[Account Connection] [Accounts to check] [,] [x] [Specify settings for each account] [Use same settings for all accounts] [Trigger when connection loss is detected] [Trigger when reconnection attempt is made] [Trigger when successfull reconnected] [Trigger when giving up reconnecting] [Trigger when reconnected from another location] [Pre-conditions] [Trigger when a login error occurs] [HotKey1] [Cancel all if a account connects from another location] [Set account offline before a connection attempt] [Max. account connecting time (secs)] [Ignore locked status of accounts] [Entering first auto-away status] [Entering second auto-away status] [Leaving first auto-away status] [Leaving second auto-away status] [Becoming active without status change] [TriggerData] [Status: The status the account will change to\r\nAccount: The account changing state] [size: %d x %d] [loc: %d x %d] [Pressed toolbar icon] [Released toolbar icon] [Set %s message for %s.]