; /----------------------------------------------------------\ ; | Spam-o-tron | ; \----------------------------------------------------------/ ; ; P�eklad: Cree <michal.tomasek (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com> ; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=4286 ; [Do not send more than] Nepos�lat v�ce ne� [times a day] kr�t denn� [Contact approved] Kontakt schv�len [Preview] N�hled [messages to one contact per day] zpr�v jednomu kontaktu za den [Settings] Nastaven� [Default timeout] V�choz� doba zobrazen� [Background] Pozad� [Foreground] Pop�ed� [Add permanently to list on verified] Po schv�len� p�idat do seznamu na trvalo [Flood protection] Ochrana proti zahlcen� [Do not reply to messages with words in this list:] Neodpov�dat na zpr�vy obsahuj�c� slova z tohoto seznamu: [Windows colors] Barvy Windows [Log actions to system history] Zaznamenat ud�losti do historie syst�mu [Contact blocked] Kontakt zablokov�n [Outgoing message] Odchoz� zpr�va [Hide contact until verified] Skr�t kontakt dokud nen� schv�len [Challenge sent] V�zva odesl�na [Appearance] Vzhled [Enabled accounts:] Povolen� ��ty: [Do not reply to the same message more than] Neodpov�dat na stejnou zpr�vu v�ce ne� [Default colors] V�choz� barvy [Enable popup notifications] Povolit ozn�men� [Timeout] Doba zobrazen� [Auto approve on:] Automaticky schv�lit p�i: [Analyze] Analyzovat [Response: (saved in %response% variable)] Odpov��: (ulo�eno v prom�n� %response%) [Reply on success:] Odpov�� p�i schv�len�: [Incoming message with any word from list:] P��choz� zpr�va obsahuj�c� slovo z tohoto seznamu: [Send challenge on authorization request:] Odeslat v�zvu p�i po�adavku o autorizaci: [Keep blocked messages in contact history] Ponechat blokovan� zpr�vy v historii kontaktu [and mark them unread after approval] a po schv�len� je ozna�it jako nep�e�ten� [Send challenge on incoming message:] Odeslat v�zvu p�i p��choz� zpr�v�: [Case-sensitive] Rozli�ovat velikost p�smen [Mode:] M�d: [Math expression] Matematick� v�raz [Filtering options] Mo�nosti filtrov�n� ;[Ham] ;Ham ;[Spam] ;Spam [Will be automatically evaluated from %mathexpr%] Bude automaticky vyhodnocen z %mathexpr% [Learned ham messages:] Nau�en�ch ham zpr�v: ;[Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.] ;Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%. ;[Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with "%response%" without quotes.] ;Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with "%response%" without quotes. ;[Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.] ;Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%. ;[Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with "%response%" without quotes.] ;Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with "%response%" without quotes. [Do not send challenge request if message score above] Neodes�lat v�zvu pokud m� zpr�va index nad [Auto-learn messages from contacts if not approved in] Automaticky br�t zpr�vy od kontakt� nepotvrzen�ch do [days as spam] dn� jako spam [Auto approve contact if message score below] Schv�lit kontakt pokud m� zpr�va index pod [Learn message:] Learn message: [Do not enable any of these options until Spam-o-tron have learned at least 20 of ham and 50 of spam messages.] Nezap�nejte ��dnou z t�chto voleb dokud Spam-o-tron nepozn� alespo� 20 zpr�v jako ham a 50 zpr�v jako spam. [Verified.] Schv�len. [Auto-learn messages from approved contacts as ham] Automaticky ur�ovat zpr�vy od schv�len�ch kontakt� jako ham [and learn as ham] a ur�it jako ham [Learned spam messages:] Nau�en�ch spam zpr�v: [Auto-learn outgoing messages as ham] Automaticky ur�ovat odchoz� zpr�vy jako ham [will be saved in %mathexpr%] bude ulo�en v %mathexpr% [Learning options] Nastaven� u�en� [Their message was] P��choz� zpr�va byla [Sending plain challenge to %s.] Odes�l�m jednoduchou v�zvu pro %s. [Sending math expression challenge to %s.] Odes�l�m matematick� v�raz pro %s. ; ---