;["\r\nvoid GetSpeed(TCHAR *tempchar, TCHAR *unit, TCHAR *str) \r\n{\r\n // unit can be km/h, mph, m/s, knots\r\n double tempunit;\r\n TCHAR tstr[20];\r\n\r\n str[0] = 0;\r\n\r\n // convert the string into an integer (always positive)\r\n // if the result is 0, then the string is not a number, return _T(""\r\n tempunit = _ttof(tempchar);\r\n if (tempunit == 0 && tempchar[0] != '0] ;[%20"\r\n// dis = original string\r\n// return value = the modified string with space -> _T("%20"\r\nchar *GetSearchStr(char *dis) \r\n{\r\n char *pstr = dis;\r\n size_t len = strlen(dis);\r\n while (*pstr != 0)\r\n {\r\n if (*pstr == ' ] ;[%[..]\tcustom variables] ;[%c\nTemperature: %t\nFeel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]] ;[%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temperature\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set] ;[%s__PopupWindow] ;[<-- Error occurs while updating station: %s -->] ;[<-- Start update for station -->] ;[<-- Update successful for station -->] ;[Alert for %s%c%s] ;[COND] ;[Cond] ;[DAY] ;[DEG] ;[Display Name] ;[Document Not Found] ;[Elevation] ;[Enable/disable auto update] ;[Error occured! HTTP Error: %i\n] ;[Error! Update cannot continue... Start to free memory] ;[Feel-Like: %f\nPressure: %p\nWind: %i %w\nHumidity: %m\nDew Point: %e\nVisibility: %v\n\nSun Rise: %r\nSun Set: %y\n\n5 Days Forecast:\n%[Forecast Day 1]\n%[Forecast Day 2]\n%[Forecast Day 3]\n%[Forecast Day 4]\n%[Forecast Day 5]] ;[File Name] ;[File Version] ;[HPA] ;[HTTP Error %i] ;[HTTP Error: Bad gateway (502)] ;[HTTP Error: Bad request (400)] ;[HTTP Error: Data moved (301)] ;[HTTP Error: Forbidden (403)] ;[HTTP Error: Gateway timeout (504)] ;[HTTP Error: Gone (410)] ;[HTTP Error: Internal server error (500)] ;[HTTP Error: Method not allowed (405)] ;[HTTP Error: No content (204)] ;[HTTP Error: Not found (404)] ;[HTTP Error: Payment required (402)] ;[HTTP Error: Proxy authentication required (407)] ;[HTTP Error: Service unavailable (503)] ;[HTTP Error: Temporary redirect (307)] ;[HTTP Error: Unauthorized (401)] ;[HTTP Error: Use proxy (305)] ;[ID Search - Station Name] ;[INI Version] ;[Invalid ID format, missing "/" (10)] ;[KM/H] ;[KNOTS] ;[KPA] ;[Light] ;[Lightning] ;[M/S] ;[MILES] ;[MONTH] ;[MPH] ;[NAME] ;[Name Search Multiple Result - Station ID] ;[Name Search Multiple Result - Station Name] ;[Name Search Single Result - Station ID] ;[Name Search Single Result - Station Name] ;[NetLib error occurred!!] ;[No information available.\r\nPlease update weather condition first.] ;[PCloudy] ;[RShower] ;[Reload INI] ;[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.] ;[SShower] ;[TORR] ;[Temperature: %[Temperature]] ;[The corresponding INI file for "%s" is not found.] ;[Total INI files] ;[Total memory used] ;[Update Completed - Start to free memory] ;[Verdana] ;[Weather INI information for "%s":] ;[Weather Protocol INI Setup\nInstall and load your weather ini file here] ;[Weather: %s] ;[WeatherFrame] ;[\\Plugins\\weather\\] ;[clear] ;[cloud] ;[clouds] ;[drizzle] ;[dust] ;[fair] ;[flurries] ;[fog] ;[freezing] ;[ft] ;[haze] ;[ice] ;[m] ;[mainy clear] ;[mainy sunny] ;[mist] ;[mostly] ;[open] ;[overcast] ;[partly cloudy] ;[rain] ;[rain shower] ;[sand] ;[shower] ;[smoke] ;[snow] ;[static] ;[sunny] ;[t-storm] ;[thunder] ;[wintry] ;[6]