[Do not add to popup's history] [Current Rate:] [Rate Fetch Time:] [Previous Rate:] [&Convert:] [&Watched currency rates:] [&Refresh Rates Every:] [&Tendency:] [&Personal key:] [Rate Info] [There is nothing to show] [Enter positive number.] [Currency Rate] [Source of Information] [Rate Value] [Previous Rate Value] [Fetch Time] [Fetch Date] [Fetch Time and Date] [Percentage Character (%)] [Tabulation] [Left slash (\\)] [Error occurred during HTML parsing.] [Error occurred during site access.] [From Currency Full Name] [From Currency Short Name] [Into Currency Full Name] [Into Currency Short Name] [Short notation for "%f/%i"] [Refresh All Rates] [Export All Currency Rates] [Import All Currency Rates] [Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update] [Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled] [Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled] [Currency Symbol] [This plugin requires a personal key. Press Yes to obtain it at the site and then enter the result in the Options dialog, otherwise this plugin will fail.] [Currency Rate up] [Currency Rate down] [Currency Rate not changed] [Currency Rate Section] [Swap button]