; /----------------------------------------------------------\ ; | HotKeys Plus | ; \----------------------------------------------------------/ ; ; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz> ; Adresa: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2932 ; ;(DUP) [Service] ;(DUP) [Description] [1st argument] 1. argument [Hotkey item #%d] Kl�vesov� zkratka �.%d [For Win9x use other plugin version.] Tato verze dopl�ku Hotkeys+ nen� ur�ena pro Windows 9x. [Win9x plugin version can work incorrect on newer Windows versions!\nUse Win2k/XP version instead.] Tato verze dopl�ku Hotkeys+ je ur�ena pro zastaral�\nWindows �ady 9x. Nainstalujte si odpov�daj�c� verzi\npro Window 2000 nebo nov�j��. ;(DUP) [System] ;(DUP) [Miranda] [2nd argument] 2. argument [You should select any item!] Vyberte pros�m po�adovanou polo�ku. [goes] -> [Starts] Spust� ;(DUP) [List] [Check] Kontrola ;(DUP) [Edit] ;(DUP) [Protocols] ;(DUP) [Menus] ;(DUP) [Status] [Use \"Add hotkey\" item in Contact Menu] Nab�dka 'P�idat kl�vesovou zkratku' [XStatus] Roz���en� stav [Do something] <bez popisu> ;(DUP) [Custom] [Service with such name is not registered within Miranda IM workspace!] Slu�ba s t�mto n�zvem nen� v r�mci programu Miranda IM zaregistrov�na! [Show Miranda About Window] Zobrazit informace o programu Miranda [Key pressing] Stisknut� kl�vesy [Add hotkey] P�idat kl�vesovou zkratku ;[Single hotkey can be associated with more than one function.\nPrevious hotkey for this item - [%s] - was bound with %d items except this.\n\nPress \"Yes\" to change hotkeys also for other items that have [%s] as hotkey.\nPress \"No\" to change hotkey only for current item.] [This hotkey already in use!\nChoose any other one.] Zadan� kl�vesov� zkratka je ji� pou�it�.\nDefinujte pros�m jinou. [Fill the service line!] Zadejte n�zev po�adovan� slu�by. [The service line is empty!] Definujte n�zev po�adovan� slu�by. [Start the service \'%s\'] Spustit slu�bu \'%s\' [You're trying to add the item equal to already existed!] Tato polo�ka ji� existuje. ;[You have added the hotkey to the hotkey group] [You have not closed any conversation window\nafter Miranda was started.] Dosud jste je�t� nezav�eli ani jedno konverza�n� okno. ;[Show menu\nto select item from the list\nof predefined services\nor to enter custom data\nShortcut: [Menu], [Right Click]] [Add new hotkey] P�idat kl�vesovou zkratku [Invoke dialog with possibility to change\nservice name, hotkey description,\nkeys' combination and other data\nShortcut: [Double Click]] �prava vybran� polo�ky, tj. n�zvu\nslu�by, popisu, kl�vesov� zkratky\na jin�ch.\nAktivace: [dvoj� kliknut� my��] [Edit selected item in the list] Upravit vybranou polo�ku [After the pressing \'Apply\' button,\nthe hotkey will be removed\nfrom the processing procedure\nShortcut: [Del]] Odstran�n� vybran� polo�ky. Akci\ndokon��te a� potvrzen�m pomoc�\ntla��tka \'Pou��t\'.\nKl�vesov� zkratka: [Del] [Delete selected item in the list] Odstranit vybranou polo�ku [So you can see what do the service\nShortcut: [Backspace]] Umo�n� vyzkou�en� vybran� slu�by.\nKl�vesov� zkratka: [Backspace] [Run selected item in the list] Spustit vybranou polo�ku seznamu ;[For functions having character string as second argument:\nstatus message, URL, words to paste.\nIf function does not support text parameters,\nthe text just will be not saved.] [You can input text here...] Zde zadejte po�adovan� text... ; Resource.rc [Hotkeys+] Kl�vesov� zkratky+ ;(DUP) [Run] ;(DUP) [Edit] [Service] Slu�ba [Fill] Vyplnit [&Clear] &Vymazat [Associated key] P�i�azen� kl�vesa [Remove items with unexisting services] Odebrat polo�ky neexistuj�c�ch slu�eb [Set hot key] Nastavit kl�vesovou zkratku [Allow multiple services on single hotkey] Povolit v�ce funkc� pro jednu kl�vesovou zkratku [Remove same items] Odebrat duplicitn� polo�ky [Disable items] Vypnout odpov�daj�c� polo�ky [Drop repeated hotkeys] Zru�it shodn� kl�vesov� zkratky [In private chat only] Pouze p�i soukrom�m rozhovoru [Enable Contact Menu item] P�idat polo�ku do nab�dky kontaktu [<< List] << seznam ;(DUP) [Perform] ;(DUP) [Delete] ;(DUP) [Add...] ;(FIX) [Add custom...] [&Add custom...] P�id&at vlastn�... ;(DUP) [Hotkey] ;(DUP) [Group] [Variable name for selected text] N�zev prom�nn� pro vybran� text [Scope] Plat� v r�mci [Checking] Kontrola [Items associated with the same hotkey] Polo�ky se stejnou kl�vesovou zkratkou [Sounds of Typing] Zvuk p�i psan� zpr�vy ;(DUP) [Properties] ; NEPUBLIKOVAN� [Show Miranda Support page] P�ej�t na f�rum projektu Miranda [Show System History] Zobrazit historii syst�mu [Start VersionInfo] Spustit dopln�k VersionInfo [Show user info window] Zobrazit okno 'Informace o kontaktu' [Open 'Find User' dialog] Otev��t okno 'Vyhledat kontakty' [Open Options] Otev��t okno 'Mo�nosti programu' [Activate Contact List] Aktivovat seznam kontakt� [Show or hide Contact List] Zobrazit nebo skr�t seznam kontakt� [Open site] Otev��t str�nku [Paste text] Vlo�it text [Report a bug] Nahl�sit chybu [Show last closed conversation window] Otev��t naposledy pou�it� konverza�n� okno [Go to Miranda web-site] P�ej�t na str�nky projektu Miranda [Show window 'About Miranda IM'] Zobrazit okno 'O programu' ; ---