy se m��e hodit.
[Check file date and time to tag updates while playing.]
Zji��uje datum a �as souboru, sn�ze pak aktualizuje �as p�i p�ehr�v�n�.
[Report on some errors.]
Hl�s� ur�it� chyby.
[Try to use OLE interface to obtain more information from players. If this option is "OFF", plugin works little faster.]
Pokus� se pou��t OLE rozhran� pro z�sk�n� v�ce informac� z p�ehr�va�e. Je-li mo�nost vypnuta, bude WATrack fungovat rychleji.
[If this option is "ON", all plugin settings saved in ini-file.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, bude dopln�k ukl�dat sv� nastaven� do INI souboru.
[If this option is "ON", you can paste music info to your message window pressing hotkey.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, m��ete vlo�it informaci o hudb� do zpr�vy pomoc� kl�vesov� zkratky
[If this option is "ON", status text will be replaced by music info.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, bude hl�ka stavu nahrazena informac� o hudb�
[If this option is "ON", XStatus will be changed to "Music" and status text will be replaced by music info.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, bude roz���en� stav zm�n�n na "Poslouch�m hudbu" a hl�ka stavu bude nahrazena informac� o hudb�
[If this option is "ON", plugin will try to obtain unknown music format info from player (not all players works!)]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, pokus� se dopln�k z�skat informace o nezn�m�m hudebn�m form�tu z p�ehr�va�e (ne v�echny p�ehr�va�e funguj�!)
[If this option is "ON", XStatus changes only if "Music" XStatus was set already.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, bude roz���en� stav zm�n�n na "Poslouch�m hudbu" pouze tehdy, byl-li takto zm�n�n u� p�edt�m ru�n�.
[If this option is "ON", XStatus not changed when player shutdowned.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, bude roz���en� stav ponech�n i po vypnut� p�ehr�va�e
[If this option is "ON", one templates will be used with all protocols, protocol and player (media) statuses. Template option page will be changed next time.]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, bude pou�ita na v�echny protokoly, p�ehr�va�e a stavy jedna �ablona. Z�lo�ka se �ablonami se zm�n� po restartu.
[xStatus will cleared before text changing and restored with new text later.]
Roz���en� stav bude na chvilku zm�n�n na b�n� a pot� se zp�t zm�n� na "Poslouch�m hudbu". Donut�te tak n�kter� klienty p�e��st si v� roz���en� stav, ale zp�sobuje z�plavy.
[Keep opened file as active, not newly founded.]
Ponechat otev�en� soubor jako aktivn�, ne nov� vytvo�en�.
[Use this option if WATrack freeze while player running. Slower processing.]
Pou�ijte tuto volbu, pokud Sledov�n� hudby zmrzne zat�mco p�ehr�va� b��. Pomalej�� zpracov�n�.
[If this option is "ON", XStatus number will not be changed, only message will be replaced by WATrack templates]
Jestli�e je tato mo�nost zapnuta, nezm�n� se typ roz���en�ho stavu, ale jen zpr�va dan� �ablonou.
[Frame 2]
Okno 2

[Enable Plugin]
Povolit dopln�k
[Disable Plugin]
Zak�zat dopln�k
[Get user's Music Info]
Zjistit zde informace o hudb�
[Plugin Enabled]
Dopln�k povolen
[Plugin Disabled]
Dopln�k zak�z�n
[Text format codes\n{b}text{/b}\tbold\n{i}text{/i}\titalic\n{u}text{/u}\tundeline\n{cf##}text{/cf}\ttext color\n{bg##}text{/bg}\tbackground color\ntext - user text\n## - color number (1-16)\nColor 0 is background color\nColor 17 is default text color]
K�dy form�t� textu\n{b}text{/b}\ttu�n�\n{i}text{/i}\tkurz�va\n{u}text{/u}\tpodtr�en�\n{cf##}text{/cf}\tbarva textu\n{bg##}text{/bg}\tbarva pozad�\ntext - user text\n## - barva ��slo (1-16)\nBarva ��slo 0 je pozad�\nBarva ��slo 17 je v�choz� barva textu
;n�zvy v�tv� options, nelze se spolehnout na lom�tkovan� cesty, p�ekl�daj� se jen kone�n� v�tve
[Frame Controls]
Ovl�dac� prvky
[Winamp Track]
Sledov�n� hudby

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Weather Protocol                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2322

; Generated by lpgen on Fri Nov 25 11:42:32 2005
; Translations: 245

; weather.c
[Weather Condition Changed]
Po�as� (zm�na po�as�)
[Weather Alert Issued]
Po�as� (varov�n�)

; weather.h
;(DUP) [N/A]
[Invalid ID format, missing \"/\" (10)]
Neplatn� form�t ID, chyb� \"/\" (�.10)
[Invalid service (11)]
Neplatn� slu�ba (�.11)
[Invalid station (12)]
Neplatn� stanice (�.12)
[Weather service ini for this station is not found (20)]
Nelze naj�t konfigura�n� soubor pro stanici (�.20)
[Netlib error - check your internet connection (30)]
Chyba p�ipojen� k s�ti (�.30)
[Empty data is retrieved (40)]
Neplatn� data (�.40)
[Document not found (42)]
Dokument nebyl nalezen (�.42)
[Document too short to contain any weather data (43)]
Dokument neobsahuje data o po�as� (�.43)
[Unknown error (99)]
Nezn�m� chyba (�.99)
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: No content (204)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Data moved (301)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Use proxy (305)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Temporary redirect (307)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Bad request (400)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Unauthorized (401)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Payment required (402)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Forbidden (403)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Not found (404)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Method not allowed (405)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Proxy authentication required (407)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Gone (410)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Internal server error (500)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Bad gateway (502)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Service unavailable (503)]
;(LAI) [HTTP Error: Gateway timeout (504)]
;(LAI) [%n  [%t, %c]]
[%c\nTemperature: %t\nFeel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i  %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]]
%c\nTeplota: %t\nSubj. teplota: %f\nTlak: %p\nV�tr: %i  %w\nVlhkost: %m\nRosn� bod: %e\nViditelnost: %v\n\nV�chod slunce: %r\nZ�pad slunce: %y\n\nP�edpov�� na 5 dn�:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]
[Feel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i  %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]]
Subj. teplota: %f\nTlak: %p\nV�tr: %i  %w\nVlhkost: %m\nRosn� bod: %e\nViditelnost: %v\n\nV�chod slunce: %r\nZ�pad slunce: %y\n\nP�edpov�� na 5 dn�:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]
[Weather Condition for %n as of %u]
Aktu�ln� situace: %n, %u
[%c, %t (feel-like %f)	Wind: %i %w	Humidity: %m]
%c, %t (subj. %f)	V�tr: %i %w	Vlhkost: %m
[%n at %u:	%c, %t (feel-like %f)	Wind: %i %w	Humidity: %m]
%n v %u:	%c, %t (subj. %f)	V�tr: %i %w	Vlhkost: %m
;(LAI) [%n   (%u)]
[%c, %t\nToday:  High %h, Low %l]
%c, %t\nDnes:  Max. %h, min. %l

; weather_addstn.c
[Current weather information for %s.]
Aktu�ln� informace o po�as� pro %s.
[%s is now the default weather station]
%s je nyn� v�choz� meterologick� stanice
[Weather Protocol]
Protokol Weather
[Please try again after weather update is completed.]
Pros�m zkuste znovu po aktualizaci p�edpov�di po�as�.
[<Enter station name here>]
<zde zadejte n�zev stanice>
[<Enter station ID here>]
<zde zadejte identifik�tor stanice>

; weather_contacts.c
[Weather condition was not logged.]
P�edpov�� po�as� nebyla zaznamen�na.
[The URL for complete forcast have not been set. You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.]
Nen� zad�na adresa pro kompletn� p�edpov�� po�as�. Z menu vyberte polo�ku 'Upravit nastaven�' a v sekci Odkazy dopl�te p��slu�n� �daj.
[The URL for weather map have not been set.  You can set it from the Edit Settings dialog.]
Nen� zad�na adresa pro mapu po�as�. Z menu vyberte polo�ku 'Upravit nastaven�' a v sekci Odkazy dopl�te p��slu�n� �daj.
[Get city name from ID]
Zjistit jm�no m�sta dle ID
[Weather INI information]
Informace o konfiguraci
;(DUP) [Browse]
[View webpage]
Zobrazit str�nku
[Reset to default]
Obnovit v�choz�
;(DUP) [Text Files]
;(DUP) [All Files]

; weather_conv.c
[<unknown time>]
<nezn�m� �as>
;(LAI) [HTTP Error %i]

; weather_data.c
[<Enter city name here>]
<zde zadejte m�sto>
[Error when obtaining data: %s]
Chyba p�i stahov�n� dat: %s

; weather_http.c
[Weather HTTP connections]
Weather - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTP

; weather_info.c
[A list of Weather INI files currently in memory:]
Seznam konfigura�n�ch soubor� na�ten�ch v pam�ti:
[Name\t\tAuthor\t\tFile Version\tINI ver\tItems\tDisplay Name\t\tFile Name]
N�zev\t\tAutor\t\tVerze souboru\tVerze INI\tPolo�ek\tZobrazen� n�zev\t\tN�zev souboru
[Total INI files:\t%i]
Po�et konfig. soubor�:\t%i
[Total memory used:\t%i bytes]
Alokovan� pam�ti:\t%i B
[Weather INI Information]
Informace o konfigura�n�m souboru
[The corresponding INI file for \"%s\" is not found.]
Odpov�daj�c� konfig. soubor pro \"%s\" nelze naj�t.
[Weather INI information for \"%s\":]
Informace o konfig. souboru pro \"%s\":
;(DUP) [Name:]
[Internal Name:]
Intern� n�zev:
;(DUP) [Author:]
;(DUP) [Version:]
[INI Version:]
Verze INI:
[File Name:]
N�zev souboru:
[Item Count:]
Po�et polo�ek:
[Memory Used:]
Alokov�no pam�ti:
;(DUP) [bytes]
;(DUP) [Description:]
[Here is a list of custom variables that are currently available]
Seznam ostatn�ch prom�nn�ch, kter� jsou k dispozici:
[More Variables]
Dal�� prom�nn�

; weather_ini.c
[No update data file is found.  Please check your Plugins\\Weather directory.]
Nelze naj�t konfigura�n� soubor. Pod�vejte se do slo�ky Plugins\\Weather.
[Invalid ini format for: %s]
Neplatn� form�t souboru ini: %s
[All update data has been reloaded.]
Aktualizovan� data byla znovu na�tena.

; weather_opt.c
;(DUP) [Plugins]
[Weather Text]
Po�as� Texty
;(DUP) [PopUps]
[%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temp\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set]
%c\taktu�ln� p�edpov��\n%d\taktu�ln� datum\n%e\trosn� bod\n%f\tsubj. teplota\n%h\tdenn� maximum\n%i\tsm�r v�tru\n%l\tdenn� minimum\n%m\tvlhkost\n%n\tn�zev stanice\n%p\ttlak\n%r\tv�chod slunce\n%s\tIdentifik�tor\n%t\tteplota\n%u\tposl. aktualizace\n%v\tviditelnost\n%w\trychlost v�tru\n%y\tz�pad slunce
[Weather Protocol Text Preview]
Po�as� - n�hled

; weather_popup.c
[This is the name of the city]
Jm�no m�sta
[Here is a short weather description]
Kr�tk� popis po�as�
[%[..]\tcustom variables]
%[..]\tspeci�ln� prom�nn�
[Variable List]
Seznam prom�nn�ch

; weather_svcs.c
[Cannot reset status while updating weather]
B�hem aktualizace p�edpov�di nelze resetovat stav
[Station ID]
[Auto Update Disabled]
Aktivovat automatickou aktualizaci
[Auto Update Enabled]
Deaktivovat automatickou aktualizaci
[Enable &weather notification]
Zapnout ozn�men� &po�as�
[Disable &weather notification]
Vypnout ozn�men� &po�as�
[Update Weather]
Aktualizovat p�edpov��
[Remove Old Data then Update]
Aktualizovat v�e v�etn� cache
[Brief Information]
Zobrazit stru�nou p�edpov��
[Read Complete Forecast]
Zobrazit kompletn� p�edpov��
[Weather Map]
Mapa po�as�
[View Log]
Zobrazit z�znam
[Edit Settings]
Upravit nastaven�...
[Enable/Disable Weather Update]
Zapnout/Vypnout aktualizaci po�as�
[Update All Weather]
Aktualizovat v�echno
[Remove Old Data then Update All]
Aktualizovat v�e v�etn� cache
[Add New Weather Station]
P�idat meteorologickou stanici
[Reload All Update Data]
Znovu na��st konfigura�n� soubory
[Debug for INI files]
Odladit konfigura�n� soubor
[Weather Notification]
P�edpov�� po�as�

