; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  Tlen Protocol                                   |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: churchyard <churchyard (zavin��) gmail (te�ka) com>
; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=1485

;(DUP) [Username:]
[Create a new account]
Vytvo�it nov� ��et
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [Save password]
;(DUP) [Options]
[Automatically reconnect after unintentional disconnection]
Po p�eru�en� automaticky nav�zat spojen�
[Leave status message after disconnection]
Po odpojen� zanechat zpr�vu stavu
[<Last message>]
<posledn� zpr�va>
;(DUP) [Online]
;(DUP) [Away]
;(DUP) [NA]
;(DUP) [Occupied]
;(DUP) [DND]
;(DUP) [Free for chat]
;(DUP) [Invisible]
[Ignore advertisements]
Ignorovat reklamy
;(DUP) [Automatically delete contacts not in my roster]
[Show offline users with status messages as invisible in contact list]
Zobrazovat offline u�ivatele se stavovou zpr�vou jako neviditeln�
[Alert policy]
Pravidla pro upozorn�n�
[Accept all alerts]
P�ijmout v�echna upozorn�n�
[Ignore alerts from unauthorized contacts]
Ignorovat upozorn�n� od neautorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Ignore all alerts]
Ignorovat v�echna upozorn�n�
[Group chat policy]
Pravidla pro diskuse
[Always ask me]
V�dy se zeptat
[Accept invitations from authorized contacts]
P�ijmout pozv�n� od autorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Accept all invitations]
P�ijmout v�echny pozv�n�
[Ignore invitations from unauthorized contacts]
Ignorovat pozv�n� od neautorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Ignore all invitation]
Ignorovat v�echna pozv�n�
[Voice Chats]
[Voice chat policy]
Pravidla pro hovory
;(DUP) [Always ask me]
;(DUP) [Accept invitations from authorized contacts]
;(DUP) [Accept all invitations]
;(DUP) [Ignore invitations from unauthorized contacts]
;(DUP) [Ignore all invitations]
[Recording device:]
Z�znamov� za��zen�:
[Playback device:]
P�ehr�vac� za��zen�:
[Expert Options]
Mo�nosti pro experty
;(DUP) [Login server:]
[Connection Host:]
Hostitel p�ipojen�:
;(DUP) [Port:]
;(DUP) [Keep connection alive]
[Enable Always Visible and Never Visible]
Povolit v�dy viditeln� a v�dy neviditeln�
[File Transfer and Voice Chats]
P�enos soubor� a telefonn� hovory
[Use proxy for incoming connections]
Pro p��choz� spojen� pou��t proxy
[Proxy type:]
Druh proxy:
;(DUP) [Proxy server:]
;(DUP) [Port:]
[Proxy requires authorization]
Proxy vy�aduje autorizaci
;(DUP) [Username:]
;(DUP) [Password:]
;(DUP) [General Options]
[Enable incoming mail notification]
Povolit ozn�men� o do�l� po�t�
;(DUP) [Colours]
;(DUP) [Background]
;(DUP) [Text]
;(DUP) [Delay]
;(DUP) [&From PopUp plugin]
;(DUP) [&Custom]
;(DUP) [P&ermanent]
;(DUP) [Preview]
[Tlen login:]
Tlen login:
;(DUP) [Nick name:]
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [Age:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [City]
;(DUP) [Occupation:]
[Collage student]
Vysoko�kolsk� student
V dom�cnosti
;(DUP) [Other]
[Looking for:]
[Somebody to talk]
;(DUP) [Nothing]
;(DUP) [Nick name:]
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
[Year of birth:]
Rok narozen�:
;(DUP) [City]
;(DUP) [School:]
;(DUP) [Occupation:]
;(DUP) [Student]
;(DUP) [Collage student]
;(DUP) [Farmer]
;(DUP) [Manager]
;(DUP) [Specialist]
;(DUP) [Clerk]
;(DUP) [Unemployed]
;(DUP) [Pensioner]
;(DUP) [Housekeeper]
;(DUP) [Teacher]
;(DUP) [Doctor]
;(DUP) [Other]
;(DUP) [Looking for:]
;(DUP) [Somebody to talk]
;(DUP) [Friendship]
;(DUP) [Flirt/romance]
;(DUP) [Love]
;(DUP) [Nothing]
;(DUP) [Voice chats]
[Save changes]
Ulo�it zm�ny
;Search extra
;(DUP) [First name:]
;(DUP) [Last name:]
;(DUP) [Nick name:]
;(DUP) [E-mail:]
;(DUP) [Gender:]
;(DUP) [Age:]
;(DUP) [to]
;(DUP) [City]
;(DUP) [Occupation:]
;(DUP) [Student]
;(DUP) [Collage student]
;(DUP) [Farmer]
;(DUP) [Manager]
;(DUP) [Specialist]
;(DUP) [Clerk]
;(DUP) [Unemployed]
;(DUP) [Pensioner]
;(DUP) [Housekeeper]
;(DUP) [Teacher]
;(DUP) [Doctor]
;(DUP) [Other]
;(DUP) [School:]
;(DUP) [Looking for:]
;(DUP) [Somebody to talk]
;(DUP) [Friendship]
;(DUP) [Flirt/romance]
;(DUP) [Love]
;(DUP) [Nothing]
[Extra Search Criterias]
Extra krit�ria pro hled�n�
;Voice Chat Invi
[Tlen Voice Chat Invitation]
Pozv�nka k hovoru
[The following invitation to join a voice chat is received.]
P�i�la v�m pozv�nka k hovoru.
;(DUP) [From:]
;(DUP) [Multi-User Conference]
[Tlen Chats...]
Diskuse (Tlen)...

[Log alerts as messages]
Zaznamenat upozorn�n� jako zpr�vy
[Send and receive client version information]
Odeslat a p�ijmout informaci o verzi klienta
[Use Nudge plugin]
Pou��t dopln�k Nudge

; S�t� / Tlen Extra
[P2P Connections]
P��m� spojen�
[User list background]
Pozad� seznamu kontakt�
[Choose font]
Vybrat p�smo
[Others names]
Ostatn� jm�na
[User list]
Seznam kontakt�
[User list group]
Skupina kontakt�
[Default Log Appearence]
V�choz� vzhled z�znamu
[Show message on a new line]
Zobrazit zpr�vy na nov�m ��dku
[Default Event Filter]
V�choz� filtr ud�lost�
[Default Timestamp Settings]
V�choz� informace o �asu
[Default Text Formatting Filter]
V�choz� filtr form�tov�n� textu
[Font style]
�ez p�sma
[Default Window Flashing]
V�choz� stav blik�n� oken
[Limit log history to (events):]
Max. po�et zaznam. ud�lost�:
[General Options]
Obecn� mo�nosti

; Ozn�men� / Tlen / N�hled
;[New mail]
;Nov� po�ta
;[From: test@test.test]
;Od: test@test.test
;[Subject: test]
;V�c: test

; Ud�losti / Zvuky / Tlen
[Incoming mail]
Nov� po�ta
[Voice chat]
Telefonn� hovor

[Image transfer policy]
Pravidla pro obr�zky
[Accept all images]
P�ijmout v�echny obr�zky
[Ignore images from unauthorized contacts]
Ignorovat obr�zky od neautorizovan�ch kontakt�
[Ignore all images]
Ignorovat v�echny obr�zky
[Mail Notification]
Ozn�men� nov� po�ty
[Tlen Mail]
Po�ta Tlen
[Tlen Chats]

; ---