[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.] [Elevation] [ft] [m] [Weather Protocol INI Setup\nInstall and load your weather ini file here] [Total INI files] [Total memory used] [Reload INI] [Enable/disable auto update] [Invalid ID format, missing "/" (10)] [HTTP Error: No content (204)] [HTTP Error: Data moved (301)] [HTTP Error: Use proxy (305)] [HTTP Error: Temporary redirect (307)] [HTTP Error: Bad request (400)] [HTTP Error: Unauthorized (401)] [HTTP Error: Payment required (402)] [HTTP Error: Forbidden (403)] [HTTP Error: Not found (404)] [HTTP Error: Method not allowed (405)] [HTTP Error: Proxy authentication required (407)] [HTTP Error: Gone (410)] [HTTP Error: Internal server error (500)] [HTTP Error: Bad gateway (502)] [HTTP Error: Service unavailable (503)] [HTTP Error: Gateway timeout (504)] [Temperature: %[Temperature]] [HTTP Error %i] [The corresponding INI file for "%s" is not found.] [Weather INI information for "%s":] [%c\tcurrent condition\n%d\tcurrent date\n%e\tdewpoint\n%f\tfeel-like temperature\n%h\ttoday's high\n%i\twind direction\n%l\ttoday's low\n%m\thumidity\n%n\tstation name\n%p\tpressure\n%r\tsunrise time\n%s\tstation ID\n%t\ttemperature\n%u\tupdate time\n%v\tvisibility\n%w\twind speed\n%y\tsun set] [No information available.\r\nPlease update weather condition first.]