;[ \r\n\t] ;[&Activate automatic shutdown with the same settings again if Miranda NG was closed with automatic shutdown enabled] ;[(current: 0%)] ;[.DLL] ;[All Miranda NG protocols are going to be set to offline in %u second(s).] ;[AutoShutdownCountdown] ;[Close Miranda NG] ;[Control Panel\\Desktop] ;[Disable Performance Counters] ;[DisableLockWorkstation] ;[Inititiating the shutdown process failed!\nReason: %s] ;[LOGIN.SCR] ;[Miranda NG is going to be automatically closed in %u second(s).] ;[NoLogOff] ;[PerfOS] ;[Performance] ;[RASAPI32] ;[SCRNSAVE.EXE] ;[ScreenSaveActive] ;[ScreenSaverIsSecure] ;[Sdop automatic shutdown] ;[Set Miranda NG offline] ;[Sets all Miranda NG protocols to offline and closes Miranda IM.] ;[Sets all Miranda NG protocols to offline.] ;[Shutdown when Miranda NG becomes &idle] ;[Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer] ;[Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System] ;[System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services] ;[Unsaved data in open applications except Miranda NG might get lost.]