;["%s" "%hs"] ;[%APPDATA%\\Opera] ;[%hs files] ;[%hs:] ;[%s,%i] ;[&Add to Contact List...] ;[&Start Miranda NG automatically when the Computer starts (using current profile)] ;[.dll] ;[.exe] ;[1,0,] ;[4,,,,%.15hs,|%.128s (%.16hs)] ;[AIM Link Protocol] ;[Access failed:\n%.64hs(%.128s)\n%.250hs(%u)\n%.256hs (%u)] ;[Applications] ;[AssocMgr-License.txt] ;[AssocMgr-Readme.txt] ;[AssocMgr-SDK.zip] ;[Associations] ;[Autostart Error] ;[CLSID] ;[DefaultIcon] ;[Docs\\] ;[DropTarget] ;[EditFlags] ;[Extension] ;[File Association Error] ;[File Types] ;[File Types Extension] ;[File Types Section Info] ;[FriendlyAppName] ;[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol] ;[Handles file type associations and URLs like aim, ymsgr, xmpp, wpmsg, gg, tlen.] ;[ICQ Link Shortcut] ;[Jabber Link Protocol] ;[MIME\\Database\\Content Type] ;[MSN Link Protocol] ;[Miranda Installer Package (demo purpose)] ;[Miranda NG Database] ;[Miranda NG could not open URL] ;[Miranda NG could not open file] ;[Miranda NG was not able to open ""TCHAR_STR_PARAM"".\n\nThe file could not be processed.] ;[Miranda NG was not able to open ""TCHAR_STR_PARAM"".\n\nThe given URL is invalid and can not be parsed.] ;[Miranda NG was not able to open ""TCHAR_STR_PARAM"".\n\nThere is no registered handler for this URL type.] ;[Miranda NG was not able to open ""TCHAR_STR_PARAM"".\n\nThere is no registered handler for this file type.] ;[MirandaDdeMsgWindow] ;[MirandaNG] ;[Multi User] ;[NoOpen] ;[NoOpenWith] ;[Only associate with Miranda NG while it is &running] ;[OpenAssoc] ;[OpenWithProgids] ;[Opera.exe] ;[PerceivedType] ;[Registered associations for Miranda NG:] ;[Registry Warning] ;[Software\\Classes] ;[Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run] ;[SupportedTypes] ;[Testing Service] ;[There was an error writing to the registry to modify the autostart list.\n\nReason: %s] ;[There was an error writing to the registry to modify the file/url associations.\nReason: %s] ;[Trusted Protocols] ;[Type] ;[URL Protocol] ;[URL:] ;[Unknown] ;[Version] ;[Yahoo Link Protocol] ;[\\operadef6.ini] ;[\\profile\\opera6.ini] ;[application] ;[command] ;[ddeexec] ;[file] ;[file,"%1"] ;[ifexec] ;[miranda32.exe] ;[open] ;[rundll.exe] ;[rundll32.exe] ;[rundll32.exe %s,WaitForDDE "%hs"] ;[shell] ;[text] ;[topic] ;[url] ;[url,"%l"]