; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  TabSRMM                                        |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: http://tabsrmm.sf.net
; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/development/

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\API\m_msg_buttonsbar.h
TabSRMM/Li�ta tla��tek

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\API\m_popup.h

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\chat.rc
[  Show these events]
   Zobrazit tyto ud�losti
[Nick changes]
Zm�ny p�ezd�vky
[Users joining]
P��ch�zej�c� u�ivatele
[Users leaving]
Odch�zej�c� u�ivatele
[Topic changes]
Zm�ny t�matu
[Status changes]
Zm�ny stavu
[User kicks]
Vykopnut� u�ivatele
[Enable chat integration (changing this needs restart)]
Povolit integraci chatu (vy�aduje restart)
[Add new rooms to group:]
Nov� m�stnosti do skupiny:
[Chat integration is disabled. You can enable it here, and then you to NEED RESTART Miranda after making this change.\n\nYou MUST disable the standard chat plugin when you enable the group chat support here. Otherwise no group chat at all may work.]
Integrace chatu je nyn� vypnut�, zde j� m��ete zapnout (pot� je NUTN� RESTARTOVAT Mirandu, aby nastaven� ve�lo v platnost).\n\nTak� pros�m vypn�te standardn� modul pro chat, pokud se rozhodnete pou��vat integrovan�. Pokud tak neu�in�te, chat nejsp� nebude fungovat v�bec.
[Log files]
Soubory z�znam�
[Enable logging to disk]
Aktivovat z�znam
[Log directory]
Slo�ka pro z�znam
[Maximum size for log files (in kB)]
Maxim�ln� velikost souboru z�znamu (v kB)
[Group chat log formatting]
Form�tov�n� z�znamu chatu
[Your name]
Vl. jm�no
[Other name]
Ost. jm�na
[Timestamp (window)]
�asov� �daj (okno)
[Timestamp (logfile)]
�asov� �daj (z�znam)
[Maximum number of events in the message window]
Maxim�ln� po�et ud�lost� v z�znamu komunikace
[Enable highlighting]
Aktivovat zv�raz�ov�n�
[Words to highlight (wildcards allowed)]
Zv�razn�n� slova (masky jsou povoleny)
[Groupchat userlist row height (pixels)]
V��ka seznamu u�ivatel� skupinov�ho rozhovoru (px)
[Use same style as in the message log]
Pou��t nastaven� pro z�znam komunikace
[Use default colours]
Pou��t v�choz� barvy
[Use custom colours]
Pou��t vlastn� barvy
[Popups for the Chat plugin]
Oznamovac� okna
[Timeout (s)]
Prodleva (s)
[(The timeout require at least PopUp plugin v Setting it to 0 means default setting and -1 means indefinite time)]
(*) Tato funkce vy�aduje dopln�k typu Popup (0 = v�choz� nastaven�, -1 = vypnut� prodlevy)
[Clear lo&g]
Vy&mazat z�znam
[Co&py all]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Word lookup]
Vyhled�v�n� slova
[Open a &new browser window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in current browser window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[&Copy link]
Z&kop�rovat odkaz
[Undo  ]
[Select All]
Vybrat v�e
[&Close tab]
&Zav��t panel
[C&lose other tabs]
Zav��t ostatn� pane&ly
[&Open at this position]
&Otev��t na stejn�m m�st�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\clist.c
[Chat rooms]
M�stnosti chatu
[Join chat]
P�idat se do diskuse
[Open chat window]
Otev��t komunika�n� okno

