; /----------------------------------------------------------\ ; | YAMN tweety 2in1 | ; \----------------------------------------------------------/ ; ; P�eklad: waclaw <waclaw (zavin��) cmail (te�ka) cz> ; Adresa: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2165 ; ; Generated by lpgen on Fri Sep 30 12:00:41 2005 ; Translations: 109 ; YAMNopts.cpp [YAMN] YAMN ; main.cpp [Check &mail (All Account)] Vybrat &po�tu ze v�ech ��t� [Check mail] Vybrat po�tu [Do you also want to remove native YAMN plugins settings?] Chcete odstranit i intern� nastaven� dopl�ku YAMN? [YAMN uninstalling] Odinstalov�n� YAMN ; m_popup.h ;(DUP) [PopUps] ; badconnect.cpp [ - connection error] - chyba p�ipojen� [Cannot allocate memory for received data] Nelze alokovat pam� pro p��jem dat [Bad user name or error while logging] Neplatn� jm�no nebo jin� chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n� [Bad user or password or error while logging] Neplatn� jm�no, heslo nebo jin� chyba p�i p�ihla�ov�n� [Cannot get number of messages] Nelze zjistit po�et zpr�v [Cannot resolve message signatures] Nelze zjistit signaturu zpr�v [Cannot get sizes of messages] Nelze zjistit velikost zpr�v [Cannot find server] Nelze naj�t server [Cannot connect to server] Nelze se p�ipojit k serveru [System error occured] Chyba syst�mu [Cannot send data] Nelze odeslat data [Cannot receive data] Nelze p�ijmout data [Unknown error] Nezn�m� chyba ; mailbrowser.cpp [%s - %d new mails, %d total] %s - nov�ch zpr�v: %d, celkem: %d [ - new mail(s)] - nov�ch zpr�v [%d new mails, %d total] Po�et nov�ch zpr�v: %d, celkem: %d [No new mail, %d spam(s)] Po�et nov�ch zpr�v: 0, spam: %d [No new mail] Po�et nov�ch zpr�v: 0 ;(DUP) [From] [Subject] P�edm�t ;(DUP) [Size] [Run application] Spustit aplikaci [Delete selected] Smazat vybran� [Do you really want to delete %d selected mails?] Po�et vybran�ch zpr�v: %d. Opravdu je chcete smazat? [Delete confirmation] Potvrzen� smaz�n� ; netlib.cpp ;(DUP) [connection] ; pop3comm.cpp [Disconnected] Odpojen od serveru [Neutral] Neutr�ln� ;(DUP) [New Mail] [Connect Fail] Chyba p�i p�ipojov�n� [Found new version of account book, not compatible with this version of YAMN.] Vybran� u�ivatelsk� ��et nen� kompatibiln� s touto verz� dopl�ku YAMN. [Error reading account file. Account file corrupted.] Chyba p�i �ten� dat z ��tu. [YAMN (internal POP3) read error] Chyba p�i �ten� dat (intern� chyba POP3) [Memory allocation error while data reading] Chyba alokace pam�ti p�i �ten� dat [Reading file error. File already in use?] Chyba p�i �ten� ze souboru. Nepou��v� soubor jin� aplikace? [Error while copying data to disk occured. File in use?] Chyba p�i z�pisu dat na disk. Nepou��v� soubor jin� aplikace? [POP3 plugin- write file error] Chyba p�i z�pisu dat (intern� chyba POP3) [Connecting to server] P�ipojov�n� k serveru [Entering POP3 account] P�ihla�ov�n� k ��tu [Searching for new mail] Zji��ov�n� nov�ch zpr�v [Reading new mails (%d%% done)] �ten� nov�ch zpr�v (%d %%) [Deleting requested mails] Maz�n� vybran�ch zpr�v [Deleting spam] Maz�n� spamu [Error %d-%d-%d-%d:] Chyba %d-%d-%d-%d: ; pop3opt.cpp [No account selected] Nen� vybran� ��et [Time left to next check [s]: %d] Dal�� vyb�r�n� po�ty za (sek.): %d [Account Test] Vyzkou�en� ��tu [Account Test (failed)] Vyzkou�en� ��tu (chyba) [You have N new mails] P�i�lo v�m N nov�ch zpr�v [Connection failed message] Chyba p�ipojen� k ��tu [Select executable used for notification] Vyberte po�adovanou aplikaci [Do you really want to delete this account?] Opravdu chcete odstranit vybran� ��et? [Delete account confirmation] Potvrzen� odstran�n� ��tu [Please wait while no account is in use.] Pros�m �ekejte dokud nen� ��et pou��v�n. [This is not a valid number value] Zadan� �daj nen� ��slo [Input error] Vstupn� chyba ;(LAI) [Cannot allocate memory space for new account] ;(LAI) [Memory error] ; YAMN.rc ;(LAI) [List4] ;(LAI) [HotKey1] ;(FIX) [TopToolBar button ] [TopToolBar button "Check mail"] Do horn� li�ty tla��tko 'Vybrat po�tu' [Check this account] Aktivovat vybran� ��et [Sound notification] Upozornit zvukem [Message notification] Upozornit zpr�vou [Tray icon notification] Zobrazit ikonu v oblasti ozn�men� [Application execution:] Spustit aplikaci: [Popup notification] Upozornit ozn�men�m [Single popup] V�e v jednom [Multi popup] V�ce za sebou [Popup if no mail] Upozornit ozn�men�m [Sound notification if failed] Upozornit zvukem [Message notification if failed] Upozornit zpr�vou [Tray icon notification if failed] Zobrazit ikonu v oblasti ozn�men� [Popup notification if failed] Upozornit ozn�men�m ;(DUP) [Offline] ;(DUP) [Online] ;(DUP) [Away] ;(DUP) [N/A] ;(DUP) [Occupied] ;(DUP) [DND] ;(DUP) [Free for chat] ;(DUP) [Invisible] ;(DUP) [On the phone] ;(DUP) [Out to lunch] [Startup check] Vybrat p�i spu�t�n� [Check from menu] Vybrat po�tu z menu [APOP auth] Ov��en� APOP [Persistant message] Zobrazit zadanou dobu ;(DUP) [Use SSL] ;(DUP) [Keyboard Flash] ;(DUP) [OK] ;(DUP) [Delete] ;(DUP) [Default] [Reset counter] Vynulovat ��ta� ;(DUP) [...] [Hotkey for mail check:] Kl�vesov� zkratka pro vyb�r�n� po�ty: ;(DUP) [Version:] ;(DUP) [Description:] ;(DUP) [Copyright:] ;(DUP) [Contact:] [WWW:] WWW: [Default codepage:] V�choz� k�dov�n�: [Check interval [min]:] Interval vyb�r�n� po�ty (min): [Check while:] Vyb�rat za stavu: [Server:] Server: ;(DUP) [Port:] [User:] U�ivatel: ;(DUP) [Password:] ;(DUP) [s] [Installed plugins] Nainstalovan� dopl�ky [New mail notifications] Nov� zpr�vy [No new mail notifications] ��dn� nov� zpr�vy [Connection failure notifications] Chyba p�ipojen� ; NEPUBLIKOVAN� [YAMN: new mail] YAMN (nov� zpr�vy) [YAMN: connect failed] YAMN (chyba p�ipojen�) [Accounts] ��ty [Use contact notification for this account] Pou��t nastaven� z filtrov�n� kontakt� [Replace nick name] Nahradit p�ezd�vku [Disable Events] Vypnout ud�losti [Auto retrieve body] St�hnout cel� text [Disable STLS] Vypnout STLS [Check while...] Vyb�rat b�hem... [Check while ...] Vyb�rat b�hem... [YAMN General Options] Obecn� mo�nosti [Enable YAMN Main Menu (Require Restart)] Povolit nab�dku YAMN (vy�aduje restart) [Show YAMN as a Protocol (Require Restart)] Zobrazit YAMN jako protokol (vy�aduje restart) [MailBrowser Options] Prohl�e� po�ty [Enable Close on Delete Button] Po smaz�n� zpr�v autom. zav��t okno [Date/Time Representation] Zobrazen� data a �asu [Show long localised date] Zobrazit datum ve dlouh�m form�tu [Don't show today's date] Nezobrazovat dne�n� datum [Don't show seconds] Nezobrazovat sekundy ; ---