; weather_update.c
[Unable to retrieve weather information for %s]
Nelze st�hnout p�edpov�� po�as� pro %s

; weather_userinfo.c
[Current condition for %n]
Aktu�ln� p�edpov�� pro %n
[Last update on:   %u]
Naposledy aktualizov�no %u
;(DUP) [Information]
[Retrieving new data, please wait...]
Aktualizace dat, po�kejte pros�m...
;(DUP) [More Info]
[Brief Info]
Stru�n� p�.
[No information available.\nPlease update weather condition first.]
Po�adovan� informace nejsou k dispozici.\nNejprve zaktualizujte p�edpov�� po�as�.
[Do you want to view more information?]
Chcete si p�e��st podrobn�j�� p�edpov��?
[Brief information for ]
Stru�n� p�edpov�� pro 

; resource.rc
[Show main menu items]
Zobrazit v hlavn�m menu polo�ku "Po�as�"
[Update weather information at startup]
Aktualizovat stav po�as� p�i spu�t�n�
[Update weather information every]
Aktualizovat stav po�as� ka�d�ch
[Consider weather info updated only when condition and temperature are changed]
Pova�ovat informace o po�as� za aktualizovan� pouze zm�n�-li se stav i teplota
[Remove old data when updating]
P�i aktualizaci odstranit star� data
[Make the contact italic when weather alert is issued]
Zobrazit kurz�vou stanici s otev�en�mi informacemi o po�as�
[Open URLs in new browser window]
Otev��t odkazy v nov�m okn� prohl�e�e
[Do not display weather condition as protocol status]
Nezobrazovat aktu�ln� situaci jako stav protokolu
[Disable auto update when status changes to offline, enable when changes to other]
Deaktivovat automatickou aktualizaci ve stavu offline, jinak aktivn�
[Display warning if INI file is not found at startup]
Zobrazit upozorn�n�, nen�-li nalezen konfigura�n� soubor
[mb (hPa)]
mb (hPa)
[mm Hg (torr)]
mm Hg (torr)
[No change]
beze zm�ny
[2 chars]
2 znaky
[3 chars]
3 znaky
[Hide Weather in status bar and status menu]
Skr�t po�as� ve stavov� li�t� a seznamu stav�
[When condition unavailable, use the status:]
Nen�-li k dispozici p�edpov�� po�as�, nastavit:
;(DUP) [Online]
[Special status]
Speci�ln� stav
[Disable internal station status icon selection]
Deaktivovat pou�it� intern�ch stavov�ch ikon
[Disable support for automatic protocol icons assignment]
Deaktivovat podporu pro autom. p�i�azen� stavov�ch ikon
[Use internal history]
Pou��t intern� historii
[Use external file]
Pou��t extern� soubor
[Overwrite file upon update]
P�i aktualizaci p�epsat soubor
;(LAI) [6]
[Set as default station]
Nastavit jako v�choz� stanici
[Disable automatic update for this station]
Vypnout automatickou aktualizaci
[Disable PopUp for this station]
Vypnout ozn�men� pro tuto stanici
[Enable popups]
Povolit ozn�men�
[Popup only when condition changes]
Ozn�mit pouze p�i zm�n� situace
[Use Windows colours]
Pou��t barvy Windows
;(DUP) [From PopUp plugin]
;(DUP) [Permanent]
;(DUP) [Variables]
;(DUP) [Default]
;(DUP) [Updates]
;(DUP) [Alerts]
;(DUP) [Contact List]
[Brief Info Title]
Z�hlav� okna
[Note Text]
Pozn. text
[Extra Text]
Extra text
[External Log]
Extern� soubor
[History Log]
Intern� historie
;(DUP) [Reset]
[Status Message]
Stavov� zpr�va
;(DUP) [More...]
[Click here to download a weather ini file from Miranda file listing]
St�hnout konfigura�n� soubor ze str�nek Miranda-IM
[Extract the weather ini file from archive to this directory]
Rozbalit konfigura�n� soubor do vybran� slo�ky
[Click here to load the data from the new ini file into memory]
Na��st data nov�ho konfigura�n�ho souboru
[Add new weather station and close this dialog]
P�idat novou meteorologickou stanici a zav��t dialog
[Never show this at startup again]
P��t� p�i spu�t�n� ji� nezobrazovat
;(DUP) [Close]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
-> WWW
[Weather status will free to change all the time if this option is enabled.]
Tato mo�nost zru�� mapov�n� p�eddefinovan�ch stav� po�as� na stavy protokolu.
[Degree sign:]
Zna�ka stupn�:
;(DUP) [Visibility]
[Note that icon cannot be changed when this feature is enabled]
Aktivujete-li tuto mo�nost, nelze zm�nit ikony pro po�as�.
[City name]
Jm�no m�sta
[More Info URL]
Dal�� informace
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
[Left Click]
Lev� tla�.
[Right Click]
Prav� tla�.
;(DUP) [seconds]
[Popup Title]
[Popup Text]
Samotn� text
Z�pad slunce
Subj. teplota
[Today's Low]
Denn� minimum
[Today's High]
Denn� maximum
V�chod slunce
Rosn� bod
[Weather Protocol INI Setup]
Nastaven� konfigura�n�ho souboru pro po�as�
[Install and load your weather ini file here]
Instalace konfigura�n�ho souboru pro po�as�
[Weather Protocol cannot find any weather INI file stored in your computer.  To setup weather INI and add weather stations, please follow the steps:]
Nelze naj�t po�adovan� konfigura�n� soubor pro po�as�. �i�te se pros�m n�sleduj�c�mi pokyny:
;(DUP) [Options]
;(DUP) [Advanced Options]
[Weather Station]
Meteorologick� stanice
[Log Information]
Z�znam ud�lost�
[Link Settings]
[Other Options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[PopUp Options]
Mo�nosti ozn�men�
;(DUP) [Colours]
[Popup Actions]
Akce p�i ozn�men�
[Popup Delay]
Doba zobrazen�
[Edit Weather Station]
Mo�nosti stanice
[Dismiss PopUp]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Open brief information]
Zobrazit stru�nou p�edpov��
[Open complete forecast]
Zobrazit kompletn� p�edpov��
[Open weather map]
Zobrazit mapu po�as�
[View history]
Zobrazit historii
[Open log file]
Zobrazit z�znam
[Show user menu]
Zobrazit u�ivatelsk� menu
[Show user detail]
Zobrazit informaci o osob�
[To old setting]
P�edchoz� nastaven�
[To default]
V�choz� nastaven�

[Miranda IM has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.]
Pozn�mka: Tato zm�na vy�aduje restart programu Miranda IM.

[Update weather information on startup]
P�i spu�t�n� zaktualizovat informace o po�as�
[Use weather condition as protocol status]
Zobrazit aktu�ln� situaci jako stav protokolu
[Avatar only mode]
Zobrazit pouze avatary (symboly stavu po�as�)

; dialogy s predpovedi pocasi
[Forecast Day %d]
P�edpov�� (den �.%d)
[Heat Index]
Teplotn� index
[Local Time]
M�stn� �as
[Pressure Change]
Zm�na tlaku
[Wind Direction]
Sm�r v�tru
[Wind Speed]
Rychlost v�tru

; weekdays (short)

; pressure changes

; wind (short)
[#Calm Weather]
[#CALM Weather]

; wind (long)
[North Northwest]
[North Northeast]
[South Southwest]
[South Southeast]
[East Northeast]
[West Southwest]
[West Northwest]
[East Southeast]

; Visibility
bez omezen�
Bez omezen�

; units not included in the plugin translation

; Moon Phases
; st���: 0 dn�
[New Moon]
; st���: 0 - 7,4 dn�
[Waxing Crescent]
dor�st� (srpek)
; st���: 7,4 dn�
[First Quarter]
prvn� �tvr�
; st���: 7,4 - 14,8 dn�
[Waxing Gibbous]
; st���: 14,8 dn�
[Full Moon]
; st���: 14,8 - 22,1 dn�
[Waning Gibbous]
; st���: 22,1 dn�
[Last Quarter]
posledn� �tvr�
; st���: 22,1 - 29,5 dn�
[Waning Crescent]
couv� (srpek)

; UV Intensity

[Do not display fractional values]
Nezobrazovat zlomkov� hodnoty
[Avatar size]
Velikost avatar�
[Do not append units to values]
Nezobrazovat jednotky
[Frame Title Font]
P�smo v z�hlav� r�me�ku

; weather conditions
; sunny
[#Clear Weather]
slune�no / v�trno
jasno / v�trno
p�kn� / v�trno

; partly cloudy
[Partly Sunny]
��ste�n� slune�no
[Mostly Cloudy]
p�ev�n� obla�no
[Mostly Clear]
p�ev�n� jasno
[Partly Sunny/Windy]
��ste�n� slune�no / v�trno
[Mostly Clear/Windy]
p�ev�n� jasno / v�trno
[Mostly Sunny]
p�ev�n� slune�no
[Mostly Sunny/Windy]
p�ev�n� slune�no / v�trno

; cloudy
obla�no / v�trno
zata�eno / v�trno
[Mostly Cloudy/Windy]
p�ev�n� obla�no / v�trno
;(DUP) [Mostly Cloudy]

; rain
[Light Drizzle]
slab� mrholen�
[Light Rain]
slab� d隝
[Heavy Rain]
siln� d隝
[Light Rain/Fog]
slab� d隝 / mlha
d隝 / mlha
[Light Drizzle/Windy]
slab� mrholen� / v�trno
mrholen� / v�trno
[Light Rain/Windy]
slab� d隝 / v�trno
d隝 / v�trno
[Heavy Rain/Windy]
siln� d隝 / v�trno
[AM Light Rain]
slab� d隝 (dop.)
[PM Light Rain]
slab� d隝 (odp.)
[AM Light Rain/Windy]
slab� d隝 / v�trno (dop.)
[PM Light Rain/Windy]
slab� d隝 / v�trno (odp.)

; showers
[Rain Shower]
de��ov� p�eh��ka
[Heavy Rain Shower]
siln� de��ov� p�eh��ka
[Heavy Rain Shower/Windy]
siln� de��ov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[Light Rain Shower]
slab� de��ov� p�eh��ka
[AM Shower]
p�eh��ka (dop.)
[PM Shower]
p�eh��ka (odp.)
[Scattered Shower]
prom�nliv� p�eh��ka
[Rain Shower/Windy]
d隝ov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
p�eh��ka / v�trno
[Light Rain Shower/Windy]
slab� de��ov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[AM Shower/Windy]
p�eh��ka / v�trno (dop.)
[PM Shower/Windy]
p�eh��ka / v�trno (odp.)
[Scattered Shower/Windy]
prom�nliv� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[Few Showers/Windy]
n�kolik p�eh�n�k / v�trno
[Showers in the Vicinity]
p�eh��ky v okol�
[Thunder in the Vicinity]
bou�e v okol�

; snow
[Light Snow]
slab� sn�en�
[Heavy Snow]
siln� sn�en�
[Light Snow Pellets]
slab� sn�hov� kuli�ky
[Snow Pellets]
sn�hov� kuli�ky
[Light Ice Pellets]
slab� ledov� kuli�ky
[Ice Pellets]
ledov� kuli�ky
[Wintery Weather]
zimn� po�as�
[Light Freezing Rain]
slab� mrznouc� d隝
[Freezing Rain]
mrznouc� d隝
metelice / v�trno
[Light Flurries/Windy]
slab� metelice / v�trno
[Light Snow/Windy]
slab� sn�en� / v�trno
sn�en� / v�trno
[Heavy Snow/Windy]
siln� sn�en� / v�trno
[Light Snow Pellets/Windy]
slab� sn�hov� kuli�ky / v�trno
[Snow Pellets/Windy]
sn�hov� kuli�ky / v�trno
[Light Ice Pellets/Windy]
slab� ledov� kuli�ky / v�trno
[Ice Pellets/Windy]
ledov� kuli�ky / v�trno
[Light Freezing Rain/Windy]
slab� mrznouc� d隝 / v�trno
[Freezing Rain/Windy]
mrznouc� d隝 / v�trno
[Wintery Mix]
zimn� v�ehochu�
[Light Snow Grains]
slab� sn�hov� vlo�ky
[Snow Grains]
sn�hov� vlo�ky
d隝 / sn�en�
d隝 / sn�en� / v�trno
[Light Rain/Freezing Rain]
slab� d隝 / mrznouc� d隝
[Rain/Freezing Rain]
d隝 / mrznouc� d隝
[Light Rain/Freezing Rain/Windy]
slab� d隝 / mrznouc� d隝 / v�trno
[Rain/Freezing Rain/Windy]
d隝 / mrznouc� d隝 / v�trno
[AM Snow]
sn�en� (dop.)
[PM Snow]
sn�en� (odp.)
[AM Light Snow]
slab� sn�en� (dop.)
[PM Light Snow]
slab� sn�en� (odp.)
[Ice Crystals]
ledov� krystaly
[Ice Crystals/Windy]
ledov� krystaly / v�trno