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\colorchooser.c
[Text colour]
Barva textu
[Background colour]
Barva pozad�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\log.c
[%s (%s)]
%s (%s)
[%s has joined]
P��chod: %s
[You have joined %s]
P��chod na %s
[%s has left]
Odchod: %s
[%s has disconnected]
Odpojen�: %s
[%s is now known as %s]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky: %s -> %s
[You are now known as %s]
Zm�na vlastn� p�ezd�vky: %s
[%s kicked %s]
Vykopnut�: %s -> %s
[Notice from %s: ]
Pozn�mka od %s:
[The topic is \'%s%s\']
T�ma: \'%s%s\'
[ (set by %s on %s)]
 (nastavil %s na %s)
[ (set by %s)]
 (nastavil %s)
[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s]
Aktivace stavu: %s, \'%s\' pro %s
[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s]
Deaktivace stavu: %s, \'%s\' pro %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\options.c
�asov� �daj
[Others nicknames]
Ostatn� p�ezd�vky
[Your nickname]
Va�e p�ezd�vka
[User has joined]
P��chod na kan�l
[User has left]
Odchod z kan�lu
[User has disconnected]
Odpojen� u�ivatele
[User kicked ...]
[User is now known as ...]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[Notice from user]
[Incoming message]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Outgoing message]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[The topic is ...]
Zobrazen� t�matu
[Information messages]
[User enables status for ...]
Aktivace stavu pro ...
[User disables status for ...]
Deaktivace stavu pro ...
[Action message]
[Highlighted message]
Zv�razn�n� zpr�va
[Chat log symbols (Webdings)]
Symboly v z�znamu chatu (Webdings)
[User list members (Online)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (online)
[User list members (away)]
Seznam ��astn�k� (pry�)
[>> Outgoing messages]
>> Odchoz� zpr�vy
[>> Outgoing misc events]
>> Odchoz� ud�losti
[<< Incoming messages]
<< P��choz� zpr�vy
[<< Incoming misc events]
<< P��choz� ud�losti
[>> Outgoing name]
>> Odchoz� jm�no
[>> Outgoing timestamp]
>> Odchoz� �as
[<< Incoming name]
<< P��choz� jm�no
[<< Incoming timestamp]
<< P��choz� �as
[>> Outgoing messages (old)]
>> Odchoz� zpr�vy (star�)
[>> Outgoing misc events (old)]
>> Odchoz� ud�losti (star�)
[<< Incoming messages (old)]
<< P��choz� zpr�vy (star�)
[<< Incoming misc events (old)]
<< P��choz� ud�losti (star�)
[>> Outgoing name (old)]
>> Odchoz� jm�no (star�)
[>> Outgoing time (old)]
>> Odchoz� �as (star�)
[<< Incoming name (old)]
<< P��choz� jm�no (star�)
[<< Incoming time (old)]
<< P��choz� �as (star�)
[* Message Input Area]
* Psan� zpr�v
[* Status changes]
* Zm�ny stavu
[* Dividers]
* Odd�lova�e
[* Error and warning Messages]
* Chyby a upozorn�n�
[* Symbols (incoming)]
* Symboly (p��choz�)
[* Symbols (outgoing)]
* Symboly (odchoz�)
[Contacts local time]
M�stn� �as kontaktu
[Window caption (skinned mode)]
Titulek okna (se skinem)
[Open new chat rooms in the default container]
Otev�rat nov� m�stnosti ve v�choz�m kontejneru
[Flash window when someone speaks]
Zablikat oknem p�i naps�n� zpr�vy
[Flash window when a word is highlighted]
Zablikat oknem p�i zv�razn�n� slova
[Create container/tab on highlight, if it's not available]
Vytvo�it kontejner/panel p�i zv�razn�n�, nen�-li k dispozici
[Activate chat window on highlight]
Aktivovat okno chatu p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show list of users in the chat room]
Zobrazit seznam u�ivatel� v m�stnosti
[Colorize nicknames in member list]
Obarvovat p�ezd�vky v seznamu �len�
[Show button menus when right clicking the buttons]
Zobrazit kontextov� menu u tla��tek
[Show the topic of the room on your contact list (if supported)]
Zadan� t�ma zobrazit v seznamu kontakt� (je-li to podporov�no)
[Do not play sounds when the chat room is focused]
Nep�ehr�vat zvuky, je-li okno m�stnosti aktivn�
[Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room]
Neaktivovat okno po p��chodu do m�stnosti
[Toggle the visible state when double clicking in the contact list]
P�epnout viditelnost p�i dvoj�m kliknut� na u�ivatele v seznamu
[Sync splitter position with standard IM sessions]
Nastavit pozici odd�lova�e dle ostatn�ch rozhovor�
[Show contact statuses if protocol supports them]
Zobrazit stav kontaktu, pokud je protokol podporuje
[Display contact status icon before user role icon]
Zobrazit ikonu stavu kontaktu p�ed ikonou jeho role
[Use IRC style status indicators in the member list (@, %, + etc.)]
Pou��vat IRC indik�tory stavu v seznamu �len� (@, %, + atd.)
[Use alternative sorting method in member list]
Pou��t alternativn� metodu t��d�n� v seznamu �len�
[Prefix all events with a timestamp]
P�ed ka�dou ud�lost p�idat informaci o �ase
[Only prefix with timestamp if it has changed]
Informaci o �ase p�idat pouze pokud se zm�n�
[Timestamp has same colour as the event]
Pro informaci o �ase pou��t stejnou barvu jakou m� p��slu�n� ud�lost
[Indent the second line of a message]
Odsadit druh� ��dek dlouh� zpr�vy
[Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters]
Omezit d�lku jmen v z�znamu na 20 znak�
[Add \':\' to auto-completed user names]
P�idat dvojte�ku za automaticky dopln�n� jm�no
[Start private conversation on doubleclick in nick list (insert nick if unchecked)]
Soukrom� rozhovor zah�j�te dvojklikem v seznamu p�ezd�vek (chyb�-li p�ezd�vka, zadejte ji)
[Strip colors from messages in the log]
Z�znam ukl�dat bez k�d� definuj�c� barvy
[Enable the \'event filter\' for new rooms]
Povolit \"filtrov�n� ud�lost�\" pro nov� m�stnosti
[Use IRC style status indicators in the log]
Pou��vat IRC indik�tory stavu v z�znamu
[Use text symbols instead of icons in the chat log (faster)]
Pou��t textov� symboly v z�znamu chatu m�sto ikon (rychlej��)
[Make nicknames clickable hyperlinks]
P�ev�st p�ezd�vky na klikac� odkazy
[Colorize nicknames in message log]
Obarvovat p�ezd�vky v z�znamu konverzace
[Scale down icons to 10x10 pixels in the chat log]
Zm�nit velikost ikon na 10x10 pixel� v z�znamu chatu
[Draw dividers to mark inactivity]
Odd�lit neaktivn� rozhovory ��rou
[Use the containers popup configuration to place dividers]
Odd�lova�e umis�ovat dle konfigurace ozn�men�
[Support math module plugin]
Podporovat dopln�k MathModule
[Show topic changes]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� t�matu
[Show users joining]
Zobrazit informaci o p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show users disconnecting]
Zobrazit informaci o odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show messages]
Zobrazit zpr�vy
[Show actions]
Zobrazit akce
[Show users leaving]
Zobrazit informaci o odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show users being kicked]
Zobrazit informaci o vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show notices]
Zobrazit pozn�mky
[Show users changing name]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� jm�na
[Show information messages]
Zobrazit informativn� zpr�vy
[Show status changes of users]
Zobrazit informaci o zm�n� stavu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for topic changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� t�matu
[Show icon for users joining]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show icon for messages]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu zpr�vy
[Show icon for actions]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu akce
[Show icon for highlights]
Zobrazit ikonu ke zv�razn�n�
[Show icon for users leaving]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o vykopnut�
[Show icon for notices ]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu pozn�mky
[Show icon for name changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� jm�na
[Show icon for information messages]
Zobrazit ikonu k textu informativn� zpr�vy
[Show icon for status changes]
Zobrazit ikonu k informaci o zm�n� stavu
[Show icons in tray only when the chat room is not active]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti pouze p�i neaktivn�m okn� s diskus�
[Show icon in tray for topic changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� t�matu
[Show icon in tray for users joining]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for messages]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy
[Show icon in tray for actions]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i akci
[Show icon in tray for highlights]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show icon in tray for users leaving]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show icon in tray for notices ]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti u pozn�mky
[Show icon in tray for name changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� jm�na
[Show icon in tray for information messages]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i p�ijet� informativn� zpr�vy
[Show icon in tray for status changes]
Zobrazit ikonu v ozn. oblasti p�i zm�n� stavu
[Skip all popups when no channel window is opened]
Vynechat v�echna ozn�men�, pokud nen� otev�eno ��dn� okno
[Show pop-up for topic changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� t�matu
[Show pop-up for users joining]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p��chodu u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for users disconnecting]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i odpojen� u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for messages]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p�ijet� zpr�vy
[Show pop-up for actions]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i akci
[Show pop-up for highlights]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zv�razn�n�
[Show pop-up for users leaving]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i odchodu u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for users kicking other user]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i vykopnut� u�ivatel�
[Show pop-up for notices ]
Zobrazit ozn�men� u pozn�mky
[Show pop-up for name changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� jm�na
[Show pop-up for information messages]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i p�ijet� informativn� zpr�vy
[Show pop-up for status changes]
Zobrazit ozn�men� p�i zm�n� stavu
[Log topic changes]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny t�matu
[Log users joining]
Zaznamen�vat p�ipojen� u�ivatele
[Log users disconnecting]
Zaznamen�vat odpojen� u�ivatele
[Log messages]
Zaznamen�vat zpr�vy
[Log actions]
Zaznamen�vat akce
[Log highlights]
Zaznamen�vat zv�razn�n�
[Log users leaving]
Zaznamen�vat odchod u�ivatele
[Log users kicking other user]
Zaznamen�vat vykopnut� u�ivatele jin�m
[Log notices ]
Zaznamen�vat pozn�mky
[Log name changes]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny jmen
[Log information messages]
Zaznamen�vat infozpr�vy
[Log status changes]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny stavu
[Window Icon]
Ikona okna
[Room settings]
Nastaven� m�stnosti
[Event filter disabled]
Filtrov�n� ud�lost� deaktivov�no
[Event filter enabled]
Filtrov�n� ud�lost� aktivov�no
[Icon overlay]
P�ekryvn� ikona
[Show nicklist]
Zobrazit seznam p�ezd�vek
[Hide nicklist]
Skr�t seznam p�ezd�vek
[Status 1 (10x10)]
Stav �.1 (10x10)
[Status 2 (10x10)]
Stav �.2 (10x10)
[Status 3 (10x10)]
Stav �.3 (10x10)
[Status 4 (10x10)]
Stav �.4 (10x10)
[Status 5 (10x10)]
Stav �.5 (10x10)
[Status 6 (10x10)]
Stav �.6 (10x10)
[Message in (10x10)]
P��choz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Message out (10x10)]
Odchoz� zpr�va (10x10)
[Action (10x10)]
Akce (10x10)
[Add Status (10x10)]
P�idat stav (10x10)
[Remove Status (10x10)]
Odstranit stav (10x10)
[Join (10x10)]
P�idat (10x10)
[Leave (10x10)]
Opustit (10x10)
[Quit (10x10)]
Ukon�it (10x10)
[Kick (10x10)]
Vykopnout (10x10)
[Notice (10x10)]
Pozn�mka (10x10)
[Nickchange (10x10)]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky (10x10)
[Topic (10x10)]
T�ma (10x10)
[Highlight (10x10)]
Zv�razn�n� (10x10)
[Information (10x10)]
Informace (10x10)
[TabSRMM/Group chat windows]
TabSRMM/Okna pro rozhovor
[TabSRMM/Group chat log]
TabSRMM/Z�znam rozhovoru
[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
Nastaven� vzhledu a funkc� komunika�n�ch oken
[Appearance of the message log]
Nastaven� vzhledu z�znamu komunikace
[Default events to show in new chat rooms if the \'event filter\' is enabled]
V�choz� nastaven� zobrazen� ud�lost� p�i aktivovan�m \"filtrov�n� ud�lost�\"
[Icons to display in the message log]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� ikon v z�znamu komunikace
[Icons to display in the tray and the message window tabs / title]
Ikony zobrazen� v oznamovac� oblasti a v panelech/titulku okna
[Log these events to the log file (when file logging is enabled)]
Zapisovat tyto ud�losti do souboru z�znamu (je-li povoleno)
[Pop-ups to display]
Mo�nosti zobrazen� oken s ozn�men�m
[You should now immediatly restart Miranda to make this change take effect.]
Nyn� byste m�li ihned zrestartovat Mirandu, ��m� vejdou zm�ny v platnost.
[tabSRMM Message]
Zpr�va TabSRMM
[Channel operators]
Spr�vci m�stnost�
[Half operators]
Polovi�n� spr�vci
[Extended mode 1]
Roz���en� m�d 1
[Extended mode 2]
Roz���en� m�d 1
[Selection background]
Pozad� v�b�ru
[Selected text]
Vybran� text
[Incremental search highlight]
Zv�razn�n� inkrement�ln�ho vyhled�v�n�
[Outgoing background]
Pozad� odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Outgoing background(old)]
Odchoz� pozad� (star�)
[Incoming background(old)]
P��choz� pozad� (star�)
[Input area background]
Pozad� psan� zpr�vy
[Status background]
Pozad� stavu
[Log Background]
Pozad� z�znamu
[Incoming background]
Pozad� p��choz�ch zpr�v
[Horizontal Grid Lines]
Vodorovn� linky m��ky
[Fields background]
Pozad� pol�
[TabSRMM/Group Chats]
[Userlist background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Select Folder]
Vyberte po�adovanou slo�ku
[Message is highlighted]
Zv�razn�n� zpr�vy
[User has performed an action]
Proveden� akce
[User has kicked some other user]
Vykopnut� z kan�lu
[User's status was changed]
Zm�na stavu u�ivatele
[User has changed name]
Zm�na p�ezd�vky
[User has sent a notice]
Odesl�n� pozn�mky
[The topic has been changed]
Zm�na t�matu diskuse

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\services.c
[Chat Rooms]
M�stnosti chatu

