[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
[Automatically turn off Popups and Sounds on status change]
[Notify me for people not in my Contact List]
[Go to Sound to select the sounds]
[Extra status notify]
[Extra status logging]
[Disable all]
[Enable all]
[Use Popup colours]
[Popup text]
[Show contact group name]
[Use alternative descriptions]
[Show status description]
[Disable for extra status 'Music']
[Truncate message length to:]
[Title - text delimiter:]
[New message:]
[New status:]
[Disable globally]
[Disable only if I change global status]
[Disable when my status is:]
[Extra status log]
[Enable logging extra status to message window]
[Keep events in history]
[Prevent identical logs]
[On opening ML:]
[Ignore empty status messages]
[Enable/Disable protocols which you don't wish to be notified for:]
[Wave Files]
[Enable status notification]
[Disable status notification]
[Notification enabled]
[Notification disabled]
[New Status Notify]
[Extra status changed]
[Extra status message changed]
[Extra status removed]
[Toggle status notification]
[This is status message]
[Do you want to reset all templates to default?]
[Reset templates]
[Show available variables]
[Reset all templates to default]
[Can't open the log file!]
[%s, %s. %s removed %s.\r\n]
[%s, %s. %s changed %s to: %s.\r\n]
[changed %N to: %T%D%I]
[changed %N message to:%D%I]
[removed %N]
[changed his/her status message to %n]
[changed %N @ %T%D%I]
[changed %N message @ %I]
[has %N @ %T%D%I]
[These variables are available:\r\n\r\n%N\textra status name (Xstatus, Mood, Activity)\r\n%T\textra status title\r\n%I\textra status text\r\n%D\tdelimiter\r\n%B\tline break (can be used as delimiter)]
[These variables are available:\r\n\r\n%n\tNew Status Message\r\n%o\tOld Status Message\r\n%c\tCustom Nickname\r\n\\n\tline break\r\n\\t\ttab stop]