;[%s, contain %s] ;[&Expanded] ;[&Show title] ;[+] ;[Arial] ;[Column] ;[Compact mode\n(Show avatars and additional text on selected contacts only)] ;[Do You want contact '%s' to be converted to MetaContact and '%s' be added to it (remove it from '%s] ;[Empty %s cell] ;[For other stuff MetaContacts plugin should be loaded.\n\nhttp://miranda-ng.org] ;[FramesContainer] ;[Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings] ;[Hold [Shift] to inverse [Right Click] behaviour] ;[Init NewRow Dialog] ;[JID: fyr@jabber.ru] ;[Miranda::GetProfile] ;[MirandaModernAniAvatar] ;[ModernStatusBar] ;[OPTION PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Please DO NOT notice about any issues here.\n Only high-level design comments are applicable.] ;[Progman] ;[Shell_TrayWnd] ;[Show/Hide Offline Users] ;[SkinFolder] ;[Skin_Description_Section] ;[SubContainerWindow] ;[To view a toolbar in Clist Modern you need the TopToolBar plugin. Click Yes to download it or Cancel to continue] ;[Toolbar upgrade] ;[Translucency options (Windows 2000/XP+)] ;[Use improved search method in contactlist] ;[[Ctrl]+[Left Click] to filter only protocol. Click on empty space to show all] ;[avatar] ;[bottom] ;[column] ;[columns] ;[extra] ;[extra1] ;[extra2] ;[extra3] ;[extra4] ;[extra5] ;[extra6] ;[extra7] ;[extra8] ;[extra9] ;[fspace] ;[hCenter] ;[left] ;[right] ;[space] ;[text1] ;[text2] ;[text3] ;[time] ;[top] ;[vCenter]