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\tools.c
[%s wants your attention in %s]
%s ��d� o pozornost na kan�le %s
[%s speaks in %s]
%s p�e (na %s)
[%s has joined %s]
%s p�i�el (na %s)
[%s has left %s]
%s ode�el (z %s)
[%s kicked %s from %s]
%s vykopnul %s (z %s)
[Notice from %s]
Pozn�mka (napsal: %s)
[Topic change in %s]
Zm�na t�matu na %s
[Information in %s]
Informace (na %s)
[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s aktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s in %s]
%s deaktivuje \'%s\' (-> %s, na %s)
[%s says: %s]
%s p�e: %s
[%s %s]
%s %s
[%s has left (%s)]
%s ode�el (%s)
[%s has disconnected (%s)]
%s se odpojil (%s)
[%s kicked %s (%s)]
%s vykopnul %s (%s)
[Notice from %s: %s]
Pozn�mka od %s: %s
[The topic is \'%s\']
T�ma je \'%s\'
[The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)]
T�ma je \'%s\' (autor: %s)
[%s %c %s\n]
%s %c %s\n
[%s %s\n]
%s %s\n
[Look up \'%s\':]
Vyhledat \'%s\'
[No word to look up]
Nen� co vyhledat
[Character Encoding]
K�dov� str�nka

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\chat\window.c
[Nick name]
[Unique id]
[%s: Chat Room (%u user%s)]
%s: m�stnost (��astn�k�: %u)
[%s: Chat Room (%u users%s)]
%s: m�stnost (��astn�k�: %u)
[%s: Message Session]
%s: rozhovor
[%s: Message Session (%u users)]
%s: rozhovor (��astn�k�: %u)
[The filter canoot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]
Filtr nelze povolit, nebo� nejsou vybr�ny ��dn� typy ud�lost�, a� u� glob�ln�, nebo pro tuto m�stnost.
[Event filter error]
Chyba filtru ud�lost�
[WARNING: new tabindex: %d]
UPOZORN�N�: nov� tabindex: %d

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tabmodplus\modplus.c
[Insert [img] tag / surround selected text with [img][/img]]
Vlo�it zna�ku [img] / uzav��t vybran� text do [img][/img]
[Insert [/img] tag]
Vlo�it zna�ku [img]

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\tabmodplus\msgoptions_plus.c
[Message window tweaks (changing any of them requires a restart)]
Pokro�il� �pravy okna (zm�ny vejdou v platnost po restartu Mirandy)
[General tweaks]
Obecn� �pravy
[Enable image tag button (*)]
Povolit tla��tko IMG (*)
[Show client icon in status bar (fingerprint plugin required) (*)]
Zobrazit ikonu klienta ve stavov� li�t� (vy�aduje fingerprint.dll (*)
[Enable typing sounds (*)]
Povolit zvuk p�i psan� zpr�vy (*)
[Disable animated GIF avatars (*)]
Zak�zat animovan� GIF avatary (*)
[Enable fix for nicklist scroll bar]
Povolit opravu posuvn�ku v seznamu p�ezd�vek
[Close current tab on send]
Zav��t panel po odesl�n�
[Enable icon pack version check (*)]
Povolit kontrolu verze knihovny ikon (*)
[Disable error popups on sending failures]
Zak�zat ozn�men� chyby p�i nedoru�en� zpr�vy

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\buttonsbar.c
[Protocol Button]
Tla��tko protokolu
[Info button]
Tla��tko Informace
[Insert Emoticon]
Vlo�it smajl�k 
[Bold text]
Tu�n� text
[Italic text]
[Underlined text]
Podtr�en� text
[Strike-through text]
P�e�krtnut� text
[Select font color]
V�b�r barvy textu
[Send message\nClick dropdown arrow for sending options]
Poslat zpr�vu\nKliknut�m na �ipku zobraz�te mo�nosti odesl�n�
[Close session]
Zav��t rozhovor
[Quote last message OR selected text]
Citovat posledn� zpr�vu NEBO vybran� text
[Message Log Options]
Mo�nosti z�znamu komunikace
[View User's History]
Zobrazit historii
[Avatar Options]
Nastaven� avataru
[Change background color]
Zm�nit barvu pozad�
[Toggle nick list]
P�epnout seznam p�ezd�vek
[Event filter - right click to setup, left click to activate/deactivate]
Filtr ud�lost� - prav�m tla��tkem nastav�te, lev�m aktivujete/deaktivujete
[Channel manager]
Spr�va kan�l�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\container.c
[Do you really want to close this session?]
Chcete opravdu tento rozhovor zav��t?
[Message Log]
Z�znam komunikace
[Sounds are %s. Click to toggle status, hold SHIFT and click to set for all open containers]
Zvuky jsou %s. Kliknut�m stav zm�n�te, kliknut�m se SHIFTem nastav�te pro v�echny otev�en� kontejnery.
[Sending typing notifications is %s.]
Odes�l�n� ozn�men� o psan� je %s.
[There are %d pending send jobs. Message length: %d bytes, message length limit: %d bytes]
Ve front� je %d zpr�v k odesl�n�. D�lka zpr�vy: %d bajt�, limit d�lky zpr�vy: %d bajt�
[Stay on Top]
V�dy navrchu
[Hide titlebar]
Skr�t z�hlav� okna
[Container options...]
Mo�nosti kontejneru...
[Message Session...]
[The requested action requires a valid contact selection. Please select a contact from the contact list and repeat]
Po�adovanou operaci lze prov�st a� po v�b�ru osoby ze seznamu kontakt�.
[Parameter mismatch]
Parametry nesouhlas�
[%s (%s) - Idle: %d:%02d:%02d]
%s (%s) - Ne�inn�: %d:%02d:%02d
[Show session list (right click to show quick menu)]
Zobrazit seznam rozhovor� (prav� tl. zobraz� rychl� menu)
[Message Session]
[Attach to]
P�ipojit k
[Meta Contact]
Meta kontakt
Automatick� v�b�r
[Use Protocol]
Pou��t protokol
[Set Default Protocol]
Nastavit v�choz� protokol

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\containeroptions.c
[General options]
Hlavn� mo�nosti
[Window layout]
Vzhled okna
[Select, in which cases you want to see event notifications for this message container. These options are disabled when you are using one of the "simple" notifications modes]
Zvolte p��pady, ve kter�ch chcete vid�t upozorn�n� na ud�losti pro tento kontejner. Pokud pou��v�te jednen ze zjednodu�en�ch re�im� upozor�ov�n�, jsou tyto prvky neaktivn�.
[Title bar]
Z�hlav� okna
[Window size and theme]
Velikost okna a vzhled
[You can select a private theme (.tabsrmm file) for this container which will then override the default message log theme.]
Pro tento kontejner m��ete vybrat zvl᚝ vzhled z�znamu. Takov� nastaven� obch�z� v�choz� vzhled.
[This feature requires Windows 2000 or later and is not available when custom container skins are in use]
Tato funkce vy�aduje Windows 2000 �i nov�j�� a nen� dostupn� v p��pad�, �e je aplikov�n skin na kontejner.
[Container options]
Mo�nosti kontejneru
[\tConfigure container options]
Konfigurace kontejneru

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\eventpopups.c
[One of your popup actions is set to DISMISS EVENT.\nNote that this options may have unwanted side effects as it REMOVES the event from the unread queue.\nThis may lead to events not showing up as "new". If you don't want this behaviour, please review the Event Notifications settings page.]
Jedna z akc� pro ozn�men� je nastavena na ZAV��T UD�LOST.\nToto nastaven� m��e m�t necht�n� vedlej�� ��inky, nebo� odstra�uje nep�e�ten� ud�losti z fronty.\nD�ky tomu se nemus� zobrazovat ud�losti jako \"nov�\". Pokud chcete zamezit tomuto chov�n�, zkontrolujte nastaven� v hlavn� nab�dce -> Mo�nosti -> Komunikace -> Ozn�men� ud�losti.
[Announce events of type...]
Oznamovat tyto ud�losti:
[System tray and floater options]
Oznamovac� oblast a plovouc� pomocn�k
[Left click actions (popups only)]
Kliknut� lev�ho tla��tka my�i na ozn�men�
[Right click actions (popups only)]
Kliknut� prav�ho tla��tka my�i na ozn�men�
[Timeout actions (popups only)]
Vypr�en� �asov�ho limitu ozn�men�
[Popup merging (per user) options]
Slu�ov�n� ozn�men� (pro jednoho u�ivatele)
[Remove popups under following conditions]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� p�i t�chto podm�nk�ch:
[Show a preview of the event]
Zobrazit n�hled ud�losti
[Don't announce event when message dialog is open]
Neoznamovat, je-li konverza�n� okno otev�eno
[Don't announce events from RSS protocols]
Neoznamovat ud�losti z RSS �te�ky
[Enable the system tray icon]
Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovac� oblasti
[Show the floater]
Zobrazit plovouc�ho pomocn�ka
[When floater is enabled, only show it while the contact list is minimized]
Je-li plovouc� pomocn�k povolen, zobrazit jen p�i minimalizovan�m seznamu kontak�
[Show session list menu on the message windows status bar]
Zobrazit seznam aktivn�ch rozhovor� na stavov� li�t� okna
[Merge popups "per user" (experimental, unstable)]
Slu�ovat ozn�men� od jednoho u�ivatele (experiment�ln� funkce)
[Show date for merged popups]
Zobrazit datum ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Show time for merged popups]
Zobrazit �as ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Show headers]
Zobrazit z�hlav� ve slou�en�ch ozn�men�ch
[Dismiss popup]
Zav��t ozn�men�
[Open event]
Otev��t ud�lost
[Dismiss event]
Ozna�it ud�lost jako zhl�dnutou
[Disable ALL event notifications (check, if you're using an external plugin for event notifications)]
Vypnout V�ECHNA ozn�men� ud�losti (za�krtn�te, pokud pou��v�te jin� dopln�k na oznamov�n� ud�losti)
[Message events]
[File events]
P�enos soubor�
[URL events]
P��choz� odkazy
[Other events]
Jin� ud�losti
[Remove event popups for a contact when its message window becomes focused]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� u kontaktu, jeho� komunika�n� okno p�ejde do pop�ed�
[Remove event popups for a contact when you start typing a reply]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� u kontaktu, kter�mu za�nete ps�t odpov��
[Remove event popups for a contact when you send a reply]
Zav�rat upozorn�n� u kontaktu, kter�mu ode�lete odpov��
[Don't use simple mode]
Nepou��vat �ablony
[Notify always]
Upozornit v�dy
[Notify for unfocused sessions]
Upozornit jen pro neaktivn� rozhovory
[Notify only when no window is open]
Upozornit jen pokud nen� otev�eno okno
[Balloon tooltips]
Bublinov� n�pov�da
[On screen display]
[%s requested authorization]
%s ��d� o autorizaci
[%s added you to the contact list]
%s si v�s p�idal mezi kontakty
[New messages: ]
Nov� zpr�vy: 
[This is a sample message event :-)]
Zkou�ka ud�losti Zpr�va :-)
[This is a sample URL event ;-)]
Zkou�ka ud�losti Odkaz ;-)
[This is a sample file event :-D]
Zkou�ka ud�losti Soubor :-D
[This is a sample other event ;-D]
Zkou�ka  jin� ud�losti ;-D
[Message from %s: %s]
Zpr�va od %s: %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\formatting.cpp

