;[ +b *!*@] ;[ +qnidc] ;[ +qnidcm] ;[ Unicode] ;[!] ;[%#c] ;[%%miranda_path%%\\Plugins\\] ;[%anick] ;[%awaymsg] ;[%bold] ;[%color] ;[%italics] ;[%mirver] ;[%mnick] ;[%module] ;[%name] ;[%network] ;[%newl] ;[%question] ;[%s - Filtered - %d items] ;[%u second] ;[%u seconds] ;[%underline] ;[%version] ;[&Invite to channel] ;[@] ;[Are you sure you want to unregister your current nick?] ;[Auth nick] ;[Authentificate nick] ;[Change language of NickServ messages] ;[DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]] ;[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port for passive filetransfer] ;[DCC file transfer request sent to %s [%s]] ;[DCC reversed file transfer request sent to %s [%s]] ;[DCC: Reverse file transfer request from %s denied [No local IP]] ;[Delete nick] ;[Edit ignore] ;[Failed to connect to] ;[Fear the monkeys!!!] ;[Filter by] ;[Give Admin] ;[Give Owner] ;[Halfop] ;[Hide e-mail from info] ;[Hide nick from list] ;[Host address] ;[INVITE] ;[Ident] ;[Identify nick] ;[Incorrect parameters. Usage: /sleep [ms], ms should be greater than 0 and less than 4000.] ;[Jerk] ;[Kill unauthorized: off] ;[Kill unauthorized: on] ;[Kill unauthorized: quick] ;[Link another nick to current nick] ;[Link nick to current] ;[List all your nicks] ;[List your channels] ;[Miranda IRC] ;[Miranda%u] ;[NICK %s] ;[NICK %s\r\n] ;[NOTICE] ;[Network log] ;[NickServ] ;[Nickserv info] ;[Nickserv kill ghost] ;[PING %s] ;[PING %u] ;[PONG %s] ;[PRIVMSG] ;[Ping] ;[Please enter URL that will be linked to your nick] ;[Please enter desired languageID (numeric value, depends on server)] ;[Please enter nick you want to link to your current nick] ;[Please enter nick you want to set as your main nick] ;[Please enter nick you want to unlink from your current nick] ;[Please enter some information about your nick] ;[Please enter the channel name to invite to] ;[Please enter the notice text] ;[Please enter your authentification code] ;[Please enter your e-mail, that will be linked to your nick] ;[Please enter your password] ;[QUIT] ;[QUIT :%s\r\n] ;[Register nick] ;[Remind password ] ;[Remove security for nick] ;[Server description] ;[Set URL, linked to nick] ;[Set e-mail] ;[Set e-mail, linked to nick] ;[Set homepage] ;[Set info] ;[Set information for nick] ;[Set language] ;[Set main nick] ;[Set new password] ;[Set security for nick] ;[Show e-mail in info] ;[Show nick to list] ;[Take Admin] ;[Take Owner] ;[The IRC protocol depends on another plugin called 'Chat'\n\nDo you want to download it from the Miranda NG web site now?] ;[Topic%s%s] ;[Try server %99[^ ,], port %19s] ;[Type new server address here] ;[UNIX] ;[USER %s %s %s :%s\r\n] ;[USERHOST] ;[Unlink another nick from current nick] ;[Unlink nick from current] ;[WALLOPS] ;[WHO] ;[WHOIS ] ;[WhoIs] ;[Your host is %99[^ \x5b,], running version %99s] ;[accept] ;[action] ;[dcc] ;[finger] ;[host] ;[is a registered nick] ;[is an identified user] ;[online since %s, idle %s] ;[ping] ;[qnidc] ;[resume] ;[send] ;[server] ;[source] ;[system] ;[time] ;[userinfo] ;[users: %u] ;[version]