;["Toggle traffic counter" in main menu] ;[%d kilobytes received] ;[%d kilobytes sent] ;[%miranda_userdata%\\statistics] ;[Adaptive] ;[Arial] ;[Clear statistics] ;[Clear the current (Now:) value] ;[Couldn't read statistics file] ;[Counters format string:] ;[Current online] ;[Current traffic] ;[Display traffic for current] ;[Display/] ;[Draw frame as skin element] ;[0] ;[General/] ;[Hide traffic window] ;[Hourly] ;[ListBox] ;[Now traffic statistics for selected accounts will be cleared.\nContinue?] ;[Overall traffic] ;[Period] ;[Selected totals] ;[Show tooltip in traffic window] ;[Sum] ;[Summary traffic for visible accounts] ;[Toggle traffic counter] ;[Tooltip format string:] ;[Total online] ;[Total traffic] ;[Traffic Counter] ;[Traffic counter notification] ;[TrafficCounterWnd] ;[Visible accounts/] ;[Visible accounts/%s] ;[d hh:mm:ss] ;[h:mm:ss] ;[m:ss] ;[now] ;[overall] ;[received] ;[sent] ;[summary] ;[tc_GetTime] ;[tc_GetTraffic] ;[total]