[Anti-spam plugin with captcha and Bayes filtering.] [Do not enable any of these options until Spam-o-tron has learned at least 20 of ham and 50 of spam messages.] [Ham] [Responses: (saved in %response%, %response-n% variables)] [Bayes database path] [Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with "%response%" without quotes.] [Spam-o-tron needs to verify you're not a bot. Reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.] [Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with "%response%" without quotes.] [Spam-o-tron delayed authorization request. First reply with a result of expression %mathexpr%.] [Round-robin] [Invalid regular expression.\nKeeping previous value.] [Message score] [Bayes] [Message blocked due to preview action] [Contact approved due to preview action] [Challenge sent to preview contact] [Contact %s approved.] [Message from %s rejected because it reached a maximum for challenge requests per day.] [Message from %s rejected because it reached a maximum for same responses per day.] [Message from %s dropped because it has a word from black list.] [Message from %s dropped because of high spam score.] [Sending round-robin challenge to %s.] [Sending random challenge to %s.]