Popis:     �esk� p�eklad komunik�toru Miranda-IM
Auto�i:    V�t �indl�� & dal�� (viz langpack_czech.txt)
Verze:     2.19.x
Po�adavky: Miranda-IM 0.9.47 nebo nov�j��

 Tento p�eklad je ���en pod hlavi�kou licence GPL. Nejnov�j�� ofici�ln� vydanou 
verzi najdete na �esk�ch str�nk�ch http://miranda.kvalitne.cz, p��p. i na 
str�nk�ch projektu Miranda-IM. Zde hledejte v sekci Lokalizace (Localisation) 
na adrese http://www.miranda-im.org.

1. Ru�n� instalace

 Soubor "langpack_czech.txt" zkop�rujte do stejn�ho adres��e, ve kter�m se 
nach�z� Miranda (miranda32.exe, obvykle C:\Program Files\Miranda). Pot� sta��
Mirandu ukon�it a znovu spustit. To je v�e.

2. Seznam p�elo�en�ch dopl�k�

AdvancedAutoAway, AIM, Alarms, Alternative Browse Received Files, Atomic, 
Authorization State, AutoReplacer, AutoReply, Autorun, AutoShutdown, Auto 
database backup, Avatar History, Avatar service, Away System, AwaySysMOD, 
AwaySystemEx, BattleShip, Birthday reminder, BossKey, Buddy Pounce, Classic 
contact list, Clist Nicer, Contacts, Contacts+, ContactsEx, ContactsMenuItemEx, 
Contacts Status Notification, ContactVisibility, CopyIP, Country Flags, 
CrashDumper, Custom Status History List, Database Editor++, dbExport, 
EmailExpress, Extended Idle System, Extra Icons Service, Facebook Protocol, Fast 
Messages, Favourite Contacts, FDD Notify, FLTContacts, File As Message, Find a 
Message, Folders, FTP File YM, Gadu-Gadu, Gamer Plugin, Ghostify, Gmail Multiple 
Notifier, Gmail Notifier, GnuPG, GoMoku, Hard disc drive info, History+, 
History++, HistoryStats, Historyviewer, History Events, History Keeper, History 
Linklist, History Sweeper, HostFile, HotKeys Plus, ChangeInfo, Chat, IAX, ICQ 
Oscar J, IEView, Ignore contact, Import, Import Gaim History, Import TXT, IRC 
Protocol, ISee, Jabber, JustTabs, KeepStatus, KeyboardNotify, Language Pack 
Manager, Last Seen, ListeningTo, LogStatistics, Magnetic Windows, MathModule, 
mBirthday, MBot, mContacts, MenuEx, Merge Contacts, Message Export, Message 
Notify, Messages Total Notify, MetaMultiWin Contact List, MetaContacts, 
micqBirthday, MirandaComm, Miranda database - with AutoBackups, Miranda IM 
Database Tool, Miranda IM Profile Changer, Miranda Text Control, Miranda to GDS, 
MirPy Scripting Plugin, Modern Contact List, Modern Contact List Layered, 
mPhantomUser, mRadio, mSecure, MSN, mToolTip, mTV, MultiWindow, MultiWindow 
Contact List, My Deails, Name Day script, nConvers, nConvers++, NetAccessNotify, 
New Away System, NewEventNotify, NewStatusNotify, nHistory, NickChangeNotify, 
Notes & Reminders, Nosound, Nudge, Orange SMS, OTR, Path, Ping Plugin, Ping 
Protocol, PluginUninstaller, PopUp, ProtoLink, Quick Contacts, Quick Search, 
Reconnect, replacer, RePosition, RSSNews, RSS News Popup, Scriver, 
ScrollLockNotify, SecureIM, Send Screenshot, Sessions, shlext, ShowUIN, Simple 
Status Message, Smart Auto Away, SmileyAdd, SMS+, SMS++, sndVol, SiP, SIP RTC 
Protocol, SOMWO, Spam Filter, Spam-o-tron, Speak, Spell Checker, SRMM, 
StartupStatus, Status global hotkeys, Status Message History, StopSpam, Support 
for new options design, tabSRMM, TipInfo, Tipper, Tlen Protocol, Tooltip Notify, 
TopToolBar, Traffic/Time Counter, Translator, TriggerPlugin, Trillian message 
history importer, TV plugin, TweakUI, Typing Notify, UINBackup, Updater, 
UserInfoEx, Variables, Version Information, Voice Service, WATrack, weather, 
WebPager, When Was It, Whiteboard, WhoIsReadingMyStatusMsgNotify, Wikify, 
WinampNotify, WinPopup Protocol, WorldTime, XFire Protocol, XStatus Notify, 

3. Upozorn�n�

3.1 Tento p�eklad je p�ipraven a odzkou�en pod Windows 2000, XP a Vista pro 
sch�ma: Standardn� nastaven�. Jak�koli jin� nastaven� nebo t�ma m��e zp�sobit 
r�zn� zalomen� textu, ne�itelnost n�kter�ch �et�zc� a dal�� nep��jemnosti. Pokud 
naleznete probl�m tohoto typu, napi�te o n�m pros�m mn� nebo autorovi p�ekladu 
p��slu�n�ho dopl�ku (adresu autora najdete v souboru langpack_czech.txt, 
hledejte n�zev konkr�tn�ho dopl�ku).

3.2 P�eklad n�kter�ch dopl�k�, p��p. samotn� Mirandy nemus� b�t nutn� v�dy 
dokon�en. D�vody mohou b�t r�zn�, ale p�esto bych r�d uv�tal koment��e, hl�en� 
chyb a n�vrhy na zlep�en�.

4. Historie

 Popis zm�n najdete v souboru langpack_czech_history.txt.