; /----------------------------------------------------------\ ; | Ping Protocol | ; \----------------------------------------------------------/ ; ; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz> ; ; Generated by lpgen on Thu Apr 28 15:35:00 2005 ; Translations: 57 ; menu.cpp [Disable] Vypnout ;(DUP) [Enable] [PING] Ping ;(DUP) [Enable All Pings] ;(DUP) [Disable All Pings] [Graph] Graf [Edit...] Upravit... ; options.cpp [You cannot set any status to the same as 'disabled'] ��dn� ze stav� se nesm� rovnat tomu 'p�i vypnut�'. ;(DUP) [Error] ;(DUP) [<none>] ;(DUP) [Network] [PING Destinations] Ping Adresy ; pingproto.cpp [Old PingPlug data detected in database.\nWould you like to import?] V profilu je ulo�eno nastaven� dopl�ku\nPingPlug. Chcete je naimportovat? [Should I ask this question again\nnext time you start Miranda?] Chcete tuto ot�zku zopakovat p�i p��t�m\nspu�t�n� programu Miranda? [Failed to initialize. Plugin disabled.] Chyba p�i inicializaci; dopln�k byl vypnut. [PING Protocol] Protokol Ping ; rawping.cpp [Host %s requests that you reduce the amount of traffic you are sending.] Upozorn�n�! Zahlcujete hostitele %s\np��li� velk�m mno�stv�m dat. Zvy�te dobu mezi\njednotliv�mi dotazy (=pingy). ; pingproto.rc ;(DUP) [Timeout] ;(DUP) [Log to File] ;(DUP) [Reply] ;(DUP) [Block Repetitions] [Do not change status when testing] P�i ov��ov�n� dostupnosti nem�nit stav [Hide in status bar and status menu (requires restart - uncheck to set icons)] Skr�t polo�ku menu i ikonu ze stavov� li�ty (vy�aduje restart) [TCP Connect] TCP Connect ;(DUP) [OK] ;(DUP) [View Log] ;(DUP) [Browse...] ;(DUP) [Add] ;(DUP) [Remove] ;(DUP) [Edit] ;(DUP) [Up] ;(DUP) [Down] ;(DUP) [Cancel] [Delay between pings (secs):] Doba mezi dotazy (sek.): [Ping timeout (secs):] Dotaz vypr�� po (sek.): ;(DUP) [Log Filename:] [Responding Status:] Stav p�i odpov�d�n�: [Not Responding Status:] Stav pokud nereaguje: [Testing Status:] Stav p�i ov��ov�n�: [Disabled Status:] Stav p�i vypnut�: ;(DUP) [Address:] ;(DUP) [Label:] ;(DUP) [Port:] ;(DUP) [Set my status to:] [On success, if my status is:] Je-li v�e v po��dku a stav: ;(DUP) [Configuration] ;(DUP) [Logging] ;(DUP) [PopUps] ;(DUP) [Status] ;(DUP) [Ping Destinations] ;(DUP) [Contact] ;(DUP) [Protocols] [Ping Destination] C�lov� adresa [Disable all pings] Deaktivovat v�echny pingy [Enable all pings] Deaktivovat v�echny pingy [Options...] Mo�nosti... [Destinations...] Adresy... ; NEPUBLIKOVAN� [Add to contact list group:] P�idat do skupiny kontakt�: [Set my status to:] Zm�nit stav na: [Execute the following command on double-click:] Dvoj�m kliknut�m spustit n�sleduj�c� p��kaz: [(Optional) Command Parameters:] Argumenty p��kazu: ; ---