;[ Client not cached yet] ;[ Client: %s] ;[%#d] ;[%#m] ;[%I %S %&D, %&T, %N %M%! ] ;[%I %S %N %?&D%\\&E%\\!, %\\T%\\!: %?n%?S %?T%?|%M] ;[%s disables '%s' status for %s] ;[%s disables '%s' status for %s in %s] ;[%s enables '%s' status for %s] ;[%s enables '%s' status for %s in %s] ;[%s%c*.tabsrmm%c%c] ;[%s%sarchived\\] ;[%s: Server] ;[%sLogs\\] ;[%s\\Saved Contact Pictures] ;[%s\\skins\\] ;[%stabSRMM] ;[(undef)] ;[**free**] ;[*/_] ;[] ;[] ;[] ;[>-------M-------<] ;[@Internet] ;[AQGglo] ;[BorderColor] ;[BorderType] ;[ButtonArea] ;[Buttonmouseover] ;[Buttonnotpressed] ;[COLOR2_TRANSPARENT] ;[Caption] ;[CaptionOffset] ;[CaptionPadding] ;[Carbon] ;[Check1] ;[ClientArea] ;[ClipFrame] ;[CloseGlyph] ;[Color1] ;[Color2] ;[Colorkey] ;[Cookie] ;[Copyright 2004-2011 by the Miranda IM project, 2012-2013 by the Miranda NG project. More detailed copyright information can be found in the included README file.] ;[Corner] ;[Custom (use own gradient colors)] ;[DarkShadow] ;[Dummy] ;[Enable the 'event filter' for new rooms] ;[Filetransfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibilty list.] ;[Fillcolor] ;[FontColor] ;[FrameInactive] ;[Glyph] ;[Google] ;[Hover] ;[HoverGlyph] ;[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0] ;[Image] ;[InfoPanelBackground] ;[Infopanelfield] ;[Inner] ;[InputArea] ;[Insert [img] tag / surround selected text with [img][/img]] ;[Item%d] ;[Label] ;[LightShadow] ;[Look up '%s':] ;[M%d|] ;[MIME\\Database\\Rfc1766] ;[MaximizeGlyph] ;[MenuBarBG] ;[MessageLog] ;[Milky Glass] ;[MinimizeGlyph] ;[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available] ;[My Avatar_%s] ;[My Nickname] ;[NoScrollbars] ;[NormalGlyph] ;[PERF text match: %d ticks = %f msec (%d words, %d patterns)] ;[PassContact] ;[Perpixel] ;[Pressed] ;[PressedGlyph] ;[RadiusBL] ;[RadiusBR] ;[RadiusTL] ;[RadiusTR] ;[SHELLDLL_DefView] ;[SKIN_GLYPH] ;[SbarHeight] ;[Semi transparent, custom colors] ;[Send queue full] ;[Server: %s] ;[Shell_TrayWnd] ;[Show client description in info panel] ;[Show skinnable tooltip in chat (tipper plugin required)] ;[SideBarBG] ;[SideBarClass] ;[Sidebar Background] ;[SidebarBottom] ;[SidebarTop] ;[Signature] ;[Silver shadow] ;[Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced] ;[Statusbar] ;[Statusbarpanel] ;[TSButtonClass] ;[TSHK] ;[TSStatusBarClass] ;[TS_SideBarClass] ;[TabSRMM] ;[TabSRMM Theme] ;[TabSRMM fatal error] ;[TabSRMM group chat module|TabSRMM could not enable its group chat module. The most likely cause is that you have installed and enabled \\b1chat.dll\\b0 or another plugin that provides groupchat services.\n\nShould I try to fix this now \\b1(a restart of Miranda is required to apply these changes)?\\b0] ;[TabSRMM runtime error] ;[TabSRMM\n%s %d.%d.%d.%d (Unicode) %s] ;[TabSRMM_DWMProxy] ;[TabTextActive] ;[TabTextHottrack] ;[TabTextNormal] ;[TabTextUnread] ;[Tabitem] ;[Tabitem_active] ;[Tabitem_active_bottom] ;[Tabitem_bottom] ;[Tabitem_hottrack] ;[Tabitem_hottrack_bottom] ;[Tabpage] ;[TaskbarGlomLevel] ;[TaskbarSmallIcons] ;[The image service plugin (advaimg.dll) is not properly installed.\n\nTabSRMM is disabled.] ;[The topic is '%s%s'] ;[The topic is '%s'] ;[The topic is '%s' (set by %s)] ;[This version of tabSRMM requires Windows 2000 or later.] ;[Tip] ;[Titlebutton] ;[Titlebuttonmouseover] ;[Titlebuttonpressed] ;[TrayClockWClass] ;[TrayNotifyWnd] ;[UID: %s] ;[Userlist] ;[WMA] ;[Webdings] ;[WindowFrame] ;[X/%s[%c] (%d)] ;[\\Saved message logs] ;[\\bullet] ;[\\cf] ;[\\colortbl] ;[\\emdash] ;[\\endash] ;[\\highlight] ;[\\ldblquote] ;[\\line] ;[\\line ] ;[\\lquote] ;[\\par] ;[\\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b Listening to:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s] ;[\\pard] ;[\\rdblquote] ;[\\red] ;[\\red%[^ \x5b\\]\\green%[^ \x5b\\]\\blue%[^ \x5b;];] ;[\\rquote] ;[\\strike] ;[\\tab] ;[\\ul] ;[\xAA] ;[ab+] ;[bottom] ;[create proxy WINDOW for: %s] ;[create proxy object for: %s] ;[destroy CThumbBase] ;[destroy proxy WINDOW for: %s] ;[destroy proxy object for: %s] ;[down] ;[dummy] ;[ffffffff] ;[found stale popup %s] ;[framelessmode] ;[jpg] ;[left] ;[log] ;[mailto:] ;[mon] ;[msctls_updown32] ;[png] ;[protoservice] ;[refresh base (background) with %d, %d] ;[right] ;[rtf] ;[service] ;[tabsrmm] ;[toggle] ;[top] ;[tsr_evt_%d] ;[wday] ;[weekday] ;[xoff] ;[yoff] ;[yyyy]