; snow showers
[Snow Showers]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Heavy Snow Shower]
siln� sn�hov� p�eh��ka
[Heavy Snow Shower/Windy]
siln� sn�hov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[PM Snow Showers]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (odp.)
[AM Snow Showers]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.)
[Rain/Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Snow Showers/Windy]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�trno
[PM Snow Showers / Windy]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (odp.) / v�trno
[AM Snow Showers / Windy]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.) / v�trno
[Rain/Snow Showers/Windy]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�trno
[Light Snow Showers]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Light Snow Showers/Windy]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�trno
[Light Flurries]
slab� metelice
[Scattered Flurries]
prom�nliv� metelice
[Few Flurries]
n�kolik metelic
[Few Flurries/Windy]
n�kolik metelic / v�trno
[Scattered Snow Showers]
prom�nliv� sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Scattered Snow Showers/Windy]
prom�nliv� sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�trno
[Few Snow Showers]
n�kolik sn�hov�ch p�eh�n�k
[Few Snow Showers/Windy]
n�kolik sn�hov�ch p�eh�n�k / v�trno
[Freezing Drizzle]
mrznouc� mrholen�
[Light Freezing Drizzle]
slab� mrznouc� mrholen�
[Freezing Drizzle/Windy]
mrznouc� mrholen� / v�trno
[Light Freezing Drizzle/Windy]
slab� mrznouc� mrholen� / v�trno
[Drifting Snow]
ustupuj�c� sn�en�

; thunder
[Scattered Thunderstorms]
prom�nliv� bou�ky
bou�ky / v�trno
[Scattered Thunderstorms/Windy]
prom�nliv� bou�ky / v�trno
d隝 / h�m�n�
[Light Thunderstorms/Rain]
slab� bou�ky / d隝
bou�ky / d隝
[Light Rain with Thunder]
slab� d隝 s h�m�n�m
[Rain with Thunder]
d隝 s h�m�n�m

; fog
hust� mlha
slab� mrholen�
hust� mlha / v�trno
slab� mrholen� / v�trno
mrholen� / v�trno
[Partial Fog]
m�sty hust� mlha
[AM Fog/PM Sun]
mlha (dop.) / slune�no (odp.)
[Blowing Sand]
zv��en� p�sek
[Low Drifting Sand]
n�zko zv��en� p�sek
[Blowing Dust]
zv��en� prach
[Widespread Dust/Windy]
v�udyp��tomn� p�sek / v�trno
[Widespread Dust]
v�udyp��tomn� p�sek
prachov� bou�e

; weather conditions / Weather Underground
[Chance Of Rain]
p��le�itostn� d隝
[Pm Showers]
p�eh��ky (odp.)
[Am Showers]
p�eh��ky (dop.)
[Chance Of T-Storms]
p��le�itostn� bou�ky
[Isolated T-Storms]
ojedin�l� bou�ky
[Scattered Clouds]
st��dav� obla�no
[Showers In The Vicinity]
p�eh��ky v okol�
[Unknown Precipitation]
sr�ky (bl�e nespecifikovan�)
[Light Rain Showers]
slab� de��ov� p�eh��ky
[Am Rain / Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.)
[Pm Rain / Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky (odp.)
[Light Rain Late]
pozd�ji slab� d隝
[Light Snow And Windy]
slab� sn�en� / v�trno
[Showers Early]
k r�nu p�eh��ky
[Snow To Rain]
sn�h s de�t�m
[Rain And Snow And Windy]
d隝 se sn�hem / v�trno
[Rain to Snow]
d隝 se sn�hem
[Pm T-Storms]
bou�ky (odp.)
[Am T-Storms]
bou�ky (dop.)
[Patches Of Fog]
protrhan� mlha
[Drizzle And Windy]
mrholen� / v�trno
[Am Light Rain]
slab� d隝 (dop.)
[Pm Light Rain]
slab� d隝 (odp.)
[Fair And Windy]
p�kn� / v�trno
[Rain And Sleet]
d隝 se sn�hem
[Light Thunderstorm Rain]
slab� bou�ka / d隝
[Light Rain Small Hail]
slab� d隝 / men�� kroupy
[Rain And Windy]
d隝 / v�trno
[Am Clouds / Pm Sun]
obla�no (dop.) / slune�no (odp.)
[Light Rain Mist]
mrholen� / slab� d隝
[Am Rain]
d隝 (dop.)
[Pm Rain]
d隝 (odp.)
[Mostly Cloudy And Windy]
p�ev�n� obla�no / v�trno
[Patches Of Fog And Windy]
protrhan� mlha / v�tr
[Thunderstorms And Rain]
bou�ky / d隝
[Thunder In The Vicinity]
bou�e v okol�
[Cloudy And Windy]
obla�no a v�trno
[Light Fog]
slab� mlha
[Light Rain With Thunder]
slab� d隝 s h�m�n�m
[Light Rain And Windy]
slab� d隝 / v�trno
[Heavy Fog]
velmi hust� mlha
[Snow And Windy]
sn�en� / v�trno
[Heavy Snow Showers]
siln� sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Light Snow Showers Mist]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ky / mrholen�
[Light Freezing Drizzle Mist]
slab� mrznouc� mrholen�
[Light Snow Showers Low Drifting Snow Showers Mist]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ky n�zko nad zem� / mrholen�
[Light Snow Showers Low Drifting Snow Showers]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ky n�zko nad zem�
[Heavy Snow Showers Low Drifting Snow Showers]
siln� sn�hov� p�eh��ky n�zko nad zem�
[Snow Showers Low Drifting Snow Showers]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky n�zko nad zem�
[Light Rain Snow Showers Mist]
slab� de��ov� a sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Light Freezing Rain Mist]
slab� mrznouc� d隝 / mrholen�
[Freezing Fog]
mrznouc� mlha
[Heavy Snow And Windy]
siln� sn�en� / v�trno
[Rain And Snow]
d隝 se sn�hem
[Light Snow Shower And Windy]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�trno

; weather conditions / weather.com
[AM Showers]
p�eh��ky (dop.)
[PM Showers]
p�eh��ky (odp.)
[Scatter Showers]
prom�nliv� p�eh��ky
[Rain / Wind]
d隝 / v�tr
[Showers / Wind]
p�eh��ky / v�tr
[AM Showers / Wind]
p�eh��ky / v�tr (dop.)
[PM Showers / Wind]
p�eh��ky / v�tr (odp.)
[Scatter Showers / Wind]
prom�nliv� p�eh��ky / v�tr
[Few Showers]
n�kolik p�eh�n�k
[Few Showers / Wind]
n�kolik p�eh�n�k / v�tr
[Partly Cloudy]
��ste�n� obla�no
[Partly Cloudy and Windy]
��ste�n� obla�no a v�trno
[Thunder and Small Hail]
h�m�n� a men�� kroupy
[Mostly Cloudy and Windy]
p�ev�n� obla�no / v�trno
[Light Snow Shower]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ka
[Shallow Fog]
slab� mlha
[Snow Shower]
sn�hov� p�eh��ka
[Rain / Snow]
d隝 / sn�en�
[Rain / Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Light Rain and Windy]
slab� d隝 / v�trno
[Light Rain Shower and Windy]
slab� de��ov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[Rain and Snow]
d隝 se sn�hem
[Light Snow and Windy]
slab� sn�en� / v�trno
[AM Clouds/PM Sun]
obla�no (dop.) / slune�no (odp.)
[Light Rain and Freezing Rain]
slab� mrznouc� d隝
[Light Rain and Fog]
slab� d隝 / mlha
[AM Rain/Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.)
[Scattered Showers]
prom�nliv� p�eh��ky
[Showers Late]
pozd�ji p�eh��ky
[Mostly Sunny / Wind]
p�ev�n� slune�no / v�tr
p�eh��ky / h�m�n�
[T-Showers /Wind]
p�eh��ky / h�m�n� / v�tr
[Rain / Thunder]
d隝 / h�m�n�
[AM Clouds / PM Sun]
obla�no (dop.) / slune�no (odp.)
[Scattered T-Storms]
prom�nliv� bou�ky
[Partly Cloudy / Wind]
��ste�n� obla�no / v�tr
[Mostly Cloudy / Wind]
p�ev�n� obla�no / v�tr
[PM Rain]
d隝 (odp.)
[AM Rain]
d隝 (dop.)
[Sunny / Wind]
slune�no / v�tr
[Heavy T-Storms / Wind]
siln� bou�ky / v�tr
[Cloudy / Wind]
obla�no / v�tr
[AM Clouds / PM Sun / Wind]
obla�no (dop.) / slune�no (odp.) / v�tr
[T-Showers / Wind]
p�eh��ky / h�m�n� / v�tr
[PM T-Storms]
bou�ky (odp.)
[AM T-Storms]
bou�ky (dop.)
[Scattered T-Storms / Windy]
prom�nliv� bou�ky / v�trno
[Rain / Thunder / Wind]
d隝 / h�m�n� / v�tr
[AM T-Showers]
p�eh��ky s h�m�n�m (dop.)
[PM T-Showers]
p�eh��ky s h�m�n�m (odp.)
[Scattered Strong Storms]
prom�nliv� siln� bou�ky
[Scattered T-Storms / Wind]
prom�nliv� bou�ky / v�tr
[T-Storms / Wind]
bou�ky / v�tr
[Heavy Rain / Wind]
siln� d隝 / v�tr
[Fair and Windy]
p�kn� / v�trno
[AM T-Storms / Wind]
bou�ky (dop.) / v�tr
[PM T-Storms / Wind]
bou�ky (odp.) / v�tr
[Isolated T-Storms / Wind]
ojedin�l� bou�ky / v�tr
[Partly Cloudy And Windy]
��ste�n� obla�no a v�trno
[Wintry Mix]
zimn� v�ehochu�
[AM Rain / Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.)
[PM Rain / Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky (odp.)
[AM Rain / Snow]
d隝 / sn�en� (dop.)
[PM Rain / Snow]
d隝 / sn�en� (odp.)
[Light Sleet and Fog]
slab� d隝 se sn�hem / mlha
[Light Freezing Rain and Fog]
slab� mrznouc� d隝 / mlha
[Light Rain / Wind]
slab� d隝 / v�tr
[Cloudy and Windy]
obla�no / v�trno
[Rain / Freezing Rain]
d隝 / mrznouc� d隝
[Light Snow and Fog]
slab� sn�en� / mlha
[Wintry Mix / Wind]
zimn� v�ehochu� / v�tr
[Light Snow and Freezing Rain]
slab� sn�en� / mrznouc� d隝
[Sunny and Windy]
slune�no / v�trno
[Rain and Fog]
d隝 / mlha
[Rain and Freezing Rain and Fog]
d隝 / mrznouc� d隝 / mlha
[Snow Shower And Windy]
sn�hov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[Sleet And Windy]
d隝 se sn�hem / v�trno
[Blowing Snow And Windy]
poletuj�c� sn�h / v�trno
[Fog And Windy]
hust� mlha / v�trno
[Heavy T-Storm And Windy]
siln� bou�ky / v�trno
[Blowing Snow]
poletuj�c� sn�h
[Heavy Snow and Windy]
siln� sn�en� / v�trno
d隝 / v�tr
[Heavy T-Storm]
siln� bou�ka
[AM Light Rain / Wind]
slab� d隝 / v�tr (dop.)
[PM Light Rain / Wind]
slab� d隝 / v�tr (odp.)
[Light Rain Shower And Windy]
slab� de��ov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[Heavy Drizzle]
siln� mrholen�
[Light Drizzle And Windy]
slab� mrholen� / v�trno
[Light Rain And Fog]
slab� d隝 / mlha
[Heavy Rain And Windy]
siln� d隝 / v�trno
[Rain Shower And Windy]
de��ov� p�eh��ka / v�trno
[Light Snow And Fog]
slab� sn�en� / mlha
[Light Snow And Windy And Fog]
slab� sn�en� / v�trno / mlha
[Scattered Showers / Wind]
prom�nliv� p�eh��ky / v�tr
[Light Rain And Windy And Fog]
slab� d隝 / v�trno / mlha
[T-Storms Early]
k r�nu bou�ky
[Clouds Early / Clearing Late]
k r�nu obla�no, pozd�ji vyjasn�n�
[Snow Showers Late]
pozd�ji sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Rain To Snow]
d隝 se sn�hem
[Rain Early]
k r�nu d隝
[Light Rain Early]
k r�nu slab� d隝
[Snow And Fog]
sn�h a mlha
[Light Showers Rain]
slab� p�eh��ky a d隝
[Light Rain / Wind Early]
slab� d隝 / k r�nu v�tr
[mostly sunny]
p�ev�n� slune�no
[AM Snow Showers / Wind]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.) / v�tr

[Disable support for automatic station icon assignment]
Deaktivovat podporu pro autom. p�i�azen� ikon pro stanice

[Rain / Snow / Wind]
d隝 / sn�en� / v�tr
[Drifting Snow And Windy]
poletuj�c� sn�h a v�trno
[Low Drifting Snow]
n�zko poletuj�c� sn�h
[Rain Mist]
d隝 a mlha
[Thunderstorm Rain]
bou�ka a d隝
[Heavy Rain Mist]
siln� d隝 a mlha
[Am Light Snow]
slab� sn�en� (dop.)