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\generic_msghandlers.c
[Open session list]
Otev��t seznam rozhovor�
[Open favorites]
Otev��t obl�ben�
[Open recent contacts]
Otev��t ned�vn� kontakty
[Contact preferences]
P�edvolby kontaktu
[Miranda options]
Mo�nosti Mirandy
[Send message]
Poslat zpr�vu
[User menu]
Zobrazit osobn� �daje
[User details]
Informace o u�ivateli
[%s is typing...]
%s p�e zpr�vu...

[%s is typing a message.]
%s p�e zpr�vu.
[%s has entered text.]
%s napsal text zpr�vy.

[...is typing a message.]
...p�e zpr�vu.
[...has stopped typing.]
...p�estal ps�t.

[UIN: %s]
UIN: %s
[Last received: %s at %s]
Posledn� zpr�va p�ijata %s v %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\hotkeyhandler.c
[tabSRMM Quick Menu]
Rychl� menu TabSRMM
[Session List]
Seznam rozhovor�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgdialog.c
Na p�rty
Na pivku
S kamar�dy
D�v�m si kafe
Za obchodem
Dobr� n�lada
Vysok� �kola
Nen� mi dob�e
[Eating... yummy]
J�dlo... m�amka
[Having fun]
Dob�e se bav�m
[Chit chatting]
Na pokecu
[Going to toilet]
Jde na z�chod
[Add this contact permanently to your contact list]
P�idat tento kontakt do seznamu natrvalo
[Do not add this contact permanently]
Nep�id�vat tento kontakt do seznamu
[Toggle notes display]
Skr�t/zobrazit vlastn� pozn�mky
[Set your visibility for this contact]
Nastavte svou viditelnost v��i tomuto kontaktu
[A message failed to send successfully.]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n� zpr�vy
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
UPOZORN�N�: Zpr�va, kterou se pokou��te vlo�it, je del��, ne� povolen� limit pro tento protokol. Zpr�va bude odesl�na po ��stech o maxim�ln� d�lce %d znak�
[The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent.]
UPOZORN�N�: Zpr�va, kterou se pokou��te vlo�it, je del��, ne� povolen� limit pro tento protokol. Bude odesl�no prvn�ch %d znak�
[Save and close session]
Ulo�it a zav��t rozhovor
[Message Log is frozen]
Z�znam komunikace je pozastaven
[Click for contact menu\nClick dropdown for window settings]
Kliknut�m zobraz�te u�ivatelsk� menu\nKliknut�m na �ipku mo�nosti okna
[Send later]
Poslat pozd�ji
[UIN: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nRight click for MetaContact control\nClick dropdown for infopanel settings]
UIN: %s (SHIFT+klik zkop�ruje UIN do schr�nky)\nKliknut�m zobraz�te detaily kontaktu\nPrav�m tla��tkem zobraz�te mo�nosti metakontaktu\nKliknut�m na �ipku zobraz�te mo�nosti infopanelu.
[No UIN]
[UIN: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nClick dropdown for infopanel settings]
UIN: %s (SHIFT+klik zkop�ruje UIN do schr�nky)\nKliknut�m zobraz�te detaily kontaktu\nKliknut�m na �ipku zobraz�te mo�nosti infopanelu.
[signed off.]
se odhl�sil/a.
[signed on and is now %s.]
se p�ihl�sil/a a je nyn� %s
[changed status from %s to %s.]
zm�nil/a stav z %s na %s.
[Message Log is frozen (%d queued)]
Z�znam komunikace je pozastaven (ve front�: %d)
[Unknown client]
nezn�m� klient
[No extended status message available]
��dn� zpr�va stavu nen� k dispozici
[Delivery failure: %s]
Chyba p�i odes�l�n�: %s
[The message send timed out]
�as na odesl�n� vypr�el
[MULTISEND timeout: %d, %d]
�asov� limit pos�l�n� v�ce kontakt�m: %d, %d 
[iCurrentQueueError out of bounds (%d)]
iCurrentQueueError je mimo rozsah (%d)
[Show Contact Picture]
Zobrazit obr�zek kontaktu
[Message saved for later delivery]
Zpr�va ulo�ena pro pozd�j�� odesl�n�
[Selection copied to clipboard]
V�b�r zkop�rov�n do schr�nky
[Unforce failed]
Chyba p�i ru�en� vynucen�ho
[The selected protocol cannot be forced at this time]
Vybran� protokol nelze pr�v� te� vynutit
[Extended status for %s: %s]
%s (roz���en� stav: %s)
[%s is using]
%s pou��v�
[Status message for %s (%s)]
%s (zpr�va stavu: %s)
[tabSRMM Information]
tabSRMM informace
[Warning: you have selected a subprotocol for sending the following messages which is currently offline]
Upozorn�n�: vybrali jste offline protokol pro odesl�n� n�sleduj�c�ch zpr�v
[Contact is offline and this protocol does not support sending files to offline users.]
Kontakt je offline a tento protokol nepodporuje pos�l�n� soubor� offline u�ivatel�m

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgdlgutils.c
[Error creating destination directory]
Chyba p�i vytv��en� c�lov�ho adres��e
[Save contact picture]
Ulo�it obr�zek kontaktu
[The file exists. Do you want to overwrite it?]
Soubor existuje. Chcete jej p�epsat?
[Contact picture settings...]
Mo�nosti obr�zku...
[Set your avatar...]
Vybrat avatar...
[Do you want to also read message templates from the theme?\nCaution: This will overwrite the stored template set which may affect the look of your message window significantly.\nSelect cancel to not load anything at all.]
Chcete se vzhledem nahr�t tak� �ablony z�znamu?\nUPOZORN�N�: Tato volba p�ep�e ulo�enou sadu �ablon, co� m��e v�znam� ovlivnit vzhled z�znamu komunikace.\nPokud zvol�te Storno, nenahraje se v�bec nic.
[Load theme]
Nahr�t vzhled
[The 'paste and send' feature is disabled. You can enable it on the 'General' options page in the 'Sending Messages' section]
Funkce 'vlo�it a poslat' je vypnut�. M��ete ji zapnout v nab�dce Mo�nosti -> Komunikace -> Obecn�.
[User Id:]
['(Unknown Contact)']
'(nezn�m� kontakt)'

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msglog.c
[Simplified Chinese]
��n�tina (zjednodu�en�)
[Traditional Chinese]
��n�tina (tradi�n�)
[Central European]
[Cyrillic KOI8-R]
cyrilika KOI8-R
[Latin I]
[Korean (Johab)]
korej�tina (Johab)
[Use default codepage]
V�choz� k�dov�n�

