; /----------------------------------------------------------\ ; | Variables | ; \----------------------------------------------------------/ ; ; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz> ; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2834 ; ; options.c ;[Plugins] ;[Variables] ; resource.rc [Auto parse] Automaticky zpracovat [Parse the following string at startup] P�i spu�t�n� zpracovat n�e uveden� [Automatically strip "end of line" characters] Automaticky odstranit konce ��dk� (EOL) [Don't set a contact] Nenastavovat kontakt [Set to the following contact] Nastavit n�sleduj�c� kontakt [Parse] Zpracovat [Help...] N�pov�da... [Close] Zav��t [OK] OK [Trigger when the following string changes] Spustit p�i zm�n� n�sleduj�c�ho �et�zce [Please enter your input below] Zadejte pros�m po�adovan� text: ;[The token %subject% is translated into a special contact, which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the contact to which %subject% translates. An example for using this token is: !cinfo(%subject%,display).] ;[The token %extratext% is translated into a string which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the string to which %extratext% translates.] ;[The Variables plugin translates various tokens into a certain value. An example is: I'm running Miranda %mirandaversion%. The substring %mirandaversion% will be translated into the correct version number. The following list shows all available tokens.] [Description] Popis ;[Setting] ;[Notes] ; help.c [Tokens] Tokeny [Input] Vstup [Cacnel] Zru�it [%subject%] %subject% [%extratext%] %extratext% ;[Help] [Variables Help] N�pov�da pro dopln�k Variables ; parse_alias.c [stores y as alias named x] ulo�� y jako alias s n�zvem x [user defined] definov�no u�ivatelem ; parse_external.c [External Applications] Extern� programy [retrieves song name of the song currently playing in Winamp] Zjist� n�zev skladby pr�v� p�ehr�van� programem Winamp [retrieves current Winamp state (Playing/Paused/Stopped)] Zjist� aktu�ln� stav p�ehr�va�e Winamp (p�ehr�v�/pauza/zastaveno) [Playing] Hraje [Paused] Pauza [Stopped] Zastaveno ; parse_inet.c [Internet Related] Internet ;[converts each non-html character into hex format] ;[converts each hex value into non-html character] [converts a 32-bit number to IPv4 dotted notation] zkonvertuje 32bitov� ��slo do form�tu IP(v4) adresy [converts a 32-bit number (in host byte order) to IPv4 dotted notation] zkonvertuje 32bitov� ��slo do form�tu IP(v4) adresy (zohledn� po�ad� bajt�) ; parse_logic.c [Logical Expressions] Logick� v�razy [performs logical AND (x && y && ...)] logick� AND (x && y && ...) [boolean FALSE] FALSE [performs w, then shows z and performs y while x is TRUE] smy�ka FOR (provede w, pak zobraz� z a prov�d� y dokud je x TRUE) [y if x is TRUE, else z] je-li x TRUE, pak y; jinak z [x if x is TRUE, else z] je-li x TRUE, pak x; jinak z ;[the first argument parsed successfully] [y if w > x, else z] je-li w > x, pak y; jinak z [y if string length of w > x, else z] je-li d�lka �et�zce w > x, pak y; jinak z [TRUE if x > y] je-li x > y, pak TRUE [TRUE if x is longer than y] je-li x del�� ne� y, pak TRUE [performs logical NOT (!x)] logick� NOT (!x) [performs logical OR (x || y || ...)] logick� OR (x || y || ...) [boolean TRUE] TRUE [performs logical XOR (x ^ y)] logick� XOR (x ^ y) ; parse_math.c [Mathematical Functions] Matematick� funkce [x + y + ...] x + y + ... [x divided by y] x d�leno y [converts decimal value x to hex value and padds to length y] zkonvertuje (dekadick�) ��slo x na hexadecim�ln� a vypln� zbytek do d�lky y [x modulo y (remainder of x divided by y)] x modulo y (zbytek po d�len�) [x times y] x kr�t y [x times y divided by z] x kr�t y d�leno z [minimum value of (decimal) arguments] minim�ln� hodnota ze zadan�ch (dekadick�ch) argument� [maximum value of (decimal) arguments] maxim�ln� hodnota ze zadan�ch (dekadick�ch) argument� ;[pads decimal value x to length y with zeros] [random number] n�hodn� ��slo [x - y - ...] x - y - ... ; parse_miranda.c [Miranda Related] Miranda [translates status code x into a status description] p�evede stavov� k�d x na popis stavu ;[zth contact with property y described by x, example: (unregistered,nick) (z is optional)] [number of contacts with property y described by x, example: (unregistered,nick)] po�et kontakt� s vlastnost� y bl�e ur�enou pomoc� x; p��klad: (<u�iv. jm�no>,<p�ezd�vka>) [info property y of contact x] informace y kontaktu x [db profile name] n�zev profilu (datab�ze) [db profile path] cesta k profilu (datab�zi) [db setting z of module y of contact x] p�e�te z datab�ze hodnotu polo�ky z modulu y kontaktu x ;[get event for contact x (optional), according to y,z,w, see documentation] ;[get last seen time of contact x in format y (y is optional)] ;[get last seen date of contact x in format y (y is optional)] ;[get last seen status of contact x] [path to the Miranda-IM executable] cesta ke spustiteln�mu souboru Mirandy [current status description of protocol x (without x, the global status is retrieved)] aktu�ln� stav protokolu x (nezad�te-li x, p�e�te glob�ln� stav) ;[retrieves the subject, depending on situation] [get the version of miranda] zjist� verzi Mirandy ; parse_regexp.c [Regular Expressions] Regul�rn� v�razy [(ANSI input only) the number of substring matches found in y with pattern x] (pouze pro ANSI) po�et nalezen�ch �et�zc� v textu y p�i pou�it� masky x ;[(ANSI input only) substring match number z found in subject y with pattern x] [the number of substring matches found in y with pattern x] po�et nalezen�ch �et�zc� v textu y p�i pou�it� masky x ;[substring match number z found in subject y with pattern x] ; parse_str.c [Regular Expressions] Regul�rn� v�razy [converts each first letter of a word to uppercase, all others to lowercase] zkonvertuje prvn� p�smeno slova na VELK�; v�e ostatn� zm�n� na MAL� [converts each first letter of a word to uppercase] zkonvertuje prvn� p�smeno slova na VELK� [inserts 'end of line' character] vlo�� znak konce ��dku (EOL) [depends on calling plugin] z�vislost na dopl�ku ;[cuts x after the first line and appends y (y is optional)] [replaces all end of line characters by y (y is optional)] nahrad� v�echny znaky konce ��dku znakem y (y nen� povinn�) [inserts string y at position z in string x] vlo�� �et�zec y na pozici z �et�zce x [trims x to length y, keeping first y characters] o��zne x na d�lku y, p�i�em� ponech� prvn�ch y znak� [length of x] d�lka x [the number of lines in string x] po�et ��dk� v �et�zci x [the longest string of the arguments] nejdel�� �et�zec ze zadan�ch argument� [converts x to lowercase] zkonvertuje x na mal� p�smena ;[padds x to length y prepending character z (z is optional)] ;[padds x to length y appending character z (z is optional)] ;[padds x to length y prepending character z, or cut if x is longer (z is optional)] ;[padds x to length y appending character z, or cut if x is longer (z is optional)] [repeats x y times] x zopakuje y-kr�t [replace all occurenses of y in x with z, multiple y and z arguments allowed] nahrad� v�echny v�skyty y v x �et�zcem z; argumenty y a z mohou b�t v�cen�sobn� [trims x to length y, keeping last y characters] o��zne x na d�lku y, p�i�em� ponech� posledn�ch y znak� ;[moves x z charcters to the left and trims it to y characters] [TRUE if x equals y] je-li x rovno y, pak TRUE [TRUE if x equals y, ingnoring case] je-li x rovno y, pak TRUE; ignoruje rozd�ly mezi mal�mi a velk�mi p�smeny [the shortest string of the arguments] nejkrat�� �et�zec ze zadan�ch argument� ;[location of first occurence of character y in string x] ;[location of last occurence of character y in string x] ;[location of first occurence of string y in x] ;[substring of x starting from position y to z] [the xth string of the arguments] x-t� �et�zec ze zadan�ch argument� [z if y equals x, multple y and z arguments allowed] je-li y rovno x, pak z; argumenty y a z mohou b�t v�cen�sobn� [removes white spaces in before and after x] odstran� netisknuteln� znaky p�ed a za x [inserts x tab characters (x is optional)] vlo�� x tabul�tor� (x nen� povinn�) [converts x to upper case] zkonvertuje x na VELK� p�smena ;[words (seperated by white spaces) number y to z from string x (z is optional)] ; parse_system.c [System Functions] Syst�mov� funkce [computer name] n�zev po��ta�e [cpu load of process x (without extension) (x is optional)] indikuje vyt�en� CPU procesem x (bez p��pony) (x nen� povinn�) [current date in format y (y is optional)] aktu�ln� datum ve form�tu y (y nen� povinn�) [current time in format y (y is optional)] aktu�ln� �as ve form�tu y (y nen� povinn�) [the directory y directories above x] vyp�e adres�� um�st�n� ve struktu�e y adres��� nad x [strips y directories from x] odstran� y adres��� z x [number of seconds between date x and y (x and y in format: M/d/yy H:m:s)] po�et sekund mezi daty x a y (x a y mus� b�t ve form�tu M/d/rr H:m:s) [expand environment variable x] vyp�e obsah prom�nn� x [TRUE if file x exists] nastav� TRUE, jestli�e existuje soubor x [window title of first window of class x] z�hlav� prvn�ho okna t��dy x [TRUE if process x is running] nastav� TRUE, jestli�e je spu�t�n� process x [value y from registry key x (REG_SZ (string) values only] hodnota y kl��e x (pouze hodnoty REG_SZ (string)) [formats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in date format y] uprav� x (po�et sekund od 1.1.1970) na datum dle form�tu y [formats timestamp x (seconds since 1/1/1970) in time format y] uprav� x (po�et sekund od 1.1.1970) na �as dle form�tu y ;[(File content ANSI only) y > 0: line number y from file x, y = 0: the whole file, y < 0: line y counted from the end, y = r: random line] ;[y > 0: line number y from file x, y = 0: the whole file, y < 0: line y counted from the end, y = r: random line] [uptime in seconds] doba od spu�t�n� po��ta�e (v sek.) [user name] u�ivatelsk� jm�no ;[variable set by put(s) with name x] ;[x, and stores y as variable named x] [only stores y as variables x] pouze ulo�� y jako prom�nnou x ; NEPUBLIKOVAN� [String Functions] Pr�ce s �etezci [Token] Token [Parse options] Mo�nosti zpracov�n� [Automatically strip white space] Automaticky odstranit netisknuteln� znaky [Automatically strip all non-parsing characters] Automaticky odstranit v�echny nezpracovateln� znaky [Test area] M�sto pro zkou�ky [Click on the help button to get more information] V�ce informac� se dozv�te kliknut�m na tla��tko N�pov�da [Open String Formatting Help] Otev��t n�pov�du o prom�nn�ch ; ---