[Snow Shower / Wind]
sn�hov� p�eh��ka / v�tr
[Snow Showers / Wind Late]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky / pozd�ji v�tr
[Light Snow / Wind]
slab� sn�en� / v�tr
[Snow / Wind]
sn�en� / v�tr
[Scattered Snow Showers / Wind]
m�sty sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�tr
[Snow Showers Early]
k r�nu sn�hov� p�eh��ky

; Description
[Retrieve weather information and display them in your contact list]
Zji��ov�n� informac� o po�as� a zobrazen� v seznamu kontakt�.

[Pm Showers / Wind]
p�eh��ky (odp.) / v�tr
[Clear / Wind]
jasno / v�tr
[Cloudy Early / Clearing Late / Wind]
k r�nu obla�no / pozd�ji vyjasn�n� / v�tr

[Rain / Snow Showers / Wind]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�tr
[Mostly Clear / Wind]
p�ev�n� jasno / v�tr
[Pm Light Snow]
slab� sn�en� (odp.)

[Thunder And Fog]
h�m�n� a mlha
[Am Rain / Snow Showers / Wind]
d隝 (dop.) / sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�tr
[Snow And Windy And Fog]
sn�h, v�trno a mlha
[Pm Rain / Wind]
d隝 / v�tr (odp.)
[Rain / Snow Showers Late]
d隝, pozd�ji sn�hov� p�eh��ky

[Am Snow Showers]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.)
[Light Snow Early]
k r�nu slab� sn�en�
[Showers / Wind Early]
p�eh��ky / k r�nu v�tr
[Showers / Wind Late]
p�eh��ky / pozd�ji v�tr
[Light Snow With Thunder]
slab� sn�en� s h�m�n�m

[T-Storm And Windy]
bou�ka a v�trno
d隝 se sn�hem
[Rain Late]
pozd�ji d隝
[Clear And Windy]
jasno a v�trno
[Thunder And Hail]
h�m�n� a kroupy

[Rain / Wind Late]
d隝 / pozd�ji v�tr
[Fog Early / Clouds Late / Wind]
k r�nu mlha / pozd�ji obla�no / v�tr
[Pm Snow]
sn�en� (odp.)

[Foggy / Wind]
mlhavo / v�tr
[Fog Early / Clearing Late / Wind]
k r�nu mlha / pozd�ji vyjasn�n� / v�tr
[Am Showers / Wind]
p�eh��ky (dop.) / v�tr
[Am Fog / Pm Sun / Wind]
mlha (dop.) / slune�no (odp.) / v�tr

[Am Fog / Pm Clouds]
mlha (dop.) / obla�no (odp.)
[Pm Drizzle]
mrholen� (odp.)
[Light Rain / Fog]
slab� d隝 / mlha
[Fog Early / Clearing Late]
k r�nu mlha / pozd�ji vyjasn�n�
[Am Rain / Snow]
d隝 (dop.) / sn�en�

[AM Drizzle]
mrholen� (dop.)
[PM Drizzle]
mrholen� (odp.)
[AM Fog / PM Sun]
mlha (dop.) / slune�no (odp.)

[AM Fog / PM Clouds]
mlha (dop.) / obla�no (odp.)

[Am Fog / Pm Sun]
mlha (dop.) / slune�no (odp.)
[Light Snow / Wind Early]
slab� sn�en� / k r�nu v�tr
[Am Drizzle]
mrholen� (dop.)
[Fog Late]
pozd�ji mlha
[Pm Snow / Wind]
sn�en� (odp.) / v�tr
[Pm Snow Showers / Wind]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (odp.) / v�tr
[Snow Showers / Wind Early]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky / k r�nu v�tr
[Few Snow Showers / Wind]
p�r sn�hov�ch p�eh�n�k / v�tr
[PM Rain / Wind]
d隝 / v�tr (odp.)
[Am Rain / Wind]
d隝 / v�tr (dop.)
[AM Rain / Wind]
d隝 / v�tr (dop.)

[Am Light Snow / Wind]
slab� sn�en� (dop.) / v�tr
[Am Snow Showers / Wind]
sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.) / v�tr
[Light Snow / Wind Late]
slab� sn�en� / pozd�ji v�tr
[Light Snow Shower And Fog]
slab� sn�hov� p�eh��ka a mlha
[Light Snow Mist]
slab� sn�hov� mrholen�
[Snow Grains And Windy]
sn�hov� vlo�ky a v�trno
[Snow And Thunder And Fog]
sn�en�, h�m�n� a mlha
[Thunder And Snow Pellets]
h�m�n� a sn�hov� kuli�ky
[Rain / Snow Early]
d隝 / k r�nu sn�en�
[Heavy Rain Showers]
siln� de��ov� p�eh��ky
[Thunderstorm Rain Mist]
bou�ka a mrholen�
[Heavy Thunderstorms And Rain]
siln� bou�ka a d隝
[Am Clouds / Pm Sun / Wind]
obla�no (dop.) / slune�no (odp.) / v�tr
[Sunny And Windy]
slune�no a v�trno
[Light Rain And Freezing Rain]
slab� mrznouc� d隝
[Pm Fog]
mlha (odp.)
[Fog Early / Clouds Late]
k r�nu mlha / pozd�ji obla�no
[PM Fog]
mlha (odp.)
[Am Fog]
mlha (dop.)
[AM Fog]
mlha (dop.)

[Light Freezing Rain And Windy]
slab�, mrznouc� d隝 a v�trno
[Light Snow Grains And Fog]
slab� sn�hov� vlo�ky a mlha
[Am Fog / Pm Clouds / Wind]
mlha (dop.) / obla�no (odp.) / v�tr
[Light Snow Late]
pozd�ji slab� sn�en�
[Light Snow / Fog]
slab� sn�en� / mlha
[Sleet And Freezing Rain]
mrznouc� d隝 se sn�hem
[Freezing Rain And Windy]
mrznouc� d隝 a v�trno

; Vlastn� �pravy / P�sma
[Frame Font]
P�smo v r�me�ku
[Frame Background]
Barva pozad� r�me�ku
; Vlastn� �pravy / Ikony
[Update Disabled]
Aktualizace vypnuta
[Update with Clear]
�pln� aktualizace
[View Brief]
Stru�n� p�edpov��
[View Complete]
�pln� p�edpov��
[Weather Update]
Aktualizace p�edpov�di
[No Popup]
Ozn�men� vypnuto

[Snow to Rain]
sn�h s de�t�m
[Snow Shower and Windy]
sn�hov� p�eh��ka / v�trno

[Chance Of Precipitation]
p��le�itostn� sr�ky

;jen dopln�n�
[Rain/ Snow Showers]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky
[Rain/ Snow/ Wind]
d隝 / sn�en� / v�trno

[Pm Light Snow / Wind]
slab� sn�en� / v�tr (odp.)
[Light Snow And Sleet]
slab� sn�h s de�t�m
[Snow And Freezing Rain]
sn�h a mrznouc� d隝
[Snow And Sleet]
sn�h s de�t�m
[Rain And Freezing Rain]
d隝 a mrznouc� d隝
[Light Freezing Rain And Sleet]
slab� mrznouc� d隝 a d隝 se sn�hem

[Freezing Drizzle And Windy]
mrznouc� mrholen� a v�trno
[Light Thunderstorm Rain Mist]
slab� bou�ka, d隝 a mlha
[Widespread Dust And Windy]
v�trno, pol�tav� prach v ovzdu��
[Light Drizzle Mist]
slab� mrholen� a mlha

[Pm T-Showers]
p�eh��ky s h�m�n�m (odp.)
[Pm T-Showers / Wind]
p�eh��ky s h�m�n�m (odp.) / v�tr
[T-Showers Early]
k r�nu p�eh��ky s h�m�n�m
[Fog / Wind Late]
mlha / pozd�ji v�tr
[T-Storms / Wind Early]
bou�ky / k r�nu v�tr
[Thunderstorms With Hail]
bou�ky s krupobit�m
[Light Thunderstorm]
slab� bou�ka

[Am T-Showers]
p�eh��ky s h�m�n�m (dop.)

[Pm Rain / Snow Showers / Wind]
d隝 / sn�hov� p�eh��ky / v�tr (odp.)

[Am Snow]
sn�en� (dop.)

[Snow Early]
K r�nu sn�en�
[Pm Snow Showers]
Sn�hov� p�eh��ky (odp.)
[Am Snow Showers]
Sn�hov� p�eh��ky (dop.)

[Rain / Snow Showers Early]
d隝 / k r�nu sn�hov� p�eh��ky


; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  WebPager                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Tur McDonnel <tur (te�ka) mcdonnel (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

;(DUP) [User Menu]
;(DUP) [View User's Details]
;(DUP) [View User's History]

;(DUP) [From]
;(DUP) [Nick Name:]
;(DUP) [EMail:]
;(DUP) [ICQ # :]
;(DUP) [Date:]
;(DUP) [Time:]
;(DUP) [Message]
;(DUP) [&Reply]
;(DUP) [&Close]
;(DUP) [N/A]

[WebPager message received]
Obdr�ena zpr�va WebPager
;(DUP) [User Menu]
;(DUP) [View User's Details]
;(DUP) [View User's History]

[Incoming WebPager]
WebPager (p��choz�)

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  WhenWasIt birthday reminder                     |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2878

[When Was It]
Kdy to bylo?
; menu
[Birthdays (When Was It)]
Narozeniny (Kdy to bylo?)
[Check for birthdays]
Zjistit narozeniny
[Birthday list]
Seznam narozenin
[Refresh user details]
Aktualizovat informace o kontaktu
[Starting to refresh user details]
Prob�h� aktualizace informac� o kontaktech
[Done refreshing user details]
Konec aktualizace informac� o kontaktech
[Import birthdays]
Importovat narozeniny...
[Please select a file to import birthdays from ...]
Vyberte pros�m soubor obsahuj�c� seznam narozenin
[Importing birthdays from file: %s]
Import seznamu narozenin ze souboru %s.
[Done importing birthdays]
Import seznamu narozenin �sp�n� dokon�en.
[Export birthdays]
Exportovat narozeniny...
[Please select a file to export birthdays to ...]
Vyberte pros�m soubor k ulo�en� seznamu narozenin
[Exporting birthdays to file: %s]
Export seznamu narozenin do souboru %s.
[Done exporting birthdays]
Export seznamu narozenin �sp�n� dokon�en.
[Add/change user &birthday]
Zm�nit narozenin&y...
; seznam narozenin
[Show all contacts]
Zobrazit v�echny kontakty
; dialog
[Set birthday for %s:]
Narozeniny: %s
[mBirthday compatibility]
Kompatibiln� s mBirthday
; options
[Birthay notification]
Narozeniny (upozorn�n�)
[Notify of birthdays using:]
Upozorn�n� na narozeniny
[Don't show popups for subcontacts]
Nezobrazovat ozn�men� pro podkontakty
[Show popup when no birthdays are near]
Zobrazit ozn�men� i tehdy, nejsou-li v dohledu narozeniny
[Message window]
Komunika�n� okno
;(DUP) [Nothing]
;(DUP) [Dismiss]
[Contact list icon]
Indikace v seznamu
[Use slot]
[to draw icon.]
[Start notifying ]
Poprv� upozornit
[days in advance.]
dn� dop�edu
[Advanced 2]
Extra �.2
[Advanced 3]
Extra �.3
[Advanced 4]
Extra �.4
[Advanced 5]
Extra �.5
;(DUP) [Web]
[UserInfo module]
[Protocol module]
[mBirthday module]
[Upcoming age]
budouc� v�k
[Current age]
sou�asn� v�k
[Play sounds when there are]
P�ehr�t zvuk, kdy� zb�v�
[days or less to birthday.]
dn� do oslavy narozenin
[By default use]
Pou��t modul
[to save birthday data.]
k ulo�en� data narozen�
[in birthday list window]
v okn� se seznamem narozenin
[Birthday list (%d)]
Seznam narozenin (%d)
[%s has birthday in %d days.]
P�ezd�vka: %s, zb�v� dn�: %d
[%s has birthday tomorrow.]
%s bude m�t z�tra narozeniny.
[%s has birthday today.]
%s m� dnes narozeniny!
[%s\n%s will be %d years old.]
%s\nV�k (%s): %d let
[%s\n%s just turned %d.]
%s\nV�k (%s): %d let
[No upcoming birthdays.]
V dohledn� dob� nem� narozeniny ��dn� zn�m�.
[Birthday - %s]
Narozeniny: %s

; ANSI version - please don't mix
;[Could not find UID '%s [%s]' in current database, skipping]
; UNICODE version - please don't mix
;[Could not find UID '%s [%S]' in current database, skipping]
; ANSI version - please don't mix
;[%s protocol]
; UNICODE version - please don't mix
[%S protocol]
%S protokol
[Please select the module where you want the date of birth to be saved.\n"UserInfo" is the default location.\nUse "Protocol module" to make the data visible in User Details.\n"mBirthday module" uses the same module as mBirthday plugin.]
Pros�m zvolte modul k ulo�en� data narozen�.\n"UserInfo" je v�choz� um�st�n�.\nPou�ijte um�st�n� "Protokolu" aby bylo datum narozen� vid�t v detailech u�ivatele.\n"mBirthday module" pou�ije stejn� modul jako dopln�k mBirthday.

