;#muuid not found, please specify manually! ;============================================================ ; File: Console.dll ; Plugin: Console ; Version: x.x.x.x ; Authors: ;============================================================ ;file \plugins\Console\res\resource.rc [Single window mode*] [Show icons in log*] [New lines between events*] [Always show at start] [Lines wrap length [25-255]] [Log size limit [1 000 - 1 000 000 lines]] [* Restart needed] [Save settings and restart console] ;file \plugins\Console\src\Console.cpp [Show/Hide Console] [Hide Console] [Show Console] [Scrolling (Ctrl+Q)] [Pause logging(Ctrl+P)] [Save log to file (Ctrl+S)] [Copy selected log (Ctrl+C)] [Delete selected (Del)] [Log options (Ctrl+O)] [Start logging in all tabs] [Pause logging in all tabs] [Close tab (Ctrl+W)] [*** Console started ***] [Data received] [Data sent] [*** Console paused ***] [*** Console resumed ***] [*** Console cleared ***] [%s\n] [%s - %s\\%s] [Miranda Console] [Services] Služby [Console] [Text] Text [Background] Pozadí [Courier] [&Help] &Nápověda [Text Files (*.txt)] Textové soubory (*.txt) [All Files] [*.TXT] [Save selection to file] [Save log to file] [txt] #muuid {0324785E-74CE-4600-B781-851773B3EFC5}