[New Away System Mod plugin for Miranda NG.]
[Configure autoaway]
[Store for each status separately]
[Use default...]
[When this checkbox is ticked, NewAwaySys counts "send times" starting from the last status message change, even if status mode didn't change.\nWhen the checkbox isn't ticked, "send times" are counted from last status mode change (i.e., disabled state is more restrictive).]
[Been fragging since %nas_awaysince_time%, I'll message you later when the adrenaline wears off.]
[New Away System]
[Away since time in default format; ?nas_awaysince_time(x) in format x]
[Away since date in default format; ?nas_awaysince_date(x) in format x]
[Status description]
[Your nick for current protocol]
[Number of status message requests from the contact]
[Number of messages from the contact]
[Time passed until request]
[Returns one of your predefined messages by its title: ?nas_predefinedmessage(creepy)]
[Current protocol name]
[Do you really want to delete this category with its messages?]
[Do you really want to delete this message?]
[available autoreply only]