[Popup mouse click]
Po kliknut� my��
[Advanced 1]
Roz���en� stav
[Only notify once per day.]
Upozornit jen jednou za den
[Birthday near]
Narozeniny (brzy)
;(DUP) [Birthday today]

[Notifies you of upcoming birthdays.]
P�id�v� mo�nost upozorn�n� na narozeniny.

[Set popup delay when notifying of upcoming birthdays.\nFormat: default delay [ | delay for birthdays occuring today]]
Nastavit prodlevu ozn�men� p�i oznamov�n� nadch�zej�c�ch narozenin.\nForm�t: v�choz� prodleva [ | prodleva pro dne�n� narozeniny]

[Set birthday:]
Nastavit narozeniny:

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Whiteboard                                      |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://deathdemon.int.ru


[%s - Whiteboard]
%s - Kreslen�
;(DUP) [&Copy]
;(DUP) [&Delete]
;(DUP) [&Edit]
;(DUP) [&File]
[&Save As...]
Ulo�it j&ako...
;(DUP) [&Undo]
;(DUP) [Cu&t]
;(DUP) [Select &All]

[Whiteboard error]
Kreslen� - chyba

[Whiteboard plugin requires DataAsMessage v0.1.0.2 or above to work properly.]
Dopln�k 'Kreslen�' vy�aduje pro sv�j b�h 'DataAsMessage v0.1.0.2' nebo nov�j��.
[Whiteboard: Start of the session]
Kreslen�: Za��tek relace

[Can't save the file]
Nelze ulo�it soubor
[Drag tool]
[File was loaded successfully]
Soubor byl �sp�n� na�ten
[File was saved successfully]
Soubor byl �sp�n� ulo�en
;(DUP) [Line]
[Pick color]
;(DUP) [Select]
[There was an error loading the file]
Chyba p�i na��t�n� souboru
[You will lose all unsaved changes. Do you really want to close the window?]
V�echny neulo�en� zm�ny budou ztraceny. Ur�it� chcete zav��t okno?
[You will lose all unsaved changes. Do you really want to load another drawing?]
V�echny neulo�en� zm�ny budou ztraceny. Ur�it� chcete na��st jin� kreslen�?
[You will lose all unsaved changes. Do you really want to reset the drawing?]
V�echny neulo�en� zm�ny budou ztraceny. Ur�it� chcete resetovat kreslen�?


; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  WhoIsReadingMyStatusMsgNotify                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=360

; Default log text
[[%day/%month/%year - %hour:%minute] %clname read your %status message]
[%day.%month.%year %hour:%minute] %clname �etl zpr�vu stavu %status

; Default popup text
[%clname\r\nis reading your %status message]
%clname\r\n�te zpr�vu stavu %status

; Options page name

; Plugin options page
[&Log to a file]
[Path :]
[&Append UIN to file name]
K n�zvu souboru p�id&at UIN
[Text to log]
Pou��t text:
[Only notify if status is]
Upozornit pouze ve stavu
[Also notify if who read is]
Upozornit pokud �te u�ivatel
[Not on contact list]
Neuveden� mezi kontakty

; Popup options page
[&Enable notification via popup]
Zapnout upozorn�n� ozn�m&en�m
[Use default &background colour]
Pou��t v�choz� &barvu pozad�
[Use default &text colour]
Pou��t v�choz� barvu &textu

; Configure click dialog
[PopUp click]
Kliknut� na ozn�men�
[Open history]
Otev��t historii
[Open message window]
Otev��t komunika�n� okno
[Open user details window]
Otev��t informace o u�ivateli
[Close popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�

; Variables dialog
[Status text]
Text stavu
[Name like in contact list]
Jm�no (z kontakt�)
[Day (dd)]
Den (dd)
[Month (mm)]
M�s�c (mm)
[Year (yyyy)]
Rok (rrrr)
[Hour (hh)]
Hodiny (hh)
[Minutes (mm)]
Minuty (mm)
[Internal IP]
Intern� IP
[External IP]
Extern� IP

; Sound page
[Incoming status message request]
��dost o p�e�ten� stavov� zpr�vy

; OpenLog dialog
[Log File]
Z�znamov� soubor

; dopln�n� p�ekladu na verzi
[&Disable WhoIsReading popups]
Vypnout ozn�men� o �ten� &stavov� zpr�vy
[Text to log :]
Text z�znamu:
[Enable &XStatus notification]
Zapnout &ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu

;(DUP) [Please read the readme file for help, there are instructions on how to use and how to configure the plugin.]
[Notifies you when someone is reading your ICQ status message.]
Upozorn� v p��pad�, �e n�kdo �te va�i stavovou zpr�vu.

[&Enable WhoIsReading popups]
Zapnout ozn�men� o �ten� &stavov� zpr�vy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Wikify                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2611

[Use: [[ ]] => URL0, [[[ ]]] => URL1, ...]
Pou�it�: [[ ]] => URL0, [[[ ]]] => URL1, ...
[Indents (: at the beginning of a new line to 3 spaces)]
Odsazen� (: na za��tku nov�ho ��dku -> 3 mezery)
[Tabulator character (\\t)]
\\t -> tabul�tor
[Standard quotations marks ("") to:]
Standardn� uvozovky (""):
[Invert ending mark]
Obr�tit ukon�uj�c� znak
[-- to �]
-- -> �
[I like it small]
Mal� je mil�
[<!> escape tag (disables all following convertions in the message)]
Zna�ka <!> vypne v�echny p��padn� n�sleduj�c� konverze

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  WinampNotify                                    |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=305

; Options group name
;(DUP) [PopUps]
;(DUP) [Plugins]

; Options page name

; Plugin options page
;(DUP) [Only notify if status is]
;(DUP) [Offline]
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Away]
;(DUP) [NA]
;(DUP) [Occupied]
;(DUP) [DND]
;(DUP) [Free for chat]
;(DUP) [Invisible]
;(DUP) [On the phone]
;(DUP) [Out to lunch]
[Use &hotkey to show popup]
Pou��t &kl�vesovou zkratku
[Hotkey :]
[Do not notify when a new song begins to play, only notify when the hotkey is pressed]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pouze p�i pou�it� kl�vesov� zkratky
[/music replacement]
Kl��ov� slovo /music
[&Enable replacement]
Aktivovat nahraz&en�
[Replace "/music" text in message dialog with]
Nahradit text '/music' v okn� se zpr�vou za
;(DUP) [&Variables]
[Advanced text options]
Text (pro experty)
[Put here the same title formatting from your player (You'll be able to use it on the above text)]
Zadejte stejn� form�t zobrazen� jako v p�ehr�va�i

; Popup options page
;(DUP) [Colours]
;(DUP) [Background colour]
;(DUP) [Text colour]
;(DUP) [&Use Windows colours]
;(DUP) [Use default &background colour]
;(DUP) [Use default &text colour]
;(DUP) [Timeout]
[From PopUp plugin]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
;(DUP) [Use default &icon]
;(DUP) [PopUp click]
;(DUP) [On left click]
;(DUP) [On right click]
;(DUP) [&Configure]
;(DUP) [Text]
;(DUP) [Previe&w]

; Variables dialog
;(DUP) [Variables]
[song title (shown in the playlist)]
n�zev skladby (jako v seznamu)
[the song length]
d�lka skladby
[samplerate (ex. 44 kHz)]
frekvence (nap�. 44 kHz)
[bitrate (ex. 128 kBit/s)]
datov� tok (nap�. 128 kbit/s)
[channels (ex. Mono/Stereo)]
kan�ly (mono/stereo)
[elapsed time]
uplynul� �as
[remaining time]
zb�vaj�c� �as
[playlist position]
po�ad� v seznamu

; Configure click dialog
[Go to previous track]
P�ej�t na p�edchoz� skladbu
[Go to next track]
P�ej�t na n�sleduj�c� skladbu
[Stop with fadeout]
Zastavit se zti�en�m
[Stop after current track]
Zastavit po aktu�ln� skladb�
;(DUP) [Close popup]
;(DUP) [Icon File]
[Close Winamp]
Zav��t Winamp
[Open file info box]
Zobrazit informace o souboru
[Raise volume by 1%]
Zv��it hlasitost o 1%
[Lower volume by 1%]
Sn�it hlasitost o 1%
[Open jump to time dialog]
Otev��t okno �asov�ho p�esunu
[Open jump to file dialog]
Otev��t seznam soubor�
[Add current track as a bookmark]
P�idat skladbu mezi obl�ben�
[Close PopUp immediately after left click]
Zav��t ozn�men� okam�it� po kliknut�
[Close PopUp immediately after right click]
Zav��t ozn�men� okam�it� po kliknut�
;(DUP) [&Ok]
;(DUP) [&Cancel]

; Other

;(DUP) [Status message]
[Append text to status message when status is]
P�idat zpr�vu stavu do ozn�men�; ve stavu

[Use default &icon]
Pou��t v�choz� &ikonu

[&Disable WinampNotify popups]
Vypnout ozn�men� pro &Winamp
[&Enable WinampNotify popups]
Zapnout ozn�men� pro &Winamp

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  WinPopup Protocol                              |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t Pe�e�a <wenom64 (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://www.cherubicsoft.com/miranda/

; Posledn� aktualizace: 30.3.2008

Po��ta�, u�ivatel, skupina
[Auto-reply to users with your status message while away]
Automaticky odpov�d�t u�ivatel�m, pokud jsem ve stavu 'Na chv�li pry�'
;(DUP) [Filter Duplicate Messages (RECOMMENDED)]
[Use Mailslot when sending (RECOMMENDED)]
P�i odes�l�n� pou��t Mailslot (DOPORU�ENO)
[Use NetBIOS when sending]
P�i odes�l�n� pou��t NetBIOS
[Use Messenger service when sending and receiving]
P�i odes�l�n� a p�ijm�n� pou��t Kur�rn� slu�bu
;(DUP) [Nick]
;(DUP) [Username]
[Add contact...]
P�idat kontakt...
[NetBIOS names registration]
Registrace NetBIOSov�ch jmen
[Successful names]
Pou�iteln� jm�na
[Failed names]
Nepou�iteln� jm�na
[Other names]
Jin� jm�na
;(DUP) [Options]
;(DUP) [Status:]
[Legacy online status detection]
D�dick� detekce online stavu
[Always Online]
V�dy online
[NetBIOS names:]
NetBIOS jm�na:
Prozkoumat sd�len�:
Automatick� odpov��
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[Cannot send message]
Nelze odeslat zpr�vu
[Cannot create receiving mailslot]
Nelze vytvo�it p��jmac� mailslot
[Cannot operate Messenger service]
Nelze pracovat s Kur�rn� slu�bou
[Cannot register NetBIOS name]
Nelze registrovat NetBIOSov� jm�no
[Cannot resolve contacts IP-address. Add it anyway?]
Nelze zjistit IP-adresu kontaktu. P�esto ho p�idat?
[Cannot start Messenger service]
Nelze zapnout Kur�rn� slu�bu
[Cannot stop Messenger service]
Nelze zastavit Kur�rn� slu�bu
;(DUP) [Error]
[LAN adapter]
LAN adapt�r
;(DUP) [Network]
[No progress]
��dn� pr�b�h
;(DUP) [OK]
[Please shutdown any other IM applications and/or Messenger service]
Pros�m vypn�te v�echny ostatn� IM aplikace a/nebo Kur�rn� slu�bu
;(DUP) [Plugins]
;(DUP) [Retrieving...]
[Unexpected service status change]
Neo�ek�van� zm�na stavu slu�by

