[Displays popups for custom events, triggered by UDP packages.]
[Property Page]
[Only listen to localhost]
[Use internal speaker]
[Message debugging]
[(Default is 12001)]
[Allow actions to execute programs]
[No resource name given.]
[Icon indices start at 1.]
[Could not find the requested icon.]
[Application launching is disabled.]
[Unterminated option.]
[No argument given to msg option.]
[ID is required for replacement.]
[Invalid argument for replace option: ]
[Empty message ignored.]
[Failed to write to log file.]
[Failed to open log file.]
[N/A: Failed to format error message]
[N/A: FormatMessage failed, error code was 0x]
[Log (*.log)\0*.log\0Text (*.txt)\0*.txt\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0]
[Invalid port number]