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgoptions.c
[Message window behaviour]
Chov�n� komunika�n�ho okna
[Sending messages]
Odes�l�n� zpr�v
[Other options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Send on SHIFT - Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� SHIFT+ENTER
[Send message on 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Send message on double 'Enter']
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Minimize the message window on send]
Minimalizovat okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Close the message window on send]
Zav��t okno kliknut�m na 'Poslat'
[Always flash contact list and tray icon for new messages]
V�dy blikat v seznamu kontakt� a v oznam. oblasti p�i nov� zpr�v�
[Delete temporary contacts on close]
Smazat do�asn� kontakty po zav�en� okna
[Enable event API (support for third party plugins)]
Aktivovat API pro ud�losti (podpora ostatn�ch dopl�k�)
[Allow PASTE AND SEND feature (Ctrl-D)]
Povolit funkci VLO�IT A POSLAT (Ctrl-D)
[Automatically split long messages (experimental, use with care)]
Automaticky rozd�lovat p��li� dlouh� zpr�vy (experiment�ln� fce)
[1 pixel solid]
Tenk� r�me�ek
[Rounded border]
Zaoblen� r�me�ek
[Globally on]
Glob�ln� zapnuto
[On, if present]
Jen kdy� je definovan�
[Globally OFF]
Glob�ln� vypnuto
[Show them if present]
Zobrazit, pokud existuj�
[Don't show them]
[Message log appearance]
Vzhled z�znamu komunikace
[Support for external plugins]
Podpora extern�ch dopl�k�
[Events to show]
Zobrazen� ud�lost�
[Timestamp settings (note: timstamps also depend on your templates)]
Nastaven� �asov�ch �daj� (pozn.: rovn� z�vis� na va�ich �ablon�ch)
[Message log icons]
Ikony v z�znamu komunikace
[Show file events]
Zobrazit informace o p�enosu soubor�
[Show url events]
Zobrazit informace o pos�l�n� odkaz�
[Show timestamps]
Zobrazit �asov� �daje
[Show dates in timestamps]
Zobrazit datum v �asov�m �daji
[Show seconds in timestamps]
Zobrazit sekundy v �asov�m �daji
[Use contacts local time (if timezone info available)]
Pou��t lok�ln� �as kontaktu (je-li dostupn� informace o z�n�)
[Draw grid lines]
Zobrazit m��ku
[Show Icons]
Zobrazit ikony
[Show Symbols]
Zobrazit symboly
[Use Incoming/Outgoing Icons]
Pou��t p��choz� a odchoz� ikony
[Use Message Grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Indent message body]
Odsadit t�lo zpr�vy
[Simple text formatting (*bold* etc.)]
Prost� form�tov�n� textu (*tu�n�* atd.)
[Support BBCode formatting]
Form�tovat text pomoc� BBCode
[Place dividers in inactive sessions]
Vlo�it odd�lova� mezi neaktivn� hovory
[Use popup configuration for placing dividers]
Odd�lova�e umis�ovat dle nastaven� chov�n� oken
[RTL is default text direction]
Zprava doleva je v�choz� sm�r psan�
[Support Math Module plugin]
Zapnout podporu matematick�ch symbol�
[Show events at the new line (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Zobrazit ud�losti na nov�m ��dku (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Underline timestamp/nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Podtrhnout �as/p�ezd�vku (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Show timestamp after nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)]
Zobrazit �as za p�ezd�vkou (re�im kompatibility s IEView)
[Automatically copy selected text]
Automaticky kop�rovat vybran� text
[Use multiple background colors]
Barevn� odli�it pozad� zpr�v
[Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates if your template set supports them)]
Pou��t norm�ln� �ablony (po odzna�en� se pou�ij� jednoduch� �ablony, pokud to sada dovoluje)
[IEView plugin]
Styly (IEView)
[History++ plugin]
Dopln�k History++
[** New contacts **]
** nov� kontakty **
[** Unknown contacts **]
** nezn�m� kontakty **
[Show balloon popup (unsupported system)]
Zobrazit ozn�men� bublinami (nepodporov�no)
[Always, but no popup when window is focused]
Poka�d�, krom� otev�en�ho okna ve v�hledu
[Only when no message window is open]
Jen kdy� nen� ��dn� komunika�n� okno otev�en�
[Tab options]
Mo�nosti panel�
[Message tab and window creation options]
Mo�nosti vytv��en� panel� a oken
[Message dialog visual settings]
Vzhled konverza�n�ho okna
[Miscellaneous options]
Ostatn� mo�nosti
[Show status text on tabs]
Zobrazit text stavu na panelu
[Prefer xStatus icons when available]
Preferovat ikonu roz���en�ho stavu
[Warn when closing a tab or window]
Upozor�ovat p�i zav�r�n� okna �i panelu
[Detailed tooltip on tabs (requires mToolTip or Tipper plugin)]
Zobrazit tipy nad panely (vy�aduje mToolTip �i Tipper)
[ALWAYS pop up and activate new message windows (has PRIORITY!)]
V�DY vyvolat a aktivovat nov� komunika�n� okno (m� PRIORITU!)
[Create new tabs in existing windows without activating them]
Vytv��et (ale neaktivovat) nov� panely v existuj�c�ch oknech
[Create new windows in minimized state]
Vytv��et nov� okna minimalizovan�
[Pop up a minimized window when a new tab is created]
Vyvolat minimalizovan� okno p�i nov� vytvo�en�m panelu
[New events will automatically switch tabs in minimized windows]
P�ep�nat panely v minimalizovan�ch oknech p�i nov� ud�losti
[Don't draw visual styles on toolbar buttons]
Vypnout vizu�ln� styly na tla��tk�ch
[Flat toolbar buttons]
Ploch� tla��tka na li�t�
[Splitters have static edges (uncheck this to make them invisible)]
Pou��t pevn� okraje u d�lic�ch linek (od�krtnut�m zmiz�)
[No visible borders on text boxes]
Skr�t r�me�ky textu
[Always use icon pack image on the smiley button]
V�dy pou��t smajl�ka z knihovny na tla��tko
[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
Zapamatovat a nastavit rozlo�en� kl�vesnice pro ka�d� kontakt zvl᚝
[ESC closes sessions (minimizes window, if disabled)]
Ukon�it rozhovor kl�vesou ESC (jinak minimalizuje okno)
[ESC closes whole container(uncheck for closing per-tab)]
Kl�vesa ESC zav�r� cel� kontejner (jinak pouze panel)
[Close button only hides message container]
Tla��tkem Zav��t pouze kontejner skr�vat
[Allow tabulation (uncheck for TAB focus-switching)]
Povolit tabul�tory (jinak kl�vesa TAB p�ep�n� mezi prvky okna)
[Use global hotkeys (configure modifiers below)]
Pou��t glob�ln� kl�vesov� zkratky (modifik�tory zvolte dole)
[Force more aggressive window updates]
Vynutit agresivn�j�� obnovov�n� okna
[Add offline contacts to multisend list]
P�id�vat offline kontakty do seznamu v�ce p��jemc�
[Dim icons for idle contacts]
Ze�ednout neaktivn� kontakty
[3D - Sunken]
3D - Zano�en�
[3D - Raised inner]
3D - Vystoupl� vnit�n�
[3D - Raised outer]
3D - Vystoupl� vn�j��
3D r�me�ek
[Flat (no border at all)]
Bez r�me�ku
[Message Sessions]
[Group Chats]
Skupinov� rozhovory
[Typing Notify]
Psan� zpr�vy
[Event notifications]
Ozn�men� ud�losti
[Message window skin]
Skin komunika�n�ho okna
Vlastn� �pravy
[Choose status modes]
Vyberte stavy
[Tabs and layout]
Panely a rozvr�en�
[Message log]
Z�znam komunikace
[Tool bar]
Tla��tkov� li�ta
[Advanced tweaks]
Pokro�il� �pravy
[Log formatting]
Form�tov�n� z�znamu
[Load and apply]
[Tab appearance]
Vzhled panel�
[No status message available]
Zpr�va stavu nen� k dispozici

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgs.c
[tabSRMM Session List]
Seznam rozhovor� v tabSRMM
[tabSRMM Tray Menu]
Rychl� menu tabSRMM
[Message from %s]
Zpr�va od: %s
[%s is typing a message]
%s p�e zpr�vu
[Typing Notification]
Upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy
[This plugin requires db3x plugin version or later]
Tento dopln�k vy�aduje dopln�k db3x verze nebo nov�j��.
[&Messaging settings...]
&Nastaven� komunikace...
[Incoming (Focused Window)]
P��choz� (aktivn� okno)
[Incoming (Unfocused Window)]
P��choz� (neaktivn� okno)
[Incoming (New Session)]
P��choz� (nov� konverzace)
[Error sending message]
Chyba p�i pos�l�n� zpr�vy
[TABSRMM: Typing]
TabSRMM: psan�
[Warning: trying to create duplicate window]
Upozorn�n�: pokus o vytvo�en� toto�n�ho okna
[Show History]
Zobrazit historii
[Add contact]
P�idat kontakt
[Multisend indicator]
Indik�tor odes�l�n� v�ce osob�m
[Quote text]
Citovat text
[Save and close]
Ulo�it a zav��t
[Avatar menu]
Nastaven� avataru
[Smiley button]
[Format bold]
[Format italic]
[Format underline]
[Font face]
[Font color]
Barva p�sma
[Format strike-through]
P�e�krtnut� text
[Message delivery error]
Chyba p�i doru�ov�n� zpr�vy
Zm�na stavu
[Static container icon]
Pou��t pro kontejner statickou ikonu
[Sending typing notify is off]
Odes�l�n� upozorn�n� na psan� je vypnuto
[Sounds are On]
Zvuky jsou zapnut�
[Sounds are off]
Zvuky jsou vypnut�
[Message Log frozen]
Z�znam komunikace je pozastaven
[Pulldown Arrow]
Rozbalovac� �ipka
[Left Arrow]
�ipka doleva
[Right Arrow]
�ipka doprava
[Up Arrow]
�ipka nahoru
[Favorite Contacts]
Obl�ben� kontakty
[Recent Sessions]
Posledn� rozhovory
[Setup Sidebar]
Nastaven� postrann� li�ty
[Contact Preferences]
P�edvolby kontaktu
[TabSRMM/Message Log]
TabSRMM/Z�znam komunikace
[TabSRMM/Animated Tray]
TabSRMM/Animace v oznam.oblasti
[The icon pack is either missing or too old.]
Knihovna ikon nen� k dispozici nebo je zastaral�.
[tabSRMM warning]
Upozorn�n� TabSRMM
[You are using an old icon pack (tabsrmm_icons.dll version < 3.5). This can cause missing icons, so please update the icon pack]
Pou��v�te starou knihovnu ikon (tabsrmm_icons.dll verzi <3.5). To m��e m�t za n�sledek chyb�j�c� ikony, aktualizujte pros�m tuto knihovnu.
[Critical: cannot init IcoLib, no resource DLL found.]
Upozorn�n�: nelze inicializovat IcoLib, nebyla nalezena DLL knihovna.