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  WorldTime                                       |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Generated by lpgen on Thu Apr 28 11:40:09 2005
; Translations: 27

; plugwin.cpp
[World Time]
Sv�tov� �as
;(DUP) [Plugins]
[*Hide/Show &World Time Window]
*Skr�t/Zobrazit p�ehled �as�

; WorldTime.rc
[Show/hide with contact list (*if set, show/hide menu item has no effect)]
Zobrazit/skr�t dle seznamu kontakt� (*Vypne funkci 'Skr�t polo�ku v ...')
[Format Date]
Form�t data
;(DUP) [Show icons]
[Hide main menu item (requires restart)]
Skr�t polo�ku v hlavn�m menu (restart)
Dle abecedy
Dle um�st�n�
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Remove]
;(DUP) [Edit]
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Up]
;(DUP) [Down]
[Show Window]
Zobrazit okno
;(DUP) [Cancel]
[and Time]
a �asu
;(DUP) [Label:]
[Sort Order:]
;(DUP) [Configuration]
�as ve sv�t�
[Time Details]
Podrobn� informace o �ase

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  XFire Protocol                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3701

[Never Detect]
[Setup your Games ...]
Nastavit moje hry ...
Spou�t�c� EXE:
[Games found:%s%s]
Her nalezeno:%s%s
P�ihla�. jm�no:
Zji��ovan� EXE:
Hern� ID
[Browse ...]
Proch�zet ...
[Automatically Detect]
Automaticky zjistit
[Manuel Setup]
Ru�n� nastaven�
Ikona hry:
Ikona hlasu:
[Be sure you put these files in following folder:%s%s]
Ujist�te se, �e jsou tyto soubory ve slo�ce:%s%s
[* requires Miranda restart]
* vy�aduje restart Mirandy
[Switch to Online instead of AFK on non supported Globalstatuses]
P�i nepodporovan�m glob�ln�m stavu p�epnout do Online m�sto Na chv�li pry�
[XFire Options]
Mo�nosti XFire
Informa�n� okno
[No custom away message]
Neur�ovat zpr�vu u Na chv�li pry�
[Setup your Games...]
Nastavit moje hry...
[Scan for games on every Miranda start]
Hledat nainstalovan� hry p�i ka�d�m startu
[Display Error and Infomessage:]
Zobrazovat chyby a informa�n� zpr�vy:
[Icon Options *]
Nastaven� ikon *
[No Ip/Port in StatusMsg]
��dn� IP/Port ve zpr�v� stavu
[GameServerQuery support]
Podpora GameServerQuery
[Dont create automatically Clangroups]
Nevytv��et automaticky klanov� skupiny

; Xfire
[Show nicknames when available]
Zobrazit p�ezd�vku pokud je dostupn�
[Note: You can only change these settings, if you are connected to Xfire.]
Pozn.: Toto nastaven� m��ete m�nit pouze pokud jste p�ipojeni k Xfire.
[Dont set status message for other protocols]
Nenastavovat zpr�vu stavu pro ostatn� protokoly
[Dont display game search results]
Nezobrazovat v�sledek hled�n� her
[Change the status to occupied or dnd]
Zm�nit stav na 'Nem�m �as' nebo 'Neru�it'
[Account options]
Nastaven� ��tu
[Add a new game ...]
P�idat hru...
[Create a new Xfire account on website]
Z��dit nov� ��et Xfire
[Main group for clan groups:]
Hlavn� skupina pro klanov� skupiny:
[Automatically scan for games:]
Automaticky vyhled�vat hry:
[Display popup, if someone start a game]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pokud n�kdo spust� hru
[Main group for Friends of Friends:]
Hlavn� skupina pro p��tele p��tel:
[Dont display game search status window]
Nezobrazovat okno s v�sledkem hled�n� her
[Show my friends]
Zobrazit seznam p��tel
[Hide yourself in buddylist]
Skr�t sebe v seznamu kontakt�
[Current Protocolversion:]
Aktu�ln� verze protokolu:
[On every start]
P�i ka�d�m startu
[This list contains all your blocked Xfire users. You can remove one, if you wanna allow him to send you a friend request.]
Tento seznam obsahuje v�echny blokovan� u�ivatele Xfire. Chcete jim povolit ��dost o autorizaci, odeberte je z tohoto seznamu.
[With this feature, following status message will be set on your other protocol plugins, if you are ingame. So your other buddy's can also see what you play. It will also change the status to occupied, if this option is enabled.]
B�hem hry pou�ije uvedenou stavovou zpr�vu pro v�echny ostatn� protokoly. T�mto zp�sobem informujete ostatn� o tom, co zrovna hrajete. Je-li to povoleno, z�rove� dojde ke zm�n� stavu 'Neru�it'.
[Show my game server data]
Zobrazit hern� data
[* Variables plugin needed]
* Vy�aduje dopln�k 'Variables'
[Other Activity]
Dal�� aktivita
[Be sure you put these files in following folder:]
Zkop�rujte v��e uveden� soubory do t�to slo�ky:
[Background updating]
Aktualizace na pozad�
[This file is used for the game search, game detection and gameid resolving. It contains all xfire supported games.]
Tento soubor je pou�it pro vyhled�v�n� her, jejich detekov�n� a zji��ov�n� hern�ch id. Obsahuje v�echny xfirem podporovan� hry.
[Following Variables are available: %myxfiregame%, %myxfirevoice%, %myxfireserverip%, %myxfirevoiceip%]
Jsou dostupn� n�sleduj�c� prom�n�: %myxfiregame%, %myxfirevoice%, %myxfireserverip%, %myxfirevoiceip%
[Dont detect this game as running]
Nedetekovat tuto hru
[Show my voice chat server to my friends]
Sd�let s p��teli server pro hlasovou komunikaci
[Lost Password?]
Zapomenut� heslo?
[Automatically update icons.dll (pro-laming.de)]
Automaticky aktualizovat icons.dll (pro-laming.de)
[Don't move friends to clan groups]
Nep�esouvat p��tele do klanov�ch skupin
[Game Status]
Hern� stav
[This file contains all original game icons. You can also activate the option for icon downloading, if you dont have it.]
Tento soubor obsahuje v�echny ofici�ln� ikony her. Lze nastavit i stahov�n� chyb�j�ch ikon.
[Use Online status for unsupported global statuses]
Pou��t stav Online p�i nepodporovan�ch glob�ln�ch stavech
[No backup on update]
Neprov�d�t z�lohu p�i aktualizaci
[Automatically reconnect on protocol version changes]
Automaticky p�ipojit p�i zm�n� verze protokolu
[Show on my profile and miniprofile]
Zobrazit v profilu i miniprofilu
[Disable avatars]
Vypnout avatary
[The status message and status will be reset, if you close the game.]
Stav a stavov� zpr�va budou zresetov�ny pokud zav�ete hru.
[Remove friend of friend buddies from database]
Smazat p��tele p��tel z datab�ze
[Show people when I type to them]
Upozor�ovat p��tele na psan� zpr�vy
[Automatically update xfire_games.ini (pro-laming.de)]
Automaticky aktualizovat xfire_games.ini (pro-laming.de)
[You can simply block someone, if you right click on his friend request in clist and choose Block User ...]
Kontakty lze jednodu�e filtrovat funkc� Blokovat u�ivatele, kterou naleznete v kontextov� nab�dce...
[Disable popups when ingame]
Vypnout ozn�men� pokud je spu�t�na hra
[Disable sound events when ingame]
Vypnout zvuky pokud je spu�t�na hra
[Use alternate way for Avatar download]
Pou��t alternativn� zp�sob stahov�n� avatar�
[Use TSRemote.dll to get teamspeak server info]
Pou��t TSRemote.dll pro zji�t�n� informac� o teamspeak serveru
[Disable game detection]
Vypnout detekci hry
[Blocked User List]
Seznam blokovan�ch u�ivatel�
[Show friends of my friends]
Zobrazit p��tele m�ch p��tel
[Blocklist / Games]
Seznam blokovan�ch / Hry
[Download missing game icons from Xfire website]
Stahovat chyb�j�c� ikony her z webu Xfire
[Please wait ...]
Pros�m �ekejte ...
[Start game]
Spustit hru
[Buddy start a game]
P��tel spustil hru
[XFire does not support offline messaging!]
XFire nepodporuje odes�l�n� zpr�v ve stavu offline!
[New supported Games:]
Nov� podporovan� hry:
[There is a new XFire Gamelist online, do you want to update now?]
Byla nalezena nov� verze seznamu podporovan�ch her. Chcete ho zaktualizovat?
[New xfire_games.ini]
Nov� xfire_games.ini
[The xfire_games.ini was updated.]
Soubor xfire_games.ini byl aktualizov�n.
[Unable to connect to XFire.]
Nemohu se p�ipojit k XFire.
[Don't automatically create clan groups]
Nevytv��et klanov� skupiny automaticky

[Add Game]
[Add a new game]
P�idat novou hru
[Please choose one game in the list!]
Vyberte ze seznamu po�adovanou hru.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  XStatus Notify                                  |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://deathdemon.int.ru/projects.php

; /CommonLibs/m_ContactSettings.h
[XStatus change notifications:]
Ozn�men� o zm�n� roz����en�ho stavu:
;(DUP) [Ignore]
[Notify always]
Upozornit v�dy
[Use global settings]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�
;[Tooltip text]
;[Other setting]
;[Some group]

; /CommonLibs/m_LogService.h
;[My plugin - log title]
[Test message]
Testovac� zpr�va
;(DUP) [ClientChangeNotify]
;(LAI) [ClientChangeNotify?puts(p,?dbsetting(%subject%,Protocol,p))?if2(_?dbsetting(,?get(p),?pinfo(?get(p),uidsetting)),).log]
;(DUP) [`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) changed client to %extratext%]
[%s changed his client to %s]
%s zm�nil 

; /CommonLibs/m_NewAwaySys.h
[New global status message.]
Nov� glob�ln� zpr�va stavu.

; /XStatusNotify/Heuristics.cpp
;[[%s]  ]
;[%.2f. %s (%s]
[) changed XStatus ]
) zm�na roz�. stavu na 
[to ]
;[:   ]
;[\\pard ]
;[\\cf3 ]
;[\\cf2 ]
;[\\par ]
;[\r\nWarning = %.4f (%.4f);  WarningMask = 0x%.2x;  CapWeight = %.4f;  WeightsVer = 8]

; /XStatusNotify/Misc.cpp
;[{\\uc1 ]
;[\\tab ]
;[\\u%d ?]

