;[ (*)] ;[ (*.txt)] ;[%.*s (%u)%s] ;[%d %d] ;[%miranda_avatarcache%] ;[%miranda_userdata%] ;[%s (%d / %d)] ;[%s/%s] ;[%s\\%s\\ImageCache] ;[%s\\*.(null)] ;[%s\t%s\t%s] ;[&Save changes] ;[&Send] ;['Unknown'] ;[*.TXT] ;[*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.png] ;[, %s %d] ;[, %s %s] ;[.bmp] ;[.jpg] ;[.png] ;[.txt] ;[] ;[???] ;[All Files] ;[Away] ;[Can not create avatar file. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s] ;[Can not create avatars cache directory. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s] ;[Can not create image cache directory. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s] ;[Can not create transfer file. ERROR: %d: %s (dcc)\n%s] ;[Can not create transfer file. ERROR: %d: %s (dcc7)\n%s] ;[Can not open avatar file. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s] ;[Can not open image file. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s] ;[Cancel] ;[Cannot save received image to file. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s] ;[Change Gadu-Gadu e-mail\nChanges current Gadu-Gadu user e-mail] ;[Change Gadu-Gadu password\nChanges current Gadu-Gadu user password] ;[Concurrent %s Login Sessions\nView information on active concurrent sessions] ;[Connection cannot be established. errno=%d: %s] ;[Copy Text] ;[Could not load token image.] ;[Create Gadu-Gadu account\nThis will create new Gadu-Gadu account] ;[DND] ;[Delete image from the list] ;[Description:] ;[E-mail:] ;[Error] ;[Free for chat] ;[GMT] ;[GMT%+d:%02d] ;[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol] ;[Gadu-Gadu servers are now down. Try again later.] ;[General] ;[HTTP failed connecting] ;[HTTP failed memory] ;[HTTP failed reading] ;[HTTP failed resolving] ;[HTTP failed writing] ;[Host:] ;[Ignore] ;[Image exceeds maximum allowed size of 255 KB.] ;[Image files (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.png)] ;[Incoming image] ;[Invisible] ;[Keep connection alive] ;[List cannot be exported because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)] ;[List cannot be exported to file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)] ;[List cannot be imported because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)] ;[List cannot be imported from file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)] ;[List cannot be removeed because of error: %s (Error: %d)] ;[Nickname:] ;[Number:] ;[OK] ;[Online] ;[Open] ;[Open new conference\nSelect conference participants] ;[Options] ;[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)] ;[Password:] ;[Popup window] ;[Port:] ;[Protocol icon] ;[Remove] ;[Remove Gadu-Gadu account\nThis will remove your Gadu-Gadu account] ;[Save image to disk] ;[Server disconnected asking you for changing your e-mail.] ;[To remove your Gadu-Gadu avatar, you must use the gg.pl website.] ;[Too many login attempts with invalid password.] ;[Unknown] ;[Unknown HTTP error] ;[Version:] ;[Whois] ;[WinSock %d: %s] ;[WinSock %u: Unknown error.] ;[You are logged in at another location] ;[You have logged in at another location] ;[You have registered new account.\nPlease fill up your personal details in "M->View/Change My Details..."] ;[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.] ;[You have to be logged in to view concurrent sessions.] ;[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.] ;[[img]%s[/img]] ;[\\%s] ;[\\%s avatar.%s] ;[\\%s.%s] ;[bmp] ;[contacts] ;[gif] ;[http://whois.domaintools.com/%s] ;[jpeg] ;[jpg] ;[png] ;[sign out] ;[w+b]