;[ - ] ;[ +b *!*@] ;[ +qnidc] ;[ +qnidcm] ;[ - ] ;[ - ( ] ;[ : ] ;[ Unicode] ;[!] ;[!*@*] ;[!_nick_!] ;[" %s] ;[","] ;[","*!*@] ;[#$%u] ;[$%u] ;[$%u-] ;[%#c] ;[%%miranda_path%%\\Plugins\\] ;[%02u] ;[%anick] ;[%awaymsg] ;[%bold] ;[%color] ;[%italics] ;[%me] ;[%miranda_path%\\Plugins\\IRC_servers.ini] ;[%mirver] ;[%mnick] ;[%module] ;[%name] ;[%network] ;[%newl] ;[%question] ;[%s %s %s] ;[%s %s %s %s ] ;[%s - %s] ;[%s - Filtered - %d items] ;[%s%u] ;[%s+%s] ;[%s-%s] ;[%s\r\n] ;[%temp%\\default_servers.ini] ;[%u second] ;[%u seconds] ;[%ud, %uh, %um, %us] ;[%uh, %um, %us] ;[%um, %us] ;[%underline] ;[%us] ;[%version] ;[&Accept] ;[&Add] ;[&Cancel] ;[&Deny] ;[&Edit] ;[&Invite to channel] ;[&OK] ;[&Refresh] ;[---- Not listed server ----] ;[/AWAY] ;[/AWAY %s] ;[/CHANNELMANAGER] ;[/CTCP %s DCC CHAT chat %u %u] ;[/CTCP %s DCC SEND %s %u %u %I64u] ;[/CTCP %s DCC SEND %s %u %u %I64u %s] ;[/CTCP %s DCC SEND %s 200 0 %I64u %u] ;[/DCC CHAT %s] ;[/DCC SEND %s] ;[/DCC SEND %s ] ;[/IGNORE %%question="%s","%s","*!*@] ;[/IGNORE %question="] ;[/INVITE %s %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/JOIN #%s] ;[/JOIN %s] ;[/JOIN %s %s] ;[/KICK %s %s] ;[/KICK %s %s %%question="%s","%s","%s"] ;[/LIST] ;[/ME ] ;[/MODE] ;[/MODE ] ;[/MODE %s] ;[/MODE %s %s %s] ;[/MODE %s +a %s] ;[/MODE %s +b *!*@%s%%newl/KICK %s %s] ;[/MODE %s +b *!*@%s%%newl/KICK %s %s %%question="%s","%s","%s"] ;[/MODE %s +h %s] ;[/MODE %s +o %s] ;[/MODE %s +q %s] ;[/MODE %s +v %s] ;[/MODE %s -%s %s%s/MODE %s +%s %s] ;[/MODE %s -a %s] ;[/MODE %s -h %s] ;[/MODE %s -i] ;[/MODE %s -o %s] ;[/MODE %s -q %s] ;[/MODE %s -v %s] ;[/NICK %s] ;[/NOTICE %s %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/NOTICE %s I am sending the file '\002%s\002' (%I64u kB) to you, please accept it. [IP: %s]] ;[/NOTICE %s I am sending the file '\002%s\002' (%I64u kB) to you, please accept it. [Reverse transfer]] ;[/NOTICE %s \001%s\001] ;[/NOTICE %s \001FINGER %s (%s)\001] ;[/NOTICE %s \001SOURCE Get Miranda IRC here: http://miranda-ng.org/ \001] ;[/NOTICE %s \001TIME %s\001] ;[/NOTICE %s \001USERINFO %s\001] ;[/NOTICE %s \001VERSION Miranda NG %s (IRC v.%s%s), (c) 2003-09 J.Persson, G.Hazan\001] ;[/PART %s] ;[/PART %s %s] ;[/PRIVMSG ] ;[/PRIVMSG %s] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001%s %u\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001%s\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001DCC ACCEPT %s\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001DCC RESUME %s %u %I64u\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001DCC RESUME %s 0 %I64u %s\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001PING %u\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001TIME\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001USERINFO\001] ;[/PRIVMSG %s \001VERSION\001] ;[/QUERY %s] ;[/SERVERSHOW] ;[/TOPIC %s %s] ;[/UNIGNORE *!*@] ;[/WHOIS %s %s] ;[/ame] ;[/amsg] ;[/away] ;[/buddycheck] ;[/channelmanager] ;[/clear] ;[/ctcp] ;[/dcc] ;[/echo] ;[/hop] ;[/ignore] ;[/joinm] ;[/joinx] ;[/kick] ;[/list] ;[/lusers] ;[/me] ;[/mode ] ;[/msg] ;[/nick] ;[/nickserv AUTH %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv DROP] ;[/nickserv GHOST %s] ;[/nickserv IDENTIFY %question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv INFO %s ALL] ;[/nickserv LINK %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv LISTCHANS] ;[/nickserv LISTLINKS] ;[/nickserv REGISTER %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv SENDPASS %s] ;[/nickserv SET EMAIL %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv SET HIDE EMAIL OFF] ;[/nickserv SET HIDE EMAIL ON] ;[/nickserv SET INFO %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv SET KILL OFF] ;[/nickserv SET KILL ON] ;[/nickserv SET KILL QUICK] ;[/nickserv SET LANGUAGE %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv SET PASSWORD %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/nickserv SET PRIVATE OFF] ;[/nickserv SET PRIVATE ON] ;[/nickserv SET