;[%#d] ;[%#m] ;[%s disables '%s' status for %s] ;[%s disables '%s' status for %s in %s] ;[%s enables '%s' status for %s] ;[%s enables '%s' status for %s in %s] ;[%s: Server] ;[&D] ;[&E] ;[&H] ;[&Q] ;[&U] ;[AQG_glo'] ;[AQGg'] ;[AQGgl'] ;[Add ':' to auto-completed names] ;[Arial] ;[Bing] ;[Default events to show in new chat rooms if the 'event filter' is enabled] ;[Enable 'event filter' for new rooms] ;[Foodnetwork] ;[Google] ;[Google Maps] ;[Google Translate] ;[Infobar background] ;[Look up '%s':] ;[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,] ;[My Contact] ;[O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies] ;[Remember my choice for this container] ;[Sending in progress: %d message(s) left...] ;[Server: %s] ;[Show these events only:] ;[Status 2 (10x10] ;[Terminal] ;[The topic is '%s%s'] ;[The topic is '%s'] ;[The topic is '%s' (set by %s)] ;[Verdana] ;[Wikipedia (en)] ;[You are about to send a message to all open tabs.\nAre you sure ?] ;[ab+] ;[consectetur adipisicing elit] ;[kB] ;[mailto:] ;[mon] ;[to tiny bits, in Thy mercy] ;[wday] ;[weekday] ;[year without century, 01- 99] ;[yyyy]