;[#%s] ;[% of screen] ;[%s (*.msf)%c*.MSF%c%c] ;[%s - %s] ;[%s, contain %s] ;[%s: %s] ;[%s: %s (%s)] ;[%s\\*] ;[%s\\*.msf] ;[%s|] ;[&About] ;[&Align] ;[&Away\tCtrl+2] ;[&Border] ;[&Bottom] ;[&Client] ;[&DND\tCtrl+5] ;[&Delete Group] ;[&Down] ;[&Expanded] ;[&Floating Mode] ;[&Free for chat\tCtrl+6] ;[&Hide Offline Users] ;[&Hide Offline Users in here] ;[&Hide/Show] ;[&Invisible\tCtrl+7] ;[&Locked] ;[&Main Menu] ;[&NA\tCtrl+3] ;[&New Group] ;[&New SubGroup] ;[&New Subgroup] ;[&Offline\tCtrl+0] ;[&Options...] ;[&Position] ;[&Rename Group] ;[&Show title] ;[&Status] ;[&Top] ;[&Up] ;[&Visible] ;[*.gif] ;[+] ;[-@-HIDDEN-GROUP-@-] ;[000%] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[Active opacity:] ;[Always on top] ;[Always show status in tooltip] ;[Appearance] ;[Are you sure you want to delete %s?] ;[Arial] ;[Ask before deleting contacts] ;[Automatically resize window to height of list] ;[Avatar] ;[Away] ;[Background colour:] ;[Behaviour] ;[Border] ;[Browse] ;[CLUIFrameSubContainer] ;[CLUIFrameTitleBar] ;[CLVMFrameWindow] ;[Cancel] ;[Column] ;[Compact mode\n(Show avatars and additional text on selected contacts only)] ;[Contact List] ;[Contact List Sorting] ;[Contact List smileys] ;[Cycle icons every] ;[DND] ;[Default] ;[Dim idle contacts] ;[Disable &Groups] ;[Disable drag and drop of items] ;[Disable groups] ;[Disable icon blinking] ;[Disable rename of items by clicking twice] ;[Do You want contact '%s' to be converted to MetaContact and '%s' be added to it (remove it from '%s] ;[Down] ;[Draw a line alongside group names] ;[E&xit] ;[Easy move] ;[Empty %s cell] ;[Error] ;[Extra icons] ;[Fade contact list in/out] ;[Floating] ;[Fonts] ;[For other stuff MetaContacts plugin should be loaded.\n\nhttp://miranda-ng.org] ;[Frames] ;[FramesContainer] ;[Free for chat] ;[General] ;[Group] ;[GroupMenu] ;[Groups] ;[Height] ;[Hide &Empty Groups] ;[Hide &Offline Users out here] ;[Hide All Titlebars] ;[Hide Miranda] ;[Hide empty groups] ;[Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings] ;[Hide offline users] ;[Hold [Shift] to inverse [Right Click] behaviour] ;[Hot track items as mouse passes over] ;[Hours] ;[ImgDecoder.dll] ;[Inactive opacity:] ;[Indent groups by:] ;[Init NewRow Dialog] ;[Invisible] ;[Items] ;[JID: fyr@jabber.ru] ;[Left] ;[Line] ;[Listening to] ;[Lock Frame] ;[Make sections equal width] ;[Make selection highlight translucent] ;[Minimize to tray] ;[Miranda::GetProfile] ;[MirandaModernAniAvatar] ;[ModernStatusBar] ;[Move down] ;[Move up] ;[My Contacts] ;[Name] ;[New] ;[OPTION PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Please DO NOT notice about any issues here.\n Only high-level design comments are applicable.] ;[Occ&upied\tCtrl+4] ;[Occupied] ;[Offline] ;[On the &Phone\tCtrl+8] ;[On the phone] ;[On&line\tCtrl+1] ;[Online] ;[Only when statuses differ] ;[Options] ;[Out to &Lunch\tCtrl+9] ;[Out to lunch] ;[Pin to desktop] ;[Progman] ;[Protocol] ;[Quicksearch in open groups only] ;[Rate] ;[Right click opens status menu] ;[Scroll list smoothly] ;[Scroll with text] ;[Second Line] ;[Selection colour:] ;[Shell_TrayWnd] ;[Show All Frames] ;[Show All Titlebars] ;[Show TitleBar] ;[Show divider between online and offline contacts] ;[Show menu bar] ;[Show multiple icons] ;[Show protocol names] ;[Show selection even when list is not focused] ;[Show status bar] ;[Show status text] ;[Show/Hide Offline Users] ;[Single click interface] ;[Size upwards] ;[Size:] ;[SkinFolder] ;[Skin_Description_Section] ;[Sort groups alphabetically] ;[Status Bar] ;[SubContainerWindow] ;[SubGroupMenu] ;[This will erase all history and settings for this contact!] ;[Time:] ;[Title bar text:] ;[To view a toolbar in Clist Modern you need the TopToolBar plugin. Click Yes to download it or Cancel to continue] ;[Toolbar upgrade] ;[Top] ;[Translucency options (Windows 2000/XP+)] ;[Transparent contact list] ;[Type] ;[Up] ;[Use Options->Ignore (expert mode) to unhide contacts.] ;[Use background bitmap] ;[Use improved search method in contactlist] ;[Use protocol smileys] ;[Visible] ;[Visual] ;[Window] ;[[/b]] ;[[/i]] ;[[/u]] ;[[B]] ;[[Ctrl]+[Left Click] to filter only protocol. Click on empty space to show all] ;[[I]] ;[[U]] ;[[b]] ;[[i]] ;[[u]] ;[avatar] ;[bottom] ;[clisticons.dll] ;[column] ;[columns] ;[dwmapi.dll] ;[extra] ;[extra1] ;[extra2] ;[extra3] ;[extra4] ;[extra5] ;[extra6] ;[extra7] ;[extra8] ;[extra9] ;[fspace] ;[fyr.mirandaim.ru] ;[hCenter] ;[icons\\toolbar_icons.dll] ;[kernel32] ;[left] ;[maximum] ;[right] ;[seconds] ;[seconds, when statuses differ] ;[shlwapi] ;[space] ;[status] ;[text1] ;[text2] ;[text3] ;[time] ;[top] ;[user32] ;[user32.dll] ;[vCenter]