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\msgwindow.rc

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\nen.h
[You were added!]
Byl jste p�id�n
[Requests your authorisation]
��dost o autorizaci
[ICQ Web pager]
ICQ WebPager
[ICQ Email express]
ICQ EmailExpress
[Unknown Event]
Nezn�m� ud�lost

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\resource.rc
[Message send timeout]
�asov� limit na odesl�n�
[Input history size]
Uchovat v historii odes�l�n�
[Options marked with an asterisk (*) will only take effect after Miranda has been restarted.]
Mo�nosti ozna�en� (*) vejdou v platnost po restartu Mirandy
[More about advanced tweaks]
V�ce o pokro�il�ch �prav�ch
[Revert to (safe) defaults]
Obnovit v�choz� hodnoty
[Event notify options]
Nastaven� ozn�men� ud�losti
[Simple configuration]
P�eddefinovan� �ablony
[Announce events with]
Oznamovat ud�losti pomoc�
[Limit message preview to]
Omezit n�hled zpr�vy na
[Announce events when status is...]
Oznamovat ud�losti ve stavu...
[Popup Options]
Mo�nosti ozn�men�
[Timeout (seconds, 0 = default, -1 = no timeout)]
�asov� limit (sekundy, 0 = v�choz�, -1 = bez limitu)
[Preview popup]
N�hled ozn�men�
[All modes]
V�echny stavy
[Choose modes]
V�b�r stav�
[Message log view mode]
Zobrazen� z�znamu
[Select how to display the message log. This setting can be ignored when one of the listed plugins is not installed.]
Vyberte, jak zobrazit z�znam komunikace. Toto nastaven� nebude zohledn�no, pokud nen� n�kter� z n�sleduj�c�ch dopl�k� nainstalov�n.
[Send text formatting method]
Form�tov�n� odes�lan�ho textu
[You can override the global setting for text formatting here. Use "Force Off" to never send formatting info for this contact.]
Zde je mo�no zvolit jin� form�tov�n� textu, ne� je v glob�ln�ch nastaven�ch. Zvol�te-li "V�dy vypnout", nebude se tomuto kontaktu odes�lat form�tov�n� nikdy.
[ANSI codepage]
K�dov� str�nka ANSI
[Codepage for ANSI encoding/decoding when sending or receiving non-unicode messages.]
K�dov� str�nka pro ANSI k�dov�n�/dek�dov�n� p�i komunikaci bez unicode. 
[Info panel mode]
Re�im info panel
[Show contact picture in message window]
Zobrazov�n� avatara v komunika�n�m okn�
[Use private splitter position]
Pou��t soukrom� odd�lova�
[Contact is a favorite contact]
Kontakt je mezi obl�ben�mi
[Never close automatically]
Nikdy nezav�rat automaticky
[Force ANSI send / receive]
V�dy odes�lat/p�ij�mat v ANSI
[Ignore sending timeouts]
Neupozor�ovat na vypr�en� �asu doru�en�
[Load only actual history]
Na��st pouze aktu�ln� historii
[Always trim message log to]
Max. po�et ud�lost� v z�znamu
[Timezone offset]
�asov� p�smo
[Only show tab bar when it's needed]
Skr�t li�tu s panely, je-li jen jeden
[Container stays on top]
Kontejner v�dy navrchu
[Vertical maximize]
Maxim�ln� v��ka
[Use default setting]
Pou��t v�choz� stav
[Flash until focused]
Blikat do pov�imnut�
[Disable flashing]
Vypnout blik�n�
[Enable popups if minimized]
Oznamovat p�i minim. okn�
[Enable popups if unfocused]
Oznamovat p�i neaktivn�m okn�
[Show popups for inactive tabs in active containers]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� pro neaktivn� panely v aktivn�ch kontejnerech
[Sync sounds with popup mode]
Sjednotit zvuky s upozorn�n�m
[Hide the status bar]
Skr�t stavovou li�tu
[Hide the menu bar]
Skr�t hlavn� nab�dku
[Tabs at the bottom]
Panely v doln� ��sti okna
[UIN in Status Bar]
Zobrazit UIN ve stav. li�t�
[Hide the tool bar]
Skr�t li�tu s tla��tky
[Place ToolBar at bottom]
Tla��tkov� li�ta v doln� ��sti okna
[Show the info panel]
Zobrazit info panel
[Hide title bar]
Skr�t z�hlav� okna
[Use static container Icon]
Pou��t pro kontejner statickou ikonu
[Use private title format]
Vlastn� form�t z�hlav� okna
[Use global container size and position]
Pou��t glob�ln� velikost a um�st�n� kontejneru
[Save current as global]
Ulo�it nastaven� jako glob�ln�
[Enable transparency]
Povolit pr�hlednost
[Container settings are private]
Nastaven� kontejneru jsou soukrom�
[Check if you don't want this container to use the global container options. Titlebar format and window position can always be private.]
Zkontrolujte, jestli nechcete pro tento kontejner pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�. Z�hlav� a pozice okna mohou b�t upraveny v�dy individu�ln�.
[Message window options]
Mo�nosti komunika�n�ho okna
[Avatar options (size and scaling only for bottom avatar display)]
Mo�nosti avataru (zm�ny velikosti plat� pouze pro avatar vespod)
[Max. height]
Max. v��ka
[(0 = no limit)]
(0 = neomezen�)
[Show contact avatars]
Zobrazit avatary kontakt�
[Show my own avatars]
Zobrazit m� avatary
[Border type]
Druh okraje
[Automatically close tabs and windows]
Automaticky zav�rat panely a okna
[Automatically close tabs after]
Zav��t panel automaticky po
[minutes of inactivity (0 = disable)]
min. ne�innosti (0 = nezav�rat)
[Also auto-close the last tab and its container]
Zav��t automaticky posledn� panel i kontejner
[Send text formatting:]
Form�tov�n� textu:
[Try to keep original size]
Udr�ovat p�vodn� velikost
[Help on this]
[Indent values]
Velikost odsazen�
[Template sets]
Sady �ablon
[Standard templates...]
Standardn� �ablony...
[RTL templates...]
�ablony Zprava doleva...
[Load History Events]
Na�ten� historie
[Load unread events only]
Pouze nep�e�ten� ud�losti
[Load number of previous events]
Konkr�tn� po�et p�edchoz�ch ud�lost�
[Load previous events less than]
P�edchoz� ud�losti star�� m�n� ne�
[minutes old]
[Global message log display]
Zobrazen� glob�ln�ho z�znamu komunikace
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to the them:]
Poslat upozorn�n� na psan� zpr�vy t�mto vybran�m kontakt�m:
[          Show typing notifications in the message window]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� o psan� v komunika�n�m okn�
[Flash window once on typing events (only if flashing enabled)]
Zablikat jednou oknem jako upozorn�n� na psan� (p�i povolen�m blik�n�)
[          Show typing notifications in the contact list and tray]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� o psan� v seznamu kontakt� a oznam.oblasti
[Show typing notification when message dialog is open]
Upozor�ovat na psan� kdy� je komunika�n� okno otev�en�
[Show typing notification when no message dialog is open]
Zobrazit upozorn�n� i v p��pad�, �e nen� otev�eno okno
[Show balloon tooltip in the system tray]
Zobrazit bublinovou n�pov�du v oznamovac� oblasti
[          Show popups when a user is typing]
          Zobrazit ozn�men� pokud u�ivatel p�e
[More about typing notifications]
V�ce o oznamov�n� psan�
[Info Panel field borders:]
Vzhled okraj� info panelu:
[Setup status modes for automatic tab creation...]
Vybrat stavy pro automatick� vytv��en� panel�...
[Limit nicknames on tabs to]
Omezit d�lku p�ezd�vky na panelu na
[Global hotkey modifiers]
Modifik�tory kl�vesov�ch zkratek
[Select container]
Vybrat kontejner
[Available containers]
Seznam kontejner�
[Create a new container]
Nov� kontejner
[Create new]
[Show this button in regular window]
Zobrazit toto tla��tko v b�n�m okn�
[Show this button in chat window]
Zobrazit toto tla��tko v okn� chatu
[Buttons spacing:]
Rozestup tla��tek:
[Hide if there is not enough space]
Skr�t p�i nedostatku m�sta
[Insert Separator]
Vlo�it odd�lova�
[To set container options, please use the container settings dialog. It is available by:\n1. choosing "container settings" from the system menu of a container.\n2. right clicking the tab or the button bar in any message window.]
Okno s mo�nostmi nastaven� kontejneru lze zobrazit dv�ma zp�soby:\n1. Vyberte polo�ku 'Mo�nosti kontejneru' z nab�dky kontejneru.\n2. V komunika�n�m okn� klikn�te prav�m tla��tkem na panel �i tla��tkovou li�tu.
[Container mode]
Re�im kontejneru
[Use contact list group names for organizing containers]
Pou��t n�zvy skupin pro organizaci kontejner�
[Maximum number of tabs per container]
Maxim�ln� po�et panel� v kontejneru
[Use single window mode (one container per session)]
Pou��t syst�m bez panel� (jeden kontejner na okno)
[Use default container mode (manual contact assignments)]
Pou��t v�choz� re�im kontejner� (ru�n� p�i�azen� kontakt�)
[Container flashing]
Blik�n� kontejneru
[Flash containers]
Po�et zablik�n�
[Flash interval]
Interval blik�n�
[Default window title format]
V�choz� form�t z�hlav� okna
[Help on containers]
N�pov�da ke kontejner�m
[...is &typing]
... p�e zpr�&vu
[...stopped t&yping]
... &dopsal zpr�vu
[U&se Popup colours]
Pou��t glob�ln� na&staven�
