[Not secured for NotOnList]
[Auto accept RSA key (NOT SECURED)]
[Mode in Context Menu]
[SecureIM plugin Passphrase of private key]
[Enter passphrase for the secret key:]
[Set pre-shared key]
[Delete pre-shared key]
[Can't change mode! Secure connection established!]
[Can't export RSA private key!]
[Can't import RSA private key!]
[Can't export RSA public key!]
[Can't import RSA public key!]
[The new settings will become valid when you restart MirandaNG!]
[Always try]
[SecureIM mode (Native)]
[SecureIM mode (PGP)]
[SecureIM mode (GPG)]
[SecureIM mode (RSA/AES)]
[SecureIM mode (RSA)]
[SecureIM received unencrypted message:\n]
[SecureIM received encrypted message:\n]
[Session closed by receiving incorrect message type]
[Session closed by other side on error]
[Error while decoding AES message]
[Error while decoding RSA message]
[Session closed on timeout]
[Session closed by other side when status "disabled"]
[Session closed on error: %02x]
[SecureIM auto accepted RSA Public key from: %s uin: %s SHA1: %s]
[SecureIM received NEW RSA Public Key from "%s"\n\nNew SHA1: %s\n\nOld SHA1: %s\n\nDo you Replace this Key ?]
[SecureIM auto accepted NEW RSA Public key from: %s uin: %s New SHA1: %s Old SHA1: %s]
[Disable Secure Connection]
[Menu State]
[Always Try]
[Key Popup]
[Secure Popup]
[Message Popup]