; /----------------------------------------------------------\ ; | Wikify | ; \----------------------------------------------------------/ ; ; Pшeklad: Vнt Љindlбш ; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2611 ; [Use: [[ ]] => URL0, [[[ ]]] => URL1, ...] Pouћitн: [[ ]] => URL0, [[[ ]]] => URL1, ... [Convert] Nahradit [Indents (: at the beginning of a new line to 3 spaces)] Odsazenн (: na zaибtku novйho шбdku -> 3 mezery) [Tabulator character (\\t)] \\t -> tabulбtor [Standard quotations marks ("") to:] Standardnн uvozovky (""): [Invert ending mark] Obrбtit ukonиujнcн znak [Switch] Prohodit [-- to —] -- -> — [I like it small] Malй je milй [ escape tag (disables all following convertions in the message)] Znaиka vypne vљechny pшнpadnй nбsledujнcн konverze [Template:] Љablona: ; ---