[&Use Windows colours]
Po&u��t barvy Windows
[Only &one popup for each contact]
Pouze jedn&o ozn�men� na kontakt
[Show &entry in the main menu]
Zobrazit polo�ku v hlavn�m m&enu
[PopUp timeout (is typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (p�i psan�)
[From PopUp plugin]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[From protocol]
Dle protokolu
[PopUp timeout (stopped typing)]
Doba zobrazen� (po dops�n�)
[Edit template]
Editace �ablony
[Quick help on Variables...]
N�pov�da pro Prom�nn�...
[Double click a template to edit it. Select a template from the list box and click "Update Preview" to show a preview message.]
�ablonu lze za��t upravovat dvoj�m kliknut�m. N�hled zobraz�te kliknut�m na tla��tko 'Obnovit n�hled'.
[Get more help on variables]
Podrobn�j�� n�pov�da pro prom�nn�
[Define up to 5 colors which you can use with some variables]
Zde je mo�no nastavit a� 5 barev pro n�kter� prom�nn�
[Update Preview]
Obnovit n�hled
[Save Template]
Ulo�it �ablonu
[Revert to Default]
Obnovit v�choz�
[Reset all templates...]
Reset v�ech �ablon...
[Tab label colors]
Barvy popisek panel�
[Use windows colors]
Pou��t barvy Windows
[Hot Track (mouse over)]
Po najet� my�i
[Tab background colors]
Barvy pozad� panel�
[NOTE: Background colors will only work with button-style tabs.]
Pozn.: barvy pozad� plat� pouze pro ploch� panely
[Flash icon]
Blikat ikonou
[Flash text label]
Blikat textem v panelu
[Single row tab control]
Panely jen v jednom ��dku
[Default tab width:]
V�choz� ���ka panelu:
[Disable visual styles]
Vypnout vizu�ln� styly
[Use button tabs]
Pou��t ploch� panely
[Tab text label padding vertical]
Odstazen� textu v panelu svisl�
[Tab page padding:]
Odsazen� panel�:
[Bottom tabs vertical adjustment:]
Svisl� odsazen� panel� vespod:
[NOTE: some settings will not affect open containers.]
Pozn.: N�kter� nastaven� hned neovlivn� otev�en� kontejnery.
[Styled tabs]
Pou��t stylov� panely
[Light shadow]
Sv�tl� st�n
[Dark shadow]
Tmav� st�n
[About tabSRMM]
[Load this skin on startup]
Na��st vybran� skin p�i spu�t�n�
[Apply skin now]
Pou��t skin
[Unload skin]
Zru�it skin
[Skin options]
Mo�nosti skinu
[Load fonts and colors provided by skin]
Nahr�t se skinem i p�sma a barvy
[Load templates provided by skin (use with care, will overwrite your templates)]
Nahr�t se skinem i vzhled z�znamu (tato volba p�ep�e va�e �ablony)
[Skinning is only available when running under Windows 2000 or later]
Skiny lze aplikovat pouze pod Windows 2000 �i nov�j��mi
[Show icons]
Zobrazit ikony
[Show symbols]
Zobrazit symboly
[Use different icons to mark incoming and outgoing messages]
Pou��t r�zn� ikony pro ozna�en� p��choz�ch a odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Date and time]
Datum a �as
[Show seconds in timestamp]
Zobrazit sekundy v �asov�m �daji
[Show date in timestamps]
Zobrazit datum v �asov�m �daji
[Use contacts local time]
Pou��t lok�ln� �as kontaktu
[Display grid lines]
Zobrazit m��ku
[Message grouping]
Seskupovat zpr�vy
[Support BBCODE]
Podporovat BBCODE
[Use different background colors for incoming and outgoing messages]
Barevn� odli�it pozad� p��choz�ch a odchoz�ch zpr�v
[Log status changes (in open message windows only)]
Zaznamen�vat zm�ny stavu (pouze p�i otev�en�m okn�)
[Revert to global options]
Resetovat nastaven�
[You can set private message log options for this contact here. Filled boxes are inherited from the global settings which can be found on Message Sessions->Message Log]
Zde si m��ete nastavit z�znam rozhovoru pro konkr�tn� kontakt. P�edvypln�n� hodnoty jsou p�evzaty z glob�ln�ho nastaven�, kter� se nach�z� v Komunikace -> Z�znam komunikace
[Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates)]
Pou��t norm�ln� �ablony (odzna�en�m se pou�ij� jednoduch�)
[Co&py All]
Zko&p�rovat v�e
[Select &All]
Vybr&at v�e
[Clear Log]
Vymazat z�znam
[Freeze Log]
Pozastavit z�znam
[Open in &new window]
Otev��t v &nov�m okn�
[&Open in existing window]
&Otev��t v aktu�ln�m okn�
[Paste formatted Text]
Vlo�it form�tovan� text
[Paste and Send immediately]
Vlo�it a Poslat ihned
[Copy all]
Zkop�rovat v�e
[Select all]
Vybrat v�e
[Show Message Length Indicator]
Zobrazit indik�tor d�lky zpr�vy
[Close Tab]
Zav��t panel
[Leave Chat Room]
Opustit m�stnost
[Save Tab Position]
Ulo�it rozm�st�n� panel�
[Clear saved Tab Position]
Vymazat ulo�en� rozm�st�n� panel�
[Attach to Container...]
P�ipojit ke kontejneru...
[Container Options...]
Mo�nosti kontejneru...
[Close Container]
Zav��t kontejner
[Hidden for this Contact]
Skryt� pro tento kontakt
[Visible for this Contact]
Viditeln� pro tento kontakt
[Contact Picture Settings...]
Mo�nosti obr�zku...
[Choose Background Color...]
Vybrat barvu pozad�...
[Always keep the button bar at full width]
Udr�ovat li�tu s tla��tky v pln� ���i
[Save this Picture As...]
Ulo�it tento obr�zek jako.. 
[&Message Log Settings]
&Mo�nosti z�znamu komunikace
[&For this Contact...]
&Pro tento kontakt...
[&Export Message Log Settings...]
&Exportovat nastaven� z�znamu komunikace...
[&Import Message Log Settings...]
&Importovat nastaven� z�znamu komunikace...
[Send &Default]
Poslat &kontaktu
[Send to &multiple Users]
Poslat v�ce u�ivatel�&m
[Send to &Container]
Poslat &v�em v kontejneru
[Send &Later]
Pos&lat pozd�ji
[Force &ANSI]
V�dy poslat jako &ANSI
[Send unsafe (ignore Timeouts)]
Poslat bez ov��en� (ignorovat chyby doru�en�)
[Send Nudge]
[Message Log Display]
Zobrazen� z�znamu komunikace
[Use global Setting for this Contact]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven� pro tento kontakt
[Use IEView Plugin]
Pou��t dopln�k IEView
[Use History++ Plugin]
Pou��t dopln�k History++
[Use Default Message Log]
Pou��t v�choz� z�znam
[Autosave on Close]
Ulo�it p�i zav�en�
[Save Now]
Ulo�it hned
[Send Text Formatting]
Form�tov�n� textu
[This Contact]
Tento kontakt
[Global Setting]
Glob�ln� nastaven�
[Force Off]
V�dy vypnout
[Add Contact to Favorites]
P�idat kontakt do obl�ben�ch
[Remove Contact from Favorites]
Ostranit kontakt z obl�ben�ch
[Show the Floater]
Zobrazit plovouc�ho pomocn�ka
[Show the Tray Icon]
Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovac� oblasti
[Disable All Event Notifications]
Vypnout v�echna ozn�men� ud�losti
[Don't create Windows automatically]
Nevytv��et okna automaticky
[Hide all Message Containers]
Skr�t v�echny kontejnery
[Restore all Message Containers]
Obnovit v�echny kontejnery
[Don't play Sounds]
Nep�ehr�vat zvuky
[Be "Super Quiet"]
Supertich� re�im
[Default Color]
V�choz� barva
[Clear all Formatting]
Vy�istit v�echna form�tov�n�
[No Message Sessions opened]
Nen� otev�en ��dn� rozhovor
[Quick Toggle\tALT-I]
Info panel\tAlt-I
[Container Setting]
Nastaven� kontejneru
[Use Global Setting]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�
[Always On]
V�dy zapnuto
[Always Off]
V�dy vypnuto
[You appear always offline or have this contact blocked]
Pro tento kontakt jste v�dy offline nebo ho m�te blokov�n
[You are always visible to this contact]
Pro tento kontakt jste v�dy viditeln�
[Your status determines visibility to this contact]
V� stav ur�uje va�i viditelnost v��i t�to osob�
[Set Position for this Session]
Nastavit pozici pro tento rozhovor
[Set and Save for all Sessions]
Nastavit a ulo�it pro v�echny rozhovory
[Set and Save for this Contact only]
Nastavit a ulo�it pro tento kontakt
[Revert to old Position]
Vr�tit p�vodn� pozici
[Save Message Log As...]
Ulo�it z�znam jako...
[Close Message Session\tCtrl-W]
Ukon�it konverzaci\tCtrl-W
[Close Container\tAlt-F4]
Zav��t kontejner\tAlt-F4
[Show Menu Bar]
Zobrazit hlavn� nab�dku
[Show Status Bar]
Zobrazit stavovou li�tu
[Tool Bar]
Tla��tkov� li�ta
[Show Tool Bar]
Zobrazit li�tu s tla��tky
[Title Bar]
Z�hlav� okna
[Show Title Bar]
Zobrazit z�hlav� okna
[Tabs at Bottom]
Panely vespod okna
[Window Flashing]
Blik�n� okna
[Use default Value]
Pou��t v�choz�
[Disable Flashing]
Zak�zat blik�n�
[Show Multisend Contact List]
Zobrazit seznam hromadn�ho odesl�n�
[Message &Log]
Z�z&nam hovoru
[Event Popups]
Ozn�men� ud�lost�
[Disable all Event Popups]
Zak�zat ozn�men� v�ech ud�lost�
[Show Popups if Window is minimized]
Zobrazit ozn�men�, je-li okno minimalizovan�
[Show Popups if Window is unfocused]
Zobrazit ozn�men�, je-li okno neaktivn�
[Show Popups for all inactive sessions]
Zobrazit ozn�men� pro neaktivn� rozhovory
[Save current Window Position as Default]
Pou��t um�st�n� okna jako v�choz�
[View Release Notes...]
Zobrazit pozn�mky k t�to verzi..
[About tabSRMM...]
O tabSRMM...

