;[ - Winamp] ;[%%%s%%] ;[%.0f] ;[%c%s%c] ;[%c%s%s] ;[(...)] ;[<%s:%s>] ;[Cancel] ;[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] ;[HKEY_CURRENT_USER] ;[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] ;[HKEY_USERS] ;[Help] ;[OK] ;[STUDIO] ;[Setting] ;[The Variables plugin translates various tokens into a certain value. An example is: I'm running Miranda %mirandaversion%. The substring %mirandaversion% will be translated into the correct version number. The following list shows all available tokens.] ;[The token %extratext% is translated into a string which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the string to which %extratext% translates.] ;[The token %subject% is translated into a special contact, which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the contact to which %subject% translates. An example for using this token is: !cinfo(%subject%,display).] ;[Variables] ;[Winamp v1.x] ;[[Paused]] ;[[Stopped]] ;[\\Process(%s)\\%% Processor Time] ;[\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time] ;[\\System\\System Up Time] ;[\r\n] ;[alias] ;[appdata] ;[d s] ;[desktop] ;[miranda_avatarcache] ;[miranda_logpath] ;[miranda_path] ;[miranda_profile] ;[miranda_profilename] ;[miranda_userdata] ;[mydocuments] ;[unknown]