;[ answer you] ;[''Music'' status is set] ;[(%artist%, %title%, %album% and %year% macros can be used only)] ;[Album] ;[Artist] ;[Attempts] ;[Bad Auth. Check login and password] ;[Bad TimeStamp] ;[Client is banned] ;[Content language] ;[Default] ;[Delete] ;[Don''t forget to enter Login and Password to use Last.fm service] ;[Don''t forget to enter Login and Password to use MyShows service] ;[Episode] ;[Export text template] ;[Format text Info] ;[Genres] ;[Get Artist Info] ;[Get Series Info] ;[Kinopoisk info page] ;[Last.fm error: ] ;[M] ;[Music Info from ] ;[OK] ;[Options] ;[Picture transform] ;[Players list\n(F1 for note)] ;[Reset] ;[Scrobble at] ;[Set XStatus when...] ;[Similar artists] ;[Switch ON these modules] ;[Tunes] ;[User music info text] ;[V] ;[VBR macro] ;[Variables] ;[XStatus is empty or ''Music''] ;[You Get Error] ;[any XStatus is set] ;[popup test] ;[second line] ;[1] ;[2] ;[3] ;[4] ;[5] ;[6] ;[7] ;[8] ;[9] ;[10] ;[11] ;[12] ;[13] ;[14] ;[15] ;[16]