; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Extra Icons Service                             |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: Robyer <robyer (zavin��) seznam (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting then (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
Pro vytvo�en�/zru�en� skupiny si ozna�te ikony (CTRL+lev� tla��tko) a pou�ijte kontextov� menu (prav� tla��tko)
[* only the first %d icons will be shown]
* bude zobrazeno pouze prvn�ch %d ikon
[AIM Extended Status]
AIM roz���en� stav
[E-mail (uinfoex)]
E-mail (uinfoex)
[Jabber Activity]
Jabber aktivita
[AIM Account Type]
Typ AIM ��tu
[Reminder (uinfoex)]
P�ipom�nka (uinfoex)
[ICQ XStatus]
ICQ XStatus
[Homepage (uinfoex)]
Domovsk� str�nka (uinfoex)
[Jabber Mood]
Jabber n�lada

[Select the extra icons to be shown in the contact list:]
Zvolte dopl�kov� ikony kter� budou zobrazeny v seznamu kontakt�:

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