;[ - Winamp] ;[## %s ##] ;[%date%] ;[%fortunemsg%] ;[%protofortunemsg%] ;[%rand(] ;[%rand(x,y)%] ;[%randdefmsg%] ;[%randmsg%] ;[%s *] ;[%s Message (%s)] ;[%statusfortunemsg%] ;[%time%] ;[%winampsong%] ;[&Go to URL in Away Message] ;[,)%%] ;[] ;[?cdate(format)] ;[?cinfo(contact,property)] ;[?contact(string,property)] ;[?ctime(format)] ;[?dbsetting(contact,module,setting)] ;[?if(condition,true,false)] ;[?lower(string)] ;[?lsdate(contact,format)] ;[?lsstatus(contact)] ;[?lstime(contact,format)] ;[?mstatus(protocol)] ;[?replace(sub,string1,string2)] ;[?scroll(string,numchars,numchars)] ;[?strcmp(string1,string2)] ;[?stricmp(string1,string2)] ;[?txtfile(file,line)] ;[?upper(string)] ;[Behaviour on status change] ;[Do not update variables during idle] ;[Do not update variables on ICQ status message requests] ;[Enable status messages parsing by Variables plugin] ;[Exclude %date% token from parsing (restart required)] ;[External Applications\tretrieves song name of the song currently playing in Winamp (Simple Status Message compatible)] ;[Failed to retrieve %s message.] ;[Fortune] ;[Global status change] ;[Go to URL in Away Message] ;[Miranda Related\tget the date (Simple Status Message compatible)] ;[Open Status Message Dialog] ;[Pop up dialog asking for status message] ;[Remove Carriage Return (CR = '\\r' = #0D) chars from status messages] ;[STUDIO] ;[SimpleStatusMsg] ;[Winamp v1.x] ;[date] ;[winampsong]