; /XStatusNotify/Misc.h
[Error #%d]
Chyba �.%d
[Can't open log file ]
Nepoda�ilo se otev��t soubor z�znamu

; /XStatusNotify/m_popup.h
[PopUp 1.0.1.x compatability]
Kompatibilita s dopl�kem PopUp 1.0.1x

; /XStatusNotify/OptDlg.cpp
[<no recent events>]
<��dn� aktu�ln� ud�losti>
[You have to enable heuristic filtering for popups and/or for message log to see results here.]
V�sledky heuristick� anal�zy filtrov�n� zde uvid�te a� pot�, co tuto funkci povol�te pro ozn�men� a/nebo z�znam.
[This log shows results of heuristic analysis of recent xstatus change events. Notifications\r\nare filtered out if their Warning value is more than filtering threshold. Using this info, you\r\ncan tune filtering threshold to suit your preferences.]
Tento z�znam zobrazuje v�sledky heuristick� anal�zy nejaktu�ln�j��ch zm�n roz���en�ho stavu.\r\nUd�losti jsou odfiltrov�ny tehdy, kdy� je jejich p��znak Varov�n� vy���, ne� nastaven� pr�h.\r\nPomoc� tohoto z�znamu m��ete p�izp�sobit filtrov�n� sv�m po�adavk�m.
[Technical info (log of filtered notifications)]
Technick� informace (z�znam odfiltrovan�ch ozn�men�)
[Very aggressive filtering level. You won't ever see "Listening to" popups (perhaps with very rare exceptions), but the plugin will also filter a lot of usual xstatus notifications.]
Velmi agresivn� filtrov�n�. Nikdy neuvid�te ozn�men� o poslechu hudby (krom� n�kter�ch v�jimek), bude v�ak odfiltrov�na i v�t�ina jin�ch, pom�rn� b�n�ch ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu.
[Aggressive filtering level. Filters more, sacrificing some of the most suspicious usual notifications that may turn out to be not a flood.]
Agresivn� filtrov�n�. Odfiltruje v�ce, ob�tov�na jsou n�kter� podez�el� ozn�men�, kter� nemus� b�t ve skute�nosti tzv. z�plavami.
[Normal filtering level. It's the recommended setting. It tries to leave most of usual xstatus notifications and at the same time it offers reasonable level of flood filtering, leaving only first "Listening to" notification for a contact and filtering any subsequent ones.]
Norm�ln� filtrov�n�. Toto je doporu�en� nastaven�. P�i n�m se dopln�k pokus� zachovat b�n� ozn�men�, ale z�rove� odstra�uje ur�it� mno�stv� z�plav nap��klad t�m, �e zobraz� u jednoho kontaktu jen prvn� ozn�men� o poslechu hudby a ostatn� odfiltruje.
[Weak filtering level. Leaves more notifications, so it may accidentally skip some flood. Advantage of this setting is that the plugin will be more tolerant to cases when contact changes his xstatus message several times but leaves the same icon.]
Slab� filtrov�n�. Ponech�v� v�ce ozn�men�, tak�e se ob�as n�jak� z�plavy vyskytnou. V�hodou tohoto nastaven� je, �e dopln�k bude tolerantn�j�� k t�m p��pad�m, kdy u�ivatel m�n� �asto svou zpr�vu roz���en�ho stavu, av�ak ponech�v� stejnou ikonu.
[Very weak filtering level. Usually still sufficient to filter a lot of flooding notifications, but fails to filter them if their "flood" features are indistinct.]
Velmi slab� filtrov�n�. �asto �sp�n� odstran� z�plavu ozn�men�, av�ak selh�v� tehdy, kdy� jsou zm�ny jen nepatrn�.
[Open message window]
Otev��t komunika�n� okno
[Close popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Open contact details window]
Zobrazit okno s detaily kontaktu
[Open contact menu]
Zobrazit nab�dku kontaktu
[Open contact history]
Zobrazit historii kontaktu
[Open log file]
Zobrazit z�znam
[Do nothing]
Ned�lat nic
[XStatus name]
N�zev roz�.stavu
[XStatus message]
Zpr�va roz�.stavu
[XStatus Notify]
Roz���en� stav

; /XStatusNotify/Resources.rc
;[#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)\r\n]
;[LANGUAGE 9, 1\r\n]
;[#pragma code_page(1252)\r\n]

; /XStatusNotify/Resources.rc:IDD_POPUPOPTDLG
[Enable popup notification]
Povolit ozn�men�
[Show previous status too]
Zobrazit i p�edchoz� stav
[Show new status message]
Zobrazit novou stavovou zpr�vu
[Left click action:]
Akce na lev� tla��tko:
[Right click action:]
Akce na prav� tla��tko:
[0 = Default]
0 = v�choz�
[-1 = Infinite]
-1 = neust�le
[Use default]
[Filter settings for popups]
Nastaven� filtru ozn�men�
[Don't notify for contacts with disabled online notification]
Neoznamovat u kontakt� s vypnut�m oznamov�n�m stavu
[Don't notify on connect]
Neoznamovat po startu
[Use heuristic algorithms to filter out flood]
Pou��t heuristiku k odfiltrov�n� mnoha ozn�men�
[Notify only when icon changes]
Upozornit pouze p�i zm�n� ikony
[Don't take any special measures to filter notifications]
Nepou��vat ��dn� speci�ln� metody filtrov�n� ozn�men�

; /XStatusNotify/Resources.rc:IDD_MAINOPTDLG
[Logging to message window]
Z�znam komunikace
[Enable logging to message window]
Zobrazit ud�losti v z�znamu komunikace
[Log previous status too]
Zobrazit i p�edchoz� stav
[Log new status message]
Zobrazit novou zpr�vu stavu
[Log on opening message window]
Zobrazit p�i otev�en� komunika�n�ho okna
[Save to history]
Ulo�it do historie
[Filter settings for message log]
Nastaven� filtru z�znamu
[Log only when icon changes]
Zobrazit pouze p�i zm�n� ikony
[Don't filter notifications]
Nefiltrovat ozn�men�
[Heuristic algorithm settings]
Nastaven� heuristick� anal�zy
[Filtering threshold:]
Pr�h filtru:

; /XStatusNotify/Resources.rc:IDD_TECHINFODLG
[XStatusNotify info]
Informace Ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu

; /XStatusNotify/TestingArea.cpp
Ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu
[Can't open file ]
Nepoda�ilo se otev��t soubor
[message (]
zpr�va (
;[[%02d.%02d.%d-%d:%02d:%02d]  ]
[XStatusNotify Testing Area]
Testovac� oblast Ozn�men� roz�. stavu

; /XStatusNotify/XStatusNotify.cpp
[removed XStatus (was %s)]
Roz���en� stav "%s" zm�n�n na b�n�
[removed XStatus]
Roz���en� stav zm�n�n na b�n�
[changed XStatus to %s (was %s)]
Zm�na roz���en�ho stavu na "%s" (p�edchoz� byl "%s")
[changed XStatus to %s]
Zm�na roz���en�ho stavu na "%s"
[changed XStatus message]
Zm�na zpr�vy roz���en�ho stavu
[has XStatus %s]
m� roz���en� stav "%s"
;[message (%s)]
;[to %s]
[Never, ignore XStatus changes for this contact]
Nikdy, ignorovat zm�ny roz���en�ho stavu u tohoto kontaktu
[Always except when XStatus notifications are disabled globally]
V�dy, krom� p��padu, �e jsou ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu vypnuty glob�ln�
[Always, even when XStatus notifications are disabled globally]
V�dy, krom� p��padu, i kdy� jsou ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu vypnuty glob�ln�
[Use global filtering settings (default)]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven� filtru (v�choz�)
[XStatus Notify: XStatus changed]
Roz���en� stav - ICQ (zm�na stavu)
;[`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) changed XStatus %extratext%\r\n\r\n]
[XStatusNotify Testing Area (low warning)]
Testovac� oblast roz�. stav� (n�zk� pr�h)
;[`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]`  %extratext%\r\n\r\n]
[XStatusNotify Testing Area (medium warning)]
Testovac� oblast roz�. stav� (st�edn� pr�h)
[XStatusNotify Testing Area (high warning)]
Testovac� oblast roz�. stav� (vysok� pr�h)
[XSN heuristics testing area]
Textovac� oblast heuristiky
[XStatus Notify plugin requires Miranda version or later]
Dopln�k Ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu vy�aduje Mirandu �i nov�j��.
[XStatus Notify requires riched20.dll to work correctly. If you are using Windows 95 or WINE please make sure you have riched20.dll installed.]
Dopln�k Ozn�men� roz���en�ho stavu vy�aduje pro sv�j b�h riched20.dll. Pokud pou��v�te Windows95 nebo WINE, zkontrolujte, zda m�te riched20.dll nainstalov�n.

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Yahoo Protocol                                 |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>

; avatar.c
[Your png2dib.dll is either obsolete or damaged. ]
Knihovna png2dib.dll je bu� zastaral� nebo po�kozen�.
;(DUP) [Error]
;(DUP) [Avatar]

; main.c
[Yahoo plugin cannot be loaded. It requires Miranda IM 0.4 or later.]
Nainstalovan� dopln�k Yahoo vy�aduje program Miranda IM v0.4 nebo nov�j��.

; options.c
;(DUP) [Network]
[You need to be connected to Yahoo to add to Ignore List.]
Novou polo�ku lze p�idat a� po p�ipojen� do s�t� Yahoo.
[Yahoo Ignore]
Yahoo :: Seznam filtrovan�ch
[Please enter a valid buddy name to ignore.]
Zadejte pros�m platnou p�ezd�vku.
[The buddy is already on your ignore list. ]

[You need to be connected to Yahoo to remove from the Ignore List.]
Polo�ku ze seznamu lze odebrat a� po p�ipojen� do s�t� Yahoo.
[Please select a buddy on the ignore list to remove.]
Nejd��ve vyberte po�adovanou polo�ku ze seznamu.
;(DUP) [The changes you have made require you to restart Miranda IM before they take effect]
[YAHOO Options]
Mo�nosti Yahoo
[The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the Yahoo network before they take effect]
Zm�ny se projev� a� p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� do s�t� Yahoo.

; services.c
;(DUP) [ID]
[Please enter your yahoo id in Options/Network/Yahoo]
Zadejte pros�m sv�j identifik�tor v nastaven� protokolu.
[Please enter your yahoo password in Options/Network/Yahoo]
Zadejte pros�m sv� heslo v nastaven� protokolu.
[Yahoo Login Error]
Chyba p�ihl�en� na Yahoo
[The message send timed out.]
P�ekro�en �asov� limit odesl�n� zpr�vy.
[Message is too long: Yahoo messages are limited by 800 UTF8 chars]
Zpr�va je p��li� dlouh�. Protokol Yahoo umo��uje napsat max. 800 znak� (v k�dov�n� UTF8).
[Yahoo Error]
Chyba Yahoo
[You need to be connected to set the custom message]
Stav lze zm�nit pouze po p�ipojen� k s�ti.
[You need to be connected to refresh your buddy list]
Aktualizovat seznam kontakt� lze pouze po p�ipojen� k s�ti.
[Set &Custom Status]
Zm�nit &stavovou zpr�vu...
[&My Profile]
&Zobrazit profil
[&Yahoo Mail]
&P�e��st po�tu Yahoo
[&Address Book]
Sezn&am kontakt�
;(DUP) [&Refresh]
[&Show Profile]
&Zobrazit profil

; yahoo.c
[[miranda] Got conference invite to room: %s with msg: %s]
P�i�la pozv�nka na konferenci v m�stnosti %s. Text: %s.
[I am sorry, but i can't join your conference since this feature is not currently implemented in my client.]
Do konference se nelze p�idat. Tato funkce zat�m nen� podporovan� lientsk�m softwarem.
[Calendar Reminder]
[%s has rejected your request and sent the following message:]
%s odm�tl/odm�tla ��dost. Text zpr�vy:
[New Mail]
Nov� po�ta
[You Have %i unread msgs]
Nep�e�ten�ch zpr�v: %i
[New Mail (%i msgs)]
Nov� po�ta (zpr�v: %i)
[From: %s\nSubject: %s]
Od: %s\nP�edm�t: %s
[[miranda] Got webcam invite. (not currently supported)]
P�i�la ��dost o video rozhovor (v sou�asnosti nen� podporov�no).
[Yahoo Ping Error]
Chyba spojen� s Yahoo
[Could not log into Yahoo service - username not recognised.  Please verify that your username is correctly typed.]
Chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n� do s�t� Yahoo; nezn�m� u�ivatelsk� jm�no. Zkontrolujte pros�m, je-li jm�no zad�no spr�vn�.
[Could not log into Yahoo service - password incorrect.  Please verify that your username and password are correctly typed.]
Chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n� do s�t� Yahoo; neplatn� heslo. Zkontrolujte pros�m, jsou-li jm�no a heslo zad�ny spr�vn�.
[Could not log into Yahoo service.  Your account has been locked.\nVisit %s to reactivate it.]
Chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n� do s�t� Yahoo. V� ��et je zamknut�.\nP�ejd�te na %s, kde ho m��ete znovu aktivovat.
[You have been logged out of the yahoo service, possibly due to a duplicate login.]
Byli jste odpojeni od s�t� Yahoo. Jeden z d�vod� m��e b�t p�ihl�en� ke stejn�mu ��tu z jin�ho po��ta�e.
[Could not connect to the Yahoo service. Check your server/port and proxy settings.]
Chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n� do s�t� Yahoo. Zkontrolujte zda, je spr�vn� zadan� adresa serveru a nastaven� proxy.
[Could not log in, unknown reason: %d.]
Chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n�: %d.
[Unknown error %s]
Nezn�m� chyba: %s
[Custom error %s]
Nezn�m� chyba: %s
[%s is not available for the conference]
%s se nem��e z��astnit konference
[%s is already ignored]
%s ji� je v seznamu filtrovan�ch
[%s is not in the ignore list]
%s nen� v seznamu filtrovan�ch
[%s is in buddy list - cannot ignore ]
%s je v seznamu p��tel - nelze odfiltrovat
[System Error: %s]
Chyba syst�mu: %s
[Server Connection Error: %s]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n�: %s
[Please enter Yahoo server to Connect to in Options.]
Nen� zad�na adresa serveru Yahoo.
[Could not connect to Yahoo server.  Please verify that you are connected to the net and the pager host and port are correctly entered.]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n� k serveru Yahoo. Ov��te pros�m, zda je funk�n� p�ipojen� k internetu a tak� polo�ky Server a Port v nastaven�.

