; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Import                                          |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

; Generated by lpgen on Mon Jan 17 14:26:29 2005
; Translations: 35

; main.c

; mirabilis.c
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
Po�adovan� soubor neexistuje. Zkontrolujte pros�m, zda je zadan� n�zev v po��dku.
[Mirabilis Import]
Mirabilis - import dat
[Mirabilis ICQ database indexes (*.idx)\0*.IDX\0All Files (*)\0*\0]
Mirabilis ICQ - indexy datab�ze (*.idx)\0*.IDX\0All Files (*)\0*\0

; miranda.c
[Miranda Import]
Miranda - import dat
[Miranda IM database (*.dat)\0*.DAT\0All Files (*)\0*\0]
Miranda IM - datab�ze (*.dat)\0*.DAT\0All Files (*)\0*\0

; wizard.c
;(DUP) [Cancel]

; resource.rc
[From a Miranda IM database.]
Z datab�ze klienta Miranda IM
[From a Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a) database.]
Z datab�ze klienta Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a)
[Use the Find/Add contacts tool to populate my contact list.]
Dopln�n� kontakt� pomoc� funkce 'Vyhledat kontakty'
[Do not load the import plugin at startup again]
Nad�le ji� dopln�k Import nespou�t�t
;(LAI) [Progress1]
[Import all contacts and all messages]
Importovat v�echny kontakty a zpr�vy
[Only import contacts]
Importovat pouze kontakty
[&Next >]
&Dal�� >
[&Other Database...]
&Jin� datab�ze...
[&Other Profile...]
Jin� pr&ofil...
[< &Back]
< &Zp�t
[Choose how you would like to import:]
Vyberte jeden ze zp�sob� importu dat:
[This wizard will help you import contacts and message history from Mirabilis ICQ, as well as letting you import from other Miranda IM profiles.]
Tento pr�vodce v�m umo�n� import kontakt� a historie zpr�v z origin�ln�ho programu Mirabilis ICQ nebo z jin�ch profil� Mirandy.
[Click "Next" to choose the information you wish to import, or click "Cancel" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.]
Po kliknut� na tla��tko "Dal��" p�ejdete k v�b�ru z mo�nost� importu dat. Tla��tkem "Zru�it" pr�vodce ukon��te.
[If you wish to import more information, click "Next" to return to the start of the wizard, otherwise click "Finish" to start using Miranda.]
Chcete-li importovat dal�� data, klikn�te na tla��tko "Dal��". Pokud ne, klikn�te na tla��tko "Dokon�it".
[You will probably never need to use this wizard again, so you can save memory by not loading it every time you start Miranda. This will mean that the import menu item will no longer be available.]
Je pravd�podobn�, �e Pr�vodce importem dat ji� nebudete pot�ebovat, a proto doporu�ujeme p��slu�n� dopln�k (Import) deaktivovat.
[Import completed]
Import dat dokon�en
[If at a future date you wish to use the wizard again, you can make it load again by going to the Plugins section of the Options dialog box.]
Pokud byste v budoucnu p�ece jen cht�li Pr�vodce importem dat pou��t, sta�� aktivovat p��slu�n� dopln�k (Import) v Nastaven�, sekci Dopl�ky.
[Miranda has found Mirabilis ICQ databases corresponding to the following ICQ numbers. Please select the one you wish to import, or click "Other Database" if your database is not listed.]
Pr�vodce na�el n�e uveden� datab�ze programu Mirabilis ICQ. Vyberte po�adovan� ��slo ICQ nebo klikn�te na tla��tko "Jin� datab�ze" a vyberte vlastn�.
[Miranda has found Miranda profiles with the following names. Please select the one you wish to import, or click "Other Profile" if your profile is not listed, or if the list is empty.]
Pr�vodce na�el n�e uveden� profily programu Miranda. Vyberte po�adovan� profil nebo klikn�te na tla��tko "Jin� profil" a vyberte vlastn�.
[Now importing...]
Import dat...
[Select this if you want to import as much data as possible. This is the recommended option.]
Vyberte tehdy, chcete-li naimportovat v�echno. Tuto mo�nost doporu�ujeme.
[Select this if you want to import contacts but don't want to import any message history.]
Vyberte tehdy, chcete-li naimportovat jen kontakty bez historie zpr�v.
[Miranda has now been configured to automatically download the contacts in your server-side contact list the next time you connect to ICQ.]
Miranda je nyn� nastavena tak, �e p�i p��t�m p�ipojen� k s�ti ICQ automaticky st�hne ve�ker� kontakty um�st�n� na serveru t�to slu�by.
[If you want to change the way Miranda handles server-side contacts at a later time, you can do this in the "ICQ Contacts" page in the Miranda options.]
Budete-li cht�t pozd�ji zm�nit zp�sob, kter�m Miranda IM pracuje s kontakty um�st�n�mi na serveru, v nastaven� programu p�ejd�te do sekce "S�t�->ICQ Kontakty".
[Import Information Wizard]
Pr�vodce importem dat

; N�zev dopl�ku
[Import contacts and messages]
Import kontakt� a zpr�v

[It is recommended that you create a backup of your current Miranda profile before importing.]
P�edt�m ne� budete pokra�ovat, doporu�ujeme v�m zaz�lohovat st�vaj�c� profil.
[Warning: Mirabilis ICQ running. Import may not be reliable.]
Upozorn�n�: Je spu�t�n� program Mirabilis ICQ. P�i importu dat m��e doj�t k chyb�.

; ---