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\selectcontainer.c
[Select container for %s]
Vyberte kontejner pro %s
[You cannot delete the default container]
Nelze smazat v�choz� kontejner
[This name is already in use]
Tento n�zev ji� byl pou�it
[You cannot rename the default container]
Nelze p�ejmenovat v�choz� kontejner

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\sendqueue.c
[You haven't selected any contacts from the list. Click the checkbox box next to a name to send the message to that person.]
Nebyl vybr�n ��dn� kontakt ze seznamu. Klikn�te na za�krt�v�tko vedle jm�na pro odesl�n� zpr�vy tomuto u�ivateli.
[%d is not a window]
%d nen� okno
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
Zpr�vu se nepoda�ilo odeslat.\nKliknut�m otev�ete komunika�n� okno.
[Multisend: failed sending to: %s]
V�ce adres�t� - nezda�ilo se odeslat pro: %s
[A message delivery has failed after the contacts chat window was closed. You may want to resend the last message]
Nezda�ilo se doru�en� zpr�vy pot�, co kontakt zav�el okno. Po�lete zpr�vu znovu
[Multisend: successfully sent to: %s]
V�ce adres�t� - poda�ilo se odeslat pro: %s
[There are unsent messages waiting for confirmation.\nWhen you close the window now, Miranda will try to send them but may be unable to inform you about possible delivery errors.\nDo you really want to close the Window(s)?]
N�kter� neodeslan� zpr�vy �ekaj� na potvrzen�.\nPokud nyn� zav�ete komunika�n� okno, Miranda se je pokus� poslat, av�ak pokud se j� to nepoda��, mo�n� v�s nebude moci informovat o chyb�ch.\nOpravdu chcete zav��t toto okno?
[Message Window warning]
Varov�n� komunika�n�ho okna

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\srmm.c
[This version of tabSRMM requires Miranda 0.8.0 or later. The plugin cannot be loaded.]
Tato verze TabSRMM vy�aduje Mirandu verze 0.8.0 nebo nov�j��. Dopln�k nebude na�ten.
[Critical error. Unsupported database driver found. tabSRMM will be disabled]
Katastrof�ln� selh�n�. Byl nalezen nekompatibiln� datab�zov� ovlada�. TabSRMM nebude spu�t�n.
[tabSRMM Message (%s)]
tabSRMM zpr�va (%s)
[Built %s %s]
Datum: %s %s

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\templates.c
[Message In]
P��choz� zpr�va
[Message Out]
Odchoz� zpr�va
[Group In (Start)]
Seskupen� p��choz� (za��tek)
[Group Out (Start)]
Seskupen� odchoz� (za��tek)
[Group In (Inner)]
Seskupen� p��choz� (uvnit�)
[Group Out (Inner)]
Seskupen� odchoz� (uvnit�)
[Status change]
Zm�na stavu
[Error message]
Chybov� zpr�va
[Template Set Editor]
Editor sady �ablon
[This will reset the template set to the default built-in templates. Are you sure you want to do this?]
Tato volba obnov� v�echny �ablony do p�vodn�ho stavu. Opravdu chcete pokra�ovat?
[Template editor]
Editor �ablon
[Template set was successfully reset, please close and reopen all message windows. This template editor window will now close.]
Sada �ablon byla �sp�n� obnovena do p�vodn�ho stavu, nyn� zav�ete a otev�ete v�echna komunika�n� okna. Editor �ablon bude nyn� ukon�en. 
[Template editor help]
N�pov�da pro editor �ablon
[tabSRMM release notes]
Pozn�mky k t�to verzi tabSRMM

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\themes.c
[All message containers need to close before the skin can be changed\nProceed?]
V�echny kontejnery se zpr�vami mus� b�t p�ed aplikac� skinu zav�eny\nPokra�ovat?
[Change skin]
Zm�nit skin

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\typingnotify.c
[Disable &typing notification]
Vypnout &upozorn�n� na psan�
[Enable &typing notification]
Zapnout &upozorn�n� na psan�
[Warning: Popup plugin not found!]
Upozorn�n�: Nelze naj�t dopln�k typu Popup!
[Warning: Current Popup plugin version is not supported! Update it!]
Upozorn�n�: Nainstalovan� verze dopl�ku Popup nen� podporovan�.
[...is typing a message.]
... p�e zpr�vu.
[...has stopped typing.]
... dopsal zpr�vu.
[Typing Notify: is typing]
Upozorn�n� na psan� (psan� zpr�vy)
[Typing Notify: stopped typing]
Upozorn�n� na psan� (zpr�va dops�na)

; c:\worx\miranda_cz\to_parse\userprefs.c
[Use global Setting]
Pou��t glob�ln� nastaven�
[Show always (if present)]
Zobrazit v�dy (je-li k dispozici)
[Never show it at all]
Nezobrazovat nikdy
[Force History++]
V�dy pou��t History++
[Force History++ (plugin missing)]
V�dy pou��t History++ (dopln�k chyb�)
[Force IEView]
V�dy pou��t IEView
[Force IEView (plugin missing)]
V�dy pou��t IEView++ (dopln�k chyb�)
[Force Default Message Log]
V�dy pou��t vestav�n� z�znam
[Simple Tags (*/_)]
Jednoduch� zna�ky */_
[<default, no change>]
<v�choz�, beze zm�ny>
[Set messaging options for %s]
Nastaven� komunikace pro kontakt %s
[Frame 1]
Okno 1
[Frame 3]
Okno 3
[Frame 4]
Okno 4

[Message sending:]
Pos�l�n� zpr�v
[Esc closes sessions (minimizes window, if disabled)]
Zav��t kl�vesou ESC (jinak minimalizuje okno)
[Always pop up and activate new windows]
V�dy vyvolat a aktivovat nov� komunika�n� okno
[Send message on Ctrl+Enter (always enabled)]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� CTRL+ENTER (intern�)
[Send on Shift+Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu pomoc� SHIFT+ENTER
[Send message on Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu kl�vesou ENTER
[Send message on double Enter]
Odeslat zpr�vu dvojit�m ENTER
[Use tabbed interface]
Pou��t syst�m panel�
[Create new tabs without activating them]
Otev��t nov� panel jako neaktivn�
[Pop up minimized window when a new tab is created]
Vyvolat minimal. okno p�i otev�en� nov�ho panelu
[Automatically switch tabs in minimized windows]
Automaticky p�epnout panely v minimal. oknech
[Don't announce when dialog is open]
Neoznamovat, je-li konverza�n� okno otev�eno

; ---