; Yahoo.rc
[Create a new Yahoo account using the Yahoo website]
Z��dit nov� ��et prost�ednictv�m domovsk� str�nky Yahoo
[Yahoo Japan]
Yahoo (Japonsko)
[Disable UTF8 encoding]
Vypnout k�dov�n� zpr�v do UTF8
[Disable main menu (needs restart)]
Vypnout polo�ku v hlavn�m menu (vy�aduje restart)
[Use Yahoo Address Book (YAB)]
Pou��t adres�� Yahoo (YAB)
[Show Avatars]
Zobrazit avatary
[AutoLogin to Yahoo ]
Automaticky p�ihl�sit k Yahoo
[Display Yahoo notifications]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� serveru
[Show Errors]
Zobrazit chyby
[Show as busy]
Zobrazit jako 'Nem�m �as'
[Share Avatar]
Sd�let avatar
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Reset]
;(DUP) [Add]
;(DUP) [Remove]
;(DUP) [Cancel]
;(DUP) [Set]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [Login server:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Nick:]
;(DUP) [Expert]
[Yahoo Ignore List]
Seznam filtrovan�ch
[Set Custom Status]
Zm�nit stavovou zpr�vu


; Ud�losti / Zvuky
[New E-mail available in Inbox]
Nov� po�ta

; Chybov� hl�en�
[Connection closed by server]
Server Yahoo ukon�il spojen�.

[Address Book]
[Set Status]
Zm�nit stav
[Voice Chat]

[Yahoo plugin requires db3x plugin version or later]
Protokol Yahoo vy�aduje db3x verze nebo nov�j��.
[You have been logged out of the yahoo service.]
Byli jste odpojeni od s�t� Yahoo.

[Create a new Yahoo account]
Z��dit nov� ��et v s�ti Yahoo
[YAHOO plugin HTTP connections]
Yahoo - spojen� pomoc� protokolu HTTP
[Connection Settings]
Mo�nosti spojen�
[Ignore list]
[Ignore anyone who is not on my Yahoo buddy list ]
Ignorovat v�echny, kdo nejsou v seznamu kontakt�
[Ignore only the people below: ]
Ignorovat pouze n�e uveden� u�ivatele:
[&Edit My Profile]
&Upravit profil

[AutoLogin to Yahoo Website(s)]
Automaticky p�ihl�sit ke slu�b�m Yahoo
[Ignore List]

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  YAMN tweety 2in1                                |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: waclaw <waclaw (zavin��) cmail (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2165

; Generated by lpgen on Fri Sep 30 12:00:41 2005
; Translations: 109

; YAMNopts.cpp

; main.cpp
[Check &mail (All Account)]
Vybrat &po�tu ze v�ech ��t�
[Check mail]
Vybrat po�tu
[Do you also want to remove native YAMN plugins settings?]
Chcete odstranit i intern� nastaven� dopl�ku YAMN?
[YAMN uninstalling]
Odinstalov�n� YAMN

; m_popup.h
;(DUP) [PopUps]

; badconnect.cpp
[ - connection error]
 - chyba p�ipojen�
[Cannot allocate memory for received data]
Nelze alokovat pam� pro p��jem dat
[Bad user name or error while logging]
Neplatn� jm�no nebo jin� chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n�
[Bad user or password or error while logging]
Neplatn� jm�no, heslo nebo jin� chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n�
[Cannot get number of messages]
Nelze zjistit po�et zpr�v
[Cannot resolve message signatures]
Nelze zjistit signaturu zpr�v
[Cannot get sizes of messages]
Nelze zjistit velikost zpr�v
[Cannot find server]
Nelze naj�t server
[Cannot connect to server]
Nelze se p�ipojit k serveru
[System error occured]
Chyba syst�mu
[Cannot send data]
Nelze odeslat data
[Cannot receive data]
Nelze p�ijmout data
[Unknown error]
Nezn�m� chyba

; mailbrowser.cpp
[%s - %d new mails, %d total]
%s - nov�ch zpr�v: %d, celkem: %d
[ - new mail(s)]
 - nov�ch zpr�v
[%d new mails, %d total]
Po�et nov�ch zpr�v: %d, celkem: %d
[No new mail, %d spam(s)]
Po�et nov�ch zpr�v: 0, spam: %d
[No new mail]
Po�et nov�ch zpr�v: 0
;(DUP) [From]
;(DUP) [Size]
[Run application]
Spustit aplikaci
[Delete selected]
Smazat vybran�
[Do you really want to delete %d selected mails?]
Po�et vybran�ch zpr�v: %d. Opravdu je chcete smazat?
[Delete confirmation]
Potvrzen� smaz�n�

; netlib.cpp
;(DUP) [connection]

; pop3comm.cpp
Odpojen od serveru
;(DUP) [New Mail]
[Connect Fail]
Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n�
[Found new version of account book, not compatible with this version of YAMN.]
Vybran� u�ivatelsk� ��et nen� kompatibiln� s touto verz� dopl�ku YAMN.
[Error reading account file. Account file corrupted.]
Chyba p�i �ten� dat z ��tu.
[YAMN (internal POP3) read error]
Chyba p�i �ten� dat (intern� chyba POP3)
[Memory allocation error while data reading]
Chyba alokace pam�ti p�i �ten� dat
[Reading file error. File already in use?]
Chyba p�i �ten� ze souboru. Nepou��v� soubor jin� aplikace?
[Error while copying data to disk occured. File in use?]
Chyba p�i z�pisu dat na disk. Nepou��v� soubor jin� aplikace?
[POP3 plugin- write file error]
Chyba p�i z�pisu dat (intern� chyba POP3)
[Connecting to server]
P�ipojov�n� k serveru
[Entering POP3 account]
P�ihla�ov�n� k ��tu
[Searching for new mail]
Zji��ov�n� nov�ch zpr�v
[Reading new mails (%d%% done)]
�ten� nov�ch zpr�v (%d %%)
[Deleting requested mails]
Maz�n� vybran�ch zpr�v
[Deleting spam]
Maz�n� spamu
[Error %d-%d-%d-%d:]
Chyba %d-%d-%d-%d:

; pop3opt.cpp
[No account selected]
Nen� vybran� ��et
[Time left to next check [s]: %d]
Dal�� vyb�r�n� po�ty za (sek.): %d
[Account Test]
Vyzkou�en� ��tu
[Account Test (failed)]
Vyzkou�en� ��tu (chyba)
[You have N new mails]
P�i�lo v�m N nov�ch zpr�v
[Connection failed message]
Chyba p�ipojen� k ��tu
[Select executable used for notification]
Vyberte po�adovanou aplikaci
[Do you really want to delete this account?]
Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran� ��et?
[Delete account confirmation]
Potvrzen� odstran�n� ��tu
[Please wait while no account is in use.]
Pros�m �ekejte dokud nen� ��et pou��v�n.
[This is not a valid number value]
Zadan� �daj nen� ��slo
[Input error]
Vstupn� chyba
;(LAI) [Cannot allocate memory space for new account]
;(LAI) [Memory error]

; YAMN.rc
;(LAI) [List4]
;(LAI) [HotKey1]
;(FIX) [TopToolBar button ]
[TopToolBar button "Check mail"]
Do horn� li�ty tla��tko 'Vybrat po�tu'
[Check this account]
Aktivovat vybran� ��et
[Sound notification]
Upozornit zvukem
[Message notification]
Upozornit zpr�vou
[Tray icon notification]
Zobrazit ikonu v oblasti ozn�men�
[Application execution:]
Spustit aplikaci:
[Popup notification]
Upozornit ozn�men�m
[Single popup]
V�e v jednom
[Multi popup]
V�ce za sebou
[Popup if no mail]
Upozornit ozn�men�m
[Sound notification if failed]
Upozornit zvukem
[Message notification if failed]
Upozornit zpr�vou
[Tray icon notification if failed]
Zobrazit ikonu v oblasti ozn�men�
[Popup notification if failed]
Upozornit ozn�men�m
;(DUP) [Offline]
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Away]
;(DUP) [N/A]
;(DUP) [Occupied]
;(DUP) [DND]
;(DUP) [Free for chat]
;(DUP) [Invisible]
;(DUP) [On the phone]
;(DUP) [Out to lunch]
[Startup check]
Vybrat p�i spu�t�n�
[Check from menu]
Vybrat po�tu z menu
[APOP auth]
Ov��en� APOP
[Persistant message]
Zobrazit zadanou dobu
;(DUP) [Use SSL]
;(DUP) [Keyboard Flash]
;(DUP) [OK]
;(DUP) [Delete]
;(DUP) [Default]
[Reset counter]
Vynulovat ��ta�
;(DUP) [...]
[Hotkey for mail check:]
Kl�vesov� zkratka pro vyb�r�n� po�ty:
;(DUP) [Version:]
;(DUP) [Description:]
;(DUP) [Copyright:]
;(DUP) [Contact:]
[Default codepage:]
V�choz� k�dov�n�:
[Check interval [min]:]
Interval vyb�r�n� po�ty (min):
[Check while:]
Vyb�rat za stavu:
;(DUP) [Port:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [s]
[Installed plugins]
Nainstalovan� dopl�ky
[New mail notifications]
Nov� zpr�vy
[No new mail notifications]
��dn� nov� zpr�vy
[Connection failure notifications]
Chyba p�ipojen�

[YAMN: new mail]
YAMN (nov� zpr�vy)
[YAMN: connect failed]
YAMN (chyba p�ipojen�)

[Use contact notification for this account]
Pou��t nastaven� z filtrov�n� kontakt�
[Replace nick name]
Nahradit p�ezd�vku
[Disable Events]
Vypnout ud�losti
[Auto retrieve body]
St�hnout cel� text
[Disable STLS]
Vypnout STLS
[Check while...]
Vyb�rat b�hem...
[Check while ...]
Vyb�rat b�hem...
[YAMN General Options]
Obecn� mo�nosti
[Enable YAMN Main Menu (Require Restart)]
Povolit nab�dku YAMN (vy�aduje restart)
[Show YAMN as a Protocol  (Require Restart)]
Zobrazit YAMN jako protokol (vy�aduje restart)
[MailBrowser Options]
Prohl�e� po�ty
[Enable Close on Delete Button]
Po smaz�n� zpr�v autom. zav��t okno
[Date/Time Representation]
Zobrazen� data a �asu
[Show long localised date]
Zobrazit datum ve dlouh�m form�tu
[Don't show today's date]
Nezobrazovat dne�n� datum
[Don't show seconds]
Nezobrazovat sekundy

; ---
; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  YAPP                                            |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2759

[Default Timeout]
Doba zobrazen�
[Never timeout]
Zobrazovat trvale
[Set timeout:]
Autom. skr�t po:
[Disable when]
Neaktivn� p�i
[Full-screen app running]
Celoobrazovkov� re�im
;(PRB) [Windows]
[Maximum height:]
Maxim�ln� v��ka:
[Avatar size:]
Velikost avataru:
[Transparency% (XP):]
Pr�hlednost v % (XP):
[Global hover]
Nezav�rat po um�st�n� my�i
[Bottom right]
Vpravo dole
[Bottom left]
Vlevo dole
[Top right]
Vpravo naho�e
[Top left]
Vlevo naho�e
[Icon on right]
Ikona vpravo
[Icon on left]
Ikona vlevo
[Right avatar]
Avatar vpravo
[Left avatar]
Avatar vlevo
[No avatar]
Bez avataru
[Text indent:]
Odsazen� textu:
[Time on right]
�as vpravo
[Time on left]
�as vlevo
[No time]
Bez �asu
[Time above avatar]
�as nad avatarem
[Example With a Long Title]
P��klad dlouh�ho z�hlav�
[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
�lu�ou�k� k�� �p�l ��belsk� �dy.
[An avatar.]
Pr�hlednost (%):
[Popup History]
Historie ozn�men�
[Popup history]
Historie ozn�men�
[Round corners (window)]
Zaoblit rohy oken
[Round corners (avatar)]
Zaoblit rohy avatar�
[Sidebar width:]
���ka bo�n. pruhu:


Bo�n� pruh

[Copy title to clipboard]
Zkop�rovat z�hlav�
[Copy message to clipboard]
Zkop�rovat zpr�vu
[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
Zkop�rovat �asov� �daj

[Title underline]
Podtr�en� z�hlav�

[Set timeout]
Nastavit dobu zobrazen�
[Timeout value (0 = default):]
Prodleva (0 = v�choz�):