SECURE OFF] ;[/nickserv SET SECURE ON] ;[/nickserv SET URL %%question="%s","%s"] ;[/notice] ;[/nusers] ;[/op /mode ## +ooo $1 $2 $3\r\n/dop /mode ## -ooo $1 $2 $3\r\n/voice /mode ## +vvv $1 $2 $3\r\n/dvoice /mode ## -vvv $1 $2 $3\r\n/j /join #$1 $2-\r\n/p /part ## $1-\r\n/w /whois $1\r\n/k /kick ## $1 $2-\r\n/q /query $1\r\n/logon /log on ##\r\n/logoff /log off ##\r\n/save /log buffer $1\r\n/slap /me slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout] ;[/part] ;[/privmsg] ;[/query] ;[/quit] ;[/quote] ;[/raw] ;[/serverhide] ;[/servershow] ;[/slap %s] ;[/sleep] ;[/topic] ;[/unignore] ;[/userhost] ;[/wait] ;[/who] ;[/whois] ;[: %u)] ;[: %u).] ;[: %u, try %u)] ;[@] ;[Add] ;[Add to &ignore list] ;[Are you sure you want to unregister your current nick?] ;[Auth nick] ;[Authentificate nick] ;[CHANMODES=] ;[CHANTYPES=] ;[Cancel] ;[Change language of NickServ messages] ;[DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]] ;[DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port for passive filetransfer] ;[DCC file transfer request sent to %s [%s]] ;[DCC reversed file transfer request sent to %s [%s]] ;[DCC: Reverse file transfer request from %s denied [No local IP]] ;[Delete nick] ;[Edit] ;[Edit ignore] ;[Failed to connect to] ;[Fear the monkeys!!!] ;[Filter by] ;[Give Admin] ;[Give Owner] ;[Halfop] ;[Hide e-mail from info] ;[Hide nick from list] ;[Host address] ;[INVITE] ;[Ident] ;[Identify nick] ;[Ignore] ;[Incorrect parameters. Usage: /sleep [ms], ms should be greater than 0 and less than 4000.] ;[Information] ;[Jerk] ;[Keep connection alive] ;[Kick] ;[Kill unauthorized: off] ;[Kill unauthorized: on] ;[Kill unauthorized: quick] ;[Link another nick to current nick] ;[Link nick to current] ;[List all your nicks] ;[List your channels] ;[Miranda IRC] ;[Miranda%u] ;[NICK %s] ;[NICK %s\r\n] ;[NOTICE] ;[Name] ;[Network log] ;[Nick] ;[NickServ] ;[Nickserv info] ;[Nickserv kill ghost] ;[Offline] ;[PING %s] ;[PING %u] ;[PONG %s] ;[PREFIX=] ;[PRIVMSG] ;[Password:] ;[Ping] ;[Please enter URL that will be linked to your nick] ;[Please enter desired languageID (numeric value, depends on server)] ;[Please enter nick you want to link to your current nick] ;[Please enter nick you want to set as your main nick] ;[Please enter nick you want to unlink from your current nick] ;[Please enter some information about your nick] ;[Please enter the channel name to invite to] ;[Please enter the notice text] ;[Please enter your authentification code] ;[Please enter your e-mail, that will be linked to your nick] ;[Please enter your password] ;[Please wait...] ;[QUIT] ;[QUIT :%s\r\n] ;[Register nick] ;[Remind password ] ;[Remove security for nick] ;[Server description] ;[Set URL, linked to nick] ;[Set e-mail] ;[Set e-mail, linked to nick] ;[Set homepage] ;[Set info] ;[Set information for nick] ;[Set language] ;[Set main nick] ;[Set new password] ;[Set security for nick] ;[Show e-mail in info] ;[Show nick to list] ;[TEXT] ;[Take Admin] ;[Take Owner] ;[The IRC protocol depends on another plugin called 'Chat'\n\nDo you want to download it from the Miranda NG web site now?] ;[Time] ;[Topic%s%s] ;[Try server %99[^ ,], port %19s] ;[Type new server address here] ;[UNIX] ;[USER %s %s %s :%s\r\n] ;[USERHOST] ;[Unknown] ;[Unlink another nick from current nick] ;[Unlink nick from current] ;[User] ;[Version] ;[WALLOPS] ;[WHO] ;[WHOIS ] ;[WhoIs] ;[Your host is %99[^ \x5b,], running version %99s] ;[\001] ;[\001ACTION %s\001] ;[\002] ;[\003] ;[\003%u,] ;[\003%u,99] ;[\0033%s \002%s\002 (] ;[\0035%s \002%s\002 (] ;[\0035\002] ;[\00399] ;[\00399,] ;[\00399,99] ;[\026] ;[\037] ;[\r\n] ;[\r\n\r\n] ;[_ignore.ini] ;[_perform.ini] ;[accept] ;[action] ;[dcc] ;[finger] ;[host] ;[is a registered nick] ;[is an identified user] ;[online since %s, idle %s] ;[ping] ;[qnidc] ;[resume] ;[send] ;[server] ;[source] ;[system] ;[time] ;[userinfo] ;[users: %u] ;[version] ;[113] ;[303] ;[330] ;[346] ;[347] ;[348] ;[349] ;[367] ;[368] ;[515] ;[4096]