;#muuid not found, please specify manually! ;langpack template for Dbx_tree ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\res\dbConfig.rc [Cancel] Zrušit [Next >] [< Prev] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\BlockManager.cpp [Block-structure of file is corrupt!] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\BTree.h [Invalid Node] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\Compatibility.cpp [Trying to write malformed UTF8 setting "%hs" in module "%hs"] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\DataBase.cpp [.pri] [Header Block not found! File damaged: "%s"] [Header Block cannot be read! File damaged: "%s"] [Header Block in "%s" damaged!] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\DirectAccess.cpp [CreateFile failed] [SetFilePointer failed] [ReadFile failed] [WriteFile failed] [SetEndOfFile failed] [FlushFileBuffers failed] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\FileAccess.cpp [.jrn] [Couldn't flush the journal because ReadFile failed!] [Your database journal wasn't completely written to disk.] [CreateFile failed on Journal %s] [.autobackup] [Journal "%s" was found on start.\nBackup "%s"%s created and backup "%s"%s created.\nYou may delete these file(s) after successful start from "%s".] [ was successfully] [ could not be] [Journal "%s" was found on start.\nBackups "%s"and "%s" could not be created in "%s".] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\FileBTree.h [Signature check failed] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\MappedMemory.cpp [Cannot set end of file] [CreateFileMapping failed] [MapViewOfFile failed] ;file \plugins\Dbx_tree\src\Settings.cpp [Cannot Merge with global settings!\nSource %d Dest %d]